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Why do women pretend to like sadboys?

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Why do women pretend to like sadboys?
I like them genuinely.
Because Chad pretends to be one by dressing in grey and popping xanax.

In reality they want Chadboys
If women liked sadboys, I wouldn't be a virgin.
You need to redirect your sadness into cuteness. It obviously doesn't work if you're just pure depression.
well then how do you do that ?
I'm too ugly to be cute.
>tfw ugly babyface
________[original]_________I don't know.
women like to pretend everything that ever was because its all they do, pretend
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Who said girls can't be sadbois too
Babyfaces are the cutest things imo
Not sad ugly ones.
the sadboys they like arent actually sad
What are sadboys?
I also have a babyface that in my opinion is ugly, yet I've heard many times that it looks cute. Maybe it's a matter of a low self-esteem, I dunno
Boys that invoke the mother instincts of a girl while being attractive enough to be a sexual partner aswell.
I like them, genuinely. But they can't be poseur emos- I genuinely like bookish, introverted, slightly nihilistic philosophy types who are thin and have dark hair and dress slightly vintage.

I'm not saying I like all sadboys on account of being sad, and I'm not into exclusively anime watching and vidya playing fat guys, but I'm pretty depressed and lonely my whole life and can sympathise.
post, i will try and rate it without saying shit like 8/10 or ooh u ugly
Nobody's ever told me if it's cute, no one has ever given me a compliment t b h.
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>his mom doesn't call him handsome
I mean I feel sad and unprepared and want a mommygf, does that count?
u mean chads with superior intelligence?
I haven't lost my mind to post my pictures here, I don't want any people saving pictures of me, or doing some other shit with them
dont flatter yourself, doubt you would be fitting as a meme or jacking off material considering the properties that you climed your face had
No. I mean quiet guys. I don't value muscle or money. I value intelligence. So if you're a dumbass, I probably wouldn't consider it.

There's a difference between not wanting a legitimate autistic fat basement NEET and wanting a Chad.
being chad is having good facial features, not having muscle or money, if your face is pretty you can get laid, and is therefore by definition alpha => chadboi
also obiesety nullifies any chadness
pls no bully

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What did whitearmor mean by this?
Fucking idiot can't even write coherently
The question was whether I liked sadboys, not whether or not I had standards.

I'm attractive-why should -I- settle?
i-i do like sadboys?
having standards is prefering chads, aiiint h8in but you totally described the typical ubermensch ive met
lmao all those - u on xanax or wut
Who the fuck is this

I'm not her, but do you honestly think there is no middle ground between a 'Chad' as she and most on this board see it (a buff, wealthy asshole) and a disgusting basement NEET?

She said her standards are mostly around intelligence, which would rule out the former, but does not want someone legitimately physically repulsive either.
It's twitter n hes first language is swedish lol hes trying to get a valid point thru........ i bet you arent even bilingual so you wouldnt kno sp dont judge. btw he said more than ur negative comments. If u dont have anything nice 2say stfu desu. Sadboy for life
SBE as a whole is out of sync with the sarcastic alt-right humor side, so they hate anything that revolves around racism/prejudism.
Producer mainly for Drain Gang but takes part in producing some songs for Yung Lean of Sadboys2001. Not relevant to this thread, but still on the topic of "sad boys" I guess. I was expecting a shitty vaporwave edit desu.
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Smokin' loud I'm a lonely cloud
Lonely cloud with my windows down
Yoshi city.

Yung Lean is the shit, what was this thread about?
i need a sadboy to listen to $uicideboy$ with and plan out our murder/suicide
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Ummnnnn try again sweety
ayy niggu fu im trying to waste someones time now dat hoe didnt even need to prove her point so that a tard could understand, fukken white knight beta orbiter
You're very cringy, you know that?
hahhahahaha made you waste ur life on captcha, you could have been focusing on not being a neet
I've just seen Tweets from Gud and Whitearmor about it. Who commented on that?
They're the 2000's Emo kids of Hip-Hop
You just described me but you're probably going to chase after Chad Sisyphuscock instead
They're not emo, haha. Drain Gang maybe.
original test original
I think I'm good looking but I have been a depressed shut in NEET for 4 years.
Everytime I go out to buy groceries I get weird looks but not in a bad way. Like in a concerned for my health way or something, maybe I'm delusional I don't know. I don't feel anything anymore when a cute girl smiles at me. I don't feel cringe or shame when I do something awkward, there is no awkward for me anymore just for the other person.
Just walked back to my apartment and there was like a party or something with like 20 something cute girls outside and I just passed through them with my sportswear and unkempt hair and face.
I have a fetish for nerdy guys
I'm sorry
Women, not traps you disgusting faggot
You mean you have a fetish for Chad Boemer in glasses
I feel the same thing, but I feel like its people feeling sorry for me
>I don't value muscle or money.
And I'm the Pope
>I value intelligence.
That's not how you spell "charisma" you stupid slut.
girl attracting sadboys are sad because their cheeseburger had too much ketchup and because their favorite character in game of thrones was kill

girl repelling sadboys are sad because they come from abusive homes, experienced continual bullying at school, and want to die
And you do not possess any desirable qualities whatsoever.
>girl repelling sadboys are sad because they come from abusive homes, experienced continual bullying at school, and want to die
Literally me

