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>just got on NEETbux We all gonna make it boys.

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>just got on NEETbux

We all gonna make it boys.
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My dream is to one day live the NEET life.
Move to a smallish town in Kansas. The rent is cheap enough to live alone on NEETbux.
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TFW you live in a third world shithole that doesn't have NEETbux
how does one get NEETbux?
pls help me ;(
I'm on disability for depression and fibromyalgia. 150/month in EBT for food. Parents like me living at home and are gone on business half the time.

Life is good.
don't you have to spend all your property first to receive NEETbux?
>tfw neet but no neetbux
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I already live in Missouri, so renting an apartment won't be a big deal. Going to try to get a house in VT at some point.

It's not a lot of money, but I'll have food, internet, and my own goddamn house.

>be mentally ill
>bitch about it to the government for a year and a half

Honestly, if you're here you should be able to pass as incapable of working even if you're just lazy, you basically have to have a psychiatrist vouch for you though, so work on that. Don't follow that guide that's floating around, acting crazy in public just gets you committed and all your rights taken away.

Also, mental hospitals are literal prisons, 2/10 do not recommend.

Yeah, you're not allowed to have more than a certain amount in cash, or have more than a certain amount in assets. Basically you're forced to be poor forever (or you can just hide money from the government)

Car doesn't count though, it's classified as a "necessity" so I'm going to use that as my bank account. I think you're good to go up to 30k on a car, then it begins to be counted normally.

I'll need to review all the rules, it's been literally over 18 months since I started this process.
Wow, I know there's nothing wrong with what you're getting and you're living the comfy life, but 150/month that can only be used for food is so different to here. I get 140/week in cash for disability.
I had one who wouldn't do anything for me even my mom said he was useless. I gave up because he was a dick and my social worker was just awkward to be around since it was a girl
you could get a father 12 children and get even more NEETbux
pro: you live a life in relative luxury(nice apartment, car, vacation, procrational sex)
con: there will probably a column about you in the dailymail and you have to look after your bastards
Did you apply in person or online?
where in vt? it's normieville
This is not something to be proud of. Can't wait for Trump to gut Medicaid so you beta losers will have to actually get jobs instead of taking my hard-earned money and using it to shitpost on this awful board all day.
nigga not even $1 goes to welfare from your check
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>I think you're good to go up to 30k on a car
Nevermind, whoever writes this shit is retarded.
>we exclude completely one automobile per household regardless of value if the recipient or couple or a member of the recipient's or couple's household uses it for transportation.

So I'm going to be eating rice for every meal and living in a shitty one room apartment, but driving a fucking pimpmobile


Yeah, I've only ever had one good psychiatrist, and a couple competent ones, the rest were fucking terrible.
>get transferred in hospital
>new psychiatrist
>I believe in a more "holistic" approach
>No more meds
>Just vitamins
I had do deal with withdrawal, anxiety, AND horrific hallucinations all at the same time because this bitch had total control over my life.


Definitely not normieville, somewhere in the middle of the woods as far away from Burlington and Middlebury as possible.

I'm not proud of it, necessarily. But let's be honest, the Government wasn't doing anything important with it anyway. If you want to bitch about where your "hard earned money" is going, look to DC, not the poor NEETs living on breadcrumbs.

Thank you based crazy anon.
I've been the food was decent but everything else sucked.
burlington has waaay to many people I live up north near st albans
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Hah I was 7 seconds faster.
You shouldnt have written that extra sentence to that other anon.
you speeeeed machine, you.
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>I've been the food was decent but everything else sucked.

>cold mac and cheese
>if you don't finish your portion you get transferred to the eating disorder center
>wanted to eat some peanut butter because fuck you I like it
>they took away my peanut butter
>not allowed to have anything but clothes, the books I was reading were deemed "inappropriate" and confiscated, I was directed to the "library" which was all self-help shit and christian literature.

The only differences between mental hospitals and prisons is that they don't put bars on the windows and try to cover up the barbed wire with ivy.

>You just had a bad experience!

I've been to 4 different mental hospitals, you have no freedom, you have no rights. By the way, the book they confiscated was Papillon.
>eating disorder center
WHAT? I didn't eat breakfast that much and there was an older guy who was like 50 who didn't eat half the time and he didn't have to go anywhere
north european mental hospitals are comfy as fuck, you can bring everything you want like laptop or even tv, also there's a public fridge and you can bring all food you want and put your name label on it
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also the only thing to really to was play on this bad boy or color. we would play wii or watch tv sometimes during the free periods too, on saturdays we had movie night which was decent
> 150/month
Wow I'm getting 350/week. You must live in a shit state anon

Okay it is now important that you tell me 3 things.
>What disability
>Wich state
>Wich level of disability

Please tell me your secret anon, I want your life.
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Yup, EDC is even worse.

