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lads, it's work again tomorrow
oh no.
not for me wagecucks
Laughing to be honest.

Very apt lad and almost certainly smelly poo and pee - trips confirms it.
Please tell me there's still hope.

>still KHV at 20
>INTJ autist at uni
Got tomorrow off. Feels pretty good.
cats >>> doggos > women >>> men
why is this a thing? its like a meme from india
Hello, which emergency service do you need?
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There is hope mate. I was KHV at 20 too.

But I snapped out of it. Got my life together. And now, as you can see, I look great, feel great, and I've got a great girlfriend.

Anyone can make it.
So what happens in a few years when women of every age group are earning more than men and they're still not happy? Will they realise muh patriarchy isnt the cause of all their problems?
alright deano hows the missus
Sweet, how long has she been a woman?
Congrats anon.

I struggle to maintain superficial conversations with normies, I get really anxious
no silly. he's the woman. she's the ftm
Genuine LOL. Well done lad.
Fuck off lad, let's see your mrs.

Oh wait...haha.
Anyone else chemically burn their penis? It feels really good. I Have been using Alpha Hydroxy but im thinking about switching to a carboxylic acid.
Let's see your bank account.

Oh wait - the whore spent it all tee hee anony!
tfw procrastinating like fuck

Nothing will happen, it'll just keep getting worse. They'll still blame men without a shred of self reason or responsibility for their own actions.

Men are disappearing from the workplace due to globalisation moving all manufacturing jobs to the third world. Wages have stagnated since the 70's, less men are going to uni. Nobody can afford their own home any more thanks to the wage freeze and skyrocketing property prices.

What fucking hope is there for our generation. Women want all the benefits of being a man without any of the responsibility and then blame us when it goes wrong for them.
She actually earns almost as much as I do lad. I'd say she spends more on me than I ever do on her.

No wonder you don't have a girlfriend when you're that bitter.
Not sure on this one lad
I applied for 2 credit cards today

Unfortunately despite having 3 cards total, I don't have a visa credit card
sex robots though lad. things will change when they come out.

if women ban them i will genuinely start a holocaust.
How much does she earn?
Ah that's a shame lad. So you only have paki cards?
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Got laid for the first time at 22 last night with a 20 yo Asian girl last night, lads. Was pretty cool but I definitely came to realise how much society overhypes the whole thing. Don't feel any different aside from the loss of my wizarding potential.

Still she wants to keep things going for fuck knows what reason, this is a first for me entirely and I feel like the same robot I've always been. All other aspects of uni are still shit, too.

Overall feeling slightly above mediocre/10.
28 grand a year. I'm on 30.
From the thumbnail I thought that was a bloke, now I see neckwear that's DEFINITELY a man.
Virginity is not a big deal once you've lot it.

But you will feel better forever, not having that particular noose around your neck anymore.
Lad I'm on 80k+; more than both of you plebs put together.

To think I started off with 30 quid in my account.. Those were the days.
Is this the girl from anime club? Glad you got one on the board mate. It might not feel like a big deal but at least you've got it out of the way.
Good for you lad. I wasn't trying to have a pissing competition with you about money.
Does she know you hang out with a bunch of faggots on the internet?
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>zero hour shit
>no work in over 3 weeks
>on bennies now
>even they are starting to moan about shit now
i lost it at the same age. i felt a confidence boost for a week or so and then things felt the same.

the difference is between us and people that lose it young is that we're already too far gone. young people that lose it obviously did because of already having good social skills that they can then work on, develop, and strengthen. we are already a few steps behind.

at least we lost it but we will probably still be shit with women

You're thinking of a different anon, anon, but thanks for the kind words.
Yeah when she sees me on 4chan she always goes "Oh god are you talking to your weirdos again?"
No worry lad I just like to put people down when it comes to salaries. I feel I earned the right.
Trips can cuntfirm this truth. Hear hear smelly poo poo and wee wee
Must be exhausting having to compare yourself to other people to feel good.

I can understand feeling good about it for a second, but afterwards I'd just think "Why can I just be proud of myself as I am without looking down on others?" and just feel worse.

But whatever works for you lad.
This is very true. It feels like a huge deal to someone who struggles to form a relationship / get laid. Most people simply enjoy having sex as part of their life. It's not a huge deal, just something pleasurable you do with your s/o.

Checked, by the way.
Romanian girl's doing a shit lads.
Wait for her to come out, walk round the corner and complain about the smell. Get in her head lad.
Bang on the toilet door and shout "You're doing a shit! You're doing a shit!"
Try and sniff her butt soon as she comes out the toilet.
i just wasnt made for these times is kinda like my theme song

what is your theme song, lads?
I'm sure we've been through this before with Eastern European grills
you recording it lad, don't forget you said you would
>east European girl moves in
>she's a disgusting hippo
Bad luck mate.
I can listen to it over and over and over and over and over
Offer of an interview or an actual job offer?

If it's just the interview then wait and see how it goes
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you lads were being too harsh on babyzelda before. I think she's qt. I would definitely give her a good dicking
Depends on my mood. Blood of the Young Wolf by Buck 65 or Wicked and Weird by Buck 65.
This SS-GB is alright, but I wish the main character would stop doing his best Dark Knight impression for no real reason.
is that a fucking price board?
how low are these people
We should all be glad the resolution is shitty.
Evening you miserable bastards.
Mind your drippy dicks. Gonna fuck britfeel in the ass and make meme babies.
Wish me luck and pray they don't come out retarded or!evil.
she's so thicc hnnnnnnng my dick can't take it
>Growls incomprehensibly
A bit pissed off lads. The company I work for has made someone else a new partner.

I gave a shitload to that company. Pisses me off they are giving partnerships to other people and treating me like a resource.
yeah, I watch camwhores sometimes but I would never give them even a penny. I see some guys give them hundreds. why not just go to a prossie?
I might be retarded but at least I'm not British, thank god.
How disgusting. Have you considered leaving and never coming back?

You are a resource lad. Your life is just an economic unit of labour to be exploited for the benefit of someone else just so you can work to be poor.

