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>one chance at life >sexually submissive male

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>one chance at life
>sexually submissive male
>tfw when submissive femanon
Why are more and more guys subs
>one chance at life
>born in poor middle class family
State-assisted euthanasia, when?
>not being switch master race

>poor middle class
I... what? Tell me you at least mean lower-middle class.

Being middle class isn't great but you're not "poor" in it- unless maybe your parents have insane debt.
wtf kind of post is this

90% of dudes in the world are doms and you come to the one place where people are mentally/emotionally damaged and submissive and say "why are you guys all sub"
Shut the fuck up you dumb whore
99% of men are doms
You'd really be surprised. Maybe it's just the people I know. Never dated any chads
single parent mothers that abuse their sons?
1. Ratio is not changing as much as you would think, there have always been more sub men than dom females.
2. Estrogen mimickers in water from birth control and plastic have a feminizing effect on neural development during neonatal development.
3. Feminists are working to fool men into thinking that women actually want a house husband who is sexually submissive and asks 5 times nicely before he performs any sex act on her
4. You're browsing a board full of fucked up losers further amplifying the effect.
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>tfw no fembot to take pity on my virginity and let me lick her feet
>but you're not "poor"
No? We have like no savings, one shitty car, rarely if ever go on vacation, eating out is considered expensive etc.

How is being middle class not poor when you have to be mindful of every expense?
It sounds like you're not really middle class then, is what I'm saying. That's not a typical middle class experience, more upper-lower or, at best, lower-middle.
> a million chances at life
> a passive hesitant pussy in every one
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I'm submissive and have so many fucked up sub kinks, I don't think I'll ever have a healthy relationship with a woman.
>being submissive or dominant
Fucking BDSM faggots
Please tell
>one chance at life

I did not ask for this
Possibly. My mom makes slightly more than median wage, so technically we should be middle class. No dad though so only 1 income.
One really prominent one that I have that really fucks with my dating life is that I really like to feel small compared to a girl. I'm not even short, which is a problem. I'm 5'11".

I get really turned on by the idea of a girl being bigger and stronger than me, overpowering me and teasing me about it. Like, if I could date a girl that was 6'5" and chubby, I would be down.

>tfw big gf will never drag you around by your wrist in public and embarrass you
>tfw big gf will never pick you up and overpower whenever she wants
>tfw big gf will never throw you down on the bed and force you to fuck her
>tfw you will never be the little spoon to a big girl
>tfw you tell her to do something and she stands up and towers over you and says "you don't get to tell me what to do, I'm bigger than you"
I would love a gf that did all that to me
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>tfw dating me basically means you consent to pretending you own me as a slave 1-3+ days per week
>tfw I basically have no interest in penetrative sex or even orgasming and I just want to be constantly ordered around, used as furniture, and to have my mouth used in every conceivable way for every conceivable thing
>tfw being used as a urinal and/or to clean up after she pees
>tfw her licking feet/shoes clean every day after she gets home
>tfw girls find even asking them to be a little bossy incredibly creepy, and you kind of want to be an actual slave on some level
a-are you me anon?
that all sounds so great
Aww Chad wouldn't date you? Poor baby
You would love any gf
>ex was larger frame than most girls, was only one inch shorter than me and weighed 10 more pounds.
>She was a little stronger than me
>Was a virgin when we got together but soon found out that submissive boys got her off.
>I wasn't either sub or dom at the time. Went along with stuff she wanted.
>Only when she was drunk would she try dom stuff. Got more and more extreme as time went on.
>I always said I only did it because she loved it but I did like pretty much all of it.
>Current gf is sub :(
True, but I'd prefer something like that
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A man can dream, ORIGINAL COMMENT, a man can dream.
Do you look weird?
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>one chance at life
>die a coward

Hold me
yeah i hope she gets her already torn up vag*na pounded into a roastie by the perfect human specimen. like if i was a girl, and everything wasn't handed to me, id be pissed.
Negative, normal white thin guy. Why?

You gotta learn to compromise.

Newsflash: the majority of people in America are poor but very few of them admit it.
So did something happen to you as a kid?
Or are folks around here just contrarians that want what they can't have?
Curiosity. Fetish that weird had me expecting a greasy snaggletooth hunchback
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Have you tried manning the fuck up?
Fucking waste of a Y chromosome.
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>mfw I see shit like this

It's honestly a little heartbreaking to see people like this...
This is black magic.
I have no clue. I've always had a kink for huge women. Even when I was a little kid and cartoons would have a female character grow huge, my little pre-pubescent wee wee would get hard.

My brain is broken and I wish I could fix myself. I'm still attracted to regular things, but, y'know, not as hard. I can get down with standard missionary position sex with a regular woman but in the back of my mind some primal part of my brain will be longing for my crazy fetishes.
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you sound alot like me, anon

the sad thing is the fact that we've got 1% chances in life that this would happen
sometimes i wish i had no fetishes

That is hot. One reason I like women with muscles.
Takes all kinds, I guess. I haven't noticed any associations between looks and kinks. Lots of dumb weird dudes on both sides though.

