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Thread replies: 333
Thread images: 91

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all you gotta do is take some hormones and you'll be SUPER cute super fast!

Personally I'd suggest 50mg of bicalutamide, 4mg of estrogen, and .5mg of dutasteride, you can get all of this stuff off inhousepharmacy and alldaychemist, for more info go to /lgbt/ and check out /femgen/.

You'll magically transform into a qtpi in no time but you HAVE to start today!
haha, wont work if you're ugly or old.
What should I take if I want to be manly?
Fuck you masculinity should be illegal, you CANNOT deny this

My goal is to remove every ounce of testosterone from my body and replace it with estrogen
>tfw 21
It's too late for me
Come on now, how will the doms enjoy themselves if we can't plow dem qts?
How about some pictures for faps or giggles? err i mean SCIENCE.
No. The world would be an objectively better place if it was just cute boys and girls, you are part of the problem
Can we ban this nigger?
If you promise to transition I'll stop posting but I expect to see monthly progress pics
I'm 6ft 8in tall. How the Hell do you expect this to work?
Just because you are tall doesn't mean you can't be cute!
And this thread is only for those who want to be cute so if you don't want to be cute it doesn't apply to you
If you're going to shamelessly shill fagbominations at least use anime girls I don't like.
also die of aids
This produces mustard gas in your lungs!!
Nooooo stop lying we need more cute femboys

How can I die of aids if I am a pure virgin
Just strength training, boosts your strength, stamina and gives a passive buff to "self consciousness". Just like in dark souls, just with less monsters and dying and more sweating
This. Hormones would do nothing but make me into even more of a monster. I'd love nothing more than to be cute.
Really? I'd recommend 5g of potassium cyanide!
I want to be cute but I live with my mom and dad and they even open my mail to check it out.

I literally never received a mail in 5 years... well I Do but they read and get rid of it.
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>already attractive without your Jewish poison
Please stop this
Wew it's not like doing that won't work if you have shoulders or any masc features
Also say goodbye to fertility and you dick

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I'm Asian. Is that enough to be cute? Or should I take the hormones too?
If I'm already biologically female, will this make me look even more feminine?
I will just make you start lactating since your body will think you're preggo / had a baby due to the hormonal imbalance and I'm not even joking.

And if you're past 40 it will make you feel better due to menopause HRT.
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>cutting off your dick and taking female hormones
this shit is so unnatural, you people are mentally ill
Shit... I guess those shilling conspiracy theories must have been true... WE'RE BEING MANIPULATED, DON'T LET IT GET TO YOU! THE JEWS WANT TO TAKE YOUR DICK!
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Actually hormones have made me significantly less ugly
>tfw already balding
>tfw it's too late
Obviously, it's estrogen.
HRT literally reverses balding.

Why would you cut off your dick
>over 30
>broad shouldered
>balding for a decade
Yeah, I'm far beyond "saving" by hormones.
im 24 and starting hormones as soon as my order arrives, am not really expecting anything incredible but ive heard good things about the effects and just dont want to get any more masculine than I already am (which thankfully isnt much)
I started yesterday
Damn spiro really makes you go pee
Spiro kills your liver on the long run.
Switch to the other alternatives that are a bit more expensive but you can use for 1+ year.
yeah, so i've heard. im getting spiro too, with estrofem
isnt something like cyproterone even worse though? what would be better?
Lupron is beter than Cypro or you can get an orchi (it ranges from 800 to 2K and you will go back home in 3h after surgery, I would get it as fast as possible if I were you).

Least harmful combo is always Estradiol Valerate (injected) + Lupron (or Orchi) second one is Estrofem (sublingually) + Cypro (or Orchi)
>destroying your mind and body is cute

There's a reason people killed themselves when fed hormones during the 20th century as punishment for homosexuality.
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I want to be cute and I'm still at a reasonably young age, but doesn't the bible forbid this?
I'm on oral valerate + spiro

Spiro isn't as bad as you make it seem to be bro, it's relatively safe even for several years. You just have to go check yourself every few months and everything can be under control.

It doesn't destroy the mind nor makes you think like a girl, stop falling for tranny memes. At most it can make you more emotional, that's it.
If you're so sure we can become cute, why don't you post yourself so we can see how cute you have gotten transforming into a qt3.14
fuckin post you cute faggot
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What's the point of being cute if I am masculine?
Because masculine traps are the best
Then why don't you just cut off your balls?
>A cute punk tranny wearing a plaid short dress and fishnet stockings will never say she loves you.

