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This bitch that goes to my university is the reason I'm

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Thread replies: 426
Thread images: 62

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This bitch that goes to my university is the reason I'm afraid to talk to women
she sounds based
if you want a raid just be more creative about it
does she lurk this board and use us as jokes?
10 bucks say she's OP
>XD I blacked the names out but not really
Is she quoting OP?

Lol what a bitch
thanks adonai for making me gay holy shit
she sounds like ur average bitch-tier whore who acts edgy to hide the fact she has skated by on her slightly above average looks and hasn't had to develop a real personality

give 10k and she'd probably let an arab sheik shit in her mouth. women like her have no sense of honor or dignity.
some brave robot needs to teach this Stacy a lesson
To be fair, I might do the same for 10 grand

10K minus the cost of some listerine is pretty good
You're afraid of being mildly roasted by this?
No one ever told her how to talk to boys and she picked this up from tumblr.
She'll be okay, cats don't understand English.
Current life plan is to become quite wealthy and fit (quite possible for me) and then start banging these types of girls right as they hit the wall. Lead them on with betaness for a few month then dump them when they feel like they are entitled to my money.
>zero likes or retweets
Cool story OP
She doesn't strike me as someone who'd ever go on 4chan, based on the few conversations I've had with her
>tfw you're that guy on yik yak


i certainly don't blame you, but as for myself, i'd like to at least pretend i have some semblance of diginity
I'm going to fucking murder her, prop her on a meathook and spin her around as I slash her throat with a box cutter and spit on her chest. Ungrateful nigger, I own her every breath yet she is non the wiser.
>no favs or rts
its literally some bitch that absolutely nobody cares about. why robots use people who are as bad at twitter as we are at life as proof of normies being a certain way?
You don't talk to women anon
You get rich and they come to you
why the fuck do normalfags always censor the fucking name
>not being able to read the name
Betting deliberately poorly censored
I mean I can see the name but why would they even censor it in the first place
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Ask her to hang and then shoot her when she gets comfortable around you.
Nice try, OP.

Not your personal army.
i would hazard a guess that someone like OP doesn't want a fella from here looking up the subject of the image and saying "hey just so you know there's some autistic guy on this site whining about you specifically" or something
Someone should message this girl that some creep has been posting her twitter account on 4chan. I'm willing to bet this girl knows who OP is in real life and would instantly recognize who he is. @_aephrodite
>virgin robot OP is made even this whore wont even fuck his pathetic ass

really makes you think
making an account now

Good try though
>W E W
>E W E
>W E W
>E W E
>W E W
post results

op gigs up motherfucker, delete the fucking thread the robots are turning on you
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do note that this is a fake account and i am not black neither am i a woman
I hope she's in a timezone where she might be awake.

Here's the thing, OP.

The second post is a pretty good burn and it rings pretty true, even if she does not seem like the kind of girl who gets approached as much as she complains about getting approached.

But from the perspective of the guy asking her to watch Pulp Fiction, is a genuinely tender and affectionate gesture, he thinks she is something with certain girlish qualities that he was told about in movies and he is feeling affection for that something.

From her perspective, as we know, its creepy.

But the question is WHY, and the ANSWER to that seems to be that what she PREFERS and therefore does NOT find creepy is an ALTERNATIVE mode of behaviour in her potential partners where they act 'normal' ie aloof, and prioritise the adcancement of physical intimacy over the expression of any initial affection so that the female in question can:

>Avoid being spooked like a horse by a certain idiosyncratic set of danger red flags she has about men.

>Become interested/aroused by a SEPARATE set of danger red flags, because that is part of how she reconciles herself to her environment as a female, by eroticising danger.

>Monitor her expectation of connection/affection from this person in terms of a series of real life events - ie texting, dating, kissing etc. Note that she does not want MORE affection than she would have expected up front - she does not want to be loved for special qualities etc - she only wants the affection which seems proportionate to her current level of interaction with you.

>She also wants to monitor uptick of investment/value in her relationship with you according to the feedback from her social group - that means anything from her circle of friends to society - there has to be the understanding on her part that this is in some way constructive towards her social status.

So the guy's affection/attraction is genuine and not creepy, but the girl prefers 'normal' attraction because it secures for her the greentexted elements above.
she posted an hour ago so shees probably awake

haha your here!!

very good. make sure if you know who posted this you fucking get him haha
i really don't give a shit about whatever this girl is talking about but i do want her to come here and drop the full dox on OP
Nice dubs girl.
Also pls post a pic to prove you're her. I mean, you could be any Anon right now.

