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>Fat cunt manager who works at dairy queen bullies robot

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>Fat cunt manager who works at dairy queen bullies robot
>threw a cheeseburger at him
>made him bend over and scrub floors
>he killed himself yesterday
>she's being charged for involutionary manslaughter


Is it bad I feel good about this? She will potentially get 7 years in prison for it.
Females don't learn anything from punishment, they should just be euthanized.
Well on one hand it it's bad he died.
On the other it's good the bitch boss that bullied him in a professional environment will be punished for bullying him when she's supposed to be leading him.

It's up to you to decide if the magnitude of happiness outweighs the magnitude of sadness, but that's your own decision and nobody can really tell you if it's the correct one or the incorrect one because this is America, feel your feels and don't regret it.
People might think you're memeing but its true. My mom has literally been trying for twenty years to get my brother to talk to her again using the same tactics that never work
poor robot, just wanted live
How will they learn their lesson if they're euthanized? Prison is perfect.

She will suffer for a few years then have whatever potential career permanently ruined. She was also married, so I imagine the guy will divorce her.
Looks like they were meant to be with each other
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wut, that's the boss and her husband.

The guy who killed himself is pic related
You know its over for the good guys when the feminists hear about this right?
The victimblaming and manshaming and female victimhood claiming will sway the court.
Feminists organizations, usually don't lose in court.
Maybe it wasn't related to the bullying. Maybe it's because he was about to get discovered as the guy who stole millions for 10 years at the said store and couldn't handle being in jail.
Given his backstory, that is highly unlikely.
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Wage quit.
>his best friend lexie ....

not a robot just a fat fucking pussy
No silly. She just claimed to be his best friend after he killed himself.
Gets her in the spotlight for a minute.

Yeah, they're both fat and worked at DQ
RIP you poor soul. I hope you are in a better place now :'( :(
Highly doubt she was his best friend.
She was probably just some girl he spoke to like once a week in school.

No real man has a female as their best friend.
He was most definitely a robot
Or lexie was one of those fat lesbos with the typical dyke haircut.
How many robots fall victim to the shes

rest in peace young nigga there's a heaven full of neets

it would be a lie if i told you i never thought of death

nigga we the last ones left


oregano hero
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The best robots didn't make it out.

RIP robot brother.
I see what you did there

>there's a heaven for a NEET
>involutionary manslaughter
should be first degree. nowadays its a likely assumption that anybody being bullied is capable of suicide.
Yep, and it sounds like systematic bullying. She didn't just lose her temper and yell at the kid. She really had it out for him. Probably looked forward to his shifts so she could bully him. Can't imagine what thats like having everybody make fun of you like that.
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Just look at this virgin motherfucker
>that hair
>probably weighs like 250 lbs
>those big 'ol Dumbo ears

And you just know he probably had super low confidence and a dumb, stammering voice. Tbqphwyf, how can you blame her for bullying him? Who possibly could have resisted?
>dumb, stammering voice
well yes

>Suttner was overweight and spoke with a speech impediment

he was probably a cool guy
no need to insult
This is the only reasonable comment here. Everyone else is just a whiney little bitch

Idk man, most people have known someone like this at least once in their life, and usually people just felt bad for them. If you would want to bully someone like that you probably have many physical flaws, lots of insecurities and very low confidence yourself, and are doing it to feel better about yourself. Just look at that fat cunt, she is ugly as fuck and looks beta as well.
Our guy tbqhwyf
he may have been an r9k poster.
not anymore.
He looks so fucking sad dude
Jesus, if could tell any of these kids being bullied one thing it would be to fucking fight back. I don't care if they beat your ass or whatever, you fight back. None of these little faggots are looking for any kind of challenging target, you fight back once maybe twice and it stops and your reputation instantly skyrockets.

No, it's right that you feel good about it. Fat female managers are the scourge of the fucking humanity and this shit needs to happen more often. Fuck them and fuck her, taking her miserable landwhale existence out on someone just trying to get by.
that works as a kid/teen but not really as an adult.
you cant fight back physically in the workplace unless you want to get fired or face legal action.
>bend over to scrub floors

You mean...she was being his boss?
Granted we treat this as reprimand for a work-related issue, this guy killed himself over a cheeseburger. A fucking cheeseburger.


