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ITT prove dont have shit taste Post your >favorite movie

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Thread replies: 185
Thread images: 59

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ITT prove dont have shit taste

Post your
>favorite movie
>tv show
>video game
>political ideology

>To Kill a Mockingbird

>Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)


>Rick and Morty

>Metal Gear Solid 2

>Moderate right wing


>Steamed Broccoli or any kind of Steak
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Offer beer.gif
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The Outsiders


Romeo and Juliet-not even kidding it was also the first thing I fapped to

Malcolm in the Middle

Grand Theft Auto Vice City

I'm not religious but I like Christians more than all the other ideologies because I have lived around many and Christians are the best people toward me

Cheese Burgers
But i really do have shit taste

>Toy Story
>Jagged Little Pill
>Bridge to Terabithia
>lean slightly more towards conservative/republican
>no long religious
>Old bay cream of crab soup
>>favorite movie

Dalek's "From Filthy Tongues of Gods and Griots"

Thomas Pynchon's "V."

>>tv show

>>video game

>>political ideology
Center-Right republican capitalism


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I remember these losers got bashed on here (don't remember which board) and then one guy who had the poster and posted a pic of it in his room got butthurt that 4chan wasn't onboard with their epic meemees.
>favorite movie
Dr. Strangelove
Brave New World
>tv show
>video game
>political ideology
right-libertarian leaning centrist
agnostic, leaning toward deism lately though
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>Bathory - Nordland I
>The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
>Muh liberal agenda
>Agnostic with vaguely Wiccan/edgy beliefs
Not the best.
>prove you dont have shit taste

woah you sure fucked that up fast op

fag thread for faggot newfags exclusively

anyone below this line is a newfag

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what were you saying again?
>S3RL presently presents
>do androids dream of electric sheep
>Initial D
>Jedi Knight Academy
I know I'm gonna get shit for this, I just don't care much about that kind of stuff. I like to be alone so the closest my thoughts might line up with a political ideology is Anarcho-Capitalism, but I don't really have an interest in any guidelines for other peoples lives at all, I'll live my life and do whatever I need to stay alive, or achieve whatever goals I have. What other people do doesn't really interest me unless they target me personally. In which case I would just continue to do whatever necessary to stay alive, and achieve my goals. Which mainly consist of living away from other people. I don't know if that's edgy or what, that's just how I feel about it. It's better for your mental health to learn not to care to much what other people do. I wrote all that text because apparently even not being political is now shit on. I'm a hippie a little bit I guess.
>beans, rice, and cheese

I'm boring as shit. Only posted in this attention whoring thread because I'm bored and I always check r9k daily to see if it's still shitty. It is.
Spirited Away


Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

Fort Boyard

Serious Sam TSE

Apathy? I really don't give 2 shits

Agnostic leaning on atheist

McDonald's Hamburger
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>>favorite movie
The Revenant.

In Waves. Pic related.

The Metamorphosis if it counts.

>>tv show
Of all time? Lost. I'm binge watching True Detective and Justified right now. They're both really good.

>>video game
Dragon Age: Origins/Awakening.

>>political ideology


Spaghetti of course.
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Strydwolf - Ljocht
The Flame by Gabriele D'Annunzio

I just want to die, please.
Germanic paganism
Dr Strangelove
The Wall
A Moveable Feast
Northwest Passage by Stan Rodgers
Lost City of Z
Game Center CX
Moderate Democrat
Rice beans and tripe or tikka masala
Nice Bowie

>Blade Runner
>Low - David Bowie
>The Great Gatsby
>Serial Experiments Lain
>Deus Ex
>Objectivist Isolationist Ultranationalist Fundamentalist
>Atheist looking to possibly convert to Christianity
>Anything that will help me bulk senpai
>>favorite movie
American Beauty
Kid A
Memiors of a Geisha
>>tv show
Rick and Morty
>>video game
NiGHTS into Dreams...
>>political ideology
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>favorite movie
Only Yesterday
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips.
War and Peace
>tv show
I don't watch western television. My favourite anime is Welcome to the NHK
>video game
Trails in the Sky
>political ideology
Populist Nationalism
The ones that aren't jewish and don't involve killing people. So Buddhism, Hinduism or Shintoism?
Beef Lasagna

Movie: Star Wars V (Empire Strikes Back)

Album: Man on the Moon (Kid Cudi)

Book: The Hobbit (Tolkien)

TV Show: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Video Games: Bioshock Infinite

