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[[ Broken Sky Online Quest - Session 30 ]]

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“Any word on the body count?” Smith asks.

“People are tossing out figures,” Aelriss responds. “But no confirmations. It’s gonna be bad, no matter who’s right.”

“What about the Rescue Rangers, Ashe?” Crow asks. "Heard back from them?"

“Not yet.” You respond. “Said they were on their way down – that was a while ago now.”

“Figured.” He shakes his head, sitting cross-legged on the rocks. Looks like he’s starting to get a little impatient; you’re not sure what he plans to do, then, since he wasn’t in the mood for more fighting. “Kengo looked like the type to take her sweet time with things.”

“I’m not sure what your issue i—“ You turn to face him, but see Tatsumaki flinch suddenly at your side. She drops low and braces herself against the ground, sweeping your leg from beneath you with a spinning kick before you’re even aware of what’s happening.

You’re falling backwards – confused, but aware of your surroundings by account of the incessant adrenal drip this game seems to feed you in the throes of combat – and doing your best to think of how you’re going to recover, wondering exactly why this is going on and what you’re going to do about it. That’s when you see the spear – a razor-edged obsidian point, surely poison-laced, attached by thick silk to a haft of rough-hewn bone – pass inches above your upturned chest, sailing through the space you occupied an instant ago.

> [[ Continued ]]
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> [[ HP: 33 / 35 ]]

“Sorry!” You hear Tatsumaki’s actually-rather-unfamiliar voice, spoken probably too loud as you hit the ground much harder than you intended to and roll to one knee, head whipping to face the mouth of Tethiss’s Claw. There’s araneids coming in your direction; four in total, with the one at the forefront larger than before, though the rest are significantly smaller. “Very sorry!”

You watch, hand eased around the hilt of your scimitar, as the members of your group spring to their feet and assume a crude formation, stashing away their toys and preparing their weapons. Your foes are a distance away, but approaching fast on eight long legs apiece, spreading out as they do so. The largest among them, wielding a hideous-looking axe – their assumed leader – wears worn-out looking armor, a strange mess of harnesses and metal designed to suit her unique anatomy; a decorated hauberk drapes down from her shoulders to preserve the modesty of her human half.

She skids to a stop in the center of your group. The cord around Aelriss’s finger unfurls; Eunoia emerges from her palm in an iridescent flash, perching on her shoulder. Smith appears to be down to one drone, which hovers ominously overhead.

An arrow whistles from the cave, striking the araneid’s abdomen and sticking.

She turns, momentarily distracted.

> Move about to investigate the source.
> All-out while the leader’s occupied.
> Take out the adds first; everyone knows that.
> Write-in.
>> Take out the adds first; everyone knows that.
hi Sylv
> All-out while the leader’s occupied.
Hell yeah
> Take out the adds first; everyone knows that.
Does anyone else wanna try out our ruby memory? We can laser them while they're far away.
Sure. I'd still rather focus on the leader but whatevs.
Is our Artifact ready? If so, I'd say sure, but remember about the cooldown between swapping memories.
> [[ Quest Notes / Insidious Plots / Shitposting ]]

Hello, friend

Strife Memoriam is currently available for use.
Hmmm... I'm not really feeling like this is the right place for us to use i, desu.
>Take out the adds first; everyone knows that.

I'm think we should save the big damage for the boss. Plus we might end up hitting anyone from the group coming to help if they're behind them.
The spiders are coming from every direction
Based Tats.

thanks to whoever linked on the old thread
>Ruby all up on the Leader
Yeah, which is why we need to be careful, we could end up shooting at our help without realizing. Unless we know where they're coming in from. I assumed we didn't since this place is a maze.
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“Yo!” You shout, springing up into a full sprint. You’re in a wide landing at the very top of a cliff – the araneids approach from the mouth of the cave, which takes up most of the opposite wall. You think you hear the pounding of hooves on the stone floor; it is the sound of the unseen caravan of pegasi, declaring your inexorable approach. Golden wings flare at your back as you charge toward an unaware target. “Adds first!”

You leap as you approach one of the three lesser araneids, equipped with a long, halberd-like tool. You’ll have to be more careful; this weapon is shorter and weaker than the one you’re used to, and they’ll be able to ready themselves against your charges easily. He’s facing the cave, but swivels in your direction as you come into proximity. By the time he can raise his weapon, you’re back on the ground, having left a series of deep cross-cuts down his chest.

“Where’d that arrow come from?” Smith asks, slowly making his way – well, out of the line of fire. He’s got good dramatic timing; another couple of arrows come flying out of the cave. The araneids you aren’t engaged with duck and weave to avoid the shots, spreading further out across the clifftop as the projectiles vanish into the darkness of the distant caves.

> [[ HP: 34 / 35 ]]

“I think help has arrived.” Freya calls. The armored legionnaire appears to be focused on her as of now; she jumps backwards, and a swing of its enormous weapon cracks the earth at her feet. The drone you’re fighting skitters toward you, closing the distance quickly. You parry a swing, weapons clashing uncomfortably close to your face; you’re giving up ground until Tatsumaki slides past you, executing a concussive blow from beneath.

> [[ Continued ]]
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The creature bounces upward a few feet with a pained hissing noise, legs flailing in all directions. Broken bits of rock slide past you on the ground, and you skid an inch or so as air rushes past to fill the vacuum. You prepare yourself. He lands on the operative end of your sword.

> [[ araneid drone was defeated. ]]
> [[ You have 1 unspent EXP. ]]

When the hissing doesn’t stop, your gaze snaps to the other end of the clifftop. The second of three drones swings wildly at a dodge-rolling Aelriss as Eunoia hovers in front of it, a searing orange beam connecting the bird-of-paradise to the creature’s abdomen. When the beam breaches the other side of the drone’s body, piercing cauterized flesh, the creature’s movements slow. Hisses turn to pathetic gurgles, and orange light flares across the mesa.

> [[ araneid drone was defeated. ]]

The third drone is disengaging – moving to either flee, or assess the threats in the cave nearby – but only now do you realize just how large the axe-wielder is. Poised to strike in front of Freya, the top of her head is about three Freyas high.

> Move to assist Freya.
> Activate Strife Memoriam.
> Pop off a few shots with Rubi.
> Chase the runner toward your backup.
>Activate Strife Memoriam.
Tell Freya to watch out while we fire our laser though.
> Activate Strife Memoriam.
I honestly just wanna see it in action. I don't foresee many other threats in the near future
>> Activate Strife Memoriam.
let's do it
> Pop off a few shots with Rubi.
Try to get that drone
>Activate Strife Memoriam.
So, how about after this fight, we check the forums about subclasses? I imagine someone's figured out how to do them by now.
Let's at least get back to the observatory first
I think we should really be more worried about that dude running away. These Araneids seem smart enough to go get reinforcements or remember our combat styles
I thought that was why were activating our artifact?
Yeah, good idea.
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As you meditate on Strife Memoriam’s power, you feel as though you are being judged.

”This is heresy.” Voices speak through you, over the worried murmurs of an unseen crowd. ”You are more a monster than any of the monsters you have created.”

”No.” The familiar voice of the First Artificer echoes in your mind. ”You need only wait and see what this power can do for you.”

”One day,” Your muscles stiffen a bit.

”civilization will rest…” Your gaze narrows. You are resolute. Your purpose is clear.

”on the shoulders…” Mechanical clicking and whining rings in your ears as Strife Memoriam unfolds.

”of my creation.” From the glow situated in the center of your forehead, emerges a glowing jewel – a single, cracked ruby crystal, rough cut. You watch for a moment as the battle unfolds before you. You alone can turn the tide.

> Attack the runner with lasers.
> Attack the legionnaire with lasers.
> Help Freya, using Strife Memoriam’s power to augment your offense.
> Throw a rock half your height at the legionnaire.
> Help Freya, using Strife Memoriam’s power to augment your offense.
Break off a fuckin stalagmite and use it as a club. Seems like a good loophole to exploit with this memory.
>> Attack the runner with lasers.
>Attack the runner with lasers.
> Attack the runner with lasers.
I'm really tempted by this somewhat insane and also totally rad idea but I still think we should get that runner first. Or at least slow it down enough for someone else to finish it off.
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You can’t let a single one get away.

Light focuses, collecting in a prismatic orb an inch away from the crystal at the center of your forehead. You feel the heat on your face, but it does not burn; the weapon’s light is almost blinding as it discharges. At first, you’re unsure of how to aim it, but it seems to go where you’re looking rather than where you’re pointing once activated. As such, it scorches a jagged line, cutting a trail in the rock face beneath your feet that leads all the way from you to your target – scorching him with searing heat and a sudden explosion of force that knocks him to the ground – and up to the ceiling of the cave.

“What the – Ashe?” Aelriss shouts, staring blankly from the other end of the cliff. “Since when can you – what the actual fuck does that thing even do?”

“Shoot first, ask questions last, Lovebird.” Crow says, circling around to approach the legionnaire from behind. Freya is doing a pretty good job of keeping it distracted, but she can’t get a word of her own in; she’s ducking between its legs, but it’s moving faster the longer she runs, appearing as if it’s somehow become hastened itself. “We’ve still got hostiles!"

> [[ Continued ]]
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“Yo! You could at least finish your kills!” A voice calls from the mouth of the cave. The bow-wielder is visible, approaching from the darkness; his weapon looks rather haphazard in its make, but is affixed with a high-tech looking scope and assembly, protruding out adjacent the notch. He pauses in his step, glancing upward as a stalactite comes loose, dislodged from your attack; he leaps and rolls aside as the rocks fall from above, crushing the drone beneath them. “Holy shit, never mind – you guys are crazy!”

> [[ araneid drone was defeated. ]]

“Crazy?” Smith asks. “You’re using a bow! You know guns exist, correct?”

“You could say the same about everyone with a sword! Man,” He responds, sounding disappointed. “Y’all are stupid as hell.”

“Stop talking and do something, please!” Freya shouts, punctuated by a horrid clanging sound; with her scythe held horizontally overhead, she parries a swing of the massive axe, a strike that resounds with force enough to crack the earth beneath her and the enormous legionnaire, leaving her suddenly trembling in place.

> Write-in.
I think this is where anon's plan comes into play.
Hit the spider with a burst of the laser to give Freya time to recover.
Use the laser to dislodge a stalagmite, pick it up and charge at the legionnaire while also lasering it. Build up momentum and strike with the improvised stone hammer.
yeah, let's do >>993854
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> [[ 1d100 ]]
Rolled 44 (1d100)

haha oh shit big money no whammies
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Rolled 69 (1d100)

Rolled 66 (1d100)

Rolled 40 (1d100)

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Guess we're doing this again huh.
Well, it could be worse.
Well that's not awful. Maybe we'll get a bonus for creativity. Hopefully it counterbalances the fact that it's a little bit retarded too. Rule of cool?
a 69 is not too bad my dude
We haven't broken 70 in the last 6 best of 3 rolls
try looking into a lot of the rolls in past threads
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> [[ 69 ]]

The light of Strife Memoriam is intense enough that it’s more comfortable to confirm your shot and close your eyes before firing. You feel the heat on your face once more as energy gathers and a second heat beam surges across the mesa, the air adjacent visibly quivering. It streaks scorch-marks up the legionnaire’s armor, lurching up from the point of impact and cutting into her side.

You’ve given Freya time to recover, at least; the legionnaire turns and starts toward you, while the scythe-wielding woman stumbles and collapses dazed – to your surprise, even given a hit like that.

She’s fast. You have to work quick.

