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ITT: Things Redditors say

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Thread replies: 118
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ITT: Things Redditors say
>I did nazi that coming!
>You, sir, made my day!
>Have an up-vote!
People who pretend to upvote something begrudgingly as if their virtual internet point is actually something of worth

>Take my up vote and leave
>Shut up and have my up vote! Xdddddd

Fucking die
>I'm voting for trump
>I'm a libertarian
>the biggest problem facing america today is the breakdown of the family
I'm voting for trump just because it's funny and I bought one of his hats.
>My wife's son ...
>Go back to Reddit
>ITT: Things Redditors say
You forgot to greentext that
>This comment section is a mess. Save yourself the trouble and turn back now.
usually said in a thread were users get redpilled
>Take my uovote
>Ephebophilia? You mean pedophilia creep
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>in charge of not being hypocrites
>that's really shitty
>thank you kind stranger!
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why do redditors talk the way they do? I've only met a few people in my life that have reddit humor but there are so many redditors out there
>[Insert shitty pun]
Edit: RIP my inbox! Thanks for all the upvote guys, I can't believe my highest comment is about dragon dildoes!
Edit 2: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! [Insert acceptance speech like he just won a fucking Emmy]
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Jesus Christ senpai desu
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Jesus fucking christ anon
How do people like this even exist
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>that pic
Woooooo nelly that is one rage inducing pit of shit
typical nu-male desu
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they're faggots who have !optimism! about the world

they're basically normies
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They are top class deluded betas who think they're far more intelligent than most people.

Pic related, although 4chan is shit it's a mixed bag of equally shit but self-aware opinions
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the main thing about leddit that i don't understand is;

they realize their website literally promotes circlejerking and is a massive echochamber, yet instead of leaving the site or trying to change that, they just make shitty jokes about it.

on top of that, political incorrectness is frowned upon unless your joke goes along with said circlejerk. not to mention how they literally have to type an "/s" at the end of everything because the average redditor can't recognize sarcasm and then when called out on it go "it's kinda hard to tell sarcasm over the internet so you never know".

fuck reddit and anyone who uses it, but at the same time thank fucking christ it exists as a quarantine zone to keep the majority of retards and normies there.
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More of this fucking guy.
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>Anne frankly, I did nazi that coming. I literally came here to say this but boy, that escalated quickly so to the top with you! Lost it at 'This is why we can't have nice things' and then my faith in humanity was restored, my mind blown, and manly tears were shed. Well said. As a 'murican, I can confirm this gem has just won the internet and is doing it right. I know that feel, bro, and while that was a risky click, this post was a 9/10, 11/10 with rice, would read again. I see what you did there and it feels good man. You're doing God's work, son. I laughed way harder than I should have at your list that seems legit and totally nailed it. You - I like you. You magnificent bastard; you, sir, are so brave, a gentleman and a scholar, and seeing how you are a redditor for 4 years, this checks out, so I'll allow it. I regret that I only have one upvote to give for this cool story, bro. CTRL+F "about tree fiddy" was not disappointed. Wait, why do I have you tagged as "NOPE NOPE NOPE"? What did I just read? Dafuq? I read that as "YOU HAD ONE JOB". I can't fap to this. No true scotsman could see that this relevant XKCD was bad, and you should feel bad. You must be new to reddit, so I'll see your cakeday and raise you a karma train. One does not simply rustle my jimmies, not even once. Jet fuel can't melt dank memes, that stahp gave me cancer for science, so that's enough internet for me today. What is this I don't even know how is this wtf? Circlejerk must be leaking. This will get buried but brace yourselves, some men want to watch the world burn right in the feels. When you see it, they'll KILL IT WITH FIRE! But this has nothing to do with atheism. Lawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym, and SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, said no one ever, so you wouldn't download a strawman. /r/dadjokes. Damn onions, you scary like a BOSS. whoosh. Since rule #1 is 'be attractive', I'll just leave this here: This is my [f]irst post, be gentle.
Edit: This blew up. RIP my inbox.
>they realize their website literally promotes circlejerking and is a massive echochamber, yet instead of leaving the site or trying to change that, they just make shitty jokes about it.

