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Bebe, amputee both legs and arms. Got meningitis at 11. She

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Bebe, amputee both legs and arms.

Got meningitis at 11.

She had been vaccined against meningitis a few years before.

Vaccines destroyed a life. Again.
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Now she's almost 20, in college, and unwillingly becoming somewhat of an idol
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Some faggot started a fb page talking about raping her (tards exist also outside the US) because she is still pro-vaccine - yet a vaccine destroyed her body.

Fun fact: her father says she didn't get vaccine for meningitis.
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Gullible dudes campaigning for vaccines love to have her on their side.
don't know what the fuck a meningitis is but i gotta say i kinda feel sorry for her

but why post all this here
is this some advanced form of pepe-posting? bebe-posting?? is this bebe-posting a new meme now or something
It's time to just kill yourself OP.

It's retards like you who hold back humanity.
If you deny the safety and efficacy of vaccines to save human lives then you are an absolute fucking retard, end of story.

I'm not against "every" vaccine.
I'm against the vaccine market, helped by greeneyed girls like Bebe.
What the fuck is "the vaccine market" you god damn imbecile?
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Anti-vaccine people really piss me off

Kids in shitty countries die and suffer from all sorts of diseases because healthcare and vaccines are unavailable to them yet there are parents in Western countries who choose not to vaccinate their kids because of some retarded unfounded conspiracies

Really sickening
>Not realizing that vaccines havent got a 100% success rate
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You're the type of people that really push me over the edge. We're this close, combined with modern medical science, to almost eliminating all diseases from first world nations but in come

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in the recent outcome of meningitis in Italy the two babies who got it were actually vaccinated.
Exactly as Bebe.

>What the fuck is "the vaccine market" you god damn imbecile?

it's something like "Let's scare everyone and then tell them they can Buy Or Product".

pic related for triggered fagets.
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being 12 and retarded you don't remember the "militarized Anthrax letters" thing in 2001 that scared the entire government and allowed Bush to pass the Patriot Act...
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her fb pages has the like of 340k likes (kek, I like this pun), I can guess she's the 3D waifu of at least 100,000 dudes.
>it's something like "Let's scare everyone and then tell them they can Buy Or Product".

Oh no the vaccine companies are "conning" us into having herd immunity against deadly diseases that cause you to bleed out of yours eyes, mouth, penis, and anus until you die in agonizing pain. Wow that is so terrible fuck those guys!

There is no vaccine against fat fucks eating garbage shit, smoking cigarettes, or drinking alcohol.
You can't convince everyone to make good choices, the least we can do is scare people into complying to herd immunity to save innocent children from dying horrible deaths.

Ebola is a bad example because it didn't spread, but you'd be singing a different fucking tune if 75 cases of Ebola outbreak happened in your own community, wouldn't you? You'd be fucking screaming for a cheap and effective ebola vaccine. Fucking hypocrite sitting in your ivory tower, you just want to bitch about shit that doesn't affect you. When shit actually hits the fan, then what nigger? Then what?
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Her seemingly happy life only happens thanks to her (human) best reaction against the damage done by the vaccine.

In the 1970's a few vaccines were sufficient to stop everything.

being this triggered
>in the recent outcome of meningitis in Italy the two babies who got it were actually vaccinated.
>Exactly as Bebe.
That's because the vaccine is only 58% effective you retard nigger. Not every vaccine is 100% effective.

This is a concept you aren't acquainted with because your health literacy is lower than zero.

58% effectiveness isn't the best, but when it comes to preventing a horrible disease like meningitis it really helps. If you were told that in 1 month your meninges will be exposed streptococcus pneumoniae and that you have a 58% chance to walk away unscathed, versus a 100% chance to contract an extremely painful and life threatening disease, are you going to sit around and whine about "THE FUKKEN VACCINE IN-DUH-STREE TRYNA CON ME, MAN," or are you going to take the fucking vaccine? I think I know which one you would pick, fucking idiot.

Also your epic political comic isn't a commentary about "corruption of the vaccine industry" it's a commentary on how retarded the average american is. In other words, most americans are just about as fucking dumb as you are, which is a sad state of affairs.
>When shit actually hits the fan

Please, repeat slowly:

>- when - shit - actually - hits - the - fan -

clearly sounds like a gullible conspiracy theorist triggered to its extreme because he can't find his tinfoil hat
>I have no argument so I better call him triggered

thanks for admitting defeat openly

truly easymode

she will never know the pain of being a robot
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>That's because the vaccine is only 58% effective you retard nigger.

I just did some math and I found that the vaccine is actually 42% catastrophic.

Would you eat something that destroys your body on a 42% chance?
Shitty hygiene =/= need for vaccines
>got meningitis around the same age
>was never in danger of being an amputee
>to my knowledge didn't get a vaccine for something really uncommon
Some people just have shit immune systems and/or bad luck.
She's like irl katawa shoujo.


I'm not even going to ask if you're retarded because I know you are
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>Her seemingly happy life only happens thanks to her (human) best reaction against the damage done by the vaccine.
This is absolute fucking retardation. The vaccine is made out of a small piece of the polysaccharide shell on the multiple types of bacteria that can infect the meninges (which is called meningitis). How is a little piece of the outer shell of the bacteria, literally a small molecule of sugar that cannot replicate or cause any damage at all by itself, going to "cause damage" when administered as a vaccine?

