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>it's a therapist makes fun of me for not having a job episode

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>it's a therapist makes fun of me for not having a job episode
>it's a therapist gets nervous when I see through her lies episode
lmao get a job
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can relate to this senpai

best feeling ever
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>mfw told therapist I'd apply for a job last week
>appointment tomorrow
>didn't do anything

Also, should I tell him about 4chan/r9k? I still haven't told him what I do on the computer all day
>making fun of you

Wow sounds like a shitty therapist
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>it's a therapist almost kicks me out of appointment about suicide for saying i've already tried exercise and leisurely baths episode
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>trying out therapy
>go for a month
>dont think its working
>tell therapist Im gonna stop going
>he tells me to come in one last time free of charge to end things

should I go? wtf does he want
>It's a therapist makes fun of me for not doing anything all week again episode
>its a "I cant stop lying to my therapist" episode

Ive been to SEVEN therapists (solo and group) in the past few years. I just cant bring myself to open up or give them all my personal life info
He is going to rape you, it's a trap
Don't do it
Never, ever ever

Solo could be okay, but you should phrase things right, or they think the wrong thing

Seriously, though, robots, your best therapist can only ever be this board.
After bailing from work for several days in a row and hating life, I've arranged to see a therapist.
I live a healthy life and have a gf but no other social life.
Depressed because I realised reality is a lie and people live based on concequences not rules.

What am i in for bots? What's seeing a psychiatrist like? Are they painfully Normie?
>leisurely baths
Fucking kek
Don't tell him. Nothing good can come from honesty.
Yes and so are you. GTFO you fucking normieshit
What happens?

Super duper original
Super good comment, well thought out.

Medically diagnosed Aspie.
There's a difference between being a robot and just being a loser.

I worked hard to compensate for my shortcomings and this board should be for people to discuss how to function as a robot.

Go cry about being a loser on some other board
fuck off normie scum

If you want your therapist to be brutally honest, cynical, and almost seeks to justify your way of life maybe. I wouldn't seek mental help here.
Sometimes you need someone who can point you in the right direction. Most often you need some misdirection to get you onto the correct path. The ability to help oneself is rare, weak, and inefficient. Pride and independence only work against you, if you're not willing to sacrifice them to treat yourself, you genuinely don't want to get better.

Find someone who can help you. Find someone who knows how to help you. It doesn't have to be a therapist, but it really shouldn't be someone looking for help like you. Generally you feed off each other's pity, look for any way to get back to that comfortable, familiar depression, and find yourselves worse off because of it.

If you want help you can get it. If you want out of this lifestyle it is possible. It's not comfortable, it's not familiar, but it is different.
Like I tell myself everyday, and I know I've posted it here before.

It takes more energy to stay the same. Things naturally want to change. It's physics. It's absolute truth. The thermodynamic law of entropy states that any system wants to proceed to the state with the least energy and most entropy. Change will come, and it has to. It takes more energy to stay the same. Stop wasting energy.
What do therapists tend to lie about?
>go cry about being a loser on some other board

bro this is literally the board for crying about being a loser.
I'm not trying to take a side but you can't tell someone (probably khhv gf-less autist) to evacuate the board for crying about >tfw no gf
just because you're a diagnosed aspie with "no social life" but a girlfriend and a place where you work, only prompted to see a therapist because of some existential dread.

I think you both should try again or you could just keep being fucking faggots jesus christ
>therapist cant comprehend what i do on weekends because i have no friends

Psychology is fucking meme and only fat apathic women study that.
>literally has a good life
>has a gf and job
>says hes a robot and that actual robots are just losers

You don't even understand what a robot is.

Hint: They don't have GF's

You are just a normie.
If losers want to hang around they can. I get annoyed when twice I tried to contribute to this board meaningfully and its met with hurr gtfo.

This board could be so good. Sharing ideas on how to use being an aspie to your advantage, discussing ideas and ways to live happily outside of the mainstream world.

But utter losers that don't want to improve themselves don't want to allow that, the no true Scotsman argument of who is a Normie and who isn't is bullshit.

