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Prediction about Tom Holland and the future of Spider-Man

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Spider-Man Homecoming will be the last film in the entire Spider-Man film franchise.
Here's what I predict and think;

>The Sam Raimi project went up to 3 movies
>The Marc Webb project went up to only 2

Something's going to happen to our new web slinger. He'll either develop a disease that prevents him from doing the second movie, have a serious life threatening injury that also disables him from acting in it, or possibly die.

Whatever happens, they cancel Homecoming's sequel and announce that they will never have any other films done.

Screenshot this. And when it happens, share this prediction with the rest of the internet.
TL;DR: 3 to the 2 to the 1 to the 0
Take it to /tv/ nerd
why do so many people care about one of the shittiest superheroes anyways?
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How fucking dare you, show some respect.
i honestly liked the ones with andrew garfield, maybe because i saw them in high school so i could relate way more, but still
Dam. Hopefully if he gets fucked up I can still touch his boipucci
>Marvel's most popular character will never appear in another film

Yep you're from /tv/ alright. You somehow manage to browse there every day and somehow never develop an understanding of how the film industry works.
>hurr spoderman
>how do u shot web? XDDDD
>haha spiderman memes he is so funny like deadpool!!

fuck off
I neeeed to service his cock
The girl spider man saves this time is a nigger

Franchise needs to die soon.
>hating Spidey posting

You can fuck right off and never come back.
I don't even understand why people care about superheroes. It's all the fucking same.

But then again, I guess most people are somehow obsessed with fictional supernatural beings. Eg. greek/roman/egyptian/nordic/chinese mythology...
Please return to leddit immediately
spiderman is not a anything-man
he is literally a manlet lanket not a superhero.
>Spidey posting
Back to r e d d i t, retard.
Why did you put a hyphen in "anything-man" but failed to properly hyphenate Spider-Man?
hes my bf
>they think spidey posting is a reddit thing
Holy shit I'm feeling old.
Pls be b8. It started on 4chan.
Who cares where it started? It's retarded. It's like that new bogposting retardation.

>Plebbitors pretending to be oldfags

Holy shit you are the true scum of the earth. I bet you also think the "newfags can't triforce" didn't come from plebbit fucking cancer fucks.
It's funnier than the billionth BLACKED or trap post on this shithole board.

>pretending to be le old to defend reddit posting

jesus fuck leave

No. Go die cancer fuck.
Started as a prediction now we 'ere
>>haha spiderman memes he is so funny like deadpool!!

I've never read a deadpool comic but from what I've seen in crossovers made me really dislike him as a character. I generally hate it when comic characters are written breaking the forth wall though.

Btw this is now a /comic/ thread, post shit you fucking hate in comics.

1.heavy handed SJW shit in marvel.
2.the "2 mature 4 u modern graphic novel" shit like The Boys, The Authority, or Invincible that boil down to omega nerds writing violent Mary sue fantasies because Stacy never recognized they were nice guys.
3.Any time someone kills someone by doing the moronic "grabs their head and twists it backwards" ninja crap.

What the fuck did you just say about comics, BITCH?
You have no fucking right to turn this into a /comic/ thread you BAKA! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
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Comics? What are you 15? Get a real hobby ya nerd
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Let's spice things up.
no way jose nuh uh

I work on cars as well kiddo. Talk shit when you've done more than take selfies changing your engine air filter.

Taking pics of engines is not a hobby loser

Third time they are rebooting this shit. How much repetition can normies take.
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>young Spider-Man
Screencap this. I never lie;

>Homecoming will never be released.
>because reasons.
>Ok...because Tom Holland is about to come forward and expose pedogate from Marvel Studios to Comet Ping Pong.

>Its going to be astounding in scope.

>He will do this on a live radio show.
> These names...Stan Lee...Seth Rogan...and Carrie Fisher the hero of Hollands story.

Thread posts: 36
Thread images: 5

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