A-at least I can try to do that myself and say it in the mirror .... r-right?
If I was financially independent, I probably would.
Simply can't afford to rent a place at the moment.
I REALLY want to take hormones and become cute but ik scared women wont like me being feminine and i will end up looking like a mess when 30+ ;_;
Nigger estrogen in males make them into fucking vampires, you basically stop aging
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Feminine traps are cute anon. Don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll look super cute.
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Damm if thats true it just makes me want to get hormones more ;_;

Thanks but I dont know if im feminie looking enough to become a cute trap ;_;
Some people are just not cut out for it
I look manly as fuck, I'm not really beautiful or handsome but I think taking hormones would just make me look like a kurdish failed tomboy at best
Even if you don't become a cute trap, you'll at least look like a cute boy. Don't be sad anon. You're awesome and cute no matter what. hug
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>tfw 6'1" with giant bone structure and non-adrogynous face
There's no hope for me
kys shill
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>hormones are magicks
Fampai, you don't just magically become cute.
>tfw5'4" with chad face
Kill me
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It's your duty to become super cool and hot and protect the femboys anon
I wish I could post my face in these kinds of threads so people could tell me if I have potential or not.
But if it were to ever leak out or somebody that knew me browsed this board, I probably wouldn't be able to live down the shame
delete it in 10 minutes
It's too late, I'm 24 already, I will never be the little girl.
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W-will I at least still get to bottom?
27, living with parents, neet and in a third world country here.
You can do it anon, you're not as fucked as I am.
Good luck.
24 is still okay, genes are more important

There are people who started at 14 and don't even pass
I think when it comes to problems associated with ageing, you need to ask yourself an important question.

Do you want to be a cute femboy that is still a boy in nature but lives like a girl yet goes into the boy's restroom? OR do you actually want to be a girl that people refer to as Miss/Mrs/she/her, enter the women's restroom, and ultimately want society to treat you as a female no matter what because that's who you identify as?

If it's the former, I don't think there's much cause to panic. You can still start HRT and reap the rewards and boibewbs.
If it's the latter, good fucking luck xir.
Basically: trap or trans
whew, I'm 24 too and def going for the former
Is there any site or place out there that allows me to see how well people transitioned?
Like a before and after thing?
I hope I'll be able to find a person my age / looks similarly to me and see how he turned out.
I understand hormones affect every person differently but I'm just curious.
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>tfw black
>tfw automatically can't be cute


a bunch of peoples timelines
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Well there are some places like subreddits like /r/transpassing but the thing is, you will have to siphon through a lot of shit.
Most of the people who post there, are not only 30+, but they haven't been on HRT, had surgeries or put any effort in shaving / makeup / dressing. I'm not saying this out of spite but most of that place is shit, no one should even attempt to ask if they are passing just by putting on lipstick and starting taking spiro for the first week.

If you want a better idea, you're better off checking the passgen on /lgbt/ and doing your own research (checking some doctor websites that deal with FFS (facial feminization surgery)).

Here's a trip from lgbt that had FFS. Before you would say she didn't pass but I think she's doing pretty well.

With no effort / surgeries / hormones you will never pass.
I know these feels. I'm 25 year old ugly man. I'll never be cute
>tfw my face destroyed by puberty

i can't be cute
The first one is incredible

what HRT does to your face?
makes the skin thinner, lighter, smoother, softer and eventually adds and shifts facial fat around a bit. does nothing to bone structure though
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pic related was most impressive to me.
he/she probably had a bunch of surgeries to boot.
dont think she did actually, the facial changes and tits are probably just hormones doing their work
I saw her tumblr once. All she did was stop lifting, been on hormones for 3 years and had breast agumentation surgery.
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I'm too fucking cute for a heterosexual male, also I'm a manlet so is probably because of low test.

pic related looks more manly than me
Testosterone or steroids, those willbe much harder to get than testo blockers or estrogen though, and alot more dangerous too
just wait, he will
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i heard bad things about hormones, i'd rather use pic related

does it actually work? i was told it was a myth
The exercise will give you a twink body but you really need the hormones for looking like a femboy or full blown girl with cock.

Ill have to admit, most of the doubts I've had are lifted somewhat.
Some of those timelines didn't work out at all though, that's very frightening.

The following might sound retarded but I don't know anything about HRT.
Will your height reduce as well? If even a little bit?

Is there any way to tell how well you would take HRT / how effective it would be before actually taking it?
Some sort of blood test or something? Sorry if I sound retarded, I probably am but this boards standards.
hormones do have their possible dangers / downsides, but nothing else will work as well or reliably, if at all

always do your research before self-medicating


read the links in the op and ask away
I'm 6'3, broad shouldered and 26. I don't think so anon.

I don't think so ;_;
Literally all bullshit.
Cute pics though

>6'3 and broad shoulders
We need more men like you, don't waste your potential trying to be cute
>drinking peppermint tea
>"Literally all bullshit."

It's all so complicated. ;_;
Should I just go see a therapist?
Don't get me wrong, they aren't bad and unhealthy at all. But they just won't do anything on their own. They should be good complementary regimens while on HRT.
Preferably so you get free meds.
Tell me the dangers
Most of the medicaments you take for HRT work for trannies as a side effect but they weren't mean for it so some of them can also have nasty side effects.
Spiro for example is bad for the kidneys, cypro I heard increases the chances of a stroke (but they are pretty small anyways like 0.0000003% or some shit and so on.
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here use this instead
Firstly, if your liver or kidneys are not doing too well, just forget about HRT

You can be allergic to any of the drugs used

You will go infertile after around 6 months, usually permanently, this varies though

Too high dosages will amplify the unwanted side effects and make new ones happen

If you grow breasts, they will not go away

I'm not going to list the dangers of every individual drug (mostly the AAs) because that would be an article by itself but safe to say you want to know which one fits you the best and learn to handle the side effects (which all of them have)
I guess it's not easy being cute
>Firstly, if your liver or kidneys are not doing too well, just forget about HRT

Guess I can just finish them off with alcohol since I can never be a girl or girly boy...
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Why the fuck is this allowed??

