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Greentext Quest 4: Dick First

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 563
Thread images: 65

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Looking for an epic sci-fi adventure with awesome weapons, galaxy-spanning adventure, crazy alien races, and amazing artwork from great sci-fi artists? Well stick a dick in your ass, this isn't that thread.

Looking for poorly written smut, antics, and the insufferable rabble of the masses trying to obtain more waifus? Start posting, brother

Second thread (archived): http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/40442/
First thread (archived): http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/51460/
Previous thread: >>65577
Pastebin with most of story: http://pastebin.com/iYYxphKX

In the last thread:
When the Queen Elf continued to refuse audience, it wasn’t only James that got annoyed. Aalna, his orc wife, started arguing, one thing led to another, and suddenly James was rampaging through the palace with an almighty six-pronged tentadick maelstrom. He was getting better and better at this phallomancy thing. Unfortunately, the Elf Queen was less than impressed, and James narrowly avoided his doom thanks to the Librarian Elf from earlier. Together, the lot of them escaped the elven city in a daring chase that culminated in summoning a dick tree, the fruit of which finally gave James the epic girth he needed to fight off his assailants. The librarian elf, Nellia, was graciously accepted into the harem, having sacrificed all she knew for a stranger.

Then came the slimes. They worshipped an entity known as the Great Mother and, after masterbating into her holy pool, James succeeded in summoning her. She brought with her enormous jugs and a prophecy that James would fulfil. Either he world save the world, or plunge it into darkness. Both choices seemed to involve a lot of fucking, so James was set.
Afterwards, though, he was ambushed in his sleep by an elf assassin, who had beef with him after he disgracefully knocked her out with his tentacock. She failed to kill him. Now she wants to convert Nellia away from the D. Heading closer to the Dens, James has found himself captured while away from the girls collecting firewood.

>Magic dick saves day after fucking up elf queen meeting
>Obtain new elf waifu (Nellia)
>See slimes
>Jerk it into holy fountain
>Meet goddess
>OTHER elven bitch tries to kill us
>Get kidnapped by flying thing

EXP TO NEXT LEVEL: 375 (625/1000)
ACHIEVEMENTS: Attained level 1
CLASS: Cock Mage
SPELLS: Cock Growth, Twin Dick, Tentacock

If you want to make a choice for the character, state what you want to do and roll 1d10 (dice+1d10). The first post that rolled a 5 or higher will be used, UNLESS a specific post gets voted as the choice. A post won't be considered popular enough to be considered unless it has a MINIMUM of four votes. Note that having multiple posts saying the same thing doesn't count as a vote for an action. Remember that all choices are, ultimately, up to QM discretion.
Any suggestion?
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYnVYJDxu2Q
Rolled 6 (1d10)


Busty Milf-ish and blue haired.
See bird girl standing over us, redhead c-cupped and baby faced. Ask her what she wants from us
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Nice job fucking up the master post, OP. First link is obviously the first thread, second is the second thread.

>Steady breathing for the focus you need to use your spells
>Hear owner of voice moving closer
"I'm not supposed to be in here, but I like to break the rules. You do too, don't you? A male, so close to the Dens all alone. Ehehe~ I'm going to be the first one to mate with you."
>Figure moves closer
>Pants move down
>Bigger dick
>Suddenly, dick is warm and wet
>Lose focus
>Can kinda make out movement in the darkness
>Bitch is obviously blowing you, though
>Kinda clumsy, but the tongue action is great
>Gets up
"Ehehe, did you like that? You look like you did. Now it's my turn."
>More movement
>SHIT something in your face
>Turn head away
"Hey, hey. Don't be like that! I was so nice to you..."
>Feel something weird move your head
>Shoved into something
>Oh, it's a cunt
>Might as well do this
"Yes, yes... You're so very good. Ah, ah~"
>Pulls away
"Now for the fun part, ehehe~ I'm going to mate with you."
>Aw, geez
>Can't even see her
>Suddenly loud noises
"Galla! How dare you!?"
"O-oh, Nesh. I didn't... I wasn't..."
"Like hell you weren't! You know he's to go to Eairn first."
"Yes, but... He's so pretty."
>Second chick, Nesh? sighs
"He is, but those are the rules."
"Mmn... I don't like the rules..."
>These bitches...
Rolled 3 (1d10)

