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I'm Louie the guy who has a recording of my mum's boyfriend

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I'm Louie the guy who has a recording of my mum's boyfriend shouting at me.

ama I suppose
Any proof? Post a voocaroo of your voice or your dad
i was enthralled. how old are you?
This. We need the proof Louie
Its midnight so I can't really talk otherwise I might wake my parents up, sorry maybe in the morning.

I'm 20
post the recording senpai.
Did you hear when he told you to kill yourself?

Also, why will you not just speak to your mum?
Post a pic of your room

I haven't heard /seen the recording. where can I?
After the recording ended my dad took my laptop, so I'm using my phone where I don't have the recording.

I really only see my parents in the morning or whenever I leave my room and when I'm down there my mum will just make small talk but her boyfriend will just ignore me.


How did things get this way?
Listening to it now

Why the hell didn't you just go out and talk to him like a normal person instead of sitting there saying nothing and letting the situation escalate.

You could have easily talked yourself out of that situation by just agreeing to whatever he says and then go back to playing games. That's all he really wants, is to seem right, even if he's wrong so just agree and move on.

Doing nothing is sometimes the worst thing you could possibly do.

Also, what the heck did he even break in your room anyway? It sound like a window or something got smashed.

Where you at mate?
You were hyperventilating. What do you have Lou
I have extreme social anxiety so I can't handle people shouting at me and I really didn't want to go face to face with my "step dad" since he's a pretty mean looking guy. So I was just scared really.
Picture of room pls Louie.
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Hearing you cry or sob made me remember my dad shouting at me.

Sorry to see you in this awful situation. Do you forsee any way out? Could or would you agree to therapy with your parents? It would take the 'fault' of your back.
>Doing nothing is sometimes the worst thing you could possibly do

It's pretty funny that this is so true, sitting there doing nothing will make people go the fuck OFF
I feel for you man. Those fuckers only wanted to help themselves not you. Notice how your dad was all nice at first but when you wouldn't give in he started kicking in your door.

If they actually want to help,they should seek a professional. Not using their retarded boomer methods.
I'm not sure, but I don't think there's much wrong with me. My dad was making a huge scene because I play video games all day when we live in a tiny village where most of the people are old and so I don't have any friends.

Listen man, I can relate because I have social anxiety myself but it seems like if you at least attempted to talk to the guy he'll get off your back a bit. Don't argue with him, just agree with whatever bullshit he says so he walks away thinking he's taught you some bullshit lesson. Then you can go back to playing video games and shit posting on imadeboards.

Just sitting in your room and blanking the guy seems like literally the worst thing you can do because then your door gets kicked in and there's a big fight and who the hell wants that to happen.
Hold on a second..!
This. The fact that they didn't call in a professional shows how much they really care. Obviously their tactics didn't work, but they are too stubborn to change them.
Sorry I'm a bit tired so excuse some mistakes.
You are retarded. The step-dad revealed his true intentions after he started screaming at his mom (Lynn or w/e). He intended on taking Louis's computer and forcing him to go "get help" because he was embarrassed at having someone like Louis in "his" house despite it sounding like the home belonged to his mother.

Opening the door for the step dad was the worst decision he could have made. At least now he knows his step-dad's intentions, as does the mother.

That being said, Louis you really do need to go see a psychiatrist or therapist for your anxiety. Shit will destroy you.
Are you that fat guy with the YouTube channel?
OP is not Louie, just an attentionfag.
Can't believe all of you fall for such weak bait over and over again.
Man just go out and do a shitload of drink and drugs like a normal british youth.
I don't think a therapist will help though.
Then see a psychiatrist and get put on an anxiolytic.
didn't he threaten to kill you or say you should kill yourself or something at some point in the recording? take this to the police, they can help remove this abusive asshole from your life. though it;s not just about you, if he's successful at removing you he will likely turn on your mother
Welcome to /r9k/
Such a wonderful place!
Was he hitting your mom? Sounded like it. Why are you allowing him to hit your own mother stand up for yourself and your family Lou. Whats worse is that you inaction caused her to do it, so its your fault she's getting beat and yelled at. You really are a piece of shit. I hope one day your parents kick you out on the street and leave you to your own devices.
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Here you go my man:
No he didn't hit her, or at least that's what she told me...
He's fed up with OP's bullshit. Not abusive. And I don't blame him. If he was abusive then he would have torn down that door and it would have been much worse.

