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>was doing decent on my diet >crash today and have over

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>was doing decent on my diet
>crash today and have over 3000 calories

We're not gonna make it.

also, general fatbot thread
Diets are easy. Literally just calories in calories out eat less exercise and say no to food blah blah blah.

Fuck this "easy" shit. I am so fucking addicted to food and I'm not even fat (5'10 153 lbs)
personally i think it's fucking hilarious that the new generations are so unequipped for reality and adulthood that something like eating a little less and going for a walk is literally a challenge for a lot of them.
pretty much this desu
just eat 1500 calories find foods that are filling and not 500 calorie hungry man actual meals
you'll lose weight and not be a hungry hippo
your next best option is HIV you'll shed off the pounds and years of your life but you should already have it you raging faggot,
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What does overeating and being addicted to food have anything to do with """"adulthood"""?
>the new generations

Most Boomers are overweight.
I try to shoot for 1200 calories but logging in meals is a fucking pain. On top of that my mom is always cooking dinner and makes me feel bad when i don't eat it. On top of that, I have night eating syndrome and have to keep a lock in on my basement door so that I don't have access to the kitchen. In the morning I have to escape through the back door and come in trough the front door then unlock that basement lock.

>eat a little less and go for a walk
>month later
>still fat
>do more research and calculations
>have to eat like barely anything in order to lose

It's like, a bowl of oatmeal and a couple fruits for a day. Fuck that. I'd rather be fat and eat happy than be miserable and eat nothing.
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What bariatric sports scooter are we all getting?
And for the record. Night Eating Syndrome IS real, but it's very rare. I try to take tons of melotonin and 5-htp pills before bed but it doesn't help.

>all of the weak faggots ITT

My daily consumption is a single cup of coffee in the morning and then a single serving of whatever I make for dinner. It is incredibly easy to maintain a low weight this way. If you can't do this you're a pitiful manbaby.
I think htp is a morning time hormone. It might be keeping you awake, but I might be wrong
You'd rather be fat & "eat happy"? What a joke, what a lie you tell to yourself.

I bet you're like "Damn, this shit is good, who cares if I'm a fat fuck or that that's unhealthy or that I hate myself. I wanna lose weight..."

If you're eating bearly nothing, you're not miserable, you're happy that you stopped eating like a fucking fat fuck & you lose weight in the same time.

Don't be weak.
So you just ignore hunger and go about your day feeling like shit? Or are you just bullshitting .

Nigger just eat 1500-1800 calories and exercise. That's a lot more than just oatmeal and fruit.
Went to the hypnotist today for the first time

Anyone have any experience with them an weight loss?
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>stuck to my diet all day
>mum brang me two double whoppers and two large onion rings
>ate it all
I ate entire packages full of cookies this christmas holiday. Loads of candy too.

I don't know about you guys but I know I do this because I don't give a shit about myself. How do you even change that?
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I only need to lose 7 more pounds lost 21
How can you afford so much food?
thats a load of shit poor people eat shit things that are unhealthy and high in calories, what planet you from
Not bullshitting. I've done this long enough that I don't even feel hunger now. If I go to eat during the day now it actually makes me feel exhausted and queasy.
>If you're eating bearly nothing, you're not miserable

There's nothing that makes me more miserable than not being able to eat a nice full meal. Oh yeah, going around with hunger pangs all day is surely the way to live!
>muh addictions to le cake
have you ever had a single problem in your life?

most boomers just don't give a shit anymore. it's fine if you are a fat slob and take responsibility for being a fat slob. and i'd include them with millennials for being spoiled brats when they were young.

>barely anything
you are a cunt.

also, it's not like you'll have the same appetite in 3-4 months you fucking idiot. with that logic, what makes you stop at 250 pounds? 300? what makes you stop before you're physically incapable of moving?
i quit cigarettes as new years resolution

almost failed by walking into a 7-11 but i adopted philosophy "literally buy anything else except cigarettes"

hopefully i get a little more energy from not smoking all the time
once you stop eating unhealthy shit and switch to good food your tastes buds adapt and you won't want to eat the shitty food again and you'll have a better mood and energy
not really. it's more that even poor people don't have good reasons to be active. if a dude walked a few miles every day it doesn't matter what the fuck he eats he'll never be fat.
I eat a box of cookies in one sitting once a week.

