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Dindu Gets Owned on National TV

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>nigger BTFO

Why are Russian women so much better than American women?

No BLACKED for this cyka, she straight up rejects him until he runs off scared.
He is so based. I am so wet right now. What a perfect man.

Damn, dude. You sound this shit gets you hard.
lol webm that whipping and post this on pol
uh what? He clearly fucked her.
>No BLACKED for this cyka

Ohohohoh if you only knew what they were saying friend.
Calm down OP
looked like a lovers quarrel to me. Op must be autistic.

B-but niggerniggernigger :(
any ruskis ITT that can give some insight into why the girl was so pissed?
Everywhere the african male goes he's able to sleep with the local white women, even in racist ass russia.

What can we do?
Like that other guy in the thread said, it's probably a lover's quarrel.

Get out more. Stop wasting time crying in this shithole.

You can write this off as "just beeee urself" if you wish.

I'm Russian and I will tell you why. Russia is very big on the male macho role. We have nu-males here but they are totally trash tier.

The combination of alpha male attitude and alcoholism makes Russian men often abusive. Russian women have to know how to fight back. It is needed for survival so they don't get beaten to death.
ruskie poster here
my best guess is that she was insulting him and he told her to fuck off or left her or smth
it's a live show based on drama and shit related to it, so it happens very often, not just to nigs.
Why the fuck would r9k be on the bitches side?

she's everything we hate about women. Out of control cunt who thinks it's alright to hit people. He showed restraint and didn't hit back.

Enough with this edgy racist shit.
if you were really spoke the language, you would not be guessing
not that, but it starts where she is already pissed, so he keeps just saying how he is quitting while she kept bitching
unless I am missing something in the video, that's as much as you could really find
Lemme translate
>bitch goes psycho cause black guy answered back/insulted her
>guy tries to keep his cool telling her to chill
>white guy tells him to go sleep in another room
>based black guy stands his ground
>white bitch was just crazy

You understand everything about english?

/pol/ has infected /r9k/ to the point of no return. No longer can we band together and tell stories about how normies keep us down. All it is, is racebait now.
Sounds like she fucked and found out she wasn't the only one or something.
I don't speak hebrew
are you unable to understand people talking?

Most Russian women I have met do hate niggers.
He made his point without hitting her.
>puts his hand into backhanding position
>she immediately fucking runs and hides
>doesn't hit him next time just pushes him
But in all honesty she sounds hurt and betrayed so he might have cheated on her or some shit.
You're right, this same thread is on /pol/ with the same OP.
That's fucking hot. Imagine how getting beat by an aggressive blonde russian chick must feel like. If I was that nigger I'd have come in my pants. Not even m.
Can you faggots stop false flagging please..

I have met YOUNG people from Ukraine and Russia. They LITERALLY beat niggers and gays there. The TV show in OP is probably making fun of the nigger for being a monkey and trying to score. I.E "get your shirtless monkey hands off me" is what I got from it.
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Why does /r9k/ hate black people? Is there some kind of correlation between social awkwardness and racism? /pol/ would certainly support that
Because most blacks aren't even normies, they're just loud violent assholes
Why did you emphasize YOUNG? Was this a gang of lolis that went around beating up shitskins and fags or something?
What the fuck is this? Russian reality tv?
I saw a man who showed incredible restraint and discipline whilst having a rocking bod.
disgusting nigger
How many black people do you know?

Yeah yeah niggerniggernigger we get it. No one cares.
I've never seen a board try so fucking hard to be pointlessly racist. It's like you people are trying to impress someone.

pretty much that.

Besides, they fucked. I can just tell from his attitude.
He didn't really get owned. He just did not physically interact. He could have easily punched her down. There are more then enough dindu rekt videos and you chose this?
I actually respect niggers more. He could have easily beaten the shit out of her and she deserved it.
The only thing I saw was a man that stood his ground while a crazy white bitch couldn't stop physically assaulting him for whatever reason.

