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>browsing youtube >click on an anime thumbnail >tur

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>browsing youtube
>click on an anime thumbnail
>turns out to be a decade-old nightcore trance video
>suddenly remember playing runescape as a kid with this stuff playing in the background
>nostalgia hits like a bag of rocks
>remember how happy I was back then

what the fuck happened to me? where has my life gone?

>he was ever happy
quality choice in music though.
Here's another one of my favorites as a kid

These feels are too heavy, I don't want them
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fuck you op, I genuinely got goosebumps when I listened to that, I remember listening to that while playing WoW and I was so happy with no worries and life was so nice
>look up YouTube guide for an old game
>let the bodies hit the
>let the bodies hit the
>let the bodies hit the
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this was literally the last happy memory I have of my life. since 16 my life has been shit
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>I was already 17 years old when I stopped playing RuneScape and started playing vanilla WoW
>Sat on my computer playing and listening to melodic death metal for 16 hours a day
>These were the best years of my life


I would give anything to go back.
I feel it too, friendos

Everything was so simple back then, life was all about complaining about school, playing video games, and doing homework.

There is nothing good about getting older. More responsibilities, nothing is clear-cut anymore, people won't tell you what they expect from you, everyone would rather talk behind your back than tell it straight to your face like your mom used to.
>Remember seeing hentai advertisements on ROM sites
>Remember all the hentai Flash games
>Remember nightcore shit with anime pics
>Never actually got into anime ever
Cute animes help me cope with having no friends or money
Being an adult sucks. The older I get the more fucked up my head is and I just want to feel normal again.
>Cute animes help me cope with having no friends or money
I am in the same situation. Recommend me some.
I really really liked Hibike! Euphonium, both seasons.

If you like more grandiose shows, Code Geass is top-tier.
Thanks mr robotototototototoblox.

non non biyori as well, really really chill anime, just watch the first episode and you will see what i'm talking about.
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Boi you don't know nastalgia till you lose hair
I don't know about that. I used to have long flowing locks, and now I'm nearly a bald wizard. I would rather be bald and feel like I did when I was 17 than have a full head of hair and feel like I do now.
Gochiusa wa Usagi Desu Ka? Is a comfy show. And cute too!

Flip Flappers is cute, and might help get those feelings of yours straightened out a bit.
thank you also guys, appreciate it
>help me cope with having no friends or money

I will solve both of your problems by paying you $100 a month to be my friend.
as sad as this sounds i will gladly take this offer
You have to come live with me though, internet friendships don't count. Also my internet is slow as hell. Is $100 a month worth it?
$150 and we got a deal. Will you feed me?
$150 Canadian a month. You will have your own 1st gen i7 computer and bed. You have to play video games with me, and let me watch you play video games while I drink and lie in bed.

Final offer.
I have i3 not i7 is this an issue
I mean I will give you my old i7 to use, it's 1st gen though, i7 920 overclocked to 3.6GHz. If you prefer your computer though you can bring it.
Okay, let me ask my mom for permission first though. Nothing sexual will happen, r-right? I'm a virgin
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Where does the time go. My gf and I tried to find our old Gaia online accounts. She found herself but I couldn't find mine. Hope you're still out there kicking ass, little cowboy dude.
Gross. No gay stuff, I assure you.
holy shit, OP.

What wouldn't I give to go back to those days. I can't say I was happy back then, but I surely was happier than I am now. Well, I don't know if I'm unhappy now. I just feel numb. Nothing is exciting, interesting or stimulating anymore. It's like there is no wonder left in the world. 10+ years ago I would cry myself to sleep sometimes, but my mind was so easily distracted. Even silly internet memes were amusing. I don't feel like I'm living anymore, just merely existing.
>getting my very first 99
>me and two friends huddled in front of the screen
>hands literally shaking with excitement
>i will never be this happy again
I've struggled for a long time to put my feelings into words, but you've done it perfectly. Thank you anon.

I vaguely remember an intense fluttery feeling back I would get back in my high school days, when I was watching a really cute romance anime or something, and would think about while I went to sleep.

I have no such emotions anymore, everything is drab, and I miss being able to take refuge in my own mind like this.
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Why the fuck did you have to trigger the nostalgia, you son of a bitch?