>inb4 "be veeerry careful"
This sounds like the plot to a shit American tv drama.
What do you do for a living. Teach me how be rich
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>you lads were being too harsh on babyzelda before

You're being too generous now
Touch my balls and I'll make you my partner.
That's definitely how I am being treated. I'm paid well but I'm tired of not owning a piece of the company when they are giving it out like fucking smarties to dumb roasties.
Sadly it's the plot to my shit real life.
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mate I'd barely consider that chubby. this is what thicc looks like. god I wish I had nudes of this semen demon.
>tfw utterly disgusted but still want to get up in it

A-all of these (You's) lads.. Sweet Jesus, you all outdid yourselves.

>tfw /britfeel/ makes your day

Bathroom-cam coming soon lads.
I can just imagine the smell, it's giving me such a boner
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people defend this.....

At the moment just an interview. I don't know the start date for it so it's possible that by the time all the interviews are done and they make a decision (if I get the job) then I'd only have a week or two left on this contract.

I just get anxious and overthink these things.
yeah it looks pretty fucking beat but i've wanked to worse.
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Where art thee mine loveth
Mineth own Remfag
Wh're art thou whom is eyeless to thou'st seeker?
I thee loveth
>wants to be made partner in some big shot firm
>also shitposts on 4chan
I dont know mate, maybe they can smell the weird on you.
Don't over think it lad, if you get the job you want then it's just a case of explaining to each company what the situation is. This isn't unheard of I mean if you're job hunting there are usually offers and opportunities that collide.
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Fucking hell, Jesus Christ in fucking heaven why won't you just end my goddamn life if you hate me so much. /FUCK/.

I have .10mbps upload.

I mean I know I live on this little shitty vestigial island now but Jesus how am I meant to play Siege when my ping floats between 100-3000.

Oh, also post waifus
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>you will never bury your face in it
I fucking HATE being a virgin
she has that SJW fishmouth thing going on there
First day of the new job tomorrow lads!

I wonder if I'll actually go to this one.
Yeah that might be the issue.

Not that it's a big shot firm though.
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>tfw my ping is never higher than thirty
Thanks lad. I appreciate the kind support.
I remember those days, sharing a basic PlusNet connection with two other people

Being able to actually play youtube videos was a revelation
shit lad I feel sorry for her. that's just really unfortunate. I mean I'd still fuck her and finger her obviously but I'd be reluctant to eat her out and I fucking love licking pussy.
No gf
No job
Wan die
>repot someone cross-posting, forcing memes or avoiding the robot
>they actually get banned

It's the little things.
It used to be fine, then it got shit for, as far as I know, no reason. Now I'm stuck with this shit fluctuating between "shit" and "bearable".

I remember the old days of playing Roblox with a fucking dongle.

They weren't good days.
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>Tfw reporting popular things on other sites that only slightly skirt the rules just because I want to ruin peoples fun

normies pay the price!
should i buy ff7 for pc and mod it with better textures?
FF7 is mostly gouraud shading.......
Unless you own a PS4, sure

Otherwise wait for the remake
the remake changes everything about the combat though
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Cor croikey mayte
Good. ATB is shit
>10mbps UL
Just remember this; That's the maximum you can get in Canada short of a BUSINESS connection.
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Right here. Right here. Right - oh never mind
Wtf is this roblox. Feel like I'm getting old. I'm finally out of the loop
Lad, roblox was the shit back in 2008. You missed out.
imagine if lego had an online game
now imagine somehow the cheapest knockoff of such a game

that's roblox
It's back, kids are mad on it right now
Go to uni and study either of the following:

Computer science (programming essentially)

Following graduation and 2-3 years of experience, become self employed. I went for engineering, probably the least well paid of the three but it's still very lucrative. Programming you can learn yourself.. programmers are on day rates enough to make most people sick.

Shit, I might actually go back and play it. Just, you know. Ironically.
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>tfw I came very close to vomiting listening to that song
>tfw my brains aint doing me no good
2008? Wtf. Feel like I've woken up in the wrong reality. I've never heard of this. Just looked up a YouTube video of it and holy fuck the guy playing it made me want to die. He's doing all the pewdiepie stuff and it constantly jumps to his face cam. How can people watch this stuff https://youtu.be/GwB4HMSRy4A
i was on it on fri when looking after my mates 6yr old lad. he fucking loved it
Thanks for the advice but I'm a massive retard. Its the call centre life for me.
my mums making me go to therapy because she says it's not normal for a 19 year old to not have any friends or a girlfriend. also I started crying and saying that I hate myself. would therapy really help?
>going through this much effort for bait


Tell her she needs therapy to learn how to raise children properly
>spotty poof plays an 11 year old game for 11 year olds
>would therapy really help?
No lad. You're autistic like us, for life.
>would therapy really help?
More than crying would you massive poof.
I think a good rule for what youtubers are worth watching is: Do they show more of themselves than the object of the video? If so, they are shit.

But yeah, I suppose Roblox draws in that sort of crowd, what with it being aimed at prepubescent children.

Surprised it's still about really. So much from back around the old internet has disappeared.

Also, here's a blast from the past: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ejAMB3g_b8
Yes. Don't waste the opportunity.
You misunderstand lad, I mean .1mbps UL. POINT 1.
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>tfw mugged myself
>Computer science (programming essentially)
Programming isn't how you actually make money these days. The programmers almost always get fucked over because they're just a resource.
You'd be better off just getting a slight understanding of tech and focusing your time on the business
or creative side.

That's if we're talking about getting rich though, not just making a decent amount.
Brady is the classic that started it all
>tfw stuck in East Devon
I lost my virginity to a thai girl and the only difference I feel is I don't really want to have sex anymore, I feel the only reason I wanted to do it was because I was ashamed of almost being 20 and a virgin
do britfeelers meet up or are there any girl britfeelers
We meet up regularly. Specify a meeting place then the /lads/ join and essentially we all communicate via /britfeel/, no words spoken.
>do britfeelers meet up
There was an attempt once, it didn't go well
>are there any girl britfeelers
probably but I reckon they hide it
hopefully, I propose that all the girls of britfeel meetup in my bedroom.
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>Finally have everything I've ever wanted in life
>It doesn't make me feel any less empty inside
>Still got 40 or so years of this ahead of me

I just sit in my chair all day now, doing nothing.