Forgive me for thinking people who don't contribute to this board arnt worth being here.
Best case scenario they just tell you to stop hanging out with losers like us.
Doesn't fucking matter. Leave and enjoy your succubi while you're at it
It's way too weird to explain a place like this one. they won't understand and they will think you are radicalized or suicidal if you explain what you talk about.
>need someone who can point you in the right direction
There are plenty of people around me who could do this, even now: my father, sister, roommate, or anyone I interact with. They just dont. I've learnt by now that people really don't give a shit; it's not just a meme.

That's why I first had to go to a therapist back in middle school, that thought had resulted in me having autistic pubescent rages. Keeping that in mind, I found it ironic to even go to a therapist, because it reinforced my belief (the therapist does it for the money too), and that doesn't help coping with it.

I've tried reaching out. I did it all through school, and the first year of college. I haven't had a single positive response. I know I need someone to help me, but I also know they don't exist.

Also, thanks for taking the time and patience out to write for a totally random guy on the internet. This is why I prefer hanging around online: it's the only place where people genuinely want to help you, with nothing in it for them. You're a gem, lad.
Go on what's an ACTUAL robot?

Is it not someone being on the spectrum which causes them to act unnaturally to other people causing struggles.

Or is it not having a gf and a job?
>not radicalised or suicidal
lol noob
But I agree with this guy, they're so overwhelmed by its nature that they can't look at it's intricacies, thus failing to help us.
>normie trying to take over the board by acting like robots don't belong
>posts twice and gets mad that actual robots tell him to gtfo

Look man if multiple people are telling you to gtfo then you clearly don't belong here. We don't take to kindly to normies around these parts.
See this is why your in the looser catogery. Any point can be argued one way or another.
But your too lazy to even do that so you say go away, leave me to pretend no robot can ever be successful so I never have to try.
Tell them and they will encourage your leaving of this toxic place. It's for the best.
What makes a robot. What's the criteria.
>gets BTFO by true robots
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Psychology is a Jewish lie.

Dylann Roof even said so.

How so?
Sorry what makes a true robot again?
I think you misunderstand. If they aren't willing to help you, then they can't really point you in the right direction. You need someone who can firmly take your shoulder and point, without hesitation and without wavering, towards the horizon. This requires incredible support, foundation, mental strength and confidence. You need to look for people with an excess amount of what you feel you lack, they will help you make up for it until you don't need them. Beyond that you need someone with empathy. They need to identify with you, without bringing themselves down to you. If they lack that critical trait, you'll only succeed in leeching the strength out of them, for a time, and like I said before, leave you both miserable in the end.

That's something the people here lack, and while we can help guide you, and you can feel accepted here, there really isn't anyone wholly capable of bringing you up.

Any one of these traits could be considered one in a million, and to find someone with all of them is not, and I'm being honest, something to expect. It's reasonable considering how painful and vindictive genuine robot-hood is that someone with the ability to cure it comes around once a lifetime or less. The best any of us can do is hope. That's all we really could do. By now that feeling of helplessness should've sunk in. We really can't do anything ourselves, but we can hope for something better to come. And even if it never does, through that faith, hope, and tenacity, we may find ourselves in a better place.

Thanks for the compliment too. I'm feeling a little over the edge today, guess I was phone cucked recently. Been trying to pull myself through with a girl who's absolutely infatuated me. It's almost an obsession the amount I've thought about her. Needless to say, I only recently found out she had a boyfriend, when she told me about all the sex they've been having. It's truly a miserable feeling knowing it's too late to start over, but I digress.
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>Forgive me for thinking people who don't contribute to this board arnt worth being here.

Well see it like this: they have a reason to be here and they aren't going away either way.

I'm a Wizard and I'm regularly called a Normie who doesn't understand tfw no gf. I'm not judging and I'm not pretending it doesn't sadden me sometimes but this is to be expected here.

I'm more surprised by what I read on psy threads, it doesn't seem helpful to my fellow Robots in most cases, exception being the schizo Robots.

