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Thread replies: 528
Thread images: 93

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Serial Killers and Index Funds Edition
first for shipman>eliot

It's been a while since we had a good 4chan murder.
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I'm never getting my childhood back, it seems like British society really encourages headslamming yourself into debt and wageslavery faster than many others.

Why was I expected to have it all figured out when I was 16? Fugg

Why would I invest in an index fund that follows the FTSE as a whole, when I can just invest in funeral directors in Hyde and retire at 28?
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>I'm never getting my childhood back
Visit Nanny from the op image.
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Is my hobby weird?.png
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>Fultoned Freddos
>diamond lads
Nice. Needs an MGR thing, though.
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The last time we had one, BBC News reported on how /r9k/ hates 'Chads Stacys and Normies'
>I'm never getting my childhood back
kills me every time I think about it
I genuinely think I eat shit paki shop snacks more since visiting these threads.
Can you imagine having to explain the OP image to a normie? They'd have us all sectioned.

They must have been pissing themselves writing that
Glad to see kettle chips are getting some appreciation in the OP Image. I've been dreaming about them for ages
My kebab intake has gone through the roof
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Posting waifu and requesting you gents do the same.

Falling back into the pattern of getting up past midday. Not daijobu. Got to walk the dog and shit so I sort of have to be up reasonably early.

Cooked myself a lamb steak and a steak steak. I'm always testy when I make steak, because I'm afraid I'll cock it up. I didn't, this time, and it was pretty good.

What did you lads have for dindins over the weekend?
Speaking of which, what happened to the lad who was going to hang himself in a meadow if he was going to be sectioned?
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>Parents generation were told of how evil South Africa/Rhodesia etc were
>All gained darkie control by the late 80's
>Newly found "independence" and 30 years of aid
>Only change is there are millions more impoverished brown people than 30 years before
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Cheddar and red onion waifu is best

I shouldn't be buying a 4 pack of Crunchies every few days.
Questionable taste in crisps there lad. We all know Pringles are the best crisps.
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I had some rubbish pasta. I miss my mum's cooking.
not him but im starting to get fed up of britfeel desu. the conversations here are great, and the memes are funny but im getting tired of the edgy spergy posts, and robots telling normies to fuck off.
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>We all know Pringles are the best crisps.
That's just pure idiocy
This is brilliant, truly.

Good work Lad!
>Pringles are the best crisps.
Who in their right mind treats pringles like a bag of crisps?
>>>>>>>>>>> reddit. Le com

All you can do is try to even it out by sparking conversations about bennies and paki shops
I had some pasta tonight. Later I had some cheese and crackers.
Forza gave me autism.
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>about to start a film
>realize its 4 hours long

good lord, think i'll give this one a pass for now
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posting before some other bugger does
cheese and onion pastie on saturday, sunday had ckicken katso curry
off to bed now me thinks. i'm knackered
S'not hard to cook pasta lad. Just cook the pasta then throw a can of beans and some cheese in, and bingo bango bongo, you've got yourself a decent meal for like, a quid.

Pringles are top tier crisps lad. Green pringles are the best.
>in their right mind
You answered your own question
The pepper flavour is THE ONE
oh come on. reddt it shit, and its not properly anonymous.

the attitude of robots is intoxicating. none of you understand society, yet you call people normies? you dont know what normal is. what you identify as normal is someone who goes outside. its retarded.
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>Drop out of Uni
>No job
>Life collapsing around me
>58 hours in Huniepop

FLOCK real shit NIGGA ain't no PAKI ain't no POLE real brit hours shit right HERE boy this my land
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Wasn't sure what to make for dinner, ended up getting a pizza express pizza.

it was crap, should have cooked properly instead
I cooked it properly. It was just no where near the quality that my mum makes. And pringles are shite crisps.
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Here's the husbando if that will do you
I had takoyaki, sushi, a burger and an Ben and Jerry's Core Sundae today. None of it truly satisfied.
That robot attitude really do it for you?
any update on that scotland anon potentially killing himself?
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Careful lad

stop being a negative nancy anon
Why would you be tired of robots telling normies to fuck off if they're crying over edgy posts? Explain please, I'm interested.
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A Britfeel Saturday Night.gif
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Wish I had a drinking buddy like him
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Goddamn it I just like Pringles. They're really good.
And this place is properly anonymous? We're in 1984 bro. Find a different digital safe space if you find r9k so toxic. It's been toxic to normies for a long time.
Actually cannot remember the last thing I finished.

I've dropped books, games, online courses. I almost stopped writing this post.
>Tfw thanks to Mummy May any time I watch a show and it gets suggestive I get very nervous now, even though I'm not watching it for that - I just wanted to watch people have friends and throw fireballs around or whatever
Absolutely, it would be so great. He's too socially successful to be a robot, but I would love to hang out with him.
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>tfw hear a rap rap rapping at my chamber door
>open up, it's the coppers in traditional tory power stance
>arrested for child pornography when they find pictures of me and my niece at the park
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Goodnight r9k and Brit bros.
I like getting a cheap cheese and tomato pizza but pimping it up with olives, anchovies, sundried tomatos, cheddar... mushrooms... Whatever I can get on special-offer :)
>Find a different digital safe space if you find r9k so toxic.

its not a case of it being "safe". im not offended by comments, i just think its retarded, and degenerate. this is a safe space for robots though because you're always telling normies to fuck off. if it wasnt a safe space, you would accept anyone.
>but I would love to hang out with him
tfw you will never know this unique mix of comfy and melancholy
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babestation lads

You're the worst poster ITT by far so maybe you should go after all.
Calm down lads, you sound like americans

I have a feeling that the anon who makes the OP images, might be the owner of the ld50 gallary in London
That just looks uncomfortable.
nice dodge. you cant deny that this is a safe space if you're telling normies to leave?
Thank you for the nice feel. Hadn't heard in years.
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I have the opportunity to rent a flat in essentially the middle of nowhere among some villages

It sounds comfy for a robot

But I wonder if it might be a huge mistake, for example, not having a Tesco round the corner

Or any cool bars I can go to pick up chicks lmao

I haven't replied to you before, I'm just sick of your whining.
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>tfw favourite streamer has been on holiday for the last 8 days

I'm bored, lads
I'm a naive fuck, explain what you're talking about.
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Strongly recommend this show. Only 3 eps out, but it's been doing it for me. It's not particularly /r9k themed but it's different.
>tfw just found a country I have never even heard of
It's so significant to me that I never even cared to look at it.
>I'm just sick of your whining.

yeah but this is the kind of attitude that allows shitty behavior to continue.
I stopped halfway through the 2nd ep. Just felt like my brain was melting.
Not quite lad she's a qt girl and not British anyway.

