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/europe general/

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Thread replies: 435
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Post your feels about living in europe
I fucking hate my slavic shithole.

i'm cool with it. lots of trouble around my old home but I'm living in a really good neighborhood now slightly up north.
I like rustic Slavic shithole's
britbong living in chavland

I love my country, I love Europe and I think it's about time we show genuine solidarity between Europeans. We don't need to be right-wing or left-wing to be united and strong. With genuine spirit of brotherhood and a collective desire to improve, all of our cultural differences will be irrelevant.
Time to shake off America's influence and media and start looking inside ourselves, we once ruled the world because of competition between each other, we shall do so again because of cooperation between each other.
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come and try, commie
>slavic shithole
Hey, at least I don't have to stand the sight of "refugees" and other scum.

Also pretty comfy not waking up to a new rape report every day.
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It's poor as fuck, literally 90% of my hs friends declaring that they will leave it asap. I'm at finance studies now so languages are my only hope to even compete with people at western europe. I'm white, straight, atheist and hardworking, i hope everything will be fine.
In Portugal something like 70% of college students say they want to leave the country. The brain drain is ridiculous.
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I like it here to be honest. We're not overrun by muzzies or niggers yet and I think the political climate is less liberal than most of Europe which is neat. Being irrelevant meme country keeps us safe from terrorism. Good for living the peaceful hikikomori life though our lame nanny state taxes alcohol candy etc. too strictly in my opinion.
Where are you from?

It depends on where you live and if you manage to find a decent job after studies. It doesn't pay like it would in the west but most people can still make it. We also have a lot of people leaving for germany but mostly from poor regions.

t. Croatia
Any muskovians here? Plz kill me.
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>europoor living in the UK

Feels comfy desu. Will move back after graduating this summer
>Live in the bible belt, beautiful prosperous medieval city, untouched by tourism, 3 churches in a mile radius from the center, has every shop you can wish for.

Yeah. It's pretty damn good. Immigrants don't come here, we good Christians won't have it.
In slav world italy, greece, spain and portugal are seen as countries for holidays but not for living. The best countries for slavs are uk, germany, all scandinavian, USA, canada, ireland and nerherlands. The best slavs like programmists or some engenieers are migrating to switzerland and australia. Literally milions of us escaped that hellhole and another millions will do it soon.
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I'm kind of torn. I do have a love for my country, but I just feel like the UK is dead.

We have a dead political system because the conservatives aren't real conservatives and they bend to the will of commies too much. And the Labour party is insufferably left wing and grossly incompetant.
We left behind Christianity and are a spiritual desert.
Republican faggots want to remove the monarchy, even though a parliamentary monarchy is by far the best system of government.
We can't compete on the world stage.
We have phoney nationalists in Scotland and people in ROI won't respect the legitimacy of the state of Northern Ireland
Fix your countries m80 (not too much of course though). Wealth and prosperity invites in the wolves, bears, and vultures.
Pretty comfy life desu feelsgoodman.png
Still dreaming about the day when I will have the chance to leave this gutter and move to Canada. UK would be okay if only it wasn't infected with polish pleb
I'm from poland too. I also want to settle in canada, my uncle had a house at the suburbs of Toronto but he sold it and returned to Poland. Now he thinks that was a mistake.
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>legitimacy of the state of northern ireland
We have lots of Ukrainians, though. But yeah, by far most of our immigrants are from the ex-colonies: Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, third world nations that share our language.
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Fuck this country no wonder everyone is leaving this shit hole.
Whats wrong there?
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How does one acquire a qt baltic gf/future wife that isn't a complete whore?
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Fuck if i know i don't have time for that
>work 2 jobs about 500 euro
>rent and food comes to about 400
been saving for a few months going to Norway
it's nice to just NEET around and receive the autism buxx
My penis is made of mostly cocalari (penis meat in english)
no matter how shitty it is and could get, I still want to try my best and stay
It's my home, my language, my history. I feel patriotic about it.
How much is a pound of 97/3 ground beef?
How do you want to achieve that? Do you have a plan?
it doesn't cost anything but you have to drop your pants and make a doo doo on the ground in the middle of the store, which i'm not willing to do
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Why? Portugal seems pretty comfy, my grandad moved over from my poverty tier town in the UK to madeira, I visit sometimes and it's nice

one of my good friends is from Moscow, how is it?
From Poland

Currently studying accounting and actually planning on moving to Canada because there are way too many Poles in UK giving every Pole a bad name.
This but

>living in Finland
>being 177cm

The electricity guy came by today and he was a fucking 2 meter fat dude with a pube beard, I'm a handsome manlet but I still felt like shit because I realized I'm basically the same size as all the females and to be sexually intimidating you have to be larger than them so this dude probably has more sex appeal than me despite being a fat neckbeard with a potato face

Is leg surgery even legal in this country?
Canada is going to be the second UK, I swear
177cm isn't bad at all imo, get over it

you'll find just as much white trash in Canada as the UK or Poland, druggies and drunks are just as widespread

You are welcome here in the UK, It's the muslims we hate.
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>Fix your countries
Only by atomic blast.
As long as you have your ethnic demographics there is hope. If you lose your ethnic identities then all you'll have is your own lonesome no matter how rich and wealth you are you'll be in a sea of nothingness
Garbage economy. Our minimum wage is 560 euros. No jobs, 32% youth unemployment.

Plus, we have an emigrant culture, our people love migrating to the point where 16% of Luxembourg being Portuguese or having Portuguese parents.


100 million people says the wiki while there's only 10 million people living in Portugal right now.
Run from here while you can. Doesnt really matters where.
t. 24 yo anon who lives in Lithuania
Shitty people and shitty pay. Sure there are practically no muslims and shitskins but minimal wage is 320 euros while having western europe prices.
>baltic gf
>not complete whore
That's not really possible because they are gold diggers by default. Besides a lot of local girls dont want date foreigners.

There is already a lot of Poles in Canada, but they immigrated there after ww2 trying to escape communism.
There is around 1m Poles in Canada, which includes Polish ancestry.
And Poles in UK are targeted to fill out the labour shortage in Canada.


Also Canada has significantly lower taxes than UK or the US, much lower VAT (dependant on province), free healthcare and free education. (though technically not free but it's included in the taxes)

Plus it's nice and cold in winter.
>If you lose your ethnic identities then all you'll have is your own lonesome no matter how rich and wealth you are you'll be in a sea of nothingness
I'd rather live comfortably in any 1st world country than slave in native one. Ethnic identity and patriotism wont bring food to my table.

I hate the internet culture here, everyone is either an always horny normalfag retard or an angsty tumblr teenager.

Even nerds are successful people here goddamn.
It's just autistic right wing and left wings right now.

Same here except the tumblr teenagers..haven't seen any of those
>you'll find just as much white trash in Canada as the UK or Poland, druggies and drunks are just as widespread

It isn't really about the druggies, it's just how Poles act in the UK. Almost half of them doesn't want to integrate.

Thanks, most Poles cannot stand Muslims either desu, recently some Muzzies killed a Pole in a kebabshop and there were nationwide protests agains Muzzies.
>Ethnic identity and patriotism wont bring food to my table.
You're not starving, fix your God damned country. And yes identity and patriotism will bring food to the table if it's actually used by people for good and not just to pacify people.
Why do I have to live in the most un-aesthetic country of the world?
Cheers to that, brother.
24 KV
I'm autistic and hate my life.