You wheel around, pre-firing, to cut and dislodge one of the standing stones from its base; tall, but not so thick that you can’t carve through it in time or pick it up. You’re on your feet and running; you lift it from the top, and it comes loose with the sound of earth moving and stone cracking. You whirl around, momentum building into a swing as the enormous legionnaire comes into proximity.

A clash, as your tools collide, strength matched. The head of her massive axe cuts into the base of the enormous cone you’re hanging onto – sending a long crack down the side of it – but the weapon rebounds. She stumbles; that is, steps back with her front feet, the links of her armor clanging with each movement.

Her and her kin are skilled with their weapons. When she stands before you, you feel hemmed in, as if flanked by a solitary presence. She whirls her axe overhead, swatting Smith’s drone from the air and sending it crashing down near the cave entrance in a heap of scrap. The archer, kneeled a distance away, is pelting her with a volley of arrows that pierces her armored abdomen; she’s unfazed, though, and her motion is carrying through into a wide sweep leveled downward at you.

> Bash in with your club.
> Incinerate her weapon before it makes contact.
> Get clear of the axe.
> Write-in.
>> Bash in with your club.
Thread didn't update immediately for me, strange
> Bash in with your club.
hell yeah
>wide sweep leveled downward
well, then, how about using pegacharge?

>Run inside the legionnaire's reach. Whether the pegasus charge activates or not, grab a leg and swing the legionnaire at the adds.
> Bash in with your club.
I feel like we manage to fight each fight in the most uniquely hardcore way possible every time

> [[ 1d100 ]]
Wait could we bash her axe to the side with our club so that it misses us and embeds into the ground? then we could bash her with our rock club directly. it shouldn't be too hard since we're not directly coming against the direction of her swing.
Rolled 75 (1d100)

Rolled 24 (1d100)

Rolled 62 (1d100)

surely this roll will be above 70
Huh, I'm the best roll again
Fuck yeah you broke the below 70 curse!
ahem... my bad
Fuck I just realized that I really want this spider's axe. I wonder if we're even capable of wielding it
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> [[ 75 ]]

Your purpose is clear.

You bring the makeshift weapon up for an overhead slam and bring it down, striking her at the base of her humanoid torso hard enough to halt her strike and send her sliding backwards, tips of her spindly legs digging into the ground. She screeches, stomping forward and whirling her weapon towards you again, leaning low and leering at you; her hair is long and thin, nose flat, sclera black, and her rows of razor-fangs curl into a wicked smile as she marches.

Eunoia flutters overhead, harrying her with another powerful magic blast that renders her stance unsteady, while Crow maneuvers about behind her, lashing out at weak points and attempting to strike beneath.

“Ascheritte! Are you ready?” A figure emerges from between the rocks adjacent; you see Kengo out of the corner of your eye, and she dashes to the legionnaire’s side while the creature is still distracted with you. You recall her words; her weapon brings destruction. The araneid turns, but can’t react quickly enough to the new combatant. With a single swing of her sabre, she cleaves through the foremost pair of armored legs on one side, sending the creature collapsing forward before you.

The next swing of your weapon is its last; you bring the club up and back down onto the legionnaire’s human head hard enough to break it into fragmented, pulverized stone. Most of the creature’s human body gives way instantly in a disgusting display of flesh, bone, and translucent off-yellow blood, axe slipping from arms that hang loosely from broken shoulders.

> [[ araneid legionnaire was defeated. ]]

You discard what's left in your hand (a small, broken shard of stone) as the last vestiges of Celestial power slip from your body.

> [[ Continued ]]
wield it? Yes, assuming it remains as a drop. It might not have durability, though.

As the clifftop falls quiet, the glow at your forehead fades, Strife Memoriam collapsing to its inactive state. Damn – if only you could have done more, you think. This will have to suffice for now.

“Good stuff.” Kengo says, giving you a nod. Packed up from his perch, the archer moves to her side, and they’re joined by a third who’s been hidden somewhere near the mouth of the cave – a small, white-robed woman, probably even shorter than Tatsumaki, who looks more like an apprentice mage than an actual combatant of any sort. “Looks like that was all of ‘em. Everybody here?”

You pause as you glimpse Kengo’s sabre again, fingers curling a bit, heat building behind your eyes as your hand creeps toward your weapon. That weapon’s gleam is the light, its edge perfection. She is not fit to wield it – she…

“Ashe.” Aelriss says, now standing beside you. “You good?”

“Huh.” You blink, steadying yourself. “Yeah.”

“He means this is all of us.” Aelriss rolls her eyes. “We really appreciate the assist, by the way.”

“It’s no trouble at all.” Kengo responds.

“Arguable.” The archer shakes his head; he stashes his bow on his back, then stands with his arms folded.

“I can see why nobody ever comes down this far.” Kengo says, dismissing him. The robed girl – she’s got a bit of a jaded look – is standing between her and Tatsumaki now; you confirm that they are about the same height. ”Place is absolutely crawling with those things, and they’re seriously riled with all the goings-on.”

“There’s a safe way back to the upper branches, though.” Crow says, approaching the group. “Right?”

“Duh.” The archer says, curtly. You can’t gauge his expression through his face-obscuring headgear, but it sounds like he scoffs. A moment passes before he projects a UI holoscreen, interacting with it to bring up a map. “But I don’t know how long it will stay that way.”

“Which means – surprise – time crunch.” Kengo says, turning to face you. “What’s our status? Liza told me you guys were at the seam - since you're up here, I'm guessing that's handled.”

> "All taken care of." This party was sent to assist your return to Averron - something that's actually important as of now.
> "Mostly." Your resources are about depleted, but you haven't done your fair share of exploring the Rift.
> Write-in.
Welp the Crimson Guardians are gonna want us even more after that display
> "Mostly." Your resources are about depleted, but you haven't done your fair share of exploring the Rift.
grab that axe for sure
seconding this
> "All taken care of." This party was sent to assist your return to Averron - something that's actually important as of now.
We're doing okay but the rest of the team is in bad shape. But if possible we should definitely grab that axe. I wanna level up but tomorrow would probably be better for getting more input from other players
>Liza wanted another set of eyes on how we took care of the rift, but we're really just depleted and need help getting back.
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Will pick up here, early afternoon tomorrow. Probably actually this time.
Thanks for running!
So it seems like we're getting more and more mindfucked by the game lately and I don't know if it's due to our ??? skill or the use of our artifact but I'm leaning towards the latter. Maybe we should ask if anybody else is having similar experiences?
Sorry about the delay. Reply coming in a bit.
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“We’re kind of burning out in terms of resources. Liza wanted another set of eyes on the Rift to see whether or not we took care of it...” You begin.

“She told us that. I assume she’s going to take care of it herself, though. None of us are really qualified. Right?” Kengo asks, looking down at the robed girl beside her – who responds by shooting her a bit of a dirty look, gesticulating – ‘really?’ – with upturned palms. “Yeah, not our thing.”

Crow glares down at the archer, who’s inspecting the legionnaire’s corpse. “You looting already?”

“Did you not hear Kengo? Key words: time crunch.” The archer says, shaking his head as he pulls up his menu. “No Gems. Splitting the creds way in your favor. We’re taking the armor bits. Rest of the stuff is yours.”

> [[ Inventory: araneid legionnaire ]]
primitive araneid greataxe
tenacious silk x8

“Do we even want any of this?” Smith asks, inspecting the items.

“That silk seems like a pretty good crafting reg.” Aelriss says. “I’ll take it if you’re not interested.”

“We’ll split it.” Freya responds.

“No one wants that axe?” You ask.

“I mean – it’s large, and that’s about it.” Freya shrugs. “The lot of us seem to be comfortable with our weapons, so…”

“Dibs, then.” You respond.

“Oi.” The archer says, rising and rejoining Kengo’s group. “Are we going?”

> Begin the return to Averron – you’ve got a road ahead of you and plenty of things to do.
> Ask Kengo’s team to come inspect the Rift with you.
> Write-in.
>> Begin the return to Averron – you’ve got a road ahead of you and plenty of things to do.

>After we get this battle mess sorted out. We're going to have to plan another raid down here to take this area like we did the observatory.
>> Begin the return to Averron – you’ve got a road ahead of you and plenty of things to do.
>Begin the return to Averron – you’ve got a road ahead of you and plenty of things to do.
> Begin the return to Averron – you’ve got a road ahead of you and plenty of things to do
> Ask Kengo’s team to come inspect the Rift with you.
Let's equip that axe and give it a few test swings
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“Yeah.” You nod. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

> [[ Underground: Lower Averron – Tethiss’s Claw // PVP Enabled ]]

As you pass into the cave’s fanged maw, you look to either side, reaffirming your earlier thought – this would certainly be a good place for an ambush. Fortunately, you’re in good company, and have evidently dealt with the worst of the threats nearby. You’ll have to gather more information about these foes, be it from fortune-tellers or forums; beyond what you’ve faced – the tip of the iceberg, from your impression – you don’t know much about them, their habits, more advanced behaviors, and how quickly they respawn or move to fill the empty space in their own territory, a factor of importance to you as of right now.

Smith criticized the archer for his choice of weapon, but you’re not sure if you’d do the same. While Kengo seems to be their group’s leader, he appears to be their navigator, guiding the lot of you forward by the light of his UI screen, tracking your location on a crude map of the area. The young, spiritless-looking mage follows idly behind them, staff in hands. They must be capable; you expected more than three people.

You’re moving upward through this cave of ominous, roughly-hewn stone walls, crossing over large rocks and enormous spires. You can hear sounds around you; there’s movement, no doubt, through tunnels in the distance and beyond walls. You can hear running water, as was in the pitfall that took you this deep in the first place. You feel uneasy, but only for a moment.

“That was an impressive display, Ashe.” Kengo says, looking over her shoulder at you. “I was surprised – you certainly understated the power of your Artifact in our meeting with Liza.”

“Yeah, uh.” Aelriss says, nudging you. “Lasers? Seriously, how many things can you do? I’m half expecting you to sprout wings and fly around like Liza – or turn into an elder crawler, or something…”

[[ 1 ]]
> “Don’t worry.” Dismiss the inquiry. “I can already do both of those things.”
> “There are limits.” Explain your ability. “I don’t even understand all of them.”

[[ 2 ]]
> “You guys have names?” Ask for introductions.
> ”Kengo, do you know Candrence?” Ask what they about bounty hunting.
> “Does she not speak English?” Ask about the young mage.
> “Ever fight an enemy without a name?” Ask about suspicious occurrences.
>Some of my abilities might seem sort of familiar if you catch my drift, Ael. Explaining it too much ruins my mystique.
> “Ever fight an enemy without a name?” Ask about suspicious occurrences.
>I'm pretty sure some of you could figure Strife Memoriam if you've partied with me long enough.

> “You guys have names?” Ask for introductions.
> “Ever fight an enemy without a name?” Ask about suspicious occurrences.
>Did you guys ever play megaman?
> “You guys have names?” Ask for introductions.
> ”Kengo, do you know Candrence?” Ask what they about bounty hunting.
>You're one of the few people could have a good idea of how my artifact works Ael. Give it some thought.

> “You guys have names?” Ask for introductions.
> “Ever fight an enemy without a name?” Ask about suspicious occurrences.
Am I the only one who feels like we got a pretty cheap reward for basically ending a large scale event with only two people?
We still haven't identified any of that equipment we got, I bet it's actually pretty cool. Plus we got two gems. I'm pretty happy with it. Also we're gonna get even more famous now which is cool.
wait until the npcs hear about it.
Huh i caught it live, nice.
Added more memories to our artifact, got some gems, got a cordial contact in Freakshow, delved a little deeper in the mysteries of this game.

