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>/pol/ calls me a paid shill or a subversive kike because

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>/pol/ calls me a paid shill or a subversive kike because I don't suck Trump's nuts

Why do they unironically not understand that 75% of the country didn't vote for their precious god emperor?
>>>/pol/ is the way
Why do you unironically not understand he won the election?
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nah that's stupid

thread derailing time
a better question is why are you so triggered that you came here to bitch about it?
Nice quads. To answer your question, /pol/ has been over-run with Redditors, specifically r/the_donald users. They like echo-chambers, and will accuse anyone who even slightly criticizes their candidate, Trump, who is very flawed, of being a shill. The cancer that is r/the_donald has now metastasized to other boards, unfortunately.
check 'em. even our lord kek feels the #trumpgret ;^)

why do you expect anything from a board of political shitposters?
/pol/ used to be better than it is now, which is not to say it was good. At least they supported an honest, sensible man like Ron Paul. They also have the gall to take non-political memes like Pepe, Wojak, and even, sadly, Gondola, and politicize them. I hate them.
Fuck off back to r*ddit.
The margin of "loss" was 3 million. That is less than 1%. Even then, the federal government acknowledges that there are always around 3-4 million illegal votes every election. This then would guarantee that Trump, in fact, won, even if by a miniscule amount compared to the "massive defeat" that the Leftists have pushed as fact.
>there's is no possibility there were illegal votes for trump
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>It's another "/pol/ is a single person, and a hugbox" episode

Maybe try posting actual arguments on /pol/ instead of shitposting
>3-4 million illegal votes
>all in blue states
Yea. Illegals totally voted for the man who said he'd kick them out and then put a wall behind them.
/pol/ is absolutely a hug-box. You can't even post while a Canadian, Swede or Indian there without being berated "LEAF" or "POO IN LOO" or some other such thing. They, for the most part, all think the same. They are like the Borg.
nice quads you humongous faggot
To be fair, Canadians and Australians on /pol/ are known to be rampant shitposters, with India rising to compete with them.
>/pol/ is a hugbox
>90% of the threads are about how trump is bad, Nazis are losers, and how Hillary should have won

It's literally just cock envy. That's it. That's the whole reason /pol/ exists.

Seeing a black man with a white woman is the worst thing that can happen to them.
The nerve of these people...
I'd rather Pepe be recognised as a symbol against the SJWs and PC-culture, than just the 'Green Frog Meme' for celebrities, niggers and normies to smear everywhere. And you're one to talk, after your failed reclamation attempts.
Canadians are the worst posters god ever conceived and consistently so. There's is something wrong with that country.
It's mostly proxies, and before that it was Australian proxies
Quads cannot tell a lie. Drumpf is a racist.
Explain who did vote for him then?
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>mfw the economic crisis is coming and the immigration ban is just a distraction from the swampy house rep senators doing the deregulation
>Why do they unironically not understand that 75% of the country didn't vote for their precious god emperor?

I swear this number is like the holocaust numbers its gets bigger and bigger every time I hear it.
Implying the nazi trash that left for cripplefaggotfuckerchan is any better, fuck off
You understand what a constitutional republic means right faggot?
Less than 50% of people in a turnout of 50%. I know /pol/tards are stereotypically from the south, but you're just embarrassing yourself.
Population of US: ~320000000
Number of trump votes: ~60000000
So somewhere around 80% of America didn't vote for this
You don't know how to do math, do you?
what pol have you been on. 90% are pro trump lmao
>if I say he's wrong then he's wrong
That's not how this works here, go back to /pol/
>Why do they unironically not understand that 75% of the country didn't vote for their precious god emperor?
Same reason libtards don't understand what the US election process is for president
you take the total number of VOTES, you don't use the entire US population. There are other factors besides people "not wanting Trump."

We also live in.. say it with me A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC this isn't about individual votes. Why is this so hard to understand?

You can't sample the entire US population and just go "and oh yeah everyone who didn't vote didn't want Trump," thats such an unbelievably retarded assumption to make.. you know one reason why some people didn't vote.. They have fucking jobs you libtard dumbass.

>This is what the left ACTUALLY believes
>You don't use the entire US population
Yes you do you bottom feeding retard

Not making a decision is a still a decision. Anything that's not a vote for Trump is a vote against Trump by consequence.
Yes because you know exactly what the other half of the population was doing and thinking the moments voting was taking place..

shut up you fucking dumbass
Why are you putting words in my mouth? I never said they didn't want Trump, I said they didn't vite for Trump.

But if they didn't vote for Trump then they couldn't of been to enthusiastic about him anyway

>They have fucking jobs you libtard dumbass
This has to be bait...

>"I can't into elementary logic" the post
and no you don't you couldn't possibly infer that also I could also just be like

>hurr duurrr half the country didn't want Hillary.. do you see how stupid that is?

and the kicker is half of pol isn't even white.
28 is my very original score
..so whats the argument then.. That 3 million more people voted Hillary.. I thought we settled this months ago
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>maybe because /pol/ doesn't like you for a reason

And neither does anyone else
Then you cant sample the entire population.. don't pretend to know what youre talking about to discredit whst im saying..

