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How old are you, and how difficult/easy is it for you to believe

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How old are you, and how difficult/easy is it for you to believe that there's a girl out there somewhere that would love you, and you love her?
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i'm 22 and i'm hopeful. self improving myself by going to the gym this year has helped a lot. last night i talked to a girl on discord, and she asked what my belly looked like. i posted a half naked picture of myself and she responded with this gif. i hadn't felt that happy in so long, that someone actually liked me, at least physically. it felt so amazing.

i'm hopeful. i plan on maybe joining my school's anime club, going to events, and not just staying in my room all the time.
I'm 19. I believe there is a girl like that out there but I don't think I'll ever meet her. I'm losing hope. I'm so lonely.
I'm 27 and I know there is no chance whatsoever haha
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I realize it's a defeatist attitude but realistically it's over for me. I'm 25 now and don't have the kind of appearance that gets better over time, I appeal more for my "cuteness" (I'm male) than being a tall muscular Chad. But my puppyfat is dissapearing and my eyes are tired and starting to wrinkle. I would have excelled in a relationship with another girl around my age. I've spent so, so many hours lying in bed or walking around imagining all the small details of a potential relationship, I've made myself smile and tear up so many times just imagining a heartfelt conversation and little things like her taking my hand suddenly when we're walking etc. I tried doing the normie thing during college and went to nightclubs hoping to meet someone but I was treated like a leper. Since then I've just become more and more hateful and detached, to the point where I don't even allow myself to imagine that sort of thing any more. If a girl fell for me now I'd just feel bad for her. The best thing for people like me is to be put down like a stray dog.

if odds could be less than 0, that's what my odds would be

i'm starting to think there is no one out there who would love me as much as i'd love them

0% chance desu. mainly because im too picky, not on looks, mostly how they act and what they do.

a lot of chicks have 0 hobbies or no ambition

why would anyone want to be with a boring person and have them expect you to support their ass just because they put out?
23 and 1/2. I'm sure there is, but I don't think I'll meet her unless I'm lucky.
23, there is no one out there for anyone, it's pure chance. Life is what you make it, we all can't be important, famous, or even attractive. We can forge for ourselves a decent life, and be proud of our accomplishments, don't let other fags take that from you. Become part of something greater, serve a greater good, follow your principles.
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I know that i might have mental illness but i legitimately dont believe that any girl could love me without ulterior motives. I just know that i dont deserve love from anyone and i'm destined to live and die alone. I have nothing to offer to any girl who miraculously might be attracted to me.
18, why the fuck would a girl be my girlfriend when not one of them have even wanted to be my friend? It's not going to happen. I don't know why though.
Everyone has ulterior motives or an agenda, even you. Get over it.

24; will find someone, just working through the bullshit at the moment.

>out there somewhere
almost certain
pro: the world is pretty large
con: the world is pretty large
26 and it seems like all the girls im attracted to are slutty. Truth is I get turned off easily if the girl isnt mentally where I would like her to be. Ill probably die alone.
>Everyone has ulterior motives or an agenda, even you. Get over it.
Sure but OP was talking about girls being attracted to me type of situation.
20. I have a loving gf I've been with since high school, so pretty easy. If she cucks me for Chad I'll get back to you.
Find another basket case then damnit. Purposefully admit yourself to behavioral centers. Get creative.
27 You people are so deprived of affection that you have to constantly remind you how you will never find the one who will give you that missing affection.
I'm and I have hope I will find the one.
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>how old are you
>how difficult/easy is it for you to believe that there's a girl out there somewhere that would love you, and you love her?
lmfao. 100% impossible. i mean this sincerely as possible.
24, I've already met her. She would've taken me with all the autism and everything, but I still managed to fuck it up.
when did reynad got fat?
23 years old
Ive been rejected plenty of times and never been approached by woman, even if Id lose weight it wouldnt do much beneficial for me because face wise im just a 4/10 so im a lost cause.
I'm 21 and I know myself, Nobody wants me
Nah, more like 5.5/10. You have perfect skin.
I'm 28 and a wizard apprentice. There is absolutely no chance of ever finding a female who would ever even look me in the eyes.
I am 29 and no there is no woman for me. I have loved many women and they don't love me.
hahahaha go back to mexico you receding-hairline faggy bitch
25 and still have a little bit of hope. It might not be likely, but I still hope to meet some qt, mousy girl that is a little nerdy. My dad is 10 years older than my mother, so if I compare myself to that my future wife might be 15 right now. He wasn't a virgin when he met my mother of course, but I don't think it's impossible to meet the one even when you're older than the average guy is, but then again I am also not that interested in the average roastie so maybe everything will work out in the end.
Sam the Slayer
28. Got a few Tinder matches that boost my ego until I find out they're bots.
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18, I believe she's out there somewhere but I need to just find where she is...
I've gotten a lot of attention from women recently because I'm been getting fit.
I find it hard to grasp the concept of love, or that women are capable of it.
They clearly just want me because I fit some standard of beauty.
21, very difficult. I can't tolerate being around most people. I really doubt there's someone out there who I can not only tolerate to the point of being intimate with them, but would also feel the same way about me. Not to mention the concept of physical attraction.
if i get compared to one more twitch gamer i'm going to lose my shit
if i get compared to one more GoT character i'm going to lose it
i'm 27 and actually the girl (pic related) likes me and she had admit her feelings and attraction towards me.

