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Lies you were led to believe in your youth >women care more

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Lies you were led to believe in your youth

>women care more about personality than looks
>women want a guy who treats them nice
>women are nice
>sex is something very SPECIAL you wait to have with someone special whom you deeply love
>having a kid out of wedlock is taboo
>sleeping around is degeneracy
>girls would like me too when i'm older
>people don't care about social status after high school
All of these, basically.
>Someone will love you for the way you are.
>You will be somebody in life
>Hard work will lead to success
>You will be loved
>everyone is good in something
>being yourself make people like you
>everyone makes it
>everything is going to be okay
>you get a girlfriend / wife eventually
>intelligence will be rewarded
>if you treat people with kindness they will return that same kindness
>people are born equal
I'm not even religious and I still think having a child out of wedlock is absolutely one of the worst things you can do.
>women are smarter than men
t-thanks mom
>Don't worry anon karma will get him back
>God will grant you a better life
>There's always someone for everybody
>Women are sensitive people that need love and care
>Don't worry if your life sucks now anon it will get better
>That girl rejected you? Don't worry you'll find someone better
>Women don't care about looks anon they only care about your personality
>Friends will always be there and stick with you no matter what
>Everybody has a little bit of good in them anon
>Love thy neighbor so you can be loved back anon
>If you study hard enough and graduate college you will find a better life anon
>Your family will always have your back anon they will always love you
>If you stay a virgin you will find a virgin just like you anon
>Everyone matures after high school anon
The goal is to stop giving a shit about any of those things, rise above them, be willing to be single for the rest of your life.

Your disinterest will attract everyone
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>Life is a game to be won
>It is Man's job to try to conquer nature
> I am a separate being than you
> University is a MUST
> Life has inherent meaning
> Death is negative and should never win
> Women want to be treated like a princess
hang in there anon!
They say we are on the wrong side of history but only cause by not being sluts we make the feel a sense of shame
>women care more about personality than looks
Not true. Alpha is in the mind
>women want a guy who treats them nice
This is false; women want an alpha, but they say this to filter out men without the audacity to be dicks regardless
>women are nice
They are to alphas. Women love more passionately, but more conditionally
>sex is something very SPECIAL you wait to have with someone special whom you deeply love
>having a kid out of wedlock is taboo
>sleeping around is degeneracy
>girls would like me too when i'm older
>people don't care about social status after high school
those are lies my mom still tries to tell me

i don't hide my disdain anymore
Well your ancestors got laid, what's stopping you?
If you get out more you'll make it, dwelling inside your room and complaining won't fix jack shit.

Your best chance is at college if you're anywhere between 19-26
Any older and you're not qualified.

Any passive social gathering would work, like a dance club for example, a decent bar maybe, restaurants are low chance.

If you're really old and never left your room its too late for you I'm afraid.

Or if you have a fucked up face.
Girls find scars, small burns kinda attractive, not every girl at least.

Just don't set your standards to porn diva tier and you'll find lots of opportunities.
Settle for a girl on your tier.
Don't persue roasties/ shit tier girls.

That's all the advice I can give from the top of my head.

T. Some one who had a few exes in texas

There always has to be that autistic faggot who tries to refute the thread.
get offe me board
All of these are true though. I'm a fat neet with a gf
ye daft mate?
Jast wanna help ya out ere mate, I'm ya frend
>women care more about personality than looks
but that is true anon, Chad is pretty funny

basement dwellers are the epitome of disinterest, see if anyone chases them there
why do you place such significance on a piece of paper, anon? what is it about marriage that is so important to you?
These are the biggest lies that have ruined me growing up. Fuck adults who told me this.
probably bait but one girl doesn't equal women in general
why did they even mention things like this...
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You guys ever feel like all these lies that were fed to most of us, were just experiments?
Nasty experiments made by some higher up prick just to see the effects of exposing kids to such lies and watching what becomes of them as they grow older?
Feels an awful lot like some type of sick experiment...
Holy fuck, you just blew my fucking mind. This adds more to my impetus to go on a mass murdering spree.
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>>women care more about personality than looks
>>women want a guy who treats them nice
>>women are nice
>>sex is something very SPECIAL you wait to have with someone special whom you deeply love
>>girls would like me too when i'm older
these are all true though
>marriage is about a piece of paper

I don't think you belong here.
No it's just cultural memes, some of which have been around for decades, others centuries.
Where does the "there's someone out there for everyone" meme come from? That's the biggest and worst lie.
Honest question - did none of you work out this was all middle class suburban bullshit when you were like 14? Seriously, believing in this sort of housewife tier gibberish past your early adolescence is shameful.
Why do adults tell children these things, anyway? Isn't it counter-productive and terrible advice? Is the idea that young people are supposed to learn things the hard way, or do adults just not want to hurt kids' feelings?
why do you need to get married to be monogamous anon? please enlighten me
A bit of all of the above. Also there's a fair amount of "If I had to go through it, you should to" and a dash of ignorance incase they've deluded themselves into believing those memes actually worked for them.
Their "terrible advice" worked for them in the past, that's why. It's only recently with the emergence of internet dating and hookup apps has the free sexual market truly show it's ugly head and fucked all the non-chads over.
My dad fell for this meme
>It gets better.
>Everything'll be okay.
>I won't abandon you.
>Treat people the way you want to be treated.
>Just be yourself.
>You're attractive or *insert other dumb fuck compliment here.*
>I love you.
>You'll be successful one day.
I learned when I was 18 or so. Then I hated my parents and was moody until I graduated college.
the marriage meme?
>No it's just cultural memes, some of which have been around for decades, others centuries.
how come others back then turned out so tough?
was it just easier for them or were there different things taught to them?
>Hard work will lead to success
this one is true though, hard work will always lead to success
>times fixes everything
only arrogant/stupid fucks who have it easy try to push this on people.
the ancestors thing is kind of shit, your family tree is just that, a tree with many branches. some died out, not everyone got laid, it's just pruning
>hard work will always lead to success