Nothing lewd, just like your face and a timestamp.
asked her if she knows op irl
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Holy shit this just became one of the better threads this month
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I'm going to dox her, enjoy your special package, my dear.
This isn't something you can sue over, lol.
its because we are all working together to fuck a guy over and its fun
you are stupid
itsa joke

lmao the best part is this is the vibe she's putting out. she puts out this vibe where truly beta faggots think they have a chance with her. she must be really fkn ugly and/or a cookie-cutter cunt

LMAO just LMAO. "wahhhh all these weird guys keep talking to me, why won't Chad?" well bitch it's probably because you're also a fucking weirdo
Honestly I hate this kind of passive-aggressive junk. It's just gross man. The worst part is the weird signalling. "This guy's a loser because he likes Pulp Fiction and the Arctic Monkeys." Yeesh, dude. Take it easy.
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Fuckin' A Right it's fun.
I know who this is, and I know what college you go to. Kek you dumb Nigger
I'm going to shave her head and stab her in the ribs with a shattered arctic monkeys vinyl. Teehee! Jizzes to animoo.
>unwarranted hate of pulp fiction
She browses /tv/
When the fuck did it become creepy to listen to fucking Arctic Monkeys? That shit was the normie hotness for a long-ass time.

>tfw Fluorescent Adolescent is still chill af
I knew a girl who used the term fuckboi on her twitter. I hate people.
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Can I lick your bangs-
>blond hair
Ewwwwww. Good day m'lady.
inform us
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Posting in a possible great bread
Wait this isn't the guy who made the guitar hero tournament is it
she said shes making her account private

heres exactly what she said:

I don't really talk to a lot of guys at my school, most of my friends are girls and no guys I do know follow me on here so I don't know who it could be

that's kinda gross tho

i think I'm just gonna put my account on private so no more weird guys reply to my stuff, I'm not tryna get raped by autist

still lets find op
Ok this one is still somewhat believable
But this one? Shame on you anon
This is convincing b8, very rare, primed for discussion. I like it.
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what do you have against anime porn?
>account's posts are now protected

Come back babe I just wanted to share my appreciation of Quentin T. and blunt bangs with you :^D

Why u gotta be like this?
Nah neither of them were her
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ill give you proof mate
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She's a wannabe stacey, she'd never understand
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maybe she'll fuck you if you find and shame that beta freak
Ayy thanks for her identity
Everyone here is takin the b8, even the cuck who made the thread about her
He's pretending to be a fat black woman though
Tell her to start hrt to get a masculine vagina.
you could of found it if you looked deeper into the thread


she said shes not gonna give his info but she did say this:
"my boyfriend thinks it's this guy who tried 2 start a guitar hero tournament, so ill probably ask him when i see him at school, i wouldn't wanna post his info tho if he's just a retard people shouldnt harass him"
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This has been the most interesting thread this year so far
I know right?

Oh, I'm going to ruin this bitch's life. Thanks for her name. Cardigan? Yeah.
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@ Aphrodite
Anyone got the crown text? After carigan

Op did a shit job crnsoring
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What a nice girl, looking after those autistic retards who can't fend for themselves. Chad would be so proud.
>people shouldnt harass him

absolutely wrong

anybody who leaves their identity up for discovery on fucking 4chan deserves to have their life ruined

i learned how to be a ghost on the internet precisely by watching other people fuck up and get destroyed by this website
oh no i might of brought /b/ into here

i used to be a /b/tard until it just became the board for normalfags to trade porn
Cute bitch. Probably a whore
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We need this to happen, boys. Saddle up and deliver!
Kek wills it! Check these dubs.
non no no fuck op's trying to derail the thread
How goes life at Stockton University, OP?
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NOOOOW were getting somewhere...
next clue!!
>some girl on twitter becomes mildly annoyed that a sperg posted her on /r9k/

You have low standards.
Kek I was waiting for someone to call out stockton.
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I can't live without wine XD

lol ur boyfriend has real hairy legs
fuck the /b/ boys have arrived

prepare for everything to be ruined

we could of found this guy out and ruin him

but no the underages have to ruin this
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>>34180763 here
This rabbit hole is deep

>mfw I am looking at this girl's deviantart

I really don't want to post her full name here because I'd prefer if we could focus on OP, but she's got quite a lengthy history with the internet.

Nothing incriminating or anything, just 13 year old girl shit really.
It's early.
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It's attention from a woman. /r9k/'s roastie-hating ways evaporate when given female attention.

>Thanks for telling me somebody posted my passive-aggressive tweets on your anime board, anon-kun.
>M-maybe we can get together and listen to the Arctic Monkeys in bed while you compliment my bangs?
this is just starting to get good.. i need to go get some popcorn
im probably honestly the only person actually talking to her in dm's

and im not trying to get with her

i actually want to find this guy out and fuck with him bc im bored

Cmon man don't be a fucking fag and DM her this image,we all want it to happen. You are / ourguy/.
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Yep. They are here. The war /b/oyz.
stockton university is in new jersey
It's really not.

The only real major revelation here is that the girl herself used to be a pretty big weeb, but seems to have grown out of it.
You could have probably guessed this anyway because normie women don't usually make jokes about "anime porn."
dude this isn't /b/
dont you think I should be trying to improve relations so that I can get his name

trying to get a meaningless reaction will yield nothing. she is in this thread and already knows
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>yfw OP's diabolical plan was to comfort her after she was harassed by the hacker known as 4chan
please delete this right now, thanks

I won't say anything.
Dude go fuck yourself, ratting out a fellow robot for your amusement. Fucking low test numale wants street justice for the pink headed gash. Fuck you faggot.
>I won't say anything.

