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Why don't you transit?

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And become a beautiful and sexy trap/shemale?

You are already at the bottom, why don't you try for once the top? wouldn't hurt anyone, friend.

>Women, Men, and other traps will love you
>Your mum will be proud about her new daughter
>easy mode because you are a girl now
>can make easy money on webcam, porn, or twitch
>sexy tits
>you can ignore other betas
>you will get all the attention you need
>plenty of sex

there are literally no downsides.
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Start right now with this little guide
Does the top Stacy not fuck anyone? Or is there a guy who's ascended beyond this graph
Most robots are too ugly to become a good looking trap. The only thing worse than an ugly man is an ugly man pretending to be a woman.
>implying a 10/10 Chad would fuck a tranny
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is there a guide for growing hips and an ass like pic related
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I don't know about the homo shit, but I really should start running.
Anyone here run daily, or every other day? Do you do morning or evening? How long do you run? Do you eat before or afterwards?
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>there are literally no downsides
Apart from the part where you'll be ugly.
>Women, Men, and other traps will find you gross
>Your mum will be disgusted by her son
>Hard mode because you are worse off than a regular guy
>Can't make money because no-one will hire you
>Tiny hormone tits or fake tits
>Even betas won't want you
>The only attention you'll recieve will be hate
>No sex
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From ugly to sexy, it is possible.

Why would you work for a company if you can earn shit loads of money from betas as cam worker, dategirl (sex or non sex) or twitch streamer?
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Here you go, train your bubble butt.
tfw no bf with a rich family to pay for your transit while also making you his servant

Can confirm on the mom point. My older brother went tranny. Our mother was horrified and disgusted. She won't speak to him anymore.

Also, it is my opinion that he went from average guy to ugly totally obvious tranny. I mean, he's six feet tall and has reasonably broad shoulders. Hormones don't shrink the man.

The whole thing is stupid and i don't like doctors pandering to it instead of referring these people to psychiatrists who can maybe at least try to help with the underlying problems that have lead these men in to thinking the tranny meme is the way to go.
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At least she is fighting for her dream and she can find the right people who will support her and find her beautiful and sexy.
Because of the reasons summed up here >>29725388
I'd love to transition but I'm too ugly and would never pas.
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Homo. Jpg
I fucking knew that jews are creating gays and trans

Why do you care? It's not like the desperate losers doing this will every prolong the white race.


Spread the word.
What a shame the guy wasn't bad-looking, now he's just another tranny.
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Too far gone, desu. Too much of a beta to be a 'real man', but just enough manly features to look like a disgusting degenerate if I transited.
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We get it, but you can try it at least. You can always transit back.
Straight to /pol
>all these MGTOW threads
>all these Women Hate threads
>"hey guys! Why not become a human abomination - I mean a cute anime girl! The process won't be shameful, painful and completely irreversible!"
>You can always transit back.

Sure let me just un-cut my penis and testicles.
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And use make up, most women looks boring without make up. make up makes everyone sexy.
Pretty sure once you start getting boobs you can't go back to a normal guy chest.
I transitionined and I'm never gonna cut off my tinkler or balls, that's not a necessity anon
Well there's a certain point anyhow, when breast tissue forms it's hard to stop/reverse anything but for.the beginning of the development it's mostly just fluids and swelling so it will dissapear for sure if stopped at that stage
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you can keep your sweet feminine penis, many men fetishize it and it would be boring if you cut it off.
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fixed the image

the traps you see in pron and webcams are the top 1% of traps
If you weren't born a tranny you won't like it if you transition cause you're a man at heart no matter how desperate you are.
Simply put if a normal guy transitions he's gonna have a bad time and commit suicide
Also, boypucci is just a meme, very few men (who happen to be ugly creeps) would go for a tranny

You're just a gay man with a dress.
Up until that stage, you'll still look mostly the same. There's no reason to do it unless you're going to stick with it past that where you're going to see real changes.
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It doesn't matter, just be happy with yourself.
>just be happy with yourself

You're the one forcing gay tranny propaganda on this board.
pls post picture of your legs or feets or belly.
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Oy gevalt. Shlomo, you're supposed to change the file name before you post. I'm afraid you won't be getting your five shekels this week.
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Posting guide that coolguy /drugdealer/ anon made the other night. Good luck to anyone wanting to convert, I hope it works and you become a real cutie
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don't know what do you mean, i found this image on the interwebs, lol.
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Oy fucking vey!
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It's too late, the goyim know. We have to shut it down.
Don't fucking do drag or pretend to be female; just dress reasonably androgynously, DON'T USE MAKEUP, and let people call you by what pronouns they will.
Dude wat
>and completely irreversible
You can bind
You can cut boobies off or just hide them under clothing
You can opt NOT to undergo SRS
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filename is not important, stick to the subject.

When I found out I was near the bottom of the totem pole, I simply moved away from trying to sit on other people's shoulders. Best move I ever made.

I learned I wasn't trapped or doomed and I never had been.

Eventually, when I chose to begin socializing again, it was awesome. I'm free. No social rules and standards except that which I make for myself.

The answer wasn't to become someone else.