I sold one anon drugs, if that counts. No confirmed females have been spotted in this land.
>enjoying a nice bag of Wotsits
>almost ate the whole bag
>look on the back
>best before 14/01/17

Pardon me?
It's one of my favourite songs partly because it allowed me to take a look at myself and feel disgust to the point of nearly being sick.

Don't worry lad, cheese doesn't go off
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Someone's having a shower, I'm actually legit considering pissing in a bottle

Is this what it's come to?
We've all been there. I once did a shit in a plastic bag.

Piss outside lad. The cold night air whipping at your dick feels good.

Do it anon. You never forget your first
I once shit on the floor and my dog ate it.
We've all been there lad. I took shits in a few mars duo bar wrappers in my time.
I took a shit in my garden when I was locked out once. Used a leaf to wipe and mashed it up with a stick to blend it in.

Retard pepes make me deeply uncomfortable for some reason
Just woke up lads. Who /nightowl/ here
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>I mean I know I live on this little shitty vestigial island now
how long you been here lad
A couple of times I've been standing up pissing and my dog has come up trying to lick, as though it was the garden hose. I've not caved into it yet
the window isn't at dick height
You must have been pretty confident to do it in such a small wrapper
I've shat in the woods a few times before, so leaves are ok for me

I mean go outside into the garden you savage.
i did a shit on my bedroom floor last week, can't get lower than that.
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Usually piss in the drain in the back garden when this happens

Make sure you piss IN the drain or people will start complaining that the garden stinks of piss
>Try pissing in a bottle for the first time
>It sprays everywhere even when I pull back the foreskin and push it right up against my pee hole
>End up pissing so much the 2L bottle is close to overflowing
>Have to fucking finish my piss in a milk jug
>Then smuggle it into the bathroom under a towel to get rid of the evidence

This is so much more effort than getting up and walking 6ft to the toilet, only reason I did it was because I was bursting and someone was in the shower
I meant Anglesey lad, been living in Britain my whole life.
Right onto the floor? Why not at least onto something you could throw out?
Used to chuck it out of the window personally, blamed the smell on the pupper.
I used to spit on my bedroom carpet when I was about 12. All my mates were spitting outside at school and I got into the habit for whatever fucking reason

This is why I drink lucozade, nice wide tops.
I shit onto kitchen paper.
This gross's me out more than the anon that shit on his floor
Lucozade bottles are a godsend for bottle pissers.
I know, I try not to think about it but that reminded me

We''ve changed the bedroom carpet since then though.
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I shit in this new invention called the "toilet"

Its pretty good desu
Not gonna lie, I've jizzed in a few crisp packets in my time

Alright Mr Millionaire
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You know how baths have like little grids over their plug holes? Well ours didn't so it was literally just a hole in the bath.
Used to shit down there for fun, was always great when you positioned it just right and the turd would fly down the plumbing with a nice *phwoop"

>Oneitis starts texting me
>Eventually sends nudes
>Invites me over to her new place
>I arrive
>Chad is there
>....what is happening
>Those nudes I received were ones she sent him
>"Just a prank bro"

Cheer me up britfeel
> meet up
Someone post the pic
Lads when I get stoned recently I watch Fred Dibnah videos on Youtube. There is no doubt Fred was a peadofile but I love the industrial stuff he presents. So much so I start watching canal videos and think of pushine people in the canal. Canals are dodgy as fuck lads but you have to appreciate the engineering.

>got nudes of Oneitis
>still expects sympathy

Seriously? Let's burn her fucking house down, lads.
Pure devilish matey.
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Thats fucking brutal lad
payback time lad
it's good to share.
let us see em
Don't think this happened

Why would she send nudes to you and Chad
Spread her nudes everywhere and let us dox her. Fuck her life up mate.
I've resorted to that tbqh when coming back from the pub and someone was having a bath.
What does it do, mr inventor?
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britfeel boys, time to lick some arse!
it's images like this that make me glad to be gay

what the fuck

*scimitar's you on the noggin*
Send them to me via 4chan, it's just a prank, of course.
only if it's boipucci
if not fuck off you sick bastard
>the smell

W-what does it smell like do you think lad?
stale beer
n 4 day old kebabs
show us the nudes lad
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Do it

You know it makes sense
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>body type: Curvy
>They are clearly morbidly obese
You can still shit on the grate, you just have to wafflestomp it down.
love the image.
you still listening to sea shanties lad
>body type: a little extra
>so huge they're basically immobile
It's just a number lad
That's not Karenposter. At least not the one who was playing black flag.
>personality: bubbly
>big fat heffalump
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>body type: a few extra pounds
>They are skinny as fuck and make you feel morbidly obese in comparison.
>personality: bubbly
>The winning combination of being obese AND an imbecile
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>One Message received!
>It's from the dating site asking if you'd like to upgrade your account
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my chicky nuggys werent cooked all the way through I ate two that had pink goopiness in them, am i gunna die now lads or am i stronger than ever?
Feeling depressed again, lads.

Going nowhere fast. Normal life is shit and every now and then something really bad will happen. It's a constant cycle. It feels like life is engineered against me.

Obviously, I could be some paralytic in Africa or a sex slave living on cum and piss but given that I'm not one of those things you'd think I'd get a bit of a fucking break some time.

I understand why people long for gfs. So nice to think that someone could just enter your life and make everything good again. Constant affection, something to look forward to, increase in intimacy which gives a sense of progression etc.

Not going to happen though :(
i liked him.
was he the good 1?
>grindr hookup coming round
>he claims to be "XL"

bets on his actual size, lads?