Would have definitely loved co tributing to it if I'd been asked though.

You're always going to get edgy, spergy posts here and normie tales will never be welcome.


Crunchie and Raspberry Yop.
Daily reminder that your currency has tanked in the past year, while my currency (the US dollar) is strong as always and the most valuable currency in the world
Nice bait, please go away. Thread's are always a lot better when those who aren't supposed to be here go away.
lets hit up a club and pick up some birds, lad
Wasn't here until you insulted my country you bastard
it's probably illegal under the recent anti-hentai laws
>Crunchie and Raspberry Yop.

Work on your tiny ego buddy
Who would be the best poster to hang out with?
Securitylad and Sneklad for sure.

Securitylad seems like a laugh
>anti-hentai laws
I know they banned lolicon, why'd they ban hentai in general?
All right m8 we'll have to ride our bicycles there though because parking will be too expensive
>normie tales will never be welcome.

but like half the personas in here are normies, and i am always seeing normie posts. the edgy stuff will always remain but the attitude towards normies could change because its such a small community
I'd like to hang out with myself. Actually that's a lie, it's the last thing I want.
anything that looks under 18, so most anime girls
Work on your crumbling economy buddy

Personally I think East Devon anon would be nice to hang out with, he seems normal enough to be good company.

>tfw you're a normie who makes edgy posts about mass killers.
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I hung out with Katyusha. He was a pretty cool dude.
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Ohh, ok. Now I understand.
Mate. I just had a full pack of them sour cream and onion flavoured pretzels followed by a pack of milkybar buttons. Feel thoroughly stuffed desu

What's it like being a freakshow?
>recent anti-hentai laws
Wait. When did this happen?
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>today's google doodle is some paki that they're forcing a handful of random countries see
OK guys, I promise when I commit my first murder I'll post about it on a clean PC running TAILS from a public WIFI. Possibly with some proof of the dead. We're looking at April.
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I'm partial to a dark chocolate bounty
Google Dangerous Cartoons Act
my favourite choccy bar is a regular dairy milk
Have you picked out your first victim? Why wait til April?
my fav has got to be a timeout. it would have been yorkie but i am bored of eating them
Wew. Wasn't as bad as I thought
Work took away my overtime because they have new high standards and I didnt meet them, then an hour later they begged me to work tomorrow and wednesday as they really need me and I just said no, feels good having them by the balls lads
stop and get help or i will stop you
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Boy am I looking forward to dodging spoilers when the switch is released
Can't discuss victims for obvious reasons, I've already had some ideas. April due to logistics. Might be earlier but there is some preperation required and some obstacles to clear before.
Are you going to be like dexter and take out Lenlad for being a serial killer?
you are a bad mong
Guys we have a Cyber Magician here.
How are you going to "stop" murderanon?
How many serial killers went to your school, lads? 2 here
How will you kill the victim
Hot hot hot potato smoky smoky cough cough my lungs oh dear oh dear i cant breathe im trapped. oh no i have to jump out. oh dear
0. I'm from a bland town.
my fav is the wonka bar desu
lucky. 0 here too
you will see. i wont stand by and watch as innocent people are killed.
Heh. Imagine still caring about video game spoilers. Especially Zelda. Spoiler Alert. Link starts off weak, Gabon strong. Link gets a better wardrobe and he finds the master sword, then he kills ganondork. Some bull shit about courage, darkness will surely be thrown in as well.
This thread has got so much better. We have so much LARP going on.
he also gets a hookshot at some point
A thrilling game of cat and mouse between /britfeel/ regulars, with the lives of innocents at stake. How thrilling.
They're pretty high profile ones, too ;)
>implying I'm not talking about spoilers for just dance 2017
Come on spill the beans, lad

It's like a Sherlock Holmes story, except everyone has down's syndrome.
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Had a good chuckle at that
Perhaps they are destined to fall in love when they finally meet
i dont make love to prisoners, it is against my morals.
It'll be pretty easy to find out where I went to school as a result, but what the fuck.
Acid Bath Murderer and Crossbow Cannibal (okay maybe the second one isn't that high profile)
I also used to live down the street from a doctor or dentist who murdered someone and buried their remains in the plant pots in his garden
That's fine, I won't be going to jail and you won't be waking up the next morning.
Don't be so sure murderanon. There are more of us than you. And we have autism. The type of autism you should be afraid of. Be VE-RY careful now hhhmmm.

Numbers aren't going to help you stop it before it happens.
This is thrilling stuff.
So lads, I've been thinking.

I'd like to find a skinny council estate chav, one of the poor ones with an unbranded tracksuit, falling apart lonsdale trainers looking like he hasn't had a haircut for three months, you know the ones I mean. Offer him 10 mayfair to let me bum him on the condition that I'm gentle and promise to pull out as soon as the bellend starts to tingle - then pin him down and smash him like a pornstar. Just before I nut I might even tell him I've got the hiv, just to make him struggle a bit more and make his delicate rosebud clench even tighter.

Gives me a stiffy just thinking about it 2bdesu.
Army of Assburger heros are going to stop a murder using internet magic. Don't worry, every single victim is going to have what is coming to them.
>Headline; Rampaging bummer stabbed by Deano
>you won't be waking up the next morning

you're right, im waking up in the afternoon, as i am going to be up all night making preparation for justice to be served. Clever, lad.
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It's been fun, Assburger Anon(s). Keep an eye on local news in the Norfolk area early April. Remember.
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>Local hero Deano saves estate full of kids from rampaging botty-botherer, showered with monetary rewards from the community, read the full story on pages 2-30
Fuck off attention whore

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How is Hitman, lads? I bought the game and all subsequent episodes on G2A, waiting for it to finish downloading.

