I fucking hate people.
Everyone is fucking hostile, everyone expects things, but nobody is willing to help. Opportunistic pigs, every last one of them.
And no, /r9k/, you are not the exception to this, you are the fucking center of the rule, you only care about holding on to your little cult of virginity, neetness and autism, you claim to want to kick normies out, yet you keep them coming for more. You keep people down, normies are becoming robots because of you, scum.
The worst thing of all is that its in human nature to be this way. There is no other way to be, we are cruel beings. Which means that I am just like everybody else.
I fucking hate myself.
>yet you keep them coming for more
what did he mean by this?
Read Nietzsche and Stirner you edgy fag
That the board is, for some reasons, so alluring to normies that they develop addiction to it.
Why is /wiz/ never full of normies? Because they dont make fucking bait threads.
out of all the threads i've seen i can assure you no one is trying to hold on to their little cult of "virginity" - if anything, its the opposite
really read them? or read memes about them on the internet that turn what they said into ridiculous reductions of what they actually believed?
>I fucking hate people
>Everyone is fucking hostile
>I fucking hate myself
All this nihilism is doing you no favours lad. You need yoga, or zen, or something, Christ.
One of the greatest lessons I ever learned about human behavior was projection.
Take everything here and change the tense so you are saying it about yourself, and I guarantee you are describing your own self and motivations.
You hate yourself, you are unwilling to help. You are an oppurtunistic pig. You feel as if you are the exception.
It's not human nature to be this way. It is your nature.
You can't conceptualize of human nature being any better because you are at the left end of the curve.
I would beg to differ. Sure, many people hate it, but they aren't trying anything different. They do the same shit over and over, with the same results.
Everything is alluring to them sooner or later. It's their nature, not our action.
what fucking else do you want the poor lads to do, i just read that there was a fucking 34 yr old virgin on here - you telling me that, that poor old man didn't try hard enough for 10+ years to get laid? the lad signed up for OkCupid. Ok-fucking-Cupid.
Since you aren't him, I can't ask questions, but, as a rule, pretty much everybody here acts like the former NEET in pic related.
Look at that post. Even at that age, the former NEET KNEW what he was doing wrong, but still wouldn't change it, even though he most likely knew for decades what he was doing was going to lead exactly to where he wound up.
You need to be willing to fall on your face, potentially hundreds of times, until you become socialized and can have a conversation without coming across as a sperg.
Instead, you get desperate enough to go on Tindr or OK Cupid, because if you get rejected there, it won't sting nearly as badly. Too bad you're still not socializing while doing that.
>normies are becoming robots because of you
///Meme magic///
so i dont like tindr or ok cupid but i have nothing against the people that go on there.
Now heres the thing matey, you say "You need to be willing to fall on your face, potentially hundreds of times" but the funny thing is ok cupid and tindr are kinds of platforms for people to meet up and do exactly OPPOSITE of the person in that pic. They're doing something. Maybe not in person but even if they'll get rejected or cheated, or all that bad stuff that can happen in online relationships - they're still socialising in a sense of trying find someone somewhere, sometimes on the other side of the world, who they can connect with.
It's kind of the same with fucking 4chan instead of doing nothing, instead of someone who would usually never socialise, who would never have the chance to, they'd go online and am given the chance to do something other than nothing.
No, they aren't doing anything differently. They are just talking over the computer, and because everyone on here is so autistic, and the women on there are so damaged, the vast majority of people on this board never get past that stage.
Deep down, everyone knows that, too. But it's the gives them the illusion of socializing, so fuck it.
>you only care about holding on to your little cult of virginity, neetness and autism
Hey man, it's pretty cool how you just*think* youknow exactly what I care about.
Did you even read my last two paragraphs?
>implying people arent oppotunistic pigs
Kek good one m8
>Everyone is fucking hostile
>I fucking hate people.
Sounds like you're the hostile one, edge master
You don't know what Nihilism means.