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Red Pill my ass - you believe lies

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Here is some factual info from the CDC, US Census the UK NHS, the GSS, the Ohio State Survey, the Birkbeck Analysis, the Vienna Demographic Study, and more:
>about 12% of all men are promiscuous with about 1/3rd that number, or 4% being highly promiscuous. Another 78% of men have between 1 and 4 lifetime sexual partners. about 10% are virgins for life.
>about 12% of all women are promiscuous with about 1/3rd that number, or 4% being highly promiscuous. Another 80% of women have between 1 and 4 lifetime sexual partners. About 8% are virgins for life
For this to make sense this means about 10% of men and women sleep with each other a LOT.
>20% of men sleep with 80% of women is false
>Long term analysis corrected for false reports shows that about 4% of married women cheat on their husbands and about 6% of married men cheat on their wives if they did not live together before marriage. If living together before marriage these numbers are about 8% and 10%
Advice groups, and especially Feminist groups, want to portray marriage as weak and failing
>the idea that all men cheat and al women will 'trade up' is a myth
>The actual rate of divorce in first marriages topped out at about 40% decades ago and has been declining
>People marrying now face a maximum group risk of divorce of only about 30%, max
>Religious people have an even lower rate
>If the girl is a virgin on her wedding night the risk of divorce is really low and if her lifetime partner count is under 4 it is still very low
>More young women are virgins/have a low N than you think (see above)
This means at least 70% of first marriages will last
>The idea that marriage is a 50/50 shot is a myth
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>Married men and women live longer, are healthier, make more money, have sex more frequently, and have higher quality sex than single, dating, or cohabiting peers
>Married men make more money, are promoted faster, and have less stress than their unmarried peers
>Married men with stay at home wives are in the very top of health, income, etc.
being married is objectively better than being single or dating
>if you think marriage will destroy your sex life, you believe a myth
Stop believing things that aren't true.
>tfw i'm part of the 10% virgins for life

oh well, atleast I'm good at something
8% reporting in
where was you wen Stacy cucked Chad?
1 in 3 to lose half my shit? Sign me up.
Don't be stupid - there are dozens of ways to reduce that from the maximum, like - not living together before marriage (-10%), etc.
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Falling for the marriage meme.... wow truly cuckworthy

Dude there's no point in marriage because there's only short straws for men, prenups are rare and women won't accept them.
Anyway all the data in the world won't make me change my mind on what i saw and what i saw is that women are little kids that need to be taken care of, immature grown ups, emotionally unstable.
So (not that i had any chances in the first place ) i won't consider marriage, simply because it's a dead end.

But nice try
>Implying that 88% of women are telling the truth
Wew lad
Stop OP......
You're hurting my feelings
I wonder who could be behind this thread...
You and your reddit/tumblr/pol buddies whoever is in charge of trolling today can go fuck themselves and then their virginial jew
Don't invade their hugbox fampai! They can't handle it
>mfw even the fat lazy mexican in my comp class is getting laid meanwhile i'm shitposting on a mediocre malayan finger puppet board
>implying women are worth your time money and attention for the rest of your days.

come on family be honest to yourself
choose wisely, young one
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Also "their"

detaching himself from this board as if he is worth something

truly a cuck behavior
Moar of red head or hot grills in desert.
>Settling for less money, less sex, less stability, no support, and calling myself smart
>Not understanding that multivariates control for lies by men and women
So you don't care what the facts are, you are going to keep believing what the feminists and their allies keep telling you?
Don't you get it?
>"50% of marriages end in divorce"
and the rest were just the foundations for shit like "rape culture" and "the patriarchy".
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no i'm settling for

>less problems

and that's all i need, but if you are gonna use statistics to feel so sure about the fact that you're gonna have a happy marriage go ahead, you seem to forget that there's still a 30% chance you could end up on the streets killing yourself and paying alimony. Enjoy your wife coming home late with the smell of dick in her mouth, you will rethink all your choices :^)

So yeah you're smart have fun

i didn't like the photoshoot in the desert so i only have some indoors pics

You can find her don DA
yyyyyyyou have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was too low in content (0.00% content).

truly original i swear to jesus
>reads 'maximum of 30%'
>thinks that means 30% all the time
You remind me of guys that don't have a savings account but spend $10/week on lottery tickets

You remind me of those guys who never have money on them but somehow always end up with a pack of cigarettes in their pocket by begging around
have a nice small savings bank account, and i despise people who play any sort of chance games, especially rigged ones..

But yeah man go ahead with that marriage.

You still are extremely sure you won't end up cucked and alone.
Why don't you include the suicide rates of divorced man??
Why don't you include the unfairness of the judiciary system favoring womens??

oohh but that goes against your narrative doesn't it??
too bad
>>about 12% of all men are promiscuous with about 1/3rd that number, or 4% being highly promiscuous. Another 78% of men have between 1 and 4 lifetime sexual partners. about 10% are virgins for life.
>>about 12% of all women are promiscuous with about 1/3rd that number, or 4% being highly promiscuous. Another 80% of women have between 1 and 4 lifetime sexual partners. About 8% are virgins for life

>For this to make sense this means about 10% of men and women sleep with each other a LOT.
>20% of men sleep with 80% of women is false
Wrong. 80/20 still completely fits within the statistical parameters you listed. lrn2think.
he enjoys the cucking life man

let him do it. I hope he gets a happy life a 10/10 wife and 3 beautiful kids.

