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>tfw your sister is blind and cute so you have dirty

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Thread replies: 365
Thread images: 84

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>tfw your sister is blind and cute so you have dirty thoughts about her
Why do you want to abuse your disabled sibling?
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Lelouch, please leave
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ney, you leave
Have you ever showed your dick without her knowing since she's blind?
tell her you thumb is sore OP and ask her to massage it for you.

then unzip your dick
>Implying she wouldn't notice
Even a downie would notice. C'mon now.

This man is asking the right questions.
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>tfw your sister is blind and cute

OP, is this you? If so, you are a legend on /a/ imouto threads.
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Also frequently re-posted.
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This one hurts a bit.
This gave me a higher level of feels.
Why does this make me laugh? Is it because I don't get along with my sister? I get the feeling I shouldn't laugh at this.
imagine if your sister wasn't a bitch and was this sweet, blind girl who tries not to be a burden even if she needs you
>tfw I would marry that sister
Are blind girls immune to degeneracy?
This settles it. Sight is the root of all shallowness.
Yes they are

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great taste tbqh fampai.
yes they are. They'll want to grab your hand more than a normal girl, will be more shy about sex. The downside is you have to take care of them, make sure they don't get raped, but otherwise they can function pretty well
how do blind people wipe their ass after going to the bathroom

serious question
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>when you buy your blind sister a braille watch and she gets happy but then starts crying because she feels bad about being happy for something everyone else can already do all the time no problem
>when your blind sister accidentally falls or hits something trying to sneak into your room at night to get in the bed with you and then is crying all night
>when your blind sister is on loads of anti depressants and it doesn't help
>when your blind sister begs you to touch her because she wants to know what it feels like to do those things before she dies and you turn her down and she cries in her room for a week
>when you cave and do lewd things to her and you both feel the horrible crushing shame that you have to carry for all time
u fookin wot m9
>feeling shame about pure love between two siblings
If this is true, then i feel very sorry for her not being happy.

didn't sound very pure
close your eyes and do it, it's not hard

a better question would be how they use echolocation, I can't even imagine that shit
generally your asshole doesn't change position
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>when you cave and do lewd things to her
this might be because i'm an only child, but that shit sounds great
>blind imouto
>loves you to death
>wants you to do lewd things with her
>do lewd things with her
why would anyone feel shame about that?
Lewd, just own it anon but don't impregnate her.
Tfw no blind depressed sister gf.
Are you a burger or a sushi?
You fookin tard, he means how do they look at the paper, I guess they just do more than they should
>Tfw no blind depressed sister gf.
Never change robots
>feeling guilt for making your sister happy with the purest most innocent form of love
I think he is wondering how can they tell when they are clean.
when the paper doesn't smell.
America, greatest nation on gods green earth.
The paper smells even when there's no shit anymore you doofus
I'd use wetwipes and scrub the fuck out of my ass then
we won't.

>tfw no blind depressed sister gf that asks to cuddle with you every night so that she can physically feel someone is there for her and loves her
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Your next course of action should be obvious
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Speaking of blind girls, how do they identify Chad?
Women look at what other women want to decide their own preferences, but blind girls obviously can't do that.
blind girls are pure and choose a man only on what kind of a person he is
that's what makes blind girls top tier

they are free from the roastie hivemind
You guys know that bionic eyes are gonna be commercially available in a few years, right?

Well, at least I won't have to wear glasses anymore
The ones that exist only let you see general colors and shapes. The are extremely expensive. There is not going to be cyborg tier eyes in our lifetime, and less than 1% of blind girls will even get them
laser surgery?
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Where did you get that info

or are you just assuming

Blind people can still see the impression of things. They'll know when you're walking around nude.
they are blind, yet they see more than what normal girls see.
The first successful organ transplant happened some 60-70 years ago. Sure there will be functioning bionic eyes in the next 60-70 years. Expensive, but they will be there.
it's been amazingly accurate so far. Don't let the dumb /pol/tards that think nothing will ever change in their lifetime trick you out of bettering the future.
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No. Being blind makes you stupid.

You're an idiot. Being blind doesn't make a person retarded. And I still love you.

Nah, and even so, I don't have any money

So you're just assuming then.
I would assume their roastie friends do the guy picking for them. If no roastie friends, then they go for guys that smell nice, have nice breath, and of course a big dick.
a-are you blind?
how do you know which reaction pictures to use?
what the fuck is this post

oregon enigma
>not just using a shower or a bide ( if you're a rich cunt )
I'm fairly confident that bionic eyes will be commercially available. That prediction is only a few years away, and futuretimeline has made predictions that went much further than that. All the predictions are based on research publications, sooooo
I keep them in named folders and pick a random one when I post. My younger brother drops new reactions in their corresponding folders.
I wonder if he's in this thread.
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lmao is this you
But can they see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?

I can just imagine you saying it wrong too.
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>I'm fairly confident

I'm glad you're being optimistic about this but visual prosthetics were researched back in the fucking 18th century and we still don't have anything reliable in 2016, just some hilarious prototypes. Not sure how a couple of years going to magically produce commercially available bionic eyes with identical vision to human ones. I think you've played too much deus ex without having any kind of medical or scientifical knowledge at all
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Did you actually read my post, dingus?
What is your love life like? Is it harder to find a romantic interest due to your blindness? Are you a boy or a girl?
moar blind imouto

>implying regular robots on /r9k/ don't have enough trouble finding love let alone blind ones
>identical vision to human ones
they arn't. Commercially available just means commercially available you dingus. The eyes out now are for test subjects exclusively, the average blind person cannot get them.
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>obligatory alternative solution meme

also a possible pivot point for the company
apparently being blind makes you a cunt too
Girl, not that it matters.
As for love life, it's okay. It's a bit weird for my dates, since I heavily rely on sound and tactile sense to get a rough picture of my environment.