>noped right the fuck out of there
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>the proffesor, a doctorate in chemistry, kicked me out of her classroom after i didn't pay attention and then answered her questions correctly

spoken like a true wanna-be intellectual who has literally never stepped foot on a university grounds

/r/4chan defense squad is here, everyone. was fun while the thread lasted.
I hate screenshoting on my phone. Here's his worst if someone wants to grab it

I got sick after reading that now I can skip work thanks
Don't forget that well formulated, reasonable comments get buried under piles of puns and appeal to majority memes. 4chan sure has issues with shitposting, but at least a shitpost is still equal to a good post. Reddit is good for one thing only, and that is asking for help in niche subjects where google can't help and 4chan will 404 the thread too fast.
>/r/4chan defense squad is here, everyone. was fun while the thread lasted.
I've been coming to 4chan since before Chanology, and I have over 100,000 comment karma on Reddit.

If you legitimately think that the websites you visit are an important component of your identity as a person, you should really go to the kitchen right now and make a cocktail of everything you can find under the sink.
>My SO
BITCH. It's called a boy/girlfriend or husband/wife. Just fucking say that. Why can't they just say that?
Weirdly enough, although 4chan fits the bill it IS constantly changing to counter its previous mode of thought.
It hates itself for every thought it has and every person who has it.
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whatever you say, buddy.

either gays or they don't want their gender to be known or some shit
Jesus Christ. People like this are such a pain in the ass. People who see themselves as "the good guys" and that they know everything about everyone and that everyone else is just a judgemental cunt.
>I'm going to hell for this
Spoken like a true Redditor. I use Reddit too but that being said it doesn't mean I can't complain about it. I mostly use it for lurking and help/questions I have and sometimes requests.
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>Underrated post

Semi upvotes with no contribution.
But they all fucking do it. Gay, straight, male, female. It's the dumbest shit ever.
plebbitors seriously need to get the fuck out of this website
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this post is nice!
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Nice post! Have a (You) upvote!
My only gripe with both 4chan and reddit is the meme police who call you out for sounding like a "redditor" or "channers" respectively.

who actually cares what sites you go on

Okay, so he's a cool uncl-

>being a manly man is not giving a fuck about what other people think
>posts about himself being a manly man on Reddit for upvotes and gold
>you should really go to the kitchen right now and make a cocktail of everything you can find under the sink.

godamn redditors and their "witty" insults
I agree but that being said Ledditors still have a really unique vocabulary, mostly using advanced words they don't know the meaning of and acting overly nice combined with another epic pun we've all heard a million times before.
The grammar is making me grind my teeth holy shit
"I do what needs to be done"
It was trash from the first line
if only reddit said these things
I fucking hate insults like these
It's like "I could've used my intelligence and effort to get a productive discussion started that will enhance everyones' understanding, but instead I will actively contribute to the aura of negativity and polarization while stroking my cock"

It's not even funny like it is on 4chan, because if someone explicitly describes how they want you to kill yourself on here, it's interpreted as ironic banter or eloquent "REEEEEEE"-ing. There's no responsibility to make a good discussion.

Redditors would literally impede practical jobs or discussion just to feel justified about their ego/ opinion.
Funny that people here blame the degeneration of this shit site on redditors coming in, when in reality it's was the oldfags that went to reddit years ago, and the facebook kids and tumblr that flood in by way of /b/.

Reddit doesn't even care about 4chan at all. Even 9gag is more respectable.
Half of you are just in major denial that 4chan is a withered up piece of white dog shit. The other half are newfucks who don't even know what they're saying or why when they scream about reddit.

Even moot is gone.
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>You, sir,
This shit is the fucking worst. THE worst.

Runner-up is women who refer to their boyfriends/husbands as "the hubby."
Holy shit when they say "sex kitten" "lady bits" or "sexy times".
>lady bits
>Reddit doesn't even care about 4chan at all.
>/r/4chan is easily one of the most popular subreddits
You're full of shit.