You can work hard and still lose. You can do the absolute bare minimum and still come out on top sometimes.
>Treat people the way you want to be treated.
this is true though
non-married monogamy.
no one treats me the way I treat them

they just shit on me anon
Depends on what you mean by success. My father worked hard all his life. He has a lot but I can tell he's miserable. He's always been. He had to give up his passion for family. All his hard work ended up with him being depressed and drinking hard liquor when he thinks no one is looking.
how do you deal with people that treat you like shit? the same way people treat you when you treat them like shit. "Treat others the way you'd like to be treated" isnt a one way thing, if they treat you badly, then they in turn deserve to be treated badly - its not a free pass for everyone to spit on you anon, its a kinda like another way of giving someone a "taste of their own medicine"
how is non-married monogamy a meme? what happened to him?
Well then he clearly didn't work hard enough Anon! Now get back to work goyi- err, guy, if you work hard in my factory then maybe one day you can be as successful as me!
She got fat, divorced him, left him. Same shit as normal. He had two children, so the divorce court was brought in and fucked him over anyway.

Women are a meme.
how did she divorce him if they weren't married
>how come others back then turned out so tough?
This is relative. And there were certain memes in those times that made it that way.

>was it just easier for them or were there different things taught to them?
It was easier for them for a multitude of reasons but mostly because their system was "working" for them as far as they knew.

But one of the biggest memes since like forever(At least in western society and societies/cultures influenced by Abrahamic religions) is that you are somehow a separate being from the rest of the world/universe. When that is literally impossible on every level.
Wrong. Intelligent work does, hard work is worth nothing. Welcome to the new age
>Well your ancestors got laid, what's stopping you?
Are you serious? Everyone of us has, on average, 2/3 female and 1/3 male ancestors. Even the stupid 'someone else did it, why can't you?' arguement is tilted to our disadvantage here.
>go back to when i was 10 years old
>used to listen to the radio to fall asleep
>discover AM radio
>discover Tom Leykis

i have deeply ingrained trust issues with women. i think they're all self-enterprising; they wanna use you to boost themselves up and that shit bothers me.
i can't understand a symbiotic relationship with women because i don't believe they can ever be trusted yet.
word of advice, for gulliblefags who keep getting screwed over:
if somebody is saying something out loud for people to hear, it is a lie
quite usually, the exact opposite is true
>Well your ancestors got laid, what's stopping you?

Vastly different culture?
>if somebody is saying something out loud for people to hear, it is a lie

>liberals shout that trump isn't their president and that he will not divide us
>he is their president and he is dividing them
I think you're onto something
>mfw nigs shout out "BLACK LIVES MATTER"
>it's a lie
>Don't persue roasties/ shit tier girls.

Where the fuck are these women?

Pretty much every guy who is looking for a serious relationships wants those women, and there are not enough of them.
>You'll be successful one day.
Whoever said this to you is a bitch, no one should ever have that false hope instilled in them like that

The modern world is not a match for our genetics.

Peoples jaws are looking more and more deformed and recessed thanks to the modern diet and lifestyle(probably) whatever it is people are getting uglier in the western world.

Also the genetic quality of the human race is declining rapidly thanks to medical advancement and ability to live a cushy life where those who are medically incapable to work are still able to have kids.
>Your disinterest will attract everyone

My plan, basically.
I have similar trust issues. I see the way girls act when they have a BF. I really don't know if they do love them. You have to be able to trust a person to be in a relationship. I can't.

If you are ugly people will be glad.
Only works if you look halfway decent.
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I miss these guys. They really captured life well in alot of their music. I haven't listened to much of there newer stuff yet.
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>your ancestors were probably either raped or got (bottom feeder) women who didn't had a choice but marry the one they were told
>during your life women get to choose their partners
>your genes are immediately dropped by every single one
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Not true famalamalam
>your ancestors got laid
It's not about just getting laid. If it were that simple we'd all be hiring hookers.
yeah there are always outliers. the fact is, the harder you work, the more likely you are to succeed. and that's never going to change, people who put in more effort will do better than those who do not
Depends on what you mean by hard work, I was thinking more about effort I guess, putting in the work to make sure that you succeed across all walks of life, not like doing a shit ton of manual labor. Maybe I should've said work ethic, or life attitude. Even if you do manual labor, you can put in the work to be good at what you do and maybe eventually start your own construction business or something. You start off disadvantaged, then you work harder. Life's not fair and it never will be, the only person who you can 100% rely on to come through is yourself, depending on anyone is never a certainty.
You can't force love anon, you either find that person or you don't.