If I stopped eating it, I would be so much healthier.

But I can't.

3000 calories Every Saturday night.

I'm a victim.
Not eating is sooooo fucking easy. It's literally the easiest fucking thing int he word. Food is a stupid meme. I starved myself soooo many fucking times in the past and lost soooo much weight. In fact, in 2013 I lost 40 lbs in a couple of months. It's fucking simple and fucking easy. Not eating is so fucking easy.

But why the fuck am I not doing it anymore???. Why the fuck do i think I like food. Why the fuck do I have the urge to eat now?. Starving myself is soooo easy. So why the fuck have i been trying for two fucking years to starve myself again. Why do I suddenly eat uncontrollably no matter how hard I try to put the fucking fork down and say no no no no no. Not eating is sooooo fucking easy. I want to fucking kill myself. Not eating is soooo fucking easy.
How can you even eat over 2000-2500 calories a day without feeling sick?

I quit in july 2015

get a vape pen and some 18mg e-juice

you will be off them completely within a week, I was averaging on 27 cigs for 7 years
you only really need to lower your calorie intake, don't need to be active
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>be super fat
>start browsing fit because you can at least look like chad
>still eat the same, but go to gym and it's fun

why don't you guys work out? you can turn all that energy into muscle.
I eat toast for breakfast, a filled tasca with chorizo, mushroom, chicken and onion for lunch and a large bolognese/pasta dish/risotto for dinner and only hit 1800 calories how big are American portions?
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started doing kettlebells

I must have messed up yesterday because when I went to wipe my ass my arm cramped up and I had to wipe with my left arm while trying to stop the agonizing pain of my right arm cramping up even more
that's true, but from a perspective that recognizes most people are dumb as hell and can't control themselves for a single minute, we've been able to stay relatively healthy for millions of years as mammals, primates, humans etc by being pretty active for long periods out of a day/week. our muscles work particularly well for endurance blah blah.

lowering your calorie intake is like not having sex. it just doesn't work for most people, even if you punish them like when they beat up/killed cheaters.

>guy is 550lbs
>still has a job, wife and kids

There's no point to losing weight
>too fat to have sex
>likely no libido and wife is actively repulsed by him
>too fat to play with kid
>goes home every night to play videogames, kid actually asks him why he's so fat
>too fat to be a good worker
>is a burden on everyone around him, not only in his inability to work but also the undoubtedly disgusting smells and sights that come from his body
From a skeleton, what's it like enjoying food?
Diets are memes, lift heavy 3 times a week for 50 minutes, and you will never have to diet, but you will anyways because good food will taste better when your muscles need it. People who work out actually eat more than fatboies
Of course you are still fat, only one month passed.
Your "research" and "calculations" are wrong, if you eat 1500 - 1800 calories you are eating well.
You think that's barely anything because you probably eat like shit, but you'll get used to in a few months.
To loose weight you need discipline, that's the problem with fat people. They try to diet for a few weeks and then they give up complaining that it's very hard when it's not, just eat less shit and move more.
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It's ok anon, think of it as a cheat day. No harm done.

Most diets are bs, but counting calories, however tedious it is, still works. Most times it would be a simple math - calories in and calories out.
Chinese food and beer is fucking amazing.