I died laughing when she put the curtain in front of her face after he fake smacked her.
dude honestly the black dude showed a lot of restraint. Can you imagine if the roles were reversed in this situation?
Amazing restraint. I would've slapped the soul out of her body.
he should have beat the shit out of her
I need to know where I can go so I can get some crazy white dime bitches like this.
Edris here could have straight fucked her up ten ways to next Tuesday. She's lucky as fuck he kept his cool.
Stormcucks planted the suggestion that there are plenty of cute female antisemitic posters
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You can't be serious.

This is the point where rhetoric precedes reason.
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he probably only had enough cum for one in their threesome
>whilst having a rocking bod
I laughed.
Dom 2 is just a shitty reality show where everything is set up.
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He handled it very well desu

Oh man
cyyyykaa blyyattt cheeki breeki iv dareemki slavslavslav oygevalt!
>le stalker fais
What the fuck is happening here and why is there a nigger in Russia?
dude looks like tupac
Looks like a relationship fight.

So autistic can't recognize a nigger buck cuking the russkies
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Here's this guys insta btw:

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Another one:

> post yfw white you finally realises he got cucked
* white boi

My bad. Mobile typo.
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Who pushes cuckoldry culture?

Who's pushes mass immigration?

Stop bumping these clowns' threads
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lmaooo not even the slavshits are safe from bbc, saviors of the white race my ass
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cause most of them are like this guy


also blacks are the most normie race.
What do you think about it?
>In Russia telling a woman to learn self defence isn't a bad thing
I like it
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>a nigger speaking slavic
> cause most of them are like this guy

Most black people are American scum? Wat?
Also she's probably mad he came inside her after he fucked her the night
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Cleary a respectable black man.
He didn't even hurt her, at that point he completely could have.

She showed so much fear after he feinged a punch.
Because in reality if the black dude were to fight her, she'd get bodied unbelievably.

The black dude is cool.
The russian girl is a cunt.

I don't care how much you hate niggers, you can't respect this whores actions.
She wasn't defending herself, she went completely fucking over board and whipped him like 20-30 times.

You should be ashamed of yourself if you really think this girl is better than the black dude.
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russia is getting /blacked/

Are you a retard? One they clearly fucked or she wouldn't be so upset, two the guy is based for keeping his cool while she looks like a violent psycho bitch who can actually hit. How is that "better" than an American woman?
He should have completely smashed the shit out of her, fucking psycho whore
I'm russian. I've seen like 4-5 black guys in my life and most people actually treat them well, like exotic guests.
Though, once when I was walking home from school with my friend when we saw a black dude, my friend shouted really loud something like "Hey look, it's 50 cent, rap something for us", but thats about it.
Most of people hate caucasians here, though.
Don't know about gays really. As long as you don't show your gay love on streets I guess you'll be fine.
Russians seem like really chill people t b h, don't know why 'Murican TV portrays you guys as backwards alcoholics who like to fight.
he must be alpha as fuck to survive that long in russia
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>what are the odds?! Impossible!!!!!
Maybe I'm just retarded but he didn't seem like a "dindu muffin" to me. He seemed like a man getting assaulted, and a man who refused to lay a hand on a female. He eventually used intimidation to get the chick assaulting him to back off. How does any of this make him a dindu nuffin?

[original comment, don't steal pls]
Props to the nigger. The bitch was the dindu in this case.
OP on suicide watch kek
Can russians tell that you are caucasian and not slav from looking at you? Do they identify as slav or white?
Lotta reddit again ITT
>says the cancer
Back to /r/redpill you go.
OP youre a fag. You wish you were that Russian women don't you? lmao.
This. The black dude kept his shit together better irl than I did watching. Fuck that cunt
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The white race.gif
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There is literally nothing wrong with the sentiment in your pic though. Fuck off back to Tumblr.
>The white race.gif

Post your face kiddo
Post yours first, Rasheed.
You're the one identifying yourself with those 3 Chads, post your face kiddo. What are you? Ashamed? We both know you're a beta scrawny 4/10 who can't even keep eye contact with people. Back to /r/redpill you go.
kept his cool and didn't fight her because he knows he's stronger, and it shows that no matter how much she struggles to harm him, he proves that she isn't a threat and doesn't deserve any attention/punishment because he puts her in the place of "non-threat".