It was actually the bullies from his school who made his life worse on a daily basis. I honestly think it's just easier to sue the boss bitch because there's a tangible record of times and witnesses. Not because she was any more culpable than the other cunts in his life.

> Tbqphwyf, how can you blame her for bullying him?

Because it's fucking wrong no matter what. Bullying is morally wrong. Only inhuman faggots like yourself don't understand this.


Exactly. Bullying is a way for normies to try and establish themselves in the normie social hiearchy. She was trying to feel like she's better than at least SOMEONE out there. Needlessly sacrificed an innocent soul to her fat ass misery.
>You mean...she was being his boss?
Don't know about you, but if my 'boss' told me to scrub the floors with my bare hands(im sure this happened multiple times), I sure as hell wouldn't do it, especially if she never told anyone else( which she didn't, as the article described).

If you think that shit is acceptable in the workplace then you need to stay a NEET forever.
>stay NEET forever
Says the NEET who never has worked in a shit fast food chain.
>prison is perfect

No it's not. The female prisons are like daycares compared to the mens. They need harsher punishments than just prison.
True I've never worked fast food.
But I've worked my fair share of shit jobs.
(Walmart, Airport, so on)
Even now in my comfy job I'd never do clearly unfair shit.
he was made to lie on his stomach and clean the floors. not bend over
Sad thing is bosses make you do unfair shit, or you're looking at unemployment for weeks, months, meanwhile bills pile up. It's a shit reality for many people, wouldn't necessarily call it bullying though. Seen some lazy fucks from my old job who honestly deserved it at times. If they didn't want the job that badly they quit.
Other poster said it, not me.
he looks a lot like a friend I used to have.
He's been stealing from them since he was 7?

>especially if she never told anyone else( which she didn't, as the article described).

Yeah I've situations from fat female managers when I was basically told do to the dirty jobs everyone else was too lazy to actually do. That's how they pick on you and abuse their powers. Since women run the workplace like a highschool clique and don't know what professionalism is.
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>180 twist
>juden detected

Why am I not surprised, someone bring /pol/ over
I think we need to shine more awareness on how females can bully males.
>not just quitting
why. If I ever kill myself it wont be over something stupid like women or bullying
one of us

commento orginalo
>he killed himself

Shit, is there a job opening? Because some guys have to pay for this kind of femdom.
thats about as hard as convincing people heightism towards short males exists

but yeah man light should be shed on it.
sad cuckholds and masochists perhaps
>not a robot just a fat fucking pussy
He wasn't even a pussy thought, like everybody around him was extremely hostile to him like well and beyond anything else other people experience. you'd probably act like an even bigger pussy than he ever did if you were in his shoes
Any semi-competent lawyer will get her off scott free. She'll never see the inside of a prison cell.
As should be, no way she is criminally responsible. Morally everyone in his life were responsible, but none should go to jail cause a kid whats to kill himself.
Agreed. At worst she's liable for harassment. His actions led to his death, not hers.
why didnt he just quit the job
some mexican probably could have had it then
Nah nigga. The goal then is to get /fit/ to intimidate every normal-fag who tries to 1-up you. Normal-fags are fucking pursues who always like to talk about how in X situation they should have done this, or how in Y situation they would have done that. Then, when some musclehead shows up, they show their true cowardly nature. I know I sound like an edgelord but I've seen it way too many times. TBQHWYFAM, it's the reason I started working out over 2 months ago. Making noon gains, just need more calories in my diet
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>it's bad that a voluntary suicide took place
>it's good that a totally unrelated person is getting punished for it

America everyone. This is some "evil eye" shit. Hope you don't commit suicide friendo. I'll get life to prison.
On both hands its good that he died. His suffering has finally ended.

The roastie were born with a vagina. No physical or mental pain can equal to the disgrace and pain that follows being born with a vagina. I'll take every ass beating and every bit of humiliation as a man than having that.