Also, Hacksaw Ridge was breddy gud
>Hacksaw Ridge was breddy gud
I've been meaning to see that. Have you seen Silence?
im not even sure if all this murder stuff is a troll or real
I think the murderanon and justice anon are the same person. ITS A RUSE

I have to admit, I'm a bit excited about this.
Funny you mention it, I'm going to watch it right now after I make myself some coffee. You should watch Hacksaw Ridge though
Different guy but Silence is okay, but Garfield takes a side stage to the supporting cast
Hitman is cool, like an updated blood money with the right settings, but there's an annoying thing that every location has the same voice actors.
I liked an old fashioned Mars with the thicker chocolate or a Tazzo. In this modern age, Dairy Milk. Break off a few and dip it in tea, that'll sort you out.
Well done lads, that's the first decent throbber I've had in two weeks, was a proper good one, shiny helmet and everything. Now you two have fucked it up talking about me getting stabbed. Thanks for making me go floppy and spoiling a perfectly good wank, ggwp.
britfeel actually has it's first person planning a murder

I knew this day would come eventually.
im the justice anon, and i can certainty tell you that the murderanon was not me.

not sure if he was serious or not though.
I've seen Silence already. I thought it was pretty good up until the very end. That ending was a tad cringey.
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>stop wanking/watching porn
>start meditating
>start exercising
>eat well
>stop using drugs or drinking to excess if you currently partake in either
>put yourself in situations outwith your comfort zone

Remember, there is no silver bullet when it comes to social ineptitude (at least not in the long term). Social anxiety is not an illness and you shouldn't treat it as such, unless of course you are legit medically diagnosed autist, which you almost certainly are not.

Social anxiety is the product of a perennially insipid lifestyle. If you're going through the motions without making any concerted effort to stimulate endorphin production, don't be surprised when your sense of self-worth plummets to absolute zero and you're incapable of interacting with other human beings as a result.

Social media and the 'chon are full of degenerate mouthbreathing narcissists that have been locked in their room watching anime and wanking into socks since the age of thirteen. They bleat about their inability to interact with other human beings as if they're the undeserving victim of some divine affliction. This sort of attitude is the result of a perverse and distinctly modern ego-centrism, remember that your circumstances are not exceptional and that it is well within the purview of your volition to improve your social capabilities.

Furthermore, don't entertain these spastics or tell to "just relax" and so on and so forth. You're only likely to experience that which you described in the OP until your life becomes a groundhog day of interpersonal calamities. You need to eliminate the underlying lifestyle deficiencies.
Murderanon please leave a sign at one of your murder that only we will understand. Dont tell us in advance but when the news reports 'Shipman is my spirit guide' was written in blood at the scene we'll understand.
>How is Hitman, lads?
I've heard it's alright. But one of the key criticisms I heard was the fact is was released in episodes
I'm not reading all of that

originally unimpressed

Ok lads, seeing as we all love talking about murder, and one anon seems to love it so much he's doing one, lets talk about what situations you think would justify a murder

>Close family member killed (murder in revenge)
>False rape conviction(murder the lying roastie)

what others are there?
Waste of fucking time
>wanking into socks
Do people actually still do that? I havent done that in 15 years.
Same, the only reason I bought it was because they released a "full" version that has all of the episodes. Not too expensive either, if you find the right sites
murdering your murderer

*slow claps*

*steps out of the shadows*

Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your original meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...

But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.

And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards...
>some other nigga steals your corner spot on 4th street
You've named most of them, I would add self defense
The way they've done some of the events means you've missed out on some stuff I think
Because there would be no consequences, and because it would bring you pleasure. All the moreso if the person whom you murder is in some way contemptible.
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it's single player. how the fuck lad
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What does britfeel think of Nicholas Ingram?

He only murdered one, but he was the only Britbong to see the electric chair in the US.

Leave a kettle chip as a calling card. Only problem though is that this could let the police know you're upper class. Narrowing their search.
>social retards are just ego-centric narcissists

Bet the original writer of that wanked off over dogshit excuse for armchair pseudo-psychology.
Huh. That's my last name. Wonder if we're related.

Well, you'll be related to me if that's so, because he's my Fathers Cousin.
A modern day Jack the Ripper it seems; some member of the landed gentry perhaps m'lud
They had something called elusive target which gave you a target that you basically had to kill in one attempt. They were only available for a limited time and the game has just passed number 21.
Um, ew? Don't fucking reply to me.
Huh. Finding a distant relative on /britfeel/ would be interesting.

Why not?

>tfw 1% of harddrive space available
Wew. I have no clue what I've wasted it on
Hhhmm be VERY careful now
That wasnt me. He's just being retarded.
I think I've finally convinced myself that I'm not a tranny
hope it only takes the once
Talking to a qt and thought something was finally going ok ...hasn't even read my last message I sent a day ago...
Good lad, just stick to getting the tranny gf instead of being one
crazy that they were still using the electric chair by '95, it's the kind of thing you'd think would stop in the 30s
I loved him in the full monty
>tfw Obsessed with Elliot Rodger
>tfw Obsessed with Harold Shipman
>tfw my own mother was once arrested for Murder (later released)
>tfw my Father's cousin himself was a murderer(Nicholas Ingram)

Really activates my almonds.
I'd rather a bullet to the head. Why do they have to make such a show of things?
>my own mother was once arrested for Murder
Woah story time.
that's looking like the only option left

What's so barbaric about the electric chair? I assumed the death was almost instant
What did your mother do? Was she nice?

Storytime it
Because humans are all sick and enjoy watching other people suffer. I don't care if the guy is the devil himself. Just give him a bullet to the head. He is unsafe to be allowed to continue to live, sure. Don't gain anything by more people suffering though. Won't bring the victims back

i am quite sure of this original accusation
>we're gonna shock you with 100,000 volts while you face the families of you victim so they can see you cook and piss yourself.
Actually not a samefag, I just replied without looking at the other responses
im just saying the perception of it seems so outdated, like it was used for rootin tootin banditos, not lads that liked a bit of oasis and blur
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Oh boy i'm slowly becoming obsessed with this shit what have you done to me lads?

Also check out those sick K/Ds
Good lad, prison trans is definitely real just look at all the freaks starting to emerge who 10 years ago would have just been outcast nerds.

There will be a massive suicide epidemic within the next 10 years and then they'll completely lock down hormone access to only the definitely few when this trend becomes more known
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not a samefag

She didn't do anything, a man's body was found in an alleyway very close to my grandparent's house, some anonymous tip off said to the police that my mother confessed to the murder, when she didn't.