Wish him luck
Struck a nerve, I see
I don't think anyone ever claimed it was a 50/50 shot.

But 30% of marriages failing is still a fucking lot.

Not at all but if you are gonna use the narrative that marriage is all fine and dandy, then you also have to post the downsides, because from how you preach it everything is good and nothing can't go wrong.

But i see that you had no counter arguments about the points i brought up so, have fun

he says 30%, max

he tried to phrase it in such a way so that you read it and go, oohh 30% MAX that's not bad

but the reason divorces are going down is because there's less marriages as of today, but he didn't say that.
So, let's see....
>Group A - 12% [cohort 1]engages in mutual behavior X that require participation of Group B at a high rate; 10% [cohort 2] at a zero rate; remainder [cohort 3] at a low rate.
>The PUA bullshit of "10% of men sleep with 90% of women" DEMANDS that the intense activity of cohort 1 be spread out over 90% of Group B, resulting in 90% of Group B having low to medium numbers. Further, since there is an additional 78% of Group A whose activity != 0% the remaining 10% of Group B must ALSO have a medium to high participation number. Group B can NEVR have either A) a cohort of any size above about 1%-2% with a zero participation rate **or* 2) A group of over 1%-2% with a Very High participation number
>That isn't the case
>"10% of men sleep with 90% of women" is therefore proven bullshit
Ok boys off this board we go onto getting fit and finding a good wife, how hard can that be...

i mean come on, it's not like we live in a society where men are being devalued in the name of equality, it's not like men are being cannibalized in the name of misandry.... shit dude it's not like you're gonna have too cook when you get home late night tired like a mother fucker... she's gonna be there taking care of the kids instead of working a lame ass office job.

It's easy guys just beeeee youtselvvvvvvvesssss
Keep sucking on that blue pill, pal.
>B-b-but if I get married she'll cuck me!
not true
>Sh-sh-she'll divorce me!
probably not
>I'll end up on the streets and commit suicide
Really? Why? Men do much better 5-10 years after divorce than women, including financially. Besides, the GSS and CDC confirm married men are less likely to commit suicide than single men, so....
Oh? you didn't listen to that discredited study by DePaolo, did you? Or are you only talking about divorced men? Limit your risk of divorce, then, junior.
You're propaganda doesn't fool me roastie.
>It's easy guys just beeeee youtselvvvvvvvesssss
You dumb fucks have to change.
A lot.
Like - stop believing bullshit that isn't real.

What number are they referring to when they say stuff like '1/3rd that number'?
10% are virgins for life? Bullshit. We're not that common. I'm banging a hooker soon anyway so fuck it.
Selection bias. Men who are healthier, better educated etc are more likely to have lasting marriages. This is perfectly in-line with the red pill assumption that women look for the best husband possible to lock down.

Just because similar percentages of men and women are promiscuous, it doesn't mean that they are only having sex with each other. It's perfectly possible for the promiscuous men to be one or more of the 1-4 sexual partners who 80% of women have. In fact that is probably how men gain enough sexual partners to become qualified as promiscuous. So the Pareto Principle still applies.
>the actual first line of the post lists sources
Never change, robots.
Never change.
>not true
wow what an argument holy shit i'm convinced

>probably not
wow convinced again man, statistics don't lie guys come on 30% ON MAX!! oh did you forget perchance to say that the reason divorce rates are down is because people are not getting married that much anymore?? ops

about that suicide thing.... are you sure??
no i don't know about any Depaolo i know about Dan Bilsker, PhD
Have a read

tinyurl.com slash gvf64tg

>Men have a shockingly high rate of death by suicide compared with women. Across all countries reporting these data (except China and India) males show a suicide rate that is 3.0 to 7.5 times that of women.[10] In Canada, the male suicide rate is about three times that of women. Figure 1 charts the age- and gender-specific incidence of suicide in Canada, based on data from 2001 to 2005. Two patterns are worth noting:
>You dumb fucks have to change,A lot
oh well ok then, let's do it for the ladies, the sure do change a lot for us don't they
give me the actual reports faggot

I could just as easily say
Here is some factual info from Harvard University, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and more:
>50% of alien sightings are real
>also OP is a fag
>>Married men with stay at home wives are in the very top of health, income, etc.
>being married is objectively better than being single or dating

You tried to infer causation from correlation and did it like a moron. Having a stay-at-home wife won't make you wealthier, it's the wealthy guys who can afford having a stay-at-home wife. Similar for other correlations.
Don't worry guys the suicide for men it's a meme
>The reasons divorced men as well as men in other situations commit suicide much more often relate to shame, loss of identity, loneliness, separation from children, financial pressures, job troubles, gender stereotypes and lack of social support.

tinyurl.com slash gs2nsso

>Don't be stupid - there are dozens of ways to reduce that from the maximum, like - not living together before marriage (-10%), etc.

