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Want to sue Chili's

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any /r9k/s with experience on suing a Jewish Corporation?

>go to Chili's
>Immediately get "The Stinky Eye" from Stacy waitress because I am an alone man
>Give her the Stiff Upper Lip and seated anyway
>Get a menu
>Order Southwestern Eggrolls as an appetizer and Turkey as an entree
>Bitch Stacy tells me they can't make Turkey
>"It's not on muh menu"
>Tries to suggest other items
>No, I'm paying MY MONEY and I want the food I WANT
>She keeps saying "sorry" and backing away from me like I'm going to rape her
>Tell her I want to talk to the manager
>Fat Chad comes up to my table and asks what is wrong
>Explain that this Bitch Stacy waitress won't let me order Turkey
>He gives me the same old "not on the menu" BULLSHIT
>Tell him I don't CARE what's on the menu, I'm paying HIM for the food I WANT
>He keeps trying to argue with me and acts very smug about it
>Gets me really really angry
>Start shouting at him
>He says I have to leave
>Everyone is staring at me
>Pick up my cup of Complimentary Water and throw it as hard as I can across the restaurant
>Normies get Soaked
>He says I'm not allowed back in
>Tell him I Will Sue

What can I sue Chili's for? I have them on Emotional Distress, Deprivation of Rights, Refusal of Service, Inhospitable Environment, and Gender-Based Discrimination. I'm so angry I want to call a Lawyer the first thing tomorrow.

Tell me what else I can sue these Jews for.
just make your own queso at home and distribute the recipe card
you're going to get counter sued for being a loner and therefore being a terrorist risk
I don't want Queso I just wanted freaking TURKEY! How was this so hard for those IDIOT Jews to understand?!?!

Nice Trolling but I have an Ironclad case
This is so funny and you shouldn't kill yourself after finishing this sentence.
This is the most retarded fucking thing I've seen in a while
If they don't serve it you can't make them you fuck
Fuck you. It's a fucking RESTAURANT, I PAY them to serve ME food. The Waitress asks what I want and I tell her. The Chef knows how to make Turkey. It's not a hard entree to make, everyone makes it for Thanksgiving.

I should try to get them for False Advertising too.
If they have a turkey (they don't) and it's not been cooked (it hasn't) than your meal would take ~6hrs assuming they're cooking a big restaurant turkey. You don't want to wait that long now do you Mr aspbergers?
They should have some ready to go in case someone orders it. I am not the only person who eats Turkey, everyone makes it for Thanksgiving.

If they can't make a Turkey they shouldn't be allowed to call themselves a Restaurant.
You should do it because Chili's sucks, but you also kind of deserve it because Chili's is the probably the most normie restaurant in existence
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Wow! You ACTUAL fucking retard! You're either 2000% autismo or you're on too many levels of irony for any of us to comprehend.
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I'm fucking dying, pls post more
I live in a small town so anywhere I can go "out" to eat is a Jewish Chain Restaurant.

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pfft ahaha ok guys shh shh watch this. ahem. shhh. ahem.

hey OP, what's Turkey? i've never heard of it
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I just remembered chili's serves a turkey burger, so this is either b8 or you really are the most retarded person on this board
Turkey is a dry meat we eat at Thanksgiving, I'm assuming you are not American?

Thank you. I have been to a Doctor many times and they ALL say I am NOT Autistic.
This is funny as hell. Can't wait to see you on the news
The first thing the Bitch Stacy waitress said to me was "Oh did you mean the Turkey Burger honey?" and I said No, I want Sliced Turkey and Gravy, like everyone makes for Thanksgiving.

Sounds like you should have just ordered the Turkey Burger.
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>he went to a restaurant
>as a single
Holy shit anon kill yourself before word gets out.
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A Turkey Burger is NOT the same thing as a Turkey!!!!!!
>turkey with bread is not the same as turkey!

Massive fucking autism
It is GROUND UP INTO A BURGER like at McDonalds!!!!

I wanted Sliced Turkey.
I think the fact that people are taking OP seriously just confirms that r9k actually is retarded and I can bow feel justified when I feel superior to the mouth breathers that inhabit this board. Thanks for the laugh OP
Its still turkey op
Then slice up the turkey burger
I am being serious, but you are right, these RETARDS on /r9k/ just want to defend Chili's even though it is clear they are acting Very Jewishly towards me.

