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If girls exist on this board, why can't they get a boyfriend

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If girls exist on this board, why can't they get a boyfriend to love them?

Please give me your input. Be honest as possible.
>If girls exist on this board, why can't they get a boyfriend to love them?
Because they're all holding out for Chad, or they're bitter lesbians. That, or they're already taken and come here just for kicks
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because they won't give me a chance
because they always manage to sabotage it for themselves, which doesn't take much since the majority of us are robots, sucks for them tbqhonest.
I've got one, guess what it didn't cure my autism or social ineptitude or wealth and i'm still a piece of shit.
>gold digger
pick two

there is your prob anon.
Fem, lurk here often, don't always post
I have a boyfriend, but he's about as desperate as everyone else on here he collects gundam , so I probably just relate to people with extreme social anxiety

I also like pepe
But does she love you? Do you deserve being loved despite your ineptitude and insecurities?
You have left the robot norm, child.

You are leagues ahead of us.
Already have a bf. I just come on here out of habit. It's also pretty funny, so yea
they dont exist now fuck offffffffffffffffffffffffffff
>likes gundams
You better put a ring on that.
Except they do have a boyfriend. The three I've contacted were already dating and thus were distant. I don't know why they even shared contact if they were lying.
Loneliness isn't funny, sorry.
I have a fiance and I lurk /a/ and here for kicks and memes. Sometimes I post advice for fembots in tfw no bf threads.
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>tfw no gf who endears my gun-damn/gunpla addiction
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I strongly dislike relationships because I am bad at them.
>want to be a loving housewife and have children
>tfw cold and unresponsive with past boyfriends
I'm sorry anon

If it helps I have 0 friends because I'm too scared to tell anyone I'm a dirty weeaboo other than my bf who I was close friends with for a year before dating
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>/m/phile bf

Tell that guy he's my nigga
I want to hate your bf, but I just can't bring myself to hate a guy who likes mechs. I'm not even into them, but I can respect the hell out of it.
Man, it's okay. I'll find a gf that will love me eventually or turn to dust, whichever finds me first.

cold and unresponsive, in your own words.
>gold digger
>date someone who's not repulsive/an angry asian man who beats you

pick one
>being scared of telling people you like anime
Nah my ninja just tell people you like it. I give no fucks and tell people I like it and try to get them to like it aswell.
Don't kid yourself. They're only here to laugh at male virgins or look down at how pathetic we are to boost their own self esteem. That is literally the only reason why they are here. It's just like in real life.

I'm not interested in relationships, being a housebound 26 year old virgin makes me a prime catch in todays world though so I could get a boyfriend whenever I want
>past boyfriends
Fuck off roasty.
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But I want to believe..

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>the first (and best) post ITT has been proven about a dozen times ITT
>people are still posting as if women can be "robots" or as if they don't fit into one of the 3 categories I clearly quantified

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>implying they didn't call me that

>put in no effort in relationship
>hate calling
>hate going out with them

had bf when I was 11 (for a week) and 19 (for 2 weeks)
Didn't even hug because I just don't like it.
Definitely love. It's literally all we have and it's constantly being tested by poverty, personal issues that just don't go away because you're in a relationship, etc. Been through way more than most people have been, and longer than most married couples.
Why would anyone want to be with someone who is cold to them?
Good for you, disinterested one!

Honestly, that doesn't sound all that bad to me.
>didn't even hugged
bet you she sucked his dick thou.
come on senpaitachi don't be a gullible bitch
I sat half naked on him while he was building me one from build fighters (build gundam mk II, I think)
He was so determined to finish the gundam he didn't even care I was half naked (his shitty dusty computer fan made the room hot which was why)

It was cute and gay but I also felt cucked by the gundam

>because I just don't like it

The hugging? Or the boyfriending?
>getting in the way of a person when they doing their hobby
Nah don't do that. What if you were reading a book and he just took his dick out and slapped it on the page you were reading?
One of my relationships ended because of final fantasy 11. It was honestly just funny, because neither of us hadn't invested much into it. I was like "Hey man you really like your games, I get it, but I gotta go"

I wasn't about to play that shit

I know a married couple that does this. Except instead of on the book she's reading, he sometimes slaps his dick on her keyboard or mouse.

They're pretty good people.
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>tfw no gf who likes to get hot and sweaty and tolerates my gun-damn/gunpla addiction


She gets away with it because she's a girl. That's one of the first things you need to learn in life; women can literally get away with murder just for being female (Jodi Arias, Casey Anthony, Amanda Knox)
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Girls DON'T exist on this board, shit what a stupid meme.
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It's pretty bad. I don't respond to any sorts of messages and ignore them for days sometimes. once for a whole month, got jealous when he started talking to an other girl though

Both, but I was talking about hugging.
He sounds like a classy guy and they are married so she knew what she was getting ha.
>don't like hugging
But hugging feels so good and women are so soft.
No one will ever love me. I am missing some communicative sense that everyone else seems to have so I'll probably just end up going on a rampage instead or putting my head in the oven with the cookies.

Why do you even want a girlfriend? It will only end in disappointment.
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FFXI has great story arcs all of which include a waifu with a central role it's no wonder that happened :^)
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Did in screenshot nigger

To be fair, we were both half naked, hot and sweaty because of his computer fan (he has a pretty small room) and he wanted me to sit on him to watch him "build it in action"
I don't.
I've thought about it alot and I'm just not cut out for companionship.

Just give me my sexbot already.
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>Why do you even want a girlfriend? It will only end in disappointment.
Companionship. Everything ends in disappointment, but having a couple of moments of joy to balance out a lifetime of disappointment is preferable to solely a lifetime of disappointment
well, I guess it can get kinda lonely when your gf doesn't respond for a while desu

Because, I want to experience being in love. I am plagued with these thoughts daily.
you have to develop a personality to be loved anon, not just build off of what you think someone might like.
I have not the looks to make up for my awkward and weird personality.
Or the personality to make up for being chubby and ugly. Simply being female isn't enough to get meaningful relationship. idk why you all think this. Like its somehow flattering men will stick their dick in anything..