I dunno I think it's been worth it. If you mean straight up loot we didn't get anything extravagant but everything else makes up for it.
>don't brag or give them any info about SM
>“Ever fight an enemy without a name?” Ask about suspicious occurrences.
I don't really care about these dudes desu; we've enough characters to keep track of, considering how sparsely this quest runs.
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“You’re one of the few people that could figure out how it works, Ael.” You respond. “Give it some thought. It might seem familiar.”

“What? I still don’t… How would it be…?” She stalls for a moment. “Wait – oh, holy shit! Seriously? That’s insane!

You nod.

“What is it?” Crow asks. “I wanna know now.”

“Explaining it ruins the mystique.” You add, before looking to Kengo’s party. “Don’t worry about it. Hey – you guys have names, right? You never introduced yourselves.”

“Varrin.” says the archer, not breaking step. “I shoot stuff. And, no, I don’t have lasers – you can spot some targets for me if you want, though.”

“You know my name.” Kengo says, then gestures to the white-robed mage. “The quiet little one back here is Millie.”

“She looks like a healer – is that a proper assumption based on appearance alone?” Freya asks. “I’ve never seen someone dedicated to the role, so I feel the need to ask.”

“It’s a highly sought-after ability.” Kengo says. “It allows us to do more with less.”

“Cute.” Crow asks. “Non-communication must be hard with a dedicated support, though. We’ve got a non-English speaker in our party too, so...”

“Oh, you must be fucking joking, right?” Millie says, stopping in place and turning around. “Wait, you’re serious.”

“W-what?” Crow says, cocking an eyebrow and raising his hands defensively.

“You think you’re an interesting little shit, don’t you?” She continues, deadpan. “You think you’re interesting enough that if I don’t want to talk to you, something must be wrong – like I don’t speak your language.”

“I.” Crow blinks. “I mean. I wasn’t like, judging! Tatsumaki back here doesn’t speak English either, so…”

“I bet. Go ahead and lump me in with her, then! I bet she won’t mind.” Millie turns to face forward, continuing up the path ahead. “What, she Jap? She should join up with us. Gookshot over here can translate for her – he’s a bigger fuckin’ weeb than Kengo.”

“We’re in a PVP zone, Mill.” Varrin says, sounding only a little frustrated. “Call me Gookshot one more time and I swear to God I will shoot you until you learn not to overheal.”

“Do it. I fucking dare you.” Millie responds. “We like that. We’re all masochists. Every single one of us. That’s why we spend all of our time keeping you alive. You’re what makes the pain real.”

Your UI pings.

> [[ UI Messenger – Aelriss ]]
> [[ Aelriss ]]: I’m laughing
> [[ Aelriss ]]: These guys are literally human garbage

You glance over at her; she’s looking at you with wide eyes and a nervous smile.

> [[ Continued ]]
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You glance over at her; she’s looking at you with wide eyes and a nervous smile.

> [[ UI Messenger – Aelriss ]]
> [[ Ascheritte ]]: I mean, they actually seem like they’re getting along.
> [[ Aelriss ]]: Somehow
> [[ Aelriss ]]: Though I don’t know how it works
> [[ Aelriss ]]: I never imagined a competent group could be so adversarial.
> [[ Ascheritte ]]: Maybe she’s just a little firestarter. Or Kengo’s a good leader.

“That Liza?” Kengo asks. “I haven’t heard back from her yet.”

“Nope.” You respond. “Just a friend. Say, have you ever fought an enemy without a name?”

“Is that like, a philosophical question?” Kengo says, with a little laugh.

You shake your head. “Back in the Rift – Freya and I fought a monster that was tough as bricks.”

“The King’s Hand.” Freya says, looking at you.

“But after that – the thing that came out of him.” You respond.

“It had a name.” Freya says. “It was… wait.”

“Right?” You ask. “It just said ‘we defeated’ or whatever – like a blank space.”

“Spooky.” Crow says. “You’re overthinking, Ashe. I bet it was a glitch. Not everything that happens in a game like this can possibly be intentional.”

“I’ve never seen anything like that.” Kengo says. “It doesn’t sound unbelievable – I’ve seen my fair share of weird stuff between the fortune teller and the lower branches, not to mention the rumor mills on the forums – but I can’t imagine what it might mean.”

> [[ Continued ]]
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> [[ Underground: Lower Averron – Tethiss’s Claw: Hatchery // PVP Enabled ]]

A very long walk leads you to a vile place with webbed walls. Strange shapes – twitching, little bulbous things – sprawl out across the distant ceilings, silken cocoons nested in the faint glow of bioluminescent fungi. Exploring gear is already set up, assisting a climb to somewhere high above, where you can see Averron’s light shining down from a small passage.

“Get moving.” Kengo says, pointing to the rope and haphazard series of handholds. Varrin is the first to start his ascent; you can see Smith, Aelriss, and Crow filing in behind him, while Tatsumaki waits adjacent you. “We’re not far now. Millie and I will go last.”

Something is watching you. The last vestiges of her stolen vitality are coursing beneath your skin, still. Beads of sweat take form on your brow. You cannot afford to be seen.

> Attack Kengo. Only with her Celestial weapon can you protect yourself from what’s to come.
> You heard them. Get climbing.
> “Isn’t there a better way up?”
> Other.
> You heard them. Get climbing.
Ask Kengo more about her weapon. Say it's giving us some weird vibes
Do you guys know anything about scrying? I might be crazy but I'm really getting the feeling that Telthiss is trying to scry us or more specifically me right now.
> You heard them. Get climbing.
Let's ask to add Kengo to our contact list too, maybe once we've climbed. I feel like she's gonna be significant in what's to come.
>> You heard them. Get climbing.
>healslut is actually a threatening bitchy psycho
> You heard them. Get climbing.

Can we name the thing we fought?
Ide probably call it a shadow crawler or some such.
>> You heard them. Get climbing.

Ok Kengo's weapon is giving off weird vibes

and we've been having this shit after Freya "healed" us.
I think we are just connected to the vitality of the nesting bugs now.

Since our shit is about memories it was probably not a good idea.

Might go away when we gank the fuck out of the area boss.
hoping it goes away when we get distance.
I thought it was called the guardian a few times actually. Maybe just in filenames of the picture Sylv posts with it though.

Gritting your teeth, you nod to Kengo. With Tatsumaki behind you, you brace yourself on the ropes and rocks. It’s not a rough climb, but it is a long one – right about now, you’re wishing your old boots weren’t cursed.

You suppose you're thankful you aren't wearing them.

> [[ 1d100 ]]
Rolled 39 (1d100)

Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 83 (1d100)

Thank you for the good roll
Nice save anon!

> [[ 83 ]]

You pull yourself up and up. You can’t see the next handhold – your gauntleted fingertips bite into a fleshy cocoon, and you instinctively pull away, stuck for a mere moment in webs that snap at the strength of your sudden egress.

There’s a hissing from above, yellow liquid splashing out across the cliff face. A malformed claw swipes down towards you, protruding from the mess of webs. There’s a flash and a high-pitched noise as Smith fires his caster downward; you shield your face from the light and the bolt, which blasts whatever’s harrying you apart in a cloud of smoke, a shower of small rocks, and a sickening stench.

“On your left, Ashe!” You turn, spying an araneid drone running across the cliff face – normal to the wall – in your direction. Above you, Aelriss maneuvers away instinctively, which leaves the rope unsteady; you see Crow barely hang on right above you as it swings to the right, and almost lose grip yourself. The drone’s attention is shifted upward when it’s hit by another pair of caster bolts, which burst into light and smoke on contact; when it turns, an arrow fired from the top of the cliff strikes dead center in its chest, sending it falling down into the dark of the Claw.

“Steady!” Varrin shouts. “You’re clear! Move up now!

Kengo and Millie are last to mount the rope, watching out for threats below.

You can feel a comforting breeze from the chasm a distance above.

> [[ Fatigued ]]

You’re nervous, worried. Your arms are beginning to tire.

You pull yourself up and over the rocks at the top of the rope, emerging into Averron’s light.

> [[ Underground: Lower Averron // PVP Enabled ]]

This place is a mess.

Broken rocks and signs of battle – ruined weapons, mangled corpses, scorch marks – litter this branch.

Your party freezes when you see exiles lying about.

The naked, raving troglodytes are scattered about with no particular arrangement. They're out in the open, with one seated almost immediately in front of you as you emerge. They’re alive, and breathing, but appear completely unreactive; Varrin pegs one in the chest with an arrow, and it slumps backwards, landing limp and unmoving on the ground.

“Well,” He says, “Would you look at that?”

“Liza said they would either scatter or go catatonic.” You suppose they’ve lost the fight – they’re cut off from reinforcements, and no longer have a place to call their own. Not even Freya would wish that on anyone. “Part of me doesn’t trust it, but I think it’s over.”

“You did well.” Kengo says. “I’m glad we could be of assistance. Do you think you can make it from here?”

> Return to Averron City.
> Return to the Observatory.
> Write-in.
> Return to the Observatory.
Can we ask Aelriss to identify our new items? Also I sort of want to invest our CGs in that mysterious blacksmith at the Observatory like he asked us to.
>> Return to the Observatory.
> Return to the Observatory.
Message Ayla to see what she's up to
> Return to the Observatory.

We are about to get embroiled in political bullshit shortly.

Still think making a council of guilds would be the best solution, a la log horizon.

And when we upgrade our strige artifact, might be worthwhile to see if we can activate singular aspects of each memory to draw out the time.
I still want to make an independent crafting/trade guild apart from all the other political bullshit going on. Now might be a good chance while everyone's upset with the current guilds due to essentially being put into a meat grinder and a sizable portion of the population became nameless because of it.
>Farm the troglodytes for loot and EXP and loot the bodies.
>> Return to the Observatory.
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> Smith, Liza, Vyx, Nel, Tatsumaki, Ayla, Kengo, Florica, Vision and Aelriss are online.
> Donnel is offline.

“I think so.” You say, checking your map. “The Observatory isn’t far from here, so that’s where I’m going. Kind of want to see how everything turned out myself.”

“I’m with you, then.” Aelriss says. Tatsumaki files in beside her. “Cause that’s where I’m at.”

“Good stuff, then.” Crow says. “I’m burning off for the upper city. If no one’s coming with –“

“That was where I was heading, if you don’t mind?” Smith says.

“No problem.” Crow responds, giving a bit of a wave. “Hey – it really was good meeting you all, though. We got shit done for sure. I’ll totally add you guys… where’s Freya?”

You blink. She was cordial, alright, but a bit of a creep for sure; whatever Anaximander saw in her, it must have been enough that she was worth teaching the art of exiting inconspicuously. Her invitation to you echoes in your mind – the Alliance isn’t interested in creating unity, but deciding for everyone what unity is – and you get the feeling it’s still open.

Your UI pings.

> [[ UI Messenger – Nel ]]
> [[ Nel ]]: okay I’m up to date
> [[ Nel ]]: wow I missed a lot
> [[ Nel ]]: also, did you know that people are talking about declaring war on the Writ Keepers?
> [[ Ascheritte ]]: What
> [[ Ascheritte ]]: Literally why?
> [[ Nel ]]: okay it’s a rumor I read on the forums
> [[ Nel ]]: people think the WKs are going to start banning discussion of bounty hunting from the boards
> [[ Nel ]]: and a couple of guilds said they’d go to war if they started getting censored

> [[ Continued ]]

You created, by necessity, the opportunity that many were seeking. Many Players were defeated in pursuit of experience, loot, and glory. It wasn’t a total failure, even though the world is smaller; the Seam is closed, and new figures are looked upon with esteem, with posts celebrating individual feats cropping up on the forums, news of Gems uncovered and Artifacts created.