Political Ideology: Teddy Roosevelt Republican

Religion: Baptist Christianity

Food: Cuban Roast Pork

>he thinks Buddhism and Hinduism don't involve any killing

Never go to India or Burma, you're going to be incredibly disappointed.
>Never go to India or Burma, you're going to be incredibly disappointed.
If you're talking about muslims, they aren't people.
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>favorite movie
>Pulp Fiction
>Rush Of Blood To The Head- Coldplay
>Great Gatsby
>Cowboy Bebop
Break, ayyy
>Right wing
>Roman Catholic


>The Old Man and the Sea

>The Wire

>SimCity 4


>Caesar salad with grilled chicken
>If you're talking about muslims, they aren't people

India is majority Hindu, Burma is majority Buddhist...
>i dont watch western telivision
You should watch The Lonely Gourmet, that shit is absolutely based
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>Inglorious Basterds
>Where'd Your Weekend Go
>Life of Pi
>Dofus : Aux Tresures de Kerubim or We Bare Bears
>Grand Theft Auto IV (4)
> who cares
>Practice Baptism, respect Buddhism
>Clam Chowder, recently
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>Late Registration
>smackdown vs raw 2007
>sesame chicken
>amp-reflection - school food punishment
>dragon ball
>fallout new vegas

i'm a fucking weeb


people in third world countries aren't people either
unless if they're $$$
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>favorite movie
I don't watch movies.
For 2016, Act V: Hymns with the Devil in Confessional
The Ego and Its Own
>tv show
I don't watch tv.
>video game
Don't play much vidya, so FFXII.
>political ideology
Lore-wise: Zoroastrianism
Practicality: Agnosticism
I don't have one favorite food.
Yes and, in the name of religion, they're predominantly killing muslim minorities in self defense.
Oh shit i forgot The Revenant existed.
I like you.
>favorite movie
spirited away
Discovery by Daft Punk
Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut
>tv show
Black Mirror
Super Smash Bros. Melee
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>favorite movie
District 9
Antichrist Superstar
Iron John
>tv show
China, IL
>video game
>political ideology
Libertarian; voted for Trump.
In Between Christianity and Baha'i
Mother Fuckin Whey protein shake with milk
fuck yeah anon China, IL is my shit have you seen the shorts Brad Neely has done on youtube?
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You mean Sclopio Peepio? Or is it a new show he's working on?
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Into the Wild
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
You are reddit tier btw. Nothing worng with that unless you have some misguided elitism.
>John Wick
>You're a Woman, I'm a Machine
>Gone Girl
> In a perfect world, I'm a black natonalist, in this one, I'm a moderate I guess.I don't hate or fear muslims but I don't want their beliefs or culture to influence the west at this stage. The attempt to normalize pure degeneracy is off putting but I don't have any sort of problem with LGBBQ+ people having equal rights and access to neccesary meds. Socialism can go fuck itself desu. But I'm also against letting the free market run itself, want a minimum wage increase, all that other Democrat bullshit.
>Protestant(Anglican/Baptist heritage)
>Fried Pork Chops
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>favorite movie
Wolf of Wall Street. Fucking amazing movie. Funny and, if you're ((WOKE)) enough, inspirational.
Disgrace by TeamSesh (I guess? I listen to some music and then delete it all within a few months unless there's some REALLY good songs. They turn into future nostalgia.)
"Furnace" series or "Twisted"
>tv show
Family Guy/American Dad I just watch them when I'm bored and eating or something. They aren't great but I don't know of anything better so...
>video game
Skyrim (Although I haven't played much) Overwatch, DOOM, CSGO
>political ideology
My political views don't have a specific name. Picking sides is for extremist cucks.
Atheism. Religicucks make me fucking laugh.
Absolutely anything Chinese/Asian.
i just meant his entire channel in general. my favorites are Baby Cakes - Group Therapy and Role Playing Tournament
Fucking s3rl I used to listen to him back when I was an emo faggot and liked BOTDF and BvB oh my god the nostalgic cringe is amazing
>favorite movie
From under the cork tree
Post Office
>tv show
>video game
Metal Slug
>political ideology
No favorite. Years of trolling and pretending to represent different ideologies have made it difficult for me to actually care about any of this shit
Pizza or asian food
American Psycho