Both you and OP can fuck off back to wizardchan.
>He's fed up with OP's bullshit. Not abusive. And I don't blame him
>guy presumably doesn't own the home or apartment
>guy is presumably a step-dad
>guy thinks he has the right to order Lynn's son around and break things in the house for no reason
>Lynn apparently has no problem with Louis
>faggot guy thinks he needs to take matters into his own hands

Daniel was in the wrong unless you're a baby boomer. If that's the case, then fuck off out of this board.
did you listen to the whole thing? he quite clearly wasn't just "fed up with bullshit", there's abuse going on here. if you care about someone, you don't tell them to kill themselves
Did you ever get to play Overwatch? Is it fun?
Why did he even shout at you in the first place?
My mum's getting me it tomorrow, she also said that she's throwing out her boyfriend, so I guess I have a lot to look forward to...
Do you consider yourself a victim of circumstances?
did you make a post around september or october where you argued with your mother?
anyone else remember what i'm talking about?
What are your plans to change?

You can't stay a NEET forever
Obviously fake, British person would spell it Louis, not Louie
Fuck off OP

RIP real Louis
How does your mom feel about you being in your room on your computer?
Autocorrect + its 1am and I'm tired = many mistakes, sorry

She doesn't mind it too much, but I think she hopes that I'll move on.
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Do you have PTSD?
Listening to your audio gave me really bad anxiety.
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>mistaking your own name
Do you ever think about enrolling into a community college to get away from this bullshit and just let you and your mom move on?

Doing that is what let me go on with my life after being a higly depressed NEET for two years.
Not that I know of.

I spelt it correctly but my phone changes it to Louie and I didn't notice it in my original post.
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Nothing to ask, just want to say that I hope everything in your life goes well these next few days and that the situation can be resolved.

A lot of people have said different but to me your mom seems like a very nice lady and your stepdad seems like a real cunt.
You think nobody sees through your manipulative bullshit you sad little cunt? One day, whether its soon or the day your cowardly enabling mother dies, you'll be alone. Reality is going to come crushing down.

You won't be able to handle it.
Not really, but I don't know how they work so I'd have to look into it.

Thanks, and yeah she's a great mum and her boyfriends sleeping on the sofa tonight and hopefully being thrown out.
Woah anon, calm down. Does he remind you of someone you dont like or something?
None of this would have happened if Louie's mom wasn't such a whore. You've been dealt a poor hand, Louie.
>Does he remind you of someone
No, but his tactics are not uncommon among his peers. Sad.
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You should get out of that fucking room though Lou
Louie I highly suggest reasoning with him, even if he's a cunt. Suggest to your mum that instead of buying you Overwatch, get you a gym membership or something.
If he hears this, he'll actually think you're trying. Although when I say about the gym membership, I mean actually go.

If I heard my mum in that state I would kill the cunty step-dad hands down. He will probably always see you as a piece of shit, even if you get a job. So try with something small like a paper round or a night shift in a supermarket, go to the gym and see a psychiatrist if that's what he thinks is best.

I'm saying that you should play by his rules because this might not stop regardless, and it may eventually lead to him physically hurting you or your mum ( who will probably be hurt in your defence )

I know it's hard, I suffer from anxiety too and am fighting an up hill battle in dealing with employment because of it.
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How old are you, faggot boy??
You should go to uni. Villages are fucking shit. Just skip all your classes and only go to exams like me. I just play vidya and watch animu in between exams.
>gym membership
Stopped reading here.

Kill yourself normalfaggot. Louis clearly has a shit ton of anxiety issues and going to a gym when he is probably going to struggle with the bar and there are tons of people around is the WORST fucking thing you could do for him.
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OP here, I'm heading off to sleep now so try and keep this thread going for another 8-9 hours if you want me to answer some more questions, if it doesn't survive I might make a new thread in the morning.

Until then, goodnight.
I'm not a normie, but I'm trying to better myself and was in the same situation as he is now.

I agree though, maybe just do push ups or ask them to buy him some weights, it will at least show them that he's willing to try. At this point they probably pity him and will be happy with any bit of progress.

Even go to college or something, because if not he will be here forever, and I don't care if you faggots try to glamorise it or not, it's a horrible feeling.
OP won't do any of these things. By doing them, he destroys the carefully crafted narrative of his helplessness and slowly erodes any sympathy he has garnered by his mother. He would therefore be undermining the comfortable lifestyle he has enabled himself through his mother's sympathetic nature. It makes more sense for him to continue the victimization tactics, which enrage the boyfriend and paints him as root of the problem.

Not excusing the bfs anger issues though. But we cant pretend its not advantageous to OPs scheming.
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Louie, I was also a child of divorce, listen to me carefully.

This fucking asshole does not want to help you, he wants you out so he can better control your mother's life. He has the arrogance to come into your fucking house, fuck your mom, and control your fucking house and kick you out, he has no right.

You are the man of the house, not this asshole, you need to protect your dwelling.

>Buy yourself an ASP baton or the equivelent of one or a baseball bat, confront him and tell him to get the fuck out of your house.

