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>valentine's day from grade 1-6 >everyone gives each

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Thread replies: 393
Thread images: 44

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>valentine's day from grade 1-6
>everyone gives each other cards and candy
>I always feel great when I get one from my crush

>valentine's day from grade 7-12
>I joke around with my friends about how stupid such a day is until I ended up falling madly in love with this one girl, my oneitis
>I never got the courage to tell her my feelings until grade 12 when I realized It was now or never as it was the final year of being around her
>got rejected hard but shes a very nice person and still maintained a friendship with me
>I could never get over it and It destroys me every single day
>valentine's day comes up
>I avoid everyone and sit behind the school during lunch and skipping out on my last period classess
>did nothing but cry silently cause I didn't want to see some chad be all flirty with her on valentines

>Valentine's day now
>3 years past since I've last seen her
>I have developed social anxiety disorder
>I cannot be near groups of people cause I always feel like they are judging me and mocking me wherever I go
>I can't eat by myself in crowded restaurants for fear of being made fun of by chads and their girlfriends
>have to show up at a restaurant near closing when everyone has left so I can eat a lone
>go out to my favorite restaurant on special occasions like valentine's day, I eat alone.
>come home later that night, shower, brush teeth and go to sleep.
>dream about my oneitis and wake up crying

How are you guys going to spend your valentine's day?
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In lab all day, doing school work to take my mind off of the problems. I have lab all afternoon and evening, no free time, so I won't have time to notice that my life is shit.
>still not getting over your HS crush after 3 years
>buying into the social anxiety meme

Bruh get your shit together. stop giving a fuck. What do you have to lose

As for me I'll be spending it alone again, but whatever, I've finally accepted I'll die alone and I'm not entirely against the idea. Spending the day off work just chilling and fapping and cooking for myself while looking out at the snowfall is great; I'd take that over having to shop and buy stupid shit for a girl who I might care for initially but who will inevitably annoy me and drive me away either through being unbearable or by cheating.

Fuck relationships man, and fuck the idea of a "oneitis". Shit's toxic. Also stop reminiscing about childhood valentine's day when they require you give out cards and shit. Holy fuck that's stupid as hell man, time to grow up.
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Roll for your Valentine's day date
seventytwo original rolls
are you a grand wizard, mister?
work all day then I've got class until 8:30 pm, won't be home until after 9. gonna have some wine and cheese with my waifu. I've never spent V-Day with a 3D and the past four or five I've spent with her have been much more fun and fulfilling than those spent alone. plus I also get drunk.

Just 2 years until wizardom, friend.

I've kissed girls and touched vaginas and got a HJ once, and my power level is hidden well, nobody knows how close I am to achieving my powers.
give me a galko slut

rolling keep on rolling rolling roll what keep on rolling rolling
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gonna go to uni and study

til 9pm

we have this big central chamber where most people work since it's such a nice place, i'm gonna be there.

it'll be funny to see all the losers in one place with me.
This will work out great, I'm sure.
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i want to be fucked by faceless men
>Valentine's day in elementary school
>Everyone gets a valentine
>Valentine's day in high school
>Only chads get valentines
>Valentine's day in the workforce
>The beta bux buy Valentines for their wives

double zeroes pls
rollign fnue
rolly rolly I want galko
I wish I can walk your path

I am still young and naive
For the past 4 Valentines I've volunteered at my local soup kitchen. It helps keep my mind off the crushing loneliness and it feels good to have helped people.
Probably similar to you, except even more pathetic because my oneitis is Ciara.
A-at least I can look at her qt pics I guess...
Rolling in the current year, 2017
I'm Australian so its today
>get home from tafe
>jerk off for half an hour
>play ESO
>play d&d with mates
>go to bed
>jerk off
How I spend every Tuesday.
Rolling for tomboy desu
This post is very original.
Bullshit, rerolling. If I get 0 again I'll cry myself to sleep.
Dude, you don't have to show up late at closing to eat at a place. Just do what I do! Get the food to go, and then eat it in your car. Sure, you don't get a table, but... hey! At least you can eat whatever time you want.
Can already tell it's going to be shit
>fitness class tomorrow is going to be in the schools rec center/gym because of bad weather
>email sent out says we're going to be doing some kind of workout
>then I have shitloads of other work to do because I feel too exhausted to do any of it today even if I've done nothing
>just bought a fun game but I will either not play it or regret playing it as I put off more shit tomorrow

