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We need to reclaim the classic web. Everything has been centralized,

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We need to reclaim the classic web.

Everything has been centralized, all websites look the same, with links to an organization's Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the like. All the meme/community sites are nearly identical, at least in the ways that really matter. Even some of the smaller boards on 4chan, and even the smaller chans, are getting increasingly plagued by these same cancers.

Back then (late 90s/early 00s), there were a ton of sites that seemed largely independent of one another, at least when compared to today. Now everyone spends time on a few monster-traffic sites, and a large portion of the smaller ones still look and feel like each other, and are highly influenced by the monster websites.

What you all can do to retake the web is to start your own website. Scour the web for interesting people (500-1000), invite them to your private website, and invest time in cultivating a distinct community. Ban anyone who brings in any outside cancer. Sure, some of the stuff from smaller sites will leak out, but if enough people do this, they can't take from everybody, so there will be plenty of sites with distinct culture. But really, what's more important, is that stuff that originated from other websites and the cancerous monster websites doesn't end up on yours.

After you've cultivated a good community, then you can very slowly bring in more people, but I would try to keep the site limit to 5000 distinct users at the absolute most. Hopefully a lot of sites would never even get that high.

In addition, it would be wise if you stopped using monster sites. Boycott youtube, wikipedia, cheezzzzzeburger, twitter, instagram, redddddit, ign, facebook (I know many of you still have one of these, even if under an alias), and yes, even 4chan (though this maintained a certain quality and distinctiveness for something of its size for quite a while, but it is beyond redemption now).


Hopefully their influence will dwindle and some of these sites will go the way of myspace. And then with all the private web sites up and taking peoples' time and energy, there won't be a new superpower to be able to have the momentum take it's place that gets its cancerous tentacles in nearly ever corner of the web.

Of course you might have to have someone to be able to keep tabs on normie culture so new stuff you don't recognize doesn't invade your site, but maybe one guy could do this for multiple sites so at little traffic is given to them as possible, as well as being able to keep some of the smaller site culture from overlapping. Definitely encourage your users not to frequent too many sites, and certainly not any of the larger ones.

It'll be a slow and uphill battle, and maybe we won't really make much a difference, but for too long, we've seen the web we grew up with destroyed by corporate interests and normie scum (not that normies didn't use the internet before, it's just that there was plenty of it and many aspects of it that was off their radar). If nothing else, maybe we can make it better for a small group of like-minded people.

Get to work gentlemen. I believe in you.
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>large corporations get wind of this
>buy out as many sites that are owned by sell-outs (which will be most of them)
>say nothing at first but have these sites start influencing each other (they will buy them out in such a way that even the owners don't realize they are selling them to corporations)
>eventually start merging them together
>after a few years, all have been merged into 5-6 sites

The web is dead m8. Start your own site and maybe you can enjoy it for what it is, but there will be no revolution to give the web back to the people. It's over.
This place is filled with too many normie youngsters who do not care about what you're saying. Why would they? Anyone born after 1989 likely never experienced the classic web anyway (and even many born before then). 4chan offered a version of it after the classic web's death, but I'd say by 2012 even that version, even for the smaller boards, was also dead.
Hate to tell you man, but the only way you'll get that is if you go on the dark net. Around 2006 companies started buying and centralizing the shit out of every site they can get their hands on, and those that resisted either fell into obscurity or went bankrupt and shut down. Dark net is your best bet.
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You kids get off my lawn!!!
If people would make the move to the dark web it would fully fix the issue.
I actually have my own private website OP. So yes, some of us are already fighting back.

