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>calc exam this monday >qt who sits next to me everyday

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>calc exam this monday
>qt who sits next to me everyday asked if i wanted to study with her
>she asked to exchange numbers
>told her I forgot my phone at home to try to get out of it
>she asked for my number anyway
>this was 3 hours ago
>she now just texted me "hey it's kelsey from class"

I didn't open message yet she doesn't know I read it, what do I do? I don't even need to study, she just uses me in class to answer her stupid questions because I already know the material. Why do bad things always have to happen to me
send her a photo of your asshole
Don't open it for now. You said it, she is using you.
But I enjoy her warm company in class. Shes like a puppy sure I have to take care of her but shes cute but I dont know about this
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Ask her for a "favor" in return for your help *wink wink*
Don't fall for this anon. Once this is over she will just forget about you. Unless she has showed that she in interested in you, you need to protect yourself from this thing.
You never know, what if she thinks you're cute anon?
What if she likes you? Or maybe at least thinks your friends and her intent is genuine? Maybe she is using you, but you don't know that for sure. There's no harm in finding out.
don't give him false hopes.
Just meet up with her in the library and help her through whatever she needs help with.
and ask for a blowjob for a reward
I don't get it. What's the problem? If you enjoy her company, who cares
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I don't know what you think I think I'm hoping for, I don't expect anything from her, I just have cripling anxiety and don't know if i can study alone with her.

She said I can come to her house or she could come to my house but I don't wnat her to come to my house my family is home all night
Just agree and when you meet her gently make her understand you are not her beta errand boy
Anon I'm warning you. I helped a girl study for class because I thought we could blossm into something. She is a fucking whore who used me for study help and attention. IGNORE THE SLUT.
I don't think we are going to blossom into anything, she's just cute, like I said before like a puppy. Watching her fumble around with an integral is like watching a puppy roll around with a ball.
You're going to be a beta cuck helping her study while she rams 10 Chad cocks inside her
I'm already a beta virgin it's not like helping out a girl with calculus is going to worsen my position.

You might aswell try, nothing bad can happen
Either you will get used
Potential sex
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He isn't getting cucked if he's not trying to have sex you retard.

Jesus christ if OP thinks hanging around her is nice then let him do it. Even if she is using him it's company he enjoys. Go if you don't feel to awkward around her OP.
Ffs, as a friend, help her. Not interested in helping people out, don't. That is the only question.
oh, but it will. to her you are "lol that nerd that thinks he has a chance with me. lmao im just using him to pass bcoz he has no friends and studies all the time xd"
I don't know why she would think I have a chance with her, I haven't signaled any message saying I want to fuck her. I usually wait until she says hi to me everyday before I say hi to her and act like I don't particularly care about her company even though I do. And I actually do have a couple of shallow aquaintenences in class so if anything she thinks I have friends.
Can someone explain how to find out if the sequence from n = 1 to infinity sigma e^n/(e^n+1) converges or diverges?

Im pretty sure it diverges since applying the Test for Divergence and using a pseudo l'Hopital rule to find the limit results in 1 which is nonzero.
She's using you, so what? You use her too. Use her to feel company and then ditch her.
yes it diverges since the lim n-> infi (e^n/(e^n+1) ) is not zero. Forgot how to calculate limits because last time i did this stuff was 3 years ago
Would you go to help a male classmate study?

If yes, just go study with her, don't think anything of it.