You just did. I know bitches love attention but come on lol.
Why though

I'm actually being pretty forgiving by not dropping her dox all over the place (because IMO she's done nothing to deserve it, unlike OP).
Op didn't do shit, get the fuck off of this website oh my god.
like I said before

im not trying to be friendly or trying to get her

I just want the guys name so that I can fuck wiht him because im bored and clearly its making other robots interested in fucking with this guy

im uniting robots together to have some fun
Op here guys, look I know I fucked up bad I just like her. Yes, I'm saying it now, I like you. I know you are reading this. I like your bangs, I like the music you like, I don't care of that makes me a creepy fuckboy or whatever. Honestly, forgive me? I would love to take you out some day. Do you forgive me? I'm sorry. I can't change what I've done. I'm just a fucking screwup.
if this is real msg me on fb and don't fucking post about me on the internet
>everyone ITT pretending to be OP or the girl
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Roasting in an epic bread!

I can't even tell who's rusing who anymore. I feel like it's two anons trolling eachother at this point.
lol OP posted this girl's (not terribly funny) joke tweets, called her a bitch, and tried to start a woman-hate thread using her posts.

You don't have to have used this website for very long to see what OP wanted to happen here: he wanted a bunch of angry virgin autists circlejerking one another while calling this girl a roastie slut who needs to be gassed.

I wonder if the guitar hero thing OP tried to set up was the one hosted in the Stockton University Campus Center (the facebook page of which contains a video of the incredibly autistic happening)
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I'm in stitches, my autism has manifested.
Fine. I'm sorry, but just know that acted out of genuine respect and admiration. I didn't mean to fuck up like this and I hope you can forgive me in time.
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>shitposts on /r9k/ about stacey
>causes shitstorm
>"i'm srry, ily"
legit m8. that's some way of expressing your love
Also want to point out: Carigan has a boyfriend

She will not be going out with you dude

There is a delete button for this thread if OP is actually reading. It's baffling that you haven't used it.
Hey stop pretending to be me, fuckoff man.
>contains a video of the incredibly autistic happening
You can't just say something like this and not link us.
Stop trying to undermine my apology, I've done enough damage today.
Dude, she's a roasty whore. Punish her for being a bitch.
what you did isn't ok, and i'm still waiting for your fb msg.

me and jared are having problems atm. not really my bf anymore
And for great justice. Don't forget great justice.
real girl here, if you really want to apologize just message me. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad in any way.
shut the fuck up you cuck, boyfriend isn't named jared.
Cardigan will fall for this BBC baka playa.
Reply to this if you've been pretending to be the OP guy.
Fucking newfags. How long have you been here?
dont message her bro she doesnt know who you are
And reply to this if you've been pretending to be the girl.

Just so that we know now.
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>White knights a girl instead of humiliating her.

You're the only newfag here, bud.
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This thread isn't really that epic. That thread with Royce was at least good cause script kiddies came in and threw out dubs, trips, and quads like they were candy. This one is subpar and obviously not true, even to faggots like me who can suspend their disbelief on crazy /x/ shit for the sake of a good thread.
> what he doesn't realize is that I'm the anon who hijacked the ringleader position of this thread and is b8ting everyone with fake posts.
What did you think would happen when /b/ stopped in.
Rolling in an epic thread.
It's a facebook link so it's a tough one to put on here

>facebook dot com slash stocktoncampuscenter/videos/1042104099184651/

They aren't playing guitar hero in the video but read the description

On the off chance that Carigan is actually reading the thread, I strongly recommend cleansing the Internet of your old accounts. That includes circa-2009 twitter (yes, and the weird anime one), your deviantart, your vimeo, and anything else I'm forgetting. You privated instagram, which is good, but you left your snapchat name visible in your public bio. Facebook is mostly private but you should dial up the settings since you're in college, just a good rule of thumb.

You have such a unique name that you should strive to make yourself a little more invisible to simple googling.
Dont ignore the quads
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tfw the girl hasn't posted in the thread once
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Mmm delishioso tockeetowh!
shes lurking here

>take big stinky shit (or three) into bucket
>add water
>throw bucket of shit on her car
Damn, that is some pretty powerful concentrated autism.
nah i'm just relaying most of the shit here to her.
>I'm afraid to talk to women because they're petty and rude.
>/r9k/ proceeds to act petty and tries to dox OP
What's going on with this place?
Not Carigan but this thread has got me thinking... how would i go about "cleansing the internet of old accounts"
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I'm going to ruin her life for my maximum sexual pleasure. I think I got some prejac on my backpack, too bad it wasn't a girls asscrack or some backflab with the brastrap digging into that sad grab.
brody are you trying to be me
She's not being white knighted faggot. Nobody cares about her. This is punishment for OP. He posted uncensored person info. How else will he learn. Newfag.