If he hit her, he would be saying that she is worthy of fighting him and does indeed hold a threat.

she is a woman, and should be ignored until her fumes die down. He started to get frustrated because she wasn't calming down, and then duked her a couple times forcing her to flinch. He showed his dominance in an exemplary fashion, more men need to know how to put women in their place like this when they throw hissy fits.

If she had kept hitting him, eventually, yes, he would have reason to strike her and stop the nonsense. He was patient, cool, controller, dominant, basically handled that situation perfectly.
>This guy considers James 'manlet' McAvoy a chad

You beta fucking Rasheed, so that's why you rape underage white girls.
I'm not that guy.

4chan has been racist for longer than reddit has been popular, but you are using 4/10 as an insult on r9k.

Your views are normie.
Instead of projecting like a retard, post your face cringelord.
>you are using 4/10 as an insult on r9k
No, I'm reminding that child that identifying himself with those 3 alpha men >>26107730 is cringey.

Are you going to post your face or not? Don't be shy kiddo.
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Holy fuck. This minority is mad as fuck. Whats your job? Sad because you're working a shit job since nobody wants your shit colored, stinky skin in their workplace?
Why are you so obsessed with seeing people's faces on 4chan of all places, nonce?
R9k has cringe threads and it is for autists. Why is cringey an insult here?
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I think we've long since ascertained that he isn't from here.
You seem buttdevastated, there's no need to be upset.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better kiddo.
>Holy fuck
back to redd*t

[original comment]
look up crime stats libtard
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What a load of bullshit mate.
Regards, actual Russian.
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This board is fucking dead.
Successful white men are rarely racist because they already have so much superiority they do not need to reaffirm themselves by putting down minorities.

Chad isn't openly racist, why are you?
Translation: Successful men run the risk of being ostracized, their businesses taken away, and they and their families being threatened and harassed for telling the truth.
Who are you quoting you spastic retard?
epic samefagging and strawmanning
Why would a successful white person who has everything they want out of life be concerned with the actions of minorities?

He literally would have no good reason to care, they aren't powerful enough to effect him.
I don't know what the nigger said or anybody but he handled that situation fairly well. at least physically.
I don't agree this guy was alpha at all, a real alpha male would have grabbed her wrists as she was hitting him and snapped them in half
Why do I care about "crime stats"? Does /r9k/ care about society all of a sudden?

What is it with you autistics and stats?
WAIT , he is not a USA NIGGER .

AFRICANS are NOT the same as NIGGERS.
difference between them is like day and night.
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i love auto translate

Because he's black. That's literally it. /r9k/ is fucking stupid.
>/r9k/ is fucking stupid
/pol/babbies are not /r9k/, they're tourists here.

Quote where you see any of that.

Nah, even /pol/ is disgusted with these tryhards. /r9k/ is the most toxic, barren board on the site. That is fact.
That guy looks like Idris Elba, he must be swimming in white puss.
Since when are Russians not Caucasian?
Google ''Caucasus''.
>The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid[1] or occasionally Europid[2]) is a taxon historically used to describe the physical or biological type of some or all of the populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia, Central Asia, and certain parts of South Asia
link to /pol/ thread?
Google ''Caucasus'' you retard.
I spent the entire video waiting for him to nig the fuck out on her and give her at least one good slap.
I have the worst blue balls of my life now. Thanks OP.

Can anyone quench my thirst for cunts getting what they deserve?

>Justifiably defending yourself is nigging out
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