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>Eaten calorie deficit for 2 days >Weight self >Not

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>Eaten calorie deficit for 2 days
>Weight self
>Not lost any weight

You fuckers lied to me
you've been /RUSED/
Try again in a week. You can do it
take a shit and weigh yourself again

but youre probably lying because youre a fat piece of shit who doesnt know how to count calories or eat in moderation
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>want to lose weight
>have food addiction
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>tfw too intelligent to lose weight

>332 lbs.
>tfw I lost 100lbs but my penis doesn't look any bigger
drink water dude
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>tfw hungry as fuck but can't eat because you accidentally ate to your calorie limit earlier in the day
Hol up
So you be sayin you want to lose your weight without workouts? That is very slow process. Two days is not enough. Two weeks is not enough. Nigger you got to be patient.
You think that shit happens overnight? It took me nearly three weeks to notice a slight difference, persistence is key.
>be lanklet going to the gym
>trying to gain weight
>tfw eating more than 1000 calories is difficult for me
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>tfw scientists havent made a weight loss pill
wtf are those science cucks problems?
It normally takes 2 weeks for any noticable change in physique. That involves me eating calorie deficit AND working out at least 800 Calories on cycling / eliptical machine.

Bear in mind that muscle weighs more than fat so for a while you might stay the same whilst fat dissapears from your arms or legs.
nice humble bragging thin gene faggot. fucking kill yourself.
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just become vegan and eat as much as you want on this diet.
I lost 25 pounds so far,
feels good man. feels organic.
My depression got better as well.
Mother earth is willing to care for all her children, anon <3
I feel better every single day, desu, and this isn't even my final form.
I'm confident it's the same dude making these autistic failed weight loss threads.
why is so hard for you to eat less?
it's L I T E R A L L Y all you have to do
You need to get a cute girlfriend to tie you to your bed. Make it so you have to situp to drink water and get the crumbs at the bottom of a beef jerky bag. If you do that for a month you'll lose weight.
I lost 120 and I gained an inch visible length and close to an inch bonepressed length. Either you always had a small dick or you're lying.
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>you accidentally ate to your calorie limit earlier in the day
>2 days
You retard
Do this for ATLEAST 3 or 4 months to see actual results.
Nothing in life will come quickly.
Have you tried exercising? It's a great way to create calorie deficit by expending more calories while allowing yourself to eat.
I have a small dick. I thought it just looked small because I was fat. 100lbs later I learned the harsh truth.
>tfw started feeling hungry all day after 1 month on diet losing almost 10kg

Fuck. Why now?
>I have a small dick
How small?
>inb4 6 incher is small.
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>16lbs in 3 weeks

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>inb4 6 incher is small.

Well it certainly isn't big

I lost a ton of weight when I moved to campus because I was self-conscious eating in front of the other students. You should try that, or smoking.
You ever notice how all fat people are really stupid?
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op bro, I'll help you out.

go keto. this means ZERO FUCKING CARBS.


it sucks, but of all the ways to lose weight it sucks the least.

Here's my story:

> backstory: be /fit/, get hot gf, have hot LTR, get engaged, become less /fit/, she dumps me for her /fit/ friend who she told me not to worry about, become depressed, lose my job, see her marry the guy, start eating carbs to cope (1 meal = 1 entire box of sugary cereal plus a half gallon milk), decide "never again" and spend 4 years binge-reading /pol/ and TRP to get fully redpilled while stuffing my fucking face (1 meal = 1 large pizza + 2 liter soda).
> wake up
> weigh 300lbs
> try to diet, fail
> weigh 315lbs
> get rejected by disgusting fat chicks
> decide "fuck this shit"
> research the best diet ever
> "Protein Sparing Modified Fast"
> means 1lb meat per day (~600cal), 1/3lb of cheese or butter per day (~600cal), zero suger energy drinks, and nothing else.
> eyeofthetiger.mp3
> ahhthat'sthestuff.wav
> first week
> 15lbs down
> under 300lbs
> all water weight but who cares
> 2nd week
> another 6lbs down
> now 294lbs
> giggidy.gif

that's my story so far, anon. i had a "food dream" last night where i went to some weird-ass summer camp for boy scouts except there were also a bunch of random creepy old people there and piles of junk food on the tables. i dreamed about stuffing my face with burgers, ice cream bars, and a massive taco made by filling a sugar-covered fried dough with 2lbs taco meat, 1lbs grated cheese, and a bunch of sour cream. it tasted good! then I woke up and pounded 2 monster total zeros. gonna be a good day today, anon.