>Playing runescape 2 11 years ago in school holidays
>Listening to weeb music in background
>Farming rock crabs to pimp out my pure
>Happy without a care in the world
>Wishing I could be an adult with my own place so I could do this shit all the time
>meme comes true
>I'm 25 and my life is a blur of memes and increasingly shit vidya
>afk 99ing wc on vines
>playing fallout new vegas
I can't believe it only took 6 years for me to hate everything and do nothing but watch anime.
what's so gross about gay stuff
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I made a lot of fanfics on that, ended up finding some..man they were out there
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>tfw used to heal in wow
>was underage in an 18+ guild
>would never talk in vent unless it was absolutely necessary
>would just sit back and heal while listening to music instead
I miss those guys I think they were the only friends I've ever had
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has anyone ever made friends on online games when they were teens? I remember meeting this kid who lived on the other end of the country. He was so very annoying but we were both newbies of about the same level so we stuck together. We added each other on MSN messenger and would talk on hours on end about games and other silly stuff. He always said he wanted to be a professional snowboarder. Too bad I was an unlikeable asshole who thought he was dumb and didn't realize how much I cherished his friendship everyone stopped using MSN messenger and we never talked again.
>hear an old postal service song
>instantly remember this kid on youtube that used to skate
>this was 10 years ago
>he had a good amount of subs
>all his friends sucked at skating
>i was always jealous cause i didn't have many subs
>all his youtube vids are deleted but are still on vimeo

fuck i use to be so happy back then i remember going out everyday to make shitty skate vids and having fun editing them
its ok callum you still have those memories
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I was playing on some Minecraft server with a pal of mine and I ran into someone with a Fluttershy Skin
I invited her back to our base and slowly and steady began to get to know them.
We played on a bunch of different servers and had all sorts of adventures, getting close to each other and stuff.

Then she went and told me she was in love with me, but I didn't see how it would work out since she lived on the East Coast and I'm a West Cuck, and I don't really like myself that much.

The worst part is she still says she loves me and will always love me. Snow if you're reading this I'm so sorry, I really really am. Please, never forgive me and instead, hate me for cursing you.
Butt stuff is dirty, and two boys doing lewd stuff is unnatural.
>playing shitty mmo with like 1400 active players
>my friends and I make friends with a group of people
>play the game together for months
>we all make accounts on a weeb social media network
>talk with each other daily for over a year
>even on the phone sometimes
They were girls.
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i love butt stuff watcha gonna do about it
>old in flames

the best
i agree with you there man. The sad thing is that im 18, so i feel like the rest of my life will be like this. I just makes me even more depressed than i normally am. What do i do? Also, i have social anxiety so a relationship most likely won't happen.
>enhancement shaman in the 40s bracket
>best in slot 1hs
>15 killing blows
>so close to getting [Wrecking Ball]
>hands start shaking
>become aware of this one Paladin who can take me down
>keep hiding in bushes in Warsong Gulch and jumping clothies
>[Wrecking Ball] achievement comes up
>guys in the same battleground in Ventrillo start REEEing
>heart feels like it's about to burst

Biggest rush I've ever got in my entire life, felt like I was walking on air for the next few days after that
I was a fellow underage squeaker during the early days of WoW and would always put on a really fake sounding deep voice whenever someone talked to me and used an actual singing mic my mum had instead of a proper headset one
>Caring about WoW after achievements were added
>Being a Wrath baby

Kill yourself.
fuck you fuck you tel hell

played runescape and tf2 all day with this


and acid bath
>I vaguely remember an intense fluttery feeling back I would get back in my high school days, when I was watching a really cute romance anime or something, and would think about while I went to sleep.

I know how you feel anon, I've had gfs before but never felt the fluttery feeling with any of them that I had watching romance animes when I was an edgy 13/14 yr old longing for a gf

I can relate to the nothingness feeling but that is too empty. Rather I just feel neutral all the time, the highs are still highs and the lows are still lows but they're just much less spikey than they used to be. Everything is concentrated around neutrality as my core emotion, I get a little bit happy and a little bit annoyed but it's not enough to barely even register as an emotion. It's more just a mild positive mood and a mild annoyance. Maybe this is just growing up.
>socom 2 online
>airsoft in the woods, with dem boys
>taking turns on halo at friends house




jesus fucking christ this nostalgia is kinda hurting
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>implying patch 2.1 to 3.2 wasn't the peak of WoW
Is it true there is no romance in it, I want to watch it but knowing kyo it'd be a trap.
counter strike source

As someone who had played from Vanilla, you are objectively incorrect. BC was the peak of WoW, Wrath was the beginning of the end. Achievements didn't even come out until the Wrath patch, and the fact that you're nostalgiaing over achievements proves you're a baby.

Toblerones are also garbage.