Also to answer >>34027924 I don't understand why you differentiate between consequences and rules, they're the same thing just disguised under some rationalization.
Not being a normie fuck like you.
it's also the getting made fun of by anon for seeing a therapist, but I've been there.
Tell therapist anon says "get a real job, witch doctor's apprentice"
Why follow a rule if there's no concequences for it?
If people arnt directly impacted they will ignore rules if they're free of concequences
>it's another spoiled brat whose biggest problems include being mocked by his therapist and how to get attention on 4chan

I imagine therapists have some umbrella fallacy under which to can cover themselves, like

> You're paranoid
> Distrust Personnality Disorder
> This is the /pol/ addiction talking not you

The most obvious reason is if consequences fall upon someone else.

I take the snails out of my garage before parking my car, not because I fear the snails will call the snail police but because I don't want them to die for no reason.

> I wouldn't blink an eye killing and eating them if I was hungry though
Feeling guilty is a concequence in itself.

But if you can get away with something and not feel guilty even if it's against the rules people do, eg torrenting. People live concequence based lives not rule based.

Thanks for saving the snails too you good dude :)
>tfw Robin Williams will never be your therapist
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If you admit to breaking minor laws to therapists, are they obliged to report you?
That life is worth living

no. despite what the average 15 year old wigger thinks no one will be impressed or surprised or care that you've smoked weed before
Not drugs so much as porn

Let's say that men are living based on consequences (real or expected), why does it depress you?

It's a proof we're logical creatures.
like underrage shit or copyright infringement or what?

hypothetically :^)
unless you actually raped someone's livestock and spread disease to the herd (this actually happened in one of the podunk towns by where i grew up. a dude lost like 15 head of cattle) your therapist is going to be more interested in helping you than reporting something like this
I don't know why you would waste your time seeing a therapist. That shit is all about self-help in the end and that's what they're selling you. Although if you could actually handle your own problems by yourself then you wouldn't be going to be a fucking therapist to begin with. Stop wasting your time and money. If you think you need real help then see a fucking psychiatrist at least so you can just medicate yourself out of life because that's what it is about in the end. Just making it to the next day.
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>hes never heard of an anomolous tip
There's a lot more to it that's got me down I can't type it on my phone.
Also have a fucked up spine and I've been in pain every day for 4 years now.

I've declined quickly in the past 6 months to a year and I've given myself 6 months to improve before I kill myself. I just wanted to chat to some like minded people about what therapy is like. I just wanted to converse and I get told to fuck off.
It's shit like this, why are people so cruel for no reason. This is meant to be a board for rejects and I'm not even welcome here.
I'll show you an anomalous tip ;)
it's a care coordinator tells me if I don't go on meds Igo to a hospital then when I agree to abilify depot she doesn't contact me for a month so far and doesn't return texts or phone calls episode
>It's another "therapist says that 'There's no way I have no friends, I must have at least one'" episode
forgot to greentext, also do you lads think she's cut contact cause she's trying to have me sectioned?
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>mfw half the people here are therapists larping so they can study us

Well the explanation is simple, it's a board for adults but it's full of underaged boys.

I have a simple trick to detect them:
> They disagree with me

More seriously, lot of bitter people here so it's bound to happen, don't take it to heart.
Thanks dude sorry for the blog.
I just want to go somewhere where people are nice and I can be nice back
Hey Faggot.

You are paying someone to bully you. Stop pretending like their credentials mean this is okay.
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>it's a my pastor doesn't judge me at all and sincerely wants to help me episode
this don't fall for the therapy meme. If your paying them to do it that's their #1 priority rather than you actually getting better. Find a church thats welcoming and nice and they will help you a lot more than a (((((therapist)))))) would. you can probably talk to the pastor and he will actually try to help you because he isnt getting paid for you to schedule appointments with him so he doesnt care if you get better and stop coming to. him
can you elaborate, I dont know anything about therapists? also she doesnt seem like shes helping you if shes forcing you to go on meds or to a hospital i say you should stay away from her
Fuck off normie scum original original
I'm considering meeting a therapist for a psychoanalysis also it will be private because I can afford to get one... Any tips?
I've known plenty of autistic people who are normie.
should i seek a therapist though
i really think it could bring more balance to my life
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