question the bird girl. What'd she bring us here for...although we have a good hunch
Rolled 6 (1d10)

wait around from them to bring you to Eairn
when they do, explain to her that you are the god of fertility
I like this plan. backin' it. Hopefully it goes better than the elf queen
Well, when we met a random elf and told her, Meran's response was "W-What? That is... that is obscene! Clearly you are not a god. No god would partake in the flesh of mere mortals"

But when we met the harpys, they raped us.

So I think this race will be more open minded about sex
Yeah, what I expect them to be less open about is us leaving.
This and attempt to contact our group. Or at least find out where we are.
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"Very well, Nesh. I am sorry."
"Good. Now be off."
>Some of it comes close
"Hmmn. You will be fun, won't you?"
>Pants go back up
>More shuffling
>Squirm in your "bonds"
>No use
>Well don't you feel useless
>You're not even quite sure what you would do if you knocked the shit out of everyone with your tentadick
>Probably get the shit beat out of you
>Might as well wait
>Fall asleep waiting
>Noise wakes you
>A lot of shuffling this time
>This darkness is getting annoying
>Ask for some damn light
"Light? Why would- oh, yes. Humans cannot see very well in darkness, can they? Well, I suppose we can accommodate. Eairn?"
"Yes, eldest."
>Orb of weak light
>It would be weak if you weren't in pitch darkness straining your eyes
>Blinking tears from your eyes
>Slowly they focus
>About a half dozen harpy chicks in the room note: they have human legs, but plenty of harpy art has bird legs
>One of them is obviously older than the rest
>Must be the "eldest"
>She speaks up after you stop blinking like a moron
"Well, dear, you've been caught. How unfortunate for you, but very fortunate for us. Don't worry, though, you won't think you are so unlucky soon."
>Well, before you start, they should know that you're a go-
"Pish posh, it doesn't matter what you were. You belong to this clutch now. Such a pretty thing. You will make cute hatchlings."
>Is this some karma shit for beating up chicks with your dick?
>That was self defense!
>Fug, you don't wanna be raped
>Tell them you aren't alone, your wives will be here to help you
"Hm? Wives? You mean the orc, mato, and two elves? Hahaha! They were scrambling about earlier, but they didn't get close to the nest. Now, don't worry about something silly like wives. You have plenty of mates here now."
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Explain through interpretative dance.

Jazz Hands
You ass
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Cast twin dick, and tell them that you can cast even better spells, but only if your hands and legs are freed

(don't beat them if if they free you, just fuck the shit out of them, six at a time, then try to escape when they're tired)
And in typical me fashion I'm going to bugger off to go and get dinner. I will 100% be back later, though, because I want to work on this more and I have nothing to do tomorrow.
I'll back this. It's probably better than what my suggestion would have been.
Voting for this
Jazz hands hype
Sounds like it is time for G.Top quest redux.
Two things,
1: if our harpies have human feet, how did they pick us up?
1.5: aww, i like the bird feet...
2: how long till we die from distance from orc waif?
That's a good point...how DID she get us with human feet.
Okay, retcon because I'm dumb. Bird feet.
We don't know to the second one.
I hate mobile so much.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