No matter what you try, you can't force anyone to love you.

You got to find that person who's willing to spend the rest of their lives with you.
This is a lie. Stockholm Syndrome is a thing.
There's no winning with you guys is there?

captcha is 1200 wins

Be a player. Get laid.

Mother says :

You don't have to be a player like your father, son.

>follow what she says

>Never get laid ever again. Because women only want casual sex with players.
>Be this or that and woman will love you

Statistically speaking, on average, women will find you unattractive as EVERY one of them will try to get a male that's way above her dating/social/material/educational/etc level.
They don't want equal but much, much better partner and even the ugliest, the ones without any worthwhile qualities will try to snatch some successful guy because they think that they deserve it.

Watch this video, it explains things brilliantly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vqRbScCIPU

tl; dw; - You're far more likely to be found unattractive and undesirable partner than otherwise.
how can this work? i mean, people want attention, not disinterest. people i know politely despise my apparent tranquillity, disinterest for gossips and other normie shit
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>the working class will overthrow the bourgeoisie
Love can be forced. Look at arranged marriages and other non-sexual based relationships. A lot of relationships have one party pretending to like the other party than they actually do.
>forced marriage
There's no love here, there's no real passion involved.
>There's somebody for everyone anon

Yeah right.
>Just be confident
>It's all about "Personality"

>I refuse to rate you, because it's "shallow"

btw, how much money do you have ?
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>You look good to me

>"I only care about personality anyways"
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Intelligence has brought me....

An overactive mind.
Pills to calm myself.
Social awkwardness.

But fuck yeah I can hack my way around most electronics; I know tons about biology/medicine (I mean I am not a doctor but I could probably cure you); I have a massive music collection and know every bit of it; I dabble in philosophy; still feel empty, and I am invisible to most women.

Intelligence FUCK YEAH!

Sometimes I wish I was born somewhat retarded but with better physique. (not that I actually have bad physique in the first place, its the social awkwardness that is the dealbreaker)
That pic... is so on point as to why so many women are subs.
I've had a total of 3 human females take interest and talk to me only because I showed disinterest in communicating with them. The more I played hard to get, the more frequent were their texts asking me what's wrong with me and why I don't interact much.

Needless to say all 3 got bored after a certain amount of time and frankly, I didn't care much.

I'm currently 24, a chronic masturbator and will probably continue to be so till I die.
The key to being aloof:

1. get them somewhat interested by some small thing about you. could be a hobby, style, whatever. drop in your name or whatever hint to be able to look you up.

2. wait...

3. if she makes contact. act distant. wait...

4. if she is interested at this point her attempts will intensify. wait a bit more but suddenly offer to do something together.

5. if you do end up doing something together and she keeps contacting you, keep acting distant...

rince repeat...
> chocolate milk comes from brown cows
Those bastards
The most damaging lies from my youth:

-The employment system is basically fair and and you just have to be better qualified and\or more passionate
-Women have less power than men
Never, ever take advice on women from your mother. I made that mistake and it caused years of delay in losing my virginity.

I think distrust of women (and people in general) is highly justified...

But Tom Leykis? He's sortof the male equivalent of a tumblr roastie. He SELLS bitterness and resentment.
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>capitalism has exerted its dominance over consciousness; marching in time with it have been commercialism, advertising, the absurd grinning cult of economic efficiency, the exclusive and immoderate appetite for material riches. Even worse, liberation has reached from the economic to the sexual domain. All sentimental fictions have been shattered into a thousand pieces. Purity, chastity, fidelity, decency, have become ridiculous stigmata. The value of a human being is measured today by his economic efficiency and his erotic potency
2017 wanting to have sex in order to reproduce. Falling for the biggest of all memes
>tfw you wake up to the lies and feel depressed at first that your reality shatters
>tfw you can choose to keep a negative outlook towards life because of these lies, but you'd rather focus on seeinv the positive aspects of this wake up call
>tfw above the lies, unchained to the normie ladder.

Looks don't matter, not everyone is nice, you NEED a good personality or to be a goid trickster to attract people through charisma, sex is nothing special and true love is a rarity. Status and money only get you gold diggers, chads are insecure as fuck, but they are good fakers, nithing actually matters and society is a joke.

And everything is perfect because of this. Do good even when nothing comes back to you. Do it for goodness' sake and be the best person that you can be regardless of reward and you will be elevated and life will feels good man.

Love and kindness are the only truth that I need, the only gods that I pray to. Those who do good out of vanity or personal gain are pretenders.
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Doing good when nothing comes back to you is the definition of cuckoldry.
> Lies you were led to believe in your youth

Good things happen to good people
People get what they deserve

Too far gone now, we will see what happens in afterlife

No, the definition of cuckoldry is to enjoy watching your gf or wife be fucked by someone else.

Just quit, you frogposting memelord, you never had what it takes to be a good person and this is why you are alone.
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Not exactly lies, but bad advice.