You are garbage.
You're entitled to your opinion, I stand by mine. I actually started half way through vanilla and quit at the start of Cata.

2.1 to 3.2 was the peak of WoW in terms of content availability, difficulty, classes being balanced and viable and the devs/Blizzard actually giving a shit
>Wrath was the beginning of the end
Wrath had the best content, dungeon finder was the beginning of the end and it wasn't even introduced until 3.3 so it was in no way enough to drag the entire expansion down. BC is literally only the favorite of contrarian nostalgiafags.
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>Is it true there is no romance in it
No "real" romance, but the yuri bait and undertones to the point where they have an actual confession scene, as "just friends", so I'd call it one. Anyone who denies they were going for yuri is blind or baiting for a response out of yurifags. Overall I'd still recommend it though it's a fun ride.
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>what the fuck happened to me? where has my life gone?
gone to trips
another thread saved
fuck you fuck you all

I can't relate to your stories of friendship because no one ever fucking talked to me on any of these shitty mmo games I couldn't make any friends among thousands of teenage geeks and even now I can't hold any sort of conversation on fucking 4chan

anyway all the memories I have from back then are of grinding for hours and hours to bad music on youtube and not having anyone to message
>I persuaded my dad to get internet into the house so i can play CS1.6
>find first server of my country
>join there make internet friends with the fellow underages
>tons of fun
>get to know ppl on the server
>only play on that one server
>steam friends
>get in shitty underage clan
>get hearth-break after they kick me out after 2 weeks

I never felt more devastated like in that moment.
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Holy shit totally forgot about this. I remember listening to this when youtube was still pretty unknown and consisted mostly of gaming videos with music in the background. I used to play maplestory with a friend with nightcore playing in the background, good times.
My first date ever was with a black girl I met through runescape and added on msn.
I vaguely remember nightcore, its fairly upbeat right? The blissful days of yore, dont we all wish to go back sometimes?
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I dont know if it has been posted before but i listened the shit out of these on my psp as a kid.

actually it was the only song i had on there.
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>I used to play maplestory
God tier game. Beating the Balrog for the first time was one of the most exciting moments of my life.
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Where does the time go, Jesus Christ I'm tearing up.
baldness is weird man you get people going bald in their teens but then you centenarians with full heads
I feel the same feels op, this is heavy
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Oh god, DJ Nate, DJ Splash, DJ Melodie

I even remember listening to "HEYO CAPTAIN JACK" while doing agility training on runescape
>That song
Heaven better be real I swear
>that old youtube video you used to watch all the time you can't find anymore
what's her name /r9k/? I remember this cartoon I used to watch about a little boy who wanted to be dressed in a bunny suit with a waiter and crap.
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>you will never go back to the days of being a part of online forums
>innocent online rawr gf
>first discovering anime with entry shows like bleach and naruto
>thinking new grounds animations were funny and wasn't a jaded fuck towards everything

I miss it all so much. Best years of my life. I had friends, even if they were only online.
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>fluttery feeling
God... you made me remember what I used to feel during those days. Those were the fucking days. Anime felt like an awesome friend and such a discovery.

I would give anything if I could rewind back and just expierence that life again just for a single day.
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>drunk as shit like usual
>somebody randomly links me Autumn Voyage

What about this timeless classic on youtube tutorials?

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daily reminder if Ragnarok Online wasn't your first MMO you don't belong on 4chan
i hope some one remember this song....
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I've read some nice poems that relate to this. Does anyone know of any more?
Bit of a shot in the dark lads. But did anyone here ever play that run kitty run custom game on Warcraft 3? Anyone know that song that constantly played in it?
Runescape nostalgia legitimately makes me thinking about killing myself

It was the last time I was truly happy
Why do I like these songs so much ? I know they're supposed to be shit but they just makes me happy.
that was nightcore linkin park in the end lul
Thanks famalamamanam

Lethal dose of nostalgia this
lmao just join a guild and say gz when someone gets an achievement, there you make friends
Because it reminds you of a better time.
Yup, no one tells you that the older you get the worse vidya gets.
Sort of related and it wasn't letting me make a thread with this

Does anyone else autistically obsess about having "the perfect experience" for video games, anime, etc? This is hard to explain but for a few years now I've basically been focusing on making sure I'll remember watching or playing something fondly in the future, rather than actually enjoying it in the moment. I feel like a fucking tard for obsessing so much about something that matters so little, I would be a lot happier if I just experienced things without caring about how I would look back on them but I can't help it. I'm basically consuming media I enjoy only to be nostalgic about it years down the road.
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