Invisible Touch


Max Headroom



Not religious

>that political ideology

ghost in the shell
twicecoaster lane 1
starship troopers
babylon 5
alpha centauri
center left corporatism
eastern orthodox
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>The Big Lebowski
>idk probably The Wall or Quadrophenia
>Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
>Evangelion, King of the Hill, and The Simpsons (season 1-12)
>Red Dead Redemption
>moderate conservative that occasionally acts alt-right to fuck with lefties
>raised Christian but now kind of agnostic with a somewhat catholic worldview
>Chinese food or ribs
shite man i think anything else on adult swim is better than Family Guy/American Dad

>favorite movie
probably hybrid theory or deadwing
don't read often, but 1984
>tv show
I don't watch TV, but I used to watch south park kinda often
>video game
>political ideology
conservative right-wing
christian catholic
strogonoff, any salmon dish, fillet parmegianna
Oh then yeah. BE AGGRESSIVE
>favorite movie
Toss up between Black Rain and Leon the Professional

Worry by Jeff Rosenstock

Ubik by PKD

>tv show
Homeland or basically any UC Gundam

>video game

>political ideology
I don't affiliate with any particular party.


Chicken ranch pita
>The Big Lebowski
>Come On! Feel the Illinoise
>Of Mice and Men
>The Twlight Zone
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC
>Classical Liberal
>Deep Dish Pizza
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>favorite movie

Discovery by Daft Punk or What's the Story Morning Glory by Oasis

Glue by Irvine Welsh

>tv show
Series 1 of Heroes , Dexter up until the end of the Trinity Killer arc, True Detective season 1

>video game
Paper Mario TTYD

>political ideology
I have no 'ideology' because I try and look at every issue individually so I am conservative about some things and liberal about others.

Agnostic. There is no way to prove religion either way so why bother arguing about it? Beloeve whatever the fuck you want as long as it doesn't directly negatively affect anyone else

I had crab linguini the other day and it blew me the fuck away

Pic related. It is me.
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Not well-versed on contemporary stuff enough to commentate
Don Quixote, though other absolutely robotic books come in as close contenders
>TV Show
The Tatami Galaxy
>Video Game
TLoZ Twilight Princess
>Political Ideology
Liberal right
Atheist my whole life, though I have the utmost respect for the Bible and affiliated stories like Paradise Lost
What show are the girls in the OP with their fingers interlocked from?
Fuck, you're me except I've never seen Wall-E
Guilty Crown

original comment shitjskadsad
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What's your list then anon? What's yoyr favourite movie?

Rare to find another Irvine Welsh fan about
>favorite movie
Nothing stands out as a favorite
Reality-David Bowie
>tv show
Venture bros
>video game
>political ideology
Centralist I guess? Ideologies are idiotic labels. Each issue should be carefully weighed individually.
Thanks, family. Might have to check it out next.
Millers crossing or blade runner, maybe Princess Monanoke

Gutter twins- saturnalia or transatlanticism from death cab

Book of the new sun(claw of the concilator is favorite) or Do androids dream of electric sheep

Twin peaks

Deadly premonition or darksouls

Sorta right, capitalist and traditional, not republican, though more likely republican voting

Agnostic, like the stories of christianity and judiasm i guess because raised with them occasionally

Lime sherbet
Actually i might add, in music Theres Nothing Wrong With Love from Built To Spill, and the newest Hop Along album have been really hitting me hard and are becoming favorites
>favorite movie
Wuthering Heights
>tv show
>video game
Super Mario 64 or LOZ Majora's Mask
>political ideology
Conservative libertarian
Anime girls
>Conservative libtard
>Mario 64

Shittest taste of the thread so far. Congrats.
trainspotting ofc
mario 64 is the shit and you can suck my cock

To kill a mockingbird gave me no practical on how to kill mockingbirds
>favorite movie
hard to say exactly which one. i really enjoyed 2001: a space odyssey but i've only seen it once
pet sounds by the beach boys
invisible cities
>tv show
the x-files
>video game
i'm bad at all video games
>political ideology
i try not to follow an ideologies dogmatically, though, if you want a rough estimate of what i believe, i agree with the american solidarity party on most issues
roman catholic (though technically non-practicing)
Not guy you are responding to, but just seeing this reminded me that Trainspotting is such a strong contender for favorite movie. Boyle is mostly godly. Excited for sequel? The comically named T2?
forgot to include my list, but everything else is really the same except for tv shows where Black Mirror and The Twilight Zone are my favourites
>favorite movie
2001: A Space Odyssey
London Calling
Song of Solomon
>tv show
>video game
Dark Souls
>political ideology
Moderate Welfarist
Unitarian Universalist
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>A River Runs Through It
>The Catcher in the Rye/The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
>True Detective
>Silent Hill
Did you read SoS for school? Who are your favorite characters and why are they Guitar and Macon Sr?