I wear sunglasses so they can pretend I'm actually looking them in the eyes. Makes it easier for them.
w-well I was just asking because I feel like it would be cool to meet a nice blind girl online. I think that a blind girl would have a better chance of appreciating me for my personality than most other girls. All I want in a companion is to be understood.
my sister had a blind friend, there was a guy being nice to her and and she was nice back, after he left she asked her friends how attractive she was, they said not very.
so do you have a text-to-speech engine reading the posts or what? that makes no sense
Said the dipshit laughing his ass off at a blind chick...

Wait, so do you not usually look at things you hear?
wow that is really fucking mean.
I bet she would be attractive if she could see what she looked like. If I ever get a blind gf, I'll make sure not to care what she looks like, cause she wouldnt care what I look like either. Honestly, it seems like the ideal relationship, only caring about someone for the beauty inside.
Yup, T2S all the way. 4chan's actually decently structured, so using a T2S engine isn't that much of a problem.

Nah. If I hear something interesting, I'll just turn my head when the sound source moves behind me.
but T2S can't read a screencap, so how would you get someone to read it then type your post

this person's full of shit, everyone can stop replying
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get someone to read it then type your post in only two minutes*
i mistyped.
she asked her friends how attractive he was*
no one is free of the eternal roast.
kek that's so absurd. Why would she care if he is attractive or not?
Dude, I said I post alone. I never said I didn't ask others to describe pictures for me. Although that does make me wonder if text recognition would be able to properly read that stuff.
will you please be my gf? I want to experience the wonders of knowing someone that doesn't care about looks.
The difference is that organ transplants dont need a neural interface. For your brain to connect with sensory organs scientists would need to replicate the extremely complex and delicate connection between a sensory organ and your brain, in other words a neural interface. Thats a huge roadblock, and to this day there hasnt been anything which came close to being able to fulfill that role.
I mean it's obvious isn't it? Even if she can't see him everyone else can. People don't like ugly guys.
>I wear sunglasses
is all your dates outdoors?
How? Explain please
haha what no they don't
that's called partially blind
blind people wear sunglasses indoors, jackass.
it only took you 2 minutes to hear the post being read, ask someone to read the screencap, then type your post and select a pic?


I'm not saying he's not full of shit but.. did it really took you more than 2 minutes to read that? If so, I'm sorry anon
While I may not care about looks, I also rely on feeling a lot. So while being Chad isn't required, I require a man or woman to take care of him/herself. You know, grooming, doing something against acne, regular shower.
I don't mind chubby dudes, but overly fat ones are just not fun to be with. I tried.

That said, this is the internet and, more specifically, 4chan. I'm fairly sure I don't want to risk getting raped in an alley.
read my post again, faggot, I never implied it was just reading the screencap. besides, she would need to have it read outloud, that's not as fast
My buddy works in IT, he told me there's a blind guy that works in the building he's in.

Buddy sets up computer for T2S as blind guy is getting a new laptop.

>buddy checks out how it works, closes his eyes and tries to do stuff
>navigates, goes to browser, brings up weather and news
>goes "hunh I guess it's not too bad"
>hands laptop to blind guy
>blind guy, in 2 seconds, proceeds to change a bunch of settings, voice speed to maximum, hotkeys, and starts nearly out-speeding buddy at normal tasks/browsing/setting up his personal files

Buddy was mind-blown, blind nigga was fucking lightning fast.
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Honestly, I give up. If you need more than 2 minutes to read a post and a picture (and, may I remind you, T2S read quickly, as does my brother next door) then your situation is far worse than mine.

Do stick to "she", please. Basic manners and all.
I'm a skinny dude, and I take care of myself, though admittedly I have acne and I'm working on treating it. As for potentially being a shady guy because I use 4chan . . . Well there's nothing I could do to prove to you that I'm not like that except show you that I'm just looking for a meaningful relationship with someone who has a nice personality and understands the value of inner beauty.
Nope. I tend to wear them indoors as well. Since my eyes don't focus anything, they just wander places. Freaks people out.
I don't believe in girls on the internet sorry dude
even by robot standards, you're a sad, mean piece of shit.
even by robot standards, you're a beta white knight
how do you like having each post number read to you everytime, and having to remember your own post number when reading replies? LOL fuck off
Have you put your dick in her mouth and told her its food yet?
Where do you even live?

We can talk and be at least that polite or stop talking. Have it your way.
I would say "I can't believe you guys are falling for this shit," but people will fall for anything on here.
I live in the united states. Florida to be exact.

Is it so wrong to think there's good in this world
It is wrong to think there's good on fucking 4chan, now get out

>implying this isn't the last bastion of hope for Humanity
the last bastion of hope for humanity

Bane posting, autistic greentext, camwhoring and boipucci threads
To be honest, I have configured the shit out of my reader for that.
When entering a new thread, it'll just read out the whole thing with pauses between posts, giving me a rough idea of what's going on.

After that I'll have my T2S wait for changes made by the thread updater (that feature's usually meant for AJAX-based web apps, but you can forget about using those without eyesights) and read out the new ones. When a post contains a link with (You) in them, I can assume it's an answer to my post, stop the reader and add the postnumber to my reply.