>the road is more important than the destination
>follow your heart, love conquers all, ect
>it is important to accustom yourself to doing things you do not want to do
>be the best version of yourself you can be
>success is the best revenge; the people who made fun of you in high school will end up working for you
>real life isn't like high school

How am I supposed to give love and kindness to the world? i don't know anyone. I haven't spoken to anyone but cashiers in weeks.

What should I volunteer at a soup kitchen or something?
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b-but this is the best I can be
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All you creepy loser failures who put
>being nice
As a lie, you deserve all your butthurt and loneliness. There is literally desperate lonely women who will do anything for a bit of positive attention. You are completly lying if you say you are nice. Lower your standards and see that there's tons and tons of women who would love to be treated well. Oh but you all meant only being fake nice to a girl like in the display picture or hotter. You assholes deserve every scrap of pain and lonliness you have for overlooking girls who want kindness. REAL kindness.
Lel. Not even the math works out. At least for men.
>He lost his virginity

The only not 10/10 girl who was cute I spoke to, did like me being nice to her but she had a bf so it was all futile
> b-but women have it worse

fuck off you stupid cunt
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>white people are smart, cool and attractive
>your grades are important
>if you're nice to people they will be nice to you back
>God loves you and has a plan for you
>always love your family
>college is a prestigious educational institution/attainment
>if you want women to like you, you have to be nice and respectful
>The worst a girl can do is say no
Worst lie of my life
>You are very intelligent
My parents said that ad verbatim, up until the point I bought into it and never worked. I got lazy, but for a while it was OK and I had good results in school...
But the fall was hard, really hard...
And also:
>Money don't buy happiness
Yea right...
That women are the romantic gender and that men are the pigs that just want to fuck. Everyone perpetuated this bs. From what I've seen women are fucking worse because at least there are some romantic guys, girls night as well be carbon copies of each other.
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I made this the other day
Female Detected. GTFO you filthy whore. All females are normies.
Stockholm Syndrome isn't a thing, women are just sluts for powerful guys.

You ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome happening in men? Nope. Always one guy kidnaps 20 women and they go native.
>Young girls like assholes but when they grow up they will value a nice and smart guy more
Should have abandoned all hope when i was 15 and when asked my mother about that she said in an awkward tone "uh...hum, well, yeah, it's not exactly wrong, but that's when they are 30 or so..."
I told myself i could still make it, and i kinda "did", if you count used up dumb single mothers throwing themselves at you to be beta provided as "making it"
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>>women care more about personality than looks
This is true, but women like a *good* personality more than looks. You're a depressive, sadsack, nervous fuck
>>women want a guy who treats them nice
Also actually true. That doesn't mean 'the bare bones of courtesy', that is 'treats them in an active, positive fashion'
>>women are nice
Some are
>>sex is something very SPECIAL you wait to have with someone special whom you deeply love
Also true, if you want the best possible chance of long term happiness
>>having a kid out of wedlock is taboo
Also true! Or do you want to add to the fucked up, poor, incompetent bastards of the world?
>>sleeping around is degeneracy
ANOTHER true one!
>>girls would like me too when i'm older
I guess that the person telling you this assumed that you'd actually mature as you aged....
>>people don't care about social status after high school
That's a fucking lie
Cmon retard you're posting on Valentine's day defending women you have better things to do
>>having a kid out of wedlock is taboo
>>sleeping around is degeneracy
These are true, though the kid thing is less taboo and more of a pretty bad idea.

By asking this you're missing the point.

Nothing matters, if you don't wanna do good, don't.

Doing good regardlesd of karma is a tool for personal elevation. It testd your limits, your spirit and your heart. Doing good strenghten empathy and brings you closer to people. Feelings of hate and loneliness are replaced with feelings of compassion and understanding.

It's not much different from a religion, except that love and kindness are tangible feelings.

Your soup kitchen idea might not be a bad one. You could meet new people and you will interact with a lot of broken people who lost everything. This could give you new perspective and, at this point, you probably have nothing to lose.

Better do that than do nothing at all until you die.
>accept reality and realize women are whores
>stop reading and writing so much, even totally sometimes
>instead get in shape adn dress well
>still no gf

I really can't win. It's genetic.
how is sleeping aroud any more 'degenerate' than sleeping with just 1 person?
How old are you now anon ?

I swear i am not a robot
it's degenerate because damn Chad is fucking my crush behind my back even though he already has an endless supply of dumb bitches to fuck, and whore Stacy is a fucking slut that will shake spread her ass open for literally everyone except me.
Whoring around and treating people as objects in which to relieve your base desires is more sexually deviant, decadent, sinful and degenerate than staying true and faithful to one partner. This is because these terms have definitions and the former fits under them far more than the latter.

Hope that helps.

So it's all about you.

>This is because these terms have definitions and the former fits under them far more than the latter.

So you argument is: "because I say so".

I am sorry but that is not an argument, so I have to tell you that you wrong. Having sex with one partner is just as degenerate as having sex with multiple partners.
>31yo khv full on wizard

Come to think of it,

I really can't remember from the top of my head that in my "youth" I was told anything at all of that kind.