She was released and never charged, someone else was eventually convicted for the murder.

Oh, and I forgot to mention in >>35181930 but I also know that this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kelso_Cochrane was a police cover up and one of the prime suspects, Patrick Digby did it, because I am related to the key witness.

>This fucking captcha
I remember their being a website for a leader board of spree killers, but I can't find it.
Taboo is really good

Maybe you mean this lad

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taboo ep4.jpg
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>Taboo is really good
If only for the memes.
I'm detoxing myself with milk cookies and wholesome media. I went to a dark place amongst all this
It was an actual website, but this is pretty much the same thing. Thanks.
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Haircut time soon, /britfeel/

Thinking something a bit more androgynous, keep it somewhat long and choppy and undercut it around the sides. I'm trying to go for the cuteboy look.

What haircuts do you have?
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Hhhhmmmhh noootka

How about not be a fag and grow some balls?
>Past haircut due time here
really need to get it done this week
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Get this haircut
nevermind guys I found the right one

there is nothing wrong with being gay
What haircut you getting la is it a pixiecut?
I said I was gay not a lesbian
I sincerely doubt that
even if HRT did jack shit and 100% of trannies of both kinds topped themselves, they wouldn't dare infringe on their basic human rights to take hormones of the opposite gender

no matter what they do, it's wrong
when you're trying to appease nutjobs, you're always going to lose
but they keep fucking trying, idiots
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That ain't no answer boyo
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What's it like being a serial killer?

Living a normal life, walking amongst people unsuspicously, all while knowing in the back of your mind that you have a growing kill count under your belt.
Thinking of quitting my job and becoming a neet again lads
For what purpose? I wouldn't wish this life on anyone.
made it to the last boss on castle of illusion then I accidentally nudged the cartridge

quite miffed
Supvisor got promoted to Dept Manager, has too much power now and has made the place into an uber strict shithole and its draining the life out of everyone, pretty sure he wants most of us gone
Make sure you tell him to his face what an utter cunt he is if you decide to quit.
I really really hope someone from britfeel becomes infamous one day
sounds like you need to seize the means of production back from the bourgeoisie, comrade!
Will do, hopefully I can find another better job before quitting
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Goodnight britfeel, It's time to dose off, just like Harold did in the middle of his police interview
It's not even 3:00 lad, why so early?
He's a yank prolly

Because I have to get up at 7:00 on Wednesday, so trying to get the sleep schedule semi-respectable today, so I can go at 1:00am tomorrow.
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This is of the highest importance, lads
wasn't worth the click
Oh yes it was
lad don't fuck around with strawpolls, misuse of strawpoll is the same as prank calling 999, it has serious ramifications
Britfeel is pretty slow tonight, where is everyone?
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calling the fucking cops tbqh, shud be illegal
It's 3am my lad
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w-wait, I'll delete it. pls no
Probably feels a bit like being a shitposter
I keep needing to wee, lads. What does this mean?
Bladder infection, most like. I get them every few years, just drink tons of cranberry and lay off salty food for the next few days.

You'll be alright
medallion is rumbling, cancer, it's gotta be, no other option
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yay, witcher reference
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>need to wake up 7
>probably won't get in bed for another two hours
>Nytol is ineffective now
Oof. I hate having nights like that
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>medallion is rumbling
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is this normal?
>fuck the robot, check these dubs
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how many calories are in this fucking pizza so I can go to bed please

my workings out show it to be around 900 for the stonebaked
can at least two people confirm this so my brain will let me sleep
>proceeds to waste 4 hours doing nothing in particular
check on the label
should be about 600
this is advanced autism
if it was that easy I'd have done it already
but thanks for contributing

you don't know the half of it buddy
Is what normal?
Probably Bueno. Hazelnut nectar of the gods.
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is similar enough to

and it's about 860 cal
>finish a long video game with a very emotional storyline
>feel sad
>realise I'll never have what those characters had
>nothing but emptiness for the last couple of days

(final fantasy x by the way)
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>want to shave my body since I'm very hairy and a manlet so it's densely packed and really gross
>last time I shaved mummy was absolutely disgusted with me
that's good enough for me
thank you
I've been clean shaven since i stopped being fat
I love it
Trying to build a list of movies about NEETS/robots. Any suggestions?
>tfw you'll never face fuck this
Not him but I cant even shave my face without cuts and marks. I'd probably be a bloody mess if I tried shaving my body.
>smooth skinned
>tiny manlet
looking to get your boipucci pounded, sissy?
Drank a fuck-off glass of milkshake today lads.

I've never fucked a girl, but I can't imagine it being better than that milkshake.
No, I just think my legs look fucking disgusting and out of place on someone with my proportions. I look about 14 so I may as well have the hair someone that age does.
Seul contre tous and La Grande Bouffe are pretty robotic.

Please list what you already have.
most of us post in brit/pol/
can't stand the tripfag infested hive it has become recently
I always get a similar feeling when watching romantic films. Feel so sad that i've never really had a close connection with someone. FFX is my favourite game of all time as well, need to play it again. So many nice moments in that game. The little inn in the lightning planes, the place with the spirits of the dead, the place with those big elephant things. The kiss. Sometimes I just load it up and sit on the menu to hear that music round the campfire.
Only just started. The Lonely Guy and Jeff who lives at Home. I guess The Big Lebowski is about a NEET loser but he's too cool really.
Got me reading Breavik's article. I'd forgotten how fucking funny some ED articles were.
Taxi Driver obv
Also The Seventh Continent, The Lobster, The hunt,
>nearly choke taking a Nytol
I think life is trying to tell me something
Step Brothers, the 40 year old virgin, Don Quixote, Falling Down, One hour photo
I remember Wristcutters: A love story seeming fairly robotic but it's bit awhile.
>One hour photo
That movies sad. Poor guy just wanted to feel connected to something.
What are you lads giving up for lent tomorrow
>What are you lads giving up for lent tomorrow
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>The Big Lebowski is about a NEET loser but he's too cool really
Lebowski is like comfy NEET pepe is in a coma and living out his perfect fantasy
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Turned 21 yesterday. Got a call letting me know I have a job I interviewed for on Friday. First job not on shitty apprenticeship wages, 18.5k a year. Live at home with hardly any outgoings. Shit is comfy.
>What are you lads giving up for lent tomorrow
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Happy belated birthday lad. Good luck.
Good luck with that. You'll probably have the same success as me giving up wanking.
made the mistake of opening the chat log with my ex where she finished things.