Listen to this >>34079475 anon, one month is just to little to have actual changes, unless you're removing a limb. Your body just starts to get into this new "mode" wait for at least 2-3 and you'll deffo see the results, just don't give up!
Must be great to have the appetite and funds to gorge yourself with great food 24/7
>i eat delicious shit everyday, oh pity me internet
how about you add dick to your diet and quit bitching that your wealth enables you to stuff yourself like a turkey everyday
>but people look at me like im a pig
it's because you are a gluttonous pig, fat people begging for pity is ridiculous
all you have to do is hit the gym and you can still keep up doing your shitty gorging
aww man, if only a had enough of an appetite to really enjoy food. Only like once every few weeks do I get hungry enough to properly enjoy food.
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>Had horrible social anxiety-Well ever since i could think but it was tough here- at 120kg
>Not weigh 154kg and can't even circle the block
>wondering why I'm not losing weight
>Don't understand drinking soda all the time, eating biscuits and putting peanut butter in every meal is causing issues

How do you get to the stage where it's a routine bros?
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>1700 calories per day limit

11 days down, 140 to go. Maybe more if I still don't look good.
What do people gain from coming into these threads and stating the obvious?

Most of the time the fatties aren't going to take any facts or encouragement to heart. The people who are really addicted to food and or obese are either going to wake up one day and do something about it or stay obese.
>If you're eating bearly nothing, you're not miserable, you're happy that you stopped eating like a fucking fat fuck & you lose weight in the same time.
What? Why don't you just shorten your post and say "fucking fat fuck" instead of pretending that you're helping him?
just don't buy any junk when you go shopping. It's not hard.
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When I got a gf in 2014 I had insentive to run and lift my weights. I also cut out carbs soda and sweets and only ate at dinner time. Lost a shitload of weight that year, but after we split and everything, I feel like I have to eat every hour.
>needing a gf to get in shape/stay healthy
>not just doing it for yourself
Why would I do it for someone I hate?
Then gain the weight back and kill yourself.

You don't deserve a gf you sad sack of shit.
But how to stop the urge? I pass a bottle of soda for 75c and it's hard to pass up
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Thought I was on /b/ for a second
Truth hurts? If you need a gf to have any sort of self control you're a weak minded idiot.
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I know you probably think your posts are supposed to make me mad, but I'm just sitting back watching Taxi Driver and wondering why you are so toxic tonight.
Why would it bring me any inherent pride or satisfaction?
enjoy your fucked up joints and herniated discs
>220 pounds 4 years ago
>get down to 176 pounds in a year and a half
>lifestlye slips slowly
>present day
>230 pounds
>tfw realizing how time has passed me by
Anyone else here also experience this?

I want to lose weight again, but for reasons other than aesthetics. I want to feel and be healthy.
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What food do you breakdown to?

Golden Oreos destroy me usually.
I used to be able to eat so much of these, but now I can only eat half before I feel like saving the rest for later.
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>going to uni
>walk to and from classes to dorm, walk from dorm to campus, walk everywhere cus no car
>hit the gym up every day for at least an hour or more
>still don't lose weight
>run out of food plan before winter break
>get scared that I won't be able to eat because I can't find a job in this shithole town
>move back with parents for break
>gorge myself the whole time
>gain 20 lbs
>want to die

some people have it so easy
Flaming hot cheetos and sour cream will be the death of me.
>and sour cream
I've had flaming hot cheetos with nacho cheese but never sour cream. I'll have to try this sometime.
Vanilla yogurt is also really good with flaming hot cheetos.
>why don't you guys work out? you can turn all that energy into muscle.
I have energy in terms of stored fat, not energy in terms of a desire to get up and move, anon
I weighed myself a few weeks ago. 270lbs. 200 fucking 70. I'm not even landwhale tier but my god this hit me hard. Just a few months prior I was sitting at 250. 4 years ago I was 180 and fit as fuck but fell into a depression due to school and started eating pizza and tacobell regularly. I told myself I;d never let myself get past 250 and I've well surpassed that threshold.