Neither by my single mother nor by anyone else.
(Father neglects and ignores my since childhood, relatives dead on mothers side or don't play an active role in my life, barely any freinds, friends of family inexistant)
>So you argument is: "because I say so".
No these say so:

You're just being obtuse and already decided who's right before looking at my argument, sleeping around is literally defined by several sources as being everything I've said. If you want to disagree then bring some facts.
>the earth is flat because it says so in the dictionary.

s t u p i d
Rule of thumb of life: If by the time you finish university (or were supposed to if you dropped out) you are still alone, then just give up on the hope of finding happiness. Some people just aren't meant to be that way.
Oh, don't you say
The whole argument about whether doing x or y is degenerate is already selfishly imposing your values and perspective on someone else. Might as well be as brutally honest as i can, this is an anonymous board after all.
> hack my way around most electronics
What do you mean exactly?
>the moon doesn't exist and the sun orbits Earth because I know better than every source out there
I know anon.
I am 23 yo, about to finish school.
I too believed in this be nice meme.
The good part is that since i was 12, i knew i was gonna end up alone.
Yeah, although all i seek for is happiness, i do know it isn't meant for everybody.

Do you plan to settle with a used good in the near future ?
It is. Hardly any respectable couple does it.
Here is a read for you, so you can improve on your reasoning.


Logic has always come naturally to me, but some people, like yourself, have to actively studdy it to avoid making fallacious arguments.
Do you think every article with sources is actually an illogical appeal to authority?

Appeal to authority is like saying KFC is good because X likes it, not "these sources indicate this"
No, it's just that the Baby Boomers and Gen X had really, really easy lives and I feel like a lot of these things were true for them. It was their way of life, especially when it comes to careers and future prospects, so they passed on the sentiments and I think they also felt if they all told their kids this it would kind of come true.

But a lot of the reality they lived wore off, 2nd and 3rd wave feminism smashed all chances of the things they said about women coming true, and a lot of us just took what they told us too much to heart.
>"these sources indicate this"

Is infact an appeal to authority.

If you say "our researches asked this many people these questions and so on" I can either accept it as fact or dispute it, but you have not made an argument, you have simply raised a premise.

So when you say "It is so, BECAUSE, these sources say it", you are making an appeal to authority.
>Do you plan to settle with a used good in the near future ?
I'm still pretty sure that's a no. I was lucky to learn from a young age the fact that you will be even more miserable if you settle down with used goods by watching my mother and my step dad. Why would you want to do that? Probably because you're starving for a bit of love. But you're not going to get anything out of being an afterthought stuck in the middle of another person's family.
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>listening to woman's dating advice

>(((be nice)))
>be nice

This is a good trait to have for getting girls. The problem is that robots who claim to be nice actually aren't, they're jerks at the core.
No, it is so because there's proof. Do you say the same thing any time someone says something exists and bring forth evidence?
>then there's proof

Here is another read for you


>A formal proof or derivation is a finite sequence of sentences (called well-formed formulas in the case of a formal language), each of which is an axiom, an assumption, or follows from the preceding sentences in the sequence by a rule of inference. The last sentence in the sequence is a theorem of a formal system.
Biodiversity is not "genetic quality decline".
>declining rapidly
Doesn't work that way for a species booming in population AND long lived.
probably common law i assume he meant

I meant that people with genetic medical ailments who would have died off are now able to reproduce in the modern world.

Also mercury, lead and other poisonous chemicals have lasting genetic effects on future generations, I think.
Only in the sense that they increase the likelyhood of birth defects.
Marriage is a sacred bond that lasts a lifetime, it's not just a more official relationship, it's not for taxes, it's about an oath of loyalty and love you make to someone and to yourself. But now with no fault divorces marriage has been entirely devalued where there's always the option to opt out rather than work through whatever you're going through together, with it the need to choose a partner wisely is also removed and you can just remarry, it doesn't matter if you break your word.

What younger people need to understand is that marriage isn't for the ceremony or for religious or taxe purposes, both the church and state will recognize it and celebrate it in a way but it is primarily about you making a commitment for life with someone, either before God or on your honor that you will respect your marital duties.
What is "being nice?"
Does bantz count as being mean?
>dateless virgin being an expert on marriage and relationships
All of these lies are the reasons why i am child free. I worked so hard to achieve a stable life and have a good wife. I will not ruin this by having adding another random person in the equation.

wait, how does that work? Won't you have an equal number of male and female ancestors?
If you do not take incest into account then yes. What this anon is struggling to say is that if we put all of our collective ancestors into a pool there would be less men than women.

again, how would that work? Aren't there roughly the same number of men and women and it's always been that way?

Sorry, I'm not very smart
imagine if you and your best mate had the same dad, but different mums.

collectively you have 1 dad and 2 mums.
aaah, so...

100 guys, 100 girls.

40 guys fuck 80 girls

20 fuck 20

rest don't fuck any

kinda thing?
>earth is round
yeah pretty much that.

And here is why I have 0 belief in the institution of marriage.