>World's Greatest Dad
>We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed
>Bleeding Edge
>You're the Worst

Flood - TMBG

Discworld Series

>tv show

>video game
Mount and Blade: Warband

>political ideology
pic related

secular humanist I guess

twice-cooked duck
Macon is a money grubbing cuck and Guitar is a traitorous swine.
that is some good shit anon,
I hope you read the watchmen comics because the movie pales in comparison
Who macon get cucked by? Who guitar betray? What book did you read bitch?
>favorite movie
The Wolf of Wallstreet
Home, Like NoPlace is There
Animal Farm/The Ego and Its Own
>tv show
>video game
Portal games
>political ideology
Right wing libertarian leaning to the center
currently none
Oh for sure, the complete lack of the pirate sub-plot and alien context definitely made it worse.

Still a damn good film though
>Star Wars Episode I
>Kids Bop 7
>50 shades of Gray
>Sonic Boom
>No Man's Sky
>Hillary Clinton
>Saku Ramen
Mmmmmm dat's some good bait right there
>kids bop 7
i kek'd
i do have shit tastes though desubaka
Are you serious?
Macon got cucked by his incestuous whore wife.

Guitar literally tried to kill Milkman like... 3 or 4 times.
Yeah! I love the watchmen man I have a ton of watchmen posters and all the original comics. I even have a print signed by Alan Moore! If you are interested I can post pics
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Mr Nobody
Heresy - Lustmord
The Te of Piglet
>TV Show
>Video Game
>Political ideology
Don't really know yet
>havent watched a movie in the past 4 years, dunno, I liked pulp fiction a long time ago
>talking heads - more songs about buildings and food
>Gulliver's Travels
>have never watched a tv series before
>dota 2
>do not associate politically both sides are horseshit
>steak medium rare
>>favorite movie
Bridge of Birds
>>tv show
>>video game
Metroid Prime/Super Metroid
>>political ideology
Right Lib.
Asian pears
You're a fucking fag.

This content is very original
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Lord of the Rings trilogy, probably
Wish You Were Here
The Hobbit
>TV Show
Kenny vs. Spenny
>Video Game
I don't know, maybe Dark Souls
>Political Ideology
Fully automated gay space communism
Agnostic (family is Jewish )
Something with chicken and rice like souvlaki or shawarma
His wife never banged her dad you goofball. And Macon's the traitor. Guitar spares Milkman at the end if you forgot.
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>>favorite movie
Super Eurobeat Presents: Initial D ~D Selection
>>tv show
Legend of Galactic Heroes
>>video game
King of Fighters '98
>>political ideology
Slightly upper left
Agnsotic but slightly Islam
Chow mein
> not sure that's a pretty hard one I guess dog soilders is one of my favorites

>Blank banshee - mega

>Don't read books



>Alt right


>Chinese beef curry
Holy shit you're dense. I don't think you read the book.

Ruth was caught suckling her dads fingers.

Guitar does NOT spare Milkman.
Sweet, I'd love to see that
>favorite movie





I'm reading "Jupiter's Travels" right now. Good book.
>tv show

Breaking Bad.

>video game

Baldur's Gate.

>political ideology

Independent leftist.


Atheist and laughing about it.
Turbo Kid.
Or The Karate Kid.

Porter Robinson's "Worlds".

I don't really read much.
But I would like to start someday.

>TV Show
Urusei Yatsura.

>Video Game

>Political Ideology
Don't really care about politics.
But right is right.


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>don't read books
>alt right
>There will be blood

>Ghost on Ghost

>The Great Gadtsby

>True Detective (S1)

>Stardew Valley

>Absurdism (more philosophical than political but pretty self-explanatory)


>Spaghetti & meatsauce

Judge me
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Actual normie here.

>favorite movie
Catch Me If You Can.
The Wall
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
>tv show
Bob's Burgers
>video game
Fallout: New Vegas
>political ideology
Moderate Democrat
Shit don't exist if you're Native American.
What the fuck is food?
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>favorite movie
Jeremiah Johnson
Ne Oblivisaris - Portal of I
"Ghost Soldiers" - Hampton Sides
>tv show
Black Mirror
>video game
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer
>political ideology
Classic Liberalism/Libertarianism
Smoked Salmon
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>Blazing Saddles
>What Could Go Wrong - Red Vox
>The Long Walk
>Right Wing
>Broccoli and cheese
Dude ur a fuckin dipshit. At the end he drops his gun when Milkman is in open view. He opens his arms to his friend at the end, 'My main man.' And sense when has sucking finger been fucking bitch
If you caught your wife sucking another mans fingers on her knees and you stayed with, that makes you a cuck
It's still not intercourse.
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leave now normal scum

you're a cuck, plain and simple
>b-but it's not intercourse g-guys

t. a cuckold
The Big Lebowski
Moon Safari - Air
Ficciones - JL Borges
Arrested Development
Age of Empires
Milanesa - Schnitzel
here you are anon tell me if you want pics of anything specific https://imgur.com/gallery/9wqDc


