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What do you think about leggings/yoga pants? What do you infer

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What do you think about leggings/yoga pants?
What do you infer about these type of girls?
it's a cry for cock
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gives me massive hard on desu
20% of them aren't wearing underwear underneath. (Poll by Women's Health)
specially in the dead of winter, but its a step up from short skirts w no leggings
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When did this trend start? It surely started late 00's/late 10's, right? Because I don't recall girls wearing them before, or at least not like this.

What do I think? I think it's disgusting. I would take away a women's right to express herself, if it meant ensuring that they would grow up to be respectable, not-degenerate members of society. All these do is give women more power to manipulate, distract, and find validation to boost their already bloated egos.
late 00's yeah

I normally dont care but when hamplanets wear them its a catastrophe
They're REALLY comfortable. Many girls who wear those pants don't do it to show off their ass, they do it because it makes their ass feel wonderful.

In the dead of winter? Why? They can be warm.
>Many girls who wear those pants don't do it to show off their ass
wish i was this naive again

if any of you are fortunate enough to have gf, go try her leggings on. they are fucking amazing.
It might feel different for guys since it might squeeze their package. With a vagina, you don't have to worry about hurting your nuts
doesn't hurt, just holds it in place - makes you bulgy as fuck yeah so just wear them around the house
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Attention whoring sluts, that are literally ASKING FOR IT!
>b-but muh comfront..
Fuck off with that logic, loose sweats are just as comfy and warm and so are other articles of clothing.
i just disregard anyone who advertises sexuality before personality

of course I want a pretty girl but more than that I want a pretty girl that I admire and I just can't admire an outfit that signifies hedonism or desire for physical pleasure
bullshit. if they weren't doing it for attention they could put sweatpants on over them. also disproves the warmth theory. females who wear these around in public are whores.
I understand wearing yoga pants when exercising, but wearing them in public is just disrespectful
Not that I care though, they're hot as fuck
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I approve of them

Better then sweatpants
immediately think thot

loose sweats are objectively autistic, white trash clothing

No better then cargo pants on neckbeards
Man my brothers wife, and her daughter (hes not the real father) both wear leggings, the daughter is FUCKING 8 YEARS OLD

I hate my brothers decisions, but what the fuck can i do. I tried to tell him to divorce her ass and get some non used non american pussy. But he thinks that little bastard is his responsibility, and i assume him being a big christian means that if he abandons them that god will hate them.

Fuck protestants,

Orthodoxy or fucking liberal garbage. I personally see women who wear them as nothing but fuck toys, who deserve no more respect than enough from me to dick them and than leave them as thats what they are use to.
What's the point of wearing sweatpants? The only people who have a problem with leggings are autistic, anyways, so their opinion doesn't count.

Cargo pants are like the sweatpants wearing autists best going out trousers.
I see these so much around campus that it's immunized me to their charm
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Is she still considered a whore for wearing leggings if she has no ass?
cute tbhqh senpai
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Girls who wear em are usually degenerate.
But I'd be lying if I said that they don't get my cock up and running.

>slutty latina girls wearing yogapants/leggings
>visible pantylines

Muh dick
theyre midgets?
Who lost their leg on the right?
they are usually worn wrong, at least the stereotypical type of white girl way they're worn. If you actually pair them with a casual top that works and is slightly baggy (not a fucking pullover though) they look nice. Think of something like a slightly big flannel shirt and ankleboots.

-t /fa/
females like attention.
in the summer, they can just wear less clothing and show off their body to receive said attention.

however, its cold in winter, which usually means gearing up. well, that makes it hard for the female to get attention with all that clothing on.

the female has evolved to wear leggings. this way their legs/ass are still warm yet they can still show off their thighs and butt.
>That girl in the blue hoodie
>hoodie is rolled up specifically to show off her ass