It's a painful process requiring a good remembrance, but I've been doing it for so long that I've become very efficient at it.

No matter how much you call BS, it won't change the fact that this is how I use my computer. Reality doesn't readjust itself based on what you think.
>dude le evil 4chan is the butthole of the internet!!!
fuck off, 4chan is normie central now
But... how could she even care if she can't see? I don't even have a reaction pic for this. Just what the fuck, anon. What the fuck?
Not really.

But this is 4chan--/r9k/ to be specific--one of the most desperate and gullible boards.

Hope is fine, but in some places, it's just inappropriate.
It's not that I wanted to talk with you or anything to be honest, I just wanted to say to that guy that he is a retard if it takes him so long to read two sentences. Also why would you stop talking with someone on the Internet because they won't adress you as a female? I come on r9k and 4chan in general because it's my only source of social interaction, wasn't r9k supposed to be full of people like this? If you are picky enough to say "If you don't call me how I want you to call me then I won't talk to you" then maybe this isn't the place for you.

I'm not talking about the board specifically, but 4chan has been the best place on the Internet I've found. Regardless of its reputation, I've been able to discuss things here that I couldn't anywhere else, on the Internet or otherwise.
>implying looks have only ever been about looks

physical appearance determines who has the better genes for the most part

instinctually, a woman will conclude that if you're ugly, it makes you worthless and means you wouldn't make a good offspring. Blind or not, that's the way it is. Plus why would she want to be seen with an ugly guy?
because roastie hivemind.
regardless, it happened.
>having a blind gf
>can't play vidya, watch movies or watch most youtube videos

count me out, I'm too much of a manchild
Easy: Usually, when I politely ask people to adress me as female, even on 4chan, they'll respect that.
If they start a fight about how they don't want to, chances are they don't have anything interesting to say.

Sorry bro, I'm from Germany. Name's Svenja and I'm flattered you'd deal with my lack of sight.
Genetics and epigenetics determine appearance, not the other way around.

THis thread is roleplaying I see
do you use microsoft sam as your T2S? Please use Microsoft sam as your T2S
Why would you ask anyone to adress you in any way, it's completely irrilevant to the conversation what is your sex

I don't know why you replied to me, but I am not blind.

You can still hold hands and kiss and cuddle
Not her, but why would you not do them the favor? You're spouting bullshit and it works both ways.
you also have to make sure she doesn't get raped by a pack of niggers
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>Just look for the one called ''fregg''

I guess that depends on where you live
I already yould you that for personal reasons I have a problem with females and that is why I only use the internet for social interaction, because at least I can pretend everyone is a male
I want to believe this isn't real ;_;
Then again, Stacey fucks that very pack of niggers voluntarily behind her Chad husband's back.
Plenty of books are published in braille.
Reading is a manchild-tier hobby, isn't it?

>getting married

Pick one
well reading is a solitary hobby, does not something you'd do as a couple

It's not a manchild hobby imo, not as much as anime and vidya

>not liking purest love

Shame on you
77 w 77 w 77 w 77 w 77 w 77 w 77 w 77 w 77 w 77 w 77 w 77 w

Any blind girls want a boyfriend? I happen to know sign language if that help.
quick, delete your post while you still can
There is no love more pure than that between a brother and his sister.
I know sound language
Why would I do that? I'm not going to lye.
too late lol

because saying that you want a blind gf and you know sign language is like saying

"I want a deaf gf, I have headphones if that helps"
Bruh, are you white? Is the blindness genetic?

I'll take your sister.

>sign language

Think about this one real hard bud
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>sign language
Anon, I don't think you thought this proposal through very much.
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>stealing another man's sister
Oh I've thought it through. Obviously what will happen is when I meet people with her I can sign to the other person saying that she's blind and to be respectful of that. That way everyone is on the same page.
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>sign language
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>the average person knows sign language
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>if that help
It doesn't.
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Imagine that there is no text here
I must refer you to my other post explaining my reasoning. >>29703012
Think of all the stares she wouldn't get if I properly explained the situation without incident.
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>All of these guys looking for a blind girlfriend
How about you be the blind one instead?
you're retarded

>All of these guys looking for a blind girlfriend
You're an ass.
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but I'm not blind

I'm not sure what you're getting at here
Sign that to my face and not online and see what happens.
Alright fuckers, I see (HA) a MUD with my name on it.
Have fun or somethin'.
the average joe doesn't know sign language LMAO
You did well, helping your sister is the first thing.
This entire post is gold
I love you
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>sign language
I honestly have a fetish for blind girls.
How do I go about meeting a lot of them so I can start dating?
Start by playing MUDs. It's popular for blind people because of text to speech making the games playable. Go find the blind girl that left this thread to play one.
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That would only work for one girl.
Fuck commies, though. Specifically all of them.
any more pics or stories of blind girls?
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Damn, this is a fine group of niggas here.
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Wo in Deutschland? NRW hier.
Pls still be in the thread

They're using braille paper. If they can read it, there's no more shit.
>stealing another man's sister

Anon, it's the eventual fate of almost every Nii-Nii who found the strength to Protect Imouto.
can blind people get pink eye
>tfw no blind girl to read books to
They don't see color so it would just be an eye.
You can actually still find this post in the archives, he made a few follow-ups.

>tfw no qt blind sister who forces you to brush her hair
>who sleeps in bed with you
>who hints she likes you
kek'd myself to death reading this post
>Can Blind People See Anything?

