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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 530
Thread images: 97

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still no real OP image edition
it should be empty the whole year. just as empty as ops heart
1st for Islam guy actually said moderate Muslims believe it is okay to rape young girls
>not no Islam edition
also because the immigrants stole everything
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579KB, 1093x698px
Who watching AGDQ?

>Aladdin run soon
Why not have half of the image underwater?
Is that enforced in the Quran?
>If you dress like a bank robber and carry a gun then it's the policemen's fault for shooting you

But it's illegal to carry a gun mate it's not illegal to have a vagina
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I think this should be a part of the OP image tbqh
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Sharia UK.jpg
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fuck islam desu senpai
Apparently. He said that Muslims are allowed to rape women and young girls of any age if they are deemed to be dressing 'provocatively' and the idea is that it would encourage the females to dress more moderately and adopt a more Islam focused way of life that Allah would approve of.
dress more modestly*

And no one ever chatted utter bollocks on the internet, least of all 4chan...
>tfw muslims can even ruin /britfeel/ threads in addition to ruining your country.
Fucks sake, islamposters are literally worse than unifags.

I'd rather see Tildefag posting than islamfags, if that's what it takes.
>Muslims literally admitting they think it is fine to rape children at this point

lel nah guys it's just their way of having banter XD

>Tfw Nige will kick your dirty brown head in the day England finally gets redpilled.
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>tfw ISIS online branch is tasked with shitposting in britfeel until the threads are ruined
who else here /universitychallenge/?
>chan or lilly more of a qt?
he'll never get elected his own party doesnt even want him anymore
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I must have triggered you guys
Can I ask you another question about Islam?

Do you find >>25492079
the image in the above post offensive?
>his own party doesnt even want him anymore
Nice propaganda paki.
Why do we act like multiculturalism is everyone moving everywhere to be together? It's white people allowing the brown and blacks to share in their better societies and nothing more.
nah just banter with the k-on image desu
>admitting they think it is fine to rape children at this point

>child rape
>Teenage girls who dress like whores getting fucked by a group of strangers is now rape because they gave her alcohol
To be fair most of our politicians and entertainers seem to think that child rape is okay too. Maybe muslims can fit in here.

Taking first hand accounts at face value on 4chan is preposterous and if you do so you're likely staggeringly dim.
>tfw final year of uni
>still never had a girlfriend
>still no hope of that ever changing

The worst part about it is that I have a relatively normal social life and am real confident around other guys
Inshallah brother, they just don't understand.
Yes but that doesn't mean I'm going to kill him for it
Like I said earlier we aren't in an Islamic country and we must follow the law of the land
>12 year old girls are teenagers
>Muslim education
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>another /britfeel/ ruined right out of the gate
all according to plan. excellent work my roaches
>child rape
>teenage whores getting treated like whores
Pick one
You'd creampie a 12 year girl in an instant (probably even your little sister you inbred fuck) if you could you liberal cuckold. This arbitrary age factor is nothing more than artificial social stigma.
>getting offended because somebody drew a fictional character from a book you read

Christ no wonder you lot make your women dress like ninjas if you can't even contain yourselves over a MS paint image
>Implying they were 12 years old
white ignorance

Just tuned in. Didn't realise it was on. Always a comfy watch.
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Any BRISTOL or PLYMOUTH bros here?
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Found a couple more pics of my Ex I hadn't deleted from the recyle bin, anyone want them? They are lewd but not newd
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Post waifu
>Muslims actually believe this
yeah put an imgur gallery up and share it bruv
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waifu status: posted
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It's just 2 more pics so I'll post 'em on here
I snuck into a few lectures at plymouth uni, they're ok. On the way back now to a real uni, ucl

I'm sure your degree will be just as worthwhile as mine :^)

not that it matters as I'm doing stem so I'll be replaced by 1 million 2nd worlders
>Nearly 400 British girls as young as eleven are believed to have been sexually exploited by Muslim rape gangs in Oxfordshire over the past 15 years, according to a chilling new report. It charges local officials with repeatedly ignoring the abuse due to a "culture of denial."

at this point its just an obvious troll senpai
prophet Muhammad (S.A.A.W) is not a fictional character secondly wouldn't you get offended if someone was making fun of a human being you loved more than anything in this universe?
Why those two specifically?

I had friends at both, got rejected for Plymouth.
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Original comment
Your ex looks fit mate did you put some others up earlier if so I missed them have you got a link?
If they're old enough to dress like whores and get drunk with a group of male strangers then they're old enough to face the consequences of doing so
I'm not blaming the women I'm blaming you guys for letting and teaching your women to act like whores
I am from Bristol and at uni in Plymouth. How the fuck did you manage to get rejected?

The clog wogs have made their own

she's a bit fat
He's not a Muslim
Oh wait but I forgot that there's no such thing as a white paedophile
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Here's the first, I only had those 3 pics, I must have deleted the others. The only place they could be is on an old memory stick and I have no idea where it is
I got the points but not the grades. My IT teacher was shit and I got an E in it, Plymouth wouldn't take me for Computer Science so I went to Gloucestershire which was my second choice.

