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Guys, I really want to do it. I want to fuck a q3.14 trap in his tight little boipussy. Where's the best place to find one? Also post trap stories if you have one I want to know your experiences.
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Don't fall for it anon.
Traps only look good in carefully screened selfies and your chinese animes.

I think so too. I have no problem admitting being a fag if I could find them attractive in person, but so far every time I've seen one it was just bizarre, no attraction whatsoever. It might seriously just be a porn thing.
they only exist on the internet, finding one in the wild is rare
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trap here

want sum fuck?
Be in Australia
For whatever reason I've just switched real gay and need this shit in my life.
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Hej, a trap doujin that I havent fapped to, welp time to change that
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>down under

clapistan here

hey, people grow older and want to try new things. atleast I won't make you do a bunch of pointless shit for a chance to fugg me in the bp. too bad about the distance thing. i hear there's alot of traps in australia though
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I've never really looked and I anyone gay I know is not my type. I'm really into effeminate boys, they make my dick diamonds. I'm a nervous as fuck guy anyway.
It's the pheromones. You can smell they're not female, and your brain keeps you away from them.
try craigslist if you have it out there

if not that i'm pretty sure there's a hang out spot for them. look for groups of.liberals
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I guess that might work, I just feel awkward as fuck not knowing what they look like or are like before fucking them. I did get with one once but it was on okcupid. Honestly I kind of want them to f my a if you get what I mean.
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oh ya? better chance if you pretty yourself up a bit too. there are alot of quasi-chad turned sissy qt's that will pursue if they smell it on you. sort of like the other anon said but in reverse

analgasms are amazing btw if you didnt know
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Too hairy and chubby to be passable lel. At least its not a constant urge thing but sometimes nothing gets me off quite like imagining being a sissy slut letting my bf fuck while I moan out his name.
what is this cord thing
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>tfw I just drank some apple cider but I drank too much so I'm going to end up farting and getting up to shit all night in my hammock when I just want to fap to girls with penises
More than likely a vibrator.
>tfw australia
>tfw not a trap
Rip. I'm guessing you're into traps though?
Wow cunt, steals my rare awoo from /jp/ and leaves without giving anything back
I can give you a picture of my dick if you want
I only deal in wolfgirls
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if you take hrt you start giving off female pheromones
>tfw my dick isn't a wolfgirl

Let me snoop around I guess unless you've also got something else in mind
Malls for one
Do you have a microphone?
>tfw just worked out tonight for the first time in a while
>don't wanna ruin my gains
>see this thread

Why am I being tested
>tfw fucked someone on pheremones
>tfw they really knew how to please a cock
>tfw they were the kinkiest person I've met so far
She really liked pain and I really got into the whole being dominant thing. She didn't like her cock though so it was a bit awkward when I wanted to make her feel good.
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Yes I do, but I'm also going to bed soon I think.
I know the feel but I prefer not having AIDS
Awoo for me
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I don't wanna get out of my hammock when I'm maximum comfy now I'll do it later!!
I had sex with a 16yo trap a week ago.

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>tfw no cute american boy to moan into the mic while he's jacking off
Why do I fucking live senpai.
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you best get the fuck up right now and awoo for me you little shit or the debt will increase.
Was it on Craigslist?
Hows jail?
>he's an americuck
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Let it increase, give me some contact and I'll give you all sorts of junk when I feel like getting up!

I used to fap with girly boys on mic but it's nerve wracking and too intense
Nope, local highschool.

I met the parents actually.
>fucking carl's wife's son
>those hips

how is this possible

how tight was the booty
I'm actually, I'm australian
I just figured there weren't many ausies in the thread but cool.

Nerve wracking but I can't imagine a better orgasm if you're doing some buttplay
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I've never done anything with my butt, I'm quite boring. I just like to get them horny and fap with them, usually because they're submissive types they do what I want and make sucking noises and the like too.
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If I had more privacy I'd do it a lot more. My goal at the moment is to lose a lot of weight so I can become moderatly cute and be really flirty with cute boys. I've got cute features and am blonde, it's just the weight thing
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Sounds cute, I can dig it.

I wouldn't mind losing maybe 5 pounds or so but I'm happy with my weight and height otherwise.

It's easy to flirt online though, if you wanna try post something
I can do it online, it's pretty easy to get a cute boys dick hard. For the most part they ain't cute dudes though.
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Yeah boys are easy, I stick with feminine types as well.

what tumblrite translated this indonesian porn comic?
Not really lol
I'm not really into anyone desu
Like asexual?
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been banging trap for awhile. pretty fun.

screen shot from a video. shitty quality. and edited for privacy

gonna get some real pics next time
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>getting bent out of shape that they used she
Who cares m8
I still want a bf/gf, but i don't want to have sex with them (although i'd let them have sex with me if they wanted)
Creepy fact: The age of consent in many US states is actually 16, but the idea that it's 18 nationwide has become popular because so many of our movies and shows are filmed in California and New York, where it's 18.