I also rarely leave the house
Oh? I think this person >>34078392 begs to differ. You seem to be having an opposing viewpoint.
>Simply being female isn't enough to get meaningful relationship.
*leans into mic*


>idk why you all think this.
because of posts like >>34078761

>Like its somehow flattering men will stick their dick in anything..
You're only paying attention to the men who just want you for sexual (i.e.: Chads, Failed Chads) instead of sexual + a relationship
I don't know how to do that. Faking a personality in the hopes that someone will fall for it doesn't seem like love to me, if that word means anything.
it isn't. You still have to be able to talk to people and have something going for you besides a vagina. I have just as little personality as any of you. But I guess I'm not as bitter abut never having a bf. its the way things are.

Exactly. I feel the same way.

"Be yourself" memes aside.
and I'm not paying attention to any men. But I do know how easy it is to get sex.

You still have to have something going for you for a relationship. Also put yourself out there and meet people. My reasons for being single are the same as any robot. We have shitty personalities and little going for us.
>I'm not as bitter

Congratulations. Now leave me alone.
Literally just stop being fat. Even the low-tier of chubby is okay where you're a bit soft but don't have any protrusion from the belly. Maybe a very slight rounded protrusion but as long as it doesn't extend too far then you'll have no problem. If you're below average height (5'2 and below) then being chubby is absolutely no problem at all. You literally just have to try with 1/1000th of the effort guys have to, and you'll be swarming in relationship prospects. Stop deluding yourself.
>You still have to be able to talk to people and have something going for you besides a vagina.
Not really, no.

Most men will just want you to be there as their gf by merit of you being born as a girl (female)
You know you can get a practice bf that's a LDR? Seeing how you're a nigger and don't want to leave the house.
can you even fucking read. I have no personality and very little ability to talk to people or be in social situations. Weight has nothing to do with anything. fat bitches get boyfriends all the time
No, they want the idea of a woman they have conceptualized in their head. Or sex. Fuck off with that "you can get anyone by being a woman" garbage. If that were true I wouldn't be alone.
I dont want a practice bf
maybe men on here. I'm pretty sure in the real world people want a partner they don't sit in awkward silence with. do you all even know what a relationship is
>I dont want a practice bf
What do you want then? Just staying in one place and not doing anything is wrong.
It's true, though. You're only alone by your own hand/volition. You know you could get a bf right now if you wanted to, and you sure as hell wouldn't have to settle one with as vacuous a personality as yours. Most girls I've went to school/worked with who were in your shoes had BFs and they just literally "glommed onto" their BFs personality, likes/dislikes, hobbies, tastes, etc.

>do you all even know what a relationship is
I never said I wanted a boyfriend. I gave up on that years ago. Never said I didn't want to leave the house either. What the hell would I gain from some sad online chat. I can get that anywhere
>you're alone by your own volition

I'm too bad at social situations to get a bf.
Because they're so used up that not even chad wants them anymore, and most robots know better than to touch used goods
same. why do they think its so easy
okay. You just sound like every robot ever. I can't make you see otherwise
>complaining that being a woman is difficult
Can I ask why the fuck are you on this board considering most of the threads here are about being cucked by women?
Maybe if you had someone happy to talk to you will stop being such a sad sack. Happen to me and it can happen to you. You will never know unless you try. Also play some social games like MMOs
>doesn't enjoy beong hugged
Confirmed autist/10
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Because I want a qt gf too

Disregard the "I can't"s and all the self-deprecation, do you even actually WANT a bf? I can get that, I've had times where I just wanted to stay single, but if you could have a BF would you actually want one?
>exist in potential social situation
>be female
>get attention
Doesn't take skill.

Every day I think about having someone by my side, it makes me intensely sad.
I'm not complaining that being a woman is hard. I'm just telling you why what you said is retarded. I come here for certain threads about certain people.
i'm not unhappy. I don't really play games either. I have a group of online friends I've spent years getting to know. and its never done anything for me. Online relationships seem like a massive pointless waste of time and effort to me.
Your only problem is you don't go outside for people to see you. None of your traits would hold you back from getting a relationship if you were around guys. Of course your only option is a LDR when you don't go outside. There is no downside to having a boring gf as long as she's there with you and does things with you. In fact a quiet girl is even better because that way I know she isn't a validation whore who [keeps] a bunch of orbiters and has casual relationships with a bunch of guys.
>I come here for certain threads about certain people.
Don't tell me you got Oscar'd.
I"m not sure I do anymore. I want someone I'm happy and comfortable to spend my time and life with but I've tried and it not possible so.

im not thick enough to think a relationship is everything in life and will make me magically better like many on this board..
If you weren't fat, there'd be dozens of desperate guys lining up to date your boring ass.
Well guess you can't help all people. Guess you can just fuck off and be ">ftw no bf" forever then.
>i'm bad at social situations to get a bf
Kek, basically she's not good enough to reel in a Chad boyfriend. Gas all roasties.
its funny that you think ugly and fat females getting anything but sniggers and glances in social situations. at best you get ignored
well they have done. Im not claiming I've always stayed in the house my entire life. I've gone out. I've been to uni, had jobs, gone to bars. Your opinion is invalid.
Same. I honestly wish I knew how to interact with people well enough because I am tired of being alone. Instead I inevitably end up doing something stupid and am too afraid to reveal myself. There was this guy I wanted to talk to and through the course of a year never got the guts to talk to him. I bought him a watch and paid some random student $5 to deliver it to him, with a note that said "wear this on Friday if you want to get coffee." And I know how ridiculous that is, and even this contingency plan with added anonymity was not enough for me, so I didn't show up to class that Friday. Times like these give me a lot of self-loathing.
No, I just like the Adam Lanza and Elliot Rodger threads. I don't like to miss new info reveals.
i never said I was fat either. And no that really isn;t enough. Like there are so many fatter girls than me in relationships because they have outgoing personalities
That's your own fault anon for being a fatty, you have nothing to complain about here
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I had a few LDRs with robots already, in the time span of 4 years or so, I think. They were very nice, but the relationships didn't work out for several reasons (the other person couldn't handle a LDR for so long, many personality disparities, etc). I never found the experiences bad enough to exclude the possibility of finding a boyfriend here, so I left this window open.
I'm dating another robot now for 6 months, in a LDR as well, and it goes pretty good. We also plan to meet each other as soon as we get work (we motivate each other on not turning into a NEET again).