Guilds are forming and recruiting. Those who remain are more important than ever. It’s not the way you expected it to happen, but you achieved what you set out to do.

You can't say for sure if it's calm, but it's quiet for now. Still, there's a palpable air of tension.

Or maybe it's just you - maybe this is getting to you...

> [[ Underground: Averron Observatory // Neutral Territory // PVP Disabled ]]

The market square filled with player-run shop stalls almost immediately after the Observatory was founded. A makeshift auction-house peddled goods from a podium nearby the landing. You’ve never seen this place empty until now. Tatsumaki is silent; Aelriss gives a sad-sounding sigh.

“I’m gonna go restock, maybe root around upstairs.” Aelriss says. “Tatsumaki?”

Tatsumaki shrugs, then wanders off for the Observatory.

“Right, then.” Aelriss responds. “What about you?”

[[ 1 ]]
> Message someone. (Write-in.
> Chat later.

[[ 2 ]]
> General Store.
> Aetherforge.
> Testchamber.
> Overworld Simulation.
> Celestial Altar.
> “I need to see the fortune teller.” Depart for Averron City.
Have any idea on how to get gear uncursed Ael?

> Message someone. (Write-in.
Ask Ayla what she's up to.
> Celestial Altar.
I think spending a gem or two on the aetherforge would be a worthy investment.
>Celestial Altar.
Don't know how many gems we have though.

Isn't the Fortune Teller the only NPC that can un-curse equipment? I remember that for some reason.
Also ask Aelriss if she can identify our new items.
I think high level Artificiers can too but I could be wrong.
Yeah let's touch base with Ayla. If Aelriss can identify stuff ask her to but otherwise just find someone in the observatory to do it.
> General Store.
We just got a shitload of money.
I'm making a new vote. Do you want me to delete the old one or should I just leave it up?

> Message someone. (Write-in.
Talk to Ayla and see what's up

> Celestial Altar.
And ask Aelriss if she can identify anything.
Am I the only one who thinks Smith is gonna go all serial killer on Crow?
Smith is depleted and sort on droids. Crow..... well Crow has his artifact and can escape REALLY easily.
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“Can you identify some items for me, Ael?” You ask.

“Haha, get a load of this guy – he thinks I’m a competent artificer.” Aelriss says, feigning amusement. “Every point I don’t have invested into traditional combat skills is invested into my ability to use the Aven Cordis, Ashe. So you don't ask in front of anyone else - as of right now, I have pretty much no abilities that are useful for crafting, support, or trade. I can't even identify without unbinding my artifact, waiting out the cooldown, and fully regenerating first."

“Oh.” You respond. “Sorry.”

“Why?” She gives you an incredulous look.

“Dunno. Gonna roll down to the Chapel for a bit.” You say, pulling up your UI screen. “Got some administrative business.”

“Fancy.” Aelriss says. “Well, I’ll be around. See you later?”

“Of course.” You respond, making your way into the Observatory and downstairs.

> [[ UI Messenger – Ayla ]]
> [[ Ascheritte ]]: Yo
> [[ Ascheritte ]]: Just touched back down at the Observatory. What’s up?
> [[ Ayla ]]: I can’t even deal. I feel like tearing my hair out atm.
> [[ Ayla ]]: Liza’s riding me again and people are talking about taking my guild to battle over bounty hunting, of all things!
> [[ Ayla ]]: Half of Averron just died – and every other person out of the remaining half wants to kill someone else.
> [[ Ayla ]]: By my projection, there will be two (2) people remaining in the city within 48 hours.
> [[ Ayla ]]: Of course my time might be off because I FEEL LIKE I HAVEN’T SLEPT IN THREE DAYS.
> [[ Ayla ]]: I just log off and log right back on, cause, why not, right? It’s only been, what, a few minutes? Maybe an hour or so by now?
> [[ Ayla ]]: If I go to sleep now, which I’m not sure I can, I’ll be awake all night.
> [[ Ayla ]]: And think of how much I’d MISS, Ashe.
> [[ Ayla ]]: Can’t you feel it?
> [[ Ayla ]]: I know you can dont you fucking lie to me
> [[ Ascheritte ]]: ?
> [[ Ayla ]]: It’s getting SLOWER
> [[ Ascheritte ]]: Ayla, are you alright?

There’s no response by the time you reach your destination.

There is a bookcase in the study with A Precursor’s Puzzle Box permanently embedded in a glass display dome between the shelves. You are one of four people who knows the solution. The bookshelves creep aside, the wall behind them opening into a small stone room.

A Custodian – a small mechanical lifeform with modular tendrils – appears to have become trapped inside. When the door opens, it hovers out, immediately returning to straightening chairs and dusting tables outside.

There is a Greater Celestial Materialization Altar here. Carved from a single slab of white marble, it depicts a man cradling a dying woman in his arms, her head tilted back, empty eyes forever fixated on the heavens. In her lap is a bowl, decorated in gold, awaiting an offering.

> [[ Greater Celestial Materialization Altar ]]
> Celestial Manifestation “Averron Observatory”
Ascheritte, Andor, Ayla, and Kainzo, “as a safe haven upon which to engineer a future from a shattered past”
> [[ Offer Celestial Gems ]]
* Create Celestial Artifact
* Enhance Celestial Artifact
* Empower Mundane Item
* Enhance Celestial Manifestation
* Destroy Celestial Manifestation
* Vote to Enable/Disable PVP
* Modify Charter/Relinquish Ownership
> [[ Offer Item ]]
* Offer an Item to the Celestials

> Request upgrades to the Averron Observatory.
> Request upgrades to Strife Memoriam.
> Write-in.
>> Request upgrades to the Averron Observatory.
the smithy
> Request upgrades to the Averron Observatory.
> Request upgrades to the Averron Observatory.
Welp Ayla is going fuckin crazy. But we are too so that's cool I guess.
Also offer all those broken UIs to the altar I suppose
> Request upgrades to the Averron Observatory.
Can we get a list of everything we can upgrade?
Also maybe tell Ayla we're going crazy along with her.
Oh yeah we should probably do that too.
Is anybody interested in making a guild focused on the following?
>hunting and harvesting rare materials specific to our location
>supporting player-run crafting and trading
>setting up and guarding trade routes between the various cities we will meet
Discussion is kinda rare lately but I'd really like your input on this. The ones with real influence are the ones who control the economy and I think it'd be pretty interesting. Plus it'll be even more important to establish since we're about to make contact with several other cities.
I mean it's a good idea, but the major guilds do the first two already. The latter would require trailblazing, bases/forts on the routes, and will likely be done by larger guilds anyways.
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Your thoughts turn outward to the Observatory. The statue’s empty eyes sparkle.

You begin to speak. They are listening.

> New upgrades will become available as the nature of prophecy changes.

[[ General ]]
> [5] Open an Advent Gate, which will allow free or paid travel between the Observatory and the Upper City. By the power of the Celestial Altars, more Advent Gates can be created in controlled locations with further investment.
> [3] Protect the Averron Observatory and those within from scrying attempts.
> [2 ea.] Warp in a Sidereal Armor. Sidereal Armors will patrol or stand guard at the Observatory. When a violent act is committed outside the Test Chamber or Overworld Simulation, the Armor will violently pursue the perpetrator until it is dead or removed from the Observatory.
> [1 ea.] Link a single benefactor’s Unique Identifier to the Observatory, allowing them to collect their share of taxes remotely.
> [X] Request a new construct or physical location. Variable price.

[[ Facilities ]]
> [5 ea.] Supernaturally improve the Communications Hub, allowing easier communication with and observation of phenomena in distant locales. This can be purchased multiple times.
> [2] Create a Heretic Soulforge, which crafters can utilize to create ancient weapons from an era of great and mysterious power.
> [2] Increase the size of the Overworld Simulation. More materials can be harvested, and new neutral fauna will appear. Day will turn to night.
> [2] Improve the Test Chamber, allowing it to simulate arenas and destructible environments.
> [1] Improve the General Store’s selection of items. Store will automatically restock when upgraded.
> [1 ea.] Empower a single Observatory NPC with Celestial Fortitude, greatly improving their capabilities. This can be purchased any number of times.
> [1] Warp in a Fortune Teller. Taxes may not be collected, but prices for all services are significantly reduced for benefactors.
> [1] Custodians will self-repair and self-replicate as necessary. They will maintain areas further outside the Observatory grounds, and can repair armor and equipment of players with or without a set price.
> [X] Request a new facility.

> Request an upgrade.
> Request upgrades to Strife Memoriam.
> Head back upstairs.
> [2] Create a Heretic Soulforge, which crafters can utilize to create ancient weapons from an era of great and mysterious power.
Hell yeah. Maybe the forgemaster will be grateful and cut us a deal.
I actually really support this plan
As far as I know the other main guilds are focused on things other than crafting and trade
> [1] Warp in a Fortune Teller. Taxes may not be collected, but prices for all services are significantly reduced for benefactors.
> [1] Custodians will self-repair and self-replicate as necessary. They will maintain areas further outside the Observatory grounds, and can repair armor and equipment of players with or without a set price.
only the writ keepers, which is lore diving, discovery and RP.
> [1] Custodians will self-repair and self-replicate as necessary. They will maintain areas further outside the Observatory grounds, and can repair armor and equipment of players with or without a set price.

This is fucking huge. Imagine how much money we (and the other people who own the Observatory, but mostly us because we're buying the upgrade) will make from all the equipment repairs. This place is way closer to good farming locations than the Averron.

> [2] Create a Heretic Soulforge, which crafters can utilize to create ancient weapons from an era of great and mysterious power.
This too if we can afford it. But I'd much rather have the custodians.
> Request an upgrade.
Heretic soulforge
I think we're in a position where we're famous enough that we could unite all the smaller craft and trade guilds under our banner. It'd be fuckin awesome.
>the Averron
I guess I meant to say the city?
We should be able to collect a shitload of saved up taxes right? We've been gone for a while and I'm sure the observatory was the hub for preparation for this massive raid.
Can we also ask about creating new UIs for nameless? It was mentioned that players get interesting responses if they try that.
Probably, personally we should probably spring for linking our UI soon.
Hecatelia is way ahead of us as far as technology and they seem distinctly not friendly. Getting everyone access to high quality gear seems more important than making a little extra cash from taxes right now.
Giving people easier, faster access to farming isn't helping them?
A fortune teller would make this a fully functioning settlement, and let us un curse our shit. Quick and easy repairs would allow more turn around time in farming, thus better gear.
There's already a system for repairing items in place, they don't already have access to the quality of weapons that a forge upgrade would offer.
We're going to get a teleported soon, we probably could right now if we asked the leaders to pitch in. That would give players easy access to all those things that are already in Averron city. Adding stuff to the observatory that's already in the main city would be a waste.
that's five CGs and we'd need to have them here and manage to herd those cats to move as we wish.
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“What about the Nameless?” You ask. “Can I get a way to restore their Identifiers?”

> [[ You possess our gifts – and squander them in wasting your very lives. ]]
> [[ Life is wasted on the likes of you. ]]
> [[ You will see soon enough that what you seek is no blessing. ]]

“Alright,” You nod. “Cool.”

> Create the Soulforge, spending your two Gems.
> Improve the Custodians, leaving one Gem remaining.
> See available upgrades to Strife Memoriam.
> Head back upstairs and save your Gems for now.
> Create the Soulforge, spending your two Gems.
> Create the Soulforge, spending your two Gems.
Then guilt trip the other leaders for not using gems to upgrade the observatory like us
>> Create the Soulforge, spending your two Gems.
>> Create the Soulforge, spending your two Gems.
And then check out the Strife Memoriam upgrades out of curiosity.