Got a 2:1, (suck it Mr. Whatever your name was).
He is, you subhuman shitskins always spout 'inbred' as an insult because you will never be white.
>he loves a fictional character more than anything else in the universe

This religion just keeps getting more autistic by the minute
She was like a size 10 and 5'7", she had a little bit of belly but joocy ass and thighs
Wow thanks man you're lucky

What happened to these threads?
You know what you guys can have your "fun" in your shitty little autistic /inbred and yellow teeth feel/ thread
I'm going (probably will comeback tomorrow)
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>tfw spilt half a cup of hot tea in my lap
Yeah we were each others first and she is still the tightest I've ever had, only gf tho
It's a terrorist attack by ISIS mate
anyone got chav slut porn? the picture in the other thread has got me bonerfied.
Okay, try not to rape any children between now and then Muhammed. Have a great evening!
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Am I a bad person?
not much you can do about it other than lie
if you google 'british slags' you get some decent Tumblrs you can wank too but it's hard to find proper chav slut porn. I really want some chav slut femdom/ballbusting but it literally doesn't exist.
Go on pornhub. The amount of amateur videos of chav girls fucking pakis is amazing.
>I really want some chav slut femdom/ballbusting but it literally doesn't exist
Would you trust a chav slag to femdom you lad?

I did a similar thing with a cup of coffee and my foot earlier today.
pretty much any fake taxi
I'm fearless mate
what do I search? I've found a few decent ones, even a few HD vids of some fat chavvies but the full vids are locked behind paywalls. I need the real gold mine
>tfw quitting porn

These are two different things. I assure you dropping a hot brew in your lap is not like splashing it on your foot.
Bristol here.
>tfw you quit porn but ended up addicted to erotica instead
I've never been into Erotica t b h
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>That one uncut guy who forces every girl to give him a rimjob
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>so many anons ITT who don't have waifus

Make a positive change in 2016 anons, and acquire waifu.

It was more than a "splash", I assure you.

Don't underestimate my clumsiness, Anon, it will be your downfall. Shortly after I tumble into you, of course.
not a fan of the camera angles desu
"Closed for rebranding"

Then have something like "slave labor camps"
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That would just bring back memories of trying to watch porn on Channel 5 when I was 13.

I won't be able to get off unless there's a bit of static fuzz on the screen too.
>Falling in love with somebody who will never exist
>A positive change
It's a curse not a blessing Anon
jesus christ nobody told me everything would be exhausting once you hit 26
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fake taxi.jpg
66KB, 991x582px

this 2bh,

Original comment
Katie K is pretty good at it, maybe not to everyone's taste though
Someone should really dump all of the ones from last year. I tried my best to get as many as I could for no reason.
which fake taxi is this?
Might be time for a new background, doubt many anons are even on jobseekers desu
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>tfw your 2 favourite northern slags are no longer in the biz

RIP Bonnie Rose and Candi Blows 2bh
>''I'm gonna suck your cock clean then go home and give my son a noogie''
What did she mean by this?

The one where he makes her pay for the fare by sucking his cock

You're welcome anon :)
I did..


tiny url britfeelmasterfolder

okay im gonna start a straw pol
>Fall in love with someone who does exist
>She leaves you because she met someone else
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homer window.jpg
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Scandicuck here sorry. Kinda want to move to UK, maybe Northern Ireland or something, but I'm a NEET. Do you guys accept losers that are not shitskins there? I could probably get a job as a web developer or something eventually.
>I really want some chav slut femdom/ballbusting but it literally doesn't exist.
I know there is a lot of POV stuff, can't remember if there is any ballbusting though
Just whacked a bunch of money in premium bonds

Is it true that new bonds are more likely to win because the algorithm is fucked? An anon said so a thread or so ago but Google doesn't seem to say anything like that. Anecdotal evidence does imply that could be the case though.
British society is hostile as fuck towards robots. Especially the younger generation (late teens - mid 20s)
>I could probably get a job as a web developer or something eventually.

Doubt it
we hate our own neets enough, foreign neets (white or not) are the worst grade.
>wanting to move to Northern Ireland

Probably the first and last time I will ever hear anyone say this.
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Iran is Great.jpg
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I want to move here
Do you know how I would go about searching for it? Putting chav girl x y z in search engines never wields any good results. Is there a special porn term for chav females?

>tfw none of the older videos have rimjobs in

I like how it's seemingly become expected though now
Gotta have chad-tier social skills for web dev these days mate, no neets allowed.

Need to be the sort of person who could easily go on stage at a tech conference to progress
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outside asda.jpg
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============PLZ VOTE==========


============PLZ VOTE==========
had 2 beers and now i'm feeling restless and unsatisfied with whatever task i'm doing
- apply at a start up firm
- Wear smart jumpers and chinos with leather boots
- Wear the big 'nerd' glasses
Also helps if you have a slightly gay accent, should be easy to cover up with your swedencuck attitude (theyll think your a faggot either way)
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27KB, 176x187px
Oh yeah, ok. Think I'll consider Canada then or something.
Go with asda if it doesn't work out we can always do cash converters
>It's white people allowing the brown and blacks to share in their better societies and nothing more.

It's not even that. It's rich white people allowing brown and blacks to move in and inflate the poor working class, thereby lowering wages and creating more labour
>An anon said so a thread or so ago
That was me. I could never find out for sure if it was true either (presumably they'd fix it if it was widely publicised), but my dad always seemed to think so and he made a lot off it over the years.

Do an experiment, sell and re-buy half your bonds every couple of months them and keep track of which set does better.
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Northern Ireland needs you.
Drinking on a Monday night because I hate my life
What's wrong with white NEETs?
I don't think we should advertise super markets with our threads, but if we do it should at least be Poundland or some equally NEETish establishment
There's only one or two people who can identify with the jobcentre. But we all know those awkward trips to the supermarket.
Change is good

I just go with whatever I feel the majority want, so please do vote.
I cant really listen to one individuals wishes over the crowd, but I do listen to what people are saying.

like I said I am listening to everyone but its not my decision.

Fingers crossed I get the million month 1
try cruelbrats.com found a bunch of videos from there with proper chavvy girls
If I get through the night it will be the longest I've been without drinking in over a year
Haven't had a drink since Saturday
I believe in you mate!
Savers or Herons frozen foods
The job center is very British though. The supermarket thing could be applicable for anywhere in the world. Job Center on the other hand just screams Britain.