I think there are reasonable people here that shitposts but also are decent enough to find the right person in the right time. And it's trial and error anyways, so being persistent also helps.

Good luck to anyone who's looking for their soulmate!
Chubby chasers definitely exist, and unless your face is literally horribly disfigured you WILL have someone talking to you.

Your standards are most likely the only thing stopping you.
I'm not fat. I'm not even female. I'm just saying. you're talking shit
>tfw I can't find any girls to just talk to and maybe lewd with
It sucks.
I don't even go out. It makes me nervous to talk to strangers. Being outside hurts. I just end up going home and staying on my computer all day.

y-you too :'(

They're only a waste of time and effort if you have no intention of moving beyond online, meeting in person and figuring out that whole stuff honestly. They're certainly harder, but I think they're worth it for the right person.


Make sure it's "I don't want one because I don't want one" and not "I don't want one because when I tried I failed a few times"

You're right in that you don't NEED a relationship in life to be happy, nor will one fix all your problems, but you shouldn't give up just because you had some bad experiences.
Pls be wife, I want a cold unresponsive wife.
I don't have any particular standards. I dont know why its so difficult for you to understand that im incapable of building relationships or talking to people

like robots only I am "lucky" enough to have a hole between my legs that guys would use me as a glorified masturbatory aid. how flattering. what an achievement. Don't put your own low relationship standards on others. Most guys actually want something more
I'm pretty small and waifish, bordering on hungry midget skellington, so I'm physically unremarkable in the most gracious of opinions. I'm generally an unpleasant and unresponsive person to be around because my social development was fucked so I withdrew my ability to express emotion or opinion altogether. That coupled with my resting bitch face make people presume I'm either stuck up or pissed. Even then I'm generally just a lazy, selfish, permanently ill piece of shit who even if I were to trick someone into a relationship with me I'd eventually get consumed with guilt for forcing them put up with this.
>why can't they get a boyfriend to love them
I'm literally autistic. I'm incapable of feeling love.
>picks up boyfriends like nothing
Fuck you. I wonder how many beta orbiters you horded and currently surround yourself with to have so much contact and relationships. Fuck off the board and kill yourself.
what feels can you feel then anon?
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p-please be my midget lazy gff...
>Most guys actually want something more
Why don't you try to be something more then? Stop being a female nigger and do something with yourself.
I've not given up. I just know I"m not capable of it. It isn't something that just comes along. You have to work at it. female or not. And I haven't the will or confidence.

and nah its weird to me to put so much effort and hope into something online like that. its barely even real. I fucking hate online chat with strangers. so pointless and banal
You don't happen to be someone that I know that browses this board despite being anonymous here, do you?

>permanently ill

Because of your weight? Or something else?
such as? I'm very open to suggestions. I'd love to hear your advice on curing my social anxiety
>midget skellington
All your negative points are automatically nullified. Enjoy your bf and thirst.
I understand you. Besides class, I only go outside at around 3 am for night walks when no one is around to see me. I abhor being noticed. There's an uncomfortable feeling about being reminded that I exist and that people can interact with me in the world.
I can feel happy, sad, angry etc. But I can't feel anything for other people.
I legit said try social games. It's just that easy. I was like you but I got into MMOs to feel less lonely and name I'm a cyborg give or take 3 or 4 years.
>3 am
Ah yes, I had a few good long cries every so weekend around that time.

Sorry to hear that. Who knows, though. Maybe it might change later in your life.
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Sorry to hear. Maybe most of them are uninterested in a relationship, or have one already and don't want the guy to orbit a taken girl. You could try joining a penpal exchange thread to meet them, but don't get disappointed if you don't. There's time for everything.

No thanks, and I think I mentioned I had few relationships in 4 years. If I wanted to pick a boyfriend like nothing, I could have created a post saying that I was available for a date.
And your approach is very rude. I can tell you already had bad experiences...
>night walks
Sounds like a good way to get raped anon. Unless you got Mace or something.
They don't exist, it's a meme FAGGOT
<spoiler> This is fun for you, isn't it? </spoiler>
I'm not lonely. And I'm not particularly interested in games
[spoilers] Shit I spoilered wrong [/spoilers]
Do anything holy shit. It's like talking to a nigger that keeps saying I just can't over and over. You know what just fug you mate. You don't want to get better and want to keep being a nigger.
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>4 years
>still deluding yourself that you're not a Stacy
Are you from colombia tho?
You must kill yourself now anon. You failed two times.
get the fuck out of here with that lame ass html approach, loser anon

you make my ass laugh
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>Implying these girls on our board deserves love.
They need to be plunged into suffering, where they'll embrace the sweet despair, after all they dont understand the emotion called " love ", now suffer!
I'm not in a position to "do anything" im not sure what you are proposing. Like some stupid game will help me at all though..
There is nothing worse than being in a bucket full of crabs.

Honestly kind of sounds like you've just convinced yourself that you aren't capable of it. Speaking from experience. I won't deny it's hard, but you should try and break that mentality of "I can't", it fucks you up in a shitload of ways.

The online thing is understandable, a lot of people can't deal. And there's nothing wrong with that. Voice chatting and webcams can make it feel a lot more real but, again, it's just not for some people.


I'd say try and force yourself out of your comfort zone if you're looking to break social anxiety. It's god damn miserable and awful and feels like the worst thing in the entire world when you start, but then suddenly you'll realize you don't have a brick in your stomach when you have to answer the door or pick up the phone. It just takes a lot of time and practice.

