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Who >improving slowly here? >showering and shaving every

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>improving slowly

>showering and shaving every day
>20 press ups and 10 sit ups every day
>learning guitar (slowly because I'm dumb)
>maintaining a cleaner living space
We're all gonna make it guys.
How old are you
I'm learning guitar slowly as well but feel like it's too late cause I'm almost 23
If you're fat the easiest way to get in shape is running, easily. God bless you anon, keep progressing.
Depending on how fat, running is also a good way to blow out your knees
Make sure to slowly increase the number of push ups and sit ups you do per day!

Congrats OP, you're gonna make it
>Went back to higschool after dropping out years ago
>Learning how to craft things
>Learn history and read books
Well obviously and I wouldn't recommend if you're that obese to start running immediately anyhow as you'd probably have a heart attack.
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I'm 20. Too late in what way? At any age it will make you seem cooler, feel more accomplished and improve your mental capabilities. I could care less about attracting Stacy, I just want to be able to play my favourite songs.

My knees aren't that great but I'm calorie counting to roughly 1500 every day. I used to get horrible pains in my knees when I was younger so I really don't want to start running

Thanks! I'm trying but it's slow going. Should I be taking rest days or is that counterproductive?

That's really cool, good luck anon!
Good luck to you too anon. What do you plan to learn to play this year?

I plan to finish highschool at 22 then get a job and take a vacation with my first paycheck
I really want to learn this. Hope you get your vacation anon

Rest days are normally for heavy lifting and intense workouts. If you start going to the gym or start running a lot I'd recommend rest days in between or once every 2 days. Push ups and sit ups aren't too hard on your muscles.
>finally looking for a job and trying to learn to drive a car
I'll get out of this shitthole soon and travel hopefully
>be 21
>get a stocker job at Walmart lel
>coworkers are all older and ex felons, but take a liking to me and inspire me to succeed
>started hanging out with moms best friends son who is a total bro; jealous and admire him at the same time
>work out with bro friend every Mon, wed, and Friday with him and his GF
>pay utilities and cable/internet at house
>started running last month because addicted to that runners high

My next goal is to take my parents out to dinner at a fancy restaurant for their pre anniversary. After being a leech since high school I just want to give my parents the best.

I also believe we can make it guys.
I'm tempted to just get a van after saving for a year and live in that.
We are all gonna make it brahs
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>started brushing my teeth daily instead of monthly
>started showering more
>quitting smoking, day 4 currently. fucking dicks I hate it and I'm angry but whatever.
>trying to drink less, not every day now
>washed my clothes today for the first time this year (I was out of clean underwear/socks)

i wonder how long til I give up everything again and go back to before
>runners high
Pretty much this, I run 10 miles daily because of it sometimes more.
This. We need more people like you my friend. I like to see some positiveness, self-determination besides the usual negativeness and even some trap-fapping degeneracy you usually see on r9k. Keep doing this and thinking this way and you will improve yourself faster than you would expect.
I just came here to congratulate you all for your achievements and to tell you to stay strong and keep up the good work!

You're gonna make it!
We're all gonna make it!
>quitting smoking, day 4 currently. fucking dicks I hate it and I'm angry but whatever.
you can do it. It will help you so much when you manage it
I've ran on and off for maybe 10 years, and my knees tend to hurt a bit when I start again.

Also try to get in distance over speed (even walking for 30 min etc).
Reminder that no matter how much you improve, if you're 22+ you'll always be a little bit behind
I started the year doing improvement stuff like that but then I had too panic attacks and now I feel worse than before
thanks bud. I know it will. not only the extra ~$80-100 I'll save a week but the fact I can no longer manage half a cigarette before I am holding back my gag reflex to not vomit thanks to malnutrition making the smoke irritate my stomach will be lovely. I need to add 'eat once a day' to my list too but I'd be lying atm. eventually.
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This is actually completely untrue. The vast majority of normies get to a plateau in life and stop trying. Their life, their minds and their personalities stop moving forwards in any meaningful way

Is it possible for you to get therapy for your panic attacks? With the right coping techniques you can do great things

Please spend the money you save on food anon. You really need to eat! Hope your financial problems work out
I am proud of you anon! Keep it up! :)
good for you anon! You will be able to do it.
>Is it possible for you to get therapy for your panic attacks?
it's kinda hard because I have agoraphobia
you're on the right path bro! You will be able to do it easily.
>learn to drive a car
I need to do this too, but it's so fucking expensive

We could even improve the board with this attitude. Too many crab-posters here.
>learning to play the piano
>going out and trying to socialize
>going to terapy
I hope some human interaction will help me stop hating myself.
Good luck, bros.
You can do it anon. It's the toughest in the beginning. Just keep on improving.

>eating less snacks, beef, and sugar
>exercising when I'm not sick
>being compassionate towards others

One day at a time, I'm better guy than I was last year.

Qual tred
Good luck to you too bro. Socializing would certainly change that. I wish you the best in life anon. Hope you have a happy life. :)
Well I'm sure there are books you can read on coping methods, panic attacks aren't all that uncommon. Small steps anon, we can't fix ourselves all at once. Good luck
>positive threads dying at 30 replies
>low quality bait threads routinely hitting the limit
At least you tried OP
>20 pushups and 10 situps a day

How big are you? When I was getting ready for the army from being a skinny manlet I made sure to do at least 40/50 twice a day.
>tightly controlling what food I eat
>food prepping so its all ready to go
>eliminate snacking entirely

Gonna start exercising soon. Probably will start with sit-ups and push-ups because I can do that inside and not subject others to the hideous mass that makes up my body.
>tfw also started doing exercices
>tfw also learning guitar slowly, although I feel like I'm becoming better
I hope I will have the courage to start running to lose fat when it gets warmer
Also want to learn another instrument because everyone can play guitar
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I'm only 5'6 and I'm a bit tubby. Trying to do a few more every day

>Gonna start exercising soon. Probably will start with sit-ups and push-ups because I can do that inside and not subject others to the hideous mass that makes up my body.
This was my reasoning too. Good job with cutting the snacks and good luck!