Make up should be illegal.
No it's not, it depends more on what you look like. Natalie mars started at 30+
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Hole fuck are all robots just girls in cocoon mode?
>be cute
good thead
You can always be more cute. But as an asian you probably have perfect genetics for it
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The issue is making them try to become girls. And supporting them because most robots are robots due to shitty families.
If you get on hormones you'll age like women. The reason you see 40 year old horrible ambushes around is because they all started late.
Wouldn't touch that thing even if I got paid.
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Not black but also dark skinned. Even if I did the conversion I would never be white and cute. So I just settled for drawing cute anime girls instead.
>jamal wishes to be the little girl
I can't relate to these feels but it must be pretty bad.
Also second anon post your drawings

Except a lot of times people use "trap" to mean cd

I would want to be trap-leaning-trans as opposed to trap-leaning-cd

If anything, I want to look like a girl who's passing somewhat well as a guy when I put on male clothes
how do i get a sugar daddy to send me hormones? is 18 too old? is 5'5 too tall?
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Some can pull the trap quite well 2bh senpaitachi.

All you gotta do is put a lot of effort and don't just rely on hormones.
Pic is a boy.
Even if he looks like a female, still not as cute as a white girl.
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Here's another of her.
Btw there's a ton and I mean a ton of black and hispanic MtF and most of them always pull the thicc girl look that white or asian MtF can't ever do properly.
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Come on, she's a cutie.
Let's not get into this racebait stuff, just because you're not attracted to black chicks doesn't mean she's ugly or doesn't pass.
>become skinny if you aren't already
>buy epilator
>get rid of all body hair
>use nair for boipussy area
>buy lingerie
>take pictures of yourself
>start tumblr
>post regularly
>shill your tumblr on 4chinz
>practice doing make up in the meantime
>wait for guys to start hitting on you asking for your kik
>be reluctant at first
>make kik
>send pics to guys on kik and chat with them
>eventually show them face (with make up you have mastered by now) when you feel like you can get some dollarinos out of them
>wait for them to offer you gifts
>tell them you want hormones
>wait for hormones to arrive
It's not hard if you aren't retarded. 5'5" is a perfect height and 18 a is perfect age
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lol you're that freak that always posts niggers and tries convincing us they're cute
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>get orbiters
>wait for them to offer you gifts
>tell them you want hormones
>wait for hormones to arrive

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/pol/ is calling.
But seriously what's the problem with some robot being MtF and not white? Does it hurt your autism?
Post more black qts please along with names
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After like 16 you depend on the genetic lottery. Good luck. I rated blockers at 17 and lost the lottery.
Tbh it's easier just to go to an ic place if you can.
>ic place
What is this?
Post pic so we can see if this plan is viable
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don't conflate nignogs with being non-white.
Stated not fucking rated. Fuck mobile posting.
Informed consent. This gen knows more than I do desu.
Also this.
You're just a /pol/ racebaiter. I bet you're the one that makes the cuckold shitpost too so people can get angrier at black people and fill your agenda of autism.

Here's the deal, blackbots are not the tyrones you hate, they are just as fucked as you, maybe a bit less since they are not CWC tier in terms of brain damage.
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Sounds easy enough haha. Glad I've got good height
I think you mean me, this is me>>30584645 and not this>>30584914
Tell me what you think. Do I have a good body type? I don't want to post my face for privacy reasons. I know I'm a little muscley :/
I'd fuck you. If you invest in some lingerie and girly underwear you'll get your orbiters in no time. And hormones will help you get rid of the muscle

150mg testosterone enanthate and 500mg trenbolone enanthate per week, divided in two doses. Also consider adding anadrol at the start. You'll manly up real quick. Once you get about 10% body fat add some masteron.
If you follow >>30585284 advice
You will become pic later in life.
You'd fuck me? Is that coming from you as a gay guy or what? Thanks either way. Good to know I wouldn't turn out a hon in that aspect haha
relax i have no hate for blacks at all.

doesn't mean they're cute
Which races can be cute than??
>as a gay guy or what?
I'm probably bi, all the trap spamming on 4chan made me like femboys. I'm definitely not gay though being gay means liking men exclusively and primarily like women. I just think twinks and traps can be hot too
How big are you erect btw? I just realized how small it is on that pic
What the fuck is wrong with all of you losers. Is it so difficult to talk to a girl that you try to become an ugly hybrid of one because its what you think is attractive?!

It isn't

Youre all fucking retards that spent too much time in this hugbox for autists and watching anime that you think trying to become like your favourite k-on character is the solution to all your problems, you will be even more of a social failure than you already are and the only attention you will recieve is from other losers like yourself on a Zimbabwean scientist forum, only to end up killing yourself at 35 when it starts wearing off.

>but 3dpd

Stop trying to justify your failure

>youre projecting!