the thing is i'm already broken enough to not trust her even when she's probably honest. i keep trying to explain her what's bad and wrong with me to discourage her but i just can't tell her to fuck off because she doesn't deserve it just as she doesn't deserve me at all.

i like her but that's a reason why i think she deserves someone better than me. don't take me wrong, somewhere deep inside i wish for a girlfriend or even at least a soul mate but when things seem to finally to that way, i switch to the autism mode and would rather be alone just to regret it later.
At least have some self respect and shave the neck beard
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27. I've already met a girl, and we were fucking crazy about eachother.
I mean serious faggot ass fairytale love.
We didn't last unfortunately. I'm aware I could connect like that again, but it will be a long time before I do.
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There is no girl out there for me, because I don't want|feel love from|towards others.

If someone says they love me, I just ignore them until they go away.
I am 26. Right now it would be impossible for me to get a girl. I knew this before but it got hammered home last Friday when I attempted to go to a bar. I was taking to a girl sitting next to me and then Chad strolls up and she immediately enters his orbit, cucked again I said out loud.

I make good money so I could become a beta provider in my 30s to some used up roastie but I still have enough self respect to not become that. Instead I'm going to blow my money on hookers and cake in Amsterdam and then an hero in Japan. I'll probably travel a bit too.
23, if there is a girl out there that could love me, I wouldn't love her.
25. I once got super liked by a gigantic land whale on tinder, so I guess someone might love me maybe. But since I am a skeleton and would never ever date a land whale I don't think I'll ever find anyone I love that also returns that feeling. Never even got a match, certainly didn't match that baluga.
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She getting Chad cock right now anon or is she a "fembot".
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Iktf bro.

I could probably go out there and find someone else quite easily actually. I've got a very amiable personality but that makes me liable to being treated like a doormat by women, which is exactly what happened the last time.

But honestly I don't even know if I want to bother anymore. It's not bitterness, just resignation in the fact that most people are really just out for themselves. I want to find someone I can care about, but I don't think they exist.

At least my existence is finite.
24 and it is extremely difficult to think that there is a single woman out there who could love me but that doesn't mean I don't hope for it.

i literally have no idea. i never really had a friend so a girl being in a relationship with me is so far out of the realm of possibility i couldn't even fathom my chances.
> with my current work schedule i have exactly 0 (zero) minutes per week to meet and talk to girls.
and at this point i don't really want to talk to them either
18, i think it's possible but i have to get out of university, no girl who has university education will ever so much as look at me as a human, robots are scum to them. if i ever get a gf when i'm older i will instantly drop them if they have being to university, simply for my pure hatred towards girls ignoring me at university.
25 its over for me desu
are you cut or swole? do you have abs?
trying to decide between cutting for abs or bulking because my legs/ass are nonexistent.

also grats on the mire
>how difficult/easy is it for you to believe that there's a girl out there somewhere that would love you, and you love her?
Very hard. Though I do believe somewhere there is someone who would settle for me and me for her and we could live unhappily ever after.

>Quiet easy.

She's got me legs over her lap with her hand on my inner thigh just above my knee.
I don't believe there is a girl that will actually love me. There may be girls finding me remotely attractive but never quite love me.
that's really nice anon.

I really like when women express desire
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I'm 19 and it is my firm belief that no sentient existence could possibly love me, here's why.
>no money
>not educated
>completely detached from popular culture
>don't know anything about classical culture either
>never talked to a girl irl without it being awkward
>bottom teeth look all retarded like someone bent them at random angles
>not funny
>don't watch anime
>live in eastern europe
>dick is bent downward
>supposedly handsome but I can never take a compliment, my brain just assumes it's bait or sarcastic mockery
>can't ever believe someone genuinely likes me no matter what they say
>don't believe in free will
>don't really believe in consciousness either
>the only thing keeping me from killing self is the thought of hurting my family
>even femanons from /r9k/ consistently ghost me after two days of talking, which is usually the time it takes for them to realize how extremely boring I am
>spend my days fantasizing about finally creating something and getting recognition for it
>never finish a single song, drawing, painting or piece of clothing I start creating
>never stop thinking about the meaninglessness of it all
Why the fuck would anyone ever be unironically attracted to me?
I still want to feel the warmth of a girl, so my best bet is to fake a normie personality, looksmax and pick up normie girls at clubs while on anti autism pills mdma .
I will never love them because I couldn't love a normie, and they will never love me because they couldn't possibly love the real me.
Why am I even posting this, your thread made me self reflect again fuck you OP
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Nah you're just a lazy shit.
19. my religious belief involves faith and i believe my faith is making other people happy for what i could of never achieved personally

please no bully
21 Impossible.

