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Anyone ever dig down the rabbit hole with conspiracy theories?

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Anyone ever dig down the rabbit hole with conspiracy theories?

I started maybe a week ago and could not stop digging. 90% of it seems questionable and some outright fake while the other 10% is so convincing that I have trouble sleeping at night and regret this dig all together. Tread carefully bros, I never expected to believe any of it.

Do not binge either, that was a big mistake.
I did for the year and a half leading up to Trump

No regrets, my life has improved with knowledge
So what kinda stuff is this 10%?
What's the deal with chemtrails, anyway?
Can I get a QUICK RUNDOWN on this?
People who are bluepilled are ignorant and happy. I wish I didn't learn some of the shit I now believe, however I was going to believe it anyway.

yay for free thinking
Rich jews like george soros (who helped nazis) is funding (((progressive))) protest (riot) groups that are destablizing western countries. It's not even a conspiracy theory at this point, it's well known.
>central bankers have enslaved us all
>every president that goes against the central bankers has been assasinated
>every war in the middle east is for the central bankers and petrodollar
>they must keep us distracted until they can completely replace us with machines
illuminati are a bunch of faggots ! so called powerful people that lead some shit from the dark , are the epitome of robots . so dig away ! its not real anyway , so who cares !

thats not a conspiracy you fucking retard thats how the world works. the rich exploit the poor, the countries that can try and destabilize the mid east for oil, eventually human phyisical labor wont be needed due to automation in the future

this is just how the world has always worked + a basic understanding of current events

you didnt know there was rich fuckers you will never know the name of who use money and influence to affect shit on a large scale? damn dude
you most likely have bogdabots inside of you right now
people were "enslaved" from the begging of time, just so you now . "you gotta pay them bills , boy !"
This ! is this comment original ? NO ITS NOT ! SHUT THE FUCK UP !
You have an unusual viewpoint.

What kind of logic and rationality do you apply to these things? Does the rational side of your brain say "standards of proof are too low" or "that is confirmation bias" while another part of your brain says "but what if..."? Why do people believe in insane conspiracy theories?

lmao are you an autistic non english speaker? or just like, a turbo-autist RRREEEE
what did he do? he was 15 when the war ended.

are you talking about how he worked for his uncle and ripped off other jews by underpaying for their houses? cause that's not collaborating with nazis.
why do you care , faggot ?
This documentary fucked me up hard.


I only cared for the JFK part of it (starts at 49ish) as many think it's the best documentary piece on it.
This shit blew my mind in way too many ways. People at the top will do whatever it takes to cover secrets up, NO LIMITS.

Even if 20% (doubt it though) of the JFK part was off, i'm still fucking scarred. The doctored footage, the hiding of multiple shots even though the crowd had no doubts. It gets darker and darker. So many fucking dead over this.

Seeing the footage of Oswald getting murdered in the panic is fucked me up. You can just tell how crazy fucking frightened he is. I could go on but it gets more and more fucked up.

It was my start into the rabbit hole. Careful.
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F-fuck sake

This fuck knew exactly what was going on and this clip shows. I can't believe anyone buys the Oswald story, it was such a cover-up. American's don't even believe it despite the decades of media pushback.
Who had more of this crazy shit? Anyone else catch that Joe Rogan podcast? What the FUCK was that. I don't know what to believe
I've amassed a ton of knowledge from digging into every genre of conspiracy theory and I believe them all now, even the ones that contradict each other. It's all possible.
>tfw the real masterminds are inter-dimensional vampires

This video is fucking scary and cannot be more convincing. The man fucking tweeted it...Anyone know if any trial came/person was convicted?
Those infrared thermal imagers in the van.... WHAT THE FUCK. Gets me so paranoid thinking about it.
thats a fact not a theory
I remember when this happened. This was what brought me to /pol/.

We're you able to verify any of it?
Look up zetcheria Sitchen. Sumerian creation story claims that aliens came here millions of years ago to mine gold and created humans by combining their DNA with a primate from earth.
That's not what Alex said he believed, just what the fucking insane Clinton and friends actually participate in.

