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What's it like to have schizophrenia? Any robots on here have it?

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What's it like to have schizophrenia? Any robots on here have it?
It's terrifying and exhausting.

I cant even fucking stand up sometimes
Are you ever fully aware when you are having hallucinations?
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I might be developing it but will not have anything resembling an answer before the 25th of this month. Neural scan tomorrow, though
The times where I feel legitimately ill are awful because my brain is pretty much shitting itself and it takes focus and thought power to do simple physical stuff and on the mental plane, I feel completely abandoned and on the verge of suicide unless there is someone with me that can keep me connected to reality
The handful of hallucinations I've had have all been spooky and I am very happy that I haven't had any for a few months
Pretty fun, i talk to the other mes in my head and at times they manifest into reality so its like actually talking to them face to face
So I'm 18 and I feel like there is a little voice in my head telling me to eat people and kill people and all that cliche horror movie bullshit and every so often I'll will utter something like "I'm going to eat them" without meaning to any skitzo bots tell me if it means I could have schizophrenia or if I'm just an edgelord
Go see a doctor and get into the system with psychologists and psychiatrists and hear what they have to say.
Schizophrenia can be many things but it is also incapacitating once it starts getting its ball rolling so the sooner you get proper help, the better.

pigeon is smert
I had a psychotic episode last year and doctors said it might be the indication of schizofrenia.

I hope it isn't but I find myself much more withdrawn every single day and just talking to myself for hours.
My diagnose is "probably schizo-affective disorder of the depressive type". Am i schizophrenic enough for you OP?
I used to smoke a lot of weed at a young age. It was the popular cool thing to do and I actually had people hangout with me when I did.

Weed slowly gave me paranoia and psychosis, not to the point of schizo, but I heard lots of voices. I was paranoid walking downtown and often heard laughter without anyone around (small town) heard people talking about how weird I was across the street and believed I was actually a retard.

This burden on my mind made it hard to live peacefully. Whenever I smoked up Id over think stuff. I had a girlfriend at the time, and i often thought "Im known as the guy with a short girlfriend with the big ass." That thought rung with me a lot.

Anyway, dont smoke weed. You will like it, and it will consume you to no end. Even to this day (2-3 years sober) I get glimpses of paranoia and voices.
>Weed slowly gave me paranoia and psychosis

Is there any study showing that weed can induce a mental illness?
Anything can induce a mental illness
Some people react badly to weed and cant deal with the headspace (you clearly cant). An even smaller precentage (something like 0.something percent) get psychosis from it. Youre a moron to think your experience would mirror most peoples tbqh
I smoked weed every day until my schizophrenia surfaced.

I can't smoke it anymore because psychosis is just too intense. It's a shame since I remember really enjoying it.
Original Oregano
As much as I dont like pot anymore, I used to love it. If I could know for certain I wouldnt get mental relapses or devious thoughts, I would definitely smoke again. I miss enjoying weed, but I am glad you fellas can still enjoy it.

I'm Dave, but eh.
I was saying dont try it more tongue and cheek. Smoke all you want, but realize that you may be a part of the percentile if you smoked as young as I did.
Yes, there is studies that show that. Look it up past all the NowThisWeed, HighTimes and HuffingtonPost articles of how healthy it is. Smoking at a young age can change a growing mind into something else. If you are above 24-26 region where you are 100% developed mentally, it is safer than a child smoking it.
For the most part yeah, but weed has something about it that can trigger schizo in male adolescence easier than other drugs.
I feel ya, anon. I wish I could still enjoy pot, but I sadly cant.

This is pretty accurate, the voices are often those of people you know or people around you for example I'll often hear my mother or especially my father when they're in the house with me. It sounds real, it's like hearing someone's voice through the wall talking in another room. I've confronted them over hurtful things I thought I heard them say only to find out that they were just sitting watching TV or something benign like that. Not only are the voices often those of people you know they're often saying things that are actually true about you, or talking about things you're worried or insecure about. Since it's generated internally it knows you inside and out which can make it really really stressful when it's bad. Imagine your father on the phone with your older sister ranting loudly about how he found loli porn on your PC and you're a fucking sick pedophile and he thinks you may have molested your niece and etc etc. You might spend the night lying in bed trying to sleep while a demon voice repeats over and over that you're worthless, you stink, you're filthy, disgusting, you're ugly and stupid, you're going to die, everyone hates you etc and there's nothing you can really do. I've also thought I heard people outside at night trying to break in, saw a shadow at the window that looked like a silhouette of a man pointing a gun and almost stabbed myself trying to scramble away before waking my parents, knife in hand, panicking and shouting at 3am. That was what finally prompted them to bring me to the hospital.

It's not ALWAYS that bad, sometimes you just hear music playing or people laughing, or the voice will be something benign like Naked Santa on the inter-dimensional radio.
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I've been diagnosed schizoaffective, I'm actually pants on head retarded.

It's funny how these things work.
You need an exorcist. Read medieval texts as the human genome hasn't changed that much.
damn your lucky

Currently im assuming my voices are from my G-d
depends, I'm usually aware when I'm being delusional but it takes a few seconds. Most of my hallucinations are auditory but there are some visual ones.

i just mask my hallucinations by playing loud music all day, I can still notice things wrong and kind of hear them but the brain doesn't fully process them.
Yeah, I do. I was diagnosed when I was 9. Normally schizophrenia comes during people's 20's, but I developed it early. My symptoms are somewhat mild now days, but growing up was awful. It was scary, and I was in and out of mental health hospitals. I also had some anger problems that came with it. I didn't have any friends, except my mother. I had voices which had their own personalities, I had names for them all and I considered them my friends and they all told me horrible stuff about myself. Now days I don't hear voices though.

>I didn't like X so I can't fathom how anyone else would even though enjoyment of X is well known to be a function of genetic predisposition
Tards of this order should be shot
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It's normal to see flashing lights when u go to sleep after using a phone/PC screen, r-right? I really don't want this stuff.
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Seek medical attention immediately.
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>tfw you write informative 2000 characters post and nobody responds
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