I was deliberately losing bets with my female friends when I was like 4 years old so I'd have to be their slave for the day.
>Match with a 5'11 girl on tinder
>mfw she has huge tits and a nice ass cause she lifts weights regularly
>mfw she can handle the bantz like a regular /sp/ shitposter
>mfw she regularly calls me a faggot and says other degrading things to me
>mfw it secretly makes my dick diamonds
>mfw I just want her to tie me to a chair and tease my dick for hours
>Going on another date with her soon

>girls think im sub
>slowly penetrate them
>withhold sex and frustrate them playfully
>they like it
>exchange between dom and sub
>she is loyal
>i think
>have kinky sexy when we feel like it

Feels good to be chad
im jelly man, live it up!
>i think
>Feels good to be chad
nah you're a beta, just compared to a kissless virgin you seem alpha. Alphas run the fucking world with a million chicks to fuck.
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>you will always have some impossible dumb fetish that cannot be fulfilled in real life

I envy the people who get turned on by simple stuff like tickling and handcuffs and shit. Or the people who have no weird fetishes at all. That would be nice.
>tfw will never be dominated by lolis
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>Skinny tall
>Oral herpes that started outbreaks since I was 6

Its not fair.
>Gf is sub, like most women
>Be dominant for her
>Wish I could be submissive
>Pretty sure all of my submissive fantasies are from childhood events
>Would probably gross out gf if she knew I liked sub shit. At least would be a turn off for her
I never asked for this
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>one chance at life
>born a fag
>all this defeatism and negativity

Why complain of your fate when you could so easily change it?
You can't just change your fetishes/sexual orientation/etc.

No, but you can absolutely find someone to accommodate them.

Submissive male? Find dominant woman. Boom. That's it. Problem solved. That's life.
Dominant women are very rare. Plus most men who are submissive tend to be shy and socially awkward putting them at further disadvantage.
>your life isn't unique
>you have had many chances at life you just aren't aware of them

>Dominant women are very rare.

Oh, for fuck's sake. We live in the Digital Age. Finding a partner who fulfills all of your wildest dreams and expectations is easier than ever.

>Plus most men who are submissive tend to be shy and socially awkward putting them at further disadvantage.

Both shyness and awkwardness can have their own sort of charm. You don't need to be a Chad, you just need to be not-shy enough to talk to women.

Plus, social anxiety can be cured. Change your brain patterns and use exposure therapy, man. If your brain is working against you, then tell your brain to fuck off.
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>tfw want to try being dominant
>naturally submissive as fuck
>dicks scare me
>males in general intimidate the shit out of me
>dream of pegging a cute boy and making him moan like a girl
>Why complain of your fate when you could so easily change it?
I don't think it works that way
>No, but you can absolutely find someone to accommodate them.
Not in all cases. Like would you give that advice to the pedo in this thread? Or the dude that wants to be dominated by literal giant women?
>natural cock tease
Off yourself
>dream of pegging a cute boy and making him moan like a girl
I want this more than anything. Where do you live?
Submissive male for woman or men? Because if for men that's 0 problems. The only way to not get dicked is to be obese since no one can reach your smelly sweaty dirty anus. You can easily still suck dick though. Easy as shit.

But sub for woman? Top kek okay you're right there. Might as well kill yourself. I mean you're a raging faggot anyways.
>started outbreaks since I was 6
How did you even get oral herpes before 6?
>Just be yourself





You have to be willing to compromise part of your fantasy in order to live it. Going by your examples, you could go for ageplay and a woman significantly taller/bigger than you. It's not exactly the real thing, but it's better than nothing.


I'm not normal, I just don't understand the self-doubt and mental barriers so many people have.

I always just think in terms of "what's the best and easiest way to get what I want" and then I just sort of DO it without really thinking much.


I'm definitely not normal, I just can't relate to the doubt and
How small are you? I have a rape fetish for your types.
>one chance at life
>sexually dominant female
>but extremely shy

I just wanna be tall and confident and take advantage of a qt short submissive guy. Every guy assumes I'm submissive bc I'm short and quiet and very feminine looking and no submissive guys are into girls like me.
>tfw no genuinely nice yet bossy gf who'll scold me and call me names when she's mad but cuddle with me afterwards

feels bad desu
>one chance at life
>mutant combo of failed normie and chad
>good genes tho
i know this fucking feel OP. the worst part is that i know the dom girls exist, i know a couple of them who have the exact fucking relationship i want IRL. and yet i have no idea how to find them other than by pure chance

i've basically just given up on any sort of romantic relationship, let alone a sexual one, at this point. there really is no fucking hope

these same girls have called me 'cute' and stuff so i'm also relatively sure that, barring my hideous looks, i can at least play the part. but i guess i just have a shitty personality otherwise or something. fuck i hate myself
How do you know what type of sexual personality you have if you've never had sex anon?
>one chance at life
>born a nigger

fml desu senpai
sounds like my gf, pic related 6'2 310
I'm 5'9 155
I don't think that it would be mean to me that the government to the gym point Game of Thrones and it was the only way one thing to do that for a few years.
...What the hell was that? Are you drunk?
Most men are actually switches
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baka senpai desu smH fAm Tbh
Can I talk to you on Skype or something? My Skype is: c.wok1
I'm interested, but you're gone
How do you know you're dominant and its not just a fantasy?
She would be perfect if she lost some weight desu

I've been beating it to femdom porn since I was 12 and had fantasies since I was 8.

I managed to get back into normal shit by not watching fucked up porn and forcing myself into having normal fantasies. Having a girlfriend that I loved deeply helped a great deal too, she was the my main motivator to change so I could enjoy normal sex.
There should at least be an equal number of dom females to sub males. It's not fair.
Oh, I remember you from a while ago.
Man, amazing! That's it? Cool! Just doing it and BOOM, the problem is solved. Thanks for the input!
Just find a dominant woman, dude. Even though they're like 1% of the population. Just find one. And be yourself.
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>tfw have to use fetish websites instead of regular dating websites just to meet someone compatible
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