I'm moving country soon, have an urge to message her to meet a last time

fuck everything lads, when I booked my ticket I felt a wave of depression and anxiety. what the fuck am i doing with my life
>I'm moving country soon
Where you going? Closure is important but it can also be painful.
>not meeting with her one last time so you can push her in the canal
fuck lad yeah that's a mistake, can't stand that when I open my photos app I see her face, but i can't bring myself to delete or throw anything out
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Did Delaney fuck his half-sister, what is happening?
Greece, I'm a filthy halfbreed with family over there. Been unemployed for a year and a half in England, got work prospects over there (couldn't make it up really, greece of all places).

I don't even really want to go but there was a direct flight for 50 quid and it's not like I'm doing anything with my life here. sat in my room smoking weed every day, no wonder i got dumped.

I didn't go to greece this summer because of her, and she finished things in the summer when I'd usually be there working. so i harbour a lot of regret and resentment, rightly or wrongly. felt like my whole 2016 was a massive write off and quite easily the worst year of my life despite also enjoying some of the best moments in my life.

got a whole whatsapp folder of pics she's sent of herself/random shit and I too cannot touch it, managed to archive our chatlog but thats about it.

literally never spoke to me again after she finished things, it's like she died. I've moved on but I want to see her before I go away
>literally never spoke to me again after she finished things
mine keeps getting in touch every few months, just emails me and asks how I'm doing. I think she's just trying to make herself feel better though for throwing what we had away.
Kek that's the 'taboo' part of the show.
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>tfw 1 of my exes is engaged and the other is already married
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Not sure which I'd prefer; not talking at all or talking to someone who has no interest in a relationship and ultimately was cruel and vindictive to me.

when I see pictures if her I get this surreal feeling. Like I've never even met her? That she's just another girl on social media? Almost as if she's a stranger. She feels like a fleeting memory, perhaps my brain has done that to save me the grief I was going through when she first ended things, perhaps I've just fully gotten over her.

how does that feel? Can't quite imagine it. Stay strong lad
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Your dick is a good luck charm
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miserable people feel best when they're making others miserable
>Not sure which I'd prefer; not talking at all or talking to someone who has no interest in a relationship
Yeah never know how to feel, I don't want to go back to her but I still love the memory of her from a few years back but that's not her anymore.

> when I see pictures if her I get this surreal feeling. Like I've never even met her?
Definitely get this too, just feels distant and foggy like it never even happened.
Embrace the misery lad.
Blimey. These ukrainians know how to do propaganda
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>Lie down
>Eyes won't close
>Sit up
>Can't stop yawning

This is it, this is how I die.
Sleep in a la-z-boy
Anyone wants to commit suicide with me? Jump from something high in London?
ah well, it's nice to know it's not just me

spoke to countless birds since her but nothing has clicked. thought it had a few times but then they just dropped me out of the blue. suppose it's time to exile myself away to Greece again and try and improve myself rather than mope around and point fingers. I actually can't believe I had a girlfriend.

the last year has taught me a lot about myself and my somewhat fragile mental state. it took me years to realise I'd been suffering from some sort of depression, when i first moved to greece it was clearly just to run away from commitments and real life in the uk. I spent 2012-2015 hiding away and completely regressed as a person.

in late 2014 I stopped shaving, i remember the moment quite well. i looked at myself in the mirror and said I'll shave when things are ok. that moment hasn't come yet. i look forward to the day that i can look at my reflection and see a clean shaven smiling face for once. until then i'll wear this beard as a constant reminder.
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>lthough the maximum sentence for murder in Colombia multiplied by 138 comes to 1,853 years and 9 days, Colombian law limits imprisonment to 60 years. Because he helped police find some bodies, as well as to his confessions, his sentence was further reduced to 22 years.[7] He may possibly qualify for even earlier release for further cooperation and good behavior.[8]
I'll video it from street level
All the buildings worth jumping from are locked up tight.
Why is everyone awake?
Real NEET hours.

Also I'm nocturnal half the time.
Sleeping pattern fucked. Got up at 8pm. Gonna try and push through as late as possible because I cant keep living like this.
Had my benefits sanctioned lads. Literally have 8 quid left to my name.

Might just kill myself
Why were they sanctioned? can you find work?
Why not be awake? Only wagies care about where the hands on the clock are.
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Are you implying I'M a wagie
"didn't meet my claimant commitment"

I live in a small town and can't drive. It got to the point i was applying for everything just to make the "7 job activities a day" quota.

It's really depressing and I missed a day without an excuse other than the pure dread it brings and that it's causing me huge stress.

They didn't think that was a good enough excuse, now I get nothing till they 'think i have done enough to rectify the situation'

been a month, they still think i haven't done enough to overturn the decision.

Sold all my games and shit I had lying about, all i have left is my furniture, computer and telly, internet will be cut off start of next month in a few days.

Think i'll probably end it before when it goes out.
Full time NEET lad. I've tried being a day walker but I prefer the night. Less Normie's about with their rough speak and noisy bricklaying. Need a job again though soon I think. I'm getting bored without my daily dose of slavery.
Woke up at 2am again
>"7 job activities a day" quota
this is an insane amount, even as a professional job hunting I'd only find 2-5 things A WEEK worth applying for.

>'think i have done enough to rectify the situation'
wagie had a bad day and needed a power trip.
Tough break. I was in a similar situation 2 years ago, but was fortunate enough to have enough bennies saved up for a "new start".

Moved closer to the city, got a job as a security guard, and now I'm a full-blown wagie. Change of scenery is one of the best things for you when you're at your lowest
>this is an insane amount
I tried telling them thi,s but because I was a store manager a year ago before i had a mental breakdown and got fired they set it at that level because they see me as overqualified for the job i'm applying for.

Should have done it when i had some money, kind of out of the question now. Will probably just buy a bottle of cheap spirit with my last 8quid and neck all my paracetamol in the cubboard.

Hope for a peaceful end as I sleep. Hope those fucking wankers at the council don't find me till i have rotten and have to condemn the bedsit.
know it's not much but hope things improve for you lad.