Go look up Marina Abramovic.
These people are fucking insane. what is wrong with them? we're normies compared to the shit they believe and rituals preformed
I know, I'm just memeing. They are metaphorical vampires though and fucking pedos.
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When I was a bit more anxious (I still am but used to wet myself 2/3 times a week) I became utterly convinced that every major world even in history was a plot to make me fat and this lead me to become anorexic.

I was convinced that 9/11 happened because the government wanted to launch ash into the air and destroy vegetable harvests, and force us to eat sugary preserved food

>The Fall of Rome
I became convinced that Roman Olive Oil contained 0 calories and Rome was destroyed by international elites to cause the public to eat fatty Islamic olive oil

>Smallpox eradication
I became certain that this disease was actually a weight loss disease and was destroyed to prevent 'sufferers' getting too thin and healthy

>Extinction of the Dinosaurs
I believed Tyrannosaur meat had less than 40 calories and 40g of protein per serving, and that ancient elites poisoned them and preserved the meat for themselves

>Invention of religion
Just a scheme to sell the foods mentioned in Holy Texts (the last supper triggered me)

Ended up dropping to BMI 13.9 and having a cardiac episode. I'm OK now and BMI 17.4 but will never do that shit again
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I can't believe Obama's birth certificate is actually fucking fake.... I thought it was just a giant meme or something.

After seeing articles about independent world experts confirming it was a fake I saw this video (not a fan of Alex Jones, but this is rock solid)

By his own admission he said he would confiscate Jewish property for the Nazis.
He said he wasn't bothered by it.
He said if he didn't do it someone else would, so why should he feel bad about it.
That part is not a theory, it's true, there's a video with him saying it.
He has also been involved in "breaking the bank of England"
He does a lot of currency manipulation and questionable investment trading.
He operates on the outskirts of the law, or where laws do not exist.
which is why he doesn't matter.
remember, the only power that can be sustained is power that is NOT known.
georgie is probably someone who can take the fall for the shadow empire if shit hits the fan.

I highly reccomend watching ''the century of self'', or, if you do not have that much time, look up edward bernays.
his insight on the social structure of human societies was amazing and laid the groundwork for many things we see today.
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The World Trade Center was mostly empty on 9/11. When the attacks initially happened, initial projections were there would be around 10,000 fatalities. The reason the actual number was much smaller than that was because the WTC complex had become a virtual ghost town by 9/11. Tenants left en masse following the 1993 bombings and left large swaths of the towers abandoned, as seen in pic related.

How this relates to theories about 9/11 being an inside job is up to your own interpretation. I don't even know that this qualifies as a conspiracy theory on its own, but it's an interesting little-known fact about the now-mythical towers.
Hidden Hand dialog.

Pretty fucking believable.
Keep going. You need to pass out the other side at this point, Alice.
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Silicone tree conspiracy is a lie or s psyops.
Go to youtube right now and most of those vids were uploaded august 2016 within 2 weeks apart.Either that or a group of people trying to create a meme.
"Just months before 9/11, the World Trade Center's lease was sold to Larry Silverstein. Silverstein took out an insurance plan that fortuitously covered terrorism. After 9/11, Silverstein took the insurance company to court, claiming he should be paid double because there were 2 attacks. He won, and was awarded $4,550,000,000."

This just came out too.

Way too many strange variables involved. I just don't know anymore. Nothing seems proper with what happened. Maybe we will get those sweet wikileaks dumps soon.
Really weird and out there conspiracies will pop up all at once when people start discussing serious matters. Anytime there is a leak containing real information wherever people are sharing that information you will see a sudden and massive influx of flat earthers or things like this, the intent being to discredit and bury the uncovered information by associating it with fringe nonsense.
>terrorist attack
the "pilot" did not aim at the base of WTC in order to cause an even more spectacular damage. think of a chopped tree to get what i mean.
the reason for this is so every penny would go to Silverstein if the company ran out short of money.

fucking wew, it fits so nicely and does not sound paranoid.
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>dude talk about the SAI programs
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W-won't dig into sandy hook conspiracies.