>You and your mother need to change your locks and send this recording to your local police and get a restraining order.

You find out where he lives and what his schedule is and when it's the night time, if he comes out for a stroll, make sure there are no witnesses or any CCTV cameras and you cave in his head or stab him.

Make sure your mother doesn't find out, leave the room from your window or something so you have an alibi; you were in your room the whole time.
bandon thread. fuck you bitch

Also, you may be in line to inherit your mother's will, he probably wants you out for this reason, to better manipulate her.
>You are the man of the house
How can you be the man of the house when you don't pay the bills, the rent, etc. You don't provide anything to the household, you just take up space. Presumably the mother is the one who pays for everything, so she would be the "man" of the house.

She is a woman and needs a man to protect her, regardless of his lifestyle choices.
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>seriously endorsing killing the step-dad
>thinks Louis is capable of protecting his mom
>thinks all women need protecting in current year

Are you actually a woman? if you are, stop talking lmao.

Women are weak and make poor choices in general and need protecting, if Louis didn't step in or have his dad bail on them, they would not be in this mess.

When my parents divorced, I protected my mum from the creeps, she asked me for advice, critique on potential mates and I offered it to her, I taught her her selfworth and to be wary of the shit test games these creeps play.
Sounds like your mom was a beta bitch. I was also a child of divorce and my mom literally kicked the shit out of guys and would kick the shit out of me too. She did not need any protection. Owns a bunch of guns too.

Keep your power fantasy in your pants faggot.
Hello Louie,

I am a producer on a well-known talk show that has been running for over a decade. I heard the recording you uploaded this morning and I believe you would be an ideal candidate to have on our show. Please get in touch with me using the email [email protected]

We hope to get in touch with you soon.

David Lynn
i wouldn't really call that shouting. he didn't even seem angry

I'll keep 'em in your mom instead, cunt :^)

>Things that never happened, the post.

Stay mad roasty.
>turn on your mother
This means two things. Women are lamo.
The merchants have arrived
Just whisper very quietly.
You know, I'm seeing all these people saying "Oh, they don't really care, they would have done X if they really cared." You think boomers know how to handle a NEET? People, NEETs in the west were practically non existent until our generation (18-30s), you think a parental figure knows how to properly handle a NEET? This is how they were raised, not a "oh, we'll be nice and gentle with you.".
No one at gyms really gives a shit, they weren't born muscular, they all(with a few exceptions) started from the beginning. There might be a few people that act assholish, but rather than think "oh I should stop because I'm being made fun of" you should take that and turn it into angry energy to improve on yourself. I'm a scrawny Auschwitz survivor looking motherfucker, but people being dicks should be a motivator for the gym, not a demotivator. It's all about mindset.
>It's all about mindset.
I only made that comment because I am also DYEL as fuck and have trouble with the bar alone. It took me a long time to finally start going to the gym because every time I would go, people would laugh at me struggling and my social anxiety would kick into high gear and I'd freak the fuck out. Would be basically paralyzed and cooped up inside for weeks after that. This guy started hyperventilating from some faggot just yelling at him through the door. He would have a panic attack if someone laughed at him struggling with the bar.

I ended up just getting a membership to a 24hr gym that has few members and going at 2am so no one is there.

People being dicks is not a motivator to go; it's a motivator for me to never set foot in a gym again.

Although this is probably intensified for me because I tried to use my high school's weightroom once after school and all the Chads started laughing at me and making fun of me.
how are you this fucking retarded op
Yep. I would have done the same thing. What he's supposed to do? Let some retard fester in his bedroom for eternity?
>there's abuse going on here
Kek. Dou sound like SJWs. Did Louie not feel safe?

I would have skipped the argument and just thrown his useless ass out.
You mom's the problem, not the BF.
You'd be surprised at how people making you angry can be used for working out, I was also really good friends with the wrestling captain in highschool(we smoked weed together a lot) so I learned a bit about using anger as a motivator.
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>these types of people actually exist
>the NEET robot shut in lifestyle wasn't a meme
>You think boomers know how to handle a NEET? People, NEETs in the west were practically non existent until our generation (18-30s), you think a parental figure knows how to properly handle a NEET
Nigga please. You think this generation invented lazy deadbeats. The proper way to handle it is to kick him to the curb.
>You'd be surprised at how people making you angry can be used for working out
Are you fucked in the head or not? Because if you're not then I don't think you can possibly understand what it feels like for someone with bad social anxiety to get laughed at and insulted by people for struggling with "easy" weight.
No, I can understand that, but that's a mindset people take up, yes due to social anxiety, but if all you do is complain about being socially anxious, and then complain when other people offer different mindsets and views, then that's just not productive at all
The step dad was in the right. Your mom must work her ass off so you can sit around all day on the internet instead of helping out. Quit being a lazy cunt feeling sorry for yourself and do something productive.
I'd argue that NEETs and deadbeats are a bit different, deadbeats can at least be social even if lazy
I can understand using anger to help fuel workouts, but the problem is that I don't become angry when people laugh at me. I become extremely embarrassed and anxious, and those feelings don't help workouts.
shocking huh, bet you won't belive there's even girls in this situation
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>People, NEETs in the west were practically non existent until our generation (18-30s)