What do you think is in the vaccine that is "causing damage?" It's not like they put live virus in there and just inject it into your body. She also got the vaccine 3 years prior to having any symptoms (by your own admission), so was this "damage caused by the vaccine" just chilling out unnoticed for 3 years and then all of a sudden it just jumped out?

Are you starting to fucking realizing how goddamn stupid you are? why do people feel the need to comment on scientific matters they clearly haven't studied. You know nothing about science, medicine, vaccines, molecular biology, or the immune system, yet you pretentiously stand on a soapbox and try to spread harmful misinformation that might get people killed. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself for being so proudly ignorant.
Why not just let natural selection do its thing?
>muh ad hominem


>42% catastrophic

are you retarded?
>In the 1970's a few vaccines were sufficient to stop everything.
What? In the 1970s they gave the Pertussis, whooping cough, tetanus, measles, polio, mumps, and rubella vaccines. They combined these multiple vaccines into just 3 syringes, so to you it looked like "just a few shots," however you were being vaccinated for many diseases.

Today, we have vaccinations against all of those things still, plus new vaccines that were recently invented like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, Rotavirus, and meningococcal. We also immunize against influenza, chicken pox, and pneomococcal disease. The people in the 1970s would have vaccinated against HepB and HepA and all the other shit too, if they had invented those vaccines at that time.

Which of the preventable diseases that now have vaccines do you want your child to contract?
You want him to get hepatitis B? Or maybe you're the type who wants his child to get Rotavirus? Stop being fucking dumb dude, you have no idea what you're talking about
>I just did some math and I found that the vaccine is actually 42% catastrophic.

Are you saying that 42% of the people who get vaccinated against meningitis contract the disease? Because that's false.

The vaccine is 58% effective because sometimes your body forms enough immunoglobulins to fight against the bacteria that cause meningitis, the other 42% of the time your body does not form enough immunoglobulins. It's not like, if you're in the 42% group, your body says "WELP TIME TO AUTOMATICALLY CONTRACT DEADLY MENINGITIS" and uses satanic magic to summon bacteria to teleport into your body from the 9th circle of Hell and get you sick for no reason.

You seem not to understand how the vaccine works. Let me make an analogy:

I put an old rat trap in your house because I want you to be protected from pests. It happens to have one small strand of 1 mouse hair on it. 3 fucking years later your cheese starts disappearing. You scream at me because obviously the small strand of hair that was on the rat trap magically came to life and started roaming around your house eating all your cheese. It's my fault for introducing this "catastrophic" mouse into your house and ruining all your cheese. Therefore we need to ban all rat traps because they cause cheese catastrophe.
This is literally your argument right now.
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Name the ingredient in the meningococcal vaccine that "causes damage."

I'm waiting. . . . . . . . . . . . .
>>35081109 (OP)


OP please answer.
You were very active in the thread until now.
What the fuck?
Its the vaccine causing it you retard.
You're implying that nothing would have happened if the vaccine wasnt taken, wich simply isnt the case.
Either a 100% chance of your Body not being destroyed
without it ( the vaccine ), or a 42% chance with it

OP please respond to any of these well-explained, valid arguments.

I will keep bumping until you reply.
your post came out exactly the opposite of how you wanted it to.
>In the 1970's a few vaccines were sufficient to stop everything.

Fucking wrong. Both my father (born in 50s) and mother (born in 60s) got a shitload of vaccines. They lived in a commie country but still
>Got meningitis at 11.

lol was she raped as a child or something? dont u only get memegitis if u kiss other people or share food/drank/spit? isnt that why they make u get the shot when u go to college? cause they expect u to be a whore? lol part of the experience, amirite?
... No it doesn't. That's like saying the hair of a mouse carries blood from the mouse therefore the piece of hair can come alive and eat cheese from your house 3 years after I put the mouse hair in your house.

I know you joke, but all drugs can kill you. It's why all drugs have warnings that will scare the shit out of you. You could be the <1% to get fucked up the ass. Same goes with vaccines. It works for the majority (e.g over 95%).
What part of the vaccine do you think is dangerous?
>You could be the <1% to get fucked up the ass
The only way that could possibly happen with the meningococcal vaccine is if you happen to have a severe allergic reaction to something in it. It would be like having a life threatening allergy to peanuts. Yes there are people out there who are like that but it's extremely rare. At any rate, it's not like the meningococcal vaccine can "cause" meningitis, not at all. That's not even remotely possible.
Stop idiot this is a bait thread. Just let it die.
Reminder that vaccines are the only reason why we don't have smallpox or fucking polio anymore along with many others.

Reminder smallpox killed millions of humans and polio used to leave lots of crippled children.

Reminder that the only reason as to why shithead parents feel safe enough not to vaccine their kids ia because everyone else is vaccined.

Reminder anti-vaccines retards still use the autismcard even when it was debunked years ago.

Antivaccines slobs BTFO by science and humanity
I had meningitis and I most definitely was not raped as a child, do you know how dumb you sound?
kiII you'reseIf.
10/10 respons meine melaninen-rich individualen
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