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Calories count thread It's 11:30AM and I've already

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Calories count thread
It's 11:30AM and I've already eaten 5000 calories
stop anon its only 7k above your maintenance to gain 1 kg
180 so far for me, but eating pizza tonight
how many calories are in a hot pocket?

that many.
My calories are innumerable.
About 800, 17:31. I love saving it up for a large dinner.
Still going to have another thousane I reckon before the end of the day. UK.
Some of you compulsive eaters should consider lifting like crazy.

What did you eat?

>mfw my calories are at 0
3 hard boiled eggs @ 80cals each = 240cals
1 half whole grain bagel = 150cals

So ~400 calories because of the butter.

How the fuck did you get to 5000? Did you eat your mailman?
16:30PM and I haven't eaten since 8 last night. Still not hungry.

Why does this happen?
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Drink coffee. It helps with suppressing hunger tremendously. Or get caffeine pills if you don't like the taste.
I swear fat people are set. You have the ability to consume large amounts of food for energy and you can get soo super jacked. It's 11:40am just woke up 1 hour ago and still haven't got to this half pizza from last night. Leaner guys can be more cut but fat people gain muscle rapidly with their eating habits.
>implying sedentary fat shits have the ability to gain any muscle
Quality of food matters too not just the quantity.

I reckon I'm at about 800 so far, will be 1700 by the end of the day
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I ate an entire large pizza I order last night but I didn't eat it because I was too drunk. Then my family decided to go to Denny's, I order a double cheese burger, my little brother orders a sandwich but only eats half and didn't even touched his fries, dad didn't finish his spaghettis, and mom gave me half of her omelette. That's actually more than 5000 calories in just 3 hours
Repeat this out loud at least once.
>No, I'm actually on a diet now, guys.

And get your fat ass a treadmill.
Its noontime here in MassiveJewTits and I've eaten 3 bowls of cornflakes, probably somewhere from 500 to 600 calories. I plan to not exceed 1700 today, and I've already walked 3 and a half miles to get a coffee (no sugar so calorie count is insignificant from that) and then come back home.

We can cut down our calories together robots. Remember, do not be afraid of just doing some simple excercise on days when you have nothing planned, like walking a mile or 2. It adds up and it helps you from sitting inside all day. Just take your (((ipod))) with you, crank up the tunes, and won't even have to leave your comfy isolated NEETbubble even though you're out in the sunlight.
time is pointless cause it's 6am and I woke up at 8pm last night, but 0 calories.
So you went to Denny's drunk with your family?
Jesus get a grip you'll be dead in a year like that
post a picture to show us how fat you are
1300 atm
Gonna get a coke and some fruits and that's it today
5:30pm. 245 calories so far. A cup of coffee and a chicken burger. Going to have pasta and pesto in a bit. Done 30-60 mins walk and 20-30 mins HIIT. Trying to unfat myself. Belly feels like a balloon that's had a little bit of air let out of it, as opposed to a full balloon.
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Monday I ate a Medium Whopper Jr. meal with coke to drink.

Wednesday I ate a plate of fried chicken strips with a side of french fries and coleslaw.

That's all I've eaten so far this week. I'm getting Chinese food tonight.

>mfw i was only supposed to eat 1 meal and fast for the whole rest of the week
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Holy shit dude you must be a 700 lbs fat fuck goddammmnn how can you eat that much?
I tell a lie - an apple and a couple of small carrots too.
>tfw 6'3" 150 pounds

is this better or worse than being a fat fuck?
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>it's 12:35 PM and I have consumed 0 calories
I should probably eat soon, but meh, too much work
Keep up the good work, anon. Although I'm not sure how you stayed under 250 with a chicken burger?
The people of the future will be tall, skinny lanklets with tiny noses and big, buggy anime eyes.
I dunno either. I put it into my Fitbit, searched chicken burger with bun and that's what it came back with. Proper it was from the butcher's, not full of processed shite if that makes a difference.
Similar, just woke up. Going to have coffee for less than 100 calories, not eat 'breakfast' (at noon) or lunch because I'll be too busy doing actually nothing, then maybe by dinnertime at midnight I'll remember to eat
>currently calorie count

I don't like eating. Having food in your stomach is just such an uncomfortable feeling that I can only eat a little bit at a time.
Food is not worth eating unless it is tasty enough to warrant getting up, spending the time to prepare it and eating it
>fasting/fried food CICO you will sustain this meme
wew lad
I appreciate your enthusiasm but lurk nutrition more
1800 calories so far, aiming for 2300, 2 protein shakes a day and still chad benches more than me while eating pizza
That's because /fit/ dieting is a meme unless you are an actual bodybuilder
548, 2:08 pm

Yesterday this was around my total intake.

Friday I had 4000.

I can't eat normal no more
Who here /bulkingseason/?
What's your height and weight? You should probably be eating a lot more than 2300 cals if you're trying to get stronger.
No, I was drunk last night, that's why I couldn't eat the pizza.