What I said is true for at least one of you, I know it.
Whites and pale asians. Although there's a brazilian trap who's just beautiful
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whites, azns (not chinese, but SEA ladybois yes), slavs that don't look tainted by mongols, europeans except italians and portuguese, mexicans, chileans.

it was my doctoral thesis in trapology in fact
hey there freud didnt know you browsed here too
Ah got it. I'm 5.5 erect. Looks like a nub rn cuz amphetamines. Why?
>Informed consent
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Kill yourself queer.
Not even too parents love you.
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>Youre all fucking retards that spent too much time in this hugbox for autists

>watching anime that you think trying to become like your favourite k-on character is the solution to all your problems
For some that could be, maybe their problems are because they are not really boys but everyone treat them as one.

> you will be even more of a social failure than you already are and the only attention you will recieve is from other losers like yourself on a Zimbabwean scientist forum
The reason some of them are socially retard is because they can't really work as men when they should have been girls.
Most MtF literally do a 180 when they start transitioning and become Stacies in terms of personality.

>only to end up killing yourself at 35 when it starts wearing off.
Suicide rate is higher for those that don't transition and give up early.
>when it starts wearing off.
That's not how pills work.

That's how roastie biology works, and guess what: they take estrogen after their prime to stay attractive, too.
You can probably still get some results out of estrogen if you're uncute currently.
>can't see shoulders
>awkward stance
Uhhhhh can't say much. Post measurements then. Mid lip to jaw distance too fampai.
Never say never. Sometimes you get minor gyno. That's it. Not to totally discourage you, but it's my duty to warn you of the possibility of becoming a young hon.
t. young hon
>true for at least one
>Youre all
>all of you
hmmmmmm. What did he mean by this?
Diy. Tell yr parents if they watch the current year man. If you wanna be trve hxc you could do a diy orchi. Wouldn't rec that tho.
Iirc planned parenthood does it. Or at least some of em. Diy then. They aren't that expensive. Tbh you just gottago to a place to get the letter and then go to an endo around you
>tfw this didn't happen to you
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go post on /cuteboys/ and find a nice man to get you some then
Wait wat

I can get estro scripts from planned parenthood without passing a "trans-enough" test??
>Most become stacies

/r9k/ isnt most. Thats why you all come here, to have a status quo run by those who arent the status quo in the real world. None of you will become stacies or qt moeshit that you dream to be because chances are most of you are gender confused lankey faggots who fell for the "just b a trap xD" meme.

Just get a better look and grow the fuck up, because 4chan isn't going to be around forever and once its gone or you start aging, no one will give you the (you)s you dream of on your autism support board, your parents will have died of old age and most real people you know will have stopped talking to you a long time ago
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Somebody may have reported you

Youre not even getting a (you) tripfag, kill yourself now do you dont have to do it after depression at the age of 40
>We need more men like you, don't waste your potential trying to be cute
Agreed. Men who aren't manlets (over 5'10") should be men. Manlets can be cute :3
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I wasn't going to answer but holy projecting batman.
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>falling for be a trap meme
>having a loyal husband who obviously doesn't want stacey
traps and robots are a match made in heaven so discouraging falling for the meme is stupid, there are so many relationship success stories on here of a skinnyboi becoming an estrogenized qtpai
Anon, that might be illegal for moeposter to do..
The test is are u a tranny? Y/n and will you sue us if you regret it later? y/n
Cheat sheet is yes to both.
Nice repurposed chadvice.
>just b urself :^)
Why are you so mad? :^)
>after depression
>implying that isn't now
Why do you keep bumping up the age tho?
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Here's a more awkward but straight on picture I just took. Are my shoulders too big? I think they're mostly muscle desu
I guess a light skinned pajeet cant be a cuteboy than ;_;
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>threads like these have pushed people over the edge and ruined lives before
Most people don't pass.
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it's wrong to abide unjust laws. MLK and gandhi didn't die for this qt to wait to be poisoned by testosterone
>are u a tranny? Y/n
>will you sue us if you regret it later? y/n
Planned parenthood? It's that fucking simple?? Thanks a ton my nigga
Lots of /r9k/ seem to live far away from each other, I doubt there are many success stories. I want you fags to be happy but pretending to be something you will never be and trying to take pills to do it is like a failed normie taking steroids to try and be chad.

The only reason it even """"works"""" is because most of you are 18/19, theres even a fucking underage in this thread who may have been reported. What will those people look like at 30, or 50, or 70? Thats if any of you make it that far

No arguement, no (you)
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the person you posted would be adorable once they get FFS, should've posted someone else desu
Poo in loos are in a weird spot. You guys can look fucking horrible and creepy but every now and then you see a handsome pajeet who has a caucasian chad face, or a hot pajeeta.
It can work if you're lucky enough, but hormones won't really change your face so if you can't picture yourself passing with make up you're probably fucked.
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holy shit anon, you just posted exactly what im planning on buying. though id perhaps add in some finasteride early on
>tfw only a bulgarian site ships to your country

mfw getting gendered correctly today. im getting there arent i?
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ppl who start hormones around 18 or before age great, saying otherwise is a meme argument that always pops up in these threads

and i'm a relationship success story here and know of many others. i can't recommend enough finding an r9ktrapgf to marry.
>What will those people look like at 30, or 50, or 70?
WAYYYYY better than a normal guy or girl at 30 or 50 or 70. You age like a girl and you don't get menopause. You are a vampire.