so, you can do it. you just have to reject the Jewish lies about what healthy eating looks like.
> Grain: UNHEALTHY!!! Causes inflammation and cravings.
> Vegetables: UNHEALTHY!!! They're overpriced sugars.
> Fat: HEALTHY!!
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QU4D D4M4GE!!!!
This cannot be a real story. You sound fucking retarded on multiple levels.
Wow! Two WHOLE days? Impressive!
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This is 100% real, bro.

Pic related is me.
Why did you censor your nipple.

to make it more difficult to doxx me.

also because it makes my chest look better.


you can lose insane amounts of weight early on by just eating like a human

keto is alright. it's hunger management, but it's not magic. just like IF, all it does is help you maintain a deficit, which is all that matters

also, where the fuck are you getting your fiber from? you NEED veg for that if you're avoiding grains (which is basically a good thing, yes they cause inflammation). eat some broccoli

not all carbs are evil and cause inflammation though. white rice is absolutely fine. and contains fiber. i personally enjoy pooping more than twice a month
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meant to reply to op with >>34964718

op, i am for real. you can do it, if you can see through the lies you have been fed.
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>weighed after 2 days
Theres you first issue. You're suppose to weigh yourself every week. People who weigh themselves excessively wind up paranoid or are quick to assume they're losing nothing.

>eaten calorie deficit
Are you including what you drink? Weigh your total Calorie intake against your BMR ratio. One pound is 3000 calories.

Take in example, my BMR is 2064 meaning I burn that in a day. I only eat 1000 calories a day. Remove the 1000 and now I burn 1064 calories a day, multiplied by a week, I burn 7448 a week. Meaning a burn a little over 2 pounds a week. Throw in 2.5 mile walks I do every night, and I burn 3 pounds a week.

Already lost 10 pounds. You can do it OP.
that's why you have boobs like girl? i get it, it's sad, here the same
>One pound is 3000 calories

I mistyped yeah.
I'll be honest with myself, I might actually be a binge eater. I definitely do it when stressed. It's because there's so much junk in the house and I thought I'd have a nice job and have moved out by now

Fuck. Life fucking blows.
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>tfw you'll never be the person who eats less when depressed
men drink a lot of water with chia, try to eat before dark, at least 3 hour before you gonna sleep, But above all you have sport, or some physical activity, when you see your body improving you want to go for more, you must love yourself a little,fatty
Seriously. I can't even take confidence in that and be the funny fat friend.

At least for the first 18 years, why wpuld our parents let this happen? Why the fuck would you let your kid do this?
I wasnt fat in the childhood. I just "tied" emotions with eating and i got eating when i'm depressed just to feel something.
Using stimulants for appetite suppression works pretty well. And you get high as fuck too.
DXM works for me too, I once lost 20kg on a 3 week long DXM binge.
>eat rocks
>ZERO calories
>gain weight

They did make one.

>DXM binge

10kg of that was braincells
>fatfucks really act like this.
I was in the same boat anon. If you can try and knock yourself down from the idea of eating and focus on something else when that binge urge hits you. Remind yourself you're not hungry. Maybe find a new hobby to redirect yourself to instead, I found that helped me out and I'm back to drawing now.

As for the junk situation, just make sure the junk you eat has some nutritional value to it. My meal today was a hot pocket and a bowl of mac and cheese, still lost 10 pounds these past few weeks.

As for the life issues I wish I could offer more to say on that but I'm not sure your circumstances and concerns.
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