We explain to them that if we don't get all our wives brought to us then we die and both sides are fucked?
Human legs with clawed harpy feet?
But then that's basically the image used >>97156
. I don't think human feet could latch on and carry someone like a bird feet are pretty much designed to do.
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Here's my attempt at making a map of the places we know so far.
Some things we aren't sure the locations of, so I've guessed. If there's location information in the story that I missed, let me know

information we have:

woke up in catgirl village (forest)

headed east: found orc village

while in orc village:
to the north: shrine (plains), past that, human village
to the south: "blasted lands", past that, ocean
to the east: mountains

headed north: encountered an elf, who then took us to the elf village

chased out of elf village (which direction did we run out? north maybe?)
talked with elf girl: shrine/slimes nearby, mountains also nearby

found the shrine, slimes live there

headed north: arrived at human village

while at human village:
mountains are nearby
ocean is also nearby
past the mountains is something similar to the blasted lands from the south. according to elf girl: "Some believe that dragons and necromancers worked together or perhaps warred. The sage that returned claimed there was a forest of large trees past it all that received almost constant rainfall"

headed towards the mountains: got kidnapped by harpys
Pastebin has caught up to current point.
World has magic everywhere. Maybe harpies can transform between more birdlike and more humanlike.
James sure has a wicked luck stat, getting involved into sexual situations even when he's not trying.
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Seems accurate enough. Like I said, I'm bat at maps so I tend to just cramp various biomes next to each other.


Yeah, like the first harpy pic

Using this instead of interpretive jazz hands because HANDS ARE ENCASED IN STONE

>Wait, there's a problem
>See the purple marks on you?
>They're from a binding ritual
>If you're away from an orc for too long you'll die!
"My, my, that is troublesome. You've been here for at least half a day. How long until you begin to die?"
"You are afflicted with this problem and you don't even know what your limit away is?"
>Well, you're married to an orc. It's not like it matters
"Hm. You can't sire the nest's many clutches of youth if you die soon. Bauv."
"Find the boy's wives and bring them here. Keep them close. Perhaps the orc can be further away without his death."
"Yes, eldest."
>Well this didn't help much
>Aha! They won't let you kidnap them!
"Ahaha! How cute. Boy, we don't need to kidnap them. We will just say we've found their husband and are nursing him back to health after a nasty spill. Mending a broken bone can take months, you know?"
Rolled 10 (1d10)


Channel dick magic to the arms, expand and break the stone!
I don't think that's how phallimancy works anon.
Dick arms
Rolled 1 (1d10)

can we even do that? I hope our dick magic can work on other things, and not just on our dick. I really want Zan to get a magic dick for a scene

If that doesn't work, maybe just try >>97207
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Eh, I guess I'll back this. Maybe some kind of glowy eye shit happens that makes them reconsider keeping a god hostage?
Confirming magic only works on dick.
Arms to dicks,
This guys on it. >>98605 >>98799

Why are you such a stick in the mud? Just turn arms into dicks. How many 10's do I have to roll before my wish gets granted?
Rolled 8 (1d10)

If that's the case, then try to exert some of our godly might to convince them to let us go?
In what way?
Best way I can think of describing it is that due to our irritation our voice becomes booming, our eyes glow. The air is tense, that sort of deal. Or I dunno, my our cock glows instead.
Let's call this a magical effect. Someone roll 1d20

1-5: Nothing
6-10: Cock + eyes glow
11-15: ^ + Voice booms
16-20: ^ + We free ourselves
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)


>Alright, that's enough!
>Let me go right now, or you will face my wrath!
>Fuck that was loud
>Cave reverb?
>Stand up, glaring at the harpys
>They back away, eyes wide, in terror
>Notice dick is glowing
>And you're free
>And you can see better?
>Feel a little dizzy
>Glowing of dick stops
"W-what are you?"
>You're a god, a god of fertility
>One you were going to rape
>Elder looks at younger harpies
"We... We are sorry, ah..."
"James? Uh... We are sorry, James. It is just... there hasn't been a male here alone in so long. The nests, they will begin to lose elders soon, and then clutches. There are so few hatchlings."
>Yeah, that sucks and all, but maybe not kidnape and rape guys?
>Try for a stern look
>If they don't, you'll prevent their race from being able to have kids
"N-no! Please!"
>Eldest bows, girls follow
"Accept out apology, James."
>Eldest looks up
"You have many wives, yes? Take one of our own as a wife. I insist. Though..."
"Ah, as a god we cannot expect you to go through it, but... You are bound to the orc... Our high elder performs a merging. A human would gain the ability to see better in the dark, and they weigh a little less. Easier to live among us."
>Weigh less?
"For flight of course."
>Well, you don't even really know any of the girls, let alone love them
"Y-Yes, of course..."
>You are traveling, though, and a warm place to sleep with your wives would be nice
"Of course! That we can provide. Come..."
>Leads you away
>Cozy little cavern
>Light one
>Elder winces at the light, but adjusts
"Here you are, god James."
Well that went well.
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Huh, the seeing in the dark thing seems okay. Ask if we can get to know one of the harpies before potentially bringing them along, and why there aren't men clamoring for some harpy ass.
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Accept ritual. Ask to see the blue feathered harpies and choose the one with the best color of blue.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

