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> All of your problems, fixed by one simple, low cost fish

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Thread ID: 2728235
Thread replies: 117
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> All of your problems, fixed by one simple, low cost fish product with an infinite shelf life.

When did you take the deenze pill?
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>fell for the deenz meme
>fell for the oats meme
>fell for the trap meme
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>love sea food
>fish is expensive even though I live on a big fucking island and near the coast
>fish product
>infinite shelf life

>any animal product
>mildly long shelf life

Anon... no.
>not tuna

fuck off
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High in mercury anon, not nearly as good for you as the Deenze.

Dude canned sardines cost 50 cents for me

They tested 45 year old sardines, they had same nutritional value as fresh ones when canned.
>ingesting pure mercury
You have to eat about 5 cans a day for months to have any impact>>34134840
what do you even eat them with? do you just eat them plain?
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I fell for the deenz meme, and I'm glad I did. OP, I'm verry happy you introduced me to this delicious food.
Good anon, avoid the vegetable oil variants if you can, that shit isn't good for you.

Super nice with rice and hot sauce

Also, some other anon developed gout from eating too much, its high in saline so try stick to max 4 per week.
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I eat as much as 3 a day as it is my favorite food. Had no idea it's fucking my shit up.
I tried the DEENZE once now iam gay
Don't do DEENZES it makes you gay.
Soak a gelatin leaf until it's soft, wrap the deenz and swallow whole.
Rice is good, with some hot sauce.
You can mix it into a pasta aswell.
They go with most carbs
It's not just mercury though, any kind of pollution will be higher in Tuna because they are so high up the food chain.

Sardines are actually overpopulating the oceans because their traditional predators have been fished so much. They are actually hurting the oceans bio diversity so more of them need to be eaten.

Sardines have a really short life and eat plankton so are much safer to eat
>not chovies
deenz taste like shit
> Marmite, the fish
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Oh look, it's the tuna cuck again.
deenz are pretty expensive $1/ea for the cheap shit near me
>some other anon developed gout
Was his name Phil?
I don't get these hip new memes, but I've always loved oatmeal and sardines.
>doesn't buy whole fish like mackerel and dorado from fishmonger
>doesn't cook whole
>need mommy to fillet his fishy for him
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>eating 4 sardines cans in olive oil each day
>2 in the breakfast and 2 post workout
am i inmortal /r9k/?
ate some sardines for dinner last night. i wish they were as cheap as tuna, but theyre not bad for what they are
Don't feed only on canned food robots, the metals from the can are not processed by your body
I love sardines, only issue is my breath smells like shit after, especially if I don't have a toothbrush handy
Just eating some deenz and tuna, feelsgood
Good luck with your gout
using my clout here to say anchovies > sardines
what should i have my deenz with boys
>He doesn't realize that canned """"""""""sardines"""""""""" aren't actually sardines.
>Eat alot of fish because Country culture.
>depressed, low energy, avoidant dude anyway.

It's max four per week, i've been eating them near daily for a year. FOUR PER WEEK don't over meme the deenze
I don't believe this, I watched something showing that canned food is far more healthy for you often than fresh food. Got any sources?
I like them but bro, they are so salty
Oh, yes goy!
Fresh food is bad for you!
Only eat processed foods from Sholmo inc.
tuna is good but mercury aside sardines are so much better for you-you eat the skin, the bones, plus all that fish oil
I ate a pigs ear taco last night (orejas) and that shit was great.
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I can't because
> not at least eating fish
Top cuck
Fish isn't meat, dummy
Onions go very well with deenz
It's hardly processed, often it just gets chopped up, put in a can and cooked in the can. There's a stigma around canned food but honestly I don't think it's that bad
Idk, why are you Phil?
I don't work out, but I eat Deenze thus I keep a healthy physic and a positive mindset at all times
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>fish isn't meat

to avoid bait let me clarify:
That sounds stupid and unhealthy.
Fish aren't animals...
*gouts internally*
*clears throat*
Where did this meme go?
I was expecting this, please be more original

whatever floats anybody's boat, people lived off nuts and berries for quite some time
I wondered that too.

This meme actually got me to gobble up a can of sardines on a special afternoon.
I love fish but never tried sardines, it was pretty good.

Of all the canned fish, I also happen to like the cod liver a lot.
Canned meat lasts for several years.
Fish are like water insects, and insects are pretty much on the level as plants.
I'll give it a try. How do I eat them? Skin and everything?
Is salmon good too? I bought some today, didn't think of deems, probably should have.
4 per week is for the fish cans with high mercury like tuna. Sardines habe ridiculous amounts of mercury compared to that fishes.
holy shit im sorry
Isn't it the other way around? I thought sardines contained less mercury than most canned fish.
I believe the larger the fish the higher the amount of mercury they hold.
>falling for Big Fish propaganda

Enjoy your mercury poisoning, asshole.
What is the best brand of these to buy or does it matter? Also olive oil or in water?
Biomagnification means huge tuna have lots of mercury, while the apt size of deenz make them not have nearly as much.
>not nearly as much

Sure, but ANY amount is bad.
The health benefits outweigh the minimal risk of mercury. You'd have to eat a fuckton of fish daily to get mercury poisoning.
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>tfw you make a deenz sandwich
The tiny amount of mercury in sardines will not harm you unless you meme too far and eat a fuckton of cans every day.
I opened up a can and by God they look absolutely horrid. I jumped a bit when I put the sardines on my plate.
You can eat them whole but most people split them in half and take out the spine.

