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Is he already a top 10 president?

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Is he already a top 10 president?
No he's trash

Lol? He is the most unliked president in history
he will be the president with the second shortest term after that guy who died a few weeks after his inaugural address
>Is he already a top 10 president?
Top 10 of the most entertaining(if you're not American at least).
>everyone's white again
Definitely Top 5.
He changed the political game forever and is pissing people off left and right (is that a pun?) so you know he doing something right.

Great men are never good men.
yeah they're (((white))) for sure.
his only accomplishment is getting ranked below obama and bush before the first full month is over.
This. Trump 2020.
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he's the goat, sorry lads
He really hasn't done anything big enough yet for him to even be considered a top ten.
>Singlehandedly making the entire world tense
>On his knees for fucking PUTIN of all people

Greatest of all time. Also who would people even be shilling for these days? Pence?
>believing anything said by any news organization
>Believing the tweets from a raving lunatic instead. This is better somehow.

Because it confirms the memes he already believes. Same reason anyone believes any source of political information over any other.
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Nigger, do you realize how fucking retarded you sound right now? How do you even know that Trump is really president, or that the US government even exists, if everything on the news is fake? kys
I think his post was satire anon

but trump supporters are so retarded it's hard to tell nowadays, I will concede that
No, he's an ineffective extremist. Donald Trump isn't the devil the liberal media portray him to be, but neither is he the Lord and Saviour /pol/ tries to shill him as.
He falls in the middle: he has some good ideas a and he has some bad ones. So far, he's alienated many except for his staunchest supporters; has had his Muslim ban blocked by courts; waved his dick at Iran and Russia, inflaming already tense relationships; has backed away from his long-promised wall, realizing the inability to compel Mexico to pay for it; he shitposts on Twitter, berating foreigners or insulting fellow American citizens.
Donald Trump may not be a bad president so far, but he certainly isn't a good president.
I'm American and I still find it all entertaining. Let that say something.
>he certainly isn't a good president.
You're right; he's a great President. He's the only one to affect actual change in decades. Mental insanity is running rampant in the form of political correctness where people are openly advocating for open borders. With that being what he's up against, the farther he can remove the farthest left crowd from that train of thought and damage the globalist monopolized media, the more he helps this country.
I'm a registered Republican and I think he is a fucking embarrassment
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If you're not first, you're last.
Trump isn't last in anything, believe me.
There are actually some people who believe that Trump is a bad president. Sad!
Oh god, is he really that short? I can't believe I voted for a manlet.
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I'm a registered Democrat, and fell for the memes an voted for Trump
I have no right to bitch, but goddamn I'm starting to think Hillary was the right choice
You faggots lost the party, bend the knee or fuck off back to church

>he fell for the /pol/ meme

As a rule of thumb you should always do the opposite of what /pol/ says, I guarantee you will have a better life
Lel kek lol

He fell for the president meme

Jesus, can you get any fucking stupidere than this
>"trump isn't last in anything"
>dressing himself
>his golf game is pretty shit
What will hurt democrats more?
The fact that he won the presidency, or if he gets elected for a second term?
>spends more time playing golf than Obama
>is worse at golf than Obama
desu just completely cucked.
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>mfw normiebots here try to make fun of le drumpfff but have trump living in their heads 24/7, rent-free
Its gonna be a long 8 years, folks
definitely top 50
>Is he already a top 10 president?
Top 2.
He's had like 3 major scandals in his first month. I hope he's in there long enough to fail at 90 percent of his policies just so I can laugh at this poor man's Bush
You realise he won't run for a second term when he realises his approval ratings are an all time low?
>bad at a sport
nigga is like 70 desu
Accurate. He's solidly in the realm of mediocrity.

His election campaign != his tenure
He's getting a lot of shit done so early in his presidency and I respect the man for that.
Wonder how long it will be after his two terms until people see how good of a leader he was.
I say 10 years
Yes, top 10 worst presidents.

But considering bad presidents are well liked in retrospect, because of the immense change and controversy they cause, he will end up being celebrated.

Just look at Andrew Jackson for example.
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>le dwumpff xdd will never be republican nominee
>le drumpf xdd eksdee will never be pwesideewnttt eksdee
>le flumpffy eksdee will never be re-elected
I dont want a democrat or republican hes gonns get shit done hes had enough faggotry
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oh noes the polls r saying his approval ratings are low how will he ever recover from this, does he still have a chance at florida guys? also texas is flipping blue rite??? can he get 270 guisseee??????
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>a sport
Hes easily top 3.
Didn't he try to ban immigrants from certain countries and get BTFO? My university's international program was celebrating it, I think.
Trump is the only president in 40 years to actually fucking do anything he he promised to do. And he's draining the swamp.
A lot of people are just gonna see it as him keeping his election promises, and democrats obstructing him from doing what he promised to do.
>draining the swamp
>and instead filling the roles with people who have no idea what they're doing
where do you think we are
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>people who have no idea what they're doing
hey we already replaced them when obongo got out remember?
>people with decades of experience in their respective sectors
>no idea what they are doing
Explain Rick Perry leading the Dept of Energy
Definitely Top 10... I'd say
1. Washington
2. Reagan
3. Truman **
4. Trump