Nice try OP, nobody outside of this site uses autist as an insult.
Hi OP or 13 yo down kid :)
Where have you been for the past few years?
Stupid white knight. Never help the bitches! Dox and black mail them.
nah i just know her irl
Oh my god, is that her? She is a real number op!
your a fool

Welp, you go to your old accounts. Then you delete them. How else would you do it?
yeah, she started using the word because of me
>On the off chance that Carigan is actually reading the thread, I strongly recommend cleansing the Internet of your old accounts. That includes circa-2009 twitter (yes, and the weird anime one), your deviantart, your vimeo, and anything else I'm forgetting. You privated instagram, which is good, but you left your snapchat name visible in your public bio. Facebook is mostly private but you should dial up the settings since you're in college, just a good rule of thumb.
>You have such a unique name that you should strive to make yourself a little more invisible to simple googling.

wow thanks dude for being such a chivalrous BRO and helping out in this 'tough' time. i don't know what i would do without you honestly. ciao
kek how do i log in to accounts that haven't been used in years??
He posted her uncensored personal info as well. Why choose the sperglord over the roastie whore?
OP is a fag for trying to use /r9k/ as a personal army, but a twitter username is hardly personal information.
maybe he's worried about forgetting the account info? In that case you would go to support and have them delete the account.
>this entire fucking reddit thread

jesus christ everyone ITT should hang
Do you not have your old password, or e-mails, or whatever security questions you may have put on them?
please, you may as well be jerking it to granny porn at that point
Just letting you guys know, that any post in this thread claiming to be the girl isn't real. I'm talking to her right now and she hasn't posted in the thread once.
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>Even the roastie you're pathetic ass is defending thinks your a faggot for posting this.

White knights are such pathetic creatures.

>he posted uncensored person info

Fucking boohoo, kys moralcunt.
Hey man, at least I'm using my autism for good and not evil.
Also: coach.me, dailymotion, pinterest, storenvy, g+

Some of the stuff is unavoidable like a great-grandfather's obituary.

It's just all-around better to limit your detectable online presence as much as possible. If someone like me can do it, potential employers (etc.) will have an even easier time.

I want to reiterate that there's nothing mean, upsetting, bad, etc. on any of these accounts--the worst is just some mildly amusing anime stuff on deviantart.

I think Carigan is a pretty swell fellow, having gone thought what I've gone through. Cute too.

Moving forward with anything on OP is probably a non-starter at this point because the signal-to-noise ratio in this thread is way off and we have very little to go on with regard to OP's actual identity.

I encourage all involved parties to consider this a cautionary experience.
Hello, I'm Carigan. Please stop. I don't know you people I don't go on this website ever, I use funnyjunk. Please don't hurt me or my family, don't dox me. I just want my privacy back. I don't need this, I have school in the morning. What did I do to deserve harassment?
>I'm talking to her right now

So prove it.

Trying way too hard
Tbh you're making good use of your autism Anon. This a pretty good assessment of the situation.

Watch and learn, robots.

Everybody on /r9k/ should hang at this point. Nothing but braindead newfag normies here nowadays, who think that acting retarded equals humour.
don't worry i'm gonna hang by tonight
You want me to send you the text messages I have with her? I know her, I go to the same uni as her, and the cuck who made the thread
Because if you don't teach the sperglord a lesson he remains a problem. And since he's a part of this "community" he will remain our problem. Opies target and intent is irrelevant.

Why does anyone even give a fuck about dubs, trips, and quads? They're just random numbers.
I wouldn't argue, but it is "enough" information to get to OP. That's what matters. He is a chink in the armor (as cringy as that sounds).
To add, op is probably some faggot who was ostracized from our group of friends.
Honestly this. True oldfags would never touch such a shit tier thread. I hate what my board has become. Fuck 2016.
Not about morality. It's about common fucking sense. Either do the job right or suffer the consequences.
Fucking NEWFAGS, kill yourself.
*teleports behind you*

*unsheathes katana*

*slashes you into a thousand ribbons*

heh, nothin personnell kid
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>Let's shame someone on a board made for autists and social outcasts for being a social outcast because I'm embarrassed that he posts here.

Temporarily embarrassed normie syndrome, much?
ok guys stop arguing

we need more info on op

heres what we have so far:

twitter of ops crush: https://twitter.com/_aephrodite

college she goes to:
stockton university

location of college: new jersey

other info about the college: op may of tried to hold a guitar hero 2 tourney at the college
hahaha NEWFAGS RIGHT?? xD I am such an old dude. 4chan isn't full of sexually frustrated teenagers, r-right?
Oh no he used caps, I must indeed be the newfag. Lick my butthole, newfag.
>>34181382 get better at fakeposting
If there were something actionable or interesting about this girl I would be sharing it all with this board.

Just being a girl isn't worthy of the 4chan treatment. Being:
>bad at censoring images
>a huge whiny faggot
>humorously incapable of deleting a thread that has turned against you
makes me inclined to try to suss out OP's info instead. Like I said, it's pretty much not doable with what we know so far. But while we've arguably got this girl's attention I think it's worth throwing out that there are really simple steps she can take to ghost herself on the internet (which EVERYONE should do, by the way)

I like online cruelty as much as anyone but I want it to be targeted correctly.

This should be readily apparent. Whoever linked this thread to /b/ is the largest faggot of them all.
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How is cringeanarchy, reddit?
Do people talk like this outside r9k? She's clearly a femanon.