I'm positive he'll be a big guy
So massive you'll be updating us from hospital.
waist or cock
Romanian flatmate tier
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>I'm positive he'll be a big guy
For you.
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>Set height to 6 ft
>We have matched you with over 100 people!
>Set height to my actual height 5ft 7
>0 matches
Most appropriate Pepe lad.
>set sexuality to gay
>set sexuality to straight
>zero likes
as biscum, I've never got how anyone can claim with a straight face that women are just as sexual as men. Getting dick is so much easier than getting pussy. It makes me wonder how many gays are actually bi but just can't be arsed with women.
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I'm thinking about setting up 2 fake accounts on a dating website and talcking to one girl using both to see if she talks about one to the other one.
>Hourly pay is 8.00 (7.08 plus statutory holiday pay at 12%)

Lads what does that mean? New to the job world, is the real wage 7.08? Holiday pay, 12% of what?
yep, set myself to bi on some site i used to use (true enough i guess) all the messages were from old men

Does being openly bi hurt your chances with women? It's not a 50/50 split for me so if it's one or the other I'm sticking with women. But sometimes that boibucci calls to me in the night...
I think that means that your actual hourly pay is 7.08 but you get payed for holidays so it works out to 8 an hour over the year.
fuck knows lad. that doesn't make much sense.
why add holiday pay to the hourly pay?
no. that makes even less sense.
don't mean to be insulting lad

So unless I take days off I wont get full wages?
Weird. That's some trickery the real wage is actually a quid lower
>So unless I take days off

Last company I worked for forced you to take time off.

They're just being scummy to advertise at a higher wage. The pay is 7.08.

different anon that posted the karen here

I saved a few from brit/pol/ before the trip fags got too much to handle desu
>like learning about old games
>like seeing what new games do
>have no interest in actually playing either anymore
anyone else the same?
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What did the big guy mean by this?
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Been getting /fit/
Cut out the porn from my life
Go outside for a walk just to get some fresh air
Been practicing guitar
Staying on top of my uni work
Been getting a good nights sleep
(Even caught a cute girl checking me out)
Finally feeling comfortable in my own skin

Have I made it anons? I'm feeling pretty cheery all the time
Well I work in admin, work 9 till 5 for 15/hr and get payed for my mandatory several weeks a year holidays. So in actual fact my hourly wage is lower since i'm getting payed for time when I'm not working.

So if you work 2 hours for 100 days for 10,000 thats 50/hr BUT if you are forced to take 50 days payed holiday that doesn't bump your total earnings up by 5,000 it just spreads your yearly income out which comes out to about 33/hour. So you are working a 50/hr job but for 33/hr when you take into account holidays from my example

In reality the difference will be much smaller like what the other anon said 8/hr down to 7.08/hr

So I'm a full time worker and get 23 days holiday per year, of which 8-9 must be used on bank holidays (therefore I can book 14-15 whenever I want)

I've only just realised now that there is a 28 day statutory minimum and I've been shafted.
>Have I made it anons? I'm feeling pretty cheery all the time
You're still here so it can't be going that great
Yes. You've made it. now you can leave forever please
>Have I made it anons? I'm feeling pretty cheery all the time
Lad I've been where you are so many times. Answer to 'have I made it' is unlikely so. Sorry lad, you're a spazzy sperg like all of us, see you tomorrow.
You ask me if I was the good one.
Yes. Only differences is most places don't advertise it like that. They give you an hourly and a yearly. In the original anons post the employer is just being scummy and trying to advertise in a higher wage bracket.
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Off to smoke my 'power weed' lads. Love you all. Speak tomorrow.
you still on that lad.
i'm off for a splif in a min
ak-47 for me
Force of habit I guess anon, this place is bretty great for a shit hole

I'll try quiting I guess, but the chan has had a pretty positive effect on my life, so why quit?

See you tomorrow
Fucking this

>get a comfy job
>get some close friends
>get a gf

It always crumbles apart and I end up back here
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This time it'll be different...
post your oneitis lads.
Yep lad, I've eked it out as per usual. Enjoy your spliff lad.
shit, I didn't mean to reply to that but she is fat so I guess it is relevant. I don't care though I like fat girls.
>been single for almost 9 years
>can't drive
>have no ambition or prospects for the future
>signed up to OKC about 2 years ago
>trying to write positively about yourself to the opposite sex is almost impossible when you have nothing to offer
>have a couple of chances over the years with women
>completely blow them through self sabotage
>keep trying though through some sense of false hope

>more women than men go to university now
>women will only consider men viable for dating if they are equal to or better than them
>less men with uni educations pushes more and more men completely out of the dating scene
>women cry for years about how there's no "good men" left because of their unrealistically high expectations driven by third wave feminism

Whats the point in carrying on as a low status man? No woman is ever gonna love us for who we are. Mens status and confidence revolves around work and his ability to provide to society.

My friends tell me that not all women care about that kind of thing. That there's some women out there who only want love.

A woman who only wants love and tries to fix you with no personal gain on her part? They call that a manic pixie dream girl for a reason..because they only exist in fiction...
ur oneitis is shit lad
Yeah Demi is pretty cute
>body type: average
>they're fat as fuck
wtf, how do you know her name?
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>post your oneitis
If you insist.
Shagged her lad, lives in Holyhead right?
Imagine marching out to this


European history and culture is GOAT
I know Demi too lad! Going to tell her you posted her on /britfeel/! LOL
Lads, do you ever get sick of idle entertainment?

If I was neet I don't think I'd have a problem with it. But since getting a job (I had to) spending my free time on vidya or TV shows I'm not really interested in (but would watch if time wasn't an issue) seems unjustifiable. But I can't commit to anything really productive. Wanking seems to be my only hobby at the moment. I tell myself I'll only cum once a day so I better have good long sessions.
ok lads your creeping me out right now
Auf der heide bluht ein kleines blumelein is a pretty good song
yeah i sensed it might of been lad. that's why i worded my response carefully, in anticipation of confirmation
was you in the shipman doc as well lad.
posting the glorious medieval music.
liked him as well desu.
was he the good 1 too
Looks like Hodgy on HRT
Just pulling your leg mate, you can get her normiebook from the filename you posted
How new our newfriend must be...
shit yeah I forgot you could do that.
Why does she have a Pontefract cake in her ear? It looks ridiculous desu.
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IKR lad? Got to be a careful, diligent LAD!!1
No worries.