Where's Hilary? That Bitch lost!!
>competent sociopaths are better than incompetent well meaning people

Not the first time I've heard this argument and I'm not sure how people don't see this
explain what's wrong with that
>draining the swamp
>replacing it with equally or arguably more corrupt people
Bravo Trump
>equally or arguably more corrupt people
obama and his cabinet have been replaced dummy
Then trump is failure. If trump can't get his agenda through he is a failed leader. You don't get credit for saying something you can't get done.
Are you retarded or were you trying to make a joke? I'm saying this relatively to Obongo's cabinet.
Yep, without a doubt. He will be remembered for a long time. I'm so happy I voted for him, and i'm being rewarded for my vote every day.

Like him or hate him, he's keeping his campaign promises.
>Perry has served on the board of directors of Energy Transfer Partners, which owns and operates one of the largest energy asset portfolios in the United States
>During a previous presidential campaign, Perry said he intended to abolish the department.


Then Obama is one of the biggest failed leaders in all of history.
literally means fuck all
a second term would sting so much more.
It also depends on who the democrats pick.
Let's just forget about his politics for a second.

He's a fucking idiot. He speaks like a fucking third grader. He has no idea how the government works or what the fuck he's doing. He has no thought-out long term plan.

Impeach this fucking retard.
>you dont get credit for saying something you cant get done
Even with that muslim ban overturn, he's done more as a president in 3 weeks than obongo's 8 years
>prove me wrong
>protip: (You) cant
You don't understand what the department of energy does. It doesn't deal with oil and coal. It deals with our nuclear weapons
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>h-hillary can still win guys
>Like him or hate him, he's keeping his campaign promises
So hillary Clinton is in jail Muslims are gone and ISIS is defeated?
Gay marriage is law auto industry is saved and unemployment is below 5 percent.
Obama saved the auto industry and stopped 3 terrorist attacks in his first year
>Impeach this fucking idiot
>Get Pence
Shiggy diggy
Top 3 at the very least

Trump is the first president to be sworn in while holding the belief that gay marriage should be legal.

>auto industry

Disastrous, seen sub prime auto loans?


Numbers are skewed, majority of the jobs are minimum wage & half time, full time good pay jobs numbers are dropping and have been for a long time.
Wait 2-4 years. You don't know what he's going to fuck up yet, and how bad it's going to be.
>Disastrous, seen sub prime auto loans?
That's wall street at work. The same wall street Steve Bannon comes from

The last point you made is a good one but it ignores why people are working shitty jobs. Most good payin jobs require skills like programming and decent math ability. If someone graduates with a degree in liberal arts of course they'll end up in a shit job
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Signing executive orders doesn't make you a good leader.
One of the worst in modern history. But considering how America and Americans have treated the world, its the first president they actually deserve.
>that's wall street at work

No, that's a auto market that is in fucking shambles.

And why does the U.S. have a surplus of liberal arts degrees? Because under Obama, anyone could get a student loan from the government, which is also a massive bubble right now since no one is paying back their student loans.
>he's getting a lot done
Remember when you pretended to care about that? Good times
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I 'member

thanks obama
Could someone shop that fat guy from the debate outside one of the windows of OPs pic.
Dem gallup polls

Who are you trying to convince, anon? Trump supporters?

Or yourself?
Trips check.
Thanks kek.
We're 1 month in, retard. And yes, he has been tackling his campaign promises one by one.

>liberals trembling in fear that trump might actually improve America

Yeah, no.
I somehow allowed 4chan to brainwash me into voting for Trump and I thought, "Well, maybe if we gave him a chance, he might actually be a great president."

Nope. Turns out the minute he got in office, he turned the government into a circus and now he might actually be one of my least favorite presidents ever. I feel stupid.
The student loan bubble is real but as long as they don't short them well be alright
I think what's more concerning is that all his rabid followers and supporters scream "fake news" at everything that disagrees with their worldview. In their world, they're literally incapable of being wrong, and it's always someone else's fault for their problems.
>He speaks like a fucking third grader.

Over 40% of the US population has a high school degree ore less. You have to communicate near their level.

Sure, his speaks in simple terms, but he doesn't speak like like a 3rd grader. I know this is a casual discussion forum, but the hyperbole of the average Trump critic really drags the debate to levels lower than it has to be.

>He has no idea how the government works or what the fuck he's doing. He has no thought-out long term plan.

What sort of people know how the government works? What standard do you have? Do you only know how the government works if you've been a career politician or lobbyist your whole life?

Trump was an executive of a big company. He has a lot of skills that he can put to good use as head of the executive branch of government.
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Lincoln was so hated that half of the states left the union
Truly an awful president
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