A perfect commitment is extremely difficult and while I do agree with you that less and less people are willing to stick together through hardship as a couple, you have to realize that being in a couple with someone is not as simple and straightforward as the vow of marriage makes it out to be. To me, basically, a wedding vow is the same as saying "If we believe hard enough we can go through anything", but a relationship test you and your partner and it is difficult to find someone that will be so compatible with ypu yhat only death will do you part. To me it's a fantasy, a great case of wishful thinking. Making a promise for decades to come without having any idea if you will be able to hold your vow in a year, in five, in ten, in fifty.

I don't think the state of disposable relationship our society is in is normal nor healthy, but to throw society back into the borderline forced notion of marriage with a church that pressured people to remain in a toxic marriage out of a sense of tradition is not the way to go either.

It's more realistic to accept that nothing guarantees the lobg term success of a couple aside from how much effort you and your partner are willing to put into upholding your responsibilities as your partner's better half and life isn't so rose tinted. Sometimes you will find yourself being the only one putting any work into it.

Trusting someone with your heart is a very risky thing to do because lufe changes people and a decade makes a tremendous diffetence in the temper of a person. For ten, twenty years your couple may work wonderfully until a mere sequence of unfortunate event ruins one or both of you and you are no longer able to relate to one another.

For this reason, I will never marry. I don't need a wedding viw to show my commitment to my loved one or a pair of imaginary moral shackles. I do it daybyday by doing my best and being faithful.
Yep, all of them.

What a fucking crock of shit, especially the part about them wanting a guy who treats them nice.
Can say first hand that they don't care about looks, so long as you're not a fucking mutant.

that girl looks really fucking cute though

Katherine McNamara, I guess.
>making a commitment to another person

are you a faggot or what? the only commitment is to the state
Except overwhelmingly statistically the love will fade. Sorry, but this isn't a fairy tale. Happily "ever after" isn't a real thing.

That's why it's always a good idea to not get married until you've been/lived together with your partner for atleast 3-5 years.
>You'll be taller when you're older anon
>anon 5foot 8 isn't even that short
>people who put in more effort will do better than those who do not
What a load of bullshit. This would only be true if everyone was exactly the same such that same effort = same results but we all know the world isn't as simple as you think it is.

Yeah you might be right, but logically, regardless of opportunities and life situation, you have more chances if you do something than if you don't.

Whether it bears result or not is another issue.
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My mom always told me to be extremely nice and courteous to women. That they didn't like being submissive in a relationship, and that sex for women is all about emotion unlike men who want to fuck everything. Also that women don't care about looks nearly as much as men do and that if you are just pleasant and helpful that one will fall into your lap
>tfw feminist mom
Never had a chance desu
I even had the white privilege talk when I was 13 and the don't rape talk when I was 15
>family tree meme again
You don't understand ...
>>I love you.
god damn it fuck you
>Whether it bears result or not is another issue.
You said it yourself that it WILL lead to success. Even if that post wasn't yours the post at the top of the reply chain was originally referring to this. Stop fucking backpedaling.
She was mostly right, except that last part about one falling on your lap. You gotta put yourself out there and search, just like everyone else.
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>he actually thinks women don't like being submissive in a relationship and that women don't fuck around just like men
>There is literally desperate lonely women who will do anything for a bit of positive attention.
Where do I find them?
Literally all I want is a girl who is around my age (I am 23) and doesn't have some sort of obvious deal breaker like being addicted to drugs or crazy or something.
>not wanting a junkie gf
Looking back at my life as a 28yo guy whos never had a gf, I hate this advice, or at the very least the lack from my parents when it came to telling the truth.

Why the fuck didnt my dad ever talk to me about how to get girls, that it takes effort, that you need to be assertive etc. I was a smart kid, I would have taken advice like that to heart. Instead the advice and the belief I have had with me all my life is the "just be yourself, when you meet the right person you'll know" as if thats gonna happen without effort. Its bullshit and its ruined my young adulthood.
Whoops, misread that part. Of course women want to be submissive.
It's not healthy and it's no fun to be around.
>someday you'll lose your virginity to a beautiful girl
>someday you'll stop being a virgin
>someday you'll have a girlfriend
>someday you'll get to touch tits
>someday you'll have your own money
>someday you'll have a job you enjoy
>someday op will stop being a fag
Also want to argue the meme about them only wanting sex with guys they love and have a connection with?
I don't know
Sounds pretty nice to me but I've never been in the situation. They'd probably be super clingy
Dude, junkie girls regularly fuck their dealers and anyone who'll give them anything
I don't think that was implied. Just that women are more emotional creatures in everything, including sex. To get sex from a girl you gotta push the right buttons.
I've never been in the situation either. But I don't really have a desire to find out. I wouldn't mind a girl who occasionally smokes pot or drinks or something, but habitual drug use is a no-go for me, even as desperate as I am.
They're fucking Chad after he runs through all the Stacies.
Don't feed the trolls.
By being handsome and having a boatload of cash, yeah
Couldn't it be that intelligent women seek intelligent men though?

I reckon ordinary people look at intelligent people and see them as very boring and useless people. So they discriminate you. However you will also find the opposite. Intelligent people discriminate the stupid, braindead noncerebral simpletons just as much in the end.