What are you actually into though, hobbywise? That's the best starting point.
No fug off stop replying to me and just keep being a nigger.
hiking, gardening, nature. I now live in a city and don't have a lot of money to travel so those things aren't even very possible. I'm also ill much of the time. But maybe I have convinced myself..because its something I know to be true. guys see me as weird and ugly and I am not dating material. its how it is
Jodi Arias didn't get away with it. She got life in prison.
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You're correct! Tendies for you! /r9k/ is the very core of crab mentality, you'll never leave this place and you'll forever drown in this suffering.
I'm not afraid of being raped. Whoever has those intentions should be afraid of me.
Save your tendies for the next unaware shmuck.
Other way around; ill = weight.
I think "fembots" just never learned how to connect with people in general. idk, i'm like that and even if women threw them selves at me it would just make me uncomfortable.
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>YOU trying to tell me whether I'm a Stacy or not
Best of luck, anon!
Do you think of yourself as particularly dangerous?

the illness causes you to be underweight?
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Sounds just like what of my Japanese porn books. Guy bout to rape a girl lol nope she rape him. At the end she made the guy her bitch boy.
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This honestly. They all put up nice fronts and have this persona of being cute/shy but they aren't pure in the slightest. Maybe not ALL are like this but they all have been for me. Be careful my niggas be very wary.
They just want to milk you anon.
rofl fucking autistic trash
>afraid of a girl
Top kek girls have naturally shittier reflexes and significantly less strength/mass. You must be a tranny. Disgusting.
Is this not just another "bait women into being coming out of hiding to get wreckt by anons who believe being a woman negates any possible problems in life?"
At that point is it really rape
I don't make these threads for that purpose. I'm just lonely like anyone else.
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and it's true
Almost killed me taking most of the weight and makes it difficult to get any more, yeah.
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Then let's turn this into a Discord/Skype/email exchange thread!

>have a boyfriend
>relate to people with extreme social anxiety

pick one
>basing everything on averages

The only problems women have are self-inflicted for wanting Chads. Maybe 1/30 of the actual female population here is a real fembot. The rest just like to pretend they're lonely and get validation then fuck off back to whatever social group and/or boyfriend they have elsewhere.
Let me guess. Autoimmune disorder?

They don't want a boyfriend, they want a Chad.
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The strongest women is like the average guy in terms of physical ability.
>why can't they get a boyfriend to love them
Because i'm mean. How do I be nice to people?
You can be polite and coddle me.
>he thinks I meant I'm some sort of bodybuilder

Retard. You don't need muscle mass to overpower someone

Well that's not very helpful, especially with the money situation AND living in the city now. I honestly can't think of any real advice without getting to know you better than can be done through here, sorry. Maybe try and sniff around online for a somewhat local social club that goes places for hiking/nature walks? I dunno senpai.

As for the guys part, that's just self-defeatism. It's definitely harder when you aren't hot or cute, but I don't doubt there's some guys that would like you. The weird could even work in your favor for some. You might end up having to make a move on a guy though once you find one.
Lmao you just get punched anywhere and you're down. I don't care about your gay wrestling shit.
I meant the use of tools you dumbass. Obviously I'm not gonna wrestle a 300 lb tub of lard haha
Pretty vicious, anon desu
What you don't seem to understand is that anyone who's going to rape is going to be both fit and have a killer instinct. Your only chance is if the guy's an idiot and even then it's probably 50:50 at best.
I have a boyfriend, he was a robot when I met him. Very depressing person, didn't like to talk very much (even to me) and was awfully insecure.Overtime though through our relationship he has grown a lot and is much happier. He's how I found out about this place. I just browse here because I get bored as I'm a NEET who does nothing all day.Girls here who are single could get a bf if they wanted, but nobody wants 'just a bf'. You want someone you are comfortable and can connect with. I think that's something a lot of robots don't understand, or perhaps they do and just misinterpret it.
The fact that this is the second time I've been identified is beginning to concern me. I don't want to reach a point where I'm a tripfag in all but name. Yeah, I shouldn't freely offer identifying traits as often as I do, but I didn't talk about here I'd never say it anywhere, which I feel is even more unhealthy for me.

But yeah, you caught me.

Not a lot of diseases do that honestly.
Are you famous here or something, anon? How would people recognize you besides autoimmune disorder?

It's a rare thing I think, but there are chances more anons here have this.
Nah. I'm just a guy that browses this board too much. I just know a few things that might identify several anons, not just you.
>killer instinct
Fake and gay. His goal is more likely to rape than kill, and i don't care whether or not he lives
>girl already has bf
>keeps trying to add dudes without mentioning she has bf unless the other person brings it up
Can you please explain this for me please?
Please senpai it's not about killing in this case per se but rather being able to kill if necessary in other situations.
You just have to lurk more, anon. You come across the same people in certain threads.
And yet women still get away with having sex with their students and molesting children

really oreganoally made me oregamially think
Hello, that happened with me recently.
Both of us (me and the guy) didn't show any romantic interest until he brought out of nowhere that he liked me.
I tried being very comprehensive and patient, explaining that I had a boyfriend and such, and I seriously couldn't get why he felt so offended. I wasn't making him my orbiter or something, I suppose. Unless he did that ANYWAY, unaware that, at the same time, I couldn't get any hint that he was interested in me.
So, tl;dr, probably it was misinterpreted that she was actively just adding guys for romantic purposes.
I k-know, I lurk a lot actually, and I knew someone who had it. I was just curious, I'm sorry.
I look for certain people. Sometimes they don't even pop up where you might expect them to be.
This sounds like too common a scenario. Why do girls still pretend like they're robots? They can get relationships with hardly any effort.
Well, I don't do this. I talk to one guy from here who is a good friend of mine but before we ever began talking he already knew i was in a relationship. I think I understand why some girls do that though. Sometimes you just wanna talk with someone, and if you already have a bf, a lot of guys wont talk with you even platonicaly because most guys want a gf. I'm not saying this is right, I don't think it's fair as it's wasting the guy's time, but I could understand why they would do it. Alternatively, they may be seeking to cheat on their own bf. I dunno.
What do you mean exactly?