I really did send her a message though, with a link to this thread
Me too. Kek. She'll probably be able to figure out who the 'odd' anon is.
I know. She's also smothered with tats which isnt usually my thing. I fear I have gone quite mad.
Not that lad but this is my biggest fear, it's why I refrain posting photos of my oneitis ever, saw one that who's oneitis got found through just reverse image searching
>doxxing some poor girl
I thought we were better than that? Gonna message her and tell her I am here if m'lady needs protection from you savages.
Ok Dan
HAHA this is a lesson to all desperate virgin anons.
I think it would be a blessing in disguise. Having a oneitis will only bring you pain.
>live in a shitty apartment with rising damp
>work stacking shelves at tesco
didn't think life would turn out like this lads.
Nah lad I couldn't give a toss if my oneitis found I liked her but jesus if it got out I post about how much I love her a mongolian pottery board, probably be labelled a creep for the rest of my days

Firstly it's not DOXXING. secondly she is a roastie, snake with tits normie whore - anything but innocent.
That neck tattoo looks trashy. Imagine her in 50 years, hobbling down to the post office to collect her pension covered in that shit. Normies don't really think these things through.
Yeah, I'm IHateBritfeel on cytube
i am enjoying it as we speak lad.
been naughty and having it in the bathroom
i'd say to enjoy yours as well, but we're getting stoned lad. it's highly enjoyable.
so is a wank. i'm off for 1 of those as well.heehee
forgot to say.
>love you 2 lad. see ya tomorrow
>tfw really struggling for money right now
I would take money of a loan shark, that's how bad shit is getting
Demi, don't listen to them you're a beautiful lady. Please email me :)
She's a pretty heavy drug user with a mental illness. I dont think she's planning on living that long.
You're just losing more money doing that though lad.
Got so pissed I took a 10 minute piss against a tree on the side of the road on my way home from the pub last night

Had too many green drinks and my shit was green this morning
>She's a pretty heavy drug user with a mental illness.

Poor special snowflake.

>I dont think she's planning on living that long.

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might as well go for the hatrick
was pic related about you as well
pics from last year when i asked for a nice heart warming pic, after somebody suggested to gondola anon to draw a world without /britfeel/
>no ill intentions on my part here lad.
i thought he was alright as well
was he the good 1 too?
I didn't have her down for being a model citizen tbqhfamalamalam.
got a sensitive scalp lads
Got a sensitive side lads
got a sensitive cock lads
got a sensitive helmet lads
no bully me you bastards, it's a serious problem
I've never seen the before in my life, I'm sorry to say.
I wouldn't know if he was a good one.
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Do you think killing someone is very unpleasant, very enjoyable or somewhere in-between?
sorry lad i didn't mean to bully.
bet it's a bugger. can you not find any home remedies for it or owt
>the past year I have been drinking almost everyday
>getting shitfaced in numerous pubs by myself and getting kicked out of them all
>turning up to work drunk and getting sacked
>have lost practically all my friends because of my drinking

I don't know what to do lads. I wish I could move to another city maybe even another country because I can't cope with the shame of staying in this place. Everyone here think's I'm pathetic. Bumping in to someone I remember having a drunken moment with ruins my day, and this is inevitable being in such a small place.

What should I do? Anyone know this feel?

Drink less you fucking spacker

There is strong reasons to believe both

>Very unpleasant
It's extremely rare, even in the worst countries only 1 in 5,000 will ever kill, in the west it's like 1 in 100,000
It usually takes a severe grievance to push someone to it

>Very pleasant
The consequences are severe, life imprisonment, death penalty, or you live a life on the run, possible with people seeking their own vengeance on you, yet people still do it.
ah well. my memory might be wrong, it might not even of been karen, it was just your cytube name that got me thinking
skipping town might help you but it will only help if you can control the drinking. I drink most days but none of my friends know about it, they can't see me at home
>drinking everyday
>not doing it at home like a dignified alcoholic
Depends on why you're killing them, I imagine.
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just woke up - eating my meal of

sweet spaghetti with a sweet filling in a rainbow strip bowl served with red seedless grapes and finishing a movie I started before falling asleep

what are my fellow NEETs getting upto on this awful night?
m8 how to get a comfy high wage admin job?

i've been stuck in the minimum wage bracket since I left college (27 now), highest I ever earnt was 10.60 but thats for a weekend night shift.

i've applied for admin jobs but never a reply. This call centre and retail shit is killing me, plus no gf
why are all your meals so tasty? its not fair
jesus lad how are you even still alive
Whats the scribbled out bits
random pieces of paper with stuff on them, I can't be bothered checking but they could have senistive info on so I just scribble it out

Killing a random person or Chad / Stacy who have no connection to you is immoral and i wouldnt find pleasure in it

Killing someone who has wronged you and affected your life trajectory, I have no qualms against it and would enjoy torturing them.

I'd be over the moon if i could torture the negro in secondary school who pulled down my trousers and exposed my small pecker

i'd happily skin him alive with a rusty butchers knife and morality wouldn't flicker in my mind
yeah i know it lad. not the pub bit though. i do it on couch nowadys
but was breddy bad on class As when i was younger. and have had a few drunk episodes at my mums when i lived there. seems everyone round here knows about my past.
all i do is stay in muh little hobbit hole, suppin muh beer, getting stoned, waiting for the day i die.

Convert to Islam. You will find peace, brother.
Well I've ''quit'' I forgot to mention. It's been several days since my last drink, I had horrible withdrawal symptoms and I really don't want another drink now.
I do too, but I have this horrible habit of going outside to pubs and such, making a fucking fool of myself. I did this anyway when I had friends, part of the reason they left me I guess.

It's pretty hard for me to skip town as it's so cheap here and I managed to live here whilst blowing my savings on booze.

If I get another job here only one person has to recognise me and that's it, job gone.
Alright tough guy. You sure you have the stomach for torture? Hearing the screams for mercy while you hack flesh from bone, all because your penis was shamed by a coloured boy?
how do manage to make a fool of yourself all the time, surely as time has gone on you have got better at handling you drink
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>Killing someone who has wronged you and affected your life trajectory, I have no qualms against it and would enjoy torturing them.
>total 5/10 girl
>read her profile and find her very funny.
>Well educated
>we have similar likes/dislikes (86% match)
>Decide to message her
>No response and she's been online several times in the last month.