You really have no idea about hormones AT ALL. You are an ignorant talking out of your ass.
Ayye I'm Indian too

are you seriously considering starting HRT? idk if i want to yet
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Have fun killing yourself with your """""husband""""" then, why not take one of your other success stories and make it a double date for death

Ive researched this shit, nearly everyone in my mothers side of the family has worked in health and mental health over centuries and told me some of this

I think I know more than a bullied teenager with sexual confusion
I just mean that moe moe kyun shouldn't post lewds.
I just checked they dont do it in the Alabama ones. Go to magic city wellness center.
Looks like me tbqhwy.
Pls keep posting this is p fun to read.
Good luck anon. Remember to keep going, hormones are serious stuff and can make you be depressed. Promise yourself you'll go through with this and practice make up and whatever else needs to be practiced every day
Nah m8 my family would disown me or worse if i tried HRT, so i would rather just be a cross dreser while im young

Are you a cuteboy or femboy or trap?
>Ive researched this shit, nearly everyone in my mothers side of the family has worked in health and mental health over centuries and told me some of this

yeah me too

what now?
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>magic city wellness center
God bless, Anon! Take a dank meme
thank you. i am. i havent gotten any pills from the system yet and it looks like i will have to get them on my own pretty soon. so i think with getting gendered right, at least once already, i might just actually pass with time
You clearly havent or you would have realized you have something wrong that dressing like a faggot and only recieving attention from likeminded autists wont cure
>my mothers side of the family has worked in health and mental health over centuries and told me some of this
>over centuries

Yeah they also told you leeches can cure cancer and eating icecream when it's cold will give you tuberculosis right?
You clearly havent or you would have realized that you are talking out of your ass and you don't know how hormones work
>tumblr filename
>black female

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt anyway tumblrtard. I dont mean centuries as in all the way back to medieval france, I mean 1.5 centuries ago with my grandmother
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Getting gendered female doesn't mean you pass. I fucking hate this meme. I look like a man and get gendered female. Hugboxing is rampant where I am tho. Anywhere near any housing projects is hugbox central
Post sources then!
NP fampai. I didn't know where the fuck to go at first, since the of place I went had a hella long wait.I felt the pain of waiting on the meme.
>wpath doesn't real
>suggested treatments aren't good
So, I should be going to all natural doctors since big pharma is keeping me from realizing the truth. Anyway, what is the answer then? CBT hasn't been shown to work, along with dbt. Antipsychotics have worked in a case study in a patient with a bunch of comorbid disorders. Please kill yourself senpai.
That's over a century, not centuries then, faggot. If it would have been two or more, then your original wording would have been correct.
>doesn't mean you pass
all my hopes and dreams down the drain pleb.
i dont think my country is very hugboxing though, idk. idk if it means anything that it was in our international airport or not, but at least it made me a little happier at the time

Post your sources too then, try not to hang yourself whilst doing it.

Youre not even getting a post number or (you) now, and just reply to one post rather than three at once
Are i implying im that guy in the pic??
lmao same my family would (probably) be severely dissapointed if I wanted to HRT

I am none of the above but I want to be super cute one day
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so anons
how late is too late to start hormones?
After like 25 I would say it's not worth it
No matter how old you are, you'll get fags saying "it's never too late!" and then they'll post pictures of trannies who started in their thirties and came out hotties.

So what should you take from this? Well, you see anon..
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T-thanks for being honest.

You are a grown man, stop talking about this shit.

Leave this site, its for children. It was created by a fifteen year old boy, and the 18+ rule is pretense.
I look like a less handsome version of this, who wants to be my bf?
>Leave this site, its for children.
Don't ever leave /r9k/, please.
I guarantee no other board on this website wants you.
absolutely fucking btfo
>You are a grown man
Yeah I wanted to be a girl since my early teens but this stuff is not that easy, I come from an abusive family, pretty shitty stuff 2bqh.

>Leave this site
I have to pull a moot, to leave I guess, been here for a while.
Wh-where are you at anon

no anon I'm not, I didn't realize I had your post in there unless you are, which means post more pics plz
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Does anyone have more of pic related?
Or at least sauce??
40 is too late for transitioning into something remotely cute. Anything over 16 stops mattering at all because you already went through puberty so the only relevant thing right now for you are your genes.
DW, I'm here to be the bitter hon. I mean you can go along with it, you'd probably be happier that way, but I mean hons get gendered female. Humans instinctively want to hugbox to avoid conflict tho. If they were from burgerstan, them they might have been. I doubt yr a visible tranny like me tho lol.
Into the trash.
This is correct.
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Nah I'm from cali

D-do you wana talk and stuff >.>
>Fuck you masculinity should be illegal, you CANNOT deny this

Note that masculinizing hormones are considered controlled substances of at least Class III or higher, DEA regulated under the same set of laws as addictive prescription drugs.

While on the other hand, feminizing hormones are generally non-controlled, only regulated as far as they are ordinary prescription drugs.
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o-ok sure
give contact
N-no give me ur kik ;_;

(I allready posted it alot of times on r9k and got a few trolls)
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literally /soc/ the messenger no thank you

do you use any mature adult non garbage IM clients
Posting anime while advocating cockcutting should be illegal. There is no more blatant false advertising.
He never adviced cockcutting at all.