Stopped reading right fucking there.
>met a qt blind girl online
>turned out to be a whore who got involved with a Chad at a young age, gave sex to another Chad in exchange for him helping her get around, and went to live with another Chad who abused her

I just wanted a qt blind gf who wasn't a total whore. Now I have this fetish and chances are I'll never even meet another blind girl for the rest of my life.
They're out there anon. You just have to look.
you fucking asshole.
Was I being insensitive? Maybe I should suggest you use your ears. Hear them tapping at the floor with those canes. To find a blind girl, you have to be blind.
>tfw have a slight complex for wanting to protect and give happiness to cute girls in trouble with no romantic feelings attached
not quite sure what they call it in english
I don't think there's a name for it.
I think the term is cuck
Where the fuck am I supposed to meet a blind girl
You can always check out the local schools for the blind. Should be easy to stalk if she can't see you coming.
Wow his sister sounds like my dream girl.
Too bad I'll never meet her.
Savior complex.

>cute girls
>specifies cute

Or maybe you're just an unconscious vessel for ensuring the survival of desirable DNA sequencing- basically a cuck on the genetic scale. A useful idiot.

Good looking people aren't any more deserving of your attention.
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>sign language
nigger what?
Be my gf pls ;_;
Orgnl cmnt
blind girl here

ask me anything
Please be my gf?
original comment is original
pic is a guy being perma-friendzoned, not a girl who stops hanging with her brother
After reading all of these disingenuous posts from a bunch of incels with saviour complexes, absolutely obsessed with control and being needed, you still saw fit to post here and humor them?

These aren't the kind of men you want, child.
How's life as a blind person?
Do you like MUDs?
Nice braille computer screen
>not choosing the low selfsteem, betagirl best grill.

Don't be stupid Anon, only her keyboard is in braille. She uses her dog to read the screen.
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She's not even disabled, just slightly well done.
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sorry anon, but these guys want girls with a decent face that doesn't look like a half fucked up pizza. Like best girl in pic related.
but the dog can't see colors. Do you really want a color-blind dog to assist a blind person? the answer is no.
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blind imouto.png
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Screencapped all his posts and related posts in the chain.

If he goes by a trip, I can find the remainder as well.
> The only good roastie is best girl.
Any of the girls are a good choice, but Hanako is still better.
Best girl

Most boring girl on the planet, her mind is perfectly blank save for "smalltalk.exe"


pseudo_int bullshit
>pseudo_int bullshit
you take that right the fuck back, pizza face fan.
Truth hurts, footjob pleb.
But the thing is: IF she could see, she would be like "some crack whore party girl". She is this cuteness overload because

1. OP was a lucky faggot who had a cute sister
2. The sister was cute because she was depending on her big bro for things and wanted to pay back somehow.

I have a sister, it's nothing magical. I would love to trade my sister for someone's else, especially the pic anon.
it hurts less then having half of your whore waifus face burned to a fleshy crisp.
>Screencapped all his posts and related posts in the chain.

Thanks anon.
>loosing it
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At least my girl can make small talk.
Burned girl c-c-c-can b-b-barely put t-t-t-two words t-t-t-together.
>but the dog can't see colors.

Just put the screen in black&white so the dog can read it.

> I'm not doing this to bump the thread.
Bark bark, woof bark awwwooooo bark bark.
Not that anon, but excuse me why I go play vidya and hold hands with my literal roastie waifu
I'l excuse you from this board you fucking normie piece of shit.
nigga you so mad that your waifu a shit, it just goes to show how terrible she really is when anyone points our her glaring faults.

Bacon has best story, best personality, and is cute as fuck. She's a little shy so you know she hasn't ridden the cock carousel, and a bit of stuttering at first is adorable. Footgirl is meaningless artsy drivel and blindgirl is so boring she could put the sun to sleep faster than nightmare moon.
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Holy shit. She sounds really nice, and the bit of mischief with the bed thing makes her all the cuter. What I wouldn't do to meet her/date her.
>The sister was cute because she was depending on her big bro for things

That's a little sister's job.

Don't be silly Anon, the dog must bark in Morse, how could she understand it otherwise?

> -... .- .-. -.- .-.-.-
What if I typed in morse to begin with? Can the dog read morse
you got the wrong set of trips satan. That's not meaningless artsy drivel if you actually pay attention to it, but your ears are so used to hearing that stuttering that you can no longer comprehend intelligent conversation. And blind girl isn't boring either, she has cute and intelligent things to say, unlike your halfbaked whore.
> Be me
> Be kissless virgin
> Arguing with a random person on the Internet about who's disabled fictional waifu is better

Oh please anon, tell me more about the shameful normie mega Chad I am.

Question for you, how do you feel about /r9k/ as a whole?
I mean, isn't it infuriating to see all those young guys complaining about how hard their life is?

> For the record, I'm a hypocrite because I'm one of them
but you just made my point. why are you here chad?

Only if the screen is in black&white.
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>the worst my sister ever does and has ever done is masturbate and pfft
>That's not meaningless artsy drivel if you actually pay attention to it
About as much meaning as the "meaning" you find if you pay attention to a plastic bag caught on the wind, dancing amidst the leaves. No, nigga, that shit is just dumb and gives you the impression of being smart because you imposed your own fedora-intelligence on the idiotic ramblings of an armless pot-head (but without the pot).