If you are reading this B MY GF NOW
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you fuckers took the b8. we need to get back on track boys
>let's shame someone who can't take two seconds to properly hide identity
You wanna get personal armied, have at it slim. But this nigga fucked up and has to learn.

like I said

op and /b/ boys are ruining this thread for what it was becoming
If you honestly want to find the guy just send me the name of your fake twitter and ill pm you
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
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people still use fucking yik yak after they turned it into reddit 2.0?
hi normie. how's your life going? Good, right? Great. Please go whenever you're ready. Nobody's interested in "punishing" some random robot here and by bumping the thread you're not actually doing anything to him.
I don't have a twitter, fake or real. I'm not that guy.

I'm pretty much ready to close the book on this whole thing to be honest. Hopefully OP treats this as a learning experience and promptly delivers himself to Mike Pence's Electroshock Funhouse to cure himself of his affliction.
>le true oldfags
you should hang too
A bunch of dox-happy /b/tards taking over a boring thread.
What a cascade of cunts.
The thread is in two major camps:
Go after her for being a girl with jokes
Go after him for improper insulation and possible personal army request.
What's the issue? Lads that act like that should be called out for their behavior
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>OP makes fake twitter post with 0 retweets or favs
>"accidently" doesn't completely black out name
>someone posts the twitter in thread
>sends screenshot of OP to twitter
>someone (OP) pretends to be the girl in question and starts shitposting
>12 year olds from /b/ believe it
This. Who's the guy trying to make fun of a social outcast, loser, and probably autist who admits to liking "anime porn"? Get off the board and go back to wherever normals hang out. This is the textbook definition of being an obnoxious Chad.
>muh special autist club you shouldn't shame me for being an obnoxious faglord because I am an outcast just like you
ahh i see, I just wanted to send you some shit, because I'm pretty sure I know who it is, but not 100% positive.
>OP makes fake twitter post with 0 retweets or favs

I'm the anon (seemingly the only one) who's done the background research here.

@_aephrodite is a legitimate twitter account and has been used consistently to talk to people who also attend Stockton University.

The girl's facebook also contains posts from these same people.

The 0 RTs/favorites is probably due to the fact that OP screenshotted this shortly after she posted it.

I am 99% sure the girl is legitimate, as is her twitter account.
>nobody cares about punishing a random robot
I would disagree. I think the anon who's trying to dox him cares. And a handful of other anons
I would counter with
>nobody cares about punishing a random girl
But you're post Jessi Slaughter so this is still new to you.
Don't forget
>some other guy who supposedly knows the girl IRL joins in
the rest (like the girl posting Itt) is still a ruse
she's legit, as I said before, I know her personally
she is im talking to her rn but shes fucking with me on the name of the guitar hero kid (guy who I think is stalking her)


she claims that most of her guy friends have autism and that the guitar hero boy with autism is her friend

we need more info on her to get her to submit ops possible name
Wtfever newfag. Stay mad.
You guys don't understand just how much I have you all around my finger. Is this how the Jews feel?
great post normie, hope you're having fun trying to dox some random anon. Please leave soon.
Why hasn't this thread been deleted yet? Doxing is against the rules.
Just got the name of OP from a group chat I have with people at Stockton. It's going to be handled by the university.
Nigga I'm not the anon trying to dox the OP. I'm just glad it's happening. Weed out the weak. Feel free to fuck off.
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I miss when this board wasn't populated by smug tumblrcunts
Yeah, my only interest in "punishing" OP comes from the points described here: >>34181628

This is accurate. I assume everything that has happened in this thread (except the anon who talked to her on Twitter DMs) and my own posts are entirely made up. Like I said, whoever let /b/ in on this is a huge faggot.

>we need more info on her to get her to submit ops possible name

Why? How would revealing more mundane shit about this girl get her to give up the dude's name?
I should think I've made it pretty clear I already drudged through her personal life on the Internet.
None of this means anything if you don't post screenshots.
No dox has occurred yet. Plus /r9k/ Mods are slow on the uptick.
blackmailing is a thing

shes stated that shes scared that things are being found out on her and she doesnt want more to go out
>Doxing is against the rules.
Who has been doxed?
I have been very careful to avoid giving the girl's full name.
People have already admitted to doxing the OP and the girl.
did you really try to send her an ip logger you dumb nigger, who the fuck falls for that?
Wtfever my dude kekzozzle
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got you

oil field
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Anyone that is offended by those tweets is someone who would be willing to post about cuddles or say a cringe worthy compliment like that eyes one. Otherwise you would be indifferent to those tweets and not take them personally. So if those tweets do bother you then you're a faggot

i see your talking to her

who said I was smart
Exactly, I'm positive that I know op, and he's a massive autistic faggot. I've spoken to op multiple times at the smoking gazebos at Stockton.
People admit to alot of things anonymously on the internet. You need proof.
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Now this is some good old fashioned 4chan I used to know. Keep the thread going /b/oys!
I see no good reason to blackmail her into anything. I said before that I like online cruelty as much as anyone but I think it should be targeted correctly.