>tfw I'm probably on a list now if I wasn't already
Post a nice trap getting fucked on video or something.

See, that trap has big ol' man feet. There's a lot of things that could go wrong in trying to find a good girly trap
this is true but as a current resident of bergerland i can tell you for sure that people want you DED KID if they find out you even think about a teen under 8 sexually
yah but all things considered, still pretty fem. and its fun. no long term plans to become a woman or some shit like that.
>half the porn results for 3d traps are weird hypno sissy shit
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imo feet isnt a big deal. i think all peoples feet are ugly though unless animu or genetic lottery azn school girl
it's great for pounding your bp to

if you're into that is
well yeah, how do you think traps are created?
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that reminds me of a rotten tooth
shes gonna get brushed if you know what i mean
Any bp in N California? Just wondering.
They're brainwashed into it?
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Hold the fucking phone, jerking off ruins gains?
Is that back hair? What the fuck
You've been doing it wrong Unless you eat it after :p
bro science they teach you in sports/military so you will be a good goy
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>tfw completely opposite coast

my bp will just remain a virgin for now i guess
>been edging and playing with bp all week but have forced myself not to cum

This must be how women feel, I'm constantly aroused and feel all tingly.
I jerked off a crossdresser once. That count?
Are you at least qt?

>no traps in League City area TX
trust me op, you don't have to do this

>me at around 17 years old, maybe a year ago?
>get really fucking horny and even though I'm normally straight I ended up meeting up with a guy on grindr
>all thanks to lewd threads and /gif/ making things sound better than they actually do (my own fault for listening to you fucks)
>suck his dick, he's overweight and smells like cigarettes, his dick tastes like shit too
>even as I do it I think "this is the worst decision of my life"
>he jerks me off and I jerk him off out of obligation even though I just want to get out of there
>this was my only sexual experience and will always be my first sexual experience

you know how they say you only live once? yeah well there's shit you remember and regret for the rest of your life and fucking a butt-ugly mentally ill gay man is probably one of those things, don't do it, jerk off and then reconsider

yes I know, "straight" whatever
Any Tasmanian traps ever?
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This is what a trap looks like 95% of the time
I haven't fapped for 6 days now, and i have to hold out 2 more days for a qt i am meeting on sunday.
It will be glorious.
I'm more twink/femboy not trap, qt but wouldn't pass as a grill.
Jew York is 17 gaybo
Still qt. Got a boy?

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>>even as I do it I think "this is the worst decision of my life"

lol thanks for the warning. I thought about sucking some dick too man, I decided if I'm gonna do some gay shit, I'm gonna establish a relationship with someone first, preferably someone cute and my age, not just hook up with some rando.

Hooking up with some guy you don't know just for some dick is the same as hooking up with a fat chick for pussy, not a good idea.

Can you give more details, this shit is hilarious.
No all alone

too shy for that sorry
Where do you live?

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West coast traps what up
i had literally just started up grindr and someone messaged me, we met up and it was generally just awful.

>guy smelt like shit
>was overweight
>i don't think that he'd showered
>tiny dick
>way too into it for me

>normally straight
>decide to jump right into sucking an ugly, overweight dude's dick

What exactly were you thinking?
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too lewd for this world.png
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All you trannies and tranny chasing robots are sluts. Fucking S L U T S.
All this roleplaying, lewd posting, boipucci talking.
Come on, where's the cute trap who wants a vanilla happy relationship with another anon here?

it was not a good decision, and i'll feel bad about it for the rest of my life

at least no one else will ever know
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>25yo kissless virgin and looking through ads of local tranny escorts

what the fuck am i doing
jerk off and see how you feel
What is that pic from? It looks adorable.
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vanilla here

i'm lewd too but only for the right one

Hahaha been there. We need a skype group for bi-curious anons so we can keep each other in check.
jerking off with a big throbbing dick in your butt is actually 10x better than normal jerking off

>tfw the practicing for girls meme with my cousin ended up being me as his fuck toy
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pick one and only one.

sophie master race here.
Narcissa so she can dump me and I can finally get courage to an hero.


I seen some webms of that freak
yeah i know but it's not worth it
it never is
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British or proper?
hard choice....alot of qts and then a few that just look like they have top notch boipucci
What are some items around the house that I can fuck my boipussy with? Don't really want a dildo
buy a cigar that comes in a plastic tube. 420 blaze it with the cigar then wash the tube thoroughly, make surr you dont push too deep and lose it in your ass and enjoy

Also that pic is perfect
>tfw no (you's)

Kill me famalam

[Spoiler] I'm so damn lonely [/spoiler]
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any scandi traps here?
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Robin banks lives an hour away from me, but he won't let me suck his dick :(
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Nice. I have muh heritages from Ireland.