Epicon /or/ Age of Reason

Once Were Warriors

>tv show
Simpsons (kms)

>video game

>Pol ideo.
Moderate right wing


Probably saagwala desu

what the sheer fuck am I
actually, top gear UK
Congrats you have the same taste as my step father.
The Godfather
Don't have a favorite but the first one that comes to mind right now is Zappa's Hot Rats
Tokyo Blurs
Azumanga Daioh
Don't play much vidya but the souls series is pretty good right now
Agnostic but been reading a lot about theravada and mahayana buddhism lately

2001 A Space Odyssey

Kid A


Curb Your Enthusiasm

Fallout 3

Hard Left


Paella or Eggplant Parm
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>favorite movie
A Boy and his Dog, Rushmore, Scott Pilgrim

Live the Dream - Ramshackle Glory

Free Pizza for Life - Chris Clavin

>tv show
Right now I'm just waiting for Rick and Morty and Bob's Burgers but I just finished catching up on Shameless. It was great until they ruined Steve.
I've seen every Portlandia 5 times.

>video game
Been playing a lot of Fallout again. Overwatch is my current favorite but too poor for Xbox live right now. Sad that I'm gonna miss the New Diva and Rein skins. I love Pokemon too.

>political ideology
I'm just tired of it. Everything has to be a contest to everyone because everyone else is afraid of losing.

I think all faiths offer something. I think they're beautiful at their best and at their worst, interesting. I'm not a faith person, personally. I just believe in being a chill dude in a smooth mood.
Fuck atheists though bunch of holier than edge lords
It was cool in high school to be like whoa I'm an atheist but it should definetly stay there.
Same principal as every other religion imo. You don't have to be so dramatic, you're nobody, we all are so just like chill.

French onion sun chips for snacks
Pretty much any pasta is my girlfriend
And there's nothing like a hot steamy baked potato mmm bop boy howdy
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>favorite movie
Working for the devil it's shit but I like it
>tv show
Black mirror
>video game
Assassins creed 2 or dragon age origins
>political ideology
Mostly agnostic
I'm not sure, probably rice pudding
is that bad or
>"The Rise And Fall of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars" by David Bowie
>"The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexander Dumas
>Rick and Morty
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Deviled eggs, pigs in a blanket or Italian bread.
Princess Mononoke
Hospice by The Antlers
The Way of Kings
Fallout 3
Bourbon Glazed Salmon
Not the original poster you were arguing with and I have no idea what the context is here, but I thought you stated somebody fucked somebody and that sucking their fingers was fucking. When it's not.
it means that you're alright, but someone i would probably never want to be friends with
American beauty
Hunky Dory
The ultimate hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
South park
Gta Sa
>>favorite movie
The Thing
FLCL OST by the pillows
Crime and Punishment
>>tv show
Tatami Galaxy
>>video game
>>political ideology
A benevolent fascist dictator whose only goal is to make his people the best people on earth
Pop tarts with nutella or Chilacas with cheese

And your list is missing Waifu fucking nigger
>The Will Be Blood
>Narrow Stairs, Death Cab for Cutie
>The Stranger, Albert Camus
>Fuck if I know
>LoZ Ocarina of Time
>Classical Liberal
>German Food
>Ghost in the Shell
>The College Dropout
>Kafka on the shore
>Sherlock BBC
>Libertarian socialism
>Buddhist agnosticism
>Bean stews
> the incredible true story
> social democracy
> atheism
>>favorite movie
Kill bill or alien
evil empire
i read a book over Catherine the great several years ago I enjoyed a lot
>>tv show
>>video game
Ratchet and clank 2
>>political ideology
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>favorite movie
End of Evangelion, WALL-E
The Caretaker - An Empty Bliss Beyond This World
>ep :^)
Lil Ugly Mane - Uneven Compromise
The Catcher In The Rye
>tv show
Welcome to The NHK
>video game
I don't like videogames but super meat boy if I have to choose
>political ideology
Right-wing libetarian
Atheist. I used to be a devout catholic

