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>tfw you've become so autistic you just stay silent most

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>tfw you've become so autistic you just stay silent most of the time because you literally don't know what to say

not even talking about the opposite sex, just in general
I have been in my room for 2 weeks straight now, just go downstairs once a day to cook a pack of noodles my parents usually just nod at me and say hi (they hate me) i have severe anxiety and i shake like a triggered feminist if the doorbell rings. Dont think i have had a conversation with someone that lasted longer then 2mins in like 2 years. (not even my parents)
why the fuck haven't i an heroed yet?
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>Dont think i have had a conversation with someone that lasted longer then 2mins in like 2 years
Shit me neither
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u straight hikkikomori

Thats also a good song by crywank
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>be Chad
>tfw good looking so I come off as mysterious and intelligent instead of autistic
At least you aren't a delusional autist like this guy
sounds like a sign of severe clinical depression to me bro
You're just jel.
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>tell roommate that I should get more than 4 hours of sleep
>he asks what I do all day and night that causes me not to sleep
>trying to find an answer without mentioning that this website is what I'm on when I'm not in class
>tell him I'm on Plebbit

There's no way a normie would think it's normal for someone to use all of his time outside of class locked up in his room on a Mexican tapestry manufacturing board.
Shut the fuck up

I'm serious

You've already said too much

Shut it



...and you actually wonder WHY your parents hate you

... and that was actually an understatement because your parents literally hate your God damn fucking worthless guts and regret the day you were ever born

Your mother actually has fantasies about an abortion that she should have had

Your father fantasizes about wrapping a piano wire around your neck as you fall out of your mother's birth canal

You have literally destroyed their life

You were the worst fucking thing that could have ever happened to your poor parents

They actually had an opportunity for happiness and then you happened

It's unfortunate that you don't have the testicles required to actually kill yourself because you are a Cancer to their existence

I wonder if your parents would pay me $50 to come take the skin off your face with a rusty razor blade and douse you in gasoline

It's not like I really need the 50 bucks so tell them I'll do it for free

Shit.... come to think of it, tell your parents I will pay them $50 if they'll just let me do it immediately
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I want you to call me at 47O-316-1O43 so I can tell you what a worthless little piece of shit you truly are
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"I will denounce the behavior of a depressed manchild by acting like a psychopathic manchild"
already knew this
you're like 60 years old
reconsider your life
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>tfw only leave my house every other week for food and on uni test days
>no idea how to talk to anyone
>no one ever talks to me first
>sometimes go months without actually talking
All I know how to do is make art now. I have nothing interesting to say BUT give me some clay digital or physical and I'll make you something nice.

Reminds me of the episode of GITS where the children were entering autistic mode and going full code monkey.
I can one up that OP. If people attempt to initiate conversations with me, I'll do hand gestures to pretend I'm actually mute. I don't even know sign language.
Lol @ you having absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about psychology, clinical depression or organic psychiatric disorders..

Nothing whatsoever


.... but that doesn't stop the uneducated amateur from attending that he knows something...


The uneducated little effeminate virgin who uses stupid trendy catch phrases like 'manchild' thinks he can randomly talk a couple pseudo psychological terms and sounds like he actually understands human psychology and human behavior

While in all actuality you know absolutely nothing about these subjects

Well guess what, Einstein ?....


If you ever want a crash course on human psychology and abnormal behavior then let me know because I have a Ph.D

It's hilarious how off base you are... Actually diagnosing my hypomanic syntax with clinical depression

Do you feel continually or was this a one-time event?

Of course that's a trick question because we all know the answer... Tell us the top 27 reasons why enuresis boy (you) can't get a girlfriend

I'm not here to insult you I'm actually here to help you... Are you ready to actually modify this situation and make things better for both you and your parents? Because only you can modify this situation... And you already know how to do it but if you need somebody to actually tell you what you already know I will help you... Let me know when you are ready to finally prove you are a man and to grab this negative situation by the handlebars and to take control of it and show your parents that you have finally learned a lesson that will help you for the rest of your life and earn their respect

I will be more than happy to help you if that's what you are truly looking for
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Being the quiet autist is better than being the loud autist like >>34151491 >>34151880
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How is 53 like 60 ?

That's like me saying you are like 3 years old..

why should I reconsider a life that you know nothing about and I am fully aware of?

If you actually knew any of the real details of my life you would literally be apologizing and asking me to please help you find your way to inner happiness and stop yourself imposed failures

You're a fucking idiot

Congratulations! You have finally reached a level of absolute Flatline obscurity and irrelevance

Just like all of your effeminate little counterparts in here you have proven that you don't understand any of the terminology that you so freely use

You think using a catch phrase makes you sound intelligent? It actually makes you look like a complete fucking idiot

It also proves that you are so insecure about your own and abilities and self-imposed failures that you are terrified somebody else might actually surpass you

You are the stupid student in the back of the classroom that tries to disrupt the lesson so nobody else will actually graduate

That way nobody will notice how stupid you are and that you have somehow I managed to get this far without the ability to move ahead whatsoever

You the stupid student and everybody is aware of your childish playground techniques