Jumped back on a keto diet, going to the gym 6 times a week. I'm already back down to 260 in 3 weeks. I plan to cut down to 200 at least by july and will be back to 180 by september. I already cut down from 230 to 180 before in as little as 5 months, so I think I should achieve similar results using the same methodology. It's a good thing I enjoy the keto diet, otherwise this shit would be hell.
I was 287 lbs but now I usually weigh in the 160s sometimes 170s. Calcium and vitamin d do WONDERS to help you lose weight and you should check if you have enough of both. Also for some reason getting a job made me not want to eat sweets anymore.
Not him but back when I was serious about lifting and dieting, hunger did not effect me. Even if my stomach was growling, I'd ignore it and the hunger would go away after an hour.

It got to the point where I would fast once a week and I'd still feel great.

Maybe I just have le great genes and willpower, but it honestly isn't hard to battle hunger. My body knows that if I'm not feeding it, it will go to my fat storage to serve as energy.
I've been doing this for about half a year and it works so well. I used to be such a fat fuck but now I'm actually happy with my body. Not snacking is fucking hard to do, though.
If you're serious about losing weight
>Get a job, preferably full time (manual job is a bonus for your lazy ass)
>Start buying your own food and cooking your own meals, eating healthy is not more expensive than junk food unless you are a retard
>Start smoking weed, it increases your metabolism and if you smoke before any of your meals you will enjoy your food more and eventually teach yourself to only have an appetite when you are high (munchies are a meme and you'll be spending all your junk food money on weed)
>Learn the difference between hunger and appetite, I doubt you really know what true hunger is and are just tricking yourself into thinking that your appetite is hunger.
The fuck man. I'm starting too and it's really not that hard.

>Oatmeal with banana
>Couple eggs with muffin
Both less than 300 cals

>Picking up ~400 cal salads or some sushi from market

>Preparing beforehand for the week, usually salmon or chicken breast with veggies
Don't have calorie amounts but its typically about half a breast/filet with a bunch of greens, so its probably not too high

And then just fruit and shit between meals. All-in-all, I've probably been at 1500 cals or less every day for the last week.

I haven't been exercising regularly but next week I'm starting a schedule of ~20 min dumbbell exercises 3 times and 20 mins of running 2 times a week.

W-will I make it, bros?
Just don't buy cookies? If you don't have unhealthy food you can't eat unhealthy, it's really not that hard.
t. rich sheltered cunt who has never understood what it's like to buy your own food
I bet the cookies that anon buys are very cheap but filling
I did a keto diet back when I dropped a ton of weight. Did not count calories at all, when I noticed I was starting to plataeu, I just threw in a day of fasting once a week.

went from 330lbs to 265lbs in 6 months by eating less (pretty much just skipping lunch/eating filling yet super low calorie foods like tuna) and occasionally doing cardio

Currently at 268 after like 4 months of not caring about dieting but have picked it up again recently because im tired of my dick being smaller than it should due to le pubic fat pat
Don't even fucking start with that shit anon.
Im >>34081739
And it cost me $30 for fruit and veggies, chicken/fish, and a box of oatmeal, and some salads, which is food for half the week, then another 30 the next time i go shopping. If youre buying fast food daily, youre paying at least that, if not more
literally me right now anon

but im doing it live

being in shape was sooooo nice
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Who else /drinkbeerwiththeirfood/ here?

It's like a palette cleanser that makes every bite taste as good as the very first.
Yep so it's confirmed you have no idea what you're talking about. You're some loser kid who lives with his parents still buying his food telling others in the real world how to live
>the guy trying to look tough and all grown up is the one saying avoiding purchasing cookies is difficult.
I'm like 130-139 pounds and I don't do much exercise at all. I might walk a bit, but only if I have class that day.
>implying I'm trying to look tough and grown up
I'm saying that the cookie buying anon has a legit reason that you won't understand due to how sheltered you are
That's a very broad speculation you just made. Quite amazing how you gathered all that information just knowing how much I spend on food a week. Shit, I didn't even know half of that was true about myself, so it's even crazier that you dediced that. Please teach me your ways.

Truth is, you just can't admit that it isn't your wallet's fault that your fat, it's your own laziness. Like I said, I spend $60-100 for food for myself for a week.