If no, consider not going, or at least say, "let's grab a bite to eat first" and take her out on a date (don't call it a date) first. If it's still early in the day go study, but after an hour or two say that you're hungry and suggest that you eat together.
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Listen to song related op

well, from personal experience, the more attractive the girl, the more likely she is to think any man she talks to is into her, more so if she is talking to somebody she considers beneath her.
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She is not a stacy but I think she is really cute, here is a picture of her. She is really friendly and nice and has a warm aura but it does seem most of the time we are talking it's me helping her, which I guess is kind of normal because we are in a math class but i'm not sure.
what do you even consider a stacy? that girl is attractive enough to be a total cunt. i used to smoke weed with a 4/10, and even she thought i was into her and rejected me. dont get played by her.

but you arent going to listen, shes going to use you, and she will keep using men like you to get ahead in life while sucking "alpha" dick. youre setting the precedent that what she is doing is ok.
Why don't you just help her with study and stop being a spastic. Doesn't matter if you don't get le mad pussi :DDD. Be normal for once in your life idiot.
Nah, I'm female and 3 years ago I did that same thing to a guy I liked. He definitely thought I was irritating because I knew nothing about the subject and was always asking him about it, but I liked him and asked him to study outside of school. It escalated...
3 years on, we're still together
>be normal and get played by a girl who wouldn't talk to you otherwise and will stop talking to you after she gets a passing grade lmao
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She doesn't act like a stacy. Even before she knew I was really smart she sat next to me the first day and was friendly
slit your wrists and tell her it's all because of her
Abort mission. she's using you, any girl who takes a picture of themselves is a stacy.
Heres what you do OP.
Text her back, say "heey!"
If she responds, setup up a study date or whatever.
On the day of your date go to see a movie, eat at a nice place, play vidya, whatever. Completely blow it off and ignore her text.
Next time you see her say "Sorry I forgot about it. Maybe some other time?" From there, you can judge her reaction. If its nonchalant, she probably forgot about it too.
These are off her facebook, it's all pictures of herself, herself and her family, and her and some friends, I don't see a boyfriend.
She's gonna bug you anyways, just get the succ
She doesn't have to have a boyfriend to be using you. Would you post a picture of yourself? I suppose there's a chance you are actually just a failed normie and look attractive to her.
You're missing the point. Just help her with her study and thats it. Somebody asked you for help, you do the nice thing and help them. Literally all your autists want out of this is pussy and not the satisfaction of helping somebody.

Fuck the lot of you retards.

Answer her, go help her with the problems and get yourself a girlfriend.
Does anybody know if im on android can they see if i opened a text if they're on an iphone?
>Literally all your autists want out of this is pussy and not the satisfaction of helping somebody.
in your own words, youre missing the point. its not the fact that he wouldnt get pussy, its the fact that if im right, that cunt is just using him for her own self interest. dont you have any respect? why would you want to help somebody thats just using you and wouldnt be friendly otherwise?

ill include this because you are a cunt who thinks im just an autist. if she were an actual friendly person, then fine, but from what i can gather and from personal experience, what op is describing is exactly what a bitchy cunt would do to get good grades.
>satisfaction of helping somebody.
The question isn't does she need help, it's is she abusing the fact that she is a woman to gain leverage over OP?

They cannot, it only says "read" if both parties use imessaging which is exclusive to idevices.
ahhh yes high school, that was over 4 years ago

I vaguely remember dealing with things like this

I am glad I mostly forgot about it, although this thread vaguely made me remember.

Still a 22 yo hkv

I get what you are saying, but OP needs to look out for his own self interest as well. If this girl will cause him nothing but anxiety and stress, there really is no point in continuing the "friendship."
Best thing OP could probably do is just ask her out immediately and get over the anxiety, but we all know he isn't going to do that.
OP. Go do it. What is the worst that could happen? and consider the good that could happen.
op abort. One girl was doing the same thing to me and the next thing you would see is 3 more normies asking you for help in a subject . you will become a tool.
I'm not n highschool I'm in my second year at community college, transfering to state university next semester, im 20.
As >>34777249 says, she's not a warm puppy but a cold bitch who'll exploit your hormonal desires for better exam marks then act like you don't exist.
huh no kidding

yea i think you should just avoid this girl
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Robot.. do it.
Help her study and after your done chill out with her for a while and try to have a nice conversation.