I guess I need to buy some Nike trainers and a bunch of xanax to be the other type huh
Well I'm certainly going to go after someone who believes The Red Pill is serious, am I? I would definitely prefer a non misogynist boyfriend.
My fwb disagrees :^)

Keep RPing, virgin faggot
Well, sure. But she's going to move on one day, and you certainly possess no boyfriend qualities.
>pointing out true facts about women is "redpill" and "misogynist"
Funny how nobody says women are "man haters" and "feminists" when they regurgitate the "guys only want stacy" meme

It's a certified fact that you'd ignore personality if Chad Lachowski came to the shitty coffee shop you work at holding a copy of The Stranger, with xanax pouring out of his pockets.

You are a meme and you just want a meme.
Why would I ever want to be someone's boyfriend when all that entails is more financial obligation to some entitled skank?

Maybe once you grow out of pretending to be a girl on /r9k/ you'll understand.
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>tfw not allowed to want to date women whole being a non-meme "sadboy" because women are hypocrites who don't know what they really want
Who /actualsadboy/ here
L'etranger is pleb tier. And every man on this board harbours some kind of misogyny. That's just a fact. Nothing wrong with it, provided you don't rape or abuse. I'm just saying I wouldn't date a misogynist.

I didn't mention personality. I value intellect.

How are you even defining "Chad" anyway? If you mean someone attractive. then yes, if faced with a choice of two boys who are identical in intelligence and personality and both like me, then yes I'd choose the one I found attractive- so would any human.
There is literally no way of knowing if what you say is true, just like there's no way of knowing my gender. You could be a 2/10 for all I know.
None of what you said here makes sense, bar the last few words.
>dude every man on this board is a misogynist lmao
>dude how dare you stereotype anyone lmao
There's that hypocrisy again.

$500 says you'd still date Chad Baudrillardcock even after you find out he uses /r9k/.

You pretend to value intellect yet you're as logically shallow as a bird bath and it shows in your "do as I say not as I do" tier strawmanning.
I'm literally a 2 or 3.
If you weren't a cringy virgin who LARPs on 4chan you'd realize that you don't have to be a supermodel to get laid.
Me except not thin. Also half black.
>None of what you said here makes sense, bar the last few words.
Is it your first hour here since coming from tumblr?

Women dont want actual non-meme sadboys as described in >>34621891. They want an idealized version that can turn his emotions on and off like a switch on demand. Not to mention that women who claim to want "sadboys" are usually all talk since they're spoiled 20something suburban children.
Listen my friend, you did not address anything I said. Like, at all.

Will you define "Chad" please?
No, I literally mean your sentence structure and syntax was way, way, off. Not the concepts.
Why should I enable your entitled attitude?

There's that hypocrisy again. Typical millennial pseudointellectual.
And what is she?
Yeah like I said

Is this your first hour on 4chan? Which tumblr blog did you come here from? Anyone who's been on here longer than 1 week would have gotten it but here you are showing off your tumblr cred
So, you're a moron who spouts buzzwords and has no idea what words actually mean? How was that hypocritical? Do you know what the word means? Are you literate?
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>I wouldn't date a misogynist.
>I don't date dumb people.
Pick one
No, I just don't speak illiterate.
Eh, I can always date women. If there's one thing the internet taught me, it's that men are not worth the effort. Read their words in books, admire their art, watch their films, respect the men of the past who actually did things, but avoid them in real life.
Wow that's pretty entitled and bitter of you, nice attitude. Don't throw stones in glass houses...

She's a typical liberal female millennial pseud
Her face is a 5, her body's an 8
>inb4 hurrrrrrr she's out of your league
No, I'm just out of your league, fag.
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Listen other girl from >>34622202
Stop feeding it.
>Eh, I can always date women. If there's one thing the internet taught me, it's that men are not worth the effort. Read their words in books, admire their art, watch their films, respect the men of the past who actually did things, but avoid them in real life.
*tips divacup*

This is what I was talking about. A man who espouses these types of views about women is pilloried and burned at the stake for being a "muhsogynist"

Meanwhile it's socially acceptable for a woman to act innocent and puerile while pidgeonholing all men

No you beta cuckold

Your type of cuck shit attitude is what leads to the Million Cunt March
Making things up on an anonymous board is a very sad thing to do anon. You should probably seek therapy.
So you're saying I shouldn't think the vast majority of men are either SJW cucks or genuine misogynists? Any evidence to disprove that notion?
Be honest, do you think any men would actually care if some trash tier slag like you goes lesbo?
>No you beta cuckold

Your type of cuck shit attitude is what leads to the Million Cunt March

You are baiting? Well, you're getting one girl to fall for it, so hats off. But it's pretty damn obvious.
Eh, I get asked out all the time. I'm not unattractive.
>high school aged normies turned turned ironic depression/suicidal thoughts into a lifestyle

le sadboizz is cancer
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>I'm totally a girl on /r9k/ but ur lying
Try stepping out of the glass house before throwing stones
>do as I say not as I do!
>d-don't pidgeonhole women though you filthy misogynist

She likes MUSIC and PHILOSOPHY though, shes totally ~*NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS*~

Typical beta cuck leftist nu-male
I'm not her (or him, whatever). I'm just lurking. I found that extravagance particularly funny though.
>I get asked out all the time. I'm not unattractive.