Nothing wrong in my post. The poster you responded to is clearly depressed. Lack of empathy and sadism is one of the most telling signs of psychopathy. You contemplating cutting someone's face off with a razor blade would be a good example of those signs.
The reason you are seeing a couple of typographical errors in my commentary is because I'm using speech to text on an extremely bad ass phone but I'm outside right now walking my cat with my lovely intelligent genius badass piece of ass wife

We walk our cat on a leash... Because of external noise is my speech-to-text occasionally makes typos

I'm still just one man with a phone in my hand and I am kicking all of your asses simultaneously

Of course you are all painfully aware of this fact

I don't care if there are 300 failure riddled mosquitos attempting to attack a steel wrecking ball... It simply has no effect on the stainless steel

I'm literally wrecking your ability to pretend your failures cannot be avoided
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>tfw friends broke off contact with me several years ago
I feel no need in social interactions anymore desu
You dont gain anything form it...right?
Wrong once again sir

That was my way of getting attention and underscoring the attitude the rest of the world has about crybabies who pretend they can blame somebody else for their own lack of trying

If you can't handle this... I am really worried about you out there in the real world

Out there the stakes are real and it's so Cutthroat that you wouldn't last a minute

My therapeutic techniques require a certain amount of thickening of your skin I have posted my phone number and I noticed none of you have the balls to actually call me and find out if I'm serious about helping you or not

You can even block your phone number by dialing *67 before you call my number because I'm not trying to obtain your information... My wife is a genius and I'm no spring chicken and I actually have the experience and knowledge and background... A proven track record to back up my claims that I can and will help you guys...

I'm not a bad guy I'm actually very fucking cool... I'm actually probably the most understanding empathic and helpful person that you have ever talked to in here and I'm the only one who is standing up and demanding that you are accountable and that you be man enough to be honest with yourself as we've progressed to and your self-imposed problems
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oregeno spice

When I was 12 years old I made the decision to stop thinking with labels and conceptualizations that other people developed

Using trendy catch phrases like Edge and Stacey and Chad and all of the other catch phrases that you people use reminds me of 3000 cover bands that play in the same Holiday Inn, playing cheesy covers of other people's music

I'm not sure if edgemaster is a compliment or an insult

Nor do I care

Because if you're insulting me then I say thank you because that means I am actually finally getting through to you

And if you're complimenting me I will say thank you because that means you are actually aware that I am doing some serious work trying to help people in here

Nobody ever got recognized for being anonymous and nobody ever accomplished anything worthwhile without marketing themselves

You can't get noticed without being noticed

And you can't make a difference if nobody notices

I have just disproven and debunked the entire anonymity bullshit


Right now my phone is at 8% and I don't intend on recharging it tonight

Anybody who has the balls to actually dial those 10 digits can speak to me live in person right now and speak to my wife and we won't be mean and we won't insult you and we will actually be very empathic and answer any questions you might have regarding your happiness or lack of ability to find it

At 8% I would imagine I could probably only answer one person's questions tonight so step right up step right up don't be afraid be a man
>intelligent genius badass piece of ass wife

Senpai I hope she gets raped to death by a Nigger.
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I forgot to tell you that I broke the sky one day
tell me more of how you earned 10000000 billion dollars for making shitty photoshop art for zz top again
Hardcore bro, hows 4th grade going?
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That doesn't surprise me because I would be angry as well, if I were I complete sexual failure like yourself

That's actually a very predictable response from a man who can't get any pussy
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is this a scam senpai otherwise I'd talk to you and Tyrone's gf
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Why would I waste my time speaking with you? You don't have the balls to even call me on the telephone... That proves you could never stand face-to-face with me...

Here's a better idea... Why don't you tell everybody why you are so afraid of me?
Stop feeding the tripfag troll you newfags.

Original recipe.
Personal army bullshit, please dont dial this shit, is probably his middle school friend thats sleeping.

That's actually my number and right now my phone is at 6% so if you had any balls whatsoever you might actually be able to call and speak to my wife and I before my phone dies

My cat is having a great time walking around right now on her leash and as soon as she's finished my phone will be dead and I'm going to sleep

I've already eaten a great meal and fucked my wife relentlessly

We've been up for a few days
One of these days you're going to realize you actually had the only real opportunity you ever saw and you we're so busy pretending that you were not afraid that you actually chickened out and lost the opportunity
>putting a cat on a leash
Why though
what if I call number and the bomb blows up? I can't live with the guilt desu
also congratuations you seem to live a comfy live with wife and cat good night
i just went into super silent kid mode because i didn't know what to talk to people about. video game crowd died out around the end of elementary school so i was shit out of luck

>Tfw the only thing you ever did sucessfuly in your life was bullying your clasmates
>schools over and your life starts loosing its meaning
>got a job as a pipe cleaner in your youth and followed the carrer into your 50s
>life seems pointless and vapid
>searching upon questionable pornography you stumble upon 4chan
>is not like when the officer arrested you for making practical jokes on autistic school kids
>absolute freedom, can follow your passion further
>find little loopholes to break the anonimity of the chinese yak breeding forum
>feel so proud seeing your 80s nickname and facebook pictures all over it
>you get old
>you are in your 60s
>but its okay, you almost forget you wasted your lifefeeding the slot machines
>forget about getting old and resembling uncle Fester with each passing day
>be happy and remembering the people on the internet that you are old enough to be their grandfather that your life was worth living
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