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>favorite movie
2001, a space odyssey
ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars
hitchhiker's guide to the universe
>tv show
rick and (((morty))). I don't watch a lot of tv, and when I do it's almost exclusively comedies.
>video game
starfox 64 or red alert 2
>political ideology
Socially moderate, economically left.
PBJ, or a vegan Reuben
earl gray tea
>The mummy
> The Stand
>Game of thrones
>Liberal I guess
>favorite movie
Princess Mononoke
American Football LP
The Hobbit
>tv show
Naruto (no memes)
>video game
Beyond Good & Evil
>political ideology
Left leaning I guess but not super political
Ice cream
>A Serious Man


>Blood Meridian

>The Sopranos

>Red Dead Redemption


>need not apply *le tip*

>bread pudding
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>tfw never been able to decide a favorite anything
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>favorite movie
The Division Bell
>tv show
Breaking Bad/ Game of Thrones
>video game
Fallout: New Vegas
>political ideology
>brave new world
Plz be more of a meme.
>favorite movie
Split between Lord of the Rings (rotk) and Gladiator. Probably LOTR 3.
Don't really listen to full albums, I like French funk like Montmartre and Breakbot though
Still have nostalgia for the Skulduggery Pleasant series from childhood. As a standalone, probably "The Giver".
>tv show
Merlin (BBC series)
>video game
Garry's Mod (don't mock me ok it's the most fun and hours I've gotten out of any game)
>political ideology
Conservative (Conservative party in the UK). Ideal party would be UKIP but they are not really electable yet.
Agnostic Theist. Believe a higher power and metaphysics likely exist in some form but am not sure.
Genuinly don't like food. I guess a good burger is my favourite, but honestly I find eating a chore.
>Batman (1989)
>Don't have one. Never cared about music outside of video games
>Der Struwwelpeter. My grandma used to read this to me when I was a kid despite me shouldn't reading about it at that age
>I don't watch TV nowadays, so I would say old The Simpsons.
>Hard to choose, so I would say a Schnitzel.
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>>favorite movie
Stalingrad (1993)
Soundtracks (CAN)
Art of the Deal
>tv show
Don't watch tv
>video game
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron game
>political ideology
Right wing Libertarian/Classical Liberal
Smoked sausages
>favorite movie
Don't watch them.
Roger Miller greatest hits
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>tv show
>video game
Ninja Gaiden (Master System)
>political ideology
Corned beef
Movie: Fifth Element
Book: Chronicles of the Black Company
TV Show: Game of Thrones
Videogame: Changed a ton. Grew up on Halo, but Oblivion and Skyrim have combined realistically taken up thousands of hours of my life.
Political Ideology: Centrist (on the polictical compass test, I am right in the middle except for very minor liberal and libertarian leanings)
Religion: N/A
Food: Steak, mashed potatoes, broccoli
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>favorite movie
Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division
The Grapes of Wrath
>tv show
Always Sunny
>video game
Civ IV
>political ideology
Based Catholicism
Detroit Style Pizza
I am a dumbass. Favorite album is Mr. Gnome Madness in Miniature.
>Blade Runner
>Random Access Memories - Daft Punk
>The Hobbit
>It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
>The Witcher 3
>Slightly Conservative
>I don't know. I believe in a god and afterlife, but nothing specific.
>favorite movie
Ideas above our station, a hundred reasons
Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy
>tv show
>video game
ToeJam and Earl 2, panic on planet funkotron
>political ideology
Left wing
A fucking curry
>keion movie
>keion music history's box
>keion manga
>keion is love
>Forest Gump
>The Bible
>South Park (pre last two seasons)
>Cod, Blackops
>Dungeness Crabs
>favorite movie
brad paisley time well wasted
halo cole protocol
>tv show
>video game
halo 2
>political ideology
>channel orange
>don't read enough
>la noire
>conservative/strong capitalist
>soft serve