>Everyone you interact with is slowly dying
>30 year old women who weigh like 70lbs and look 80
>all exercise is banned
>WAAAAAY more food restriction ( you have literally no options)
One day acquisitions fucked up an bought a shitload of unripe bananas.
>forced to eat unripe bananas for a week
>if you refuse, you get a tube stuck through your nose into your stomach and force fed

I watched a girl (probably like 19, actually pretty qt) get disowned by her family. I will literally never forget her expression.

Another story
>get stuck in OCD center because lol fuck you someone else needs your room
>meet probably the nicest girl ever
>just wants to live a normal life
>horribly scarred because of compulsions (I didn't ask specifics)
>become friends because her tics were fairly easy to deal with
>she would spin three times before she sat down, and every time she walked up the stairs she would have to put one foot on the next step, then bring it back down, go up a step, repeat.

She had some speech tics too, but not full on tourettes.

>I was the only one who wouldn't just leave her behind on the stairs
>started talking
>played some cards
>general mental hospital friendship stuff
>she got out before me
>emailed her after I got out
>do some digging
>she's dead
>she's dead
an hero, right?
Mhm, worst part is that there is a fair chance it wasn't voluntary. OCD is fucking terrible.
>forced to eat unripe bananas for a week
>if you refuse, you get a tube stuck through your nose into your stomach and force fed

Wow that is hillarious. They force you to eat the same shit one whole week and if you dont they will fucking force it into you.

Imagine a guy who hates bananas.

>she's dead
well that is really sad to hear
How about fuck you and figure it out yourself. If you can't even be a NEET properly you should just kys
I dont live in the us.
I have no idea how this shit works in my country.
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Same here bro. Life is good
What are easy ailments to get bux for? I'm thinking schizophrenia.
>Imagine a guy who hates bananas.
It's not even that, I actually like bananas. I have a tender NEET stomach, and these fucks weren't just not ripe, they were totally unripe. Couldn't even peel them without going at it with a shitty plastic knife, then the inside was fucking rock hard and super bitter. Fucking killed my digestive system.
That's how you get into a mental hospital. Don't. Pick a comfy disease
I have lived the neet life for nearly 10 years already, I still want to kill myself.
Well do you have an eating disorder?
If not, cant you just tell them to fuck off with their bitter bananas?

I have no idea how shit there works
t. sane guy
I'm afraid to go see a doctor to get neetbux because he'll just tell me that stop being a fagogt. wat do
You guys are fucking cucks who aren't living the REAL true ideal neetlife

>live at home with parents
>NEET away 95% of your time
>Once every 2 months do some work as a freelance videographer, charging $40/hr and making enough neetbux to survive on for the next few months
Eh. It'd need to be something with late onset and bad enough to qualify for bux. I really only think schizophrenia fits the ticket unless you know of anything else.


Yeah no fuck off.

The goverment pays my rent for my concrete box.
I dont want to go to the doctor because I have trust issues.
Its really fucking hard
Every time I speak about myself and what I (really) feel, I think that as soon as I leave the person alone that he/she will laugh at me behind my back.
It feels like every single person I know even my family is just playing a cruel joke on me all my life.
They say that they love me. But I cannot believe them.

Is that a problem? I dont think that I could get on neetbux with that.
How did you get set up with that? How do get clients without being a total normie?
Yeah, but
>still want to kill self while stuck at home being a burden to your family and constantly having to see the bitter disappointment in their eyes when they look at you


>still want to kill self but you have your own apartment and don't have to interact with anyone besides grocery runs, and only a burden on the government.

One is way better in my opinion.

Nope, just where they had rooms. The average schmuck there isn't qualified to do anything more than enforce the rules, and they are not invested in you in any way. It's like I said before, you have no rights and nothing to leverage against them.

>I won't eat the bananas
>You get the tube
>I won't take the tube
>They make a phonecall to a judge, you lose all your rights, you get the tube anyway and now they're pissed and your rights are permanently gone.

It's better to just take it.