Why would a trap or femboy get rid of their cock anon? Thats the best part
Just a logical exaggeration of this icy-wet, slick, slippery slope, point still stands.
I think if I ever transitioned I would just cut my balls off so I take less meds but I would keep my cock.
fake pussies do suck, if you could get something fully working, even if roastie looking I would do it tho. Sex as a girl must be way better but I can at least use my butt for it on worst case scenario.
I want to be a cute "girl"
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>he thinks traps can't literally become anime girls

Also I didn't say shit about cutting your dick off, I think there's no reason for that desu
>come out at 12
>don't get hormones until 14
>still get assfucked by puberty
>19 now and i have the overwhelming urge to kill myself everyday

if ive learned anything its that age doesnt count for jack shit, literally just genetics
also don't transition just because you fetishize it, you'll end up dead before 30
is there any way to test that shit before you commit?
any way to test what?
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>you will never be this cute

>literally just genetics
something I can look for? body frame? certain indicators?
Don't fall for the meme, gents.
Give me ur skype than ;_;
Far too late my man, I'm a goner.
Time to enjoy life and kill myself at 30.

just fucking kiss already

suki da yo
Are u still on this thread??? ;_;
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You don't become a cuteboy. Don't fall for this meme, femgen was shilled by trannies into getting on hrt and they're shilling you now.
rip in peace anon

you will never get your cute boi
rip in peace.
>the worst part is that you will never be cute because you are genetically made to be masculine
>even the biggest betas are much more masculine than women.
short, small shoulders, small ribcage, small hands, small feet (less than size 7), nice hair, childish face, lack of body hair, high-ish voice

thats about it
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1:21-31 Neither holy cities nor royal ones are faithful to their trust, if religion does not dwell in them. Dross may shine like silver, and the wine that is mixed with water may still have the colour of wine. Those have a great deal to answer for, who do not help the oppressed, but oppress them. Men may do much by outward restraints; but only God works effectually by the influences of his Spirit, as a Spirit of Judgment. Sin is the worst captivity, the worst slavery. The redemption of the spiritual Zion, by the righteousness and death of Christ, and by his powerful grace, most fully accord with what is here meant. Utter ruin is threatened. The Jews should become as a tree when blasted by heat; as a garden without water, which in those hot countries would soon be burned up. Thus shall they be that trust in idols, or in an arm of flesh. Even the strong man shall be as tow; not only soon broken, and pulled to pieces, but easily catching fire. When the sinner has made himself as tow and stubble, and God makes himself as a consuming fire, what can prevent the utter ruin of the sinner?
Fucking chinese cartoons really screwed up your brains.
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1:4-6 The ungodly are the reverse of the righteous, both in character and condition. The ungodly are not so, ver. 4; they are led by the counsel of the wicked, in the way of sinners, to the seat of the scornful; they have no delight in the law of God; they bring forth no fruit but what is evil. The righteous are like useful, fruitful trees: the ungodly are like the chaff which the wind drives away: the dust which the owner of the floor desires to have driven away, as not being of any use. They are of no worth in God's account, how highly soever they may value themselves. They are easily driven to and fro by every wind of temptation. The chaff may be, for a while, among the wheat, but He is coming, whose fan is in his hand, and who will thoroughly purge his floor. Those that, by their own sin and folly, make themselves as chaff, will be found so before the whirlwind and fire of Divine wrath. The doom of the ungodly is fixed, but whenever the sinner becomes sensible of this guilt and misery, he may be admitted into the company of the righteous by Christ the living way, and become in Christ a new creature. He has new desires, new pleasures, hopes, fears, sorrows, companions, and employments. His thoughts, words, and actions are changed. He enters on a new state, and bears a new character. Behold, all things are become new by Divine grace, which changes his soul into the image of the Redeemer. How different the character and end of the ungodly!
>le book memes

I love this meme XD
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Basically you end up looking like a freak,, androgyny doesn't last forever. You don't end up looking like a woman, but you don't look like a man even when you try to look more masculine/androgynous.
>small shoulders
>small ribcage
>small hands,
>small feet (less than size 7)
>nice hair
>childish face
>lack of body hair
>high-ish voice

0/9, time to purge those thoughts from my mind I guess.
Does the possibility of spending eternity in hell make you uncomfortable? Is that why you lashed out at me?
not really i didn't read anything you said. But you said some spicy memes there m8
>he's a protestant
6 or less is alright
>small shoulders
This is true
>small ribcage
This is true
>small hands
You don't really need SMALL hands, just not stupid big
>small feet
Footfags rot in hell
>nice hair
That's easy to fix
>childish face
This is true
>lack of body hair
That's easy to fix
>high-ish voice
That's easy to fix
>6 or less is alright

I only missing out on ribcage, shoulders, and face. If I lose some weight I could probably get a smaller ribcage and face if i get facial surgery, if im lucky enough to not look botched.

