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today a guy committed suicide in turkey after his girlfriend

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today a guy committed suicide in turkey after his girlfriend broke up with him. luckily he streamed it for us.

this is his last post on his facebook wall:

"our love ended. i keep my promise, so now i am ending. i am not you. goodbye my love, goodbye everyone. take care."

and here is the video footage:


ps: this is really sad and i actually felt bad for being playful with the translations.
one roach less. he did the world a favor.
Is his gf a turk too?
Why the fuck did he shoot himself in such a retarded way?
So he shoots himself in the heart? Can roaches do anything right. Jesus fuck. And then in his parents house too? That's traumatizing atleast do it outside or somewhere else so your parents dont fucking hear you die and scream.

But he was a normie fuckhead so good riddance.
good. one less weakfag the world has to deal with.
Good one less turkroach

That was sweet. My eyes are a little misty. The quote I mean, I didn't watch anything.
Through the heart? Very traditionalist. I commend these fellow, Rest In Peace.

made me feel bad for the mother

the subs were A+ anon
I am not sure if you troll for shock value, but in case this is your REAL opinion, I can understand why you browse this 4chan board. Even if the guy was a bit dumb and decided to end his life over an ended relationship, think of his family. Think of the girl that now has to live with the knowledge that her dumb ex decided to kill himself because of their relationship. Think of all the social stigma.
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Faggot doesn't even have the decency to film it in landscape to. No wonder she left him.
probably more to do with underlying mental illness
Who cares one less shitskin muslim, maybe you should join him and KYS too.
Fuck off norman, degeneracy only here. Bet you have a GF a good job and friends you scum.
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not a troll, I just don't have any sympathy for weak, shallow, short minded idiots who kill themselves over a break up.
His family and friends should've not chosen to invest themselves in a weak little bitch, that's not my problem.
they learned an important lesson, never allow weakness or weak people to disease your life and pull you down. they should be glad
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Kek, fucking lost it.

that sucks, my family know that feel kind of. i almost died from a car accident.

poor guy, RIP sweet prince
>not a troll, I just don't have any sympathy for weak, shallow, short minded idiots who kill themselves over a break up.
I do not have sympathy for the guy. As I said he is not the sharpest one if he kills himself, because a girl left him.

Also people around him couldnt know for sure if the guy was complete fucktard. They deserve sympathy. Imagine if you had a completely retarded son. That son wouldnt be able to perceive reality. He will be just like a simple "breathe, eat, shit, sleep" software on a broken hardware. Now if he died, you would be sad, not because of his unrealised potential, but because he was dear to you. He was your son afterall.
yes. and it said on the news that apparently they are 18.
His girlfriend clearly didn't give a fuck about him, which is why she left him for someone better. I'm sure she's going to play the 'I'm so traumatized, pity me' card now though. Leave it to a female to spin any event to her advantage.
(disgusting turkish rap is playing)

That scream was pretty brutal, why the fuck did he shoot himself like that?

Actually I guess you can say it really doesn't matter, he's dead now, he can't remember the pain from that shot.
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You better believe it she will. She will make some coin off his death too, fucking roasties right?
He's a fucking dick for doing this to his parents and his ex.
Just because he's a weak little shit these people will have to live with this all their life.
>Got heart broken
>Therefore shoots himself in the heart
pure pottery
>a guy committed suicide in turkey after his girlfriend broke up with him
less competition amirite
>think of the girl that now has to live with the knowledge that her dumb ex decided to kill himself because of their relationship
You really don't get how things work around here, do you?

And his parents chose to have him. Having children is one of the most selfish things people can do.
>why the fuck did he shoot himself like that?
I have a slight suspicion he was secretly hoping to survive, but he was probably just stupid.
>Having children is one of the most selfish things people can do.
But how do I spread my genes then anon?
That's the sound of air rushing out of his lungs through the hole in his chest. It's why it sounds deep and fast.
poor guy... he must've felt so fucking helpless... at least he got release
>killing self over some roastie
>shooting the heart

Not the sharpest tool in the shed eh?
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I can't believe this isn't original
Kek at the mom, jesus fuck woman stop screeching, I know your son died and all but at least your husband isn't being a completely defective cunt about it. Honestly women and their hysteric screeching
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Where's #3?
if I had a retarded son I'd abort him or put him down asap.
Then I'd never breed again, evidently my gene pool has been corrupted somehow.
But I'm never gonna have sex anyways because everyone hates me and I don't want kids either
She is kind of cute for a cockroach
>corrupted somehow

Your existence is evidence enough,
won't argue that, I should've been put down too, but not because I'm weak at least.
>Tfw very weak person
>IQ of 130
>Stay away from relationships because I know they're likely to devastate me, and I'm really not ready to have one
>20 years old

I'm not going to shoot myself in the heart like a faggot, but I'm not going to not cry on my bed for hours and hours.
Thanks for playing! See you next time!
cause of pottery
the heart is where love supposedly comes from and cause he felt his heart was broken he broke it physically too
its retarded but I guess he wanted to really show his ex how much she meant and didnt care for anything else
why the fuck do you feel the need to spread your shitty genes? do you wish your suffering on another living being?
I laughed, anyone else?
those subs funny af