I'm sure she already has a boyfriend with that body. Why continue teasing guys like that?
Pretty much every woman under 25 wears them
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>What do you infer about these type of girls?
They're 100% down to do anal
Idc I don't really pay attention, I'm afraid of being called a weirdo for looking at them.
well that's just wrong. most girls dont do anal.
this is the correct response. they are for chad's eyes only.
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women love attention, they're addicted to it
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so,uh,tell me again how leggings are a bad thing
Because the only thing women have for society is pussy. Without people chasing her pussy, she has no value
>most girls dont do anal.
>in 2017
First with skinny jeans, then with yoga leggings all fashion died.
no they dont.
anal requires a lot of upkeep and prep
stop watching so much bimbo porn
They might not do it daily, but they definitely do it

white girl.jpg
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Hot and spicy meme coming through, don't forget my tip!
>ASS ASSin's Creed
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*sniff sniff*

snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniffffffffffffff
lmao idk why anybody isn't acknowledging this
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This post stinks anon
They're like 5'2~5'4.
Hell, height doesn't even mean shit for females anyway unless they're an actual 4'0 midget.

Some 7'0 guy would still fuck a 5'0 female.
Elder God tier
High tier
>stockings for that ZR
Mid Tier
>leggings/yoga pants
oh, anon, i had chipotle
sorry millennial males but the world doesn't revolve around you

they are for comfort and nothing more
shut up fatty, no one looks at uggos when they wear them
just because something is comfortable doesnt mean its a good idea to wear it everywhere in public.

I think just having a tanktop on during the summer is comfy, but im not going to show up to a walmart with just my tanktop on because its degenerate as fuck.

get some fucking class.
>sorry millennial males but the world doesn't revolve around you
This is ironic considering literally 100% of millennial females have this entitled "everyone owes me something and this hot pussy is god's gift to everyone" attitude
see, even fatties wear them, proves my point even more

degenerate sure but who cares when there is no one around you want to impress... not like you wear them to work

if they are just wearing them to go sit around in class or go shopping for food who cares
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>tfw you will never be a Stacey and have this mentality
just imagine how bad Gen Z females are going to be..
Though I hear they're losing their virginites at way younger ages
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>they are for comfort and nothing more
blah blah etc etc

this is now a leggings thread
good god, she may as well have just walked out of the house nude
Thank fucking god. I'm sure I'd squander all of my inheritance on lululemon leggings, Starbucks + Panera, and fireball whiskey.
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>better stop for a quick meal before i do my daily jog ;3
I don't know where this leggings shit came from in the past few years, but I'm so happy that girls dress like this now! You should see the girls at my gym. EVERYONE OF THEM >yoga pants >fat asses
Chad is there to support you, dummy.
sooo thich
>not like you wear them to work
I work in a warehouse, and 90% of the females wear leggings.

One of the supervisors who is a female that is 26yo also wears them, and dear lord, she has a gigantic ass.
it's a shoop retard
>Chad is there to support you, dummy.
Except I'd rather be more than that? I'm a fucking man, I'm pretty grateful that I don't have a sub-90-IQ and my entire existence doesn't revolve around "oh gosh I gotta get as much out of my hot poosy as I can before I turn 35"

My dad was still killin it in the pussy game when he was in his 50's, women are fucking shit tier
well I meant wear them to work at a job you're expected to look presentable... not a damn warehouse
>sorry millennial males but the world doesn't revolve around you

>they are for comfort and nothing more
they can be more if they please
whoa calm down satan.
I can't think of a single job that has young females(under 30) who won't dress provocative.
>they can be more if they please

beta cuck
What if you love to wear them but also always have on an extra long tank top under your shirt to cover your butt?
Why are these women so fucking short jesus
because a woman could be wearing a garbage bag and still be provocative to your thirsty ass
they still exist faggot
>I can't think of a single job that has young females(under 30) who won't dress provocative.