The problem is that normies want centralized websites. Those will never go away. The most you can do is keep yours pure and free of that shit for us robots/wizards.
You are part of the problem.
Believe that while you still can, Sunshine. You know where it all comes from, this online paradise of yours? It started back during the Cold War, when the think tanks were full of geniuses plotting nuclear scenarios. Attache cases and horn-rims, every appearance of scholarly sanity, going in to work every day to imagine all the ways the world was going to end. Your Internet, back then the Defense Department called it DARPAnet, the original purpose was to assure survival of U.S. command and control after a nuclear exchange with the Soviets. Your Internet was their invention, this magical convenience that creeps now like a smell through the smallest details of our lives, the shopping, the housework, the homework, the taxes, absorbing our energy, eating up our precious time. And there's no innocence. Anywhere. Never was. It was conceived in sin, the worst possible. As it kept growing, it never stopped carrying in its heart a bitter-cold death wish for the planet, and don't think anything has changed, kid.
recruitment is a problem though.

you acknowledge 4chan is dead, but at the same time, it still has the largest amount of interesting people (which still doesn't mean it has a lot). the problem is that you can't recruit people on 4chan without recruiting a bunch of cancer too.

there are a few non-private small websites I visit, as well as the occassionally youtuber, that have some interesting folks, but I bet this would amount to like 30-40 people at most.
The government may have always been using the web for malicious purposes but corporations and normies largely stayed away from certain aspects of it, and was these aspects, these corners, that made the classic web what it was.
And yet here you are, browsing a popular site and posting a popular meme image. What's wrong, getting bored with that shit website you founded?

Follow your own advice and leave forever.
I do intend to leave very soon, but I have to inspire as many of you as I can before I go. That isn't a contradiction, normie
It's all based on control. Everybody connected together, impossible anybody should get lost, ever again. Take the next step, connect it to cell phones, you've got a total Web of surveillance, inescapable.
Also: no niggers.

Normies ruined the web too, but once the web became easily accessible to even nogs, it somehow got even worse. Vines may be the worst thing I've ever seen on the web.

I commend you OP, but I myself am too lazy to start my own website. The chans are gonna have to do it for me, I'm afraid. Filters can help this too.
great, and while we may have always been under the government's eye, the culture was different and free from the normies. that's all i care about.

but yes, if the government uses it for control, they're never gonna let the normies abandon it. like i said in the OP, I know this is very much a long-shot.
Maybe we should just make our own internet?
This has gotta be one of the most idiotic posts I've seen in a while.
you could get other users to recruit for you, too. you should still screen them yourself, of course.
Centralization is the way of the future. Everything is being centralized, from population (urbanization) to the everyday products that you use. Companies and governments have a huge interest in centralizing everything. Centralized models are much more profitable for companies and much easier to control for governments. The internet has resisted this for a long while but with the proliferation of smartphones and with that the massive increase in regular internet users has eventually changed this as well.

You are fighting a 80 degree uphill battle. It is very unlikely that a few of us will be able to put a serious dent in the traffic of larger websites. Something big will have to happen if the centralization of the internet is to stop.
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When di d you learn that you are the bait?

This is probably the only way. We can hook our PC's up into one huge lan network like they do in Cuba (look it up, cuban gamers made their own internet since the government restricts internet access there). Although this is obviously more of a local thing, its better than nothing. This internet is far gone.
The net was never good. Only thing there was that isn't now was people doxxing themselves on garish angelfire sites or maybe ppl going into autistic detail about their childhood toy collection. It was always shit, oh and there were unconvincing Russian rape and snuff films 4 tha edge factor.
I've got an idea for a new, rather different community, but haven't finished it yet...
I agree with most of this stuff, but why boycott wikipedia though? This is a completly different website from the other you mentioned, and actually one of the few 'super power' that deserve respect.
Are you trying to turn r9k into a bastion for the 2000s internet?

What, like a small community forum? I've been to them, it ended up getting shut down when the admin could no longer afford it. Surely places like that exist if only you know where to find them.
not OP, but that's not what I got from the post at all. he actually said to stop using 4chan altogether eventually.
you must be one of the youngsters this anon:
was talking about.
Interesting idea OP, but I think you'd also find what you're looking for on smaller niche hobby forums that have only a few hundred users. The main problem with what you are proposing is that unless every user puts a huge amount of effort into posting multiple times every day those sites will be very slow individually. And to have ten or twenty sites to check you'll probably find yourself running out of content on these specifically normal-free sites. people like us simply do not socialise or post often what's why splinter chans like lainchan, msgicchsn, wizchan, etc. are so slow.