You just live on another plane of reality my friend. Go seek out likeminded individuals, even if they are hard to find.
That's a meme. Personality and making her laugh are far more important. How else do you explain ugly poorfags getting laid? It's all about manipulating their emotions.
Intelligence is an attractive trait. Always. Whenever you see someone sperging about how he can't get girls because he's smart, he's full of shit. Actual intelligence, not meme online iq test intelligence, means you know how to do things that make you attractive.

And yes, intelligence matching does matter. Two smart people will flock together. One smart and one dumb person will have a hard time being a couple.
well, none of those except maybe >women want a guy who treats them nice and >women are nice and the first one is not even false depending on what you mean by nice
I'm just trying to help robots ;_;
>>everyone is good in something
fucking this
>How else do you explain ugly poorfags getting laid?
women can get desperate too
I believe these and that's why I'll die alone
IQ tests aren't a meme. Every additional IQ point increases your chance of being a virgin throughout high school by 3%. 35% of male MIT grad students are virgins, as compared to 13% of male high school students.
>women want to be treated like a princess
Whoever told you this wasn't exactly wrong
>35% of male MIT grad students are virgins
you can't think of any other trait MIT students have in common other than high iq?
He sees what he wants to see. Don't confuse him with facts.
I don't know, just tell me.

Ok, I guess I am not facts, whatever that means.
>muh submissiveness meme
High school is not real life. You can't apply any high school stats to adults.
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>women care more about personality than looks

Unless you're hideously ugly or outrageously attractive this is 100% ture

>women want a guy who treats them nice
>women are nice
>sex is something very SPECIAL you wait to have with someone special whom you deeply love
>having a kid out of wedlock is taboo

Blatantly false

>sleeping around is degeneracy

True but everyone has forgotten

>girls would like me too when i'm older

Girls won't 'like' you when they're older but they will learn to settle. Know the difference.

>people don't care about social status after high school

People don't give a shit if you're rich or poor. People will regard you differently but they still don't give a shit.

t. oldbot
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Intelligence has its downsides
Women do want a guy who treats them nice. That part is true.
Its good you failed. Your shitskin genetics would have sullied the human gene pool.
see literally the first post in this thread: >>34859060

>A Dr. Beaver was able to predict number of sexual partners pretty well using a scale with such delightful items as "have you been in a gang", "have you used a weapon in a fight", et cetera.

>If you're smart, don't drink much, stay out of fights, display a friendly personality, and have no criminal history - then you are the population most at risk of being miserable and alone.
>if you're a beta you're more likely to be alone

Who woulda thought.
>look at this human thinking he knows more about water than us fishes

Which is why I said marriage isn't about the ceremony or religion, it's about your commitment reaffirmed daily to your wife or husband. Marriage was created exactly to counter the fast going relationships, those aren't healthy to raise children and pre-marital sex has been statistically linked with less stable marriages and less self-reported happiness for women, long lasting monogamous relationship is the best for humans. As you and >>34866374 point out, people can change and love and lust don't last forever, which is why you don't marry based on love or lust, you marry someone based on virtue and you don't know if someone is virtuous unless you know them and they have consistently and continuously lived virtuously. But marriage is also about the oath/vow, back in the days your word meant something and marriage isn't only about you and your wife, it's about your family you have people dependent on you and on the good functioning of your relationship, both you and your kids will be better for it rather than just not work together to fix it and if your relationship was founded on virtuousness rather than love it'll be easier to fix, if it was founded on lust or convenience then it probably won't be fixed.

Even within the most secular point of view the commitment isn't to the state, but for the state to either uphold the marriage contract or arbitrate the breaching of the contract. The commitment is always between the two marrying together.
You can only have one loyalty.

If an enemy soldier suddenly switches over to your side, he can never have trust again.

The side he's defecting to will think him for a spy, and the side he defected from will hunt him down for a traitor.

Applies to all human relations, no matter whether they involve mating
ok... are you the person I was replying to? Because it seems like now you agree with me.
>This topic is personally enraging to me
Scott, you're a lonefag because you're boring af not because you're smart and ethical.
>Couldn't it be that intelligent women seek intelligent men though?
No, they seek roid monkeys with big dicks.

>Actual intelligence, not meme online iq test intelligence
You're talking about sociopathy.
Would apply to infidelity, not to casual sex.
I am not Scott.
Also isn't he polyamorous and has multiple girlfriends or something?
>I am not Scott
I wasn't implying that.
>isn't he unable to get anyone to settle for him and have to settle for stray sex and being a backup
Quite likely.
Casual sex is a romantic and intimate affair of trust between you and the person you're doing it with.

If one thinks romance, trust and intimacy are casual and throwaway, that tells just about everything of what you mean to that person and how much you can trust them.
Yes and no, it doesn't guarantee success. Becoming an NBA player is entirely dependent upon luck. However, the difference between some journeyman and Kobe is hard work.
Who is defending women, you fuckwit?
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>tfw above the lies, unchained to the normie ladder.

Nice trips m8

iktf. Follow them ideals man. Doesn't matter if there is good or bad that is just the way it is. Sort of like Stoicism eh?
Success IS the best revenge
The people who made fun of you in HS will only work for you IF you succeed and they Fail
The real world is nothing like high school
Yet another kissless virgin being an expert on women.