If you are buying fast food 3 times a day at about $10 per meals, youre spending just as much money in half the time. Even if you're making $10/hr (which is what i make) as long as youre working full time, you have no excuse, especially if youre eating out all the time at mcdonalds.

Im a loser kid I guess, but youre the one that doesnt have any fucking self control
>Implying I never said it wasn't my fault
>Implying I buy fast food 3 times a day
You are a loser kid because you don't understand the value of money
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How is it going with you?

For me, it was one injury after the next that led me further into not working out, or running. Now all I can really handle is walks, but now I'm getting cramps in my left leg more frequently, so I worry that I'm going to be limited to just stretching, or doing aerobics in my room. Also becoming more and more addicted to sugar didn't help, I need to stop stuffing my face with sweets and junk.
Says the person that thinks a box of cookies is a priority purchase. A pound of fruit is literally 99 cents
>have job where I travel alot
>They pay for my food
>Food is one of the only things that makes me happy

It's not looking good bros.
>who /despises fit faggots here/

I am fat as fuck but I fucking hate anyone who visits a gym or works out. I troll /fit/ 24/7 and constantly spam garbage there.
Literally never said that cuckboy
You realise your wallet DOES affect your life right? My bike has been broken but I can't fix it because I can't afford repairs, affecting my health
I'm >>34081565
Practically the same situation as you except I really didn't pay attention to my diet in the past 4 years and now I'm paying the price.

It feels good to be going to the gym again and not being a slave to my hunger impulses. Though I really won't see much changes until 3-4 months from now.
Not him but walking to the park and running laps is free you faggatron.

Money is no excuse to be a fatass in the current year.
>Implying I won't get heatstroke going outside

Money is indeed a factor you fucking cuck if you were ever poor you'd understand that.
i lost 50lbs on a keto diet. i just ate eggs, bacon, avocado, and drank black coffee and water all day. basically just have to cut out sugar and carbs and instead, eat nothing but meat/eggs and green vegetables like broccoli. I didn't even exercise, and I love breakfast food like scrambled eggs so it was easy to do.
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I'm gonna post some stuff

fuck off robot
>lost 15 kg last year.
>try to loose 20 or more this year.

four more years like this and I'm not fat anymore.
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wew. I have to type something every post. What a pain
>living in africa

You'll get heatstroke on your bike too retard.
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Some more info. I know somebody in here will find all this useful
>Implying I live in Africa
>Implying I don't have a shaded bike trail
Stop being retarded anon
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For anyone wondering, you don't need to go to the gym to work out. I bought all my equipment and set it up at home. Fuck dealing with meathead chad fucktards every day
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More diet related stuff
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Women are alright an I don't hate them
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haha I knew it would pass the filter
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This is all I have for now. I would have to look around for anything else but I don't feel like doing that. I have some stuff on lucid dreaming too if anyone wants it
>Being this much of a pasty cuck that you need shade to exercise in the middle of fucking winter

Nah, you're just a pampered faggot that believes money problems is what's stopping him from being healthy.
>Implying it's winter here
>N-no you're the f-faggot h-haha that got him right
I'm doing what I can but money is an issue you fucking retard
Explain how to repair my bike without money
Here's an idea; don't fix your bike and take a jog.

You cannot expect me to believe you live in some fictitious society where the only method of staying fit is by using a bike.
No but like I said before I'll get heatstroke taking a jog anywhere I live you retard
And again, explain how to fix the bike without money
>my life is hard because i can't stop eating a bunch of cookies
>I can't read
Not even that anon you fucking underage
Where do you live then? Because I'm having a hard time believing there aren't shaded trails for twats like you that will melt in the sun.
>ate a big bag of doritos in one day again

What is it with those fuckers? Literally impossible to stop eating them once you've started.
Brisbane you americunt
There aren't any shaded trails around me
>33C right now

I've done two a day football training in weather hotter than that in full gear and didn't get heatstroke. Drink plenty of fluids and you're fucking fine.