It's comfy. I like the ordnung and shit. Not much garbage around and most people are not looking for trouble. The thing i dislike the most is that girls are cold,unfriendly,evil,sadistic bitches.
>You're not starving, fix your God damned country.
Our people are fixing it by emigrating.
Ethnicity means jack shit, it's another made up concept that means nothing in the modern world.
No, they're ruining it by making an already aging population even worse off.
Ethnicity can either unite or divide a country and it means more than you realize. To say that just because it's a globalized world that it means nothing is 100% retarded. Most people outside of the West generally have a feeling for who they are, who their people are, and where they come from. Those who reject where they come from aren't going anywhere.
Unorginal question
If it means getting better payment and social securities then running is the only option. Ironically that when were in Soviet Union people number was increasing but from around 1996 it started to decrease at rapid rate. Even now around 70-90k people leave this god forsaken country every year.
It is in Finland

Probably in China I'd be tall
There's a distinct difference between culture and ethnicity. A people is shaped by culture, not genetics. Sure, those are heavily correlated because children are educated by their parents but introducing ancestors into the mix adds nothing and only breeds problems. Uniting a country through nationalism only means you divide the country in its relationship with the world.

That being said, of course I feel patriotism but it's vital that this stays at a personal level and not a political one.
26 Finland,

Collecting welfare like a boss while society tries its best to mold me into a proper member with forced 3month work tryouts and courses.
The world and the country is already, by default, divided from the world. Anyone with half a brain realizes this
>be American pole
>visit Polska in the summer
>surrounded by my awesome family, sightseeing historical castles museums etc.
>first time drinking and smoking cigarettes one night with whole family
>we were all drunk and sung polish folk songs
>return to USA
>drinking age of 21
>smoking age of 21
>nobody here is Polish
I like my country, but I hate the people. Everyone is so extroverted and it's so full of Chads.
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Life is pretty good. But i am concerned of the current political climate. It is growing more and more tense.
>nobody here is Polish
That's a good thing, right?

i fucking hate america and americans

Actually there is loads of Poles/ people of Polish ancestry in the US. It's estimated that there is around 10m Poles/people of polish ancestry in the US.
>i fucking hate america and americans
Elaborate on this. Do you mean all that "faking" kind of thing or something else?
No, cultures are shaped up by people, or in other words, ethnicities.

An outside force "adopting" a culture ONLY works in the case that the outside ethnicity is inherently smarter than the original ethnicity, and even in that case it would be little more than re-enactment, similar to how Americans wear Halloween costumes depicting weaker cultures.

Expecting a ethnicity of overall less intellectual quality to adopt a culture is degeneration and insanity.

So in other words, multiculturalism is OK only if the eugenics are mandatory in the entire world.

And it would take eugenics to first make people intellectually equal and therefore compatible.
>23 since last week
>Belgium, a non-country
Belgium is a-okay, but I'd rather live in a country with better weather and more mountains and stuff.
I really love nature and my mood depends on the season a lot. Winters are dark and depressing, so I would prefer to go to a more southern country I guess. Too bad that there is a lot less work there

currently living in a psych ward for free doing nothing but sleeping, eating and being on the internet
its a 4/5 country but life is shit so im killing myself in a year or two
You're like that anime character that only cares about faggots stronger than him, even though they themselves by that logic have no reason to care.
In America this social experiment yields the expected results

As in America's case the original culture and ethnicity was wiped almost off the face of Earth and North America became a "clean slate" where multiple ethnicities then made their futures.

Nowadays they're all part of the same system, a culture they created together.

However, the inherently smarter ethnicities, as they do everywhere else in the world, dominate and keep the culture alive.

The less intelligent groups contribute little more than the overwhelmingly highest numbers of crime and economic degradation, as should be expected, but not accepted.
It feels like America as a whole is a big social experiment.
Yes... and?

I'm fully aware I disregard my inferiors, that's only logical.

Downgrading is a disgrace. Upgrading is a duty.

>nigger infested
>everyone is a degenerate party goer
>normies fuck each other like rabbits
>no good women left for a pure kind boy

>Czech Republic

German-speaking IT guys are paid very well here so I'm living the /comfy/ life.
I hate this country and all the hungarian people. Everybody is a fcking normie. I'm gonna move as soon as I get enough money.

You should move to Prague if Merkel is re-elected. That's what I did a little more than a year ago.
On the other hand, I like traditional Hungarian vodka.
Czechnya is very comfy in general.
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live far away from stockholm and malmo

life is good i guess... i like the winters and the cold = less humans outside
i really dont get this kind of "thought" pattern, slavic countries get millions and billions of EU funds and they still refuse to accept refugee, their countries are complete shitholes and their governments refuse to fix it, and all you people care about is what? a couple thousand refugees whos housing is already being paid for by the EU?
They should be grateful that we lifted them out of the burning wreckage that was the USSR, desu. The EU shouldn't have accepted slavic countries.

Czechnya a different country.
Potpuno se slazem, bez obzira na sve, domovina je domovina.
>they still refuse to accept refugee
My country accepts the quota but refugees run from here.
Our people have this terribly shitty mindset created after WWII and being under russian influence, they mostly care about themselves and think that other people like Syrian refugees should fight for their country, not immigrate. My grandmother is a typical polish woman who was brainwashed by the media, she is pro right wing, and thinks that everyone is using us (especially germans and the EU). This country is lost for me
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It is not.
t. fellow Czechen
Not the guy you were talking to but i'm from Serbia, but I would never go to Germany. It's not the perfect rich utopia people think it is.

It's a good life here, but everyone is focusing on the negative aspects as usual. I feel like everyone gives the EU too much shit, especially the redditors over at /pol/.


Got threatened by a gang of shitskins the other day. Town was 99% white when we came here. The state of the country is depressing, our weak government accepts globalism and bows down to islam. Demographics ensure native europeans will be a minority within 20 years even without a bigger refugee crisis (which is unlikely, signs point to upcoming upheaval in Morocco within the next few years, and nothing will stop the African population boom).

It's fucking depressing. This is a beautiful country with rich history and culture, and it will all go to shit due to incestuous, traitorous elites only looking for their own kind.

I wish I could emigrate to the US. Burgers love to complain, but having traveled there your country is fantastic. The size alone makes it so you don't have to suffer your neighbors if they're shit, and Americans have more appreciation for French culture than the modern French do.
Shit like this is why im happy living in the rustic part of Slavland.
>Czech Republic

+you are part eastern country
+you are part western country
-you suffer indentity crysis
>everyone is using us (especially germans and the EU)
>implying they aren't

polish boipucci was made for kraut cock
to be fair, france brought it upon themselves, you people are literally teaching people from morocco the language french, give them the french tellie, also left a tons of french history there, same with tunisia and algeria. You shouldn't be surprised you get alot of north african immigrants.

Pretty okay here these days. Our right-wing minister of immigration is locking our borders pretty well, so we're not getting completely raped. I live in a relatively small town, too which is pretty comfy.

I'd love to try some real city life though. I went to Berlin and LA in the past year and it's a whole other world there. I felt like such a hick coming from my 70k pop town.
Countries are "complete shitholes" because the west doesn't really allow these small countries to grow much. Everyone who joins the EU just ends up being fucked up the ass. I honestly don't feel any difference between now and when we weren't in EU. We got some money, they get to fug us raw no condor and everybody wins :)

But for real, if you're from the west, best I can see to you is good luck. Enjoy your western life while you watch your people get wiped out within your lifetime. Unless something significantly changes. You talk about thousands but there are already millions in Germany. Sweden is practically dead within a decade. An hour ago I watched news on how Italy just "saved" another 130 refugees. So yeah, enjoy while it lasts I guess.