I can ignore everyone else though as long as whatever is going on in fitness doesn't make me want to die.
if we shared candy like the japs do for Valentine's Day in animemes, there would legitimately be 3 people getting candy while the rest of us suffer. ITs a very bad feel, famalam.
Galko is not a slut REEEEEEEE
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Dumpy/classrep/uppity slut please
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Nerd, Dumpy, Fatty or Tomboy please.
i was just going to watch anime on VDay anyway
This. I'll probably spend my time rewatching her videos. She's the only source of happiness in my life.
dubs or nothing
gosh you're such a pleb
I'm thinking about giving a cute Valentine's day card to my crush, either she can perceive it as a joke thing or serious. Should I do it or is it risking too much?
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im typing
I'm thinking about giving a cute Valentine's day card to my crush, either she can perceive it as a joke thing or serious. Should I do it or is it risking too much? I don't want her to know for sure that I like her unless I know for sure that she likes me.
you can give it to her and play it off as cute girls deserve some praise from time to time and leave it ambiguous, if she has feelings for you, then you will know.

OR you can not give her anything and hang around and see what happens between you and her
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Rolling for Tomboy COME ON GIVE ME A 7 GO GO GO GO GO GO
You can be a normal fag if you forget about that bitch. Women are all whores, no matter how nice they seem. Who gives af what Chad and his Stacey gf bitch thinks? Live your life how you want without letting normies be the reason you feel judged.
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Spending my Valentines alone. It is also my birthday. I work at a cafe so I'll be serving the happy normie couples their deserts and shit.

I don't know what to do with my life at this point. I just want someone to spend my time with.
Rulllululul oreginilol
slut was my second choice so whatever I'm happy

Anyway, if it weren't for all the Valentine's threads we've been having lately I wouldn't have even thought about it. Life is a lot more bearable if you don't have a oneitis. Apathy can be a good thing I guess
Also forgot to mention my oneitis works the same shift as me. I'm expecting her boyfriend to come and surprise her in front of me with gifts and shit then take her out/make me serve them stuff. Happened last year.
The Slut pls.
I want a innocent qt to cuddle.
rollblox waifublox
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Here's another one

>uhh muh social anxiety
Go see a doctor if it bothers you that much (not a psychologist, they are utter trash and only dumb normies need their help), but careful with pills.

>go out to my favorite restaurant on special occasions like valentine's day, I eat alone.
>come home later that night, shower, brush teeth and go to sleep.
>dream about my oneitis and wake up crying
You clearly have self pitying problems.

I'm gonna shitpost. Came back here for today just for that.
rollan some original digits
>wanted to get dubs
>not like this
I allow myself one reroll
Happy birthday, faggot.
Good news is that you'll probably make some money today.
hahaha yes praise kek
one more post
I hope no one expects dick pics from me tomorrow
rollin' for nerd aka best
now for this one
rollin for klara
>be dating my childhood friend.
>be really close for over 10 years
>I have given her shelter and material wealth for over 3 years
>2016 valentine rolls around the corner
>"its not like it used to be anymore/ I'm not feeling it anymore "
>leaves with Chad in his expensive car.
>been a broken man since.

I can't believe its been a year.
I haven't been able to talk to or fuck women since.