I think we should try to avoid the ritual; the orc ritual didn't go well.
Agree to take a wife though, and we'll send harpy kids back to them as we go about our journey

Also ask about the surrounding areas. The other races didn't know much about what was beyond the mountains
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Blue with Blue stripes.
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Blue with red highlights maybe?
Rolled 7 (1d10)

And Hot Rod flame decals.
With a V-8 Engine! And twin exhaust ports!
All we know is, she's called the Stig.
Now watch, he's gonna actually name her that too.

>Shit, you're already going to die away from an orc
>At least this one doesn't require you to have her around
>Having an aerial scout would be nice, too
>Also more sex
>Accept ritual
"Wonderful! I will leave you alone with some of the girls from the clutch, then."
>Any of them with blue feathers?
"Ah, no. Blue feathers... that is certainly rare. I believe Zaryal has blue flecks in her down, though the rest is grey. Quite lovely."
"Wonderful, wonderful. I will await your other wives and inform the high elder."
>She heads out
>About six other girls come in, among them you recognize the voice of Nesh and Galla
>They're quiet when they come in
>Girl from before, Eairn, steps forward
>Bows a little, though it's awkward
"Hello, god James. We are the Greyrock clutch. We are honored to be among your, ah... Selection."
>She seems flustered about it
>She was first in the rape line
>Can't really hold it against her, though
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reposting from last thread since i was really slow. heres how dick chanelling can work
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Wow her with your Jazz Hands
What color are the named one's feathers?
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Grab her ass, since how nice it is
Well now I gotta save the thread early because it's going to be deleted.
meant *see how nice it is
This guy gets it.
Shouldn't I have at least been allowed to roll to see if it would work? An overly controlling DM does not a good one make.
Good thing I'm a QM and not a DM
It's the same thing
Also fuck off :^)
I'm done for the night because of dickarm
I'll start a new thread tomorrow and hopefully dodge that shit.
I'm gonna go cuddle with a girl now.
Fuck y'all. Except for the cool dudes. You're cool. Fuck >>99591 and >>99509 mostly.
hey no need to get hostile. we're all just here to have a wild time adventuring and other wild times sexing up whatever we cross. how we do it doesnt have to come all at once. id like to see the dick arm appear, but forcing it down when the qm already set up a chain of events is asking for trouble. i hope to see it in the future, but it may be too late to use it on harpies
>Bitches out because of criticism
At least nothing valuable was lost.
If you got better instead of defensive, there wouldn't be a problem.
Aww yeah, jazz hands time.
>Futa Zan
Are you me?
One would think dick spells work on, i don't know, dicks?
Arm != dick
I'm mainly leaving because I expecting thread to be deleted. I'm contemplating re-starting the quest in paragraph form and also blatantly calling it waifu quest
I doubt the thread would be deleted over that image. You could just report it and they'd delete it. If you wanna do the paragraph form, why not give it a try next thread?
There's actually been plenty, far lewder things in /qst/ that have not been deleted.
Besides, it's blatantly obvious that only a single post would be deleted instead of the entire thread. Do you not know how 4chan works, op?
Probably a good plan. I have the thread saved + pastebin so I can start it. I'd have to really sit down and write, though, and make the story less lolsorandumb
Alright, cuddles time. Keep a lookout for Waifu Quest. I'll keep my name but change my tripcode.
If you do restart it, Are we gonna just go from where we are now? I'd feel a bit bad losing all the progress we've made.
Hey, I've been waiting for an evil dick for way too long, don't expect much OP, he's an OP after all.
We also have yet to have any male characters.