There is also legitimately nothing that's readily accessible that would really be "blackmail." Going through a preteen anime phase isn't incriminating, it's understandable and only marginally funny.
But, it really isn't. This thread is boring and mediocre.
I haven't cringed this bad since last time I looked in the mirror
blackmail her using what you dumb cuck, there's nothing to blackmail her with.
when I post the threadcap what title should I use on r/4chan?
Thanks. Like >>34181940 said, you're the only guy actually delivering content.
>do you have any guys in your class that might be a degenerative retard
>Every guy I know has autism
Good stuff. Is she a CS major or something?
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Learn your delayed gratification m2
Not an argument.
include me in the cap
I get the point of blackmail but that's sort of like bulldozing a house because you want to get in the front door. No need for additional collateral damage.

The larger, more practical point is that her Internet identity is extensive but nothing in there will serve as "blackmail." This idea will not get you any closer to OP.

Also, genuinely curious: is doxing prohibited on 4chan now? I'm really just here because it's been a long time since I've tried to do the internet sleuthing thing and wanted to see how quick I could find someone's shit on the Internet. It definitely wasn't banned back in 2006/2007. Am I getting memed or is this something new?
>we aren't going to do anything bad to him
You can't delete threads after a time limit, my dude. He's not being any more whiny than the average robot. You're just being a /b/-tard.

wtf i love reddit now
You got it origami.
There's nothing to look for you dumb fucker. I keep saying that I know her. The only other person with any sort of contact to her tried to send her a fucking ip logger like an idiot. You aren't going to get anywhere.
she lives in galloway new jersey, thats where her college is

somebody should go on instagram and go through tags that are posted with geotags fromn there
are you on our side or hers

I've been banned a couple times in the last year or so for doxing. It's a 30day ban.
I'm not on any side. I just think this thread is fucking hilarious, because everyone posting in it is a moron.
>I am so enlightened and above it all
You're not going to find anything. The most incriminating thing linked to her name is a shitty Sailor Moon drawing from several years ago.
If he knows her in real-life why would he pass up on the opportunity for real-life white knighting? He's totally gonna defend her against a guy who said he's afraid to talk to women.
I'm just being honest. I'm not above anything. Do you want me to give out my friends personal information? Are you that fucking retarded?
There's no "her or us". It's her or OP. And fuck the OP.
we know you arent posting here

she already told me shes lurking

your trying to impersonate her
>fucking retarded
No need to pretend like we're in some edgy cartoon for teens who think foul language is funny m8. Never said anything about giving out information either.
Oh hey, you're right, there it is. Global rule 4. Guess they tacked that onto the no-invasion rule at some point, though I would guess that actual enforcement of that is a more recent phenomenon.

Like I said, though, I've been pretty careful to avoid posting this girl's shit. The fact that everyone else is either similarly withholding the dox or is too incompetent to do simple googling is, I guess, a good thing.

I continue to believe that OP's identity is effectively undiscoverable at this point and really anything that happens in this thread is probably a ruse
Is she hot, if not I don't care
i hope you and cardigan live happily ever after faaaaaag... just remember that you still browse this board, don't forget where you came from
>I am so enlightened and above cursing
i came from poopooville and i will bring you ther wit me:)
>im a faggot holding information back
>im also trying to distract everybody in this thread
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That was pretty funny I'll admit.
No worries. You're safe. No info was posted plus as I said mod enforcement seems light on /r9k/. Most all of my 4chan bans have been due to /b/ activities.
>Every guy I know has autism that's why i don't have guy friends.

And you idiots want to dox op instead of this roastie cunt? She looks/behaves like a giant bitch.
hey now buddy, i was about to go to bed and babam kachow, she messaged me and said o man someone posted about me on 4chan. so i zip zammed up there and checked it out. i didnt just stumble upon this hip happenin internet post
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Hi there op, whatcha doing?
guitar hero 2
If you can't find his identity, then stop white-knighting and go after the dumb whore.
I ain't even OP.

4chan never sides with the girl, they always dox and humiliate dumb cunts. You newfags are embarrassing yourselves.
Sorry you got caught up in this shit. Are you her boyfriend or one of her gay friends?
And you're acting like a giant raging faggot, which doesn't help your case.
somebody go get this app and go and see if any worth while info is on this shit https://houseparty.app.link/S03w09kPbz
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I don't side with anyone. I am enlightened and above it all.
woah now friend! i aintcaught up in anything. I'm just a friend of hers checkin out this post!
Why cant robots handle the bantz?
whoa there faker we arent gonna believe you unless you post face with a timestamp
Go after her for what? She didn't try to make a shitty thread on /r9k/. She's just some normie and there are a lot of normies in the world.
I'm not, I'm pointing out that faggots like you are white knighting instead of making her put shoe on head.
so weird when you see people you know on r9k, hey fellow Stocktons
what would that prove? Any random guy could post a timestamp
Because autists lack a sense of humor. Their whole life they're deprived of teh lulz.
her friend has a specific look
Oh shit, you go to stockton? are you a freshman
describe said look to me, i'm curious to know if you're thinking of the same person
the bitches vine