It was to stand up and take control of my life, and stop listening to fools and madmen. In this case, OP.
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1. It's expensive as hell to do properly.
2. It makes the vast majority of the worlds population and also the majority in first world cities see you with something between mild scorn to outright hatred. Family and friends included.
3. It almost certainly isn't healthy in the long run, messing with hormones is always risky on that end.
4. Chances are you'll end up pretty ugly. The pictures you've posted are good anecdotes, but so far most trans examples I've seen myself have either large shoulders or a thick jaw, both of which are really hard to make female.
5. Your appearance during your prime years is one thing. Have a thought as to what you'll look like with 50.
6. You gain the easymode life of women but you lose the respect you had as a man.
7. You lose your beard.
8. Ironic that you mention "easy money" from internet prostitution, because every other way of gaining money is going to be significantly harder than when you were a man.
9. You're going to make your only allies, other transsexuals, potentially hate you for transitioning without "needing" it and therefore muddying the field even more.
10. Surgery always carries risk. Double surgery to reverse it carries even more risk (as well as even bigger wallet hole).
11. The intl drop-random-hebrew-letters-into-a-post tactic to bait pol is old and has been overused before.
I wish I could, I think that if I lived in the US it would be easier for me to be a girl, maybe I could find someone to take care of me or something.
Show some goods, muffin.
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Why the hell I would post pictures of myself?
I'm not a girl.
I'm not on hormones.
I'm just a shut-in NEET.
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okie anon have some feets
If I could get the benefits of HRT without the downsides I would (mainly the breasts, because I'll need to be able to pass as a man because god knows I will never pass as a woman)
You can cycle mones and get tits out of it you tard
how do you think brazilian shemale porn even works?
I guess I worded that kinda badly, meant I dont want breasts because they would look out of place trying to pass as a man, especially on a skelly like me

I really want to see what HRT would do to me, but don't want to have tits for the rest of my life if I decide it's not for me after all.
you won't actually gain any breasts from hrt. hrt does practically nothing really.
How do trans get their tits then, it's not all implants is it?
its 100% push up bras, tape and implants
kek pls
HRT will give you boobs, their size and quality dependent on your weight gain/loss patterns, genetics and other factors (age, puberty completion etc)

t. HRT boob haver
post em

I will literally bet $100 they are some Tanner stage 3 tubular A cups you filthy fucking liar.


Perky a's, maybe b's (I'm not good at sizing) with a great shape. No toob boob here.
I'm looking to reinforce my masculinity since my testosterone levels aren't what they used to be. Is there a guide like that to do the exact opposite thing?
Literally just
>no make up
>some make up
>alot of make up
>tfw was born a nigger and will never be a cute tranny
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There's a shitload of hot black trannies out there, it's uncanny how well they can pass compared to white trannies.
I don't want to have my parents think I'm gay though, that's my biggest setback right now
Just be like 99% of /mtfg/ and tell them you're into girls I guess.
i'd like that big cock down my throat tbqh
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Some of them are quite big, even BBC porn doesn't compare to their sizes.

Latina trannies are still the biggest ones tho.

Using HRT, it would be easier for the government to subsidize my transition from beta to chad than beta to psuedo-stacy with a dick.
these arrows suggest that women pursue men, which simply isn't the case. i think that's a big part of r9k's problem. they refuse to accept that men are the ones that do the pursuing, and they sit around passive-aggressively complaining about passive-aggressive women not pursuing them instead.
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Thai ones are freaky long. Why do big dick men like this transition when they can be a pussy magnet hyperchad?
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I don't really know though most of the ones with huge cocks are dominant as fuck and won't allow anyone to top them so technically they are still Chad but with tits and lipstick.
I like guys too though
Keep it quiet and don't tell them until you're a pretty black girl that can move out to your own house.

Then date girls and boys if you want.
I live on my own now but I don't want to disappoint them with that news, they give me the "it's ok if you're gay we'll still love you" speech like every other month since I've never dated anyone but I dunno how they'd take being a tranny
Actually women used to pursue me before I lost my mind and became a tranny nutto.
This is literally one of my rare 3d waifus. Might tulpa this chick.
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Why are we the ones that have to do the pursuing though? It's fucking bullshit and puts all the pressure on us. It's impossible to do if you're introverted, ugly and have anxiety. I've pretty much accepted I'll die a virgin.
Do you have any siblings? Also you could try to test the waters with your mom, chances are she will be alright with it if she said all that "it's okay to be gay speech" god my family has given me that one so many times...

Anyways, for now I would tell you to find a local gender clinic in your area and get things started out, you don't need to tell anyone anything for now and even when you start on hormones, it will take quite a while for it to have visible effects.

One more thing, suicide rate is lower for transwomen who undergo HRT than the ones that try to repress and live as men.
/pol/ may try to present the data in a way that agrees with their mindset but that data they always show doesn't make distinction from those cases.

In resume, it's always "was she transgender? if yes add in the suicide spreadsheet.
Instead it should be "was she under HRT?" "Was she living as a woman full time?" "Did she had family issues and was marginalized by society?"

Sorry about the wall of text but this kind of thing really gets me since people never consider the fine details that are the key here.
Thanks for the advice, I think I'll just repress it in for a couple of years until I'm out of the military then probably transition after that. Right now probably wouldn't work that well
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You're the third transgirl in the military I know that browses this site. Holy shit.

Have you seen that they are changing the rules about transwomen in the military? Instead of repressing you could actually get your treatment paid for the government. Have you ever seen a trip called Faye on this or lgbt board?

If not, try to go on /mtfg/ and talk to her. She's still working for the military and is trans.

Pic is her.

Also please don't repress like that, most girls that off themselves do that because they tried to repress to the point they broke and either an hero or it was too late for any good change which made them plummet into a depression spiral.
I've seen that they're changing it but it still seems kinda shitty since you have to be on hormones for like 12 months before they consider you a female or something like that so while your body is getting physically weaker from estrogen you're still required to be in the male standard physically and I all that I've heard from people talk about it where I work at has been so negative that I'd probably be a leper.
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