>cute and intelligent
Yeah the weather outside and what kind of tea it is, that's so adorable and I feel like she's so smart. Really intellectually stimulating when you get in this riveting conversation about the smell of flowers.
how to blind people talk to eachother? Do they have to speak in morse mode or do they keep an english to braille dictionary around?
They use their mouths you dumbass.
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Don't engage the bait
Rin's artsy talk has a lot of meaning, and some people are just simple nigger. At least Rin has a full cute face, unlike your halfpenny of a waifu.
You all need to follow pic related

If you're actually blind then hello blind-anon, how's it going.
why does she wear glasses if shes deaf
>artsy talk has a lot of meaning
Amazing, someone dumb enough to think the bullshit they put in for her dialog had actual meaning. I'll just go get a big bag of words and make some nonsensical text and you'll think it's the best thing in the world.

>her face is better than cute scars
Well I already knew you had shit taste, but that's just pathetic.
To give her ears an actual use.
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>cute scars
the only cute scars I know of are in teaching feeling, and even she has a complete face. your literal roastie faced whore can't compete with Rin, or an ex-slave.
fixed your pic while I was at it.
This thread is also reminding me of pic related

She has normal sight problems I'm guessing?
She doesn't even need to be that cute I'd ask her out if she'd have me

I think it even looks good.

Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself. Some armless braindead idiot has nothing on the pure, smart bookworm. Hanako is much deeper than your stinky feet girl. Stinky feet will never be able to gently hug you or touch you, you'll never be able to hold her hand. Rin is literally useless.
> I only care about what she looks like.
> I also want her to be 100% open and comfortable around me immediately.

Anon, unless you are Chad, this does not work. Plus these girls are not "normal" girls. The entire point of each girl is to bring out an emotional and caring person that actually cares about others.

And if you are Chad, why are you even here?
In that thread another anon said it looks good too (I screencapped). Personally I can't comment since I sort of look past the persons appearance, so I guess you could say I don't "see" the scar.
>stinky feet
>a bad thing
seems like you're the one with shit taste lad. besides, I'm a big art fan, so I like the artsy girl.
I don't even hate 1/2 face, this nigger just keeps trashing on best girl. f I was chad, why the fuck would I want a girl with no arms?
hey faggots. Take your katawa shit back to the general.
It honestly just looks like he read through this thread >>29707612, considering they both bring up how she cries over a watch.

There's also a chance it's the same anon, but the thread was from 2014, so it's practically nil.
the details arent the same, it was a vibrating watch in >>29707612 but a braille watch in >>29702607
Source on the image?
joukamachi no dandelion
Use google next time anon
Maybe he was just blind anon-kun.
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Don't hurt me like this
>can detect what's on an image to begin with.
Please don't say the program actually spoke 1000 words just to convey a picture to him.
i can smell when its about to rain you fuck
are you nose deaf?
It doesn't take a blind person to recognize an imouto loving her onii-chan.
everyone is this thread is a faggot
>i want the qt damaged girl
>i can fix her, and she can fix me
you people are seriously pathetic fucking kill yourselves
You can't fix blindness unless you gave her googly eyes or weekend at bernie's that shit.
I just find blindness attractive.
Taking the b8 here.

The reason we want the """damaged""" girl is because they have had something happen to them which prevents them being Stacey's since Chad wouldn't go for them. This means they actually value the things that make a person a good person.

We don't want to fix them because that implies they are broken, which they are not. If you've played Katawa Shouju, you'd know one of the points of that game is that they aren't broken. We only want to know them because they would actually be interesting people to talk to and they would make good partner material.
>implying we want to fuck up our lives even more
>implying that isn't already hard to find someone, being able to see
Blind girls seem a lot more likely to care about someone's personality, and that is what matters to me. I just want to be loved for who I really am. Also, it would feel nice to be able to tangibly help someone, y'know?
but why would i want a girls that's a double roastie?
i just want the motivation to get /fit/
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Hello blind anon, I have a question for you, but first a little story. There's a reason I'm in this thread, and it's not just the usual desperate robot fantasizing.

Years ago, I got my first job out of college at a vaccine manufacturing plant. It was out in the countryside, for proximity to the farms required for the manufacturing process.

It was a pretty hard job - work, sleep and repeat. However, occasionally I would have some time to wander around a bit, and I ended up meeting this blind girl. Korean, adopted by a catholic couple.

Well, I was probably one of the only other Asians she had ever met, so she took an interest in me. And she was beautiful like an angel, very delicate and graceful.

You know how the character of Lilly from Katawa Shoujo is often portrayed in a stereotypical blind-girl pose with her hands held up, as if she wants to touch your face? This girl did exactly that, it was very cute to see.

Unfortunately, being the sleep deprived robot was I didn't deal with the attention well. I friendzoned and cut off contact with her soon after. I'm sure it hurt her, she probably thought it was because she was blind - but it was more because I was a kissless virgin, driving myself to the edge trying to make it.