If everything else goes well my shoulders won't stand out too much. They aren't big but they aren't super small.
>shoulders, and face
Those are the most important things though. You'll have it really hard friend, good luck
>not really i didn't read anything you said.
>But you said some spicy memes there m8
Not the guy you replied to, but how do you know what he said if you didn't read it?
The dream is dead, face is tolerable but shoulders are overdeveloped on me.
yeah sorry
kk just made a Skype
[email protected]
I sent u a message anon ;_;

realistic example case reporting in :)

still don't look perfect but hey, it's a big improvement for sure! everyone says I seem much happier now and have 'found myself', and I get invited to parties, get free drugs etc., invited out all the time when before I got invited to 3 parties in the entirety of high school, none of which were particularly fun for me, and used to be excluded from every social group and picked last for all teams etc.

not to mention the lil boobs are super fun to play with and girl skin is soft and squidgable as fuck. a lot of the difference in skin texture and muscle/fat redistribution you can't really see here because of the crappy lighting.
oh and a notable thing I should say is, if you think there hasn't been much change from the 'mones, look at the width of my nose and my browbone. jaw has changed shape quite a bit too and cheeks have filled out but the facial hair in second pic hides it.
I'm lanky as fuck and have a long face and a crooked jew nose, I'm beyond saving.
I think robin is a qt.
Would go on dates and proudly show her to my parents then be disowned /10.
Same to be truthful
read first line
>le numbers
what a madman
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>mfw I have wider hips and a more feminine face than most of these trannie fucks from /lgbt/ but I have no desire to "become" a "girl"
>wider hips
Fat fuck

>feminine face
Ugly beta

Your only realistic hope to not be shit is to take meds anon
daww <3
see this is the stuff nobody used to say to me that I get in spades now, it's lovely
who hurted you, anon?
So what exactly will taking these three things accomplish?
They make you into a cute girl! Pretty cool, right?

I started around my 21st birthday and I pass pretty well two years later. I had model-ish aesthetics though (thin, tall, pale, high cheekbones, big eyes) so I might have been lucky.
People say I already look like a cute girl (7/10) with just crossdressing. Would this get rid of my veins that show easily and body hair/muscle?

Veins? Depends but it'll probably help as long as you put effort into skincare. Estrogen/AAs won't get rid of your body hair but they'll thin it out and lighten it up. Muscle will eventually atrophy.
>no male ageing (bigger bone structure, balding, rough skin etc.)
>soft squidgy skin like a girl
>small boobs
>softer, cuter facial features
>lighter, possibly reduced facial hair
>thinner, blonder, softer body hair
>fat redistribution to a more female pattern around body (e.g. more defined waist, less fat on stomach, more to butt and thighs)- takes a long time though, several years
-softer hair
-also paler skin, less acne etc., maybe freckles
-reduced libido, no blue balls feeling, less sexual frustration
-more emotions
-less prone to anger
-more sexually submissive, in some cases more attraction to men
-much easier to shave and less shaving rash etc. problems due to softer skin
-probably more I've forgotten
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Are you the op? Also, I mean like this...

So I'd have to wax to get rid of thigh hair, etc?
Friendly reminder if you're considering it but you give up because "you're too far gone" you're just going to want to kys as it gets worse and worse. You might as well take the meds. Nothing says you have to put on lipstick and wear dresses and get a bright pink undercut and call people shitlords


Yes, you'd still have to do hair removal. Veins like that would probably diminish with time or if you put on weight.
do you have contact info? I have other stuff to ask and shit
naw I've been on hrt for 10 months and my body hair has mostly turned to girly blonde soft body hair now
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>tfw you only got 6 of em
Can someone kill me?
will this work if you are an ugly grill?
Your face can carry any of the others depending on how good it is
It's fucking trash. It doesn't even matter since everything around me is a fucking hugbox, I guess. I just wish I could hugbox myself
Pleb you into men too or just full blown transbian?
Asking for a friend.
Biscum tbqhwy. Is this original?
Good, I almost had to use my secret card.
What kind of stuff you're into?
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your face is the reason I weep and drink my sorrows away.
cheer up senpai, were all gonna make it

You can try them out for 2-3 months without permanent effects to see how they make you feel, and if you end up liking the effects, you still dont need to "transition" or start calling yourself female, you can just be a more youthful male
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>secret card
And uhhhhh, I dunno desu
Iktf. I cry because of my face a lot too. I'm surprised more ppl don't.
but you've seen me and know I'm not making it, or at least where I want to make it. We'll all make it somewhere in due time
They stapled their tear ducts closed, you just haven't noticed it yet.
yeah but that could be fixed with surgery the only problem is funds to afford it, but at the very least you have a sense of humor and good taste in music and film.
>And uhhhhh, I dunno desu
How the hell can I be your closeted tranny that will never transition bf if you don't tell me your fucking hobbies.

There I told you my secret.
Anyways gonna go sleep. Catch you somewhere else.