There is a brief rumbling beneath your feet.

Your Celestial Gems are gone. What you feel now is not satisfaction, but emptiness.

The light behind the statue’s eyes fades. You have no more to give.

> Offer the UIs of the dead players from the Rift.
> Head downstairs to the Aetherforge.
> Head upstairs to the General Store.
> Write-in.
> Offer the UIs of the dead players from the Rift.
Thank one of them for the cool ass ice knife we got
>> Offer the UIs of the dead players from the Rift.
>> Offer the UIs of the dead players from the Rift.
> Offer the UIs of the dead players from the Rift.
> Head downstairs to the Aetherforge.
> Offer the UIs of the dead players from the Rift.
> Head downstairs to the Aetherforge.
Missed the last vote. Too bad.
> Offer the UIs of the dead players from the Rift.
> Head downstairs to the Aetherforge.

Thank them for thier sacrifice.
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The Identifiers, though broken, represent a pile of technology beyond any you or any city have discovered. They are immutable. No attempts to reverse engineer them have succeeded. They are strange – in that they identify you as a living player, but represent only part of what makes you one.

Your strength. Your Artifacts, and the allure of the Gems. There is more you have yet to discover; that much, you know for sure.

“You paid the ultimate price. I thank each of you for your sacrifice.” You say, as if eulogizing them. “And thanks for this sick knife, too. It’s cooler than cool.”

The Unique Identifiers vanish in a blast of golden light that illuminates the whole of the room. You feel as though you are thoroughly on the right path.

> See available upgrades to Strife Memoriam.
> Head downstairs to the Aetherforge.
> Head upstairs to the General Store or another location.
>> Head downstairs to the Aetherforge.
> Head downstairs to the Aetherforge.
> Head downstairs to the Aetherforge.
> Head downstairs to the Aetherforge.
I still really want to make a massive greathammer. Is anybody else interested? I bet we could melt down a bunch of the other junk weapons and armor we've gotten recently and make something.
Given we lack the perk to try and it's antithesis to our high movement offense? Not really.
I'm more of a fan of poleaxes myself.
I mean we can have the forgemaster make it. And I don't think it slow us down much, we have perks that make two handed weapons weigh less when we wield them.
It's bulky, requires lots of space to swing, and may or may not fall under "x bawks" hueg weapons that require another perk to even wield. Furthermore it would throw off our balance if we tried half the bullshit we did prior.
I think you underestimate the power of the rule of cool and video game logic but you're entitled to your opinion
Our offense is more concerned with making big single hits. And I think only heavy armor debuffs our movement speed but I could definitely be wrong.
You're assuming this will stay a game.

Balance affects mobility too.
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Ethereal Forgemaster.jpg
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> [[ Underground: Averron Observatory – Soulforge // Neutral Territory // PVP Disabled ]]

In the observatory basement, a bridge extends out over an abyss, leading to a circular platform; the center slopes down into a small pit where a purple flame once burned eternally. The platform, though, has been cleaned of the storage crates and spare materials.

It is surrounded by strange apparatuses – instruments and baubles of bronze and ivory extending haphazardly in all directions, inward over the platform and outward over the abyss. Crackling with malefic power, it resembles a strange combination of a robotic surgeon and a planetarium. There are clouds swirling high overhead. You’re not sure if the height of the sky you’re looking at is congruent with the floor of the Observatory floor above you. A faint redness creeps in from the outer dark of the place.

“Your predecessors are a strange breed, Keeper.” A voice booms uncomfortably loudly from the heart of the Ethereal Forgemaster’s form as you approach. He floats about the platform, instructing each of the devices as they shape an unsteady beam of rusted golden-bronze light above the center of the Forge. “They fought with ancient fire and clothed themselves in souls. They walked so close to the darkness that they were consumed by it. Does that surprise you?”

You shrug.

“I thank you for this opportunity, Keeper. You will not be disappointed.” He says. “In the flames, I have already seen what it is you seek. I can offer that much to you, if you desire.”

“Oh?” You ask. “Do tell.”

“You will not find it here.” The Forgemaster turns, pausing from his work momentarily. “Kjorikos possessed knowledge of all worlds, yet not even he could circumvent life and death. What makes you believe you can?”

The conversation stalls.

“He looked as far as the sky, Keeper, but not beyond.” The Forgemaster says. “That is where your search will begin. I have seen it in a word, which appeared to me from the pale flame – where that word truly comes from is a mystery to me.”

“That is?” You ask.


> “What are you?”
> “Is that a lightsaber? Can I have it?”
> “Thank you. I require your services.”
> Write-in.
>> “Is that a lightsaber? Can I have it?”
> “Is that a lightsaber? Can you make me one?”
After he inevitably says no

> “Thank you. I require your services.”
> “What are you?”
> “Thank you. I require your services.”
> “Is that a lightsaber? Can I have it?”
> “Thank you. I require your services.”
> “Thank you. I require your services.”
In my world Einherjar were warriors that feasted, fought, died, and were reborn to fight endlessly. Does that mean anything to you?
Could we ask this dude to teach us how to smith?
“I appreciate it. Let me know if you see anything else of note.” You nod. The word might mean something to you - but you're not sure the same applies here, to whatever this Forgemaster might be. “As for now, though, I’m in need of your services.”

“How may I assist?”

> “My main weapon is practically ruined. What are you making right now?”
> “Do you have anything new for sale?”
> “I have some equipment that needs repairs.”
> “What new items can you craft?”
>> “I have some equipment that needs repairs.”

> “My main weapon is practically ruined. What are you making right now?”

Where would we collect revenue?
> “My main weapon is practically ruined. What are you making right now?”
> “Do you have anything new for sale?”
> “I have some equipment that needs repairs.”
> “What new items can you craft?”
I honestly want all of this to happen
> “I have some equipment that needs repairs.”
> “What new items can you craft?”
> “My main weapon is practically ruined. What are you making right now?”
> “Do you have anything new for sale?”
> “I have some equipment that needs repairs."
Our silverwing boots
> “What new items can you craft?”
“What new items can you craft?” You ask.

“Long ago, beams from fractalline crystals were shaped into melee weapons. Mundane weapons were wreathed in the pale flame, while bows and arc-casters were utilized to attack from afar.” The Forgemaster responds. “But this forge was built from a mind wrought with darkness. It can additionally afford the powers of bloodletting, corruption, and piercing without material components. The qualities of armor I can produce are also unusual – though I have yet to discover their full potential. You will have to return later.”

“Do you have any new wares?”

“I have a variety of old aethersteel weapons of many types.” The Forgemaster says. “They reject artifice, but readily accept pale flame. It will augment the damage of your attacks.”

“My main weapon is kind of ruined. What are you making right now?”

“An experiment.” He says, turning the craft – a blade of rusted golden-bronze light, sparking with arcs of power, protruding from an elaborate hilt of etched silver – in place as it levitates above the forge. “A failure, which would be mocked even by these heretics in their time. It has not properly bathed in the flame. Its properties are too unpredictable.”

“I have some equipment that needs repairs.” You nod. “Can you do that?”

“Have you forgotten my capacity already, Keeper?” He makes a loud sound that might be a laugh. “Perhaps the heat of the lower branches has left you brain-addled.”

[[ 1 ]]
> [[ Repair an item for 250# ]]
• steel bastard sword (alternate weapon, worn on belt, empowered by Fire: burning insect heart, cursed, damaged)
• old broken sword (damaged, unidentified)
• steel full helm (head, damaged, unidentified)
• iron naginata (damaged, unidentified)
• iron gauntlets (hands, damaged)
• silverwing boots (cursed, damaged) [[ + Free Climbing ]]
> Opt out.

[[ 2 ]]
> “Can I see those aethersteel weapons, then?”
> “So you’re just going to throw that away?”
> Write-in.
• silverwing boots (cursed, damaged) [[ + Free Climbing ]]
wall running and shit like that is too useful to pass up. Let's see what he has before we spend any money on repairing our bastard sword. And we should identify the other weapons so we're sure they're worth repairing.
> “Can I see those aethersteel weapons, then?”
> “So you’re just going to throw that away?”
I'll definitely take it off your hands. Also we might as well ask if he can teach us how to craft anything.
>• steel bastard sword (alternate weapon, worn on belt, empowered by Fire: burning insect heart, cursed, damaged)
• iron gauntlets (hands, damaged)
• silverwing boots (cursed, damaged) [[ + Free Climbing ]]

> “Can I see those aethersteel weapons, then?”
> “So you’re just going to throw that away?”

We're not an artificer anon. We did not pick the crafting class, and frankly learning it will be a waste of time without a portable forge.
Why would we waste our money on repairing completely mundane iron gauntlets? Also artificiers can enchant weapons but anyone can craft weapons at a forge like the one we're currently standing next to.
We should repair the steel bastard sword. It's a good weapon. And the silverwing boots too.
> “Can I see those aethersteel weapons, then?”
> “So you’re just going to throw that away?”
Those iron ones might be better than our more brittle onyx ones.

AS for making a weapon, literally why? We won't get anything better than what he makes, especially since we get a discount here.
>• silverwing boots (cursed, damaged) [[ + Free Climbing ]]
We can repair all the other stuff after it's identified, just in case it's not worth it and he might have something better than our sword.

> “So you’re just going to throw that away?”
> “Can I see those aethersteel weapons, then?”

Not necessarily. Anyone can do it and BSO said on ask.fm that weapons made the "traditional" way by someone competent are consistently better than weapons you can buy from merchants.
I think learning how to craft would be cool. It'd be fun to make our own shit. It's a part of the game we haven't explored at all.
It'd also make this even more of a grindfest where we accomplish fuck all in a session. It'd slow this quest down more than it already ahs when we have to harvest 100 nirn roots for our next piece of gear.
Read carefully - I said it takes a measure of expertise to yield consistently superior results. Explicitly, -not- everyone can do it. Practice, talent, devotion, or some supernatural substitute for some number of those things are what's required.
You assume a lot don't you?

You don't actually think we'd spend an entire session grinding do you? At worst it'd be a short timeskip even if it goes the way you are describing.
Given we had a whole session dedicated to grinding the last time we went out? Not assuming shit.

Thank you for clarifying.
Kind of a shitty meta reason to not want to try something out
Yeah, that's why I said competent. I don't have feelings one way or the other, but I figured since you said our character is "talented" multiple times trying wouldn't hurt.

Probably should've said "competent enough" or something. Sorry for that.
>Let me spend hours/days/week trying to get good with smithing so I can make good gear completely shifting my goals and character motive and neglecting my artifact for grinding for smithing exp.

>Furthermore let me ignore the politics until things blow up, AGAIN.
No worries! Reasonable. Ascheritte is rather savvy - enough that he'd have a shot at performing in whatever he sets out to do, assuming he can accrue the proper advantages to afford himself a fair chance.
Yeah hobbies are fuckin evil, thanks for setting me straight anon
You repair your silverwing boots. You have half a mind to change back into them, but they’re certainly still cursed.

“So, you’re just going to throw that away?” You ask.

“Yes.” He begins. “Though I see what you are playing at. If you are interested in ferrying my trash to the appropriate receptacle for me, who am I to judge?”

You add the weapon to your inventory with a shrug.

“You are full of surprises, Keeper.” He says.

“Can I see those aethersteel weapons?” You ask.

“What type of weapon are you interested in?”