JC+ staff are fucking scum and if they were actually happy in their lives they wouldn't treat people like this.
off to slavery, just had a wake and bake now a quick coffee and as wash of the armpitsand i'm good to go
>just had a wake and bake now a quick coffee

sounds lovely. my job claims to drug test frequently, but I just got hired on so I figure I'll give it a few weeks and get friendly with my LSO in order to find out just how often these tests happen, if ever
is the gubment really getting rid of welfare for debilitating mental illness? ie schizo, autism, so on

I can understand wanting to get middle aged fucks that are faking their anxiety and back aches but removing actually diagnosed life long mental illnesses from the algorithm? shit
Where are you getting this information lad?
Welp, if there ever was a cure to mental illness, now's the time for you to find it
suicide, i guess
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Posting whyfoo
Going to have nachos for "breakfast", forgot about pancake day so I'll have my own another time.
Got a warning from work because I overslept due to my SSRI's giving me a deep sleep when I take them, is there any way of getting time off work and getting paid because of depression?
I have my first CBT on Wednesday, maybe they could help.
The final solution for us autists it seems.
So what happened is PIP was expanded recently to include mental health.

The tories hate this because mental health issues like Depression, Anxiety and Autism are unprovable illnesses and theoretically you could pretend to be ill and cheat the system for bennies.

They fail to realise that just because a tiny percentage of people are good enough at acting to fool professional psychiatrists and doctors that they're mentally ill, it doesn't mean THERE'S NO MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE.

They wont go through with it because they don't have a mandate and everyone but them is opposed to it. Taking away bennies of the autistic and suicidal adults who can't function in society without help would literally kill them.

Basically they're being heartless cunts and trying to cut the budget, same old shit.
>Just about to go to bed
>Notice my window is covered in mould again
That would explain this fucking cough I've had for 2 weeks then.
Nasty business, that. I remember going down to my parent's cellar when I was on holiday, and I had a lager poured. Left it on a table downstairs to help my dad with something, and when I came back 30 minutes later, there was already a fine layer of mold on the inside of the glass

Almost threw up desu, glad I spotted it just as it hit my lips
Better sleep in the lounge tonight actually, ffs.
yeah drugs tests are buggers. my work says it can do them but haven't had 1 yet.
it is good walking into work while stoned though. best way to cope with slavery.
good luck lad hope you get to do it soon
What do you work as that you can do it high?
Be careful lads there's Yanks among us

that was how i got through school sometimes, even if the high's bad and a bit paranoia-inducing it's still a more interesting experience than the state-school education system
Downloading The Defiant Ones. Old school kino tackling race relations.
>Be careful lads there's Yanks among us

You nerds like to eat pussy?
I ate bear claw once
fuck off Yank

you joking mate? even if I were ever in the presence of females oral is disgusting, both ways, nearly as bad as anal
fucking love it
nothing better than getting down and dirty in some chubby lass's clunge

I wish
>tfw she's moaning and running her hands through your hair while you rub her g-spot and tongue her clit

Feels good
Getting your dick sucked is cleaner than putting it in a vagina.
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Sex should be benis in bagina, kissing and fiddly-related stuff. Can't fathom the pleasure from what you describe
t. virgin
>rub her g-spot

hello virgin
>the view of a girl's distorted sucking face
>the slurping and popping noises
even if it were clean as a shower I'd rather not
You know, Anon, you are the bear claw in
the garbage can of my life.
Are you gay though? Original desu
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>Have lucid dreams about getting my dick sucked
>Feels really fucking good
>One time think to myself "I hope she doesn't bite it off"
>Now they always bite it off
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that was nice

thank u
Ah Christ that made me laugh
I fucking wish

laugh out loud, my mate got his bellend bit once, sounds awful and I would not like to experience it myself
I love it when their teeth just graze it desu
>12 years later and I'm still checking her facebook almost daily
>it hasn't been updated in over 2 years now
Oh so you're just a fag then?
What's going on here then? Dead ex?
just a girl I saw on the train once, overheard her name and looked her up based on the uniform
Bit strange of you lad, was she really that beautiful? Can we see a pic?
idgi, I'm implying that being gay is easy mode. This seems to be true since I've had attention from gays before, but never women. Men are rank though
keeping her to myself but yes
bumpu for the wagies waking up
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>tfw no hispanic communist gf
I finally got around to measuring my girth today. Is 5 inches enough?
I'm 30 years old and I dont think I've ever properly measured my penis.

I'd done length before, just never girth. I didn't realise it was a thing until I came here years ago
Licking pussy is gay desu
I'm a virgin but it sounds nice, would like to try it one day
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>parents arguing as soon as they get up

6" in both directions is average.

5 girth is thin
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wtf is girth?
Get erection

Wrap tape measure around middle of shaft

Mine is 5.25 girth. Will the .25 help me get a gf?
yes, or at least I think I will. I need to actually find a girl who would let me eat her out first
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>next door arguing
Depends on the third factor, and this is very important - which way does your cock bend when erect?
Who the fuck has the energy to argue this early? You're just going to be in a bad mood for the rest of the day.
You understand you're hearing domestic violence and should call the police, right
Slightly inwards, like a banana
Up or down?
>two adults arguing
>domestic violence
u wot m8?
>Up or down?
>not having it veer to the left
Up? Like the tip facing towards me

Original penid
Unrelated, do you masturbate with your left hand?
Start off with left, finish with right.
Up. Tell me my fate penis guru
nah lad
different guy, same problem, yes i do despite being a righty
Always thought leaning was because of masturbation or something. Doesn't seem to be the case then, thanks.
The .25 won't save you, but you are fortunate. As an "upper", as long as you have 6.5 length then you will more easily hit the G Sport, meaning your lack of girth won't ruin your sex life entirely.
I'm saying i do wank with my left hand but I'm normally a righty and my know veers left, there's a chance you're on to something and it's something I've suspected as well. Do you have it?
My penis is only 6.25 inch length. I have failed. I guess I'm a eunuch now. Farewell.
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>Woke up at midnight
>tfw I'm getting ready to snooze again

Who /hibernating/ here?
>too short
> too thin

Have you considered transitioning into a woman? You may lack a worthwhile penis, but it sounds like you'd have an excellent clitoris
Chill out lad it's not that bad. Find a girl before worrying about your dick, anon.
mines 5.60 and around 5 inches girth. ffs why can't I have a big cock
Big enough that everyone knows about it. And yet no one wants to go near me. Figures
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Penis Inspection Day Committee.jpg
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5.5 x 5.5

Had sex twice and you could just tell they could barely even feel it.
Watching 'I dont feel at home in this world anymore'. Can definitely add it to the robot/NEET movie list.
But that's above average girth according to my research. According to this thing I'm reading average girth is 4.6 and average length is 5.16. Why is the average man so inadequate? How can white boi ever compete
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Which celeb have you been told you look like, lads? Pic related,

I've been told it's a good size, whatever that means. I guess it's not big then
That guy out of the Hannibal TV show. Wil
>I'd like to find a skinny council estate chav, one of the poor ones with an unbranded tracksuit, falling apart lonsdale trainers looking like he hasn't had a haircut for three months, you know the ones I mean.