We need to conserve the British culture in these threads.
cheers mate, drinking every day turned me into a real fat fuck. Gotta sort it out.
I think it should just be a generic corner shop or maybe a premier Tbh, you could have the Indian shopkeeper in the right side window
>There's only one or two people who can identify with the jobcentre
God, people weren't kidding about /int/ brit taking over.
corner shop and kebab shop next to each other would be god tier but too much work probably
Fuck outta here normie scum

Facebook beckons.

Actually I think he means people are ultra-NEET and many haven't bothered with the Job Centre.
Every time I try to post from firefox I get "connection error" and when I view 4chan.org main page it just says unsafe connection.

How the fuck do I fix this? Irritating as fuck.
A question. Why would people on the normal side of things opt to come to this Brit over the int one?
Pretty much live with one other person for my first year at uni, how do I become friends with this guy?
gotta go out drinking together anon, if he's sat around not doing much on a night or weekend ask him if he fancies a pint
Fuck it lads I'm bored so gonna look for the memory stick that might have more Ex-gf pictures on, I'll post them here if I find them.

Show him your pokemans.
Either that or a spoons and a kebab shop
we both just sit in our rooms most of the time, I'm not even 100% sire what he does in there
Fucking this.
>Have a more normie /brit/ thread on another board
>Need to go to the robot board and take over there's too just because
Fuck sake.
I'm godtier Hikikomori and have not gone to JobCentre in 4 years but i respect it as an icon of Britfeel.
/int/ encourages cross-posting between countries
the only people posting in /brit/ are libcucks
Should make the move then anon, never know you might get on. But it aint gonna happen sober

spoons is a good shout too
/brit/ unironiically has many Muslim posters who shit on how they're treated in the media. Fucking rich.
There are plenty of liberals here as well, this isn't some storefront Brit base.
/brit/ is not liberal at all
Wtf, britbots why dont we hav a comp with the new op image?
because nobody gives a fuck,
Because we're int /brit/ 2.0 now.
Because no one can agree on one
I reckon have one side as a corner shop other a kebab shop
I can't into photodoot.

Did the normal /britfeel/ image maker die or something?
If you bothered to read the archive you'd see he got of so many non-robots posting in these threads and left.
no?! See >>25493164

Im okay with making the image im just not maintaining it all year again.
What does FF say about 4chan's SSL certificate for you?
Dibs on being on the kebab shop side
I go to the BBC news homepage to seek inspiration for the OP image.

See pic related.

Well lads, I guess there's not much happening right now in terms of domestic news.
>I reckon have one side as a corner shop other a kebab shop
Needs some Traditional British NEET Shops like Cash Converters and an offy too
Like I said to one mudslime twat in the previous britfeel. Mudslimes ruined a comfy britfeel because they won't shut the fuck up.

Either keep your disgusting race quiet or fuck off. I don't want disgusting quran child rapists in my britfeel.
>www.4chan.org uses an invalid security certificate.
>The certificate is not trusted because it was signed using a signature algorithm that was disabled because that algorithm is not secure.
>(Error code: sec_error_cert_signature_algorithm_disabled)

Adding an exception doesn't work (doesn't do anything). If the https option is checked in settings I can't even view boards. Having to use chrome at the moment which is a bit gay.
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fuckn tulpas am i right
Soon the streets of Greater London will become designated.
I just threw up a bit in my mouth.

Please tell me that's satire and not official statistics.
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Kebab shop.jpg
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I found a literal Kebab shop, if only the oldfag wasn't blocking the sign...
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England needs to be nuked.
needs some kind of reference to poleaboo as well

he's the face of britfeel
Not one Brit in sight.

>Hackney master race
>Based turks
>Based ocakbasi meat and bread
>Based chasing dindus off with kebab cleavers during the riots
>Lets go save Landan lads

How is this possible if London is so expensive to live in?
Poo in Loondon
Can we just make the new OP image an English flag with a paki creampieing some white kid?
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2MB, 300x174px
This is just foreign born, not even counting all the 2nd/3rd generation ones ffs
>the only areas of London worth living in are inhabited by Europeans

what a surprise
Fuck off gulum
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You don't seem to understand the only thematic element of /britfeel/.

Please see the archive. It's located in the basement of the council building. Please take care though, we've had the stairs taken out for refurbishment.
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Kebab shop for sale.png
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It's for sale, too.
tfw my Grandmother lives in Richmond upon Thames.
Some time in the last five years, she somehow has learnt basic German and Polish through immersion.


> H-hello welcome to b-britbab house, can I take your order please?
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remove this.jpg
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This one looks better
Lets buy it, /britfeel/
We can make a living as kebab enablers, i'll be Hassan
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>By Allah anon is getting another kebab this week!
>Better watch that belly haha
>We just kidding! We love you, bring your little sister around next time, we do double deals
>Fresh Naan Bread
Fookin fancy pants kebab shops
Heh, would it be a completely idiotic idea if Britfeel chipped in together to buy it.

le internet leaking.
A shop run by robots. Wouldn't that be novel.
oh sure lets just all save our dole money and buy it shouldnt take long
30 grand?

Lads if we all chip in do you want to buy it and open up Frogposter Kebab Shack? We can deny service to normies.
>I'll have a pork kebab please.
I've got 8 grand
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>mfw girl I'm interested in just got put on SSRIs today
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Nah you can fuck off, Amir is just an attention seeking little melt, fuck him >>25493951
Yeah actually an offy is better than a corner shop
That font. Why do they all use that font?
tfw sharing a borough with pajeet
>8 grand
>government still lets you sponge welfare
no wonder this country is fucked
I've got 2, we're 1/3 of the way there.
Already are in Whitechapel mate

Stop being interested in her, she's fucking crazy. Go and find a nice wholesome girl at church.