Do you know the shoe on head shit started as proof that someone was "live" right? We know she's live, what we don't know is why OP is a faggot. That, my friend, is what we're trying to figure out.
I go to stockton
BJ's for dox!
Don't hit on me silly boys xD
one has curly hair

one has a shaved head
I'm a sophomore, but I kinda know carigan and her boyfriend she's not super loud like a lot of the girls in the gazebos but she seemed funny enough she's probably laughing about all this right now
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I have extreme paranoia. I can't stop thinking that this isn't just some scheme concocted by either one of the other boards or if this gal and op are collaborating with one another to fuck with us.
No, it was used as a way to humiliate raid targets.
aw shit thats crazy, i'm actually heading over to stockton tomorrow actually
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her boyfriend

So how many of us actually know Carigan? Weird.
yeah, you're op right? I'm almost positive I know who you are.
no im the retard whos trying to find op
Well, she did say all of her male friends were autistic.
He looks like a young Andy Kaufman.
Jesus christ that boy is shooting way above his weightclass. Respect, desu.
then how did you know of the curly hair shaved head thing?
are you fucking serious

is 4chan becoming normie central/reddit tier now?

Fuck you guys
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other boyfriend

idk which is current
Paranoid guy again, are we sure this isn't some attempt at trying to make more orbiters for this gal and such. I mean shit, this stinks higher than fish piss the more I look at it.
Fuck off normie. You're on the wrong website.
>that caption

That's probably one of her gay friends.
I think that's just a gay friend. He looks to gay to be straight, and her post seems sardonic.
>totally 100% straight
Sounds like an inside joke to that effect.
How are you going through her shit? Says its private for me.
thats understandable

op is definitely not gay and definitely likes this girl

one friend down
Ya this stacey has bitch gotta go.
>newfags newfagging
He knows her. Read the thread.
I followed her before she became private
hey, what's that supposed to mean
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>being this far behind
lel all women are bitches amirite xDDD
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Auugh the more pics there are, the more I feel as if this shit is manufactured to create and attract more orbiters for this broad.
Well he looks kinda pudgy and short and he's got the jewfro and the babyface going on, but he's still fucking a cutie.
Ya goofed.
>tfw this girl is going to get doxed because she was nice to an autist

She should've known better.
Maybe he's got a big dick
She is getting doxxed because she was a bitch to autists.
Not quite, anon. Have you noticed how many people already know her ITT? She's a natural autism magnet.
OP you fucked up so bad man holy shit. This girl is gorgeous and would be easy pickings all you had to do was talk to her. Now look what's happened.
Exactly, she was made to draw in autistic robots and severely disappoint them. They see her bangs and qt face, and when she turns them down they string up the rope.
Now I can't verify that can I, for all I know these people could just be playing along for the keks. This could be just one big joke I'm not getting.
Hey just want to let you guys know I'm sorry. I like her and was hoping to help her after she found out. It was stupid can you stop trying to find out my name please?
no no this is legit

we are trying to find op and this girl out
>tfw I feel bad for the OP because I identify with him
>and was hoping to help her after she found out

There's no reason to believe you're OP, but it would be hilarious if >>34180938 was right.
you aint op nigga, if you are post a timestamp
you're the dumbest robot in the multiverse
get off my board you pieces of shit
this place DOES NOT welcome roasties YOU fUCKING NEWFAG TEENS
her boyfriend (or friend I saw two posts) with the curly hair looks like someone from this board got hot after puberty then somehow managed to find a cute anime girl, gives me hope even though I went through puberty a long time ago and am overweight
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You're obviously the roastie encouraging people to go after OP.
>robots claim to hate wymin
>they start whiteknighting some random girl as soon as they have a chance
Loving every laugh
op, if you are here i am asking you to help us

give us her name, let us fuck with her, we will stop trying to get you
>Implying that was a fucking roastie.
There isn't a single girl in this thread. There is one guy messaging the girl, a dozen doppleganger and everyone else is acting as if they were OP/the girl/some autist.

Would he actually be considered hot? I thought he was pretty plain, but I'm straight, so what do I know.
>trying to bait the subject of the thread into posting a timestamp
>welcoming roasties

You're retarded.
Why not just open a phone book and randomly pick a name then
Oh ok so how about you start targeting everybody that has ever mentioned her on Twitter, seems like @EmilyWynne7, is someone that knows her. @kdewees8 seems like another.
good, good

we progress

if you have access to her photos look for more photos of her with her friends maybe they will have tagged accounts leading us to her male autistic friends
I like women more than fags who think /r9k/ is their personal army.
wasn't complaining about the presence of a girl (or lack thereof); was, however, complaining about DUMBASS POST-2000 TEENS BEGGING FOR "TIMESTAMPS" ON MY FKN BOARD MATE

get lost newfag. there are places dedicated to pussy-worship timestamp begging included
>censoring the names
You don't even like her and you still act like a beta
I think he's pretty decent looking. Decent looking enough to get a qt. I'd suck his dick.
Second one isn't censored (translucent black was used)
It's bait for someone to dox her for him
What's wrong with timestamps? It's an easy way to verify someone's identity. Seems like a useful tool in this situation.