Wheres that picture showing 5 and 6/10s wanting 8/10, 7/10s wanting 9/10s and 8/10,9/10and10/10s wanting 10/10s. Why can't below average girls like average me?
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please let me cook you a proper meal, I can't stand this anymore
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>tfw reading up on the internet and realizing that you're almost certainly an unironic autist
Explains why I'm here tbqh.
>she leans in for a kiss
>think she just wants to give me a smuck on the cheek
>Dodge it, do it twice actually
>Sperg out something about being nervous and shit
>3rd time the charm
Ready to kill myself lads, that was the most embarrassing moment in my life so far.
How do ugly guys get gfs lads. I've seen it far too many times in town for it to be impossible. I need to learn their secrets
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what meals do you have in mind anon?
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You wouldn't be laughing if you were his victim
>Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Top taste, lad.
you use a lot of paper bowls and plates lad?
i'm trying to cut washing up out of my life and am considering getting paper bowls and plates but don't know of they word be viable. do they hold liquids well?
>how do manage to make a fool of yourself all the time, surely as time has gone on you have got better at handling you drink
I like being so drunk I black out. I'm really addicted to being stupidly drunk. Just the side effects are that I do stupid shit.
Yes m8 i've seen plenty of snuff to desensitise me.

What I said about the life trajectory bit, the shame that resulted from that caused me to become a social recluse and I had a lot of time to peruse the internet, saw gore/torture videos far too early in life.
Something with my "white sauce"
Post what your listening to lads

Maybe she's really shy since she's as you say a 5/10. Give her the benefit of the doubt and give a funny 'pls respond haha' type things. If she is interested this will encourage her if she's not she'll tell you to fuck off and stop being a creep but you have nothing to lose.
Watching videos is not the same as the real thing. Have you ever hurt a living creature? Or seen real suffering in person? Or even injured yourself in some messy way?
seriously am loving this
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I exclusively use paper/plastic plates and cutlery. I don't eat at restaurants which use normal plates/cutlery either. its easy to spill liquids and drop stuff off them but not too bad if your careful.

that sounds like it could be nice
That's a big album
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>That's a big album
For you.
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do you like lasagna? because i'm told I make a really good one, i'm also good with other pastas, pies, soup and even roast but the last is more of a treat
Yes what this anon said: >>34993458

I would just add that if she responds negatively start sending rape-fics to her until she blocks you.

Waifu posters, what caused you to sink so low as to obsess over a cartoon girl?
I couldn't bring myself to interact to with real women so I interact with other men online by pretending to be married to a japanese cartoon character.

Lot of guys can make up for uggoness by being complete bantermasters, being assertive etc
>tfw you became a Brit/pol/ tripfag and now regret it because your history will always be archived and someone might identify your writing style and tie what you said to your trip
>my oneitis from uni is visiting me next weekend
>going to spend all week sperging and strategising how THIS is the time I'll be super charming and woo her
>will inevitably just puss out

JUST lads

why live?

Why can't you bring yourself to interact with real women?
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>Absolute 10/10 personality and not bad to look at either
>we are really hitting it off
>its all going great
>"oh if you don't mind can we push our date back a few days I need to fins a babysitter for my son"

Such a shame. It was all going so well too.
you've just helped seal the deal lad.
fuck the washing up it's going in bin
did a roll a bit back and kek deemed i should cut washing up out my life
1 step closer now lad.but still left with pots, pans and utensils to deal with

I hope you're going to let her down in the most crushing way.
>tfw you almost consider starting to use Reddit as you consider the need to wean yourself off 4chan if you ever want to go back to having a personality.
cartoons don't hurt you

she probably has too many messages or has stupidly high standards like most women. im an 8 out of 10 and most 5s dont even respond to me. most of my replies on dating sites are off fat girls. the odd 8/9 out of 10 girl does reply but its rare, and even when they do reply they are normally really apathetic and boring. ive only got one date off pof, and she was a 6/10 but she had a pretty good job, well educated, and a bit interesting. fucked an 8/10 off tinder once. but yeah, my point is that girls fucknig ignore most fellas. i have literally spoke to girls in clubs and they have told me that i am the best looking guy in the room but i still struggle with women, especially women on dating sites. i get a reply like 1 every 10 messages and most of the women i message are 5s/6s out of 10

>reddit users
>having a unique personality
>lul dickbutt lmao xD :D
The autism that pumps through my veins
it's not that they're anything but filthy normies, but that having a single account would force me to silence my normally contradictory posting style.

right now i can talk about degenerate filth in one thread while attacking someone else's implied degeneracy in another.

reddit i only considered because it has a similarly wide-range of discussion, having killed proper forums for the most part
>i can talk about degenerate filth in one thread while attacking someone else's implied degeneracy in another.
dont restrict yourself from doing what everybody else is
Cherry Pepsi Max lads
>that ugly bitch whining about being called a nigger is still the main headline on the news
Christ I hate her so much.
Thats a pretty fucking important thing to put on your dating profile or atleast bring up before the first date. Fucking desperate women man jesus. Probably just looking for a new daddy to leech off and support little timmy. fuck that noise.
Thanks for the fucking birthday present idea. It's been twenty days since my sister's birthday.
It prevents self-improvement and leaves me the incoherent mess of a person that I am.

I'm not saying I need to fully suppress things, it's just that without any reference points to define myself against I wind up not really existing. When I used 4chan and regular forums together, I was fine.

I know what you mean lad. Women have kids these days because they think that it's what they're "supposed" to do or to fill some kind of void in their life.

So they fuck some delinquent chav in a drunken one night stand in their early 20's or even as a teenager and get pregnant. Why do they keep it?

Todays women don't have what it takes to sacrifice their personal life to make sure their kids have it better than they do.

They have kids because women are fucking retarded but still except to keep their party carefree life before they were stupid enough to get pregnant.