Fuck, sometimes I wish I could believe in god so I could get a qt pure Christian waifu.
Keep crying into the qaran you pakifuck
>30 anons jizzing in some normie's kebab he just bought after a night out at a club
It's cheap because it's leasehold. That means 30 kilobongs rent.
Post your local Kebab House, lads.

Pic related is mine.
angry anon please leave

you are worse than any other gimmick poster, including poleaboo
>a qt pure Christian waifu.
You're from /pol/ right? I've never seen a board over-glamorize anything as much as they do Church-going women. As someone who's been going for years the vast majority are just doing lip-service while being a degenerate everyday of the week or used up sluts who greatly regret their actions.
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dreams come true.jpg
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Here's the link: http://www.fleurets.com/properties/restaurants-for-sale-or-let.html

Ctrl + F and type kebab to find it.

Lads, someone please start a kickstarter or something. Let's make /britbot/ history.
How much can we subsidise by being submissive fucktoys for the landlord?

That's how I got my apartment for 100 quid.
He honestly is, I'm not even going to reply to him. You always know it is him because he's the only person gay enough to use the word 'melt' and he can't work out paragraphs.

I wish he would either change his gimmick or stat tripping so I can filter him. I'd take Tilde back over this guy.
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>Not being on ESA
You're the one slowing down the process for us anon.
It's not a gimmick, I just hate Amir
I want to stick my dick in crazy though
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> Hold F to Reveal Kebab
Brighton right?
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76KB, 860x713px

>can take a virtual walk down the street using the internet rather than have to go outside

What a time to be alive.
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Kebab revealed
Did you guys hear about the fire at the circus?
Apparently it was in tents

It's amusing that in both, the Mr Kebabs is standing outside of the shop.

Hello, Mr Kebabs, halal day we're having!
How do I get the number captcha back? Instead I get these impossible words that even if I put in correctly it tells me it's wrong (they're not the usual words, the font is strange and hollow).
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muh local.jpg
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Opinions, fellow robots?

Bear in mind thisarea is pretty much pakistan lite

You'll regret it anon, if she's on SSRIs now imagine the endgame where you get fed up of her bullshit and want to leave her but she threatens to kill herself if you do and so you stay out of guilt but then after that she gradually starts poisoning your food so you become weak and dependent on her to care for you until you reach the point where you're unable to even get out of bed and essentially her prisoner forever.
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82KB, 1306x1108px
Fat chips and really good chilli sauce
So she can kill herself. Why would I feel guilty?
Google thinks you're a bot, are you blocking their domain with noscript or disallowing their cookies?
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260KB, 358x310px

>fruits and shoots

kek, fucking pakis
Tell me about it mate. I hate leaving the house but I like seeing the world. I spent today in Denali National Park, Alaska. It's very peaceful there. Here is the lake

I've had image captcha for the past 6 monfs.

>select all images with STREET SIGNS


>select all images of COFFEE

>*click all images of coffee and also a glass of orange juice.*

They hand out SSRI's like fucking tic tacs, lay off the soaps you filthy kebab.
lmao look at his forehead
Sounds better than being a wagecuck or NEET, sounds pretty kinky
10/10, would daydream about riding a motorbike down the roofs
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Not even sure why I get em so much

She'll tell her family. Also it will turn out she has three brothers, all over 2 metres tall and weighing 150 kilos each, who have short tempers and don't take kindly to the idea of someone making their little sister upset.
>tfw almost got kicked out of job centre earlier today
wankers fucked up my claim

No, it would be more like that Stephen King film.
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5 grand here, we're at the midway point lads
>had a chance to actually have gf
>fucked it up only because i acted like selfish cunt
>now regret it
>realize i will die alone

goodbye cruel world
>tfw you come from Huddersfield originally
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omelette du fromage 2bh
>Pizza Roma
>Bombay Cuisine
This and if you understand how they work you'll know they don't make people mental at any point they literally just impair your serotonin production.
No mention of kebabs on the sign, clearly not a priority to them
i prefer sinbads
whats your name i might kno u
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Top Paki/10.
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>tfw flaccid cock is nigh on the size of a Coke can
>tfw it's ugly

I just want a pretty penis

Is it completely unsalvageable?
So you're the scummy guy who always gets a yelling?
Anybody in/around Edinburgh here?
>Oculus rift pre-orders in 48 hours
You guys gonna get one? Don't want to miss out on the waifu age do you?
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if i took that welfare off would you die?
Kekked hard, sorry lad going to enjoy some sausage rolls and them vanilla danish crowns I've been leaving all day, I'll give Johnson a scrub
tfw I got so pissed off with DWP staff and the shit they would say that I started recording the audio every time I signed on
i hope not, but its fucked up i dont understand it

she used to be the first to text me, with lots of passion to it and stuff (kissing emoticons etc, really caring and shit), then she didn't text me for like two days. so i tried opening the conversations, she just doesnt respond wich leads to her coming up with some shitty excuse like "oh i didnt have phone with me"(two days in a row), or the message is just empty and cold.

wtf man
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Can get kebab meat just on its own, is bretty alright

Is this you?

I gave up on them when Facebook bought them
>Large penis
>Pretty penis

Choose one.

I'm barely 3' flacid and of debatable usefulness but at least I've been reliably informed that it's "cute"*.

*Source: my boyfriend.
>oculus rift
the worst VR headset you can get
>Not Old Mac Doner
Wasted opportunity
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I'd have to stop playing Monster Hunter
Liberal land desu.
Which one, you big guy?