> Write-in.
> “I’m fine for now.”
Massive greathammer
>> Write-in.
Another bastard sword would be good. I want to say poleax because I like them but they're not the most versatile of weapons.
A sword, Halberd, Naginata, Something I can move quickly with and swing/thrust with for great damage while maintaining speed and balance.
Great axe, greatsword, or greathammer. Something oversized and awesome.
We need Titan's Might to wield any of that.
I'm feeling a big sword.
Innit Aethersteel abnormally light?
How convenient, we happen to have an unspent EXP point right now. An oversized weapon has been my dream for a while
I think Titan's Might is to wield 2 handed weapons in one hand? Don't quote me.

They ARE more versatile than hammers or axes.

You mean a particularly large weapon or Monster Hunter level oversized?
Following game Mechs we'd still need the perk to wield it. Lightness or not. But yeah it is, just size that's the concern.

How about we wait until we get it before we blow money on a weapon we might not use at all?
Ridiculously large.
I 100% intend to use it a lot though anon
Maybe. All I know is that there is a perk necessary for Monster hunter level huge weapons. Which the GREAT are.

Yeah but we might not even get the perk meaning we CAN'T use it. So perhaps be sensible?
I'm voting against this then. Weapons like that always look stupid as fuck to me.
I actually don't think we need any more perks to wield it. There's one perk that lets us wield two handed weapons with one hand but we already have the perk needed for all two handed weapons.
>he thinks anti-votes exist
Fine. I'll just vote for a not stupidly ugly weapon then :^)
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I feel as though I've fallen victim to a classic blunder.
If you are so sure let's make sure when we level up then? Super huge, chunky, poorly balanced weapons are going to mess us up enough as it is.
The general consensus seems to be a large sword or silly large hammer.
The level up system is changed completely. And we have other weapons to use in other situations if you're so worried about the rare occasion when large weapons are completely unusable. I can think of clearly biased adjectives for smaller weapons too.
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Bah, I was hoping to get the quads. Damn
Except Super Extra Large weapons will literally fuck our ability to fight like we want. We rely far more or balance, maneuver and agility over hitting things harder and tanking. All this assuming we can even use them.
>"Dross", an aberrant fluxsaber
kek Sylv what the fuck kind of name is "Dross"?
You're assuming it will fuck our ability to stay mobile. And our fighting style is literally to run around and hit things as hard as possible in new and creative ways in each fight.
OK let's just get this over with.

Would a monster hunter sized hammer fuck up the way Asherette fights now?
well apparently dross is just a weird word for junk. I feel kinda stupid now
It's another name for trash.

1.something regarded as worthless; rubbish:

"there are bargains if you have the patience to sift through the dross"

synonyms: rubbish · junk · debris · chaff · detritus · flotsam and jetsam · garbage ·

Given weapons can be unwieldy in even dumbed down game systems, it could slow us down, and we rely on moving, dodging, balance and momentum a lot.
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“Perhaps a greatsword or hammer? A bastard sword to replace mine – or just something that I can use while I’m on the move.” You say. “I can’t make up my mind. What do you have?”

“Your listening skills are poor.” He says. “I have wares of many types – whatever you might imagine, barring the truly exotic, is likely secreted away in the walls of this new facility. You have dealt with me enough to know that the cost of weapons is proportional to both their size and complexity. But surely price is no object for one of your significance?”

He’d be surprised, probably.

> “I’ll come back in a while, then – I have a lot of things I need to identify before I decide.”
> Ask about swords and sabers.
> Ask about hammers and axes.
> Ask about polearms.
I'm not saying it definitely won't have any downsides but I think the benefits outweigh them. Let's just agree to disagree and vote our conscience so we can stop shitting up the thread
> Ask about hammers and axes.
> Ask about hammers and axes.
>> Ask about swords and sabers.
We're going to need a weapon if we want our shit uncursed at Averron. Since no one wanted to get our sword fixed.
> Ask about swords and sabers.
A miao dao or kriegsmesser would actually be pretty sick now that I think about it. But i'd be fine with a 2 sided sword as well.
The bastard sword is cursed though. Fixing it wouldn't remove that.

Well, we could've gotten the Fortune Teller I suppose. Paying a gem for one-time convenience seems like a silly idea though.
I just wanted to see the prices of any replacement weapons before we spent money on repairing it
Well frankly it'd help everyone at the outpost too, since I doubt anyone is going to spring for the 5 cg gate meaning we'll have to do it ourselves. Since 5 Cg is a new artifact barring insanely broken one like time manipulation or a large artifact upgrade.
>tied vote
come on lurkers I know you're there
I'm sure we can arrange a group purchase of the teleporter.
Given that people are gem/artifact addicts and 5 is a lot in all senses? not so sure.
We spent 11 to make this place and everybody was cool with it
I mean, we weren't really "cool" with it per se. Asherette still hated the idea of giving up the gems, I'm assuming everyone else felt the same and hid it like he did.
Well it still happened
and every still got at least one to keep from the divvy.

This won't happen and it conceivably be a one way gate that needs a counterpart in Averron to be actually useful.

It won't be as easy as you believe.
Yeah. I'm just saying, the game's using the gems to fuck with people. I can only imagine it's getting worse as time goes on. I'm not saying it can't happen, or that we shouldn't try though. It IS a game after all.
We're friends with people in positions of power and literally everyone would benefit from the teleporter system. I don't know if you think that we'll have to foot the bill personally for each one but if you do you're totally wrong
>> Ask about hammers and axes.
Thank you based late voter anon, keeping the greathammer dream alive
I'm saying that it won't be an easy cell and could be just as difficult to arrange as getting five ourself. We nearly had a pissy fit spending all gems on the outpost for fuck's sake. Older players will have it worse.
I'm pretty stoked to try out that fluxsaber too. It would be a pretty good secondary weapon for close quarters if we do get a larger primary weapon. I'm curious about what kind of damage it deals though.
“Swords? Sabers? Hammers? Axes?” You ask.

“I will see.” The Forgemaster says. “But I believe it best for you to clear your head and assess all available avenues before coming to a decision.”

> [[ Buy ]]
ancient flame whetstone – 300#
pale aethersteel hatchet – 800#
pale aethersteel rapier – 800#
pale aethersteel falchion – 800#
pale aethersteel bastard sword – 1000#
pale aethersteel katana – 1000#
pale aethersteel warhammer – 1000#
pale aethersteel double-headed battle-axe – 1000#
pale aethersteel lucerne hammer – 1000#
colossal pale aethersteel greatsword – 1650#
colossal pale aethersteel greataxe – 1650#
colossal pale aethersteel greathammer – 1650#

> “You’re probably right.” Head back upstairs.
> Ask about an item.
> Purchase an item.
> Purchase an item.
colossal pale aethersteel greathammer – 1650#
>> “You’re probably right.” Head back upstairs.
Let's level up before buying.
> Purchase an item.
>colossal pale aethersteel greathammer – 1650#
> “You’re probably right.” Head back upstairs.
Why not, he's been good to us so far.

>the devs added katanas but no type of messer or dao
Being me is pain. Curved singled edged swords look so much worse than straight ones.
also ask about
ancient flame whetstone – 300#
and the difference between pale aethersteel and other aethersteel
>not collecting taxes
>Buying before asking
>not leveling up first to make sure we can use it.

You're gut guys who complain about spending all your gold on a item you can't use because It was shiny aren't you?
There's not any actual viable way to collect taxes. And we have enough money to buy it first anyway. I know what aethersteel does in weapons, it adds more damage. And I know what hammers do, they smash stuff when you swing it really hard.
>swing it really hard
That's almost how force works.
You got me anon hold on while I bow to your obviously superior intellect and then suck your dick
>There's not any actual viable way to collect taxes.
Except we can ask the npc in the arena taking the tolls for our cut?

>I know what aethersteel does in weapons, it adds more damage. And I know what hammers do, they smash stuff when you swing it really hard.
like I said you're the guy that buys an item that you can't use because it looks cool. You need to check it's attributes too. Sometimes thing will surprise you if you don't CHECK them.

How about you use your brain instead?
Uhh... yeah. I'm not sure I see what your point is here.
Bantz and shitty physics jokes

mass x acceleration = force
There's not a screen that pops up with a weapons stats in this game. It's all hidden. When have you ever seen stats other than HP and PP in this game?
Which is why you ASK the smith about them first.
“This stuff is pale.” You say. “What’s wrong with it?”

“It has bathed in the ancient fire and absorbed its power – a power unlike any artifice. This is a capacity unique to aethersteel weapons alone – others can accept it only temporarily lest they be destroyed.” The Forgemaster says. “That this was still so far from Kjorikos’s ultimate goal speaks volumes to his madness. But you cannot deny his results.”

“What’s the whetstone for?”

“It can imbue a mundane weapon with the same power temporarily.” He says. “Take care not to use it with weapons that already possess strong enchantments.”

> You’ve got business – experience to spend, money to get, items to identify, and decisions to make – before you drop the cash. Move on for now.
> Buy a colossal pale aethersteel greathammer – 1650#
> Buy an ancient flame whetstone – 300#
from titanpad chat
mr. pink: really though where's muh observatory tax shekels sylv
22:38 Sylv: I mean you'd have to go to collect them from - well, any actual merchant.
> Buy a colossal pale aethersteel greathammer – 1650#
stickin to my guns here, we've wasted enough time already
>> You’ve got business – experience to spend, money to get, items to identify, and decisions to make – before you drop the cash. Move on for now.
> Buy a colossal pale aethersteel greathammer – 1650#
>> You’ve got business – experience to spend, money to get, items to identify, and decisions to make – before you drop the cash. Move on for now.

Even better

>Wasting money of something we don't even have the perk for.
Fuck off. It'll still be here after we take care of everything else.
>we don't even have the perk for.
this is objectively false
Alright how about a compromise. We buy a regular sized warhammer, dark blue anon and light orange agree to stop arguing and we move on with the quest.
>this is objectively false
There is explicitly a perk needed for x box huge weapons
Colossal or nothing
If it's so explicit then where's the proofs? The perk you're thinking of was a perk that let us use two handed weapons with one hand. We can already use any two handed weapon.
>If it's so explicit then where's the proofs?
I'm dredging through the old threads. Keeping you from making a stupid mistake for lulz is slowing me down a lot.
I wonder why I keep forgetting everyone on this site can't ever just let something inconsequential go.
And are you drunk or something?

How are you doing BSO?
For the love of god.

Can you just tell them, word of God, if they need a perk or not to use this weapon with two hands or not?

Fucking RPG Quest shopping. Everytime.
I'm really glad we have supremely intelligent players like you to show us plebeians how to make decisions
I don't know why they won't stop. It's a 4chan quest, why get THIS worked up over it?
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Living with regrets - only some of them are BSO related. Happy 2017.
>discussion has to be 100% nice and friendly at all times or I'll get triggered
I'm relaxed man, I just want a greathammer and this dude is really pissed about it. And that's okay.
Cause they are invested and want to take the MC in two different directions. I get that, but this is taking too long.

I don't usually vote during these parts cause I don't feel I have an firm grasp on all the mechanics like I should and leave to the people that do, but so help me I will flip a coin if this takes any longer.
I'm gonna come out from behind the curtain and give you a stiff 'sort of'. There's a fatigue penalty for wielding oversized weapons, even though we can do it, which can be mostly circumvented with some perks that we don't currently have - of course, I moved all of the leveling-related stuff behind the curtain because I didn't want to put as much emphasis on it for reasons I could write an essay about if I didn't have some other things I need to do right this second.
Just vote man, the mechanics are intentionally vague. Nobody knows anything with 100% certainty. There's a little collected info in the titanpad if you wanna check it out though.
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Me too man. At least 2016 is over, am I right?
If only that would make the problems go away.