So what's the story in general with you? Give me the full rundown Also I am jumping in and out of bed because you take to long and my ipad a shit
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I think I saw a trap on the subway the other day

>See blue-haired girl sitting by herself
>I'm a sucker for oddly-colored hair, so I sit down near her
>Can't keep my eyes off from her hair
>Can't believe how she could make it look so natural
>She's suddenly looking at me with 10/10 clear eyes
>Look away to contain my spaghetti
>Notice that she's really tall for being a girl
>Probably right on the 6' mark
>Think to myself that it could be a trap
>"Nah, no way that a trap could be this beautiful"
>She takes out her phone
>See that she has huge fucking hands
>Now notice that she's wearing a bit too much makeup and that the jaw is pretty strong for a girl
>tfw it just gives you more lewd thoughts
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How does boypussy smell and taste like?
like ass unless it's been cleaned
t. guy with tranny gf
Is the sex better than being with a biological girl?
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>looking up tgirls nearby for fun
>find this
>(s)he's legit

fug mane, wish I could go for it
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>All of that makeup
>looking up tigirls nearby for fun
>they are all 40-50 years old


The face is overly maked up and plastic but otherwise pretty decent.
I'm from south eastern yurop so trannies are as rare as diamonds in a shithole.
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I know there are some other robots in the 702. One of you should go for it and report back. Name's TS Gisele


Just like a real woman
frig off bobandy

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>Just like a real woman
Seems like they would have a deep voice

All the ones around here are fucking minorities, mostly niggers. White ones are always 40+.
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This one just got posted

do i do it brehs?

Don't let your dreams be dreams breh
Just make sure you wrap your donger 3 times over
>26 year-old sissy submissive crossdresser looking for horny straight men in the immediate area. Only interested in straight men (no gays, sorry) who want a discreet, no strings encounter where you can use me to cum. I love sucking cock and taking it doggy style. I don't expect any reciprocation, I'm only here for you. Must be in-shape and attractive. Muscular guys get priority. Any age is fine as long as you are legal and hot. And of course, I am only looking to host (live alone in a nice area) so your discretion is 100% assured. Please provide a pic and where you are located for a reply. Because I got so many emails the last time I posted, I don't even open emails that don't have a picture attached, sorry! :)
source? ddddddddddddtheisbsafucking robet
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>>even as I do it I think "this is the worst decision of my life"

This is hilarious

>not tapping the boipusy raw

I met up with a "sissy" from Craigslist, it was fucking terrible. The pics he sent me were obviously shopped because he looked 100% man in a wig irl, he also smelled like curdled milk and he didn't clean his asshole and there was little stubbles of hair. I told him to get the fuck out
Trust me traps arw only wonderful. and cute in 2D, you might do some. serious emotional. damage to yourself if you just dive into one because of your meme fetishes
does anyone have pics like that but with a woman
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>Only interested in straight men (no gays, sorry)
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The boypussy zeemaps:

What are you confused about

Originaldo commentido
>tfw north england
>tfw you will never find a master to train you to be a beautiful trap
Did anyone save the picture?

Straight men fucking dudes in dresses. I mean I get be trans attracted, but you have to admit its pretty funny when you lay it out like that.

CDs aren't trannies so they don't consider themselves having sex with dudes as "straight", or at least I think. This retarded shit is too much to keep up with.

In any case, it'd be like a lesbian looking for hookups saying "Straight women only". Maybe some kind of "I'll turn you gay" fetish? But then the only people that would respond to a CD's ad would be gay/bi dudes so that's thrown out the window.
How can I tell the difference between a female penis and a male penis?
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>Maybe some kind of "I'll turn you gay" fetish?

damn that would be hot

Look about 2-3 feet up.
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Who /justwantstobenormal/ here
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Here is a girl cock. Notice the feminine scrotum.
They have 2-3 foot cocks?
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Is that you, Steven?
Dear God everytime I see that I think of the stink, and the fact he looks like a skate faggot
Why do they all have the same weird eyes? The tumblr female to male trannies tend to look that way too. It's seriously creepy.
I dont think they exist m9. Have never heard of one from our part of the world.
On the one hand, yes. On the other the amoubt of lewd stuff detailing us as submissive slaves to our masters has warped my sexuality. I just want to be normal in public and a good pet behind closed doors.
Mods rightfully deleted it if you posted a pic of that 16 y.o.
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Kiwi looks more like a femboy than a trap.
Are you fucking stupid dude wtf.
Thread posts: 158
Thread images: 58

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