I'm >>25494471

This place does a box of goodchips, doner meat and any sauce you want for 3 quid
Their garlic mayo is homemade and delicious.
Can't wait to slutty faggots like you get hanged desu
I've had girls tell me it looks scary or things to that effect but I think that's just because of the size and veins. When I'm soft it looks ant-eater as fuck.

Post sweet stories about the two of you.
No, I hate those fuckers too. It's usually chavs wearing tracksuit bottoms and Airmax that are always shouting and shit, pushing about six prams.
They fucked up my claim for JSA and said that I didn't attend even though I did and had proof. I've been on it for about two months but I just lost my temper...

I'd probably go hungry and be fucked housing benefit wise, so kind of.


No I'm not an autistic cunt
>That title
You lucky fuck, kebab meat, chips and sauce here is like 4.50, the meat is pretty fucking good though compared to others i've visited, so not all is lost
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not enough content
Who /hillingdon/ here?

>tfw no angry bennies gf

Maybe in another 10 year or so.
But in the meantime, I'm having much fun, living a life of subversive debauchery.

I've already won
Enjoy it while it lasts, faggots can't love and you'll have no reason to stick together when you're all wrinkly and old.
Just finished a good wank. Pretty drunk on red wine and g&t tobh. Work tomorrow. My brother just quit his job. I want to do the same but know I won't. I've done 6 months now, that's enough experience to start applying elsewhere right?

>inb4 normie, it was a weird wank lads
Thinking about building computers for folk as a sort of hobby/thing to do for money, any of you lads had experience doing this?
I've got a pretty and a large penis.

It's a 7 incher and has be described as a 'textbook penis' and every girl whose had a go on it always comments about how good looking it is for a penis. It is pretty nice though perfectly straight, symmetrical, good colour, bellend a good shape and size, foreskin in tact. Also I have quite small balls and girls find balls ugly so I guess it helps that I don't have big ugly balls distracting them from the penis.
Please post a picture senpai.
Go read some tech illiteracy threads on /g/ and consider if you want to spend your time with that sort of person
No chance mate I'm not a homosex sorry
>perfectly straight
m8 you want a slight upwards bend
2/10 would not go gay for
So guys, are we buying that kebab place? Imagine all living upstairs and having our own place, it would be freedom. We could achieve greater heights.
kek trust me mate, I know what to expect I used to work in pc world way before I became a robot and the shit I've been asked working there has stuck with me for life

>t. recently heartbroken gay man


I wonder what mathematical ratio is the ideal cock to ball one.

Someone with a mind for numbers (and knobs) should work that out.
Nah mate any kind of bend just looks stupid. Having it perfectly straight gives a look of confidence and competence.
We could start the revolution from our business...
dont get your hopes up dummy this is just like every time /pol/ fantasizes about colonizing some island for a white paradise
Sure, tell yourself that. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
>implying a confident dick is a good thing
>implying girls don't like qt dicks
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The difference is this is actually possible
We could make kebab meat out of drunk normies who wandered in on their own
My dick is like 2.5inch flacid but grows to 7.5 when erect

The fuck is that about
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I can't handle human interaction too well though. Can I print out my favourite anime reaction images and just hold them up with a sign to express how I'm feeling during conversations?
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>bunch of gross sweaty neets living in a one bedroom flat above their kebab house
Fucking nightmare fuel desu, let me know how it goes
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>got package from Amazon today
>go to leave feedback
>item still out for delivery according to amazon
>never signed for it or anything

Should I just wait till the estimated delivery time passes and say I never got it? or will they know?
Made me nauseous
Same thing happened to me. She ended up seeing someone else without telling me so I had to find out from another person but I hope that's not the case for you mate. Wish I had been more straightforward really.
Wish faggots would start a war with pakis. Talk about a win-win.
Ive scammed them plenty times saying a package was never delivered when it actually was

fuck off yank
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>went over normie friends place to play some vidya
>saw he had a reaction image folder
ayy lmao
>tfw gay mixed race shut in

pls no bully
Lmao you massive faggot you just posted your dick in that dick thread lol dumbass
>doesn't use a desktop PC

keel yourself
>tfw really dislike chavs

Got woken up at 3am last night by chavs firing fireworks out of their window next door and then couldn't get back to sleep because they were all out climbing on the roof and going mad. Then they ruin my comfy NEET day by having an all day rave at full volume next door and now I can hear them starting up again outside.

Feel bad man
You know the guy with the coke can dick and the guy with the pretty dick are two different people right?
These are really cute, should I cop them lads?

>Poleaboo found a site letting rooms/flats/houses exclusively to those on bennies

It's all going to alright, bros
simply lmao
Yea boi, those are kawaii as shit
So then ring plod you melon
not unless youre a girl
w2c /fa/m?
probably sound like shit 2bh famalama
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Yes, do it for her anon
They're just having a laugh lad, don't be such a Scrooge.
Looks good but question the quality of the tech.
Goodsmile is not known for their sound systems.
How much are those bad boys, lad?
Do not be mean to idols.
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[contemplative feeling music].jpg
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That pattern and those bright colours take me back to my childhood for some reason.
Wish I could be a child again, and have another shot at life
I got 25k+ but ain't putting it towards no kebab shop
Wish I was a Nico Nico
Nigga just put like 3k in then, we're making a dream here
25 pound. Bit too steep desu.
Anything from goodsmile is pricey though tbf.
>tfw you tell your coworkers your going to a party when buying alcohol
>in reality I'm drinking vodka alone in my room
What am I supposed to say?