Don't get me wrong, slow boards have better content and are very comfy, but I feel with the amount of content we consume over the internet it will be difficult to not also supplement it with larger sites that produce more content. Sites like YouTube are actually very good when you find content creators who have genuine interests and aren't sellouts. the ones with only a few thousand subscribers. Just install a filter to remove recommended videos and you'll be relatively well off.

I agree that any social media is shit though. Fuck Twitter and Facebook.

This is the most original comment that has ever been typed on this Japanese Anime Forum
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How do we stop this?

Of course the text is not fucking original but the the picture fucking is, you fucking robot fuck
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anyone remember that one site that had flash cartoons and videos? i think it had ninjai the little ninja on it. i remember jacking off on it because there was one video with a girl in her underwear.
there are a few niche hobby forums that are of a high enough quality, but these are few and far between. even a lot of the niche sites have been corrupted.

maybe we don't supplement it with content from other sites, though. maybe we do other things to fill our time. but I actually think it's possible to recruit people that you can encourage to put in the effort to create and post quality content multiple times a day. I don't know what the solution is but I don't want to give up. But yeah, I am having trouble with it on my own website right now, honestly.

I know there are good parts of some monster sites, but I just don't want to support these sites in general, as they do far more "bad" than "good". That's why I will be permanently leaving 4chan soon.
it's probably even higher than that, because I'd imagine there is a disproportionate amount of people here who use some kind of adblock compared to other sites.
S-stay with us anon ;(
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

I will miss some of you, and have had many enjoyable times on this site throughout the years, some even very recently, but I can't support this site any longer. Obviously it is by far the least cancerous of the major websites but it is still cancer at this point.
my pasta was more original, nerd
Or you could just stop being a screeching autist...
I would love to leave too to be honest.
But where would I go? I feel like the ability to communicate with people living thousands of kilometres away from me worth bearing all the /pol/ propaganda (To name one of the multiple cancerous aspect of this site)
build your own site senpai.

of course you could also reach out to people on semi-semi-decent parts of bigger sites that have private messaging so they could message you their private or obscure sites if they think you wouldn't drag the community down.
I'd rather not be one click away from pizza thanks
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1999 will commence again if you try to take our websites
I've been trying to make a website like the one you're talking about, but the programming has been hard.

What I have planned out so far is something like funnyjunk.com, but with a community mostly made up of r9k users. I can share more details if anyone cares,
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what happened in 1999? you're not using this meme right
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I'd be interested

this comment has been muted
I can share some more details if you want

I think it's going to be like Reddit, only:
>no subreddits, posts can have up to 3 "tags", where if you click on the tag, you see more posts with that tag. you can also filter out certain tags that you don't like.
>no voting, it'll work like 4chan's thread bumping thing
>There will be "accounts", but they are only used to see your previous posts, and for moderation purposes. To other users, you will simply appear as "anonymous"

Any other ideas?
>corporations buy out the dark web as well
>they legalize selling drugs to do so
>being a pedo is now legal also

checkm8 moralists
sounds interesting. i have nothing to contribute though.
can you think of a name that doesn't sound shitty?
>How do we stop this?
permaban mobile IP ranges.
>doesn't sound shitty

nope. only name I can think of it taggit kek
>getting rid of 90% of /v/

that would be a good start
>After you've cultivated a good community, then you can very slowly bring in more people, but I would try to keep the site limit to 5000 distinct users at the absolute most. Hopefully a lot of sites would never even get that high.

and then you start getting ad money and then you want more users until you turn into the new monster site. What a great analogy for walmart
You could try IPFS but it may be too complicated for dumdums and a classic web full of neurotic spergs wouldn't be fun
Great contribution to the discussion
You sound really passionate. Makes me wish I could see your website.
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