Anyway, wanted to ask if you;ve had similar rejection experiences. And even though I know you're not her in any way, I wanted to confess and apologize.
>Bacon has best story, best personality, and is cute as fuck.
Maybe if you're interested in woman as objects and want something that just sits there. You may as well have a slightly pillow instead of hanako.
>She's a little shy so you know she hasn't ridden the cock carousel
Underage /pol/ack detected, "I-I-I only want a PURE girlfriend!"
>blindgirl is so boring
Not nearly as boring as hanako, who can barely get out a sentence and whose only reply is "y-yes" or "o-okay".
>is so boring she could put the sun to sleep faster than nightmare moon
Did you just reference MLP? Holy shit, hanakofags confirmed for bronies with shit taste in women.
You are wrong. If the problem is only in the Occipital Lobe (primary or secondary areas), the blind will be able to have a notion of space, but not distinguish stuff. They'll know the "where", not the "what". They can't actually see, but only reply to basic visual stimuli, like avoiding an object while walking
not even a Hanakofag, but your post gave me cancer.
>Underage /pol/ack detected, "I-I-I only want a PURE girlfriend!"
so you would take a used whore?
>Maybe if you're interested in woman as objects and want something that just sits there. You may as well have a slightly pillow instead of hanako.
goddamn this is edgy. people like you should get their shit knocked desu.
>so you would take a used whore?
Do you unironically fall for /r9k/ memes? Just because you haven't had sex doesn't mean that girls you date shouldn't have had it either. Most mature adults have been through relationships before, that's what most robots fail to comprehend, and instead of accepting their loneliness, they blame others for it, and end up even more alone.
>goddamn this is edgy. people like you should get their shit knocked desu.
Sure, kid. I'm not insulting anyone here, but calling hanako better because she's more "pure" or whatever is stupid, and calling her better because she has more of a personality is just flat out wrong.
>wah someone has non-/pol/ aproved opinions!
lol you're pathetic. Instead of fearing "edginess" so much, why don't you try thinking for yourself?
>Do you unironically fall for /r9k/ memes?
no, but I think an expectation of a woman not whoring herself to any chad with a cock isn't demanding much.
that's not even a /pol/ opinion, it's just a fucking expectation of not being a skank. If I wanted /po;/ opinions, don't you think I would be posting there instead?
>that's not even a /pol/ opinion
this is exactly how your kind propagates itself. You try to convince yourself and others that your opinion is the mainstream everywhere you go. Fuck off normie, r9k is not for you.
>Fuck off normie, r9k is not for you
but the vast majority of the board hates on whores and roasties mate. I know that taking women off the pedestals that society puts them on blows redditors minds, but try to keep it together.
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>i-it's just the ebil nazi's on /pol/ that aren't cucks like me
Bitchboy please.
>"no, but I think an expectation of a woman not whoring herself to any chad with a cock isn't demanding much."
lmao I think you've said enough, you should get off this website, it's a bad influence to high schoolers
I'm 24 years old, been out of high school for 5 years now. have fun with the whore that has taken miles of cock, and will eventually divorce you and take half your shit. Keep paying my bills normie.
there was a time when /r9k/ was for people that wanted a gf, now you redditors with your /r/thedonald have taken over this place and made it a pick up artist circlejerk. Fuck you.
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Well, considering they're all virgins with no experience with women, by simple math I'm less of a cuck than all of them
>inb4 MGTOW

>he's a NEET too
oh god it just gets better and better
Have fun in your mother's basement tomorrow night and for the rest of your life, you are truly superior to me, cuck-destroyer
out of all the subplebbits, why that one? I don't even /pol/ in the first place.
>Have fun in your mother's basement tomorrow night
I haven't been at my parents house in 4 years mate, keep up the damage control-tier insults.
I just want to prove to her that she's loved.
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I definitely believe you there, I bet you have your own mansion with parties and women all the time. What else could be expected from a superior enlightened gentleman who doesn't mess with women who have even TALKED to other men before (h-how DARE they, they have to be as alone as me or they're IMPURE!)
I rent a room on a farm. not a mansion, but not too shabby either. I don't know why you keep going off about roasties, I don't even like 3d women. 2d women and 3d men for me please.
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>I don't know why you keep going off about roasties
You were the one that mentioned it when I called out the other guy for wanting hanako over lilly simply because she's "purer," when it doesn't even matter anyways, because they were both virgins, and, oh yeah, that's right, they're not real.
>they're not real.
so? were arguing about concepts, thoughts. they're real in the context of the game, so why would it matter that they aren't real in the 3D world? and of coarse they're both virgins, they aren't 3DPD sluts.
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>having a qt otouto take care of your disabled helpless self
>make him feel like an important adult as he blushes when you thank him for the help
>tfw he pats your head before leaving your room
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Trips of feeling. Go for it. Do it for us!
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>they aren't 3DPD sluts.
here we go again
I respect decisions to refrain from romance, but to do it because "they're all sluts" is biased from your lonely life and too much time on /r9k/. You've lived with the chad, stacy, roastie, etc. memes for so long that they're all you can attribute to real women.
you said it yourself mate, that it's an unrealistic expectation to find a woman that hasn't fucked another man. I don't think that all 3D girls are sluts, but a large enough number are that it's better to not try it.
Blind people have insane hearing, they can hear that your pants are missing and realize.
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>but a large enough number are that it's better to not try it.

Pretty much this.

The ones who aren't have their pick at more beautiful men anyway.
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>you said it yourself mate, that it's an unrealistic expectation to find a woman that hasn't fucked another man
I never said anything like that. I said it's your fault for thinking that way, and that most people, not just women, have had sex, and that having sex and previous relationships does not make you a slut. There is an equally small number of slutty men and women who party every single weekend and hook up randomly, the only difference is that /r9k/ idolizes the men who do it, and hate the image of the woman who does it, so much so that they assume every woman is her. You're suffering from a huge confirmation bias and living a life based on lies from an echobox you spend all your time in.

If I could make a guess, you're going to start talking about the 'sexual revolution' next.