Everyone laughs at me but I know I am in the right and thought a few Lawyers on this board could tell me what I can press charges with?

Holy fuck this is awesome. I seriously doubt someone can be this autistic to go into a restaurant, look at the menu, try to order something they don't carry then get offended about it.
Not the same, as I already said. Retard.

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You can't press charges if someone isn't selling you something they don't have.
This is coming from a law major, but anyone with common sense would know that you're the one being unreasonable.
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the numbers in this thread tho
But they should have it, Chili's is a restaurant and they advertise that they will prepare food for money, It is Unreasonable for them to REFUSE my money because they JUST DON'T WANT to make me Turkey!

What about Emotional Distress, Deprivation of Rights, Refusal of Service, Inhospitable Environment, and Gender-Based Discrimination
I want to believe OP is legit, but I just can't.
You won't win, fatty.
I hate people like you, they aren't your slaves cause you offer them money, they aren't going to treat you special because "I have money do this for me, slave"
Fuck off, you entitled cunt.
Why is this dank memer typing like Chris 4Chan?
Amerifats have an inalienable right to Turkey?

>It was your choice to get angry about it. They weren't trying to instigate anything
>What "right" did they deprive you?
>They refused to serve you something they DON'T HAVE. How would someone sell you something they don't stock? They didn't have any turkey. Chili's does not sell turkey. Not every place that makes food will have turkey.
>Inhospitable? They tried to suggest other food items to you to find a nice alternative that they can actually provide you.
>I don't know what to make of this last one
Why couldn't you go somewhere that actually served turkey?
I don't think they are my Slaves but they are not doing their Job if they do not give me the food I ask for.

Until the Fat Chad Manager came to my table I was being very kind and reasonable. I did not call anyone my slave.

Oh god yes please find a lawyer and tell him your sad tale. If you're lucky it will get picked up by cnn or at least buzzfeed.
There aren't very many restaurants in my area, I live in a small town, and I figured Chili's is a Big Jewish Chain and there's no reason for them to not have Turkey.

Who cares that Turkey isn't on the menu, it is NOT a hard meal to make, everyone makes it on Thanksgiving so it cannot be difficult, even a RETARD could do it. They should not be allowed to hire Chefs who cannot make simple meals!!!
He's Channeling Chris!
It's a hyperbole, but I find it to be an effective analogy.
Either way you don't have a right to their service, they don't have to serve things that aren't on their menu, in fact they could get in trouble for doing so. Just go to the grocery store and cook your own shit if you want turkey that bad.
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If not autistic, you're EXTREMELY socially inept. Being awkward in public is one thing, but throwing a tantrum over an item not being served is outright inane, and then claiming you own the restaurant because your money is outright ludicrous. Buy a turkey yourself and cook it if you want one that badly that you'll act batshit insane over it in public
If I go to a Restaurant I do not want to have to spend my money twice to go to a Grocery Store, buy a Turkey, and make it myself! I went to Chili's because I did not want to make food, same as EVERYONE who goes to a Restaurant.
Turkey isn't simple m8. It takes up a good portion of a day to cook.
Just because it isn't hard doesn't mean they would have any. It's just not something that they offer. They don't offer turkey. Chili's does not serve turkey. From now on I will only reply saying Chili's does not serve turkey because it is the only answer to your "dilemma"
You are everything wrong with America today, fat cunt
>May your shit come alive and kiss you
I did NOT act "batshit insane" I just told the Fat Chad Manager how he made me feel and after HE acted "batshit insane" to ME I responded by throwing my Water across the establishment as a way to say "Fuck You!" to him. I was glad I soaked some of the other people in the restaurant too because they were Fucking Normies.

My social skills are not why I made this thread. I want advice on suing Chili's.
Turkey is simple, which is obvious because everyone makes it for Thanksgiving.

If Chili's Chefs cannot make Turkey then they do not deserve to have jobs.
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Chili's is bar and grill restaurant. Why would they have turkey. You couldve just ordered something else and bought a turkey later if it's not hard to make and is simple you retard.
>I want advice on suing Chili's.
You've already been told you have zero chance of winning. This thread is now about your social ineptitude.
You make your own little baby turkeys with your doodoo and throw it at the glass. Gotta get outta there fast!
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You can't sue Chili's. You should go to jail for assaulting those normies how bout dat?
You are not entitled to their service, you cunt, believe it or not if some autistic sperglord comes into a restaurant, shoves money in your face and demands you make something that isn't on the menu, they won't make it and they don't want you there.
>>35088326 There was no physical damage or injury to yourself. You literally cannot do anything. It's how civil laws are If anything, Chili's could sue you damaged anything with the water you threw.