I know but I don't give a shit, girls will never like me anyways

Hell no, but you can get an idea by looking at the picture I posted on my original post.
Chad also probably has a workout schedule and performs his reps in correct posture. Getting /fit/ isn't only about eating a lot and getting that protein and then doing random workout shit at the gym.
>I know but I don't give a shit, girls will never like me anyways
You're cool with dying, Senon?
I started doing pull ups again after not working out for 5 months. Holy fucking shit it's extremely painful in a kinda bad way. Hopefully it becomes easy soon. I fucked my posture up so badly. I need to stick with this.
I think thats more calories that I have eaten all week. I've been averaging like 800 a day.
>Like 800
Can you even survive with that much? There's no way in hell your body burns less than 1000 a day.
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>implying I'm not trying to eat my life away

I don't care about being alive, death would be way more peaceful than this piece of shit world we live in, that the only thing that matters is money and looks

You skinny fuck
I'm around 900 a day, today had like 1500 though, I'm disappointed with myself.
its 3 PM and I've had 100 calories
>skelly feels
>Can you even survive with that much?
It's called having lots of fat to lose. Really, eat 800 calories for 5-7 days straight. You will be fine. Just, you know, don't get it all through grains.
Or be like me, a human vaccum who doesn't gain weight for whatever reason. It's a pretty good life. Gonna get heart disease at 50 tho.
who /keto/ masterrace here? from 200 lbs to 120 and still still counting. skeleton body this year
Well you're obviously lying but what's this /meme/ you speak of anyway?
i'm not lying and it's diet based on high fat, slightly less protein and almost no carbs
Well that makes logical sense but I still don't buy that anyone managed to waste all muscle to anorexia levels from 200lbs
not anorexic, sadly, still have some gut
>ate an entire bag of chips
>just found out the entire bag was around 700 calories

wtf? I'm not even fat and I don't even eat a lot, but wtf?
>potatos, salt, and oil are high in calories
This is surprising to you? "family size" is not another word for "single serving"
i follow proper workout regimes and linear progression, did SL for a bit, then SS, then split while i was injured, now back on SL. I have great form so stfu

5'8.5 127lb (57kg)
Oh so you're female. You could have pointed that out.
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>320lbs 'woman'
>fucking disgustingly fat
>today I have eaten 8000 calories, it is 8pm
>entire 500g bag of cornflakes was about 1900 calories (I eat them like chips)
>2 pots of Hummus for dipping about 1200 calories, so 3100 calories for breakfast
>plus large glass of milk, 3300 calories
>for lunch had Big Mac Meal large with water from McDonalds, another 1000 calories, plus a chocolate bar so 4500 calories so far
>then made a mistake
>went 3 hours without food between 12 and 3
>got SUPER fucking hungry
>left work early, pretending to be sick
>I am so fat that I have slime in my vagina, I rubbed it in my eyes and pretended to have an eye infection
>was so hungry, got home at 4
>ate a bag of shredded coconut whilst sitting on the toilet, 1000 calories so 5500 so far
>dinner was my special dinner, 'Cheese and Syrup with butter sprinkles'
>basically made a sugar syrup and poured it over a mix of cheeses (cheddar, halloumi, red leicester, and brie) then sprinkled over ice cream sprinkles coated in congealed butter
>about 2000 calories, at it
>had a cake for another 500 just now

fuck I am still hungry
I don't see how normal people eat less than this. I'm currently thinking of having some sweet potato mash (I have like 1/4 tub of butter to use up by tomorrow)

Fuck no. The world's an obstacle enough just trying to cut calories, I'm not getting rid of 2/3rds of an average diet.

Eating less carbs because protein is awesome is much easier than getting rid of them entirely.
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About to be 1700 after I eat these tyson wings with a shitload of sodium
gonna fast till tomorrow morning
Prolly like a 1000 cal

Can troll posters please be less obvious? I'm trying to immerse myself here.
This is the most subhuman thing I've read on here in months.
>tfw only had 654 calories today and it's nearly 9pm
>tfw losing a lot of weight because too lazy and retarded to take care of myself

I'll make some pasta before I starve
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Ate 1000 calories today, I have to skip dinner now.
Eating a bowl of fried pasta right now. 600kcal snack.
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>Just give up famalamalamalam
i'm not

keto also helps you use fat as a energy source
Holy fuck but it is original
>muh starvation mode
>muh caveman evolution broscience which has never been supported with evidence will override the laws of thermodynamics

Shut up retard lmao
23:22 here
google fit reports that I've used 1,433 kcals today, all passive
I've eaten about 1200 kcals but I'm a bit hungry so I think I'll have a snack
>muh laws of thermodynamics
You know those apply to closed systems which humans are not?
Dont deny yourself the simple pleaure of good food. Just dont eat massive amounts of it.
You can also eat better. I 'm sitting here right now orgasming over this bowl of Chinese hot and sour soup which is all veggies and tofu. So fucking delicious and nothing but nutrients with few calories.
Neither veggies nor tofu are hot or sour. I bet it's mostly chems and sugar.
you forgot the .5
im 18 i can grow another 2 inches stfu
Time to go bear mode brah. Hit the gym, lift weights. You won't be ripped but you will soon have the power of an ox.
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