I work in an office, and this is true where I work. It's so fucking distracting.
Now you're just being stupid. take your nigga ass somewhere else
kek,u sound like a woman.
I don't know, if I'm caught staring I could be imprisoned for stare rape and have to get chemically castrated.
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The ultimate tease whore. She will get raped for sho. Quite similar to girls with great asses wearing a sweater around thier waist. >triggered
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Oh I was not expecting that...that little gust my dear....you caught me off guard...yes...so gentle it was though...hmmmm...let me taste this little one...just one small sniff.....sniff...ah....ssssssnnnnnniiiiiifffffffffff...and yet....so strong...yes...the odor....sniff sniff...hmmm....is that....sniff....hmmm....I can almost taste it my dear.....yes....just...sniff....a little whiff....more if you please.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff...ah yes I have it now....yes....quite....hhhhmmmm...delectable my dear.....quite exquisite yes......I dar say...sniff....the most pungent one yet my dear quite....ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffff....yes....
i have chipotle quite often anon
I'd eat the chocolate out of that shithole
They can't see the attention they receive behind them, retard. If a dude stares at her ass she won't see it, there's no eyes there.
Are you really this stupid?
By more attention, it means most NORMAL guys will be more likely to approach and talk to her, or compliment her, or generally do x nice thing.

No wonder you're a robot.
You lack common sense
>implying this stops them
>I'll just wear these fucking skin tight leggings
>heh it's not like anyone is going to check out my ass or anything
kys retard
The shear amount of narcissism in the picture baffles my male mind.
>camera angled to show off both legs, the fact that she's wearing leggings, and the British POS
>keychain carefully positioned to further show off what she's driving
>"oops, I guess that just happened to be there"
All it needs is a wad of hundreds and used magnum wrapper on the floor to show off her sugar daddy's wealth and giant dick.

>no steering wheel cover
>land rover
>sitting so close to the steering wheel that its damn near touching your pelvis
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>mfw she's pic related
>suicide knob
>that haircut
Found the bus driver.
I took the that she posted it in the first place as the worst part?
"I'm a girl & I'm contributing nothing to this thread other than the fact that I have a roastie - give me attention "
I guess it's working, her fat legs have gotten her 2 replies.
Like every other" fembot" on this board, she's just an attention whore.

t. someone with a vagina
(please talk to me & make me feel validated!!!1!!1!)
>What do you think about leggings/yoga pants?
I think they're very sexy, and that they're worn publicly because they're sexy.

>What do you infer about these type of girls?
Pretty much every type of girl wears them, so I can't infer all that much. Just that they're typical females, whatever than entails.
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>What do you infer about these type of girls?

They will never have sex with me.
Yikes, you're incredibly vain anon if you genuinely believe what you just wrote.

Leggings pretty much ARE sweatpants

If you could influence members of the opposite sex with just the clothes you wear, wouldn't you?
Because it looks good and probably feels comfy.

Now to be fair it's also stores that are restricting girls by selling mostly short ass shorts and tighter fitting clothes with tapered v's and designed in ways that slim them out while pushing up their boobs and their butts. Men's wear is designed to fit well to show off any musculature and make the shoulders look bigger sometimes. I don't think it's such a bad thing. There is a difference between wearing clothes that you look good in, which can invoke confidence, and doing it for attention. I'm not going to lie and say I don't like it when girls make double takes when my hair is cut nice and my clothes fit good, so I don't see why it's so bad for women to enjoy the same.
who /nofap/ here?

who /noporn/ here?

I was trying to nofap but i found it impossible. Perhaps a better way to achieve what I want is to only allow myself to fap without porn?

I dated a girl who wore these all the time. They are very comfortable supposedly. She also outright admitted that they made her sexier so it was a win-win.
I doing' nofap,but I still collect JAV porn though
Right here, since New years.
Read some doujins, watched some porn, the usual shit.
I really need to empty my balls, into another body would be nice.

It makes me think that they prefer comfort and flexibility in their clothing over aesthetic value.

Hell, even my grandma wears yoga pants.

You guys should try wearing yoga pants some time, then you'll find out why they're so popular. Comfy as fuck.

I bet you think all jeans are the same as well as you sit there, all confused, wearing the Walmart dadcore jeans your mother buys you regularly.
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I don't care how much of a cockthirsty whore she is. I just want to grab her ass
no thanks, they're like sandpaper on your dick

trust me I know
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More like "yogurt pants," amirite?!
>how much of a cockthirsty whore

an extreme one. just not for any of our cocks
I've mistaken this several times for my gf. Every feature down to her mouth is pretty much 100% the same
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