That's great anon, we're gonna make it together
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>making more an effort with Friends and tafe work.
>doing stuff before gaming
Its actually quite nice that people are actually complimenting me on this and noticing it I makes me want to strive harder for self improvement.
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Been trying to gain weight but only gained about 12 lbs over a 3 year period.

>tfw fell for the boxer meme
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I'm a skeleton and I've finally started eating 3 meals a day again. Hopefully I can eventually eat 4 meals a day to actually gain weight.
I wish you luck friend
You truly deserve the best
So you do anon, together we can make everyone on this board improve
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>started reading for half an hour every day to try and improve my focus

I'll be a genius in no time
The majority of you will never reach the level of fulfillment or gratification that you yearn. Unless you were a normie to begin with. People generally don't want you to succeed unless it benefits them in some way. You will gain a bit of pride from the occasional internet fight with "I TRIED WORKING OUT AND GETTING A JOB. ITS ALL A MEME." That's about the extent you'll gain from your venture, besides more suicidal-thought inducing memories.

Truth is we're broken. Lost. We've either allowed ourselves or had no one to help us while we drowed in despair. You've grown up watching people masterfully grace past you in this sea to something better and just now you're trying to learn how to swim in the hopes something similar is in store for yourself. You'll breakstroke and fight for that lie while being told you just have to try hard enough. You'll find after pulling yourself ashore, exhausted and brittle-boned, that you've only just caught up to the baseline. The bare minimum that everyone else was at while you sunk and played with the tide. And you'll break down and settle from your dreams of true happiness for little bit of peace and rest. You'll lay down on the rocky and uncomfortable beach hoping for some sort of inner content. But you've spent too much time in the water. Your lungs have filled with water and your clothes now weigh a ton. You feel yourself sinking in the sand watching people walk briskly among themselves emiting the same joy you longed for. You feel your hands and head burying deeper still. You'll still be drowing.
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>passed my external middle school exams 3 months ago
>external high school exams in 7 months
>uni demanding exams in 15 months
>foreign uni nomie life in 17 months
I'm excited you guys I might even find motivation from sinking or swimming their since I'll be relying solely on myself
might even get myself a cute gf(female)
I just need to study really hard and browse /r9k/ less, but these wholesome threads bring me back
there* fuck
also I'm 20 and I was forced to drop if anyone's a bit confused
>tfw want to start reading
>tfw cba desu
>showering and shaving every day
What are you a girl? You dont need to shave. Its bad to shower ever day.
>20 press ups and 10 sit ups every day
That very low anon.
>learning guitar (slowly because I'm dumb)
>maintaining a cleaner living space
also nice.
Nice job anon, were all here for you. Don't feel bad about guitar, just learn some easy songs first to get finger movements down, then you won't be limited when learning chords scales and arpeggios
>press ups
I just had an idea for your next micro-improvement, OP: stop calling them "press ups." The correct term is "push-ups." (make sure to include the hyphen)
hey op, I'm proud of you. This place is really negative and it can be hard to keep a positive attitude. I'm rooting for you mate. Good job!
This guy is just spouting the depression meme. You should give it a try anon. Try to improve yourself and make a positive thread later.
>got qt virgin gf
>finally motivated
>working out
>pushing hard in college
>making money on side
18 years of loneliness and depression finally worth it
But boxing won't give you big muscles unless you also lift.
Good job, anon. I know what it is to struggle with eating.
You're all trying to "improve", which is basically code word for making yourself useful to females. You all do it for pussy.


Just got to hookers and stay NEETS
>>20 press ups and 10 sit ups every day
>That very low anon.

no shit retard, it's an improvement thread not /fit/
>Its bad to shower ever day
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>Started going to college more often
>Didn't browse r9k for a few days
>didn't play my lewd animu game today
>handing in a job application forms tomorrow
>getting a (shit) haircut tomorrow
>Started to have some self-confidence in writing again for the first time in around seven years.
>It's failing again.
That was a fun month while it lasted.
At least I don't want to delete everything out of shame, that's a good thing.

I'm trying to keep going.
I get everything set up in front of me and ready to write but I just can't keep at it. I feel so tired.
I know what I want to write but I just can't feel it like I could before.
>not shaving because im not gay
>shower rarely and smell because i dont give a shit
>never excersize because too lazy
>have no friends and no life whatsoever
>learning nothing even tho exams are in a few days
>gradually deteriorating mental health
>hate my life and want to kill myself
at least im not a faggot who shaves himself

I don't mean to disrespect you and I'm sorry if I do, but a lot of people bring others down when they hear there stories about how they're improving their lives just so they don't feel left out. At the end of the day, being a robot at some point will just be pure misery. Trying on the other hand, even if a low chance of success, still gives you that possibility of things changing for the better. At the very least, maybe you'll be able to succeed in some fronts (having money and being clean for example).
You can do it anon I believe in you!
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>got a new job recently
>worked out every day starting early january but started doing it less now cause i figure my job gets me enough of a workout
>still try to run everyday
>tfw so fucking close to a six pack.
>also learning guitar, but need to take mine to a luthier to get it setup properly
>have gotten into the habit of actually practicing everyday instead of once in a while
>have some decent ideas for songs
>getting a haircut tommorow
>hopefully the qt in my friday class notices me

im still really depressed though, and recently it's gotten worse, so i dont know what's wrong with me.
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