I live in a council estate mate the police won't touch the chavs here. It's their containment zone. If they start doing in chavs here they could end up in the expensive areas to try and get away from the fuzz and the rich folk wouldn't like that.
Yeah but this Maki is cheaper if we're talking LoveLive cutes.
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>tfw managed to get a figma from goodsmile for just under 45 squid
Free shipping too, best feel
Haha I used to have to do that. Specially when I would come in hungover on Saturday mornings. I'd be telling them 'yea big night' and all the pubs I went too and all the things that happened. Really I was just alone in my room getting shitfaced.
i want to start a porn production company specialising in chav slags getting hatefucked/gangbanged by islamic extremists and burka wearing slags getting the same from chavvy LADS and rugby players

They are fucking shit though. The joints are obvious and the model work is poor.
Well done senpai, more of a nendo-guy myself though.
lol, brilliant, like a robot version of sweeney todd
non-white studs are very difficult to sell
in fact I can't even think of any famous arab ones in the west, they simply don't exist
probably because they look fucking disgusting
b-but it was of my waifu
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Nice, m90.

I've been putting aside 25 quid from each paycheck so I can buy pic related (and all the rest of the figures) for my Birthdag this year.
That sounds amazing. I'm not even into hate fucking but I would watch that.

Is there any good place to find real burka wearing Muslim girls getting non halal dick?
>Room Sizes
>Bedroom 2 - 3.03m x 2.88m

>*3 double rooms available in 3 bed house share* *No deposit* *All bills included* *Free Wi-Fi* *Fully furnished*

>We do not require a deposit for the renting of this room, nor will you be forced into a contract. You will receive a license agreement, which allows the occupier to leave at any time they choose. We only ask for 4 weeks notice to begin making new arrangements.

Good deal?
>dad wakes me up to tell me he is going to bed
>"why are you so grumpy?"

I guess I'm doing the /britfeel/ night shift.
Why would you even want to?

Try Slough
Me on the right of the tank
Edgy words from the repulsive virgin as usual
Sounds like you're going to be a slave worker for some Indian slum lord
I meant in porn. By place I meant website. Not that I am going to go and fuck a Muslim women.
depends on how much you pay, how are we supposed to know if it's a good deal
hahaha get mad you greasy turd
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This sounds like Dogfart but playing on the British racial tensions instead of Americas.
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just kill me senpai
what can I do to avoid work tomorrow.
faking an illness isn't possible because I live with a co-worker.
I could probably manage 1K
Are you trying to imply that most arab men are not unattractive looking?

Because if that is what you are implying I can assure you that you are wrong.
80 quid, wanted to know what you though it was worth, in Manchester
Newfag to these threads but always see em while on /r9k/, explain it to me robots
Good taste friendo.
Nigga are you new to porn? It's not about being a stud, some of the most popular male pornstars are manlet niggers because of the BBC taboo. You just need some paki who has a BPC.
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Katusha Bestgirl
/pol/ pls go

We don't need you ruining more threads
>explain it to me robots
pakis, pakis everywhere
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You a bonger? Get in m8
Not a bonger? Say where yer from, an' we'll say wevver you can stay or not
show us the room
I want that anime to toss my salad
alri cornwall
nothing to do with /pol/ mate sorry
arabs are just gross and I wouldn't watch the porn if they were in it
they're below mexicans
>he has an arab fetish

>Only 2 windows on the front of the house
Grim desu lad
Does getting your salad toss feel good?
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pull your head out of the sand you gob
>show us the room
No pics
Why do you come here /pol/?
No bonger, from the Michigan
pol hates neets
mine's a bit like that, 2months ago i was smashed and actually pulled this slag who i know through a few friends but was too drunk to get hard and now she calls me nubbin dick.
Alexander Jahans has gone off his rocker lads

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how many of you would date a girl and wouldn't mind if she has a penis?
asking for uh, a friend. everyone knows there's no girls, not even trans, on the internet.

tfw arabs invade your country.
Mentally ill scum
>tfw /pol/ invades your thread
to redpill you ignorant cunts
the turn on is how disgusting it would be watching the white slags get PAKI'd
How is it pol to say arab men aren't attractive?

It's just a fact like how

>British women are ugly
>Eastern European men are ugly but Eastern Euro women are stunning
>Japanese men are betas but Japanese women are sex symbols
>Brazilian men are ugly but Brazilian women are literally the most beautiful things to walk the earth

It's not fucking racist you soft cunt and it is nothing personal against arabs it's just stating the obvious.
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>Japanese women are sex symbols
Fuck off weeb
>tfw colonist
>Japanese women are sex symbols
Even pol can't contain their beta male instinct to worship gook girls.
>jelly white girl detected

Hello slag
I'd like to think so, coming from a guy that doesn't do pokey bum fun but wouldn't mind if a girl did it to him
As long as it has a desk, bed, wardrobe, drawers and a chair it'd be a good deal, shared accommodation though fucking dick heads leaving dirty plates in the sink and food in the plug hole I fucking hate it never empty the bins, always leave their shit in shared areas ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
it wouldn't matter at all to me as long as the person liked me and we could just share our lives
Read the post I think Japanese girls are sexy but I only worship Brazilian women
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We don't mind you being heremuch.
Just try not to commit any gun crimes.
Probably a tardis lad, all shit holes are
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Asian people are unattractive because they look like people with down syndrome:

>large prominent foreheads - like downies
>flat upper lip - like downies
>epicanthic folds (technical term for the slant) - like downies

It makes sense that anyone with good, healthy genes would be repulsed by Asians.

To top off their mongoloid features, there are other problems including:

>small jaws
>bad teeth
>ugly brown eyes
>short stature
>yellowish, sickly skin.

Asians are just foul, awful looking creatures.

As for why, who really knows. I suspect that Asian societies being overpopulated as fuck have had less competition and thus bad genes were able to spread unchecked.