Its a golden chance to have a female friend. You may not get under her pants but imagine if you two end up friendly and perhaps she can help you out, socially speaking.
omg OP you can1t be this pathetic. It is pretty normal at uni to ask people if they want to study with you. she probably thinks now tht you are a fucking weirdo and an asshole
would facefuck/10
agree with other anons who said if you'd help her anyway do it, also should take some of the internal pressure off thinking of it that wy.
Help her out but do it on your own terms.
If she suggests a time, suggest a different one saying it works better for you. Talk to her about things outside of math, try to make a connection, but stay casual and don't try to force it. Subtly check your watch a couple times during the study session. Don't be complete dick, but make it seem like you have a life outside of this, that you're doing this as a favor, and that you don't exist to serve her beck and call.

If she's interested she'll re-engage and if she's just using you, you can still come out of this with some of your pride.
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That's actually a really good idea how do i get her to suggest a time though? If I say hey back do I just wait?

I am intrigued and sort of like this mindset, but the problem for OP is here that he doesn't want the roasties to win and later think to themselves how he's such a smug for falling for this

same reason I blocked out so much contact with roasties, I can't stand their vapid arrogance, they would have the idea that OP was using them as well
How do you think you did on your calc exam? I took mine this Tuesday and feel like I did really good.

Unfortunately, I'm an autist, so the moment got back to class the following Thursday, I almost had a heart attack thinking about the test.
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>that metal in her face

fucking distusting
>they would *never have the idea that OP was using them as well

forgot a vital word
help her "study" then ask her out for a real date before the end of the night, if she says yes, congrats on gf if no, stop talking to her unless you're super desperate for companionship
Piercings are pretty much a deal-breaker for me but who knows what OP's into

she looks like a trashy single mom
She's the one that wants the study group, so she should take the initiative. Remember you're the one doing a favor for her.
Take a chance. If she's just using you you'll regret it but you'll regret it if you just ignore her. Besides you could probably at least use a friend.
Basic bitch that succs at math.

I can already smell the i can use ppl cu im cute xD vibe
Just study with her and develop a certain bond that she may not expect. Ita better to use her whem she uses you, but make her realize you are more than just a math puppy.

Just talk to her about anything try to be witty and chill. This is a golden chance dont fuck it up. Make us of it
succubi these days are incredible

it takes only being near to them in any capacity for them to think you want to bang them

can't even live anywhere anymore in peace
I'm guessing that is a community college by the CC at end but no I do not go to that one.
Since her shirt is from wendover I thought you might be in Utah.
Interesting but we don't even live in Utah
on one hand self respect to a certain extent
on the other if you get what you want and someone else thinks they won, you got the perfect deal
she want to fuck you you retard
>she has her hair up

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Solution: hang out and act friendly for a semester, then in the last study session before the final exam, deliver a prepared monologue about how you knew she was using you all along, and you only went along with the charade out of pity for her.

Then moonwalk away and never acknowledge her again.
OP is a neckbeard manchild, fuck off dumb ass
It's basic human interaction I think. Everybody out there is out to get something from you somehow, so you may as well surround yourself with people who you can get something from them as well.

If this girl is warm and talk to OP and he likes his company, then helping her with math doesn't really even seem like chore, does it? I mean, it's some kind of WIN-WIN situation. When the term is over and she flees, OP had some girl to talk to and look at the whole time.
She has the eyes of a whore. I'm not saying she is a whore, I'm telling you she is a whore. Probably gets off from anal easier, looking at her brows. She swallows but she doesn't like it.. Who cares, right?
>OP had a girl to talk to and look at

Wow, isn't he priviledged? What the fuck is wrong with you fucking retards? This shit right here is the reason women are how they are nowadays.
Oh, a qt girl wants to talk to you? How will you live? Surely no person could take such torture.

kys faggot
It's your chance, don't miss it she is obviously on to you, come on fellow robot I believe in you.

lmao get out faggot
I'm sorry, senfam.
checking these trips

yeah my problem is not them wanting something, it's their arrogance which I presume to be there. It's not about my self-respect, it's about punishing them since nobody else in society will do it

exactly this
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