That's the only objective purpose in life you mongoloid.
you laugh at a person dying and his devastated family???
i laughed when he screamed. like what the fuck did he expect?
answer my second question you selfish imbecil
who said they were shitty faggot? You?
I used to be suicidal but I overcame it with help of psychedelic mushrooms.
being a junkie is worse than being dead
Shrooms are no heroin or meth my friend
woah now thats edgy
unenlightened anon. I feel sad for you
Couldn't be more wrong. Being a junkie is far preferable to life. Drugs are our greatest gift that you will never be able to experience u swine.
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>killing yourself over some dumb roastie
what are you, a fucking primal, instinctual monkey? dont you use the reasoning you were born with?
welp, i was gonna watch it but the moment his mom ran in i just had to close it.

i am a robot who dislikes normies yadda yadda. im not going to watch it. awful.
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They look like white people.
I don't know where this turkroach meme stems from.
We can only hope that she endears a life of great suffering and remorse. May he rest in peace brave memer.
That image is so cringe
all genes are shitty faggot, don't even try to argue otherwise. That's why there's this process called evolution
>might makes right
Okay, looking forward to beating the shit out of you, taking your stuff and leaving you to die.
Don't be so weak if you don't like it.

lol that image, what a beta cuck

he should take her out on a date again after that post and just rape her ANALY
whats your point? its a doggy dog world. thats society.
What's your favorite color? Dis the og post

he thinks he is a monkey on a ball

sorry, evovling monkey on a ball
no problem, at least now you are the holder of truth, now go forth and spread the message you inbred
wew easy there edgelord og
>at least now you are the holder of truth
he is the one who is at least attempting to use reason. the other guy's argument could be summarized in "but im an animal so i have to reproduce". he isnt even attempting to think.
not that a random guy in another country killing himself affected me at all, but youre just being an edgelord
if he did that for a girl that didnt see him as le brother hed be gettin it, fucking oneitis blinds normans as much as robos
Ewww turkfag here of all the music to put while he dies he puts Turk version of nignog music
They originated from Mongolia and after the first crusade the populations main religion turned from Christian to Muslim but it really doesn't matter because of the Syrians who say they are Christian and yet still blow up them selfs
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>I hate you for explaining how the world works so I'm going to beat you up
Go for it, you'll just be proving my point.
just bc I'm an edgy faggot doesn't mean I'm wrong.
I am however, still an edgy faggot
This mindfucks me. They look Whiter than me and both my parents are Irish. I mean, why does everyone call them shitskins? They look like us
they don't look white
Maybe not Irish White, but Italian Ehite. The girl's eyes are even green too. My point is, they don't look shitskinned like Indians or what I imagined them to look like
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a relevant reference
i found this humourous
I see no problem in killing yourself if your love doesn't want to be with you anymore. Isn't it selfish of everyone else to expect you to live when you don't want to?

The racial difference is besides the point, they are Muslim and raised in a Muslim country. They have different values than you and would destroy you if given the chance which is what is happening all over Europe now.

And they're most likely the outcome of Muslim rape of Greece.
no. so many turkish people hate muslims. including me. and obviously these kids too. if she was a hardcore islam supporter, she'd wear a stupid headscarf.
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>doggy dog world
Are you fucking shitting me.
They don't wear a headscarf inside with their family.
i am a turk and im in shock. kinda was a wake up call for me

i can never kill myself.. i can never do that to my parents
she's outside, and she's not with her family. u blind or smthn?

Yeah, that's why Germany is thriving because of al the Turk immigrants, right? You can be secular all you want, just stay in your own countries.
hey man, baits like that are a diamond dozen.
Some people here are actually sorry for the guy? What the fuck. A selfish and retarded act(suicide after a breakup LOOOOL) like this should deserve no sympathy and attention. Think what wouldve happened if he didnt or fail to commit sudoku? A mentally unstable individual would roam around the turkish streets possibly going full allahu akbar like most do just because he has no care for others. But you know, the more suicidal people, the less suicidal people. Nature finds its way, i guess?

Fucking normies and their ridiculous way of thinking..
The fuck are you talking about? They are plainly inside a house or apartment.
Do I love or hate you?????
>Think what wouldve happened if he didnt or fail to commit sudoku? A mentally unstable individual would roam around the turkish streets possibly going full allahu akbar like most do just because he has no care for others.
>Fucking normies and their ridiculous way of thinking..

This was not nice to watch. I feel bad for him, his family, and his ex and that he put them through this. Fucking hell how horrible
helpless? they broke up, she didn't die in some car crash, they probably just didnt "mesh," any more. And they were 18, these fucking oneitis autists...
What are you trying to prove smartass? If the person has suicidal tendencies he has no place in this world. Kys and get out, the world is a better place without people like that turk.
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