Why is existence so harsh?
Why are women so selfish?
Why don't women remember all the good things you did to them and only remember the bad?
Rolling like Jabba the Hutt down a sand dune
some decent advice
be mentally "unfaithful"
let yourself fap to and consider prospects of other people, even though if feels a little bit dirty. Otherwise you cast yourself into this love martyr role and start filling it in. l
>noticed that people gave you fewer and fewer cards each year
fuck even elementary school
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Work tommorow 1-9pm, so by time get off day is pretty much done.
Working with a grill I think likes me tommorow so who knows maybe she will be all
>anon wanna get some dinner or something
Idk prolly not gonna happen
But a man can dream
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christ you're a faggot, get your shit together anon, crying and being a pussy wont solve anything it is the reason she didn't love you in the first place
rullin fur Gondor
rolllling for gf
pls give me a hot one
Roll of originality and ingenuity
ayyyyyyyyy lmao original keks
at least i have my dream gf fuck u all
Rollll pls be a qt3.14*
I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. Maybe I'll just run by the liquor store and buy something to drink so the shitty day goes by faster. Bad enough my friend blatantly lied to me tonight to "go to bed early" when I'm not stupid and know he's banging his bf right now and have nothing to do until bed already.
The dumpy girl is perfect. She wants to improve herself and we can begin by bathing together so she doesn't stink and them I will smell like her and we will both smell nice.
>I always feel great when I get one from my crush
now that I think about it, I didnt have my first crush until I was in like 10th grade highschool. This probably set me back developmentally lmao
Tomboy pls
This is an original request
Is it even worth it at this point?
Which one will it be, anons?
give me smelly girl
i feel you, kinda same situation.
Hopefully I'll get the same one
Julie, Lizzy, Madelyn, Ashley or Klara pls
Ok now
I used to have social anxiety until I realized no really gives a fuck about what you do. They're all so wrapped up in their own problems and worried about how they present themselves your not even a blip on their radar. Even if you do something weird they might think about you for a second and forgot about it forever in about a minute. Don't worry about what a bunch of random idiots in the world may or may not think about you.
Well atleast something good happened today
rollis pollis
Rollin for the dumpy one

I am going to be rolling the dice with this chaps
Rollerino Pellegrino pls be original
rollan for the class rep
i already know im going to hate her
>talk to girl for over 2 years
>she always complains how she's "forever alone"
>mfw she tells me she gets a lot of attention from guys but doesn't want it
>she wants my attention though
>eventually things start escalating in a way
>enter: the fuckboy
>not chad thundercock
>not chad
>just a cookie cutter fuckboy
>she immediately stops responding with the speed she used to respond with
>when she even is there to respond, all she talks about is him
>i get pissy
>she calls me trash
>i tell her to fuck off and never contact me again

and that's the moment I learned that everything with a vagina is a roastie if given a chance with a fucker who meets their standards
let's do it senpai today is the day
Ggjgssvn roll
Rolling to not kill myself originally.
RoIIerino kripperino
This is stupid, every post contains the number 34
King K RolI
Rollington biggs
Please no class rep or tomboy
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might as well. here is one uuuu
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My waifu would rather kill herself than be with me
Oh wait
Rolling for both of these bitches
that feel when no 2d gf
With my Tokyo boys in a white rolls royce
Thanks, Chad
Ive spent the whole day playing video games with people ive met online who are also losers, and getting drunk and high.
Its 10:30 pm now but it really doesnt feel all that much like a wasted day.
I got to have fun with my friends on the internet.
Isnt this the life OP?
haven't read any of the things, may as well just roll that shit
Dumpy one is literally perfect what the fuck.
Im working from home today.
I don't want to hear about peopels dates tonight.
That is going to be the only thing they talk about all day.
alright here goes. can't be worse than nothing
this shit isn't real and wont happen but i'll roll anyway because maybe it will
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>better luck in college
but i already graduated college and i didn't end up with anyone
Rollerino familino
fuck it, I have no other reason to live, roll
FUCK reroll who am I in lesbians with
rolling ajdshgjshgjs
I'd put my seed inside the tomboy at any given chance
Katya gf pls
>valentine's day from grade k-12

You're a fucking normie and you need to leave
I roll for this now, but I know my date is my hand.
Oh god in Heaven, turn this masculine tomboy into a sexy and feminine beauty with my influence point.
rollinWell your heart has spoken
I feel you're already house broken
6 please my oregano
Give me Chad any day.
Keep rollinrollinrollin
Hownot originieeeellss
fuck mang i gotta reroll dis shit
ayy lmao get me senpai
Sure thing daddyo
I have reservations at our favorite restaurant with my GF. Going to go eat, exchange gifts and fuck.
Roll me up boy o
Yes, roll for galko
original rollio, pls don't mute
Thought a girl in class might like me but she dropped any signs of it. I'm failing my classes a few weeks in and haven't made a single friend. Tonight I was gonna do ow comp with my friends but they filled the group even though I was the first one messaged and said I'd only be a few minutes (which I was.)