You're a pampered cunt that will blame literally everything else for any personal failure of yours.
Kek fuck you must be a tough cunt bro wouldn't want to mess with you bro you're fucking hard posting on a random tibetan knittery forum
Fuck cunt you must be so hardcore
Even though I'm not pampered and never have been I must be because I don't live like you. fuck that's a good argument
Has nothing to do with being stwong and tuff. But it has everything to do with making excuses (which is what you're doing and continue to do so)

>muh bike is broken whoops guess that means I can be fat now
>dude I will literally DIE if I can't execise without my bike

There are plenty of people, dare I say in the billions, that can stay fit and have never owned a bike, yet somehow you are the exception.
Ye wanna go mate? O'll fackin knock ye teeth out roight hea
I'm not
I'm doing stuff in my own home you retarded cuck, just saying how money affects the world
I'm not arguing that money doesn't affect the world. I'm arguing that there are methods to staying healthy and fit without having to spend money or that much of it.
And I'm doing those free methods
So then what's the problem exactly?
Nothing anon
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I'm glad my friend
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Anyone else have really bad stretch marks all over? Even If I lost the weight, they will still be there. Never ever will I be comfortable with my shirt off.
They fade away to white overtime and become unnoticeable to the untrained eye.

I have a ton of them around my chest and shoulders but that's from packing muscle on too fast. You can't even see them anymore.
Rate my poverty diet
Half a can of tuna, 250g of pasta, sweet chilli sauce
and the other meal is chicken tendies and veggies
Awesome my dude
American foods have no fat in them so they'd taste horrible and to counteract this it's chocked full of sugar. Their bread is like cake.
Eat your meals using a small spoon, with less on your plate. It tricks you mind into thinking it's full.

Worked for me, lost 20 kg.
No way this really works right?
Nope, than anons brain is just really easily tricked
>start a test-boosting diet
>start avoiding estrogenic substances
>losing fat at record pace thanks to testosterone levels going up
>man boobs and stomach fat are shrinking, which never happened on my prior diets

Guys. Testosterone is the fucking answer to your problems. Especially if you're a fat fuck, did you know all those fat cells convert test into estrogen? You're literally less of a man because you're fat. FIX IT.
>BMI of 21
>tfw severely constipated for the past year

I can't take it anymore bots. I've tried fibre supplements (I already ate a lot of fibre before becoming constipated), laxatives and everything. Nothing fucking works and I feel incredibly uncomfortable all the time
>go to gym and it's fun

Lolwut, working out is like brushing your teeth for 45 minutes except the tooth brush weighs 50 pounds. I tried it for a few months but couldn't stand it. No semblance of an "endorphin rush" or whatever.
That's because you're not making it fun. Compete with yourself and strive to constantly break PRs.

That's what I do and I find it fun.
>tfw lost 17kg last year
>tfw will be done losing weight once I reach 25 this year
I feel so much better.

Going to the gym really sucks to me too. It's boring as fuck. I do it because I don't want to revert back to being a fatass again and I feel so much better during the rest of the day after working out.
I just ate an extra mcdouble from my fridge... I'm not even hungry, but now I am.
fatbots why do you buy shit?
when at the store why buy it? just buy shit like oatmeal its cheap as fuck, and skim milk fruit etc
go home and make an oatmeal slush, drink it in 1 minute
>be full
i spend maybe 5 minutes a day eating and i eat 4k+ calories (trying to gain weight)
mondays i spend an hour cooking for the rest of the week but thats it
i just cant understand obesity
guess our brain chemistry is different
i get only a small "high" from eating potato chips and soda etc and then i feel tired 1 hour later
Because they've done it for so long it's habitual
Because food is one of the only things that makes me happy anymore. Daydreaming about what late night snacks I'm going to get from 7/11 after class or what I'm going to eat for lunch after work is the only thing that gets me through the day.
>240 6'4
>cut sugar out of diet
>don't even move most of the day
>down to 200 now

sure is hard work
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