I'm not saying you have to be nice, but I'm saying there's no reason for you two to get as mad as you are over thisl. Don't lie and say you're not, you wouldn't have jumped to insult me and intentionally misconstrued what I said if you weren't.
Ok fatigue penalty and we don't have the perks to mitigate. Got it. We should hold this off until we get those perks or the situation changes.

> You’ve got business – experience to spend, money to get, items to identify, and decisions to make – before you drop the cash. Move on for now.
There are two titan perks.

Titan's Strength and Titan's Grip. One was for dual wield the other was for Over sized.

post link please?
Titan's Grip was definitely for wielding two handed weapons with one hand. I remember that clearly.
* Two-handed Mastery [[ Passive ]] : Effectiveness of the user’s attacks with two-handed melee weapons is improved. Additionally, slightly reduces fatigue penalties for maneuvering with large weapons.
Yeah it came after dual wield mastery. Titan's Strength came after two hand mastery. I don't hate super hammers(although I prefer swords), I just don't want us fucked up because we're using a weapon we're not specced for. Which is the case from the QM.
Well then let's spec for it! I'm ready to mix it up and get something other than a sword. The idea of being a relatively quick and evasive fighter with a massive weapon is something that's appealed to me for a long time in this quest and I think it matches our playstyle really well.
I think we should get that broken sword we took repaired and identified and use that!
The skills that became 'armsmaster perks' as they existed then - and they do now in pretty much the same form - though expect me to throw bolts from the heavens to discourage metagaming - were last detailed in Thread 18, I believe: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/44309252/#p44311023

So it's not a matter of whether or not we can wield such a weapon - just a matter of how long we can do it and what options are available to us at the time. If it's something the players as a collective want to invest in, then it's going to become much easier for Ascheritte over time, and we'll have more options opening up for us in the future as a result - especially as things begin to diverge from what I originally had planned before hiatuses and deep thought changed much of what I had in mind for this Quest.

As of right this moment, however, it seems to be too controversial. I'll probably put off spending EXP for another thread, even - it'll incentivize my actually announcing a thread a fair amount of time in advance of running it.
I think the fatigue penalty is something we could work around by switching between the fluxsabre and a greathammer as needed. But yeah it would totally be ideal to invest some points in reducing that fatigue too.
That sounds good to me. It's better than 4 consistent voters at any rate.

By the way, when do you plan on ending the thread? It's 1:20 here and I should probably be getting to bed.
Yeah but we can't be that until we level up, which is why I was saying wait. You went YOLO NAO! and coulda fucked us.

Need a good level artificer or fortune tellr to ID

Maybe, but only if we can switch on the fly easier, which some games won't allow. It's never come up in BSO though. It'd suck if we start getting huge penalties because we tired our self out after 3-4 swings.

sounds fine. Today being new years killed attendance.
We've gone till like 4 am in the past and somehow managed to get a bunch of new voters at around this time too.
Gotta love those Australians. I feel like there's a weirdly large amount of them that participate in and write quests
Man don't try to make him end the thread already we've barely done anything
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You know what? Probably now. Yeah, let's do that.

Thanks for the replies. Happy New Year. See ya, dopes. Since I'm answering questions already I'll stay here for a while. If not, there's my Ask page and the Titanpad. Next thread whenever. I'll announce on Twitter, hopefully well in advance of running.
I'm 90% percent certain it's the remnants of the Great Emu War seeking to avenge the government bounty slaughter after the war ended.

Also calm down, I'm asking when he's ending, not to end the thread. I'm not going to leave until he does.

Well that didn't go like I expected.
B-but muh Australians
Damn. Thanks for running. I do wish you'd continue though, I feel like I can't ask any questions that you wouldn't have to answer with OOC knowledge.
Actually before I go, what NPCs buy equipment? I know Asherette sold to the General store before, but can you also sell to smiths and such? And do they buy at different prices or is the game nice about that?

Just limit it to stuff Asherette could find on the forums.
Who is best girl and why is it Aelriss? :^)
>not Tatsumaki
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>not Strife Memoriam-chan
Sell prices are congruent across merchants barring unpredictable circumstances - 'special deals', and the like - which don't really come up with ordinary NPCs. Ambition and unique needs or requests don't typically come up from NPCs - that the Forgemaster has displayed both of these things may or may not be cause for concern.

I know what you're wondering. Waifu poll when?
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>not colossal greathammer-san
Aelriss' temperment, conversation and ability to bail our ass out of shitty situations makes her unequivocally the best.
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>having a fetish for ugly women
I didn't know that was even possible.
My nigga
>no flustered anime blush on the head of the hammer
you had one job
Let's just turn this Q and A session into a forum browsing session. Has anyone on the forums been able to sub-class yet?
Your waifu a big fat shit.
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I've died, been reborn, and died again to make this edit.
I wish I had stayed dead.
>colossal greathammer
Do you even THICC?
A warhammer would be T H I C C
A hammer the size of a cow is fat. No two ways about it.
Oh shit nice. I'm sure Sylv is stoked to get such quality OC from his devoted fans
Muh dick
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Do you enjoy our fanart? Is it all worth it now?
That isn't REAL thicc.

We'll have to do a proper forum browsing session in time - especially as that's something that can be done without taking much away from anything else.

While restoring Identifiers to fallen players is an issue of significant concern, the mystery of subclassing and how it's done appears to be equally elusive.

Player knowledge tells us that they haven't even gotten it right in Hecatelia yet, which means - right, like fucking everything else in this game - that there's something more to it than just numbers.
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I'm calling it now, you have to be taught it by another player.

Which would mean we're fucked because our only Artificer friend (rip that other guy that died, whatever his name was) went mono-Artifact and our choice of Technician is either a psychopath or a role player.
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>size of a cow
you are like a little baby
watch this
we need to go THICCER
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>bbw fetish
>tfw no fanart of Ascheritte
someone with money go commission this
So all the perks are the same but you just hid them with the new system?
>current year of 2016+1
>people on Worstchan with dosh
We can be babies together
Speaking of subclasses, what are you guys interested in? I know a few people really like the idea of taking the technician class and becoming a "techknight" but I'm competely undecided. I think artificer would be kinda interesting though even though the magic system seems pretty limited. Or maybe explorer would help us be even more mobile.
It's just hard to think of anything when we don't actually know how it works. For all we know the secondary classes are completely different than the primary ones we're familiar with.
No. A lot of how it works - especially in terms of what leads to what along the fictional 'talent tree' and some of the more minute details of things - have been changed, especially where routes that weren't of our immediate interest were concerned. Pretty much nothing more than one step in any direction is the same as it was before - now, though, it all exists in a more immediate, more intuitive, and ultimately less relevant form, which is good for me, and I believe for the Quest.
I feel like that makes it harder to make any sort of coherent build but I guess we'll just have to find out. So does anyone besides Aelriss actually understand our artifact?
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As a rather late aside, now that I don't have anything else on my mind? Kengo's sword is a dao - of course, it's custom-order from a Celestial Altar, but it stands to reason -someone- could craft such a thing.

Not to our knowledge.
I don't really care about subclassing at all. As long as our perks complement our fighting strategy of barreling in headfirst and killing shit I'm satisfied.
So what happens when we level up a specific weapon skill? Does it just increase our damage or does it give us more options and techniques when wielding it? I think it'd be better to increase weapon skills by actually using the weapon but that's probably just me.
>Not to our knowledge
As it should be. Only the best girl really understands us.
So that conversation with the smith took entirely too long (probably partially my fault) but could we possibly expedite shopping and other stuff like that in the future? Shopping is the worst part of RPG quests. It always seems to take up half of the thread.
Improving a weapon skill improves performance - in terms of swinging it or pulling the trigger and successfully dealing damage to whatever you're aiming at. The effects of any abilities reliant on wielding that weapon are also improved by function.

It's come up before. I've done things to that end in the past and will do so in the future, but it's been a long while since I've run a sequence like this - honestly, I didn't expect something so polarizing.
If only the devs weren't weebs nobody would have to go through the trouble of custom ordering one.

Still, I'm excited. I mean, just look at how good this sword looks.
It makes me... moist.
>liking flat girls
disgusting. full-bodied greathammers are REAL women
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I've always like my women with small busts and wide hips.
What kind of damage does our fluxsabre deal?
So we asked the forge dude about the pale aethersteel and we got an unsurprisingly vague answer. Does it just do more added damage than normal aethersteel or what?
I'm assuming bonus fire damage that has some special property about it.
>that skinny nip sword
We might as well hit monsters with our superior 1000× folded purse anon
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Chink, not nip.
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>nip sword
>can't tell the difference between a Chinese sword and a Japanese one
mfw surrounded by plebs
We literally charge something every time we fight. Spear or lance please.
yoooo okay so what if we got a really fuckin big sword
I like greatswords, but I think that's too normal for some of the people here.
I like greatswords too, buuuuuut same problem with great hammers. Fatiguing as hell. WE should probably stick to bastard swords until we get titan's strength.
I could deal with a colossal greatsword but hammer or axe would be my preferred options
We already have one Perk that decreases fatigue with two handed weapons so I don't think it would really be that bad
It's still going to wear us out fairly quickly. If we can mitigate with level up that'd be great.
When I say greatsword I mean something like a DnD Greatsword. Like a Claymore. Nothing huge like Gut's Sword for instance.
I'd be down.
That's hardly any different from what we've been using for a while now though
Maybe that areneid axe counts as a colossal weapon? We should swing it around to see how quickly fatigue sets in.
Let's just repair our gear and wait until the forge has some new things to choose from. Otherwise investing in upgrading it would be a waste. In the future we should put all of our gems into our artifact.
desu I'm even fine with using a fucking rapier if it means we get more updates

post never ever

just fucking pick something and write OP
We'd still need our weapon for when it recharges anon. Not to mention some memories don't have offense of their own.
Which is why I said we should repair our gear. Including our bastard sword. Then invest in a better weapon once the forge has a better selection.
We really should get the upgrade that repairs everyones stuff all the time. Make life much simpler for everyone involved.

The gates are also a must. Could make the observatory a gate hub.
Yeah I like all of the options available, but the alliance could help in upgrading it honestly. We spent two of our gems on the forge which is a good investment. I'm excited to see what weapons become available. We could ask each of the guilds in the area to do the same. For different upgrades of course.
It would also solve our population issues if we connected to other places.

With a neutral city as a gate hub, we can very rapidly gather more people and resources than any of our potential rival citys.
The Observatory is not ours alone. Everyone who helped claim it should have an equal share in upgrading it.
Celestial Gems are just to rare to do it on our own.

At the moment I just think we should just repair our broken gear.
Research how to uncurse our equipment. This I assume we can find out by asking a few of our friends or searching through the forums.
That way we have an enchanted bastard sword and very decent armor.

After that is taken care of we can identify our loot, sell what we don't need, restock on healing items, and collect our share of the Observatory's profits.

With our shopping done for now we can head to the main city to see how things are there and use the fortune teller. Etc.

Then of course we can head back to the Observatory, because I assume our next goal will be fighting the spider boss with whatever help we can get.
We can check on the forge then and see if the forge master has made any progress in his research.
We can decide on if we want to change our equipment then.

Personally I'm fine with anything as long as it fits out skillset.

It would potentially save alot of lives.

Everything else aside.
Thank you for running OP and for the time you've put into this quest. It is by far my favorite.
We know how to incited gear. Fortune tellers do it. And pale flame aethersteel are a major upgrade over a plain steel bastard sword with fire focus.
Based on that fortune all the guild leaders spent a shit ton of money on the earthsea area could become a pretty good neutral hub city. I'm reluctant to open up Averron to other cities because they might not all be friendly toward us
Well if we get the guard upgrade we can order the autonomatons to also cover Averron as well.
It might cost a bit, but it'd be worth it.