I continuously give up on the thought of ever having another girlfriend after my first, and I was content with that when my vidya friends didn't stab me in the back.
Roll plz Kek don't fuck my shit up
Why are women only attracted to violent, aggressive bad boys?

Are they evil?

Not like there's anything else going on in my life.
Because they like men?
But I'm not aggressive and violent.
Then you are not a man, you are just a child.
God that must be painful as Fuck
Normos are retards that can't even remember what conversations they have with each other, they just remember talking. We probably think more about these conversations than they ever will. Normans are braindead.
Rolllling staaaaaaart

Normos are perfectly functional people. Self-awareness is a biological error. Robots are too self-aware and self-centered.

Robots were a mistake.
So what are old people who are too feeble to be aggressive and violent?
Cripples, old men whose time has been or people suffering from chronic illness.

Give me something good. I can't take the loneliness
Will you kill yourself before you get old?
rolling because i'm a pathetic piece of shit

Oh well i have to enroll in college today so at least i'll keep my mind busy
No reason to, by then i'll enjoy the company of my wife and possibly grandchildren.
I am original as fuck shut the fuck up stupid robot
But you'll be a cripple. Your grandchildren will be disgusted by your crippled appearance. Your wife will also be a cripple and will long for real men who are violent and aggressive.
my comment is original
i will roll because that is what i do

i need sleep
I have no way to know if i'll make it to old age in good health. Still, if my current occupation and habits are anything to go by, i'll be able to age with grace.

>grandchildren will be disgusted
Kids are too innocent for that, and like i said, there is no way to tell.

My wife will be old tto, older than me even, but the libido dies down with age.

I lke how you omitted the part where i said "old people whose time has been " . Good b8 effort.
so like everyone get the penalty point right
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I've never had a valentine before. Doesn't feel bad desu.
Rollerino dingerino I need a date
Roland desu
Why do fuck do I have to lez
Rollllllllllie pollie ollie

Honestly, Valentines day is simultaniously the most depressing yet the most lovely day ever.
Hoping for something good. Rolling.
Lesse what we gothere
these posts are gonna make it so eventually everything everyone says is blocked by the robot

rolling anyway
I have school from 0730 to 1930.
I have to get up at 0500 to catch bus at 0535 to get to school at 0730.
School ends at 1845 and I go at 1915 bus which comes to my village at 2015.
Then I will have a dinner, swig of vodka and do homework till 2300.
Then I will go regret choosing applied informatics as my major to bed before falling asleep.
Here we go bois
Oregon origin
rolling dkdkwjjwbd x
Pattie skins, rollllllllloooriiinoooowwww
Replace the girls with some more attractive ones holy fuck
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Happy valentines day r9k have a nice day
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>mfw so far gone I even forgot it was Valentine's day today
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This thread COULD have been good if it wasn't for the rolling fucks.
Originalolo rolly on wrist
The second post was some normalfag who used the word 'bruh'. This thread was destined to be garbage, but the rolling actually saved it.
Ayy lmaovrhdsjfhdjfng
What is Valentines day ?
Rolling rolling rolling bois
rollerino cappuccino origynal0
OK lets see what i get. organino
>tfw i'm a mix between fatty, dumpy and nerd
kill me
Raul mikes
wtf is this gay mute bullshit
i'll take any desu dont really care which
rollaroo for a gee eff
Galko or tomboy
111 replies wowie
not origial original roll
Sounds fantastic Satan.
roll please give me cutie
>wake up at the beach
>quietly snuck inside home
>homelings don't want me in anymore
>take cigarettes and credit card
>buy some beer
>return to beach
>quietly shitpost from phone while drinking
It's gonna be a long day.
I'm a khv but never had an oneitis or crush or orbited some girl whatever other gay shit you normies do.
Why is this meme so common.
The slut, the nerd and the dumpy one seem pretty good. Fatty's alright too actually.
Rolling for a cutie nerd gf
Not OP, but i really needed this, anon. Thank you so much, man.
Nabkj sexkcks
gfspidn[iigbw ntrobgihnowser tgowesrog ne
roll 'em niggaz
ROLLING FOR UPPITY SLUT because she is real life oneitis
lets try this
Grant me a tomboy pls
roll roll roll
roll roll roll
roll roll roll
ghee whiz who gets to be my valentines waifu?
good fucking god.. let em go. People change for better or worse. Innocent child > risk taking youth > Someone you dont even know anymore.
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R-rolling for dumpy waifu