>The EU shouldn't have accepted slavic countries.
I agree.
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Where you from slavbro?
(original post obv)
Pula, Croatia
Croatia you dumb slav, read filename.
but your wrong anon, for example your countries have welfare or social security were it not for the EU chipping for u. And dont get me started on germany, they brought that on themselves, other EU countries only accepted the accepted amount of refugees they would allow in. Germany went beyond that and took the refugees meant for slavs as well.
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>Czech republic
I like it here.
Lepo videti da nas ima jos koji ne mrzimo svoju drzavu i ne pusimo strancima.
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I don't interact with people that much irl but most of them are simple god-fearing Christians who wouldn't want me in their country
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>implying turkey is in europe
turkey was considerably better than most slavic shitholes until 10 years ago ;_;

I have been to prague several times, one of my favorite cities. would love to have been czech
^^^ I struggle with the same thing
Why tho?
(asking originaly)
Same. I love Prague. Don't know about living there but I certainly love the city. I heard it has gotten a lot more touristy since I went 15 years ago though.
Nego sta buraz, ameri mogu da mi cuclaju ljevi mud
I'm a shut-in, a leftie, an agnostic and bi (might turn out trans so that's also great in Polando)
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Well, nowadays Prague is 99% Korean tourists. Still a beautiful city, I'm happy to live there.
Fuck of we're full.
Da nas je bar vise koji vako misle, svi samo gledaju kace sto pre pobec u inostranstvo.
>your countries have welfare or social security were it not for the EU chipping for u
woudn't have?

We had all of that decades before, I don't see your point. Most of the EU money goes to help startup new companies and agriculture.

The biggest issue is that our population is old and young educated people emigrate to west because EU made that really easy right now.

Either way, I'm not complaining. I get by just fine and I'm not even rich or anything.
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>find a korean qt who can speak english to any extend at all
>tell her you can show her lost of hidden gems that their guide doesnt even know about
>at the end of the day invite her home to show her your stamp collection
>cash in on that tight, unshaved korean snatch
It walks that communist/social democratic line too much for me to want to live there. That's scary shit.
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Can be pretty comfy sometimes
Colonialism worked fine as long as we had strong borders. The choice to turn a controlled immigration of workers who ended up assimilating into an immigration of population who ended up importing their culture was made in the 70s and 80s by presidents who acted as despots. The French rejected again and again globalism policies when they got the chance to, i.e. the european constitution in 2005, but elites don't care for the will of the people and went through it with Lisbonnes in 2007. North Africans don't just come here on their own, there is a plan to replace the troublesome protectionist French voters with an easier, more malleable population.

Basically, think of /pol/ memes about the jews, except here we have actual statements from top officials, and our whistleblowers aren't fat nerds with anime avatars on the internet but intellectuals and ex presidential candidates who openly talk about it on talk shows... And nobody cares. The French spirit has been successfully broken, turning people into allegianceless individuals only interested in cynical hedonism.
There was this restaurant I went to there called Hell, or that's what it translated too, it was underground and was in a cave. Really cool.
Thats understandable, most of the young people here aren't really religious here tho.
are you also a Pole? yeah I get the feeling this generation is strongly turning away from religion, now that they can educate themselves using the internet. not that I want everyone to stop being Christian but conservatives and the church are insufferable
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implying I'm not a faggot
That's sort of what I like about it. Czech republic is pretty centralist which I think is good. Having universities free of charge is nice.
>being faggot in post-commie country
I'm so sorry.
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in that case
>what wouldn't I give to be in a long term loving relationship with a cute czeck boi
you moron, czech republic is much better in terms of lgbt rights than usa
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It's not so bad, anon. Anywhere more east would be much worse.
>tfw no loving long term relationship
Nah, I'm Serbian, it's happening pretty much everywhere, relegion in general is on the decline. Most of the christians I know are pretty good people, but I also know a few of those hardcore christians who cant talk about anything except for God, those i cannot stand and I usually avoid them.
always had an impression that Czech people are pretty chill and tolerant while Poles fucking suck
European part of Russia, 25
Feels good man
Yeah that is true. It's ironic how the church here seems really disconnected from what the pope is saying, he seems like a cool dude while Polish priests spew their gaybashing bullshit to churches full of easily impressionable children. Also religion lessons in school are similar.
>European part of Russia, 25
Redpill me on russian girls.
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I love it here.
My family is wealthy and i live in a 400sqm house in a rich, quiet neighbourhood. There are no niggers, the people are chill and the whole atmosphere is relaxed despite the country being complete shit and it being run by criminals who shamelessly rob us any chance they get.
Im in college, its not very hard so i cant complain, and in 3-4 years my parents will leave everything to me since they're tired of working and ill be rich and settled for life.
I hang out with a group of daddy's sons and daughters and we're all wealthy and we can do pretty much anything we want and we have lots of fun when we get together.
Even if my life wasnt so easy i still wouldnt want to leave because its my homeland. I traveled all across europe and a part of africa and ive seen my fair share of the world.

The thing that pisses me off is the fact that we're selling everything to foreigners and we're sucking germany, israels and americas dick for money and equipment.
>It's not so bad, anon
Is grindr popular in Check republic?
>slav normie : the post.
From what I've seen catholics seem to do things like this way more often.
>This has nothing to do with being slav, it's just what being rich is like, it's the same pretty much anywhere.
You brag about being rich on r9k. That's pretty low.
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I was surprised to find out that it is. Although haven't been degenerate enough to use it yet.
I'm not homosexual but i imagine that the main users of grindr are old married men and sub twinks.
yeah I also forget catholics are like a subgroup of Christians. bunch of moralizing assholes
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Well, I'm the latter. I tried installing the app and got messaged by a bunch of 30yo+ guys. Didn't reply to anyone but you are probably correct about its userbase.
Wouldnt you try with some attractive one?
There are sub twinks on grindr? Why didn't I already make an account?

Oh yeah, I'm bi and in the closet

Mixed feelings of where I grew up, which is our capital, but I really like the city I live in now

Really like traveling in Europe, especially southern France / Northern Italy. Trying to learn Italian so I can do a semester in Bologna.
Bologna is pretty cool Anon. Full of commies though. I'm from Venice.
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I don't know, anon. I don't really care much about age but I would atleast like to make some connection with the other person before hooking up. Most people on grindr want sex only it seems.
Yup, in my class there is both this catholic chick and a atheist dude. She can't stand him and is always giving him shit and provoking him. He's pretty chill and just brushes it off, giving 0 shits about her bitching.
Catholics are by far the most extreme type of christians.
Muslims are.
>Europe thread
>quickly turns into /lgbt/ central

What the fuck.
Is Germany as lost as 4chan says? I'm not into "le Hitler did nothing wrong xD" but I am a bit of a Germaboo and I've been learning German for two years now and would love to visit the country. How about Austria and Switzerland? I pop into /deutsch/ on /int/ every now and then but they just post memes at me.
>inb4 eurofags
It's trough the Erasmus program, so options are limited. The university itself seems pretty cool. The commie part isn't unexpected as I'm pretty sure 70% of students are left of Marx

I haven't actually been to Venice. Been to Piemonte and Toscana quite a lot, mostly with my parents. Seems really nice though

You just have a shitty culture where people are allowed to be outspoken about their religious beliefs.