>typical le if u touch the people i care about i'll kill u memester

What actually happens: I beat the shit out of his gf, then him, and he calls 911
its like they think its cute or something.
Same with "poop"
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pic related.
also, when someone says [citation needed], it generally means you're correct in what you're saying and they know it, but they want you to waste your time looking for proof which they will then disregard.
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>came here to say this
>09:31:25? HL3 CONFIRMED
>huehuehue i suck massive amounts of cock but it's just a prank! brojob brojob
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>redditors of Reddit who are teachers, when was the last time a student approached you sexually circa high school? What was your response en lieux of that? ;)
Besides the little cage they have set up in the corner for our adorable shenanigans.
No one says "back to 4chan"; they call you an edgy faggot and downvote your retarded shitposts.

It's you guys that are constantly labelling any faggotry you see as "not 4chan". "It must be tumblr - it must be reddit - it must be 9gag, or facebook because there's no way MY website is like this for no reason! "

The only reason you feel the need to do this is because you people are losers who identify with the website so strongly and so personally, that you can't bring yourself to insult Anonymous without also feeling like you're insulting yourself. So the only way around that is to give the Anonymous an identity. "Reddit". Now anyone you says something you dont like is just "Reddit".
Not true at all. Ledditors absolutely adore 4chan, especially after gamergate (look what happened to /v/). Most oldfags have migrated to other image boards instead.
>People who see themselves as "the good guys" and that they know everything about everyone and that everyone else is just a judgemental cunt
sounds just like the people on this board
>sorry that I offended you
>EDIT: Thanks for le gold kind stranger! :-PP
>back to >>>/pol/ with you

my favorite. Also Ive been muted

>go back to /pol/
>go back to /r9k/
>may may (or other variations)
>4chan is just like Reddit!
>links to Reddit when alternatives are available
>not your secrit club
>ironic shitposting
>asking for content they dont like to be banned when it's not breaking any rules
>blames everything on gamergate
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>short pause
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the whole site is a sanders circle-jerk.
this is the politics subreddit

A real Manly Man doesnt use fucking Reddit.
I remember this guy defending himself on /r9k/ once.
Nothing makes me want to punch a baby like some fag redditor saying "le [citation needed] xDDDD"
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Mr. Not-A-Redditor.
post picture of hat, pls
I'm not American and want to see one
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What did he mean by this?

le sir (or madame) blox
You faggots sure know a lot about rebbit
>check out this post from those wacky guys on /b/!
>"So this little guy turned up at my door today" etc.
>the ol lickaroo
>m'lady nice guy friendzone again!
reddit is bernie sanders
>like (i.e. That's like the dumbest thing ever)
>be me
Rick & Morty exists, karma now!
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I think it's irony.
They use "...." when they want to use a comma, and it's the most annoying shit ever.
They also type out their sighs
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4chan has to be the meme police, it's what keeps this place secure

this community invented pretty much all memes... even the normiest memes are spinoffs of 4chan memes

I'll give a few examples

>when ___ + reaction image (twitter/instagram meme)

basically a mutation of "mfw" and "tfw"

>it's the current year and you're still ___! (sjw meme)

basically a mutation of costanza ISHYGDDT

>master race (reddit theft)

an easy, but clear example of reddit stealing a meme and making a travesty of it. people wear "glorious PC master race" shirts, for fuck's sake. now nobody would be caught dead saying this around here.

interesting examples of memes emerging independently of 4chan's influence and being accepted in the meme community are tumblr's "ayy lmao" and "desu" / black people's "JUST" and "baka senpai".