Instead of having kids just get a fucking PS4 or something.
yeah I'd never have to wash up if I lived on my own. My plate thing isn't about washing up though but it surely is a benefit

I've got some of that downstairs... didn't even know it existed till it started appearing out of no where in my house. tastes wierd
My dad's side of the family is full of chav scum that seem to do nothing but pop out babies. A lot of them have a partner but they have no real plan for making their kids lives worth living and just sit around like lazy cunts letting them do whatever they want. My dad himself has (at least) eight children with 3 different women.
yeah i'm still a bit away from the dream, but it's reassuring knowing the paper plate option is feasable
think i'll celebrate this momentous occasion by
starting my bedtime routine.splif wank bed

Because they know that they can just get more bennies. It's all part of the 30+ year social decline we've been experiencing.

delinquent parents raise delinquent children because of the thatcher years ruining our industry economy.
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>have a 9 am lecture
>some absolute cunt in my flat keeps slamming doors every 10 minutes
>remember i'm going nowhere in life and will never be fit for employment but will never get approved for ESA either
at this stage i'm 99% sure my only hope is a helicopter crashing into my house and killing me before i know what happend
>drank a can of rockstar an hour ago
>laying on my bed having heart palpitations
It's been a good ride lads. Remember me.

>A block of flats on my street blew up this week
>It wasn't my block
RIP your suffering ends soon anon
Having an argument with the gf over Skype

Keep slamming the door in frustration, hope nobody notices
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Reet lads, been away from the thread for a while due to being mostly working and painting and mostly posting on /tg/, but I got my stuff back from cuntflaps.
He also finally replied to my messages, but only to mock me after someone told him I was considering taking him to small claims court
Having an argument the the gf
Keep slamming her head into cupboard doors in frustration, hope nobody notices
when i have an argument with my gf i put her in the washing machine without any fabric softener
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why do you still play with dolls anon?
Why do u still play with ur weenus?
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i will never be a sympathetic character

there is no year zero
then i tell her shes a bad bad waifu but we cuddle and make up
i also know this feeling you describe
i want to go get checked out, but am fucking nervous as fuck desu
b-but no softner
d-doesn't that p-punish you as well?
of course, i tell her, this hurts me more than hurts you

What happened?

someone acting like a cunt ?
Guy essentially stole my stuff by withholding it from me. Cba to do the full backstory behind everything again
>nearly randomly start crying as i look at my porn folder and my entire personally wells together at once and realizes what time i've wasted
>eyes water
>Don't actually cry despite wanting to
>emptiness sets in
that is true love, senpai
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>Finally finish preparing for interview tomorrow
>Application deadline was Friday
Is it even worth calling them in the morning? I feel like such an idiot.
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Did basically the same shit early last year.
Limmy is a robot celebrity imo, if such a thing can exist. Some sad bastard recording shit on youtube from his bennies den. I know he's doing ok, but I'm convinced he's not a well man. He knows his way around depression, bare minimum.
Limmy has children and is a celebrity appearing on national TV. He's not a robot by any stretch. Simply attempting suicide doesn't mean you're a robot.
Depends on your definition. I imagine the bulk of his time is spent on his own recording semi-lucid inane shit on a webcam. He will not be on TV again, more than likely. The only thing that would put him out of the running is the kids, but if you looked at his internal life, his mental landscape, I'd expect it to be pretty robotic.
Yeah I know the feel mate. Nobody at work knows I'm a NEET.
>Nobody at work knows I'm a NEET.
U wot m8?
it's a state of mind :^)
It most certainly is not.
that's not what >>34995257 says
it's actually my day off tomorrow, the (not) joys of shift work
A robot is not the same as a NEET. Robot is a state of mind, NEET actually refers to your living situation.
wrong, NEET is a necessary component of being a robot
So in that case, he's neither.
that took longer than it should have
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Let's settle this. Any score below 60 is not allowed in these threads.
>no sexual attraction to under-15s +3
Why some many points? You cant be a robot without wanting to fiddle underage girls?
Got 40.
A normie would bury these feelings. Any straight male is attracted to a developed female.
but i need more content
>below 60 not allowed
bugger. i got 56
But should it really get more points than having children you're proud of? Having children at all is hyper-normie.
All normies will deny attraction to someone below the legal age limit, frew have children.
>Any score below 60
I'm sure he meant 'above'.
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Lads, things that seem simple to other people are really complicated and confusing to me. I don't know how to go on holiday or learn to drive

I want to die
Better yet

>implying someone scoring below 60 raising children well
got the week booked of, so feeling pretty comfy
I think all the grand wizards have left for wizchn by now.

Nice trips. What are you plans for the week? vidja? reading? movies?
Some of us still lurk here, trying to maintain the old ways and reminding the new users of tradition.
May your waifu carry you through the gates of Valhalla, sir.
Gensokyo mate. Remember the old ways.
I think Mr Robot was a bad show for us. Yeah he's crazy but it makes it seem like every autist is also a genius who is having women throw themselves at him. Some of us are just shit.
Wait are you saying women don't throw themselves at you?
Growing up>.
Becoming a liberal>.
Pick one>.nigger
I'm more likely to throw one of them into a canal.
When the real NEET hours hit, this thread is empty. Sad.
NEETs are still constrained by JSA appointments, shop opening times, postman deliveries etc. There's not really any benefit to being up this late, especially when you've put cardboard up at your windows like I have.
These aren't REAL NEET hours. Those start at 3:30am. Soon though, soon.


I'm a bit late
but i'm up and i'm not NEET, so what now?
so go to bed
I dunno, a student?
>having a JSA appointment first thing monday morning
Just thinking about it makes me ill. I'm clinging to ESA til my dying breath.
It's a bad show in general
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>no smoking addiction - vaping included
>don't smoke weed
>have no interest in tabletop gaming
>no criminal record

this image is very obviously made by a neo-4channer who came here in 2014 or onwards from reddit and is aged 15-19
I gave up after the first season. I assume it got worse.
tfw cyborg

I forgot to ask who made this?

wonderful! desu
I gave up after half way through the second.
It got worse.
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Craving a dominos but it's shut. Why couldn't I want one a few hours ago
Fuck I'm spooked lads, heard something in my front garden, looked out my window and the front gate is open. I can't think of a time my dad has never shut the front gate on a night time.
it never lives up to the craving lad, had one last week it was underwhelming
Oh shit, best thing to do is to get into your dad's bed and cuddle each other to sleep, you know for comfort and security.