>w-what's that smell
for the love of god stop posting this meme infograph. It undermines everything discussed, and makes these kind of posters arguments seem bullshit by relation.
apologies then, must have been the other bloke that said that. /r9k/ hates manwhores just as much as females, so I don't see what your getting at there either.
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>stop posting statistics, listen to baseless arguments instead

that one is good, but the first was a bullshit onepoll memegraph. check the sources for your data mate.
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Most people here claim to reject sex and relationships as a whole, yet those same people always complain about how "chad gets all the women and that it's not fair," therefore idealizing him. You'd never hear "how come stacy, that roastie, gets to have sex when we don't!" It wasn't so much an argument against you as much as an argument against the average robot's thought process.

He is right, ONEPOLL.COM isn't a very reliable source.
This image is hilarious desu

Imagine having to dictate your shit posts:
"Ok yes, now call that guy a stupid faggot."
"Post the banana image in this thread. Very good."
"Now lets start a thread calling science a religion. I think you know what picture to use. I have some copy pasta for this saved in my pasta folder. Use science.txt."
"Great, now open /pol/ and claim the Jews did nothing wrong."
Honestly, I couldn't care less about how many pussies chad takes. I just ignore the "why does chad get all the pussi baws" posts.
and that's one hell of a cute Emi by the way.
>bullshit onepoll memegraph

Why is that bullshit again?

>We can deliver a 2,000 nationally representative UK sample in 1-2 working days, and are able to achieve 1,000 US respondents in just a few days.

You've yet to show any evidence of how it's unreliable.
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Thank you

It's not my job to disprove your source, it's your job to provide ample evidence.
>every source you provide is bullshit because I say it's not reliable

it's more reliable than you or any anecdotal evidence
>2000 female respondends
so it's a self report study, with a small sample size?? great, statistics disregarded already.
>50% said their partner was aware of the backup man
how in gods name can this be true? either the women in the study are lying (the reason that self-report style stats are disregarded) or the data was manipulated/changed.

your second graph is good, because it uses known to be accurate government sources, such as the CDC.
>inb4 "the government is lying, sheeple!"

you're welcome mate. is Emi your favorite girl?
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IMHAHO opinion polls like that aren't very reliable, I've seen horrid results and I've seen results manipulated to benefit a certain viewpoint.

Second favorite, Lilly is my first. But Emi was the first route I played.
>IMHAHO opinion polls like that aren't very reliable, I've seen horrid results and I've seen results manipulated to benefit a certain viewpoint.
this. the questions could have been asked in a way that pushed people to answer a certain way, or it could be like the laughingstock "one in three women are raped" statistic.

and about the routes, I couldn't figure out how to get anything but Emis route for the first couple playthroughs. I eventually got Lilly's second, Hanako's third, and Rin's fourth, and I just kind of clicked with her as my favorite.
I don't think you understand how confidence intervals or levels work.

>self report study
I'm unsure of their polling method, but you'd think a company whose job is to poll a target audience would correct for this.

>they must be lying because I don't like the results!

>IMHAHO opinion polls like that aren't very reliable
It's more reliable than any opinions in the thread.

Still looking for the precise questions they asked and the polling methods used.
>"It's more reliable than any opinions in the thread."
>comparing polls and opinions
Amazing thought process
When people's opinions are based off their own subjective and biased experiences (and people keep spouting them like they're significant), I don't see how it's an irrelevant point.
But anon, I WANT those results to be legitimate. the problem is the survey is nowhere. A boatload of media outlets have reported on it, but only listed the sample size as 1000 women. a search on onepoll http://www.onepoll.com/?s=backup shows 0 results for the term "backup". the infograph lists the source as just "onepoll.com". why devalue your argument with that infograph, instead of another?
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Are typical /pol/ and /r9k/ opinions better? I can assure you they're not the hidden truth that someone is trying to keep from us.
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>Are typical /pol/ and /r9k/ opinions better?
That depends on the opinions and any supporting evidence.

The creator of the infographic looks to be

There's a paywall, but if you check the google cache text

You'll see the infographic and the paragraph
>More than four in 10 women said they got to know the backup man while they were with their partner and that they have stronger feelings for him than they do their boyfriend -- for more figures have a look at our infographic.
>have a look at our infographic
which would imply they were the source. It could just be bad writing though on their part.

As for the actual sample size, you're probably right about it being 1000, but it's confusing.

I found the commissioner of the survey:

>To generate coverage for our in-house polling partner, OnePoll, we commissioned a survey about relationships. Specifically the survey focused on the idea of a woman's "back-up" or "plan b" man.
>We surveyed 1,000 married women and asked them whether or not they had a fall back option in case their current relationship ended.

So the text says 1000 married women were polled.

But if you click on the image in the bottom-left of that page, you get pic related. Which says at the bottom
>Research derived from a survey of 2,000 UK women. Infographic by Drench Design.

Looking at
says they commissioned this infographic and distributed it to media.

For the discrepancy, I'm not sure why it's there. It might be that they just misreported the number at first and that it's really 1000, it might be that they surveyed 2000 but only used 1000.
Maybe 2000 women were surveyed and only 1000 women were married?

That's about in line with averages.
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>Could you deal with the panic attack she gets at night sometimes because she had a dream where she could still see and wakes up to pitch black nothingness again?
If she has a bf over you can literally knock him out and then fuck her and she'd be bone the wiser
Y'all motherfuckers need to go watch The Lobster.
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Holy Kek.