If you want to write a shitty self-insert light novel go ahead, but don't try to get rid of the one thing that makes this shit fun. Lolsorandum is what gives this shit spice, that's why we have the dice.
If you want people to stop that, you need to make them care about the outcome through engagement. And if you can't think of creative ways around that shit, that's your problem.
Now quit whining OP and hold hands with your fillipino ladyboy "gf".
I just dont like how OP gave up character traits to appease the mass. Blue hair girl was a fun gag, but because of complainers suddenly blue girls are extinct from the rest of the world. Now people find new things to bitch about and OP cant take it.
Yeah, it's a little ridiculous. Blue feathers are an extremely common trait in avians.
Well, we still have mostly blue haired girls. I was actually kinda hoping for a blue haired harpy with red highlights. And I was gettin' tired of every girl needing blue hair.
Eh, you're right. I'll pick back up here tomorrow. FUCK IT, FIRST SUGGESTION THAT ROLLS A 10 IS GO, NO MATTER WHAT. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN WAIFU FUCKING NOT SUPER SERIOUS SHIT. tomorrow still though
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> What did he mean by this?
Rolled 10 (1d10)

we kill ourselves
Death best girl. Confirmed.
I mean we are a god, we take a underworld joyride get a succubus or something
>Are you me?
Maybe. Futa and catgirls are both pretty common things though, so it makes sense that there are people who like both of them
Rolled 3 (1d10)

We get TWO bird waifus
Rolled 7 (1d10)

take harpy waifu then head north to keep exploring

and I like the greentext format for this quest
Top Kek
Anon you fun guy, I'm crossing my fingers that we'll get to fug the queen of the underworld
I'll only be okay with G.top taking this choice if we get a cute dullahan waifu
Holy hell what did you guys do? I'm gone for one day and you fucking bully op until he's about to quit?
Welp, I know that feel.
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He'll either break or come out of it stronger. This is small fry compared to what would happen if he made a genuinely controversial decision.
As the anon who (You)'d the "I like blue hair" I apologize for the grief I unwittingly burdened you with. I had no idea there would be a shitstorm like this.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

Why? G.top already seemed unhappy, why pushhim harder.

D100, save the world!
guess it's time to go fap then
As I sit here munching on my corn flakes, stupid fucking smile on my lips, I'm incredibly excited to write this. After all, it's just three words. Vague, really. Suicide isn't a requirement. Prepare your dicks
I just woke up though, My dick isn't ready

>Yeah, great
>You really need to take a walk, though, your legs are stiff after all that being stuck in the floor
>Tell the harpies to relax, you'll be back soon
>Wandering through caves
>Fucking darkness
>Hey, light up ahead!
>Walk towards it
>Cave entrance
>Damn, lovely view
>Staring at the stars and shit
>Land hard
>Shit, that hurt
>Blinking away lights in eyes
>Rubbing forehead
>Look up
>Everything is different
>Grey expanse, sky is kinda... glowing?
>Floor is pitch black, though
>Where are you?
"So you have come, then. The Eye was wrong. Destiny can be changed. I wish I could say I knew all along."
>Turn around
>Ivory skinned chick in a black robe
>Looks you up and down
"You aren't what I was expecting. Rather plain."
>Where are you?
"This is the afterlife. Like a fool you managed to die falling out of a harpy cave. Now you will remain here, destiny unfulfilled. The world will not be at peace, but at least there will be no dark age either. Less work for me."
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Ask her name and try to seduce her.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Slightly freak out and try to convince her to take us back?
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Roll for a perception check and see if it's a dullahan.
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>Aw shit, really?
"Yes. Really."
>Come on, this is bullshit
>Can't she take us back to the, uh, life?
>Her lips split into a grin
"You may do what so many other do: You may challenge me to a contest of your choosing. Should you win, I will return you to your mortal bonds. Lose, however, and you become mine, your will at my command."
>That seems reasonable
"Very well. What shall the contest be?"
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Get ready for SEXUAL COMBAT. You know, just minus the combat part.
Rolled 10 (1d10)