There is no way to handle a NEET. There little emotional con-men. The proper way to handle them is not to enable them, and kick them out.
>The proper way to handle it is to kick him to the curb.
>parents kick me to curb
>go live with a relative until I get neetbux for my autism
>get section 8 housing and foodstamps
>make fun of wagecucks all day
>call up Daniel and tell him to suck a fat one while you play overwatch all day with no interruptions

sure showed me.
Still hasn't been addressed, despite already being asked.

What do you plan to do when your mom's dead?
Fake it till you make it, it's scientifically proven that the more you smile, even if only faking it, actually helps to increase happiness. Now what I'm saying is, you work on adopting that mindset, of course you can't just automatically be like "YEAH, FUCK THESE GUYS, IM GONNA WORK TEN TIMES HARDER TO SHOW THEM." but, if you work to adopting that mindset, you can get there. It's not easy, but it's better than just wasting away your life.
What letter in NEET stands for shut-in?

There are NEETs who are local celebrities at piano bars. Smh.
Yeah anon you really showed us. Sounds like you're living the dream.
Eh. This is like CBT I've received 6 times before for multiple months at a time. I just can't brainwash myself like that no matter how hard I try. Something in the back of my mind kicks me and says "THIS IS BULLSHIT AND YOU KNOW IT" and any progress I've made dissipates.

I appreciate you trying to help though.
It's a tough process, I used to deal with more minor social anxiety brought on by a speech impairment and a weird lazy eye I could alternate between eyes depending on which one I focused more though, for me though I just smoked weed and hung out with people after, helped me not give a shit about the anxiety since we were all high. But I realize it's tougher for more extreme cases, and that my DUDE WEED LMAO won't help for everyone.
Baby boomers are stupid and heartless creatures who generally don't believe that things like suicidal depression exist.
>But I realize it's tougher for more extreme cases, and that my DUDE WEED LMAO won't help for everyone.
I smoked weed every day for a year. I was high almost every hour I was awake and remember almost none of it.

Now, when I smoke weed, I get intense paranoia and feel like people can read my mind. I don't like psychotic feelings.

I've tried a lot of different medications for this that are supposed to have anxiolytic effects, but none of them work long term. I have some weird issue with my body that causes medicines to just stop working after awhile. The only ones it doesn't happen to are benzos, but I don't want to become addicted to those.
Why are you even here if that came as a surprise?
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uhhhhh did you think everything here was a meme?
I would never want to live as a pathetic NEET. Just imagine all the insecurities of being a neet. Your parents can literally kick you out of the house any second, you owe them nothing, once you are kicked out you are basically dead.

Even if you somehow manage to live with your parents long enough, even then when your parents die you are fucked. You are fucked either way.

NEET life is the worst possible life you can imagine. You better be a street hobo than a pathetic neet. Atleast those hobos have experience on how to survive outside. As a neet you know nothing outside of your computer. I pray for all the depressing neet that live out their unaware of their dark and grim future. No wonder every neet in their late 20s wants to commit suicide. A neet is a parasite, his end will come when his host decides to kill him or the host dies which automatically kills the parasite.
I didn't make this thread
>who generally don't believe that things like suicidal depression exist.
it doesn't.
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Time for a new AMA then.
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I'm in the same situation as Louie, except my dad is gone. I help around the house and generally try to improve myself, but I always seem to fall back into self loathing and destructive behaviour. I truly hate myself and I don't how to fix that.

I've always been fucked up in some way, even as a kid. Got diagnosed with autism later on. I don't have a clue what to do with my life and I'm too weak to do anything about it. I often wonder what the cause of all this is. Am I really autistic? Is it genetics? Did my father fuck me up somehow or am I just lazy?

The way Louie's dad talks to him reminds me of my time in high school. I just stopped going one day and tried to kill myself. My parents put me in a mental ward and it all got out of hand from there on.
I'm just a beta fuckup, who is too cowardly to kill himself and too cowardly to do anything with his life. I've recently started seeing a therapist, so maybe there is still hope for me.
Oh the place you'll go.
hey man would you like me to fly out and help ya dude, im going to be free in a couple weeks and listening to that made me want to visit
This is the fate of all NEETs

why are you a mongoloid
wait.. STEP dad?

Tell him to fuck off he's not your real dad 2bh
Found the step dad.
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