>Apocalypse Now
>I don't listen to songs as albums
>Foundation series
>Rick and Morty
>Portal 2
>communist the soviet kind, not the whole "power to the people" bullshit
>pasta of all kinds
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>The Lobster
>What ever is on the radio
>Animal Farm
>Ricka and Morty
Saw serl back in July. Tripped my face off and had to leave early due to existential crisis
Why don't black and white nationalists unite? They pretty much want the same things.
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2MB, 256x192px
Can you pls Gtfo.
>Inglorious Basterds
>News of the world
>The complete stories and poems of Edgar Allan Poe
>Texhnolize / Fargo
>Neither left or right. I just enjoy seeing both sides fail miserably. Inform me if there is a name for that
>Steak Tartare
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>favorite movie
Beasts of no nation
Detron 3030
A clockwork orange
>tv show
Rick & Morty (fucking obviously)
>video game
Unreal tournament 3 or San Andreas
>political ideology
Anarchy (I like the no borders aspect and the total freedom, I know it's shit tier)
I don't know, maybe Rastafari
I like that Chicken noodle soup with the noodles they make in Germany, Shit's cash
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This anon has superior taste desu nee.
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Waiting for my Deus ex machina.

>>favorite movie
Blade runner
>>tv show
Serial experiments lain
>>video game
Yume nikki
>>political ideology
centrist libertarian
simulation theory + nihlism
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>favorite movie
Space Odyssey
The Velvet Underground & Nico
>tv show
>video game
>political ideology
Loosely republican
Apatheism :)
>Relatos Salvajes, an argentine movie
>Heaven and Hell, Black Sabbath
>I don't watch tv
>Shovel Knight
>don't really agree with any specific ideology, but I'd say I'm on the left
>favorite movie
Star Wars, episode IV


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>tv show
It's always sunny in Philadelphia

>video game
Crash Bandicoot 3

>political ideology


Italian herb roasted chicken
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>>favorite movie
Perfect Blue or GitS
Led Zeppelin II
The Black Company
>>tv show
>>video game
Final Fantasy 6
>>political ideology
Don't care
some local barbecue

Only normies worry about their taste though
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>favorite movie
Blade Runner
My Bloody Valentine
>tv show
Twin Peaks
>video game
Gothic 2
>political ideology
Anti-authoritarian centrist
Zen Buddhism
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>No Country for Old Men
>Slint - Spiderland
>On the Beach
>TV is for normies
>Dragons Dogma
>Leninist Socialist (If you aren't a socialist, you aren't an actual robot)
>Indifferent toward religion
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>favourite movie
Too many! Eyes Wide Shut, The Thing, Alien, Blade Runner, The Good The Bad and The Ugly, Pulp Fiction, Zootopia, Fight Club, American Beauty and An American Werewolf in London come to mind.

I also like shitty haf-baked horror series like Wrong Turn and Jeepers Creepers. Those are pretty entertaining.


Lolita, The Trial, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, anything by Asimov

If manga counts, then Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Kissu Yori Mo Hayaku, Princess Jellyfish, Dorohedoro, 3AM Dangerous Zone, anything by Urasawa, anything by Asano that isn't Oyasumi Punpun, Tokyo Ghoul, anything by Junji Ito

>politcal ideology
Whatever seems to be the most fun. Trump has bought me a lot of entertainment so far.


All Western pastries and desserts, donburi, ramen, sushi, instant noodles, coffee, herbal tea and most fruits~
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>especially blogposting where there's no incentive to reply to anyone else

gr8 thred m8
>rick and morty
>""""moderate"""" right

>my bloody valentine
you mean loveless?
>Jurassic Park
>The Basis of Morality
>Medal of Honor: Frontline
>Traditional Roman Catholicism
>Prime Rib
The Hobbit
Red Dwarf (first 7 seasons)
The Cresent Hawks Revenge
Centrist (with a foot in liberal)
buttered toasted bacon sandwich (makes you fat quickly)
The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Boa - Twilight
>TV show
Don't have one. I'd pick Orange is the new Black or Madoka.
>video game
Beyond Good and Evil.
>political ideology
go 'za
beh, after thinking a moment
I could easily swap
bbq and cheap cold beer on a hot night.
>video game:
Jagged Alliance 2
none. don't really watch movies enough to have a favorite
she - chiptune memories
the false prince
>TV show
>Video game
>political ideology
sushi (any type)
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>favorite movie
Pig Destroyer - Phantom Limb
Brave New World
>tv show
Dragon Ball Z
>video game
Super Smash Bros Melee
>political ideology
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I will always like Kill Bill, Vol. 1 and 2, I really liked the snoopy movies when I was a kid, specifically the "Come Home Snoopy" movie. I can't really think of any more that stand out insanely much. I liked and saw Split recently.
Agents of Fortune
Era Vulgaris, Songs for the Deaf, Like Clockwork
The White Album, Revolver, Sgt. Peppers, Help! and Rubber Soul are nice too.
Cage The Elephant, Thank You Happy Birthday, Tell Me I'm Pretty.
The Silversun Pickups Singles are real nice.
I just finished Insomnia, and I'm reading Alas Babylon currently. I really need to re-read the LOTR, and start The Dark Tower series because the references and hints are eating me alive.
>TV Show
I am very autistic about two different animes in particular and are Death Note and Berserk. I'm watching Monster and starting Jojo. I'm only on part 3.
>Video Games
I, uh, like Borderlands. A lot. First game is still my favorite, no matter how extensive and better BL2 is. Space game is, well, space game.
The Binding of Isaac is five hundo and counting. Then there are the sorta kinda obscure RPG Maker games. Like Middens.
>Political Ideology
I really don't have a proper response for it. I've been red pilled and I understand the problematic situation everything is, it's just that getting a grasp to one side and staying on it just isn't something I'm inclined to do at this point, and really shouldn't.
My "family" is basically Baptist, but no matter how much I try and hear the whole religion out, it just doesn't click. None of it seems fulfilling, and if I said I had faith, it wouldn't be fulfilled, or proper. I just don't know how to have faith, but I'd like to think there's something there.
Fried Chicken. Chicken Hibachi with Fried rice. I like breakfast, too. Egg, Sausage, and some fried potatoes makes my day- oj on the side.
>movie : About Schmidt
>A band : scorpions
>book: Meditations of marcus aurelius
>game: All half life and portal games
>politics: Libertatian
>religion: Agnostic
>food : everyrthing with meat or vegetables