I live in the Netherlands and here it's almost taboo to say what you believe in so you won't even know who is what. It works great in avoiding stupid prejudice against people due to their religious beliefs.
almost like my moron country wants me to be a straight god-loving wife-fucking man and I need to go online to find fellow LGBT people

Germany is more polarised. Beware if you're not the right kind of white cause you might get the stinky eye very easily.
Netherlands seem dope to me and not only for the meme 'weed and prostitutes' reason. My uncle lives and works there and he always mentions how friendly people are there
>right kind of white
what do you mean?
Not really, most people dont give a shit where I'm from. Of course, people like her are an exception. She is so crazy noone wants to deal with her so they just let her do her thing.
That's because you're a cuck.
Judging by your English and gay post, you are either French of German.
I think it's one of the best for political sciences and law, but I'm studying economics so I'm not really an expert. If you're left wing you're going to enjoy it.
Toscana it's really nice. I love to go to ride horses on the hills.
Venice is kinda nice, but it's more of a big museum than an actual city.
>genuine spirit of brotherhood
Polarised how? Is AfD and right wing parties becoming more acceptable in some circles and butting heads against other parties and the like?

I'm a typical American white guy so I shouldn't get stink eyes I guess.
Of course it's gonna be comfier than the fucking Hague, that place is a sandnigger and leftist infested shithole.
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>gay post
How Slavic can you go? Also I agree with anon my country is an ungrateful fuck to the EU

There are lots of semi-Turks and semi-Arabs around in Germany today. They look almost white.

So if you're not Turkish and nor an Arab but also not an Aryan God with golden hair and blue eyes you might be mistaken for a Muslim and treated accordingly.

A lot of people in the southern/eastern countries could easily be mistaken for a Muslim because of this.
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European Federation when?
It would be ok if I wasnt part muzzie part disgusting foreigner (polish)
Maybe you could mistaken me for a muslim because i sport pube beard but besides that i dont look like the wrong kind of white.
was brought up in Gelderland tho, gorillion times comfier than Randstad.

The only redeemable place is Utrecht in the west.

Yeah well it's not all sunshine.

The "weed and prostitutes" thing is overblown. It's not something Dutch people indulge in all that much. It's still taboo for a lot of people.

Also people are friendly but won't be your friends because everyone is a normie with their normie circle of childhood friends so it's very hard to actually get close to anyone.
Europe is the best place in the world to live by a long, long way. I agree with the previous paoster that it's high time we sidled the American influence out. No need for burgerfolk things at all.

Sooner the better. Thence onward to a council of Terra.
Where do you live in Germany? I'm a shitskin and its pretty comfy here.
We don't need americans or russians.
This continent was the cradle of western civilization. It is time that we European find a new purpose and finally become something greater.

I've only heard bad things about Utrecht.

What about Leiden? Seems comfier.
Leiden is p comfy, Never come to Uithoorn (centrum) tho. Horrible place
t. born and raised in Amsterdam
Is it possible to get on one of those small islands on the northerner side of Holland?

Good I'm thinking about transferring there from Groningen for my masters. It seemed like the most similar city.
Breddy gomfy, life's gud :-DDDDD
I'm a bit worried about the future tho. Our current government sucks.
i've only been to texel and the weather is cancer so I suggest not, Idk if it's possible. Curious tho

Hey we can meet up and have some fun, Sounds nice.

>I'm a bit worried about the future tho. Our current government sucks.

TOP KEK you can say that about ANY country in the western world currently.

At least in Poland you have a growing economy which means lots of job/business opportunities.
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Age: 23
Country: Germany
City: Schwerin (Pic related)

It's okay not many migrants here (only 3%).
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my man
I feel like our country is at least ten years behind in terms of mentality

Are you the same anon from KC?
Where? Rn im residing just outside Amsterdam

Are you asking where KC is?
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>polish muslim
and i thought us bosniaks were weird lel
looks beautiful af lad
Not a muslim kek

No clue what you're talking about.
gay relationships never work out, have you ever seen a gay couple living together till they're 80yrs old? nah never happens, most breakup once they turn old and ugly

KC a.k.a Krautchan is a magical internet place created by leftist commie cryptoanarcho-NAZIs where people like you hang out.

99% of the website is in German and the German Bernds (anons) are the most perverted rotten minds I've ever met online. Don't go there.

There is a board called /int/. It's where non-German speaking folk go. It's mostly Europeans and some Americans.

Although it's called /int/ it actually behaves like /r9k/. It's a very nice cozy place if you all want to go there and shit post.

I thought you were an anon from kc /int/.
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Seems like there is just one thing to do then.
thats hard to say, most american white guys have spanish or french heritage which have been tainted by islam colonization hundreds of years ago, so doubt you'd be the right kind of white if u were one.
>calling yourself a shitskin when its meant to be a insult
i bet your LARP'ing as a shitskin to show how priviliged shitskins are in germany

If I had the chance I'd go to live somewhere very remote in the woods and shit but there isn't enough forest here. I would probably just get fined a fuckton for breaking a few laws.

Manlets call themselves manlets all the time. It's just a desperate attempt to fit in.
I'll check it out. Thanks dude.
How's it a made-up concept? Ethnicity describes your ancestry and your tangible genetic similiarities with other members of your ethnic group.
It's a pivotal part of life in any nation, on any territory, without it you lose a huge part of what makes a country a country.

I fucking hate workers who complain you've come over to do business close to the closing time.

I wish there was more snow this year. I love quiet winters and everyone spending their times indoors.
this >>34543554
If I don't do it myself you would me call out for it.
>be premature balding
>be a respected functioning member of society
>go to Schwerin
>"fuck off nazi!" or
>"HH, bro"

too polarizing, kumpel
pretty much man, i lived there for 2 months before moving out, you cant believe how fucking ghetto the entirety of the city was. the smell was awful and disgusting, every single time theres a mocro around the corner staring at you like he got some "beef" with u, smelly niggers on the train almost daily, its literally the most shitstained place in the entirety of the netherlands. I dont get why people still live there and not move out
im not a cuck, i do NOT agree with most of the refugees thats pouring inside, mainly cause they're literally all 20-30 year old single men. but the ones that do need a place i would welcome, the thing with slavic countries is, instead of staying strong together with the EU and trying to solve problems Together, they just reap the profits and keep to themselves, the EU was suppose to bring greater unity, not to be a welfare leeching program for slavic countries.
You should have hope anon, life isn't always what it seems to be, maybe one day you're gonna get that qt.314 bf
>Uniting a country through nationalism only means you divide the country in its realtionship with the world.
You can't just say this without explaining it, becaus that's not right. Every country's government only has good relations with other countries governments for the benefit of their country, nationalism is a fundamental fact of any nation because that nation only exists to sustain itself, and if it has allies, it's only because those allies can assist that nation should it need them and as per agreement they do the same for their allies, but only to secure their own platform.

>A people is shaped by culture, not genetics.
People are literally shaped by genetics, that's a stupidly worded sentence. People are also shaped by culture, but that culture was created by the native groups of that country, and so those descended of that native group will have that culture embedded into them more from their parents than Patel growing up in the UK, whose parents are 2nd-generation Indians who don't integrate with the UKs culture and feel more connected to Indian culture because of their ethnicity. People feel connected to their genetics, it's a fact and it can't be mitigated, thus people's ethnicity's influence how they act as they correlate their appearance with the cultures they associate that appearance with, in the USA, UK and South Africa for example, the Blacks and whites act very differently- they all have specific black cultures, UK has grime scene and Caribbean mannerisms, US has rap music soul food Kwanza etc.
Culture = Race, because Race will always be a factor in how we perceive ourselves.
>introducing ancestors into the mix adds nothing and only breeds problems
So does denying the existence of a countries native ancestry to push for multiculutralism and globalization, the fact is the former concept of ancestral tribalism existed in every nation state before the latter concept of abandoning pride and culture to make way for other cultures did.
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Thank you, anon. Maybe one day.