and maybe dadcest

its lenlad, hes coming for you, say your prayers m8
what the hell
I shit you fucking not, I went to the toilet to piss, looked outside and gate is fucking closed. Legitimately think I've been robbed
That was a prank
>harassing a man just buying his weeks shopping

to be fair its very considerate of the burglar to close the gate after, do you have a garage or anything outside that could have been stolen? or maybe its just someone reading this thread and fucking with you
dont look in the closet anon
Just a shed, not much valuable in it but gypsies take anything around here for scrap. I'm beginning to think it's the wind, I'm hoping it's the wind.
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the gates open again
go downstairs and fucking brain the cunt
you might have a carbon monoxide leak and its causing you to become confused and delirious
why did you open your gate anon?
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>binge ate pringles and sweets at 3am again
weather forecast is almost non-stop wind and rain for the next 2 weeks, fuck this
I'm off to make a peanut butter and nutella sandwich
I'm not a fan of Lord of The Arena either
Its been another night of regretting wasting my youth and teenage years lads
anyone got any eletric trimmer/shaver suggestions for armpit, ball, bum and leg hair?
There was no nutella left, it's a sad day, had to make due with jam
>not eating peanut butter
it was peanut butter and jam lad
Good. I tried that a week ago and it's pretty top.
she's been blacked multiple times
4 more days until my first universal credit payment

think i'm gonna make it lads, but only by a gnat's whisker

keeping myself occupied for an all nighter
i cant wait to go to sleep at 9 am to wake up at 6pm. what the fuck is wrong with me
Why is the dry jan poster still in the window when it's the middle of February?
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Because I've lost control of my life.

i want to stick my penis in a girl lads
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i want a girl to stick her penis in me

>its already mid Feburary. you didn't have to remind us
the only reason i'm nocturnal is to avoid the shame of seeing my parents all day, since i'm a dumb NEET
sounds similar to what made me a nocturnal NEET

being awake at night I feel less guilty of not doing anything productive since most normies are sleeping but during the day I hear sounds and see normies about the place and feel worse.

that and I don't have to interact with my parents
>tfw applying for jobs, but too lazy to change my cover letter, so i'm applying for warehouse jobs with a covering letter that brags about how good i am with data entry and microsoft office
I'm going to be on JSA in a few weeks, can some one answer a question. Are you meant to just apply to every job possible even if you aren't qualified. Job hunting on my own I find maybe 2-3 jobs every few days I'm qualified for. How the fuck do they expect to find so many
I got 37. Wow. I feel bad.
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really liking this brain meme thats going on at the moment
I got 23 but its a reddit tier list anyway, how the fuck does not smoking and doing weed give you points. fairly certain smoking weed is as normie as it gets
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>fill out bennies book
>"did you apply for this job anon?"
>ok good

As long as you have written something down that resembles a job search they will believe you

Being a job center desk monkey looks worse than being on bennies desu
kind of

if you're lucky, you'll get a sympathetic advisor who doesn't look too closely when they check your work searching history, but generally, yeah you're expected to apply for any and all jobs that you could potentially get
>dream about spraying a bee with flyspray so it turns into a big hornet and gets really angry and fills the house with buzzing
>eventually i'm locked outside the glass door of the house looking at this hornet trying to sting me through the window
>wake up
>the omnipresent buzzing was my laptop fan, as heard through dream logic
"I think creativity always lives somewhere in everyone, but its nature is quite pranksterish and slippery and every time you grab its tail its found a new corner to thrive in. Perhaps the trick is not to force it and put it up against a wall and want it to be in a particular area. But rather with a lot of kindness, sniff it out and wonder where it has gone to this time around. If its in sauce recipes, writing theatre plays, papermache, improve with nephews, discovering new hiking routes or simply trying to figure out a family members sense of humour. I definitely don't succeed in this all the time but feel overall things have been more fertile when I trust this creatures instincts and follow it rather than me wilfully reforming it into a circus animal colouring by numbers. Anyways, as much as you'd like to ignore this animal, you have to attend it, because if you don't then dark times turn up."

Bjork really motivates me lads
Lads please yell me theres a way out, besides suicide. Graduated from uni last year and have currently been working for about 3 months. Cant stand the 9-5 slavery. The only time i enjoy is getting my 1 hlur brwak for lunch which i spend in my car, pretty sad.
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i started talking to a lass after a month and a half of silence after me saying some rude stuff

that night i dreamed again, for the first time in as long as i can remember

now she's in my head all the time and i don't know how to feel about it

why am i such a pussy, robots?

why do i keep acting like a dog with its tail between its legs whenever i talk to her?

and most of all..
why can't i be with her?

Are you dumb as shit?
This is how I was when I first graduated uni and got my first job. I quit after a year and I've been a NEET for 2 years ever since.

I used to wait until 2pm to take my lunch break too, so that when I came back I'd only have to work 2 more hours until home time.
Stop being so goddamn edgy. So you don't like your job, boo fucking hoo. Just get on with it and go the pub to get pissed after work like the rest of the world.
Not usually, no.. Why?
>hair going back a bit at the sides
>only 25
lads help
I got the 82-94 range. The guy's called Mr. Robot for goodness sake, I'm staying.
Got 37, not as bad as I was expecting.

>tfw if i didn't have that ONE kiss that ONE time, i would have made it into wizard apprentice
10 posts before its all forgotten and starts again.
local taxis put their price up from 2.50 to 3.00 for the first mile.

its criminal.
bloody brexit!!!!
>Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

We're all insane
Not sure how Pakis are affected by European immigration. They dominate the taxi industry throughout the country right?
it was a joke friend
Yeah, I gathered it was a 'Thanks, Obama!' type comment. My question was genuine though. I was wondering if it was just the Norf so afflicted.
mate this is luls not pol. fuck off with your deep shit at 09:13am
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Well fuck this dead thread and fuck yoooooooou
off to therapey to get theraped.

see you next thread
I made it senpai, hope you liked it

thank you!
It's finally happening lads.

I'm moving out and I never have to see my scummy family ever again.
>local taxis put their price up from 2.50 to 3.00 for the first mile.
> Giving Muhammad money.
Sneaking in a Monday waifu post before the thread dies.

Twenty minutes late today lads, I wonder when somebody's gonna say something.
she sleeve too big for she damn arms
someone make new thread i don't have the daytime op
stop being late, you poofter
A true and just kek my champion of valor!
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