Rate and h8 !
>>favorite movie
Not a movies guy, maybe taken?
Close the edge, alta suciedad, horizons
hard to say, but i love most of what posteguillo, Murakami and katzenbach writes.
1Q84 is the comfyest book in history.
Also loved Hannibal.

>>tv show
Game of thrones, Vikings, Suits , White collar, House while it wasn't so extremely drama filled

>>video game
Dishonored, Dark souls 3
>>political ideology
Haven't found anything that convinces me yet, reject both extremes tho, but i dislike the social left more as i find them bigger hypocrites
Agnostic, not spiritual, but not an "fuck im so enlightened by my own intelligence" guy
Pastas, specially Lasagna
Holy shit, relatos salvajes is actually amazing. Thanks for reminding me of it.
The Great Escape
American Idiot
>tv show
True Detective
>video game
Halo CE
>political ideology
The one holy and apostolic Catholic Church
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>favorite movie
Overkill by Motorhead
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>tv show
>video game
Dark Souls
>political ideology
Pretty left wing, still statist though
Atheist, but I like a lot of Christian philosophy
Peanut butter

My nigga
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1MB, 2200x3111px
>favorite movie
Behemoth - Demigod
Narcissus and Goldmund
>tv show
>video game
Rhythm Heaven Fever
>political ideology
Pic related
Ogdoad cult of Khmunu
NY strip, rare

>favorite movie
Probably The Thing
No such thing but Melissa Auf der Maur's titular album comes to mind.
I don't know about favourite but my latest guilty pleasure was reading all 14 books of Sookie Stackhouse, the basis for True Blood.
>tv show
No favourite either but currently into Marco Polo and The last man on earth. Master of none is top tier though.
>video game
Skies of Arcadia
>political ideology
Left wing, but no party comes close to my world view so I vote blanco.
They're all pretty cool, but the Abrahamic, Indian and Northern religions have some crazy nice destruction endings.
Calzone Doner
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>Favorite movie
2001: A Space Odyssey

The Velvet Underground & Nico

Berserk if manga counts, Great Gatsby if not

>TV show
True Detective Season 1

>Video game
Devil May Cry 3

>Political ideology
I don't care

I don't care

Medium steak
>favorite movie
Withnail & I
John Otway & Wild Willy Barrett
Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
>tv show
The Twilight Zone
>video game
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
>political ideology
Democratic Socialist
Bangers and mash
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treffpunkt feiner geister.png
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movie: Road to Perdition with Tom Hanks
album: To Pimp a Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar
book: Pirate Cinema by Cory Doctorow
tv show: I don't watch any, most of them are constructed to keep you watching to keep the money flowing
video game: Stronghold Crusader was nice
political ideology: moderate right or left wing, depending on issues, but rather right mostly.
religion: Agonistic
food: really good steak with a few good side dishes like steamed broccoli, grilled potatoes with onions I am not really into wine, but after being finished eating I will get an expensive Islay Single Malt Whisky without Ice.

>pic related, german whisky review guy
Thread posts: 185
Thread images: 59

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