Drop an email address and I'll contact you. Best of luck.
Oh, I should get that done then.
I mean it's covered, but I just want to pass. The meme said I should have been able to. Pls kill me ;-;
Ohhhh, I thought you meant like as in like what I'm looking for in bf/gf. My main hobby is l self loathing. I'm sorry anon, I misinterpreted...
Hearthstone and self loathing and shitposting
[email protected]
totally, I recommend it.
I ain't gonna kill you (would rather like to be killed instead to be honest) but we maybe you can send a few bottles of vodka my way, I've been sober for a day and it's horrible
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>sober for a day
How??? That's inhumane. Drunken kill for kill?
I finished it all.
sure, how do you feel about defenestration?
I thought I'd never lead this restless life. I'd also the best thing to do to your computer!
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See, perfect taste in music.
if you don't mind I'll re-add you on skype.
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Seriously who are you trying to fool?

No one fell for it the first time and no one will fall for it now.

We have a containment board for you, go there.
I think we already convinced at least a couple in this very thread though

Trap uprising soon
that's cool!
fukken saved tho. original comment here
Just crossdress, fuck taking meds
I don't know what the effects of hormones would be if a girl takes them desu

I'm guessing they'll just blend in with your other girl hormone
What does it feel like when the same ppl who precluded you from get-togethers just a year or two ago suddenly invite you over?
nigga you look fucking disgusting

Prime example why nobody here should ever try to trap
a lot better than the first two pics tho
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not disgusting, plus FFS would make her super kuhwaii

i'd def. kiss her
What is FFS?
i am a girl and i have a beard and its killing me
What is your race?
How the fuck do you have a beard why did you let it grow out?
Do you shave your arms and legs?

Why not start taking female hormones so you can be cute, that's what the OP says
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facial feminization surgery, generally involves softening the brow/chin/jaw angles. basically making someone look less like a neanderthal
Yeah robin why don't you do this? Without that chin of yours you would be qt as fuck
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it's expensive and i think she's plenty qt without surgery. i'm not single and maybe her personality's terrible but was suggesting i think she's perfectly date-able as is
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oh shit i didn't even see you here b4. might as well add another timeline that's sorta less encouraging.
it cost money. i need it hella fucking bad. i'm just praying my insurance will cover it.
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Doesn't taking girl hormones give you cancer and bone problems and kill your liver and stuff?
Nah it's perfectly safe
Actually it makes you live longer and be cuter you should probably start desu
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I always knew I could trust r9k to help guide me through major life decisions.
Dude you better start
What can I take to stimulate facial hair growth? My genetics have forsaken me.
can exercise actually give you a womanly ass or do you need hormones for that

literally all i care about is ass/hips
Some kinds of exercise will definitely make you more womanly shaped yes

But you'll need hormones to go all the way
So how long can I take them before any permanent effects? I just want to try and see how it makes me feel
Any immediate affects you'd feel on hormones is placebo, they take months
>shilling hormones
JUST my body up senpai
You can be cute without them
Actually no you can't
Take it before you lose your chance anon! You want to be a cute girl don't you?
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>Actually no you can't
Actually, yes you can.

>Take it before you lose your chance anon!
>Implying most anons didn't lose their chance at birth from shit genes

>You want to be a cute girl don't you?
Nah I want to be a cute guy and maybe trap a bit, but I'm totally fine with being male and don't want or need to JUST my body up and destroy my dick so that I can look like an ugly girl. Hormones can't fix bone structure.
>destroy my dick
You are circumsized, are you not? I think it's time to finish the job. Crush that cock

>hormones can't fix bone structure
What if I told you they can
kill yourselves fags
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>You are circumsized, are you not?
Pure un-jewed goodness
>I think it's time to finish the job. Crush that cock
Go away schlomo

>What if I told you they can
You'd be literally, LITERALLY lying out your estrogonized ass
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Anon I think it's important that all cute boys such as yourself took their cuteness to its fullest potential. You want to be cute anon, so why not take some pills? No injections or anything. Just some cute little pills. Before you know it you'll be cuter than ever :)
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95% of you fags end up like this
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>Before you know it you'll be cuter than ever :)
*Before you know it you'll be destroying your body from the inside out and fucking your sex drive over for life among other things
Call me when you can grow me a cute female body and brain transplant me, until then you can keep your meme pills schlomo.
Anon you are compromising my directive

You realize you are directly affecting my compensation by this post
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I think hormones would fuck up my beautiful teeth.
They won't! You have nothing to be scared of anon, HRT can ONLY make you cuter. Give it a try and see if you like it!
I dontthink hormones would fuck up my beautiful teeth*************
I know but how long until the effects will not go away anymore?
I think for the first 8 months or so you get more feminine but people still can't really tell you are on pills

After that its more irreversible
because it costs like over 15000 euros
I want it though
Can you get it for free if you moved to some Asian country like Thailand or something
>you wanna be cute
YESS!!! But I think transitioning is too expensive
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don't worry, you don't have to transition to be a qt, it just helps
>tfw have a cute face, decent hips, small hands, not too big feet
>tfw my top tier qt trap status is sabotaged by a swarthy wide chest, broad shoulders and big arms
>tfw I have to get by as a mere 2nd rate trap waifu using my face and ass as leverage

>tfw no qt trap bf
Why even live
>We need more men like you, don't waste your potential trying to be cute

...well I wouldn't mind having a qt manlet bf
i-im a qt manlet
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>tfw shit face, barrel chest and massive shoulders
also, should I get a fringe again or not????
>lol just move across the world to asia senpai no biggie
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