I dunno, lately I haven't been able to spot who I dub '32G' and 'all girls school'. I did glimpse a rare stutteranon the other day. I have a bad habit of wanting to break the anonymity veil like with this anon here with the stunted puberty.
Oh yeah I'm not her btw
I tried explaining what >>34080907
said. And it's not that easy, at least not for me. I'm not able to get boyfriends out of here, and it's not really because of looks. I'm not just looking for someone to hold hands and do lewd things, but also to relate to me and feel that we complete each other, see? It would feel terrible knowing that I'm just with someone because I'm a girl and that's easy because of what I carry between my legs. But I digress, most of the robots here will say I have no feeling and all I want is a Chad etc etc

I can't answer the "why do girls pretend they're robots" because I don't think I do and I can't answer for all the females in this board.
How did you meet those people?
Mm, lurking in threads relating to depression, stuttering, 'femanon' geared threads..

Makes me want to read em like a book whenever I notice something's different about their post.
Was it a past girlfriend or imouto or something like that?
Huh? No. They're just regular anons like I am. I only know em on here.

The reason I make threads like these is because I never had a gf lol :/
I have a fetish for stutterers and always ask about the first time they can remember stuttering and when the last time they stuttered so hard they just gave up was...

Remember me?
Doesn't matter how I look, I'm not the type of girl that people fall in love with .
assuming I'm real
Ah lol
I was making so many questions like those to understand how someone here gets to know other people. I'm lonely too.
Sorry, I don't think I quite remember you, anon. At least not as of late. Remind me?

And what are your flaws?
I've begun to notice a few anons myself. I tried to look for two girls but haven't seen them in a while. One was a schizophrenic and the other was an underage suicidal girl. I hope they're okay
I don't know if any of them actually exist or if they post here as part of a guise desu
doesnt matter. see you around.
Seeya then :/

Stutter anon
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>If girls exist on this board, why can't they get a boyfriend to love them?
>get a boyfriend to love them?
>boyfriend to love them?
>love them

What's the big deal? Just find somebody you connect with. It's trial and error
Oh jezus, I'll give u 10.
> I'm rude, tough love kinda person
> Neet
> Sort of a shut in
> have an OCD problem where I tear up my skin
> I get awkward and cold whenever someone's nice to me
> almost never have a sex drive
> spacey and flaky
> ridicule someone's beliefs if I don't agree with them
> always seem inebriated, people think I'm annoying
> get really quiet for no reason every now and then
The more people get to know me, the least interested they are , and fair enuff.
Can you be my rude, NEET gf?

>they're already taken and come here just for kicks

That's kind of my deal. I'm engaged and I come here because I relate with a ton of the introverted sentiments. I don't have any friends aside from my fiance. I spend all day at home, doing working and schooling online. When we hang out with my boyfriend's friends or family (which I try to avoid at all costs), I get extreme anxiety. And am self-hating pretty much.
If u don't mind me replying every other Wednesday..
Sure, put up a conta ct
Girl don't even waste your time on NEETs. If you do, you'll end up wasting a huge amount of time since they're manchildren who don't know how to be good boyfriends and no discipline, you'll probably never meet. Find yourself a good man with a good job.
Why every other Wednesday? Are you cheating on me already?
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I understand this piece of advice, but I'm a NEET too. And we get along very well. He's always caring as I am to him. I'm not 100% sure we will meet someday because unfortunately we never know people too well, or maybe he can't get the money to travel, but we'll see.
I digress. Thanks anyway!
Nah the only dick getting in my house are burglars and mail men
>Why Wednesday
Today's Wednesday
*teleports behind u*
nothin personnel

i seriously hope you dont actually believe this
Let's see.
>shut in
>depression/anxiety that was crippling, but I'm working on it
>low energy, can't be around people for too long without getting a headache or tired
>don't like many people, but I try to treat the people that I do like well because there aren't many of them
>resting bitch face
>quiet as a mouse, don't like talking too much
>autismo hobbies that nobody can relate to
>hate partying/drinking etc. which cuts me off from 90% of people my age
What sort of hobbies?
You sound cute. What are your autistic hobbies
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Well my throwaway is [email protected] if you ever feel like talking. I have absolutely no idea if we'd even be slightly compatible or what you're looking for but you seem interesting and I'd like to get to know you better at the very least.
I legitimately enjoy studying things I like which makes me look like a loser. I guess I am, so I can't complain. I threw away any chances of being normal.
I'm gonna take my night walks and the threat of being raped (unlikely) isn't going to ruin the only thing I enjoy
Throwaway is [email protected].

Any fembots looking to talk to someone, here.

Mah nigga. You have an email or something
Well, unless you live in some shitty inner city or slum, being pulled into an alley and getting raped probably isn't going to happen.

You don't live in a big city do you?
Nope, college campus. Pretty safe
Because i'm a disgusting dyke.
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because i can only find one on r9k.......

he'll be able to see all of my (you)s
Then there's probably zero reason to worry about much of anything happening to you senpai.
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roastie gtf0

but those breif moments of joy will only make the dissapointment more unbearable
gio? is that you?
>If girls exist on this board, why can't they get a boyfriend to love them?
>Please give me your input. Be honest as possible.
The failed normie girls have no problem obtaining a bf with lolanxiety problems that go away after being more open to parties etc.

Then there's genuine robot girls that have terrible and toxic(histrionics, bipolars), unique and vastly incompatible(travelers, hitchhikers, naturebound), asocial (gamers, weebs, etc.)personalities that don't change as fast as warming up to people from mere anxiety.

I'm personally looking for asocial qt that's old fashioned but no luck so far. It's a chance meeting when you want someone non outgoing while being that way yourself.
You know, that doesn't explain what your flaws are.
Fuck off. Seriously.
>is preferable to solely a lifetime of disappointment

It's not, and you're gonna learn this the hard way, eventually. In the meantime, you don't know shit about anything, stick to lurking.
>thread still here

Was thinking things along this line. Not here just to get people to say what I want to hear, but thanks for the response.