Making things up on an anonymous board is a very sad thing to do anon. You should probably seek therapy.
>I get asked out all the time.
So does my tranny ex roommate
>I'm not unattractive.
Obesity isn't attractive outside of tumblr, sweetheart.
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Getting kind of desperate for those (you)'s anon? Well, here's one for you.
>I'm just lurking.
No, you're new as fuck and you need to lurk more
Thanks a lot, you're so tolerant and progressive (:
Why bother them? What are you trying to actually accomplish? If it is a girl, it's just confirming her "men suck" worldview. If it's not and someone is pretending, it's feeding their ego by taking the bait.
>I don't know what shitposting is
And there are no real girls here, dumbass
And thank you for returning the (you).
Uh, ignoring all the shit this thread has descended into, I'd say I find sadness neither attractive nor unattractive. If I like a person, and they happen to be depressed, I wouldn't mind, but I don't seek out depressives. That's weird.
>If Chad happened to be depressed I'd be okay with it
Yeah we know
Of course you don't care, you're a desperate homosexual with standards so low you're on /r9k/.

Just hang yourself already
>every body on here is a misogynist
>I wouldn't date a misogynist

reading indirectly you just wouldn't date any of us and I can respect that, after all we're all single for various reasons but dismissing us all as sexist is ignorant at best and double standards at worst. That's like if I claimed all black people to be retards which is more plausible than all of us being misogynists bc blacks being stupid is based on numerous studies while us being misogynist is just based on personal anecdotes which should never be used for evidence
I was answering the question. This post has enough shitposting in it already.
No, I go on this board to reassure myself that I'm not the dregs of humanity, and out of morbid curiosity. And I'm not gay.
>I come onto this board to make myself feel better about not being the bottom barrel of humanity
>I'm totally better than you guys I swear

And you cunts wonder WHY we hate women in the first place, sasuga
Do you deny it?
I didn't say all men are sexist. Just the ones on here. Not even 4chan as a whole- specifically this board. The one that can have 800+ replies to a women hate thread. It's not an insult.

Being a misogynist is just a certain mindset- it generally doesn't hurt anyone, unless it manifests itself in rape or abuse or killing sprees. I'm of the opinion that it shouldn't really matter, and that people should be allowed to hate what they want, provided they don't hurt the object of that hate (and no, words don't count).
>I go on this board to reassure myself that I'm not the dregs of humanity
Every time someone types these words it means the poster's somehow more pathetic than the neckbeards that frequent this board. It's fascinating.
>pretending to be a woman totally isn't gay
Sure bud
I don't wonder why. I honestly don't care-it's no skin off my nose if you hate women. If I were a black person I wouldn't care if someone hated blacks, either. You're entitled to your hatred.

Yes, this place does make me feel better about myself, because I think I am better. I don't spend my whole time obsessing hatefully over a group of people. So what?
>This post has enough shitposting in it
Why are there so many fucking newfags here right now

Jesus Christ, go back to /b/
This sounds perfect desu.

>tfw ywn commit double suicide while listening to Antarctica
No I don't pretend to like sadboys- I'm a slut and proud, and love being pumped and dumped by Chad and his friends.
>I need to seek out the most self centered, mentally damaged boards on the net to make myself feel better
If I was as pathetic as you I probably would have blown my head off by now
>once again I think youre all misogynists
and can you prove I'm a misogynist? no? well boom you lost
I'm not them, but I seek out these boards because I find them endlessly fascinating, not because I agree with them. It's not about feeling better about myself, it's more about watching the collapse of humanity. Same reason I occasionally read SJW news and stuff. It's kind of mesmerising, watching humanity come to its knees.
Well, you're the exception then. Congratulations. Now what are you doing on this board?
well anon?
I come here for the jokes and memes.
Maybe you should stop being a faggot
reminding myself why I drink underage
1.) pretty much this >>34622771
2.) Trump is already BTFO'ing your entire gender so who cares lmao
What the fuck is this? Please explain.
I am not American. Nor would I want to be.
>I am not American.
Then you're disposable. Irrelevant trash. No wonder you come to /r9k/ for validation in spite of your superiority complex lmao
>>34622926 (not him)
It's a former pedo mod of SA named shmorkey arguing with his schizo GF
To make us more sad
>tfw no amines to posts
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what the fuck

also why is he talking like this
im very confused
Talking high pitched is his thing I guess, read the Encyclopedia Dramatica article on him, there's way too much to cover with that guy
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