We will all join that anon some day. At least feel happy hes been released.
You are severely delusional. That is all.
>it wont be over something stupid like women or bullying
It probably was just the last straw, he surely had other issues too.
Different anon

Its not delusion Its passive aggressive behavior! All humans respond well to it and if you have muscle then they'll respond greatly with minimal effort.
Life Goes On by Tupac

I see what you did there, robot
He looks very similar to my brother... Feels bad man.
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seems like you're a cockhead and a normie. What's wrong with this dude? nothing. No one deserves to be made fun of, faggot
That makes no sense. She shouldn't get charged at all.
Ted Cruz lookin ass nigga
He looked like a nice young man. Such a shame. Hope these bullies get what's coming to them, not just the boss.
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Pretty sure thats Bran Stark
No it doesn't. They just get more of their friends to join in. They are looking for easy targets. They are wimps. Fighting back doesn't solve it they just get more defensive and keep acting the same way.
You're not different you just don't know shit. People that get intimidated will just try to bargain and get protection off someone bigger than them or multiple people.
In a scenario where that person has someone bigger, yes. But in a public situation, group of friends you haven't seen in a while, certain work environments (see any STEM field, esp CS faggots), it will take the average normal faggot quite some time to nut up and say something unless you are deliberately trying to fuck up and piss people off. And even then, it will probably be a group effort rather than 1 person

Not everyone responds to muscles, but most people do and that's what matters in this world. Unless you wanna stay on this board the rest of your life
>(Branham claimed this was all meant, and taken by Suttner, in jest.)
>It was just a prank bro. He just took it personally.
Remove woman.
muscles don't impress anyone and make them not want to bully you, and no it's not where they just have someone bigger. they'll form a group for protection and add voices even if they wouldnt do anything physical it's just more witnesses to help them lie/spread rumors/talk shit. Besides once you get targeted most people start to on an instinctual level shun you and or join in so they don't get targeted.

most fat guys would woop most skinny guys asses, even with or without some muscles on them. they still get picked on about it.

Clearly you don't have much social experience. No wonder you're here.

I think it's fine to hold people accountable for other's suicide. It acts as an effective tool against bullying. If normies think they can get in trouble for bullying someone into suicide maybe they won't fucking do it.

Nah this is fucking true. Normalfags mess with everyone but they won't mess with the buff guy at work. I've noticed that. They don't fuck with someone they think will fuck them up.

Exactly. (I was trying to quote the article but 4chan said it was non ACSII text or whatever). But yeah, that's her way of trying to dodge responsibility, pretending they were okay with it.
>implying I want to be a cunt

Sounds like you are projecting. I never stated I want to bully normal-fags, I would, however, like to be treated at the same level as they are. You are absolutely delusional if you say normies don't automatically shun those who are skinny/fat and not 8+/10. They won't form a group just to prove the musclehead wrong, nor will they belittle him.
I sort of agree, but you have to look at the facts after such a precedent is set.

Eventually somebody will claim someone else is bullying them when its truly questionable, but the hammer will hit them all the same
>You are absolutely delusional if you say normies don't automatically shun those who are skinny/fat and not 8+/10.
No they don't. I'm a normie and I don't do that. They tend to joke about the skinny thing, fat part they can get kinda mean about.
What's this 8/10 crap you must be a girl

>They won't form a group just to prove the musclehead wrong, nor will they belittle him.
Yes they do.

Yeah but that's when we need to define what bullying is and what counts and doesn't count as bullying. Too bad normalfags are bad at defining things though and always want to keep things subjective so they can manipulate the definition.
>Is it bad I feel good about this?
It's bad that if it were a man doing that to a woman, you'd be bad that he went to prison. it's bad that you only feel good because it's a woman going to prison. It'd bad that you don't give a fuck about him and you only care that it's a woman going to prison.

As a worthwhile human being, much better than you are; I feel terrible for him. my heart breaks for how he felt. I am happy that the justice system is cracking down on bullies who contribute to the deaths of others. I am very much satisfied by the fact that we as a society are holding people accountable for how they treat others even when they hold nothing but power and status.

I am a decent human being, you are not. You took a tragic story of bullying and suicide to turn it into a masturbatorial thread around a woman going to prison. You noticeably only describe the guy's horrendous treatment to emphasize how evil she is with the implication that it is indeed because she is a woman or "Fat cunt" and he is a robot (with the implicit correlation of robot and victim)

So yes, it is bad.
Where at in Missouri? I always find it sad when shit like this happens in my state
And does that group really do anything? No. Only if said group is a pre-existing group of friends who knew him before he got /fit/.

I've seen plenty of normal-fags talk shit about how if fit guy did anything I'd call the cops or how fit guy has a little dick and so on... But never do anything. Hell, I've talked to swole dudes and asked how they have felt about this and they just lol at the faggots who don't do shit. Never has it happen in the work place and they're usually the ones who are told to go sort shit out.
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