I have my own place, all I do is play videogames. Theres nothing specific I want to do in life. I wouldn't even say that im depressed anymore as my thoughts don't bother me but still I feel like it would be better to just leave sometimes.
Damn burgers and eurofags. I envy you so fucking much. In my slavic shithole there is no possibility of becoming a neet and not to die of starving. Enjoy your privileges.
Don't they still have benefits in EU slav countries?
How much do you get per month and did they owe you any back pay?
Ukraine. No benefits. You work - you eat, simple as that.
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There is no NEETbux that can buy happiness.
>>They make a phonecall to a judge, you lose all your rights, you get the tube anyway and now they're pissed and your rights are permanently gone.

Wow that sounds like shit.
They dont do that in europe? right? r-right?

That sucks, here in Finlando I get about 950euro per month doing nothing.
>tfw trump will steal our neet bux
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That's eight times my salary. God damn it. You people are so lucky. Value what you have...
We'll be taking that away soon to MAGA.
Tfw just got my first car and it's $195 car payment and $120 insurance
Fucking kill me senpai
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All that would happen is that things would return to the way they were before I had NEETbux. It really isn't worth worrying about losing something that was never yours in the first place.

Yeah but my rent is 550eur and 250g of chicken costs 3eur here.

I do still have about 100-200 eur to use freely on whatever I want since I make very frugal choices when it comes to living.
>Fathers insurance keeps changing and my past three counslers/psychologists can't get me to into see a psychiatrist earlier than two months, plus I need to find a new one who's covered by insurance.

It sucks because I live in a small town and have no vehicle so I bike or walk to appointments and its been too cold recently.I feel terrible going in the first place.
Only 23 days 'til payday.
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>forgot to add this
>recently got the autism diag
Gonna appily for bux soon, hopefully i can get some comfy pay

Keking at normie wagies
7 days for me.
Im out of money... FeelsBadMan
t. stocker
>falling for the NEETbux meme
>using anxiety, depression, or autism as your method to obtain government money

I'm a fully functioning schizophrenic. And you have it hard. Enjoy your rice and shitty apartments.
Literally how. Getting NEETbux in the US is damn near impossible.
Kill yourselves worthless leaches

Trump gonna get you soon wastes of flesh
>>34592786 original comment
You have been muted for 865 seconds, because your comment was not original
any of you neets can recommend a good rts to spread the greatness of humanity through the galaxy and kill xenoscum?
/v/ thread died after like six posts and all i got was stellaris

any other recommendations?
i'm currently home and i'm bored out of my mind
There is always tbs galactic civilizations 2 ultimate
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Just got off the phone with the NEETbux lady, they've reviewed all my bank accounts and stuff, first check should arrive within 14 days.

>I'm a fully functioning schizophrenic. And you have it hard.
>Waaaah my mental illness is greater than yours
I'm a schizo too you faggot, it's not a fucking prize, anxiety and depression can be just as bad.
>Enjoy your rice and shitty apartments.
Honestly going to

Magic, and I look like a total fuckup on paper
>Didn't finish last two years of highschool, was in mental hospitals
>never worked
>no drivers license
>at least one good psychologist is on my side
>taken shitloads of meds
>diagnosed with a million different things

I mean, I'm a fuckup off of paper too, but that isn't what the government cares about. You could have it just as bad, or worse, and all that would show up on paper would be something like
>never worked
It's all about documentation.

Sins of a Solar Empire
how ia the ahip customization?
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>just got on NEETbux
>I already live in Missouri

Uh huh. Sure you did. Pic related, getting "NEETbux" in the U.S does not happen unless your life is already over. If you want NEETbux you will have to go somewhere else. Basically any other 1st world country aside from the U.S hands out NEETbux like hot cakes.
>Uh huh. Sure you did.

I mean, I did. I'll post a picture in 2ish weeks of the check.

I am "disabled" and I meet all the secondary requirements, what don't you understand?
Unless your psychiatrist went into the center and sucked off everyone in the building youre full of shit. "B-b-but I'm sad and CRAAAZY, free money pl0x!" doesn't cut it in the U.S.
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>land of the free
>forces people to work
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I don't know what to tell you anon, I just showed you what the official requirements are, and I meet them.

Are you sad that the government doesn't think you're enough of a failure as a human being?
>I just showed you what the official requirements are, and I meet them.

So you're 65 or older. Well then, good luck to you sir in your final moments.
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Kek it says age 65+ OR blind OR disabled you ragie fuckin wagie
>What does the word "or" mean, I don't understand
Did you think they only gave it out to over 65 blind people in wheelchairs with no money?
ALS or end stage renal disease on dialysis are automatic approvals.
Not him but that sounds like a standard AISH payment in Canada, you just get 1475.00 monthly instead of 350.00 weekly.
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>Got an online job as customer support
This is my dream.
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