First of all, isn't it more likely that someone will just be with you because you're a girl will happen irl then online? Since they can physically see you whereas online they only have your chats to deal with.

Also you seem to think guys won't be genuine simply because you're a girl and I think you should reconsider. While this may be true for a bunch of desperate guys who throw themselves at every girl, your relationship with these guys won't last past a week when you/he can't talk. This is going to be the same scenario online and irl too, but even more so online since it's only chats and no physical sight.
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>Just find somebody you connect with
Not him, but what's wrong?
I'm gonna guess that it's that "find somebody you connect with" is about as useful as "just bee urself"
Because they're on here
It was this option, the smug anime girl accompanying the post also worked on multiple levels, the obvious one, and the fact that the main plot point of Evangelion was that it is essentially impossible to truly understand another person, and even if you do manage to gain a level on understanding, you are not guaranteed, or even likely, to like what you see.

Kimochi warui
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Probably because I push people away.
I'm getting really paranoid when someone gets emotionally close to me.
I'm also a mentally ill tranny and I want to die.
When women complain about "tfw no bf" they're really complaining "tfw Chad hasn't noticed me"
I have AVPD. Any type of social interaction makes me uncomfortable and I prefer to stay in my room alone.
Hey, me too. I love spending all day indoors.
This is literally everyone. I would hope none of you would take a fat unwashed whore who hands out blowjobs like candy on halloween just to have a "gf"
I would though and I think most other robots would too. Hell, I tried to get with a black bbw but she turned me down
Women are propositioned by men all the time and the only reason they can be single is by having way too high of standards
i am female and this is true
sorry for being degenerate
>tfw he doesn't notice you
there is a difference between an average fella and a hambeast though. im not talking about robots here, girls turn down average guys and say "meh, i cant find a boyfriend". this is coming from someone who people on here would consider a normie.
why do you have such high standards even though you're probably really average? you wont realize this until you're about 30.
aren't most of you the same? hope for that pure qt3.14 virigin christian gf or the housewaifu asian qt all slim and beautiful? you can't say that females are the only ones who do this because that would be retarded desu
also, you can't really choose who you fall for. he's not a chad either, more of a robot-chad
>tfw no yandere dom gf that sits on my face to know where i am at all the time.
>am in kentucky
>only robot in kentucky
>cannot get any female from dating sites/apps
There is no place for us, seriously. I made one friend from here and it's a dude, and we barely hang out. My friends are just my boyfriend's friends, which aren't really friends obviously they have no choice but to be nice. I have no clue how to make friends even though I'm in enrolled in a female-majority major, even if a girl is talking to me with similar interests I can't bridge that gap and make friends. My bf just got a new job and has a lunch friend already, it's effortless for him, makes me jealous.
Are there such thing as loser fembots, most people on r9k are just failed normies but plenty of pure bottom of the barrel neets are here too. Just how low can fembots be? No life, no prospects, does such a girl exist
im quite normal, or at least not wierd enough to be considered a robot. i only come here because its better than reddit. but no, an average girl that is nice and caring would make me happy. and there is a difference between desire and reality. most people here, and normies would be happy with an average girl. the difference is that women dont settle for an average guy until they are like 30 because then guys get the playing field and they realise how stupid they have been. the people here are autistic anyway so using them as an argument is ridiculous, and i mean they are literally autistic. women considered me good looking, and most women are still apathetic towards me even if they are basic.

also, the fuck is a robot-chad?
I'll date any fembot ITT as long as she's fat, ugly, and over 25. Thanks in advance.
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>I would though and I think most other robots would too. Hell, I tried to get with a black bbw but she turned me down

Anon it's time to stop.

>girls turn down average guys and say "meh, i cant find a boyfriend"
Yeah I agree, my point was that whenever someone says they "can't find a boyfriend" it means they can't find a boyfriend that meets their standards. They're not announcing to the world they're willing to throw themselves at anything with a dick, and I THOUGHT the whole
>tfw no gf
operated under the same rules, but I guess I was wrong.

The world is FILLED with dumb ugly girls who would date you, crack whores who would date you for drugs, it's not hard to get a gf when your criteria is "has a vagina"

This whole time I thought we were lamenting our emotional isolation from the rest of the world that prevented us from being emotionally attached to other people, and prevented other people from being emotionally attached to us.

Seriously, if you want a steady gf and actually have no standards I can tell you how but god damn it have some self-respect.
Go away australia. You're all a blight on this world.
>Seriously, if you want a steady gf and actually have no standards I can tell you how but god damn it have some self-respect.
My standards are just not being a whore, how can I get one?
>no life no prospects
This is true of every single girl unless she's trying to be a 40yo office lady strong independent feminist.
well, i am the same, but i started having feelings for this guy before i even knew what he looked like. that just made it worse though.
i would like to settle and i'm only 20. of course you can't guarantee that it's the love of your life, but i want a longterm relationship and don't see the benefits or just 'playing around'.

robot-chad basically someone who is a robot, but has some chad feautures, e.g. good looks.

i don't even know who/what you are talking about, but ok.
No we would take anything
>>aren't most of you the same? hope for that pure qt3.14 virigin christian gf or the housewaifu asian qt all slim and beautiful?
No, I'd take anyone just as long as she wasn't a massive whore.
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>the world is FILLED with dumb ugly girls who would date you
That's where you're wrong, again
Seriously why do women even come to r9k
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>10" boi pussy
>My standards are just not being a whore, how can I get one?
This precludes all women, your best bet is to become attracted to Thai ladyboys.

Bitterly accurate jokes aside, warning label for this guide is that women won't fall in your lap, and it probably won't fill the emotional hole your most likely have.

How do I know this works? I did all this shit for years, and it was a bitter waste of time, but here we go.

How to Pretend to be a Normie and Fuck the Wimmens 101

Got halfway through and realized this needed a statement of purpose. Essentially, what we are doing is fabricating a person that women will find attractive. Pretty much everyone does something similar on a daily basis, we're just taking it to the next, more autistic, level.