> pretty easy to stalk them if they can't see you coming.
I'm not blind, but it's realy easy to train your ears to hear how sounds reflect off of surfaces. You can make a clicking sound with your tongue that goes particularly far. If I walk around outside and do it, I can tell when there are big spaces between things, and if I practised I could surely navigate my house in absolute darkness.
I'm sighted and I use baby wipes to finish the job when I can. It does so much better. Have to fold and put in trash though. If I were blind the baby wipes would become essential. And it's gross but if I was blind I would sniff the toilet paper when I thought I was done.
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>tfw you try to get a blind gf
>'Anon let me feel your face'
>'Oh god I'm so sorry this happened to you'
>She goes to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet
>You now have to try to get a blind gf with no sense of touch
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>we're all so broken that we would pine for a girl with a permanent disability

holy shit, please kill me
I would pine for any girl who has a good personality and isnt a backstabbing disloyal, mean.
im so lonely
Any books or shit about blind imoutos?
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There's no hope for us.
>tfw raped my kid sister
>tfw I regret it so much I wish I could drop dead
>tfw she liked it and asked if we could "play" like that again some time
>tfw she's going to be so fucked up as a teenager because of me and my parents will find out

the clock is ticking. my darkest days are soon to come.

You know you gotta give us a story
be as good to her as you can. it's the least you can do now.
how did these events occur
well I already did and still do help her with her homework

I tried getting her into exercising so she doesn't turn out as weak and sluggish as me but all she wants to do all day is be on her ipad

that or fucking
I'm big bro. she's little sis. little sis does what big bro tells her to do.

simple as that.

>implying you didn't post so that someone can ask you to tell the full story
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dead inside completely.jpg
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Tell the truth, Rin was my favorite girl and route simply because I Identify and empathize with her.
This injures me. This injures me greatly.

How can something so pure exist on this Earth?
like any other
deep voices get them wet

A blind virgin will likely have no knowledge of the penis besides verbal description.
If she becomes your gf, your penis will be the first she has ever percieved.

Blind girls are the ultimate girls.
Has anyone else made their website blind compatible?

Mine has an invisible 'blind button' at the top, and when clicked loads a text only version of the page which has no formatting, but instead a linear text stream which is optimised for one of those text-to-speech thingaroos. It's also less formal. Like at one point, I joke about how blind people will l i t e r a l l y never visit my website.

I'm also in the process of making a teletext mode (see link related) though, which will be of no use to the blind, because I have way too much fucking time.
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Hanako best girl.
But Lilly is a great person, so she's great too
>she bites your dick off
more blind stories or greentexts please? surely some more out there besides obvious ones
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It tries anon, it tries...
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>the eternal roast
Ha hahahahahahahaha
Face it, you can't get off the ride. Even blind bitches don't care about us ugly fucks, we are doomed.
>"You are beautiful. I mean, you're a beautiful person."
Kek'd so hard at that scene from the Toxic Avenger.
I've always wondered what games disabled people could play properly. I mean if you have one arm or can't see, it would be a lot harder to play most games. I like to think that if I lost an arm I would still be able to play most games, but going blind it would be very hard to play anything. Pokemon would probably be the easiest, maybe racing games because of the sound effects and vibrate function, possibly fighting games with a bit of training but they'd all need someone who could see to at least help you out every now and then.
you must be a german

hallo Bernd!
Now that I think about it, I've never seen a blind person in real life.
I've only seen one deaf guy, and he was carrying something, and I didn't know sign langauge.

There are a couple of games that use binaural sound as their main output, but it's certainly a small niche.
I wish I took a picture of it.
There are a bunch of plaques in the Botanic Gardens talking about the various plants, and nature in general, all of them with text in braille.
One is mounted on a fake photo frame, talking about the wonderful view in the frame and suggesting that you look through it. It's also in braille.
What a dick move, eh?
I even used my limited braille knowledge to read it --it's identical to the printed text.
Basically saying "fuck you, if you could see this would be amazing".
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Katawa Shoujo lillyhistory.jpg
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>Trips of feeling. Go for it. Do it for us!

Sorry anon, that was around 15 years ago. It was a seasonal job so I moved away not long after that. I hope that blind girl found happiness somewhere, though.
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>I will never be a blind amputee pet to a psychotic qt who keeps a latex dog suit
>Petting me and calling me cute names while eat people she killed and cooked
>Forcing me to wear a chastity cage and have a remote vibrator inside me at all times
>If her feet gets dirty I have to lick them
>If I get enough good boy points she'll take off the chastity cage, lay me on her lap and tease my dick
>Occasionally kidnap some poor girl for me to impregnate and perform tests on
>tfw no blind gf to write and produce radio dramas with
>blind guy, in 2 seconds, proceeds to change a bunch of settings, voice speed to maximum, hotkeys, and starts nearly out-speeding buddy at normal tasks/browsing/setting up his personal files

Back in the days of dial-up BBSes, I once encountered the work of a blind programmer guy who went by the handle ASCII Express, wrote a bunch of Door Games. All his interfaces were simply formatted linear text, but otherwise you couldn't tell.
it's tachibana marika you fuckin faggot normie piece of shit
his vision is obviously augmented
This. We need more stories.
>they take the initiative
Why can't women be like this in real life senpai desu?
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Whats the source for that image senpai?

Original Kamment
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Don't worry anon,
it'll happen soon enough.
someone please give me blind sister porn or something muh dick can't take it
I have a plan!

1. get a hammer and one of those things that you used in metalwork to mark holes
2. remove signage around the uni campus (hell, i'll do every sign i can find)
3. emboss "wanted: one blind gf. pls ring anon" onto every sign i can
4. wait for the phones to start ringing

How long do you think until it works?
do this during the day to improve exposure.
What difference would that make to a blind girl?
it would save you the wait by bringing the police quicker.
This is australia m8
The police would be like "ya shooda coat it in date rape u fag"
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