Really? I don't really see it. Maybe my lifelong self-hate has warped my perception of what an attractive guy is and I'm actually okay-looking.
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Is this girl an attention whore in the sense she wants internet followers?
not once has she attempted to get internet followers. op is just a cuck, who has no reason to hate her.
yes of course she is

she tried to be edgy and funny while talking to me so that I could become another orbiter. I did not fall for the bait.

she wants orbiters because she likes the attention
Oh no was she a bitch to you?
Ehhh just target everyone who knows her
i tried both accounts not much about her or her friends
The "maximize collateral damage" route, huh? I like it.
Targeting them for what you dipshit autist?
The "I have an extreme case of autism" route, huh? I like it.
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>it's b8 that robots are gagging on
Stop being a "whiteknight" anon and help us bully a random girl...
>it's all about me
Sure it is.
Look like theatre fags desu
I think it's the first time I find a bearded woman attractive.
Nothing at all, it might make the girl or op feel guilty, or we might be able to get the op unknowingly by using a shotgun tactic of just hitting as large a number of people as possible, those friends have follower lists, figure out which ones know ops grill, and prioritize them, then fuck with everybody else for shits and giggles
Not whiteknighting, just pointing out that if you think you're somehow hurting OP, you probably aren't
Baiting this way has been done before
Oh yeah they totally for sure look like normalfags.....
These people definitely got bullied in high school.
They do seem slighfly autistic looking
They're socialising in a big group. That's what normies do. What they look like is irrelevant.
Sorry my man, I was being sarcastic. They way to hurt OP is to dox him. She's irrelevant.
who gets bullied in high school anymore, did you grow up in the 50s?
That honestly makes no sense at all.
Theatre or band fags or something
How? One of those guys may be op, but we don't know so fuck with everyone that ops grills knows in the hopes that we get him, as he might be a follower.
rather be a bandfag than a sad virgin who did nothing in high school other than make fun of people.
>how to have a gf and still be a loser: the picture

look at that fucking torture chamber. you just know that if you walked in and said anything, there would be loud obnoxious laughing for no reason. banging women is not a sign of being masculine. it follows naturally from being masculine.
>being so autistic he doesn't even realise he's getting bullied
Kek, this is on another level
>not college
No you fucking don't.
that's such a terrible plan. I'm pretty sure someone already knows who the guy is anyway.
Fucking autist. Whether or not they get dragged into a group thing proves nothing. As another anon mentioned, they look like theaterfags. They look like people that normalfags make fun of.
the place is called Stockton UNIVERSITY you cuck
Zerging this won't get us to OP.
Subcultures don't mean shit. Get-togethers are for normies. Be proud of what you are.
Ehhh who cares, sure there is collateral damage, but if op is hit it will be a win for us, and the girls friends getting hit would probably be a win for us "autists" too. Doesn't really matter, a few days of an internet nuisance won't irreparably change them in some way anyway.
Why so defensive bro, were you a bandfag?
It might, who knows, I mean we can't be sure, but at least op won't start this faggotry ever again.
then what's the point? This thread was absolute shit from the start. It's just a bunch of boys, and their conflicting ideas. It deserves to be deleted and forgotten about.
aye bruh, cmon bruh nah i wasnt bruh
You go to Stockton or something? I'm getting more suspicious by the minute. Anyway maybe it's just my lack of morals. Again, might as well have some fun, fun is scarce these days.
Oh, nigga. Nigga, nigga, nigga. If subcultures don't mean shit then being a robot doesn't mean shit. You need those nuances otherwise you're just swinging blindly at anything that moves.
They looks like outcasts/weirdos
That is a good point. I think you might have unironically swayed me.
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You're right, being a robot doesn't mean much. I am above it all.
They're several steps above robots in the normie social hierarchy because they're in a group
Well I'm going to sleep, gnite. Also you might want to copy and paste a bunch of follower lists just in case they all go private, some guy called naz seems associated with aephrodite too.
i want to cum inside this girl
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>I'm not tryna get raped by autist
I'm starting to think this is some elaborate kind of entertainment by op where he plays both sides.
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Topkek bait m8
I just watched Pulp Fiction with my girlfriend 4 days ago. This bitch has no taste.
>lol OP posted this girl's (not terribly funny) joke tweets, called her a bitch, and tried to start a woman-hate thread using her posts.

bawwwwwww, why don't you go cry about it on fucking tumblr you white knight faggot
You sound like a bitch. Do you look like one too?
Given the girls behavior and what you are saying, it just seems like you guys are the cruel monsters.

Better start helping your case before I start getting interesting in who you are, too.
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>see popular thread on r9k
>check it out
>I share a board with anons that will fall for a post like this
That's an (original) man anon.
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>"This autistic monkeys song"

Don't converse with Stacys.

Id thrash the red head on the couch in front of everyone
/b/2.0 XD
>/b/ /r9k/ and reddit all in one thread
Op she's JUST going to get her boyfriend to kick your ass

Dont do this
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