All you can infer from the rest of the population is that they didn't vote unless you sample them individually since are voting system is representative
The argument is American politics are a circus and half your citizens can't even be arsed to vote because they know whatever they do they're fucked in the end anyway

It's pathetic
you're talking about a board that literally couldn't figure out that putting moot # Admin in the subject field and shitposting did not actually mean that moot was personally responding to them about cuckgate or whatever it's called
Daily reminder hundreds of thousands of people wrote in the name of a dead monkey in order to chose the leader of the free world
OP's claim was 75% of America didn't vote for Trump, and the math showed that to be true, there's no other argument to be had here. You got BTFO now deal with it

rest in rip harambe
I scored a 60. Guess I'm a cyborg piece of shit.

Reddit calls you a paid shill or a subversive kike because you don't suck Trump's nuts.

This should have been evident whenever Ron Paul said something slightly negative about Trump. It made it pretty obvious the age of those people.

If /pol/ was smart /pol/ wouldn't exist.
yeah except you literally didn't read or understand anything I just said

Quite originally, I might add
I come to this bored to laugh at fools
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>mfw pol faggots see an opinion different than theirs and get upset
good work OP
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>tfw exactly 58

/pol/ is just delusional as the potus. in a few months theyre all gonna be super left lliberals because theyre edgy contrarians
I got 65. I thought I was gonna fall within the "Slightly Strange" category. Fvck my life desu
lmao pathetic, I bet you also like that feeling of reassurance when you look at all of these losers right?
>O-oh, but I'm better than them. See mom?
this precisely
I give it a year though
newfags have no idea what 4chan was like during the bush years
>hundreds of thousands
source that isn't satirical?
waste of quads
>tfw I got a 61 amd my friend scored a 126
Ikf we are on the cusp of cyborg

All the 20 somethings who visit this site are literal hipster faggots.

I've been here for fucking 10 years, it's never changed.

They think its cool to ride the dick of Trump now but they sucked Ron Paul's dick a number of years ago. The shift will change and they will soon enough think against Trump in the coming future because that's what they do.

They feel uncool because they made everyone feel welcome and they all think alike then people will start to break off against the hard conservatism and a sense of need for liberalism will set in on /pol/.

Happens everytime.
Why do you unironically not understand how the electoral college works?
He lost the popular vote by a landslide.
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/pol/ is a politics shitposting forum. 90% of the threads are designed to make you upset and reply. It's also a very active board and that further rewards bait posting. People who go there like to "argue" as well.

But let's not pretend that CTR wasn't a thing. In fact, it has been renamed shareblue and given a massive budget. Internet shilling is real, if you don't think so, take a visit to r/politics. Reddits largest politics board is quite literally controlled by DNC shills. If anyone remembers when hillary fell over and got thrown into a van, the 24-36 hours after saw r/politics return to it's pre-elextion pastime of Bernie masturbation before immediately returning to a DNC talking point echo chamber. It's so obviously a controlled board that even fucking plebbit is catching on.
/pol/ has been the shittiest board since day 1. We can't blame this one on Reddit. This one's all us this time.
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Doesn't matter though. The popular vote is a meme. Nothing more than a meaningless talking point. A 30 year politician and the "most qualified candidate ever" with a 1.3 billion dollar budget should have known to campaign in the rust belt when running against a right wing "muh jobs" candidate with a Twitter account, a hat, and a third of the budget.

Hillary was jeb-tier. The only reason she did well was due to overwhelming support from the media and global financial institutions.
/pol/ was invaded by /r/the_donald and vice versa

They've become a shared population
Why is it physically impossible to have a serious, sensible political argument on the internet anyway? Everybody's either an insufferable SJW douche or an insufferable alt-right douche. No one's reasonable.
What's up with that?

What is your definition of someone who is 'reasonable'? Someone that agrees with you?
Not him, but reasonable means you can agree to disagree.

If I'm someone open to change discussing with a conservative, we can agree that we have different view points and at the end be on our merry way.

Nowadays everything is to the extreme, regardless of what side you're on both sides go full REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at even hearing a different view point other than their own ideals.

In a way I blame the media. You have outlets like CNN implying that conservatives are hitlers-in-hiding and FOX implying that liberals are all communists-in-hiding. And then you have shit like huffpo, salon, slate etc simply outright stating that white people are the devil while breitbart and infowars scream of tinfoil autism. The majority of people you meet have their opinions influenced by these organizations.
9... Fuck my life. I wish I was joking.

Only thing that saved me was I'm 6'3.

Yes, I know the real definition. But that's the problem with politics - people are passionate about it. It's not like a discussion on which scorcese movie is best (raging bull, obviously), people rarely ever 'agree to disagree' when it comes to politics. There's a reason that it's verboten subject matter in many a pub.


Top choice in a word anon.

Its like PEPE was popular among normies in 2014-2015 and it became a hate symbol in 2016-2017
I got an original score of 47 kill me

Your conveniently forgetting this boards disastrous attempt at taking back pepe via poo poo pee pee
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