Pretty good.

State Pays for my studies and my living expenses during them.


>We left behind Christianity and are a spiritual desert.
That as well though ... :-(

As much as I am against it religion wise:
- Scooby and his husband.
- Goerge Takai and his.

Just to name two.
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It's not that bad.
What do you mean by staying strong together?
Germany is committing a suicide with these refugees and dragging the whole union with it. Merkel is a traitor to whole Europe and should be hanged.
UK was smart enough to gtfo in time.

And those powerful EU countries will never look at slavic countries as their equals. Nobody likes EU because they don't like us in the first place.
I'm not the guy who posted >>34542539
Just wanted you to know what he said is a rich thing not a slav thing.
I feel like if you're introverted spanish, you're going to have a very rough time.
Can't complain about opportunities to be honest. I enjoy having free higher education and the fact that entry level jobs no longer suck as much as they used to in the past. Life quality here improved a lot in general. Still, the economic growth is slowing down. I know some business owners who have a hard time right now. I hope we can at least maintain the status quo.
the UK was stupid enough to leave, now they only have the US as ally and see how long that will last, if they stayed in they would have the EU and the USA, also the UK as the only thing that brought europe and usa together. With the EU army coming soon, im gonna see a huge shift in power and the UK will be all alone or will be turned into a vasal state of the US
Pretty much. If you're not extroverted you're a social outcast.
I hope the EU army will come soon too. After that, it's only matter of a while until we reach a political union
I haven't really been following that recently.
What's the point of EU army, what do they hope to accomplish?
so the EU can finally stop being a slave to the US and their politics, they can leave NATO and defend themselves.
im still kind of scared though, a united EU will mean theres gonna be some kind of corruption at the top, i justhope its not gonna be somethin like that
I'm in a very white part of the country for now but I want to leave some day.
I love my country and its history, but it seems nobody else does. The people I talk to at work the most are all other Europeans, I'd love to settle down somewhere else but everything's in a sorry state across the continent, be it jobs or jihadis.
This >>34544068
Everyone is scared that America will abandon NATO, and Russia is closer and closer. Also, it would make cheaper for us to produce MBT and stuff, since we would use fewer patterns across the different countries. It was in the european project since the beginning, but England always vetoed it. Now that it is leaving, it is going to happen pretty soon.
Like many of my countrymen, I too await with for the day I abandon this country. I'll come back to it once I'm well off, but by no means should anyone look at Poland with job prospects.
How does spending 4 years doing your bachelors, another 2 doing your masters and in return you'll get yourself a nice job paying $800 a month sound?
Fedor that you?
memes, just memes
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I live on the North Coast of Northern Ireland.

It's pretty nice and our politics are both entertaining and really conservative so it's pretty comfy.

Job prospects are shit. House prices are pretty high. Girls are either club sluts or Victorian prudes (since we're still a culturally conservative country in alot of ways) and the wage divide is massive but surprisingly chill. My street is essentially sandwiched between millionaire mansions.

I have everything I need, Local game store, lots of clubs. It's a good place to be NEET. Which is good because unemployment is pretty high.

Good to have relations with Russia or America but at arms length, Europe can be friends with either, but needs neither.
my man
I'm trying to find a job which would provide me with foreign bucks while I still live in Polando, literally triple/quadruple the income
>Job prospects are shit.

>House prices are pretty high.

Lowest in the UK by a long, long, way.

>Girls are either club sluts or Victorian prudes

Get out more.
Pirmas mano matytas LT cia

I live in Malmo, which is the most immigrant-dense city in Sweden. It's being called the Chicago of Sweden. The news write that people live in fear here, but it's honestly not even close to that bad. I feel safe going out and everyone I know does too. The news blow this way out of proportion.

It's a comfy and nice city. By far the best in Sweden, except for Stockholm. But I don't like Sweden. It's far too cold and bleak and boring. There are no opportunities. Everyone has to be equal. It honestly takes the spirit out of the whole country.
I'm around the same height and I live in NL.
Your insecurity is what's holding you back, since I know a lot of actual manlets (<170 cm) who pull chicks all the time.
Most foreigners I've met in Poland either students who live like kings with the money their parents send them, highly skilled professionals/business owners, or language teachers who have a status similar to "white monkeys" in China. None of them complaining about money. Especially business owners, as it's relatively cheap to buy assets and employ people here.
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>actual manlets (<170 cm)
Yea but the UK isn't cheap.
I'm a KHV so I can't really tell much.
They are really pretty though and are definitely willing to become a loving housewife though.
It's just a word man. The shortest dude I know has booty calls all the time, and he's not even handsome.
UK actually voted to import more shitskins with brexit. Out with the white Poles, in with more pakis and sandniggers.
Yra cia tu lietuviu retkarciais.
Brexit was like cutting off the leg because the foot hurt desu
Oh, you people should be glad to not be a robot in southern europe. This place is Chad's paradise. Being a robot here is hell.
If I make 5k euros a month, is that enough to get me a young pretty mail order bride from Russia?
I fucking hate the amount of politics in our society these days. Everybody has to shoot their mouths off about things they don't understand 24/7. What's worse, people can't help but make little jibes about "Drumpf XD" and the news keeps on talking about him even though we aren't American and if we were to focus on politics we should be talking about Europe and UK things. Basically everybody is a regressive leftist useful idiot.

I'm sick of London, and how I can't move two paces without seeing some kind of obvious nonbrit, be they muslims, pakis, Indians, blacks. Would be nice to actually see some more White people in, you know, BRITAIN!

Hoping to move to Cornwall or Devon soon, where most people are actually ethnic British. Basically, living in the UK feels like living in the best country in the world except in a post apocalyptic dystopia where people wander around in the shell of former glory.

I want Germany to rule over Europe. I genuinely believe that we can finally unite the continent if Martin Schulz wins.
I want him to win also anon but us ruling Europe is a bad idea. We don't have a good track record in Europe. We basically caused the downfall of the empires because of the I and II wars and now we import arabs by the million.
crazy, how can people be so angry about people who flee their country?!
We will be great again, anons. Europe will rule again. We only need to stop fighting ourselves and learn to live like brothers; nobody could stop us
>Goerge Takai and his.
are you retarded? they're in an open relationship
But they stayed together for such long. Which is all he/ you asked for.
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Ihr meint das ja echt ernst
Hab nur getrollt

Ferpisst euch ihr linken Schweine
Europa muss zerfallen und wieder national werden
Wenn nicht zerschlagen wir euch mit Gewalt

(bin Russe0
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It's pretty neat. I live in an area with a immigrant to viking ratio of about 5/250 so can't complain. Also everything is expensive, which is fine because i'm white.

too many Muslims and non-whites in Europe. I won't renounce my Finnish citizenship but I'm not going back until Europeans unite to cleanse our countries. at least I don't have any expectations for the US being white so I don't mind it here
fuck off cuck
go suck dick you faggot
Wat een kankerland hoor. Iedereen is letterlijk hetzelfde. Geen fembots. Geen interessante types in threads ooit. Iedereen is de feestganger of 'casual gamer iks dee'. Pure langzame dood is het enige wat hier te vinden is.
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It's nice and comfy. I'm gonna have to migrate though because I live in the south which is poor and jobless. The north is better in that regard but it's infested by niggers and north african scum. I'm studying engineering in uni, hopefully I'll find work in germany or northern europe.