Rollie, Rolly Roll
Give me the tomboy pls
ah something i can look forward to
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rollllin' for the uppity slut
fookin dubs
slut pls choose me and cuck me.
post more anonn
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Rolling hardcore
rolling that good shit
Rolleriono since im lonieirino
Desu I'd be happy with anything
Please God don't let me get the least desirable one.
Let's hope for something nice on such a depressing day
this is probably the most fun I'll have all day
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FUCK IT, it's morphin time.
pls no chad for God's sake
Let me die please
Wait wtf i didnt know a monster anime existed
So far ive spent it browsing pornhub premium and downloading anything that seems interesting. Im guessing about 700 videos so far. Gonna keep it up a couple of hours before i jerk off and start watching some anime instead.
>>34853914 I know your feel bro, there's this one girl I have a big ass crush on in school and she looks like she respects me but I think when I go to school today she's gonna tell me she's with another guy or some shit like all girls I've ever had a crush on have told me. Fuck women. They're all whores
What could possibly in the world go wrong
lets go 00
Lady luck is with me



>no dumpy gf
i'll take anything i can get tyvm
here goes fucking nothing also fap material I guess
what do we get a here? rollin trips ez
Roll roll

Very original comment is very original
Sees madelyn
>browses /pol/
>is racist
Sounds perfect
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Luckily I have work today so it's not so bad because adults don't seem to give a shit. Plus, the company that owns the office building that my company is in gave out free cupcakes earlier so that was cool.
lets go rollerino
just fuck my shit up familia
getting close to wizard status anyways
Rollerino rollerino, please be good
I guess I might as well.
Try to ignore the normies on this retarded holiday engineered to make money

What are homelings, anon? Are they the actual inhabitants of the house with the porch that you're currently residing under?
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dumpy one get
Orginally rolling for 5
you gave up your wizard potential for a kiss
what a pleb
rollerino dumpy pls
end my life
eh why not, Rolland as well
Not celebrating V day today because my gf just released a videogame with her studio and is pretty busy. Gonna celebrate it with her this Saturday. Gonna have a nice romantic home cooked dinner. I got her a nice card and some chocolate.
rolling for 0 for shits and giggles
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Class rep I want her to take out her sadism on me, tie me up and physically abuse me, beat the shit out me and then have dominant sex afterwards nerd is also acceptable
Did one rejection literally ruin your entire life? Is this how some robots are made? Genuinely curious, i wasnt manufactured the same way
Dump on me plzzzz
Kill yourself cringelord faggot youre not old enough to be here and you sound like a sperg

>mfw no valentine irl
>mfw no internet valentine

>mfw no friends irl
>mfw i don't even have friends on the internet

spent the day drinking wine and cutting myself in the thigh and stomach under the shower.

just waiting for the day where i find the courage to kill myself, because after many attempts i just cant seem to get myself to fully commit to it
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so as i pray....
rolodex propaganda frijoles

ori gi baaaakkhah
fuck no
hit me again
Rolling for something I never had
roll 212
ah fuck it, why not

You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
Kek the shit you just said prevents you from ever being a wizard. Have fun being in the middle
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rollling again
Epigg roller
Rolling bigly boys
I'll roll to this
Rolly polly what the fuck ever.
roll 34324
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>6th grade
>first time I took vamlumtimes day seriously
>give crush candy
>she immediately gives them to her crush who is not me
>consider suicide for the first of many times
And now, we reroll.
rol riddle rattle rabbit
I want to die pls

Let's see what we get from this one.
Roll it up and smoke it?
Yeah ok I'll roll
Heck wjy the hell not.

Origsno, aorigami
I hate this but I do it every time.

