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Reminder that no girls like "Chad" once they reach

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Reminder that no girls like "Chad" once they reach at most 25
Women want a hairy guy who can act like a man, chugs beer, stuffs his mouth with meat, farts around her, etc.
You betas would have a chance if you could act like men for once
It's all in the attitude
But, hey most of you are probably pretty young anyway. In due time guys. Go get a gun and go hunting or something. Be a fucking MAN, MAN!

I'm not even remotely manly and I still get laid and have relationships.

The truth is, it's even simpler than your making it. Simply put yourself in positions where you may have the opportunity to talk to a girl and then talk to her. If you do this frequently enough, you will eventually have sex. Robots never put themselves in ANY social circumstances (let alone with members of the opposite sex), so they never even get the chance to get laid.
You must realize that these female specimen here are pretty much fucking zeros.
>Reminder that no girls like "Chad" once they reach at most 25

I get chads leftovers!? Fukin sweet!
>Chad's sloppy seconds

Roasties fuck off.
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>I'm not into muscly men

You're telling me I fell for the lifting meme, put in years of hard work, just in time to find out chicks don't like it?
>Woman want you to change to please them
>That's what a real man is all about
>farts around her
Please no.
I don't think women of any age get turned on by farts, that's really just a fetish gained by men when they've exhausted all other pornographic options.
reminder that a lot of girls have already married chad by the time they're 25

reminder that even when girls find they wish Chad was a little different, they stick around because they feel stuck

reminder that girls still work harder on a dead relationship with Chad than with me
implying this isn't the female version of >2/10 pointy elbows would not bang
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>lifting to get laid
>not lifting to become a superior version of yourself
Daily reminder that 3DPD can not compete.
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nice try faggot not going to take your fucking sloppy seconds just for me to marry her and divorce me for everything I got. The women of today of fucking disgraceful whores who drink like men.speak like men.have tattoos like men.sleep around like men, don't know how to cook for shit and don't want to clean for shit.
>im gonna spend night farting in my chair and drinking cheap beer
also might play some AoE
i didnt shave today
is it manly enough?
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Why yes OP, you have finally found what we call "settling after the cock carousel", also known as "beta buxx". You'll have to do better than that, ten points from hufflepuff.
roasties just jealous because they can't get chad.
it's hard to do that when you have no normie interests though. going to the club or bar is only going to help you meet sluts who are looking to get railed by a 6'5 230lb ripped chad.

seriously where the fuck can you even meet qts? i haven't met a girl since my boss hired one (she invited me to her place even) but she was such a bad worker she got fired
nah man, they don't like "muscly men" for the same reasons nerds don't like "bimbos". objectively highly attractive members of the opposite sex tend to breed resentment in one's learned experience, a result of both the sting of rejection (real and potential) and the power imbalance.

don't even worry about it nigga
>Those are adult cats
Women cannot do anything right.
>You'll have to do better than that, ten points from hufflepuff.

If I got placed into a house with a point system then I would be that kid who'd lose all the points for everyone, after a while they would just let me off.
Yes you might get away with it if you were a combat soldier or a boxer or something and Chad cant compete with his fake tan and Instagram, but none of you were so it doesnt matter.
Those dudes do look gay as fuck, their faces are great but those hair styles make them look like they belong on a boy band. And the expression of the one on the right looks like an huge homo.
By 25 they just care more about money/status than looks. Neither of those guys looks rich or successful enough.

They are insecure. They would let those guys fuck them in the ass if they actually had the chance.
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