The reductions are already reflected in the 1 in 3 for ALL marriages.
>I don't grasp that multivariate studies control for age, education, etc., the post
Do you also think that 10% of women fuck 90% of men?
Because, if you do,m you really need to explain a few things, like
>The fact that about 28%-30% of all women are virgins or have only 1 lifetime sexual partner; a significant number of these women are in a marriage or are widowed, meaning that the 10% of men only have access to about 75% of women to begin with
>Men likewise have a large cohort with an N of 1 or less and also have a large fraction of that cohort within a marriage, making them unavailable to women - yet you still need to account for women with an extremely high N
When a bullshit theory expounded by uneducated morons on the internet collides with Real Life, I choose Real Life.
Red Pill is fucking stupidly manipulative anyway. It's based on PUA culture which was largely a fictitious scam. Most arguments that are pro Red Pill is factually correct information mixed in with delusional misogyny and angst only a sloppy retard could muster up.
ITT a married person desperately tries to rationalize his decision before he faces the executioner

... Or you could negotiate a prenup like a normal, intelligent person who knows how basic laws work.

Ok, well I'm certainly happen to renounce my views if the statistics can back up the fact that the redpill is a lie.

But you can't say you've drawn from all these sources and then not provide the source material

Links and citations plz.
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>implying women won't flip their shit when they hear the word prenup

that in it of itself is a word that can disrupt a relationship
>Advice groups, and especially Feminist groups, want to portray marriage as weak and failing
While this is true it's undeniable that marriage is unequal and serves women at men's expense.

>The actual rate of divorce in first marriages topped out at about 40% decades ago and has been declining
>People marrying now face a maximum group risk of divorce of only about 30%, max
>Religious people have an even lower rate
>If the girl is a virgin on her wedding night the risk of divorce is really low and if her lifetime partner count is under 4 it is still very low
>More young women are virgins/have a low N than you think (see above)
You are neglecting the fact that less people are getting married and those who still are are more likely to fit the above criteria. Therefore the decline in divorce is only due to a higher proportion of marriages occurring between 'stable' individuals rather than the general population having more stable relationships.
>still no sources

This. I've yet to see a source for any of this OP
>wow what an argument holy shit i'm convinced
>I ccan't remember the statistics on cheating that I read already, above

>wow convinced again man
>I don't "get" risk

>"Men have higher risk for suicides!"
>"I missed the 'married men have a lower risk' part, boo-hoo

I know reading is hard, but keep at it

Listen, I get it
You are afraid., That's fine and dandy.
Just stop believing lies.
Not op but i think

it's from a new york times article

The Divorce Surge Is Over, but the Myth Lives On

clain cane miller something
>I didn't read the thread, the post
Your cheating stats aren't calculated for a long enough period.
cheating stat is far higher

>This means at least 70% of first marriages will las
This sounds wildly off.
Not to mention 25% of millenials will never marry to begin with, that's not to say marriage is inherently a bad experience.
Marriage and family related materials.


>be me at 2 partners in one year of being sexual
>no reason this trend won't continue as I become better at talking to women
>by 2018, I will be in the top 23% of # of sexual partners
>I will become the chad.
>I struggle with basic concepts
Marry a virgin that you didn't live with before marriage. Odds of Divorce?
You both go to church every week, too, and also pray at home every day?
Odds of divorce = 1%
ow wow well you did not read at all the link... wow

>"I missed the 'married men have a lower risk' part, boo-hoo

you missed the fact that divorce can still happen and if it happens i will have to redirect you here

tinyurl.com slash gvf64tg

i'm gonna kill myself no matter what, don't need a roastie to consume all my hard earned wageslaved money. thanks
I will happily red pill your ass with my pee-pee OP

I hope that that stuff is true tho. Except the 10% virgin part. That part is pretty damn worrying.
Repeat after me, "Correlation does not mean causation." Even multivariate studies are subject to sample bias. For example only an infinitesimal fraction of rich, religious men are unmarried. Due to its small size that sample is extremely volatile and subject to random, unrelated factors. It is unreasonable to compare it to the larger number of rich, religious married men which due to its vastness minimizes the effect of externalities.

Promiscuous women could mostly fuck promiscuous guys. Promiscuous guys are maybe less discriminating. That would account for men having a higher average number of sex partners generally observed in studies.

It's still perfectly possible for the Pareto principle to apply. You haven't disproven anything.

Learn to stats faggot.
Prenups get thrown out of court all the time.
Usually due to the following

"I signed it under duress, he wouldn't marry me otherwise!"

That's all it takes for you to get your shit fucked over.
>Prenups get thrown out of court all the time.
>Usually due to the following
>"I signed it under duress, he wouldn't marry me otherwise!"
Funny how that works since it basically states that she entered a contract under false pretenses.
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