All d*ckheads abusing the weak and the poor shall die, one day, slowly and painfully. Bear that in your mind you subhuman scum. You'll end up next to representatives of these other brands of f*ckheads:

1. Child, animal and gang rapists
2. Animal abusers and torturers
3. Gang violators of many sorts
4. Bullies of many sorts
5. Sadists torturing others for fun like you

It'll be jolly good fun to slowly torture you to death and film it all. ;)

What? This thread is dedicated for serial killers!
But that is big. I guess women can only be satisfied by horse cock

Original anon here. Do me next penis man. I'm 5.5 x 5 and it goes straight up to the sky with a slight bend to the right.
>homo-erotic autist character
Nothing wrong with gay autism anon

John Travolta, which is not really a compliment imo.
To look at it, it doesn't seem that big though

Anyways its going to waste, I haven't had sex in two years
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I've been told I look like Szczesny, used to be Arsenal's goalkeeper

I look eastern european desu
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Time for breakfast lads, I don't like cereal or toast so probably going to have a peanut butter sandwich
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>when you're a two dimensional nothing-person desperately trying to conceal that fact from those around you

Not fun, lads.


Mark E Smith. Although I've lost weight since then.
Fucking Matt Smith, I see it but I'm not a fan of the ol' Doc Whom
that happened once and i've never been compared to a celeb again
Has anyone here ever sent a package back to amazon before? I've printed out the label and everything, but it doesn't say where to take it to return it and I have no idea what the fuck to do with this package now.
I'm far more likely to keep the shit/broken item out of laziness.
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Ed Byrne apparently. Especially when I wear glasses apparently
The post office?
Same here, but this cost me 25 quid.

Alright, I'll head over to the post office and see if they'll take the package.
I just got lightly cucked /r9k/ what's a guy supposed to do?
It didn't actually go anywhere but still. Shit really rips you up. Robot status is returning
>I just got lightly cucked
Been texting some other shithead behind my back,
Pics were exchanged but only tiddies.
just factory work lad. nowt with responsibilities
Are you >operating heavy machinery?
Isn't that like the most important thing to not do when high after killing yourself?
errr. yeah.
operate machines. don't worry though lad
>safety first
Paedophiles who view indecent images but go no further should not be jailed but rehabilitated, a leading child protection police officer has said.

i just signed in to my hotmail account for the first time in ages and none of my emails are there anymore (had like 3000+ unread last time i checked)

bit spooky, lads
Sounds like a good way to kill someone really.
I know from experience that you don't really get that fucked up on weed enough to cause an accident but still. You're on the razors edge with that shit.
Well if you've got yer hard hat and goggles on I foresee no problems here! Safety first brother.
They should be locking up the real nonces. Like my mate, who is a nonce/
Probably agree, seeing as said indecent images apparently exist the boys in blue or whoever the fuck seem incapable of catching em. Should put real time effort and money into catching proper nonce-lords like the notorious leader of the alt-right, Milo
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Got my nose kicked in when i was a teen so my nose is a bit bent too.
Allow Milo senpai. He was talking about his own twinksperience as a growing lad. A lot of gay boys end up having some kind of weird relationship with an older guy, it is weirdly a part of growing up bent.
there's been a few deaths down here and a lad got his arm trapped in some rollers last year. but they were caused by norms not doing things right
no hard hat. wear my normal glasses. goggles if needed.
What about the part where he said 25 year old men should be attracted to 15 year old girls
Hhmm the thread has livened up. It must be daytime. It is now time to return to sleep. Hopefully the sun has went away when I wake. Have a good day brothers.
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Not the actor. Just the character.
just avin a giggle about milo, he's been allowed. I'm not a huge fan of the bloke in general but I read his twitter post and it seemed reasonable. Dunno if you're rusing though

>no hard hat and goggles
you've just signed your death warranted then

Didn't know about this, almonds activated
>Just the character.
You're a pretty boy retard?
He also defended the age of consent and said it was perfect as he is.
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Nighty night buddy, sweet dreams and rest well.
Just look pretty similar. Same face shape, same hair most of the time, he's got my eyebrows and I also have negroid sized lips
>up at 6:45
>take the dog for a walk
>100 sit ups, push ups and star jumps
>black coffee

rate my morning routine
>Didn't know about this, almonds activated


Skip to about 3:20
>no 10km run
Not gonna make it
>up at 08:50
>have a shit
>have a shower
>have a shave
>drink some tap water
>Not drinking filtered water
Do you just want to die early?
Me too lad, I hate that spade faced cunt. Three women have told me I look like him and that's he's attractive but I genuinely can't see it.
at least boil it first
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Posting the so-called waifu

My mummy says I look like Tom Daley but I don't see it myself desu

Watched that sunday. It was very okay, kinda like if Martin McDonagh was a yank and also not as good.
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dumb bratposter

best girl ahead
i like doing star jumps, but they're really noisy and i don't want people to know i'm doing star jumps
Nice bit of rain we have here lads. Nothing better while I'm preparing to sleep desu. Nice and comfy.
15 is past puberty and is the age of consent in some countries so tbqh he's right. I've seen plenty of 15 year olds I'd give a good dicking to
uh-oh, nonce alert!
Fuck off nonce

bloody nonce, I bet you're brown too
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Does anyone else really enjoy the smell of their own dick? no homo of course
>there's a poster that's as cute as Tom Daley in britfeel

I was hoping there'd be other uggos to talk with
>fucking a 16 year old is perfectly legal
>fucking a 15 year old makes me a nonce
I think we already established everyone likes the smell of their own musk.
pakis need to get out
You see nothing wrong with a 25 year old fucking a year 9?
wtf was Milo thinking when he started talking about this shit so casually

I hate these alt-right faggots who are acting like hes being unfairly targeted by (((them))), he should have been more careful
If they both consent then no I don't see anything wrong with it.
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lad... therapy is free on the NHS
15 isn't year 9. I was 15 in year 11
Can you really trust a 15 year old to know what he's getting himself into though? Even 16 is a little young for this scenario, but I think it's only at 16 so 18 year olds who are with 16 year olds won't have issues with the law.