there's a little bit of memeology for you
>I am voting for bernie sanders
>my faith in humanity
>you are not a good person
>make the world a better place
>listen to my tolerant views
>let me explain why socialism is actually good
>that is wrong
>racist, sexist, homophobic, mysognist, sociopath
Say what you like about reddit but their cam whores are 10 x more attractive than the dregs that post on this website
Socialism is good you fucking teenage libertarian. People who hate socialism literally think in memes.
I don't think he meant that though. he seams to mean that meme police = website elitism
What the fuck are you talking about? Even /r9k/ isn't a circlejerk, in every single thread there's arguments, normies vs robots, feminists vs mra etc. and unlike Reddit, people aren't afraid to speak their minds. There's lots of thing 4chan can be criticized for but that doesn't make sense.
True. Their camwhores are normalfags. Ours are mentally ill girls who got touched when they were kids and had no friends growing up
You fucking idiot.
They went to other chans, NOT reddit.
Link to archive?
*starts singing bohemian rhapsody because they saw it on Wayne's World*
*stupid shitty pg white person pun chain*
*some stupid meme nobody heard of until last month*
*some mediocre opinion that anybody can agree with and doesn't offend anyone*
"I have never been gilded before. This feels... right."

I think he misspelled 'gelded'.
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I don't know what they say because I do not fucking go there and am sick of shit hearing about them.
Non redditors who are tired of /pol/ shitting up discussions say this too.
Holy shit. So many redditors on this board. Kill yourselves. All of you.
Umm...what? How on earth did your little liberal victim complex mind get the idea that Reddit had different political views than you? Because they moderately somewhat kinda tolerate differing opinions?

Do you need an air tight safe space?
>Hello mister African American, can I introduce you to my wife?
I'm being 100% serious, if I knew who that guy was in real life I would torture the shit out of him and his beloved family.
Probably quite easy to find out if you just stalk the redditor.
I used to casually browse rebbit but can't anymore because of this
Starting a greentext with >Be me is the number one reddit/newfag thing to do.
>what happened to this subreddit
>this subreddit is basically stormfront now
>i used to like this subreddit
>what a shame I guess I'll have to find a new subreddit it looks like this one has gone to shit
All translated into
>Oh no my safe zone is gone!
Moe is kill.
national socialism in a racially homogeneous country is good. open border socialism is terrible.
I feel bad for people like you who still don't know how to use 4chan properly.
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The cringy thing about reddit isn't that people on reddit say dumb banal shit, but that it's what "normal" people say

I just can't understand what being bluepilled is.
How can you base you whole identity over fucking memes and what TV has indoctrinated you with? How can you never stop for a second and think "is this really right?"
And how do you even become a popular type, are they completely unaware of how unoriginal and unfunny they are or do they think they're hot shit for simply copying what they see, like a monkey. It's nightmare fuel
The craziest thing is that we see that, yet sometimes still feel bad that we aren't accepted by normies. It's like our basic instinct to be "in" with the pack supersedes our reasoning at time. We should be happy we aren't bland, uninspired, and predictable.
> How can you base you whole identity over fucking memes and what TV has indoctrinated you with? How can you never stop for a second and think "is this really right?"
You must be deluded to think that people on 4chan are any different. Two sides of the same coin.
What a Twisted Fucking Psychopath
You got me, I'm very embarrassed.
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What is Reddit really? something called r/4chan is mentioned a lot here and i went on it.

It already sucks and whats with the spinning triforce? whats up with the gay 13 year old humor i'm seeing? Te worse thing about the page is seeing how it looks like a stolen version of 4chan and the subreddit are news are nothing like the 4chan boards.
Do people really pretend to browse 4chan by using this shitty website?

>4chan is banned from Russia
No it isn't you gay motherfucker
National socialism isnt the same as marxian socialism though. Natsoc uses a fascist economic system that allows for private ownership, which is completely against socialist principles
Idk what they say because to know that you'd have to go on reddit
>Jamal I'm ready to prep you, and when I am finished you can enrich my girlfriend with your rich multi cultural semen while I watch from the corner!
>I seriously just can't handle this much racism
>Umm women can do whatever they want, it's her life not yours. You seriously sound like a rape gendered pig.
>Bernie 2016!
>If your going to vote for the mule don't forget to prep the bull!
Thank god I'm not the only one.
Is everyone so new that they don't remember when ripping on this guy was like an all day affair and he actually came on r9k to do a Q&A?

That was only like... 2 years ago or something.
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