Pic related is my city
This- we need to disband the EU and look on self improvement as sovereign nations.
But why do you need to group all newcomers along ethnic lines? Is it not possible that a bunch of immigrants from a particular ethnicity have varied beliefs and attitudes - some receptive, some closed, some adoptive, some reclusive, etc.?

Hate the majority of irish people. And people in general.
Sponging off disabilities for mental health issues (mainly Depression and Anxiety) Can barely go to the shop during daytime. Spend all my time inside, Walk the dog late at night. Smoke weed cause its the only thing that makes me happy,
>We will be great again, anons. Europe will rule again. We only need to stop fighting ourselves and learn to live like brothers; nobody could stop us

The really good thing about Europe is that they collectively have no desire to "rule", just to be a sweet, comfortable place to live. The hurr-durr We stronk! meme has worn out.
I would like an European Union if we could manage to protect our borders
And maybe kick out few leech countries

But neither of these things will happen, so EU has to die
How is Moscow? We are called northern Nigeria not without a reasom.
I like it, most robot friendly country ever.
The EU needs to be strengthened in terms of bonds. Federal Europe is the way to go. Ultimately to the abandonment of the anachronistic notion of countries altogether.
Yeah, because little european countries are still relevant today. We need to form a union, not to be divided.
you aren't robot
Normies die unsere Subkultur klauen
Immer wieder

Won't happen
tell me more about this schulz guy. i expected him to be some nazi/afd dude judging by your description and the nature of this board but according to wikipedia he's just some centre-left guy. what's special about him?

Not in the near to medium term, but ultimately it will. Something to work towards.
I'm expecting something like 10-20 years. After the EU army, Brexit, and Trump, things are going to move way faster.
For example, we need talked about a federal Europe like 5-6 years ago. Now, it is mentioned often, at least in my country
he's full blown socialist. would compare him to the french left
>20m^2 Vienna nogf /pol/+/r9k/ bad combi
Yes, sure.
Kill yourself, you limp-dicked fuck.
retard, a robot has to be virgin. either you're virgin robot or failed normie
Robot it is.

It's comfy i guess. I have a steady job, no sandnigger wants to stay here and i got 100/20Mbit fiber optics internet thanks to EU funding.
How easy is it to get prostitutes?
They would rather have niggers than white europeans?
How does this make any sense?
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I live in Switzerland and it's pretty ok. Too many foreigners though, I live close to the German/French border.
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benutz nicht immer das gleiche foto du hurensohn
Dunno, it's still illegal here.

But you can drive to Austria to Wellcum/Andiamo/some other brothel and get all the pussy you want (for the right price).
Tell us more. I think Switzerland is an interesting place.
>Too many foreigners though
>t. I don't know my countries history
Bergjuden are not a distinct ethnicity, you are and always have been a random mix of disgusting and pretentious people.
they are Germans mainly
Do lots of Slovenes go over to Austria for the brothels? Even so there must be local hookers. Maybe you just find them on internet.
Who was your favorite /eu/?

Guy for life
A mix of the neighboring countries that have always passed through. German, Italian, French genes mixed with some easterners.
Can confirm, got my fathers hair colour and my mothers eye colour and have been asked multiple times how long I've been here when my bloodline is probably purer than the ones asking, makes you mad
No clue desu, probably those that work in Austria/live near the border.

There's a forum that has adds for hookers called sloescort iirc.
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ima koa zenska ode?
No clue.
Probably yes, if you pick some t2 city
What's up with that northerners hate southerners and vice versa in italy?
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A idz pan w chuj
Do you know how much 5k euros a month is? It's much above average even in rich euro countries.
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Because the north is the economic engine of the country. We're talking about german levels of productivity, basically. The south is basically a welfare leech for the rest of the country. Also, but this is personal, when a foreigner thinks about the average Italian he always imagines the tanned criminal manlet from Naples or something like that, and this triggers me quite a lot.
t. Italian from northern Italy
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I fucking hate it here
>he always imagines the tanned criminal manlet from Naples or something like that, and this triggers me quite a lot.
What's the difference between north and south italian by character? More aggressive?
I liked how they were giving away a top tier game like Witcher for 5EUR because they didn't realize how they easily could have charged 60.
Jamaicans like anime?
>I fucking hate it here
A-are you black?
What do you mean by character? Usually north italians are ''colder'', more serious and usually more productive. They care about money more, think of a mix between americans and austrians, or something like that. Usually more racist or posh. Southerners are more ''friendly'', but also poorer, lazier and loud.
The genetics are also different.
>What do you mean by character?
You actually described it perfectly.
Depends on what you want.
You won't surprise anyone with such income in MSK or SPB because "rich" here means 10k/m +
Other cities though are a different story, but all model-tier girls go to Moscow anyway
I hope I was clear enough :) it is actually quite difficult to explain to someone who isn't from here. Italy has a lot of differences inside, things can change a lot even from region to region or city to city.
>usually more racist

lol, most northeners are complete cucks. I've been to both north and southern italy (sardinian here, we're kind of set apart from both although closer to the south economy wise) and southern italians from calabria, sicilia, campania are a lot more racist.

The worst places I visited were Rome and Naples, ABSOLUTE Pakistan-like hellholes, I'd rather kill myself than have to live there.
I'm from Venice, we were basically the cradle of the Northern League, so there are quite a lot of racists here. But you're right in a way. The north is more multicultural while the south is more traditionalist and religious.
>The worst places I visited were Rome and Naples, ABSOLUTE Pakistan-like hellholes, I'd rather kill myself than have to live there.
I agree. Shame for Rome, it is such a beautiful city. Too bad it is governed by morons.
please fucking shoot me
are the differences of our shitholes about a name going to be solved any time soon?
I lived in Malmo (well, a small town quite near) and like the city a lot
>Everyone has to be equal
What do ya mean?
>The worst places I visited were Rome and Naples
Been to both, I was going to another city but the flights where to and from Naples and Rome, terrible, Naples was like a souq
Naples should be bombed with napalm; Rome is still recoverable, Naples is not. I'm ashamed of it as a Italian
>Iedereen is letterlijk hetzelfde
doe maar lekker normaal :^)
>Rome is still recoverable

It's not, boyo

Both are corrupt unmanageable shitholes with rampant crime and chaos

Let's not talk about Roma Termini - I'd feel safer in an actual warzone (srs)
Come to America my white brothers
It's the capital, though. We can't just abandon it.
>Let's not talk about Roma Termini - I'd feel safer in an actual warzone (srs)

You must be a very, very insecure and easily frightened individual.
'Murica is even more of a meme than Switzerland.
>not even drinking water or real grocery stores with vegetables in certain cities
I'm soon going to Italy again, the north this time
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My feels toward Europe are as follows:


That is all. Suck it, commies. America all the FUCKING WAY HAA
I think you'll like it more. It is still Italy, just civilized.
Good one
Do you know if Porec is a nice town?
And you must be a cuck who has accepted chaos and degradation as the natural state of your once great country. I live in a safe place and I'm not used to have a bunch of 12 year old gypsy kids trying to steal my wallet - and even when that's not happening, to be paranoid about it 24/7 as you make your way through swarms of people to catch that changing train which will either arrive 3 minutes earlier, 3 minutes late, or not arrive at all

I can bet my ass you're either a shitskin or a delusional provincialist, today's romans just stick to their WE WUZ KANGZ without admitting their city has huge problems or doing anything about it
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not good enough

It will be much whiter than it already is soon, we are taking in a lot of whites from Europe (real whites)
>real whites
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jobber/studerer dere?