I can trust an 18 year old's decision to fuck a 29 year old, not a 15 year old.

I think he should drop dead Tbh, its the big contradiction that should end him. I hate the pedo's but he attends party's with very young boys and does nothing.

Thuderf00t has it right, https://youtu.be/VNfvgYwFPF4
I'm definitely not as cute as tom daley.

When in his life has he ever been careful about anything?
Just got a flashback to when I was in year 8 and some girl said she was dating a 28 year old. Da fuck. No one in our class questioned it but that's fucked.
Mummy wouldn't lie.

sorry for replying to you oh handsome one, i'll return to my underground hovel now with the other uggos.
oh come on, saying you like black guys on CNN and prancing around triggering the most pussified elements of any society ever hardly makes him reckless

This however does
How do you draw the line of who's mature enough to consent. As a teacher, some 15 year olds are fucking dumb as shit. You could offer them a nice bag and they'd fuck some 70 year old dude. They wouldn't enjoy it but hey at least she consented so it's fine
4th day no funny fags, had first dream in a long time where some guy came into my bedroom and set my bed on fire. Wondering what it could mean.
She might be a bit biased though

Pls don't go I'm so lonely
When I was 18 I had a 15 year old gf. I sure as fuck knew she was far less developed that me emotionally/intellectually.
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Hope work goes quick for fellow wageslaves!
Also hope you have a great day if you're not working!
Same, she and all her friends were autismo as fuck. Never again tbqh
the girl who has the room in the flat below mine is always blasting music so i dont care how loud i am with them
Work hard pupper! Why do we love doggos so much? They really are the best animal.
i am considering contacting the police about the conspiracy of murder in this thread.

not sure if it will be just a waste of time, even if it is real.
>i am considering contacting the police about the conspiracy of murder in this thread.
You cant be serious? Someone saying they're gonna kill in 2 months is hardly actionable intel.
>Someone saying they're gonna kill in 2 months is hardly actionable intel.

suppose, but it could at least deter the person as the police may be more weary.

the police are generally useless though. most serial killers are caught due to their own folly.
My GP is still deregistering me

I'm still on the waiting list for counselling

Indians who can't speak English are banging around upstairs starting on the extension
what do you think of the muderanon, lad?
>Someone saying they're gonna kill in 2 months is hardly actionable intel.

it could give the mi5 the power of the court to look into the persons personal life to see whether they are dangerous
I used to make similar posts but about rape, mods here would delete them

Fun posts, enjoy them
were you larping or being serious?
>not wanting to have our own serial killer on /britfeel/
>not wanting to track down murderanon ourselves because only we can understand his meme powered autism
>was a paki being serious about rape
Role playing

It was fun, didn't know what I was talking about
>>not wanting to track down murderanon ourselves because only we can understand his meme powered autism

i was thinking about this but at the same time if its serious, maybe we should get the police involved? i probably wont contact the police, mostly because they are very unlikely to do anything and it was likely just larping.

if he was serious, and wanted to gloat, he is more likely to of posted on the deep web, not 4chan.

i guess we will find out in april.
Autist killers get caught in 24 hours
Causing distress with fake threats is also a crime
>Why is mental illness so common in the west?
Well /britfeel/, why is it?
you're right. it could get him done for assault. i study law.
psychological warfare is very prevalent
Being a serial killer is pretty hard. You can't prevent mistakes that could leave to forensic evidence like being scratched or having your hair pulled or something. Sometimes you just leave shoeprints or tire marks. There's even """criminal psychology""" which is mostly guesswork but will probably zero in on your victimology if you're killing popular chads and stacys. Even your weapon of choice, dump site, how long you hold someone can be considered. You can't be a consistant serial killer and get away with it.
is there an estimate for how many serial killers are active in the uk at any given time?

im guessing its probably only like 2
Actual mental illness or meme mental illness?
im always amazed at serial killers who operate so specifically, like targeting only gingers in their 20s or something
it makes it so easy to get caught, although they are mental
I don't think it's so easy to get caught I think you've been watching to many meme shows
Often serial killers will kill minorities because they are easier to get away with killing, especially 40 years ago. Prostitutes for example are a prominent target because they are often minorities from another country that have no family, identification, and the police/media doesn't care about them.
most killers are retarded, and they are the ones that get caught

i imagine there are people who kill homeless people every few months many miles away from their home and get away with it
Even so there's still mistakes. Plus cameras. If you hold someone too long before killing them then police will look into storage containers or buildings not in use anymore and shit. It's annoying.
You have to be in their database to get caught though right? surely they don't have everyones DNA on hand
yeah, but then you get arrested in 8 years for something minor and get done for the killing too
Not him but as someone that studies criminology, it is hard if the serial killer isn't intelligent. Notice that a lot of serial killers have really high iq and are very manipulative.
They have my fucking DNA
What would be you answer to both?
I'm just making the assumption that people here are in the system for autism related things. Cameras could still catch your car, your body type and just what you look like. And >>35190972

Serial killing is too high risk.
Must....resist...the.. urge...to eat

The same can be said for some 25 year olds and the problem is the normalisation of sexual desires to do or buy something in marketing for profit.
is this paki code for rape?
So is Morrisey a faggot or what?
is dna sampling real, seems like a hoax

Also the 5-0 get caught up in pre-meditated planned bad stuff and try and stop it, all paid for by normie tax bongs.
I think so.

I prefer joy division

The Fall were good too


gay or a-sexual

>tfw you haven't updated your potable music player in over a year
One of you beautiful cunts making a new thread?
I would but I have 5 others up and I'm not going downstairs to unplug
new thread you fuckers
nah not that lucky lad.
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