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Anybody else chad here?

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Thread replies: 114
Thread images: 30

I used to be a Neet like you guys but with the right sense of style you can look pretty alpha.
You legit look just like me but without the faggy haircut and facial acne. Are you welsh?
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Teach me the ways of your pizzaface, senpai
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>tfw 8/10 alpha male
>tfw still no gf

this is one of the saddest things i've seen on this board
Just more haters jealous of my success.... typical
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Stanley unironically looks better t b h
Yes, very jealous of how confident you are
That's why i'm Chad dumbfuck.
Who is this guy and what has he done to you for you to post his pizzaface on here
Actual Chad here. OP is just a faggot.
lmao overconfident white trash
The reason no one likes you guys is because you just keep bashing others, I haven't done anything to you.
OP claims he's a Chad,
and pic of himself he shows.
All baited anons are mad,
just as the shape of his 'brows.
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this dude kek

I guess bitches don't lie when they say "they love pizza".
So this is what happen when you take the bogpill ???
You remind me of someone........

You have been muted for 14 minutes 2 seconds, because your comment was not original
Hater gonna hate, man.
Tobias? Fucking kek
Tobis what?

(this is an original post)
how'd u fuckin do it
Stop posting this it hurts my feelings
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fuck off imposter REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
You look like an extremely low effort unironic blue haired ftm I know if they were actually passable
Another hater, o I am laffin
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You are fucking ugly, kill your self

>wearing a vneck when you have chest acne.
>having a trendy haircut when you're clearly overweight
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How long ago was this picture, Stanley? I'm kinda curious.

I'm a guy(male) btw
The original pic is probably like 4 years old, the shoops are more recent
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this hot new meme
Normies make fun of me because i am ugly and never had a gf
I'm ugly but I've seen all your unedited pics before Stanley and you're slightly above average with a nice face.

It's going to get better for you

You're not actually ugly, man. You're like very average. I mean, there is nothing especially wrong with your face at all.
You guys are memeing, right? He is well below average, doesn't have any facial bones at all and most of all no chin and a huge philtrum. No woman will ever be into that shit.

no idea man lmao

there's a big difference being this confident on an anonymous image board and in real life
Normies make fun of you because you spam your picture and really like it and encourage it when you get made fun of, you weird fucker.
ITT: a tripfag responds to himself in a shitposters thread

we /b/ now
Idk if that's true, i think this guy makes a good point why i am still a khv >>35007374
Also >>35007473
I don't know wtf are you taking about, none of that is true
You look like an autistic macklemore desu.
Kek, literally delusional
Fuck me these Chadshops are so depressing, especially how every single haircut looks great on Chad. Only foolproof thing you can do is work out and get a low bf% for a more exposed jawline and thicker neck
True when i was younger i used to wonder why all haircuts look like shit on me, later i realized it was because of the bad facial structure
I spent all of last weekend having sex with a qt thicc titcow. She's also married. Does that make me a Chad?
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>mfw i look better than OP minutes after i wake up and take a shit
>mfw OP thinks he is chad or "alpha"

The fuck outta here cockboy, lel.
This guy fucks

How is this not original
>this guy fucks
Was that supposed to be sucks?
I dont understand the message you are trying to convey friendo, specify
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I was basically a cyborg until i was 22 or so.

I would kind of be able to hook up with girls but couldn't close. I was too nice, but I was also social so nobody would have believed that I was a secret virgin

overtime I morphed into more of a normie with moments of chad-ness and now I have casual sex regularly with dates and girls I know. It also helps just as you get older and assuming you arent horrendously ugly or have some sort of shit personality.

For anyone here under the age of say 25 you'll probably end up normal, its hard to believe but you are still quite young until your mid twenties and more people than you think are virgins till this age, true late bloomers.

As zyzz said we are all going to make it brahs, even if at times you dont believe it.
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I started working out a little under a year ago and reducing bf only a bit makes a huge difference. Also, new hair and glasses.

I'm finally starting to take care of myself, but I've had this mild cough for 4 months that makes it hard to talk with people. Physician thinks it's asthma triggered by pneumonia I had in December.

Still no gf or even a tinder date. Going to be a wizard for sure.
You look like such a weird faggot I saved your picture in my "steam profile pics" folder. You should feel honoured.
Be productive and keep improving mate, cause genuinely if that's you you do have good facial structure and I see a GF on the horizon
Why the hell would one ever want to be chad? Once you shed the expectations the life of the NEET is THE life indeed. I you don't agree then all I can do is pray you see the light.