In the end this is a little in the future, though we have to be careful, i doubt these celestial gems are going to be infinate in number.
Also with the request a new facility:
Maybe ask for a chapel or communal respawn room? So people can set themselves to ressurect there instead of scattered randomly throughout the underground.
Another good idea to bring to all the guild leaders. It'd really help make our casualties less of an impact on our population.
Hol up, you're lying! The name of that thing was Ascheritte, not blank.

Or am I senile?
No you're definitely right. Pretty spooky.
I want to get some kind of pale aethersteel weapon no matter what. It's just too cool to pass up.
guys where do I go to find someone to do a portrait of Ascheritte
Just Google "character art commissions" and find someone with a style you like
Well here's my 2cents on everything:

No collosal weapon. Pale aethersteel warhammer, that's it. I'd rather something that we can reliably wield, and the buildpath I want does not include raw strength in a timely manner.
Obviously try out the fluxsabre, but it will probably be the next weapon replaced due to the unreliability.

Otherwise, focus on melting down or repairing our junk to make better armor. Maybe look into armor that gives status resist, jesus fuck. Curse resist might be too pricey if it even exists, though.

>Guild Politics
I'm for making our own guild. No sense biting off more than we can chew, with all the drama. Angling for Aetherforged, unless anyone has other specific themes in mind.

>Overall Plan
Just sort out Observatory policies and everything. Gotta make sure things don't go to the shitter the moment we log off. Also, check out that simulation place to see what item gathering is like, if there's a line of people or anything.
I would like a weapons that synergizes with charge more easily honestly. Hammers kinda suck for it. That said we do need more better armor. I wonder if palefire aethersteel armor is a thing? It'd prolly be better than most of our current gear.

As for the flux saber I recommend it be our boot dagger. It's small enough and can be a nasty surprise for someone.

Guild wise I am ambivalent on themes. We should probably implement a " donate a CG and get a flat 10% discount in the observatory" though.
It'd have to be some damn good armor to make it worth giving up our inertia charge
We can get the same thing leveling up, and the rest of our gear besides the cuirass is do an upgrade.
How about a colossal greataxe instead.
It's both a hammer and axe, and once we get titan stronk it'll be easy to wield for massive damage.
I'm down for that
We get stamina maluses for Colossal gear without the perk.
So we get the perk!
IF we can get the perk, sure.
>I would like a weapons that synergizes with charge more easily honestly.
ah, that's different. If it's that, punch gauntlets or lance is the way. I chose hammer to cover our blunt damage spectrum and for the coolness factor, but if it's strictly trying to make charge better I'd pick from those 2.
Dude we literally used a stalagmite as a charging weapon in this game
We can! It requires two points! We're sure to level up soon and get it!
I would like to note that regardless if we get colossal weapons or not, it should probably be a sword as we already have a skill point in greatsword but none in hammers/mauls.
We start with a skill point in any non-exotic melee weapon whenever we use it. The point just hasn't showed up in the character sheet since we've never wielded a hammer or axe in the game.
We get a point into literally any melee weapon we wield, anon.
no we didn't. At no point did we use the pegacharge with the stalagmite.
>You’re on your feet and running; you lift it from the top, and it comes loose with the sound of earth moving and stone cracking. You whirl around, momentum building into a swing as the enormous legionnaire comes into proximity.
Not every charge is a pegasus charge anon
>whirl around
yeah, but it isn't even a regular charge. Asche specifically stopped moving forward to swing in a different direction.

and what would even be the point if you aren't using the pegasus charge? I'd rather screw around with lightsabers if that's how it's going to be.
Actually, technically, it was spinning around while moving forward in one direction. Think of it like centrifuge on legs.
Either that or Asche was spinning and the legionnaire came into range.
I was thinking it was that one, since I assumed that the stalagmite being cut was not, you know, in between Asche and the legionnaire. So the legionnaire would have to move into Asche from a different direction from the charge.
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Something like this, basically.
for a second there, I thought you took the time to do a tegaki.
Colossal hammer and axe should double as a shield as well, I imagine you could hide behind them well.
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Nice ID.
in respect for your ID:
>double as a shield as well
It would work about as well as shoving it up your ass. Pretty possible with the shaft, but you're kind of amazing if you could do it with the head.
Plus imagine the damage we could do with each swing of the biggest weapon made from the highest quality material we have available. We'd get fatigued after fewer swings but we'd require fewer swings to kill stuff. And we can always switch to our fluxsabre or other smaller weapon to mitigate the fatigue buildup.
Not really looking for big damage, I'd prefer something that can survive attrition, seeing as we're off-tank at the minimum.
Why doesn't the alliance work with our spooky blacksmith to make that excavator?
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That's hot. I expect the head to be at least torso-sized, though.
Big insertions is one of my fetishes.
>not interested in big damage
What are you, gay?
>getting another temporary big damage mode when we just got one artifact that does it, and an axe that might serve that purpose as well
If we're going to have all these "super modes" I'd rather live long enough to cycle through all of them.
As a non shitpost response though look at how we fight. We think of new and somewhat questionable ways to inflict as much damage as possible in like every fight. Massive damage is our role in the party.
You can stack them.
The ruby memory only boosts our damage only if we utilize the environment. Not our weapons. And that axe is a shit tier drop compared to that shiny new pale aethersteel.
Furthermore, consider this:
Freedom of movement
Huge weapon
It's also free, giving us a chance to get something else in the meantime.

And I actually meant the Kjoribolts and Ruby lasers, those are pretty powerful dps options.

I can see a lot of synergy between a colossal weapon and the Exile memory, but it's really my preference to get tankier first. It's easier to improvise offense, or we can hit up Smith to see if he has any experimental weapons he wants tested(that we can use due to Brawler passive).

oh, I guess I didn't need to mention it.
uh, what?

From the titanpad:
With the Memory of Ruby, temporarily attack from a distance with destructive energy from Strife Memoriam.

Laser is fired from forehead gem, does not take up a hand slot.

Aimed with line of sight, not head position. May be affected by blinding effects.

While active, significantly increases the user’s physical effect on their environment, improving the ease of feats of strength. No effect on damage of attacks.
>While active, significantly increases the user’s physical effect on their environment, improving the ease of feats of strength. No effect on damage of attacks.
Yeah this is exactly what I was talking about
So basically we used the stalagmite as a loophole to cause more damage with a "weapon" because the weapon is actually a part of the environment.
I'm not sure at all of what you're trying to say here.
It doesn't give us a damage boost with actual weapons. It just let's us fo shit like tear rocks out of the environment to throw them or bash people with them.
Bolts require celestial energy.
Energy which can be spent on flying and whacking moles.
Also, regarding ruby lasers, they require no hand.
And strife memoriam has cooldown period as well.
Besides, we can get tankier first rather than remove fatigue malus. We can simply switch weapon once we start getting fatigued until we get perk.
I think it'd definitely be smarter to get rid of our fatigue malus first. We have regen and a great healer with Aelriss' bird. And we can always just get better armor for more damage resistance. My priority level up list would be
>Fatigue malus
>Tanky skill
>Greathammer or greataxe weapon skill point
I want Charge unlocked, max out haste, maybe some actually skills bedsides concussive.
Yeah I'd be willing to vote for mobility or evasion skills instead of tank skills. It's arguably more useful for our playstyle than just being able to take more damage.
That is my preference. As for weapon skill points, we will see in future whether it's a priority or not.
mine is
>Tanky skill
>Fatigue malus
Tanky skill can be dodge tank skill. ;)
not with this shit again
I honestly don't think WoW-tier strategies like damage sponge tanks really apply to this game at all. The combat here has actual depth.
I advocate for the same mobility/evasion skills as you, where is the issue?

Does it frustrate you? Is your semantics autism triggered? WELL GOOD
just this overall talk of like what our build should be
Well in that case it's just my hopeful wishes and vision. Such things usually don't survive practical test. In the end it's all about character interactions and a wild ride for me. How it's achieved isn't really that important as long as we don't die and generally somewhat succeed in what we're doing.
Though I really want it done my way HNNG
I just want to chip in and say that any semblance of reasoning one way or the other aside I find great hammers to be really meh
Honestly, we shoulda saved those gems for the Strife Memoriam. It's our main weapon anyway. All points gained should go towards survivability.
Tats already took fists, though. What other blunt options are there?
How would you guys feel about more esoteric upgrades to Strife Memoriam rather than just improving its stats in general? Stuff like letting us go deeper into their memories, playing through a significant part of their lives, and then improving that specific memory's strength by increasing our understanding of whichever boss we're imitating?
A good way to get fucked up mentally.
I was hoping to reduce PP commit until we can manage 2 concussive strikes, unless the cost is too high. Any of the heavier upgrades we get is going to drive up that commit cost, after all.
Seems like a waste to spend gems on reducing the PP commit when we can just increase our PP by leveling up
Possibly. But if the first reduce PP cost is cheap, why not?

I'm working on intuition here, and I keep feeling there's another shoe waiting to drop regarding artifact attuning.
You have all sorts of options. Blunt damage isn't limited exclusively to fists and great hammers.
yeah, but any in PARTICULAR that you feel is cooler than "meh" greathammers?
Morning stars, maces, flails, clubs, your wits.
aka things that are marginally different from hammers
That's like saying everything with a point is a spear.
You just went full retard.
I like Halberds.

I'll totally support halberds. Spinning, too.
Halberds are trash. It's like someone took a perfectly good axe and asked themselves "How can I appeal to the gay community?" while making halberds.
flail I can see, but how is club or mace or morning star(which is pierce, not blunt) any different from warhammer in terms of use? You still swing them and do the occasional block.
Morning stars are on a chain too, larger head, shorter chain though. They can be both pierce and blunt. Maces are one handed, warhammer are two handed. Maces take more skill as they aren't a OHKO weapon.
no, morning stars are pretty specifically NOT on chains.

The ones that are are chain-morningstars, and you can just call them flails, anyway.

>Maces take more skill as they aren't a OHKO weapon.
so what part of this is cooler? The kneecapping aesthetic?
Flails are a pants-on-head retarded weapon design.
>Maces take more skill as they aren't a OHKO weapon.
source: your ass
What if we got a greatsword AND a Lance.

Shitposting at it's finest
Finest? He wasn't getting any (You)s until you.
Fine as in small, not good.
>say stupid things
>if I call you out for it I'm just shitposting
Why'd you not want an OHKO weapon?
Fatigue, it needs a LOT of room and it's only a OHKO on humans who don't have shields or hax. Also makes us a HUGE target.
Attracting attention and dealing huge damage is kinda our role in group combat. Also you're confusing me, first a hammer is a OHKO weapon and thats a bad thing but now it's not always a OHKO weapon and thats a bad thing. The only real problem is the fatigue which we can fix with a level up.
It's traditionally a OHKO weapon against normal humans, but we don't fight Normal humans. We're not a tank, we don't have the artifact for a tank either. We're an offtank at best, furthermore the hammer has size issues that can be a big pain in narrow areas.
>Attracting attention and dealing huge damage
you don't want both of those at the same time

>size issues
we already have weapons for close, medium, and even ranged combat. The last spot to fill is long, which can be done by the hammer or a similar weapon type.
Traditional MMO terms and really hold no meaning in BSO. And we have the ability to change to a smaller weapon if necessary. But I can't think of a single time where we were in such tight quarters that a colossal greathammer wouldn't be usable so far.
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You'd know, wouldn't you? You poopoo-eating homosexual, you.
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I've got a pretty bad feeling about what we helped Freya do. I bet she's gonna do some bad shit with her new power and then we're gonna get accused of being an undercover Freakshow member or something.
What the fuck man?
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