Well you will spend a bunch of money and you will lose. So that's a thing. That's if you do the work yourself cause I doubt you will find a lawyer willing to take your case.

If you do find a lawyer be prepared to spend more money to lose.
It was not Assault, you know nothing about the Law.

I do not go there for the Bar, I went there for Southwestern Eggrolls and Turkey and they REFUSED to make me Turkey. This is a denial of service.

I will not press charges on False Advertising but I think I will consult a REAL Lawyer tomorrow on the other charges.

Anyone remember when Christian Chandler tried to sue that one arcade after being kicked out? Didn't he use many of the same reasons the OP listed to try and justify an autismsuite?
The bar and grill are the ONLY things they have though.
Dude you're objectively autistic. They didn't have any turkey.
you mean the game place? that was basically a mom & pop gamestop where chris played cards

this guy sort of writes like chris but the game place saga doesn't really resemble this situation

You sound pretty autistic for getting this upset at a crappy restaurant for not carrying whole turkeys.

You should have went to old country buffet.
>I do not go there for the Bar
It is a bar and grill restaurant, not a casual or fine diner. They're not gonna have stuff like turkey.
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autism at its peak
>>35088492 Turkey should be an easy dish for a Real Chef to make and if Chili's does not employ Real Chefs they should be Sued.

They are lazy and trying to Jewishly hide it.
>I do not go there for the Bar
It is a bar and grill restaurant, not a casual or fine diner. They're not gonna have stuff like turkey.

You literally cannot sue them. Take high school government. There was no physical injury. Your lawyer you attempt to hire will literally say you don't have a case
It may not resemble the current story but I can't help but feel the spirit of the time is being summoned by OP's writing style and plot.

Also I can almost guarantee the OP is going to say he's trans just to get the bonus CWC points.
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if you wanted turkey you should have gone to a boston market, not a goddamn chilis
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Nah senpai he already played the gender card
Even though he literally never mentions it again he did
I am not FUCKING Trans.

I took a High School Government class. I have said a Hundred times that it is Unreasonable for a "Restaurant" to REFUSE to take MY MONEY because they are too LAZY, JEWISH to make me the Turkey I asked for.
>avatar fagging
>wasting those fucking trips
>People replying to OP

You're just as autistic as OP for going along with this role-play.
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if you dont avatar fag on boards where people dont know you then you must not need internet friends
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OP is right, he has a right to Turkey.

They told me Trump would change things but nothing has changed. This is Unacceptable. The Courts will fix this.
I know he did. I wanted it to be followed up on. Shame he wasted a good opportunity with >>35088566

OP, would you fuck a turkey if you could? Would you make it gobble gobble that tiny limp dick?
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Well shit dude someone doesn't like fun
Thank you. Make America Great Again.
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Hey OP why didn't you just order some bananas?
Samefagging intensifies. Shame you aren't real, Sendai.
I wanted Turkey not Bananas.

There is a big bowl with Fruits and Vegetables in my kitchen, I can eat a Banana whenever I want to.
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Then you should've stayed at home senpai
This is how I imagine Chris-chan feels every day
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No! I will Not have my Rights as an American Citizen infringed on Because I am a BIG BOY!
I will not stay home if I decide I want to eat at a Restaurant.
Unless you ordered takeout
I do not want some Big Jewish Chain knowing my address.
But the government already knows where you live. :^)
WHY eat dirty jew food then nigger?
why are there so many chili's shills in this thread?
It is a Jewish Conspiracy.
Why didn't you just order cock
You'd get the same result lol
The people in this thread are really rude. You have a pretty good case just go to a consumer protection lawyer
>people are unironically falling for this obvious bait
I've got to leave this place
i work at chilis lel. i love when people argue with me about the menu i would have lubed up your fat ass w avocado ranch, shoved every last eggroll up there told you to get out and not come back
Also please tell us how nice and gentile the lawyer was for helping you in your time of need, OP.
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no fucking way OP is for real but my sides anyway

I call them Shilli's
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