I'm going to block all this conspiracy shit before I go insane.
This is so fucked up.
Conspiracy theories make you smarter. You see world as just one big conspiracy: (((They))) are after your money. Everything is done in the name of profit.
this guy fucking ruined the episode
>Everything is done in the name of profit.
Well yeah, this generally applies to every motivated individual too aside from close family/friend conflicts.

It's not only profit for some of these people though, they have legitimate satanic-like beliefs and genuinely feel they are above us as superior human beings. The bohemian grove, for example, is not about money.
Crazy fucks.
He was fine until he got drunk.
If he just shut the fuck up for about 5 of those important minutes I feel like we would have gotten some very juicy info.

Alex knows so much crazy shit, he showed it often during the show that he can't even talk about this further or that. I'm surprised how connected he is but likely is the last resort for people who need to whistle-blow some crazy info. CNN will lock you the fuck up.

I have no doubts he is spreading some disinformation. It's dangerous not to. Just can't tell which.

I wanted to hear more about ANYTHING space/aliens, substantial shit. I'm sure he knows a lot.
This so much.
America isn't a free country since 1913.
And with every "crisis" world is getting more and more enslaved.
what happened in 1913?
Most things that are deemed "conspiracy theories" at the very least sprout from 100% verifiable facts. Like the theory that "Hollywood is run by Jews". It is a fact that Holywood executives are massively disproportionately Jewish as compared to their share of the population.
Makes you think.
Birth of the Fed.
Dollar isn't printed by US government.
Take a dollar in your hand. What do you see at the top? "Federal Reserve Note", right?
JFK was assassinated because he banned Fed from printing dollars and he ordered US Treasury to print them (United States Note).
Oh, and did you know that until 1913 there were no taxes in USA? That's why America was called free land etc.
Wasn't it initially used to print money to prepare for WW1? But the war started in 1914...Dunno.

Maybe I just remembered that from media disinfo.
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This shit gave me a big spoop when I first discovered it.

>people go missing
>Discovered in hard to reach places like under a frozen lake or 1000 feet up a mountain
>No one knows how they vanished or how they reached these precarious places
Where's a good place to start reading about conspiracy theories? What theories should I start with, and what are some reliable sources?
Watch the JFK doc above.
If you mean actually read, lurk around r/conspiracy and sort by year (yeah yeah i don't care).

It all gets crazier than you think.
>tfw to intelligent to believe in conspiracy theories
I'm kind of scared for Alex, he is blowing up big time and I'm worried he is going to get assassinated. I don't want to live in a world without Alex Jones.
If they off Alex, everything he said will be taken 10x more seriously. It's 2017. You can't pull the same kind of shit anymore with big names. Alex is just crazy sounding enough.

He's also been wrong quite a few times. Don't think he has it all on a dime. Lately the consistency has gotten a lot better. He definitely throws in fibs here and there to not come off as a compass.
He also has close family in the CIA. Alex is an interesting dude but I can't find myself trusting him 100%.

>implying plenty of theories haven't been confirmed already
Read about confirmed stuff like Operation Northwoods or MKULTRA. The ask yourself: If this is publicly known, what exactly do they keep secret?
>Then ask yourself: If this is publicly known, what exactly do they keep secret?
This is the scariest part. We only skim the surface. The amount of deep secrets going on is really beyond our imagination.

We have weapons and military (science) technology that easily surpass anyone's expectations. Why would they reveal any of this though? They have no incentive to show our full and modern arsenal unless absolutely needed. F35 is not the only thing we have going, that's for sure.
Underrated post of the century.

too spooky to continue listening to
go deeper


Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars fucked me up when I read it.

Explains a lot of shit we see today despite being written 40 years ago.
>Silent Weapons for Quiet War
how authentic is this known to be?
looks like some good shit but I don't want to waste time unless it's real deal.
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I don't know what to believe anymore. This guy admitted the school was fucking closed.

Look how nervous he is, cannot be more obvious he's hiding the entire hoax.
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i think you know damn well what the other 10% is.
The fed was made from JP Morgan execs and was secretive as fuck.

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