First of all, if you are fat, do not be fat
Second of all, if you are unattractive, do something with your hair or bear that makes it less terrible, ask /fa/ for help with this. Pick a non-autistic hobby and become familiar with it, examples include hiking, playing guitar, cars, literature, etc. Normie shit.
This hobby is your backbone, it's something you're dedicated to and willing to talk about at any opportunity. This is effective for two reasons, one, it fills awkward holes when there is nothing to talk about, simply talk about your hobby, and two, it makes you "interesting"
Note this isn't the Maltese Falcon, we're not playing 4d chess, we are just trying to get basic bitches to pay attention to us and give us sex, so the bar is actually pretty low.
Are you fucking retarded? I didn't ask you how someone else that I'm not can get a woman, I asked you how I can because you claimed that the world is filled with women who would date ME, not that other guy.
If your conversation skills are poor, read facebook, listen to people at restaurants, and copy their mannerisms. Knowledge is power, you must understand the normie to properly wear the normies clothes. Speaking of clothes, dress properly. Do NOT go to /fa/ for this, go to (I know) /r/mfa
Remember that this is not you, this is an entirely different person. You might never touch reddit with a 10 foot pole, but normie-you has at least skims the front page and is up on all the fresh new reddit memes.

So, at this point, we have a person who is in decent shape, has one hobby they are passionate about, looks normal, and can hold simple conversation. Essentially your basic normie, one of the masses. At least at the surface level, which, for our purposes, will suffice.

Now comes your mark. You're just starting out and anyone who spends a decent amount of time with you will figure you out, or you will make a mistake. BE SURE to treat your first attempt as a trial run, do not become attached if/when she starts to show affection. Find someone of moderate intelligence, has misplaced self-esteem, and is doing nothing with their life. Art-major at the local college should do well. First date should be dinner, not for any social reason, but because dinner involves eating, which is critical because it creates natural pauses in conversation which will allow you, as of yet untrained, time to think and respond. Movie is a BAD first date, because it is a very non-social date. It's only successful if you go with someone who likes you, because it depends on them being "just glad to be there" It's fine for a third date, or a second date if you're confident. After the third date is when you bring her home (or probably, in your case, if you can swing it, go to her place) to fugg. After that point you're pretty much good to go until she realizes you live alone, with your parents, and have no friends at which point she leaves you for someone else.
I went into this thread expecting the typical roleplaying and contact-information-whoring but I gotta admit, for once, that isn't the common denominator. I think most of these replies are legit, even if they contain stuff that's not very interesting to me, personally. Rest assured, if you score bf/gfs from this thread you can be reasonably sure you'll have the differing genitalia and that's a victory, ain't it?
>be a roastie ugly girl
>want chad like every other slut
>chads are busy with fucking averages and stacies
>need attention
>come r9k and say, "have depression and I am raped, btw I am gril"
>get insane amount of attention
>still impossible to fuck robots because they are not chads
i can't be loved or loved very long, it sucks
Girls here can get bf's but only absolute bottom of the barrel orbiter scum. The good men are turned off by the amount of shit ones surrounding the girl already.

This is guaranteed to happen on steam, skype groups, discords, whatever.

Source: I live my life online and I'm very nosy.
This isn't a flaw in the overall plan, it's simply because this guide is basically a 0-fugg with minimum effort. Doing it right requires your alter-ego to make friends, go to parties, etc. which takes years and lots of practice.

This is an actual guide for things that some people find hard, if you are actually looking for women who will date YOU and you have no standards, simply find a woman who has a dependence and provide for it. This can be an ugly women who will take anyone, a drug addict, someone who needs a place to live, etc.

If you are actually at the point where NOBODY will date you, something I have not actually seen firsthand, then congratulations, you are both physically and emotionally repulsive and if you are not willing to fix one or both you will die alone.

Read this again
>warning label for this guide is that women won't fall in your lap

You get what you put into it, if you put in nothing you'll get nothing (and won't be putting _it_ in anything)
Most girls on here have mental issues, are neets or have some form of disorder, and every single one of them does nothing to try improve their situation. They'd rather sit there and complain and have their orbiters keep them company.

Fucking disgusts me desu.
>This can be an ugly women who will take anyone
Except she won't take me retard.

>If you are actually at the point where NOBODY will date you, something I have not actually seen firsthand
Fuck off.
I don't want a boyfriend, because i don't like men that much. I also function best when i'm on my own and don't have to take a particular person's thoughts and feelings into consideration before doing things. I don't crave "love", i get enough of that from my pets, as pathetic as that sounds.
>tfw I share this exact sentiment on orbiter swine
>tfw completely lost interest in a girl recently because of it
A-am I Chad now?
Again, as another disclaimer, I am firmly of this camp

>This whole time I thought we were lamenting our emotional isolation from the rest of the world that prevented us from being emotionally attached to other people, and prevented other people from being emotionally attached to us.

I doubt getting a shallow, moderately attractive gf will make you happy, it certainly didn't make me happy, but if you want to give it a try it just takes a couple hours of work a day, total time probably a month.
It's not really pathetic. People can choose to be alone if they want.
Don't understand what you mean by that. Keep going?
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Way to omit the critical part of that sentence.
>then congratulations, you are both physically and emotionally repulsive and if you are not willing to fix one or both you will die alone.

The world doesn't owe you shit, if you want something you need to work for it. You're free to spend the rest of your life crying on the internet but if you want something a simple as a girlfriend and you don't care about things like love or meaningful relationships, then you're just lazy.

>a bu bu bu my life is so haaaaard you don't understaaaaaand

I'm schizophrenic, have MDD, and severe social anxiety. I've been on almost every anti-depressant and anti-psychotic there is, have done both ECT and TMS, spent more than two and a half years total in mental hospitals, and I'm still on a shitload of benzos and APs that barely keep me at a "functioning" level.