All I got to say is that Chad will dump her ass one of these days, then after that she'll come knocking on your door, tell her to kill herself and close the door
>harem with sluts and fatty

Whew lad. Thanks satan.
roll the boat
i want the slut
pls not 9
Muh muh maga
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>live in norway
>go to uni
>not a single trace of valentines all day
>nobody even cares
>everyone is redpilled enough to know it's just another commercial holiday

feels good man
Mhggggfffddv but ok ::) i ktffff
Ggffffvnkk hggfr jio hjkkopeddddddd bvh
originoli rollinolli
This is what my life has come to
Rolling for the slut, she seems nice

Norway is not redpilled at all, don't kid yourself man.

Just because certain commercial holidays haven't caught on yet doesn't mean it's not coming. Just look at Halloween
Fuck me I need a hobby
I'm with you bro, everyone hates me
Why not roll for this srhwos
Valentine's Day is literally a fucking con for American consumerism and yet another day to put pussy on a pedestal. Kys if you've ever believed in that shit and are 15+.
I'm rolling and being very very original i hope

Kek hates me if I end up with the fatty.
I will roll and hope this is original
>going out to a restaurant on valentine's day just to eat alone
Why do you hate yourself so much?
Fucking don't mute me
hitler get

originalolfoolo comment
Welp, might as well
rollinario origidalio ravilalio
This is not an original roll post send help
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Anything is good at this point.
fapady fap time to fap
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Eyebrow Pepe.jpg
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Shit, I've become a SJW now.
cmon forever alone
rolling for 3dpd waifu

guess ill waste my luck on a roll

spare me kek pls
I am iron man doo doodly doo doo iron maenhnregsth
Rolling for Rawhiiiide
Rolling rolling rolling orginalio
I really need to get around and watch this show
Rolling thanks
Alright lets go

Rolling for the best girl
here we go lads

>inb4 00
holy shit thats a lot of sad replies
rollio pollio oregano commento
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Wew lad
This is a very original roll that the world has never seen.
I feel like pepe will no be kind today
>hates jews
>hates manlets
why is that red?
plox gib 6
>it's anon remembers the times who went all out for his oneitis only for her to be in an on and off relationship for 3 years
I'm fucking about to cry right now
I really wish I never tried
it hurts

rolling to find love today
>go to a restaurant
do I really need to reroll...
please don't be bad
Wtf give me madelyn.
They see me rollin'

They checkin'
Rollin' on the river
The Rolling Stones desu
rolling for 00

Let's do it, gimme the fatty or the nerd cyka.

And also, amI the only one who actually feels happy on Valentine's Day despite being single?
I never had a GF so I guess you can't miss what you never had, and also I like imagining all the people gettig dumped and losing money during that day of the year. Brings me joy man.
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suicide dog.png
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Rolling for some reason they are you the sevie selling everybody foam and I was said the file size was too many ornaments lol are you the sevie selling everybody foam and I was said the file size was too many ornaments nues
zero dubs get
le roll face
>it's another "rollfags destroy the thread" episode
the most original roll I've seen in my life

Me roll please get me something goooood :(

fuck it im rollin
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let's do it

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>getting trips but zeroes

I can't believe this
let's gooooo

ok then, can't roll this one badly
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>Don't know if I have social anxiety or Aspergers
>Don't think people are making fun of me, but I can't handle large crowds of people and too much stimulation
>Have a lot of evidence that points to some form of autism
>My father's sister had autistic kids
>Had when dad was 39
>Don't know if my Social anxiety is so severe that I can't function in the real world, or if I never could

I never went anywhere with my dad when I was a kid. I don't have any memories of dealing with large crowds as a child, and if I did, I was probably nestled by my family's side.
Like I spend the rest of my Valentines days, alone, being reminded of what a porn addicted dickhead of a human being I am. I developed social anxiety disorder along with other things at a very young age so never got the chance to get a gf. Ever.



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i am kind of lucky because my sisters birthday is on valentines day so i wont be alone.
rollerino rollerino rollerino rollerino
Please give me one, femdom is my fetish
>tfw can't role because post was not original
What do you mean my post isn't original?
rolling gogogo mon amai
Hey you learned something. It's not something you wanted to learn but it was important.
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