Women (like most humans) don't know what they want. Women may WANT a boy to treat them nice but that will grow boring for them extremely fast.

Because women.
Success is the best outcome, it takes some maturity to outgrow whatever you were subjected to and become a great person despite that, revenge even if justified isn't the most mature or virtuous way to deal with something but saying success is the best revenge is a bit like saying abstinence is safe sex. The outcome is true but technically the statement is false, no sex isn't safe sex it's no sex. Same for success and revenge.
>Success IS the best revenge
>The people who made fun of you in HS will only work for you IF you succeed and they Fail
this ideology is a little TOO pure for me
They aren't lies but they're not completely true either. Personality matters a lot when you spend significant amount of time with anyone. In regards to social status, the people that have it often don't want attention solely based on status. Just because you're an elite athlete doesn't mean you want to be treated like that's what you are by your friends and family. It's why putting people on a pedestal doesn't work. People like Tom Brady want to be treated like they're a person not some god that everyone should worship.
This if I am entirely honest with myself
>sleeping around is degeneracy
What part of that is a lie?
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It will get better.

>And stop muting me shitty software, you know I am right.
your dad is supposed to teach you the real truths about this shit. he found a way to fuck your mom and have you.
if he isn't sharing this vital tips and information on how to score chicks, then hes failing as a father figure

source:bastard son here. i learned a little late around 20
i agree my dude.
single moms are worst for this type of stuff. they are preserving their gender's weakspot and not sharing any of it because then they would realize all they are good for is a hole
I think it's more like hard work + luck. Those who work more, are more likely to be lucky. Of course you can't count on luck.
>he found a way to fuck your mom and have you
>join a political youth organization and have an equally dorky girl fall in love with you for some reason
yeah i'm sure that's a universal solution
It did for me, very briefly. When I left highschool and went to college I found better people than i'd known my whole life previously. I didn't keep in contact with them. My fault there.
>>join a political youth organization and have an equally dorky girl fall in love with you for some reason
>yeah i'm sure that's a universal solution
Well, have you tried it? That's pretty much how Millennial Woes got his German gf, Lana and Henrik from Red Ice, Ralph and Nora from The Ralph Retort...and so on.
>>people are born equal
Can't believe people actually think that.
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>things just work out
>You will naturally make female friends and get a girlfriend one day. These things just happen.
>if you go to college you will be successful
>student loans are worth it
>Things may not be perfect, but we live in a really good society and life is way better for us than it was for our ancestors.
>you can trust most people
>Women are people too just like men
>women are smart and they can do anything we can
>your attitude is more important than your looks
i have no idea who those people are and i suspect i'm happier that way
>>Women are people too just like men
>>women are smart and they can do anything we can
sounds like you need to redpill yourself on men
Alt right youtubers basically.
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>women want a guy who treats them nice
Girls do want someone who will treat them nice. However, a lot of guys think nice means doting on a girl and that's where they fuck up.
>sex is something very SPECIAL you wait to have with someone special whom you deeply love
If you stick to this rule then your sex will be considerably more satisfying.
>having a kid out of wedlock is taboo
It is. No one besides far-left weirdos thinks that it's okay.
>sleeping around is degeneracy
It is.
oh no I'm better than I ever been now.

I also shit on cumskin failures like you and you love me for it.
>No one besides far-left weirdos thinks that it's okay
define 'far-left' non-circularly without contradicting this
>size doesn't matter
>you're black so at least you have a big dick
I should've been a bit more specific. I mean people who are very, very socially liberal, to the point that they want to circumvent even the most acceptable of traditional values purely so they can stick it to some boogey man oppressor (e.g. "the white patriarchy").
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>>sex is something very SPECIAL you wait to have with someone special whom you deeply love
>>having a kid out of wedlock is taboo
>>sleeping around is degeneracy
WOW nice try roastie
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>>sex is something very SPECIAL you wait to have with someone special whom you deeply love
>>having a kid out of wedlock is taboo
>>sleeping around is degeneracy
also a greed with all of it but they you'd spewed out shit like this
fuck yoyoyoyoy
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you gotta wonder why all women are hypocrties and shallow wet holes s s sisisondai
if you think only people who want to stick it to "the white patriarchy" or similar are okay with bastards you seriously need help
>if you think only people who want to stick it to "the white patriarchy" or similar are okay with bastards you seriously need help
Who else do you imagine is ok with it? Among whites that is.
I think this is completely correct and sound logic but:
Why aren't men held to this standard?
How autistic are you? It's not a specific group.
I have Republican gun totting military man friends who are/have bastards and are completely okay with the idea.

Your problem is thinking everyone who does this bad thing fits into this specific category of people you dislike.

Personally, I don't give a shit if it's taboo or not, it's objectively better to have kids with someone who has contractually sworn loyalty to you(and vice versa) than popping them out in a random relationship.
>what's stopping you?
I'm so autistic that I don't even know where to begin. How do you convince a girl to make out with you? How do you convince a girl to be your gf? How do you flirt? What is flirting? How do you initiate anything romantic with a girl? I can talk to girls just fine and they usualy enjoy talking with me, but achieving anything beyond that has always been a mistery to me. How does it work? Why does this come naturally to everyone else? Am I retarded?
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