But for now please leave.
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>mfw i read your post
But really though....why the fuck would you save my face anon? For what purpose? I dont save random people faces.......unless i plan masturbating you fucking faggot
You look better than me on your before pic and I work out too
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Staying caged in the basement all day long, fapping to animu, eating tendies... sure sounds like the best kind of life.

u ugly as shit but u cool as fuck anon
>u beautiful as lotus in blossom yet cool as fuck anon
Thank you friend. I have been told both of those things many times before.
hey you're the LA chemistry anon!
I want to post a pic to BTFO all the fags in this thread but I'm too afraid someone I know in real life would recognize me
kek anon, we almost look the same except I'm skelly
24 year old KHV here, when will I make it? Never been on a date or flirted.
you might be a lost cause I had dated and gotten close by the time I was 21

put yourself out there man, unless you are the chaddiest chad or most famous alpha girls expect to be approached
You need to jumpstart it all by going to a prostitute.
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Lmao at all of you, I'm the only Chad here, look at my fuckhuge gains. I only started a month ago and I can already bench you all, ez.
Wtf is that hair at the back of your neck?
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Sure is. Looks more like this unless i just got out of bed.
Shut up twig.
I don't joke when I say it truly is though. It's a life of absolute freedom and possibility. The world is yours and your not obligated to do anything unbound by the clock.
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Just turned 18 a month ago too. A little fat but currently cutting.
>Still no gf
>Still never had any girl miring
>absolute freedom
You can't leave the basement.
>The world is yours
You can't travel to anywhere outside your town since you don't have money, means of transport, or a passport.
it's called shitposting
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Just taking my morning poop. I wouldn't go as far to say I'm chad more like his younger brother.
Your arms are thicker than your neck. That's not a good thing
I'm a straight male and I'd date you so no you're no chad you're trap tier.
What comfort would you get from all that lost time and all those expectations? You need to see that the world we live in can either be indulged in physically, but it'd be a grave misuse don't you think. One should use the world as an inspiration to create and expand, the mind being the greatest medium. If you choose to lose yourself in fapping, anime, isolation, writing, art it's all no different to me. You have an endless canvas and endless possibilities. Why follow a template? If you want to be chad and feel that obligation though I understand, but you're doing your greatest gift a disservice.

A person should take pride in the art of isolation and strength of mind.

I can see that you don't seem to grasp a lot of this. If you'd like to waste your kingdom and live under the dime of Mr. Noseburg be my guest. Look deeper into the NEET.
Looks like that one dude from One Direction
You must be severely autistic if girls don't like you.
Well im only 19. I do look older with my beard though.

Im not autistic im just super shy so I cant approach girls. Id be fine if they approached me but it never happens.
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it's probably not him, shhh
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Its me. Ive been here for years.
>Your arms are thicker than your neck.
Cuz Arnold had 24in neck right?
You're right this would look more normal.
Post timestamp
you won't.
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Here ya go. I only had crayons

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Eat your vegetables.
Originally original
are you eating broccoli because you're on a diet?
stop being a califag
Post pic u cuck
Your neck is most likely smaller than mine.
Also, cut your nails. Who took the picture btw?
>met a guy like you
>afraid he was going to steal my girl
You've made it, now you just have to use it my man.
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More pics.
I doubt you can "snap my neck" you weeabo faggot.
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Steamed veggies from dennys are so gross

The meal came with broccoli and fries so of course I only ate the fries. Socal just has the most tolerable weather plus its similar to where my family is from.

I used to bite my nails until this year so I like them long since ive never had them before. I think they look pretty good though. Somebody from my dance team took it.
Long nails are an immediate red flag autism sign to women, especially if they're that long
Your fingers look chubby
Also, stop wearing that ring, rings are for fags

every faggot here needs to fuck off permanently.
>improve myself
You dont come here to improve yourself. You must be on the wrong board.

I didnt really know what girls thought about long nails. They usually just comment how mine are longer than theirs.

The ring just fits my personality and I like it so im keeping it.
Do you really think Chad lurks on /r9k/ or even knows wtf 4Chan even is? Chad doesn't even know he's Chad, he just lives life with better genetics oblivious that he upsets robots and betas.
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Chad Thundercock originally reporting for duty
>vanilla frosty
you're why we can't have nice things.

The real frosty is the best,.

I fucked your mother.
youre gay right?

Nope not at all. Everyone always thinks that though
Is this true? I always had long nails when I was like 10-19. Is that why girls never talked to me and guys kept asking if I was gay?
Wow. I fucking hate myself.
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tits or gtfo
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What is that supposed to be on your hat?

tsk tsk im not going to whore myself off like that...well maybe a little

Nah m8 im a lonely wallflower
I solve my problems and I see the light
We got a loving thing, we got to feed it right
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Hey! Don't make fun of my hat.
contact info, age, and location?
Haha I was genuinely asking. Damn though im jealous of your hair I want that length.
dam, you look a lot like a girl I used to know named amber.
Man you look a lot like me if I had longer hair. I like you.
Thread posts: 114
Thread images: 30

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