>live in one of the best countries in the world
>my body is at its prime
>still want to die
It's an okay country to be a robot I guess. Smoking laws are complete shit though, far too liberal compared to the rest of Europe.

Parents are from Poland. Sadly I have no other contacts there.
Not the southern europeans

You'd have lost your bet.

But then this board tends to be the home of the luckless and ineffectual so I'm not entirely surprised.

Enjoy your life of impotent terror.
It's pretty good as long as you don't pay too much attention to politics, because the parties are stale as fuck and never get anything done.
Auch Wiener?
Eines der wenigen male wo ich mal Roboter aus meinem Land hier sehe.
>impotent terror

I fight it by bringing attention to the subject. I've already done that IRL too by pressing charges on a bunch of squatters who keyed my car because I refused to pay them.

You're the only real impotent enabler here, you'd rather kneel down and take it up the ass than fight for a cause, your mentality is exactly what caused organized crime to flourish in southern italy. Unlike you I take my time and effort to unshitholize my country.

Just go live in africa or whatever hellhole you want to live in, you dumb, 2 digit IQ cuckold, and get out of Europe
Yes, majority of Caribbean residents are of darker skin tone
only like 10% of us
Tiroler hier
Ich bin ein anderer Anon ich glaube der originale ist schon weg

I enjoy what you fear and I feel fortunate to be alive at a time when anachronistic attitudes like yours are in their death throes.
Ah sehs grad. Hat in einer anderen Post gemeint er ist aus Wien.

Ich habs noch echt genau null von Oesterreich gesehen. Ich sollt mal eine Rundreise machen und zumindest alle Hauptstaedte besuchen.

It's terrible, this place is full of the normiest normies you could ever imagine.
Tirol is wunderschoen, ich kanns dir nur empfehlen dir es mal anzuschauen. Es koennte aber auch nur mein angeborener Patriotismus sein
ECDL Lehrerin an der HTL hat uns beigebracht sie mit "Hoch Tirol! Nieder Kaernten!" zu gruessen. Soll eine schoene Gegend des Patriotismus wuerdig sein was ich so gehoert habe.
Xyli mycopa, xyli mycopa, xyli xyli
All europeans are white
bydlo is UVAO zakukarekalo
>west coast of ireland

I dare you to find a more depressing and boring place in all of Europe, even your Slavic shithole would probably be better.

I agree, I know a dude who is 4' 8" and he gets laid every night by model tier girls. You just have to have confidence.
>dare you to find a more depressing and boring place in all of Europe
It's Lithuania
t. I live there.
Why does Lithuania have such a high suicide rate? Don't just say "it's depressing", i want to know the actual reason
Most of suicides here happens because of alcoholism, financial difficulties or love. Also it's depressing to be here - shitty weather, shitty people who backstab others at any given moment. A lot people expected to live like in Finland by this moment, after collapse of USSR. However commies remained in government (unlike Estonia where there was a law that people associated with commie party or kgb could get into government) and it increased emigration. Around million people left lithuania in about 25 years, at this rate another 30-40 years and we're done. Ironically we survived against teuton attacks and being in russian occupancy for around 160 years (with being independent from 1918 to 1939) but when we became free country - most of people left.
Oh, this guy again. He posts this in every thread where someone mentions being short and getting pussy.
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I remember the Soviet Union, anyone comparing that to the European Union is a retard.
>M-Muh sovereignty
Boo fucking hoo, you have to wait in (bullshit) long lines, try actually not having sovereignty to the point of your nation's music, religion, and to an extent language being hindered or even illegal.
Finland here. It's not all unicorns and sunshine. We have plenty of our own problems here and they're only getting worse. But I guess we are and will be better off than the Baltics for another 50 years at least.

Never been here, before friend. You don't have to feel upset or victimized. There is no conspiracy working against you.
Negi senbernis busi?
>for another 50 years at least
Kek, around 50 years we were in USSR so that number is right.
Switzerland is extremely comfy and beautiful though expensive and boring for young people
>Geen fembots
Nee echt.
Quit school last week, parents forcing me to get a job now. Odottelen nyt etta tyokkarista soitetaan, mista siella puhutaan? Ja onko naa nuortentyopajat mistaan kotoisin? Protippeja muutenkin, kohta hommaan oman asunnon niin saan rottailla rauhassa.
Yeah, there are people around believing that the European Union is worse than the USSr or the Third Reich. I didn't see mr. Juncker put anyone in a gulag yet.

Buitenlander here.

It's literally the land of normies from my perspective.

Ben je dat meisje uit Overijssel?
Nee. (origineel)
I wonder how many people use 4chan who were alive in the USSR. I really wanna talk about old memories and actually engage with young people so they know how bullshit it is to compare anything to that.
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Literally every single one here in this country is a normie.

Welke provincie dan?
Gelderland. Jij?

This guy has a point.
This country is literally the normiest country ever, and the 3D girls have so fucking high standards it's not even a point trying.
I just study, play vidya and jog

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Czech in Pardubice reporting.

Could be worse, I guess.
31 Switzerland.

The Swiss are generally unbearable, but they live in the best country on Earth. Way too expensive, but living near the German border reduces living costs significantly.
We have legal brothels at least.

So do Austria and Germany and you don't need to pay hundreds for an hour.
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I literally have no idea where I am going in life. I lack the motivation to just about do anything. I'm basically a young slim and relatively good looking chap but I absolutely lack any kind of social skills as such I do not have a single friend in the world outside of the internet.
Heb je ooit wel eens gereisd buiten Europa? We hebben het echt fucking goed in Nederland als je het vergelijkt met plekken in Asie en Afrika.
How can you lack basic social skills if you've been at school?

Dutch is like a retarded offspring of English and German with spelling decided upon by an actual retard.
English is the most retarded language, that's why it's so easy to learn. German is just Dutch with a different accent and weird stuff about words having a gender.
Because I was bullied and humiliated in secondary school by "refugee" kids for being white. It really fucked me up allot. Now I find it hard to even look my parents in the eye.

I guarantee you're much worse at English than you think you are.
True, but you cuold still read my sentence.
helemaal not

Part time job and living with my parents. I don't want anything from life.

I guess it's good to live here in Finland since I am half Neet.

>Half NEET

This isn't a thing.
>Watch anime and don't leave your house when you don't a work day
>No friends
Hate it with a passion, if you speak of something else than football or "politicians are shit amiright lelele" to people they treat you like a fucking outcast. Plus, there's a lot of tourism where I live, so it's Chadland in summer and a desert in winter. There's nothing to do: no concerts, no art galleries, no decent fast food/restaurants, no IT jobs (have to travel 120km a day) and good fucking luck making friends in this shithole.
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Is Sweden a good pIace to be a NEET in?
Anime has nothing to do with it.

