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Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying

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I started learning about finance started innocently enough. I live in the US. My parents were both in finance/real estate, which influenced me. I started self studying at 17 years old. I knew that I was beginning to get older and I wanted to understand how money, real estate, renting and owning a home and how the stock market worked. This was all simple and innocent.

5 1/2 years later at 22 years old, I've blazed through around 150~ books and weeks worth of miscellaneous online videos and reading on a breadth of various financial topics. I got certified in a financial field where there is a test that only 58% of people ever pass. The path that I have taken in life has ended up taking me deep down a rabbit hole that I could have never imagined existing. Fractional Reserve Banking, the activities World Bank/IMF does in foreign nations, The Federal Reserve, offshore shell corporations/trusts/LLCs/bank accounts, money laundering, war profiteering, artificial creations of recessions, the list goes on.

I wish that I never knew any of the things that I know now. I'm at a point where I question whether or not empathy or morality are memes at this point. I'm learned enough and gained enough perspective that I can take a step back and can see that I never created any of this. I never came up with all of these rules. I never came up with any of these customs.

I can honestly understand why people become hikikomori... Isolation and creating your own culture and world seems like the only response to this sheer insanity.

The elite in this world play life by a completely different set of rules, utterly foreign to the general public whom has been fed certain memes for their entire lives. For the elite, the morality and the value system of the general population doesn't apply. The elite have systems to completely and utterly bypass paying taxes towards any nation. The elite make money through destabilizing impoverished nations through indebting them to the IMF or World Bank. There is over 30 TRILLION USD in a multitude of offshore accounts. That 30 trillion dollars is simply sitting there, not being used for anything at all. No infrastructure, no social programs, no scientific research, just sitting there for the elite to sit on like Smaug the dragon guarding his gold coins. Beyond that, criminal organizations can just outright get away with fraud through drug smuggling, arms dealing, credit/loan fraud through the manipulation of offshore bodies in areas like the Cook Islands.

So much of what life constitutes involves people shifting the burden of the shittiest aspects of living life unto other groups of people, then enforcing and making sure that those people perform those shitty jobs under the thread of retribution, violence, imprisonment, or force. Look at the way that we treat other animals on this planet. Look at the way we treat cows, pigs, horses... What we've done to these other groups of sentient life is worse than any genocide or war ever committed by humans. If the elites could get away with it, they would treat us as such. In many instances, this already occurs in less democratic and less developed areas of the world.

Why work just for the sake of working or JUST because you see other people around you suffering and they expect you to do the same thing as them because you're in the same culture? Not a single person that I've spoken to in person can extol a single positive virtue of undertaking intense wagecucking. My old boss once said that she couldn't afford to pay me anymore because she was the single mother of 3 kids. The only reason that she wagecucked so hard wasn't because it brought her any positive emotions or entertainment, but because she was bound by the current system in place and bound by the obligations of taking care of her children?

Why do people continue to uphold traditional cultural values surrounding the topic of work, when we can CLEARLY fucking that there's something deeply flawed in the way the system is structured? Approximately 1 million people commit suicide every single year. That's an obscene number. What is it that makes SO MANY people chose to take their own lives?

Average people go to work at this point not because they want to, but because they have to do it because the world is structured in such a way that a non-elite has to wagecuck or die. How many people actually wake up every day and get to pursue EXACTLY what it is that they want to do that day, regardless of whether or not it turns a profit for someone?

Why does EVERYTHING nowadays have to be judged based on whether or not it will be profitable for someone? How many beautiful ideas have never been churned out or expressed because it wasn't profitable to someone? How many people never pursued learning a skill, learning to play an instrument, or pursuing their true career passions rather than what makes the most money?

How many people were never able to comfortably pursue their passion of contributing something useful and beneficial to the world without worrying about the profitability of their interests and if they would be able to survive from focusing on their interests?

Why is it that people will fucking EXPLODE when a normal low-class person doesn't want to perform wagecuck work, but nobody will criticize a rich person sitting on their ass on their yacht near the Maldives? Just a reminder to you all that this image is the interior of a yacht that some rich person owns. Nobody will criticize the owner of this yacht, but they sure as fuck will criticize you just for wanting to be left alone and because you don't want to wagecuck. All because you don't want to play the game that they told you to play.

All I want to do is be left alone, actually. I really want to be left the fuck alone and do what I want to do, without worrying about if I'm going to be surviving the next day. I'm tired of constantly having to fucking justify every single action that I take to everyone around me. I'm tired of caring about what others around me think of what I do.

In closure, I think you all should take a look at something known as the Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying. What this is essentially is a palliative nurse who counseled the dying in their last days has revealed the most common regrets we have at the end of our lives. Among the top, from men in particular, is 'I wish I hadn't worked so hard'. Additionally, 2 more regrets of the dying were

"I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me." and "I wish that I had let myself be happier."

We only have 1 life as far as we know, everyone. This one life to experience all of the things that you've ever really wanted to do. In this one life, you can make your world a beautiful heaven on earth. Why let the expectations of others make you feel like shit? Why submit to the crabs-in-a-bucket mentality?

I hope you all take something useful from this. Just venting really... In a really tough place in life right now.

you sound like a commie tumblr fag
tl;dr ever hear of Tumblr?
Threads are not blogs, keep it short and greentext
Agreed. I'd rather be homeless and eat out of trash cans and foodbanks than slave my life away for some rich fuck.

Wagecucking is just working. Every creature has to work to survive; no animal lives by just sitting on its ass doing nothing. The reason those rich people seem so abhorrent is because their lives aren't natural because they've found a way to live without working by benefiting from the work of others, or rent seeking. The problem isn't that you have to work to live, it's that they don't.
OP, welcome to the redpilled world.

Get on SSI to escape the wagecuckery,
>only 58% of people ever pass
SE Exam
35% of first time takers + 28% of repeat takers pass that shit and SE's are a dime a dozen.
>53.2% total
Ok, I guess it's pretty close to your special boy test.


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How do I get a comfy office job as a BA English student?
I want it but desu the uncle remus guide seems flawed. Do you have it?
What is wrong? That I just assumed everyone who failed attempts the test again therefore the 53.2% total I stated is way too high? I agree, but I wanted to give the advantage to banker guy.

I'm not an SE.
I know... I was comparing the passing rate of that financial test to that of the SE Exam. 58% is a lot and it looked silly to say that "only" 58% pass.

I'm not going to direct my attention towards an exam pass rate "intelligence" circlejerk.
That hasn't started yet; I've already admitted that SE's are nothing special when I first brought it up :3
Passing tests is more about taking the time to study.
I just wish everything would turn into fire and leave only white ashes behind
>babbies first realization that white culture aka capitalism is pure sociopathic shittery
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>Doesnt know how to READ
>only understands simplistic meme arrow text
What makes it worse is that we're expected to do it all for nothing. Normies at least get to have sex, have gfs, have friends, and have good times.
We are expected to work for nothing
Wow I am stealing your stupid quote
The problem is that we can't avoid working forever.
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