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You find pic related and she likes you. You go on a date and

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You find pic related and she likes you. You go on a date and find out she is deaf. When she talks it sounds like a retarded person. But she really likes you and wants you to be her boyfriend. What do you do? If you date her then how do you deal with the embarrassment when introducing her to friends and family.
No real embarrassment, man... Just say "this is my girlfriend, she's deaf" and people suddenly think you 're some kind of saint for dating a deaf chick.
I can pick things up really fast if I need to. If I liked her I could learn enough ASL to communicate effectively with her in a few months.

I've brought more embarrassing girls home, so not worried about that.
I would not feel embarrassed at all to be honest. In fact I would love to have this situation happen to me.
I'd probably wonder what she would have to gain by dating someone like me.
My hearing isn't great either. I don't know sign language though. I guess if she was a good person and I loved her I wouldn't have a problem.
I'd rather that than blind I guess.
>he thinks deaf Stacy wouldn't go for Chad
You guys don't get it. People will think lowly of you and say "wow, she is pretty but obviously only dating him because she is insecure of her deafness" "oh wow, anon is so ugly, the only reason that pretty girl is with him is because she has a disability" , "ha, anon can't get a normal gf so he has to date freaks"
>the embarrassment when introducing her to friends and family.
murder yourself my man
my family would be absolutely ecstatic if I brought this girl home

However, I don't wanna date a deaf girl. Fuck that.
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hill the shill.jpg
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>tfw no 10/10 deaf gf
>tfw can't gloat to OP about deaf gf
You will never be able to share your favorite music with her. Or DOOR STUCK
Why should I care what anyone else thinks of me as long as I got her?
why would i give a shit what other people think about it
why would i care what other people think if I'm happy with my wife?
Come on I would cut my penis off for a chance to brush her hair before I died OP.
I'd rather date a cute deaf chick than a fatty or uggo
Damn three replies saying the same thing in less than a minute.
There's always some reason for anyone to think lowly of you, anon. Why would I care about this one?

>listening to white noise and taking bullshit seriously

Wouldn't care. I know she's going to leave me when something better comes along, might as well enjoy it. And it would give me a reason to learn sign language like I've always wanted to. Like that was a legit dream at some point in my life.
If I love someone I wouldn't care about what anyone might say.
Take a seat
No one thinks like this
Please rewire your brain
Any of us would be lucky to have this girl
I don't have friends and I couldn't give any less of shit what my family thinks but I wouldn't date her because I wouldn't be able to communicate with her and I can't be fucked to learn sign language.
The only opinion that would matter to me is hers.
literally this, can listen to white noise on full fucking blast all day and my gf wouldn't complain
Why would I give a shit what other people think?
I don't now.

Also, does anyone even give a shit about people being deaf in >the current year?
Deafness doesn't affect physical looks or personality at all.

Honestly, I think I'd rather have a deaf gf because her experiences with it and learning more about the condition would be something interesting to talk about with her. Or uh, communicate about with her.

>can't communicate

>wouldn't carry a notepad and write shit down or talk slowly so she could read his lips

Nigga you dumb. I mean fuck man, a notebook costs like a dollar and a pack of pens is a dollar. If you a broke nigga just take them from any customer service desk they don't care.

If she really likes me and I really like her then I wouldn't care and would explain her situation and learn sign language for her so she won't have to speak if she doesn't want too.
Yes. Yes yes yes. Being deaf is not a turnoff at all. If anything it makes girls cuter.
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In a heartbeat senpai
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Don't care. People can fuck off.

>deaf girls howling like a 'tard while you devour her disabled pussy and stuff it hard

Man, I want her to honk my name. My fucking goose bitch better honk it good.
I don't see the problem.

This is my dream situation, the only better scenario is if she is blind instead of deaf so she cant even see how ugly I am.

Fuck you OP now im sad this will never happen.
Don't bother
They only want something that raises their dicks
She could be braindead as long as a woman is attractive a man will give his life for her like an idiot

>Nigga you dumb.

I know, anon. I know.
i had some girl who hit on me
never went for it because i dont want to see those annoying cunts in my freetime and i dont think that there is a women that i would be able to compete with 2d girls
You would learn sign language. I know some widow who learned it in her 60 and married a deaf guy.
this is the dumbest thread i've seen all day that it must have been made by an underage. you really thought anyone here would care about having a loyal wife with a disability? especially one as trivial as deafness? we would get with women with no legs if we could
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