You have a job. You're not NEET.
>Not in EmpIoyment, Education or Training
Dude, get the fuck out of there. I lived in a well-off place but couldn't stand their shitty mentality and laziness. I left in 2011 and never looked back. I miss the food though. And ripping off tourists, that was funny.
>23, 24 in some weeks

Lisbon is filled with niggers and my life is pretty much shit.
I want to move to another country, but I know it won't change things when the problem is inside of me
im in the netherlands and have had two spanish professors. They were geeky manlets lel (so fucking cute) . Anyway they were very nice, smart, and very helpful (during practical assignments).

I'd look into getting a major elsewhere.

Eh, what m8?
You seem a bit unbalanced emotionally, I think.
What else is there to do in Finland than enjoy fast Internet and beer?
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I love my country.
Easy slutty Finnish girls. And sauna.
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No jokes or memes? Germany is not "lost" at all, if you're referring to the refugees then its certainly not as bad as people meme about, in total from 2014 to 2016 1.5 Million refugees have come to germany and many of them have been dealt with and even then they mostly stay at the refugee camps, as for crime well crime actually went down by a bit. People are already saying that the refugee crisis is about to end completely, its not entirely true, but its nearing its end. Economy is on the rise, with trump messing up the US germany will become more important in the eu so its pretty comfy desu.

also nice dubs
The immigration crisis is mostly a meme created by the media
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The sad truth is, you will never amount to great things again. You had your chance years ago and blew it numerous times. You accomplished great feats, colonized the world, and came out on top repeatedly no matter how many times your civilizations were ransacked. That was the might of Europe. The continent to be feared.

Now? You're a empty shell of what you used to be, stuck in a pseudo form of stockholm syndrome that you refuse to break out of. As the United States of America progresses, you slowly decay. Your Governments openly despise you and deem you irreplaceable, as shown by the fact that they happily accept Refugees who in turn demographically push the Europeans to extinction.

It was nice knowing you Europe. You'll always be accepted into our prosperous nation.
Slavland might be shit right now but I guarantee it will be nicer than Western Europe within 20 years, unless there are radical changes
Falls du noch im Faden bist, hier ist der Wiener auf den du wartest.
Bin aber kein wahrer Oesterreicher, sondern ein Slave.
t. Merkel
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Not doing too bad here at the moment. Could be a lot worse. I'm so glad I don't live in France or Germany right now to be honest. That being said I can't wait to visit more of Europe.

Gelderland is echt het land der normaaltjes. Iedereen sportief en blij reeee
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Love my homeland, but I thought about moving to eastern europe after finishing college

One of the reasons, why I started learning czech and russian a few weeks ago
Tambem sou de Portugal e com 22 mas acho q deviamos mudar nos mesmos o nosso pais antes de pensar em apoios
your joke won't go unnoticed
europe is literally normie: the continent
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Pretty comfy
>As the United States of America progresses
>as shown by the fact that they happily accept Refugees who in turn demographically push the Europeans to extinction
Even if we had to accept all the syrian refugees around the war, it would only increase Europe's population by a negligible percentile.
Around the world (displaced)*
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I live in the North and it's fucking comfy (really different from the south that is full of moors). Its pretty peaceful and calm, no niggers etc, so 10/10.
>country Ireland
>age 22

not conservative enough, wish i had some irl robros

Vila Real cheia de pretos da Guine Equatorial.
Pelo menos era assim ha 2 anos...
>cheia de pretos da Guine Equatorial.
E muito raro eu ver pretos aqui

Quando vivia ai, havia prai 50 que estavam na Universidade ao abrigo de um protocolo qq com G. Equatorial.
Escusado sera dizer que eram todos burros como portas...
>Escusado sera dizer que eram todos burros como portas...
Mas recentemente nao tenho visto quase nenhum.
games are cheap here
that's why some companies put region lock on digital purchases
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>be rich and succed in life by default
still goes to r9k
>north italy (the south is a niggerhole, italy exists only from Rome and up)

Meh, shit politics but comfy life.
Comfy cities, I get everything I want 3 to 10 minutes walking from home, good food, good water
A lot of my friends wanted to "move" to the UK but came back after less than a year because "My boss said that my job as washing dishes was over" and I kek'd since while they were there almost starving because with the little money they had they just paid home&food, here I found a job and going pretty comfy with it.
does not compute.
Highschool and middleschool times were good, since there was no bullying etc. but now that I've grown up, people look down on me since no job. Besides I live in Istanbul, which is now full of Kurds, Syrians and illiterate people from Eastern Turkey. Still love my country, feel patriotic for it, but fuck the current government.
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Slovenian suffering from Yugonostalgia here

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Fuck europe and fuck brown people.
The only real niggerhole in Italy is where you live in lol. The most common last name in Milan will be Mohammed by 2-3 years if it isn't already. A lot of smaller cities in Lombardia / Emilia are majority immigrant. Just LOL at northern italy, you guys may be better off than the south economically but you're not any less of a shithole.
Maybe because not even immigrants want to live in the south, where there's no work?
Anyway, immigrants birthrate tends to decline with time.
Stay mad, terrone.
I live in Turin and there's literally ONE nigger in my whole 7 stories bulding.
And he's pretty chill, can speak correctly and is here from like 10 years.
Lol @ you who shot yourselves in the head for a minor quarrel and die every new years eve because you homemade your own firecrackers.
Rotolati nel fango, Caloggero Pasquale, O' Salvatore Esposito
Eat shit and die, terrone
Netherlands. The only thing I really like is the current weather. It's a bit chilly which I like. We have a fuckton of muslim immigrants which is in infuriating and pretty much all girls are extremely slutty or at least very "out there".
Boring as fuck, at least where I live. Also, it's full of normies. I would like it more if I lived in a big city (i.e. Barcelona).
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lmaoing al samefagging

Ho detto di essere napoletano (o campano)? Il tuo esempio cherrypicked non prova un bel niente, a Torino non si puo uscire di notte perche e pieno di marocchini di merda in giro, CI HO VISSUTO 3 MESI, a Bologna vedevo piu negri che italiani, e non parliamo di Modena

Ovviamente preferite dar merda al sud intero prendendo Napoli come esempio di degrado e dando per scontato che tutti quelli che critichino il nord siano napoletani, senza guardare al fatto che quasi tutto il nord italia sta diventando africa 2.0, lol

Just LOL a voi, vivo in una citta di 40k abitanti in Sardegna e posso tranquillamente passeggiare o uscire la notte senza il timore che una banda di marocchi dimmerda mi accoltelli

Vi (ti) consiglio il suicidio
Hai vissuto a Torino per TRE MESI e hai il coraggio di parlarne? 3/10, amico.
Dipende da dove vivevi, Torino va a zone, se eri uno studente poveretto che poteva permettersi solo un appartamento a Murazzi logico che ci sono negri e stranegri.
Io ho la fortuna di vivere al centro, ho preso la metro di giorno, di notte, ho girato da solo da quando sono nato, MAI successo nulla. E non sono mica un omaccione alto e grosso, con un venticello cado per terra.
Non e' che do merda al sud, sarebbe inutile visto che ci nuotano da anni e poi

>Implicando che il sud sia mai stato altro che africa 2.0

Io ho origini sarde ma non mi trasferirei dove ho la casa, sono abituato alla metropoli e ai comodi e se guardiamo alla storia, i sardi sono collegati di piu' agli arabi, quindi e' logico che non attaccano i loro simili.

4/10, ci hai provato, ma alla fine nulla importa, bai dindi.
It's okay. I wish it were warmer, but global warming is solving that hehe. I also wish there were mountains in the landscape, but it's all forests and marshes.
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