TO REITERATE I think that getting a girlfriend without any sort of emotional connection is a waste of time, but if you want a girlfriend in it's simplest form that is not an impossible goal for anyone.
Yeah, figured you were an insane retard.
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I have a bf and things are okay, but sometimes he'll ignore me for days on end with no reason and the crippling depression starts crawling back.
Mostly lurk here and /b/ (esp when feeling like shit)
I don't think I've ever actually posted on r9k. I just mostly read and look out for when something interesting/relatable pops up.

Also, I don't really interact with people well. I have terrible anxiety and mostly just stay in the house playing games/watching anime or drawing.
And yet I've dated plenty of girls, something you allegedly would like to do.

Also, I'm not retarded by any measure, and only insane by some.

It's more of the persistent horrifying hallucinations type of schizophrenia than the "I'm actually an alien and the government sent me here to research people who don't believe in aliens don't touch my tinfoil hat" type of schizophrenia.

So, really not all that bad most of the time, at least for you.
>hideous body and face
>personality is a mix between boring, cold and harsh
>dumb as fuck
>lazy NEET that can't stand being outside for more than 15 minutes
>anxiety, depression, "self hate", most likely autistic
>somewhat racist, ended up sperging out in public multiple times because of it
If I ever get a "boyfriend", the best i could do is someone as shitty as me and we'll never love each other. I'd be disgusted with him and he'd be equally disgusted with me. Loving someone with no lovable traits is impossible. It's kind of depressing, but I'm slowly learning to get over it. I'll be missing out on many things in life but I'll still have 2D, games, and my guinea pigs.

Do you like vidya? I'll be your boyfriend forever assuming we play games together and fuck and play games while fucking
>I'll be your boyfriend forever assuming we play games together and fuck and play games while fucking

Stay classy /r9k/
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bingo. i could get a boyfriend but i would just sabotage it.

i'm also still in love with someone who dumped me last month...
Why did he dump you? Tell me, anon.
can you guys stop bullying him for one ?
>thinks there's something weird about collecting Gundams

If you're not playing negroball or skiing in Aspen women will define you as "desperate"
Probably because they don't want to put out but also have no personality.

You have to do either one or the other. Stacy puts out but has no personality, the plain girl who rides and takes care of horses doesn't but actually has passions and interests
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honestly how the fuck is it even possible to get in touch with fembots? I know I'd just tank any attempt at conversation so I don't really care, but how do others do it?

>hey want to talk?
>yea here is my contact just message me

like this? seems pretty normie to me. are there people on here who can really do this without sweating bullets?
Did it twice. Twice ghosted after a day. Guess fembots can still be picky.
Fembots dont exist. Youre looking for fembots (male)
I just try to take any reasonable opportunity to ask for contact. I contacted a few people from the usual /soc/shit threads, ie gf application and such, I don't talk to any of them though, they were all complete shitter normalfags with a million contacts except for one who just refused to respond when it got down to it, she probably had pretty bad anxiety.
The one that I still talk to here and there made a normal discussion thread while suggesting >btw im a grill, asked contact for the hell of it after a couple posts, turned out she actually didn't have a million orbiters and we got along alright. She lives far away though.

I'm not very good at making conversation but if the other party also tries to keep it alive it goes alright. Helps a lot if you have some common topic. Best would be to meet someone who is into the same vidya since playing together is about the easiest way to improve a relationship, but that hasn't happened so far.
>my bf
if you can have a relationship you can have friends
fuck off and find some
Oscar is some asshole that preys on BPD/ depressed girls get nudes/lewds and then drops them for a new girl or when she get boring. He also had the same thing happen to him by a woman named poison ivy.
No Oscar. I will make you remember this until you get better.
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>do something with your hair or bear that makes it less terrible
Why you gotta insult my bear for, he did nothing to you
She's an obese psycho that when is your gf is only a gf in name ie hardly responds to you (also is online only lmao)
you keep forgetting that a lot of girls oscar has talked to have been mentally fucked up themselves
i doubt this guy actually has the mental capacity to plan and pull off all this shit
>lives far away
Australia or South America?
>tfw I would love a BPD/depressed girl forever if I could Oscar them.

I wish I had Oscar's skills, and then keep the girl and be happy.
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>pretty gay

that's my excuse
Not quite that far but still a good 6000km. "Near" would be like, 200 tops.
>tfw forever alone
>except my bf, lol XD
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Seriously tired of this fucking shit I swear this is why shootings happen.
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>I have no friends except the bf I fuck every day and who loves me unconditionally

So lonely ecks dee ecks dee
>Not quite that far but still a good 6000km.
Then you have it good and don't have to live in a shithole like me.
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it might actually be easier to have a sexual relationship than to get friends. For women at least. All they have to do is give their body to someone. Getting friends requires communication skills and being interesting. It seems reasonable that there would be a few women who have boyfriends but no actual friends.
i would not call it skill. people forget that a lot of women on this board are looking for attention or affirmation. he just gives them what they want and if the girls suffers from depression or bpd it just makes it a lot easier.
had a boyfriend until 6 months ago. I was kinda lucky, he was like 8,5/10 and I'm maybe a 5. After this I got heavily drunk with a friend and we made out, but I didn't want a relationship with him.
There are actually some guys (Not many- maybe 2) going for me, but I just don't like them that much. It's not their looks, but their behaviour... I don't know. I'm actually looking more a woman rn.
Real attractive.

I think folks on here miss the bit where you actually have to make an effort to seem appealing. Desperation of this sort is anything but and only works against you.
>He also had the same thing happen to him by a woman named poison ivy.
no, it wasn't her
>implying guys wouldn't be swarming a girl who made such a post

If there were robots and fembots in here it wouldn't matter what he posted.
it actually was her though? she posted pictures of him on her own twitter account (they are still online) and logs exist you fucking retard.
What are you good at? What are the names of your piggies? In what ways are your "racist"?
Not trying to swoop, just generally interested in learning about you.

Girlfriend material I forgive all your flaws etc etc post contact etc etc.

It's really this easy. No it really is

>post contact
>i forgive your flaws
they always say that .
Literally nothing is too weird for me. You can be a homocidal cannibalistic baby raper and I'd be fine to talk.

It's impossible to weird me out. Try me.
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