Just look at the typical Asian man, short, feminine, repulsive. You think a man like this could ever get laid in the west? of course not.

Asians are a cancer.
Holy shit his voice broke? I guess he finally got those drugs he needed?
I remember brit/pol/ terrorising him during the election, putting crazy notions into his head and getting him into politics for the greens.
original qt
>she is so jelly of Japanese sluts she keeps a whole image folder and speech prepared to combat them

wew slag

>Even pol

Lel. Who do you think posts all the cuckolding porn, Anon?
Good, I hate American gun laws anyways

Fucking bare tune desu lads
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>actually so desperate for female contact he chooses to believe women post here
>whiteknighting gooks who will never read your posts
I don't understand why anyone is into this guy, he's just a shit boring version of Chris-Chan desu
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>he doesn't appreciate Japanese women
What a pleb. Probably prefers plastic Korean whore-dogs.
Need a new Xbox gamertag lads
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>/pol/ glamorizing azns again
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LOTR Orcs appearances were based off of East Asians

>All orcs are often described as "slant-eyed"
>In one of his letters, Tolkien described Orcs as "...squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types."
Do any of you cut you own hair?
How did you get a picture of OP's mum?
yeah pubes and face
>tfw no nipponese cougar gf
did it get reported or have you payed to change it?
talking about hair on top of your head tbhh
If I'm not trying to look presentable and want a low-maintenance cut, I do trim my own hair, otherwise, I go to my barber.

Cut my own hair all the time now though because I've joined a reenactment society and anything I'd have to pay for at a barber's would hardly be period accurate.

Had to shave my beard though, feels bad man.
my brother changed it to JAYISBENT so I've had to pay to change it again
Same....with the same scissors.
Yeah nah I knew it was you kek I'd have made him pay it mate

Simmered Salmon Slitherer
trips check'd

Don't you use a razor for shaving pubies?

Bought some benzos on a research chemical website. I'be never even smoked weed

How much of a ride am i in for?
Dragging at work tonight ladddos

Did not know this, I always thought that Orcs were based off of blacks. I think I read somewhere that Mordor was loosely based off of Birmingham which makes me chuckle.
Are you shiteposting on your break or on during your shift?

What do you do, anon?
Do you have a Link friendo?
Trim, don't shave.

Who wants to be itching 2 days later....

Researchchemicals. Co .uk
rolling desu

Machine operator and during shift.

Posting during shift. Worked OT last week at nearly 40 quid an hour and shut shot posted on r9k all shift.
>be never even smoked weed
>how much of a ride am i in for?
lmao you sound like such a virgin
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This album is comfy as hell.
It's not true. The easterners in lotr are in the films very briefly (the ones with the elephants), and live beyond the desert to the east of Mordor.

What 'benzos' did u buy?
I find trimming is just as itchy as shaving, personally.

Rather have it all off and deal with 10 mins shaving every couple of days than have a scratchy carpet all over my business.
Holy shit.
What kind of qualifications do you need for that?
How much of a ride am i in for?

I hope you like sleep and amnesia because that's what you're gonna get. Also if you like them stock up now cause they're being made illegal really really soon
you need to not be retarded for one

So they don't take aspies?
Buying benzos isn't already illegal?
Both are slopes
How do unemployed people find flats?

Do they all just do it through the council, hope they get lucky?



fucking love sleep bro


you're not wrong lad
Yeah council. Wait list is years though since they give them to all the Stacies with their halfcast offspring.
That's not even me haha.
I get a free name change cause I still use the default.
Fine by me. Nothing brings a smile to my face more than some adorable, pale girl with some nigger/paki mutt of a child.
Benzos from chemical companies are benzo-derivatives, not specifically mentioned by name in the law books.

In reality the entire thing is a gray area. Technically, you could turn around and say "well under the Analog Act, any derivative of an illegal drug is actually illegal". But then the counterargument is "well these chemicals aren't meant for human consumption". That's why that disclaimer is plastered all over sites that sell that shit. It's a legal technicality (or loophole) that will probably be closed soon.
Took a look at that long and want to try some but dont want to die.
Oh I didn't realize this was a Brit thread. Those laws apply to the US. But we live in the New World Order anyways, the drug laws in every country are 99% the same.
why can I never save images with their original file name???!!!!
They're shit mate
Buy flubromazolam if u want to sleep for days lad
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>I have the documents.
Any research chemical with similar effects to opiods?
Kratom is about the closest you'll get

100% original.
>tfw no gf to kiss my forehead when I have a headache
fuck me this thread is dead
Poleaboo is planning on registering to find council housing tomorrow
is this legit? you can legally buy LSD online for research purposes? the fuck?
Hey britfeel bros
How hard is it for an american to work in the UK? British accents are super attractive to me so I feel like I could justify lowering my standards in exchange for the accent. What do you guys think?
>How hard is it for an american to work in the UK?

Harder than it should be unfortunately. Depends what you do and what you're qualified in.

I would imagine it's still easier than a Brit getting a work visa for the US though.
Fucking hell. Checking out some of these girls on adult work because I'm getting desperate.

But damn, why do they think they can charge so much for their pussy?

I could book a full bloody holiday with a trip to a brothel included for the same price as some of this gash.

yeah that shit is expensive though it's like 20 quid a tab
Whereabouts you live? I've had plenty of quite fit ones charge about 50 for half an hour which is pretty cheap I think. Live in Cumbria though which is mostly fields and shit so there's hardly any escorts here.

Shitehole that is kent.

Been through the adultwork list for kent now and only found one decent qt.

Only does outcalls at 1 hour or more starting at 150 quid though
Poleaboo needs to fuck off 2bh
Is envy 2k a bad gamertag
What about something like silent strike
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470th for /Stratfeel/
What's it like getting an escorts? I'm not a sperg lord and wanted to try it.
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471st for /hackney/

Quit pushing your shitty meme mate.
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wanna stop me?