> all these uneducated deenze doubters

Sardines has some of the lowest mecury of all fish. Tuna has some of the highest. Tuna is a predator and is really far up the food chain so heavy metals and other pollutants accumulate.

Sardines have a very short lifespan and only eat plankton so are much safer and contain very low levels of mecury.

If you ate nothing but sardines every day you might consume too much purine which can cause gout, but so can white rice and loads of other foods so it's not a big risk.
It never leaves your system though, it's a permanent buildup over your life.

Unless your stance is that the benefits of the fish will make you live longer, than mercury poisoning would kill you sooner. I'd want to see data on that though.

I'm allergic to seafood, OP
and what good has it done you? you're still posting here. just another useless meme.




Is that 4 of the fish per week, or 4 cans per week?
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I missed these threads, i miss insecam threads. I miss beastman
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Mix them in with some sauce/vegies and rice. That's how I like them anyway
Just avoid vegetable oil

That's only Tuna and shit, that problem does not affect sardines they are too low in the food chain and have too short a life span.

Lads it's all about how you prepare them, don't just put them on a plate and eat them they will be gross. Make a stir fry or curry or something
I'm never unhappy, that's what it did for me. Plus gains

4 cans, desu I don't think it matters. I just heard that it can cause gout but so can so many other foods in large quantities
>it's a permanent buildup over your life.
This is wrong. It leaves more slowly than other minerals which is why you can't eat too much, but your body will eventually purge itself clean.
>don't just put them on a plate and eat them
Fuck me that's exactly what I did.
Deenz cured my depression. I love dem deenz.

Also, tuna is the move, too. It's high selenium content neutralizes any harm that might come from its high mercury content. Unless you're fucking putting away 10 cans a day for weeks on end then you're 100% GUCCI.
How do you eat them?
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I get the deenz in spicy or mustard sauce.

I just put them on saltine crackers and eat them straight of the tin. Nothin' like them simple deenz. Regular deenz without any sauce taste pretty funky, though.

Thank you meme child. I'll find mustard sauce now and perhaps saltine crackers as well.
You can just buy deenz that are already in the sauce to make it easier. They are good.
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> when you waste good deenze
I mean, maybe grilled sardines on toast would be nice but I can't imagine eating sardines outside of a rice dish or maybe as a jacket potato filling... mmhmm
i eat my deenz out the tin or on crackers with a lil black pepper sprinkled on
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> jst eat them anyway
> Plebs think that sardines is just a topping for toast or crackers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U7KR0oXl4s&t=70s - This guy gets it
Nobody has ever gotten sick from mercury in fish, it's a Jewish conspiracy to make you avoid healthy food.
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>don't just put them on a plate and eat them
I sometimes eat them directly from the can, shit's good to be desu.
Share some sardine recipes~

> When you've already seen all the sardine Youtube videos

I'v probably already got gout now... lol

who in the hell do you think i am

the fuckin world gourmet?

ima fuckin weed smokin, onahole usin', vidya playin' degen

i aint got time for all this posh crap
Is this stuff bad for your skin? I already have acne.
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feels bong man. I'd wager that most of r9k doesn't even know about those good times.
The opposite, it's really good for your skin, it prevents inflammation and shit

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You know I'm glad to finally see another Deez thread. Because this shit basically extinguished what little hope I had left.

>Back in 2016
>Deenz posting pretty popular
>Started eating Sardines
>Actually helped, felt pretty confident, made me sleep better, had less acne, felt more alert
>Found a woman online
>She agreed to come for dinner at my apartment
>Felt great, pretty sure Sardines helped
>Decided to prepare a Sardine dish for dinner
>Didn't want it to be disgusting
>Decided to cook a pretty nice fish stew recipe I found
>Using Sardines of course
>Girl arrives, date is going OK I guess
>Bring out the bowls of Sardine stew
>Actually looks pretty good
>She asks about the food
>I mention I used Sardines
>Get overwhelmed with excitement when she seems to not be disgusted
>Spend the next 20 minutes talking about Sardines and all of their health benefits
>Show her a chart of Sardine nutritional values I keep in my pocket
>tell her that Omega 3 benefits my skin
>then whisper 'but you can judge if it benefits my foreskin'
>finish my food
>she quickly makes an excuse to leave
>tfw I've given up on women

I don't eat sardines now, fuck them
What are some good, easy 'deenz dishes for humble NEET peasants such as myself?
Can you put 'deenz on a 'go 'za?
Yes you oregano can.
>he calls that a physique
> Deenze is love Deenze is life

I have a rice cooker so I just
> cook rice
> steam some broccoli
> Put rice on plate + broccoli
> put sardines on rice
> add hot sauce/what ever is going

Yummy in my tummy
Im not fat though right? I used to be a very fat man until I embraced the deenze
what about fish oil
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I always eat them straight from the tin my dude, sardines are great by themselves if you're a Real Man (TM).
>trying to revive the sardines/tuna memes
Fuck off normie faggot
I usually make a sandwich with lemon, onion, tomato, hot sauce, salt & pepper. It's good stuff.
my dog loves sardines
>not liking DEENZ

Normies hate the deenze
the normies want to keep you down

> oh yes robot don't eat that stinky fish and improve your lot in life, here eat this chicken tendie, there's no point in living unless you're a normie you beta! Better off yourself since you're so depressed anon! It's not like that omega oil would have saved you! oy vey
>tastes good
>good for you
>easy to prepare
Why do you hate deenz?
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