My standards are fucked. I'm looking for perfection. I wouldn't be able to love anyone who doesn't meet my standards, and I don't even like people who would chase me.

Show dick please.
23, she doesn't exist. Just unrequited attention.
if you can communicate what you've been through to her, I'm sure she'll understand. She looks very kind
>it's an I get someone's hopes up by poorly phrasing my post episode
It's not remarkable or funny in any way, I'm sorry anon. I meant it's curved downwards, the opposite of an aesthetic upward curving dick.
26 but the only girls who could possibly love me are crazy, fat, or both. I would settle for crazy but fat bitches are disgusting even though I'm a fat fuck.
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hey anon, we know each other for few months already and she knows my stories and i know hers. we've been through quite similiar at some degree.

sometimes i just have to admire her patience, especially when she carefully tries to get closer to me and i just curl back in my shell.

goddamn, i can stand punches, kicks or slaps even when i hate them but idea of being caressed or hugged makes me tremble and feel anxious as fuck while this is what i deeply yearn for.
get the fuck off the board if it's 7+ in
36. It's not hope at this point, it's just fantasy.
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What would you do if she did this?
why don't you tell her this stuff? If she likes you, she'd probably be willing to help you.

She could gradually allow you to love again. That would be nice, wouldn't it?
19 and I don't believe a girl is out there for me or anyone for that matter. If someone happens to find the perfect girl then it just happens and they weren't destined to meet. I might be too young to think that and say it's true but I couldn't even imagine myself being in love/having a gf.
Show dick please, I have the same dick problem(curves downwards) and im curious to see what yours looks like because most people with this problem have it curving upwards which isnt as bad.
>and you love her
>only ever had one crush and it was 10 years ago
>too pleb to even into unrequited love
On a purely statistical level, considering we live on a planet of 7 billion people, there is almost no way there couldn't be a person for me. On that note, however, on a planet of 7 billion people, she would be impossible to find. And I have to face the fact that if I did find her, I would assuredly fuck it up.

I'm 23
it's not like there is a "one" that is just waiting for you.

lots and lots of people could be the "one"
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I convinced myself long ago that my dreams of having someone love me are in the same realm of reality as the cutesy romantic books and anime I drown myself in.
Impossible, I'm a terrible person

This matching shit is also a lie. There can't be a special somebody just for me when some guy has children with different women already.
Depends on a person's standards. They could want impossible things in a partner.
Never said it was magic. Never said there was only one either. But the numbers are definitely small, and I am a boring, bitter person with nothing to offer anyone. I can barely interface with my male co-workers. Trying to get to know attractive women is out if the question.
29, there is nobody for me

fuck i dont even want me
26 and after being in LTRs for the most of my adulthood I'm ready to quit.
I find it hard to relate to women, being single is so much easier and liberating and I've never cared much about sex.
>tfw was a girl's oneitis
>funny, friendly, outgoing, extremely intelligent
>skinny body type
>she would have loved me unconditionally
>she was below average so I wasn't attracted to her

I wish I could look past the face sometimes.
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It's 6.8" so I'm gonna go ahead and stay
Tfw couldn't even get hard properly because of apathy
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on a scale of 1 to 10. Id say 11
i don't know to be honest. probably my "i can manage to be alone" facade would crumble like a house made of cards and then i would cry my eyes out like a little cunt.

she knows this too, actually it was a topic of discussions we had. yes, it would be nice. but i just can't accept and comprehend why would she lose time particulary with me. why is she doing it? i'm 3/10 at the best, fat, scared, neckbearded hunchback. and that's just about my physical appearance. i believe any closer relationship with me would be a hell for her or any other girl.
haha wow dude, you have literally nothing to worry about, mine is so much worse, it straight up looks retarded. You are fine
23 probably not that hard to find a girl who likes me (i am decent looking), tho i am dead inside apathetic narcissist so I would not like her back.


I will die alone. I suspect this is mostly my fault or just bad luck. I've never been good at acting normal.
Well there's still about 20 things on that list, so while I appreciate your reply it didn't make my life feel any less bleak and hopeless
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23, i'm sure if i got to work i could probably be gf ready in 3 or so months and if you gave me a year i might even be desirable for marriage. Any average girl on the street that's in my income bracket and around my level of attractiveness would probably love me given enough time. To answer your question I think it's possible and the effort is superficial like developing better habits. eventually some girl will see something charming in you unless you're deformed, and even then just get subtle plastic surgery.

>a girl who will seek you out of her own accord
not clingy but someone who thinks to herself "it would be fun if anon was with me"
>always trying to empathize with you
shows genuine concern for you and will try to help in a way that suits the situation not her whims, even if it troubles her
>will put up with even the most selfish betrayals of her trust
and not just putting up with betrayal for the sake of financial security

And of course I will have to find myself doing the same for her, but I don't think it will last. statistically we're likely to get divorced and if we stay together we're likely to end up unhappy.
Nice beard. Let it grow more.
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