Just because your town is shit

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I can't keep pretending anymore lads, I'm Scottish I'm sorry

His might be but you do sounds spergy.
>you do sounds spergy.

Rather be a sperg in stratford than a normalfag anywhere else.

>trying to play 20 Questions with a girl who is currently depressed and I'm drunk as fuck

This is a struggle lads
Its okay lad, we all are
>tfw I live in a town that everyone generally agrees is the worst in the country

I don't get why everyone is so mean, I've been to much worse places
She wants to get flirty m8

Also si she 16 cos she sounds like it

Which town?

What town is it?
Tell her she's pretty and fuck her, she's probably only acting depressed so you'll say that.
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>Live in London
>Everything looks grey, just like inside
>No sun

>Realize you were superman
>All those wasted years....
4+4chan britfeels dead now lupus killed herself or something and everyone fucked off

can I come back here?

Two separate girls have cheated on me with the same guy. I want off this fucking ride called life.
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I love the greyness of london
I'll die a happy man if I can ever live in the Barbican


Fuck. I was hoping you were going to name somewhere that wasn't too bad so I could at least attempt to cheer you up, but Luton, fuck. I'm so sorry. I would say at least it's not Bradford, but it's the same shit really.

Why don't you just move anon?
how did they both meet him?
Murder the guy.
He's my younger brother, so you understand why I can't take any action against him.

Beat the absolute shit out of him.
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Fuck lad... that's too much. Don't think I could cope with that.

Probably got two options, move away and try to forget or ruin his life.
He is/was my friend, he's just told me about both of the times while drunk. Now he's passed out on my couch and I'm sitting in my room completely furious. I've known him for 15 fucking years.
>tfw it's too late to pick up weed
Anyone in south London want to deliver?
Fucking hell that's not right. If I were you I'd probably save up then just disappear one day leave a note blaming him.
I'm sure I will one day, but I don't mind it too much, anyone who lives here will tell you it's main problem is being boring.
Fuck off you're not me cunt
yeah but his story is better
cucked by your own brother, man
what a cunt, there is a reason mates come before women.

Throwing 15 years of friendship down the drain for a shag or two. Get rid
Haha hahaha. If you don't do anything then you deserve everything you get.

He knows full well it is going to hurt you and does it anyway. TWICE.

I have a younger brother by 5 years and if he ever did that I would beast him so hard he'd never even look at her again. The thing is, he never would because he knows I would kill him and, oh yeah, something called respect.

Grow a pair
I stand by this statement for your friend. Kick his ass you bitch.
You ever smoke too much and freak out a little? I smoked fairly often but now and again I'll get super baked and panic a little. Usually just sleep it off.

Maybe I'm just a lightweight.
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>I would beast him so hard
>he knows I would kill him
Stop trying to sound hard on the internet m8, we all know you're a massive pussy, otherwise you wouldn't be here
Just killing time at work. Just cause you're a massive flange doesn't mean everyone here is.
I fucking hate you guys
First day back at college tomorrow..
Why can't I ever sleep?

If my older brother slept with my gf I'd stab him in his sleep.
He knows I would, because he's one of of these types of posturing 'respect' faggots (>>25500271).

He's older than me by about a decade, but he knows that I don't 'respect' (fear) him. He doesn't 'respect' me either, so we're both well aware of boundaries.
Thinking about all the poo nay nay you're gonna get from those college sluts?
it's fun, would rather do that than put up being bored as fuck on a date talking to a girl all night and paying for drinks and food to shag them. Don't often get them now though, sex drive is going away and only get a good boner with porn, need to start no porn/no fap start exercising and shit but fuck it i am becoming more robot all the time
Kek your family is so fucked you can't have respect for your sibling.

Is your dad an alcoholic?
Mate if my brother even went near an ex of mine he'd get a lead pipe around the head.
Those sorts of boundaries are not crossed.
What tea does everyone drink?

In the mornings I enjoy Darjeeling or Ceylon. I added Assam into that rotation for a while but I'm just not a fan of malt.

For evening teas I can't betray Lapsang Souchon or Russian Caravan. I'm a big fan of smoke and woody tastes and those accomplish that spectacularly.
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>betas trying to sound tough to other betas cause their siblings were more alpha

I have full respect for all my siblings, but I don't 'respect' them in the posturing, chimp way that you clearly want to beat your siblings into doing.

you clearly want to bugger your brother, so why not do it and let your whole family know how much of a faggot animal you are?
Assam mostly, also drink a lot of home made iced tea black or sencha
Good gets, good post
Top post mate. If shit posting was a special Olympics sport you'd get gold.

How about this? Depends what you're looking for but looks like the kind of pornstar bimbo you'll never fuck in real life, you should go for it. 75 for 15 minutes is alright, depends if you last longer than that, I just go for 15 minutes if I can, get sucked off for a bit then hatefuck them and call them slags till I cum

What is sencha like?

As I said, I've never been a fan of malt (Horlicks is piss for example) and Assam is too close to that.


Nah. Those lips are awful.
She looks ropey as fuck, and at 150 an hour it's a definite rip off.
Loves herself waaaaaay too much.

Oh my God I'm so perfect I'm so beautiful if you can't afford me go somewhere else.
new thread when matelads

I think I hear your brother dressing himself without your permission. You not going to fuck some 'respect' into him Bubba? Grubby little queen.
tomorrow morning, go to bed lad
We don't even live together you degen. We have completely independent lives.

Also don't think I've ever hit him other than play fighting like brothers do.

Go be a sperg elsewhere.
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