dick growing contest
Well, needless to say we won that
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Contest of the one saying the highest number, she starts
>girls can't compete in a dick growth contest
Well obviously, but I mean, what if he rolled a 1? Then we'd have somehow lost.
Your suggestion won man, it's first to 5+ and the amount doesn't affect the outcome. If we need a roll to succeed we have to roll again, first roll is just to determine what we're doing, not if we do it basically.
Can we include>>101665
As part of it?

>Might as well do what we do best
>Sex contest!
>Grin doesn't fade from her face
"Predictable. And how shall we know one has lost this challenge?"
>Uh, first to cum?
>She throws back her head and laughs, a grating sound from deep in her throat
>Looks back at you, plainly amused
"And like any man you believe you can bring a woman pleasure before she can bring it you first. The Eye foresaw greatness down either path, yet you are so like every other mortal. Very well, then."
>Silently slips out of her robe
>Long, slender limbs and perky tits
>Not bad
>Casually toss off your clothes
>Focus for your usual dick growth spell
>Nothing happens
>Phew. There we go
>Her smile finally fades
"What is this? Magic cannot be used here."
>You're a god
"Impossible... A god could not have died. What... What are you?"
>She looks at you, confused
>Does this mean you can just go back without the contest?
"No. Whatever you are, I will still defeat you. I have only lost once, ever. You will remain dead."
>Yeah sure, whatever
>Look around
>Was that bed always there?
>Lay down
>Pat thighs
>Come on, bitch
>She sighs
"Like any other mortal..."
Do theone thing she doesn't expect. HOLD HER HAND!
Rolled 5 (1d10)

rolling for mirth
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Hopefully we do so well love blooms on the bed?
Thanks pal
Now we can woo her with the most vanilla of tactics.

>She strides over to the bed
>Transfixed a bit by the way she walks
>An almost easy grace where she glides across the ground
>She reaches the edge of the bed
>Look up into her eyes
>Reach out and take her hand in yours
>She looks at your linked hands
>Then back to you, eyebrow raised
>Just pull her slowly into the be with you
>Slow kiss, rubbing her silky smooth skin
>Break the kiss to nibble her ear, one hand squeezing her thigh, the other still holding hers
"Maybe you are different most arrogant men. But patient people have still lost..."
>Still haven't stuck it in her, though
>She hasn't bothered to start either
>Hell yeah, foreplay with Death
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Maintain foreplay, only relent once she wants it.
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Continue with foreplay until she's begging for the dick

>Kissing all up on that neck
>Slide a finger into her
>No noises
>Squeeze that ass
>Small, but not bad
>Nip at her neck
>She shifts just a little
>Oh, so that's how it is?
>Rear hand back and sharply smack her ass
>Hand kinda stings
>She takes a short breath
>Fucking pro at hiding what she likes
>Harder bite into her next
>Being rough with that ass
>She lifts off of you, you tug at her skin with your teeth
"That is enough. We will begin now."
>Can't you jus-
>Plunges puss onto your dick
>Holy fuck shit's amazing
>Thanks goodness you've been fucking your wives nonstop or you'd have bust already
>Start humping
>She just looks at you as you're getting into it
>This isn't going to work
>Grab her and roll her over
>Pull back and slam hard into her
>She purses her lips and blinks
>She's hard to read, geez
>It's kinda pissing you off
>Slap her across the face
>Head snaps to the side, hear her breathing shudder
>Grab her neck
>She turns to you
>Start squeezing
>Her hands come up to yours
>Doesn't try to pry them off, though
>Legs are starting to get tired from hitting her so hard
>You'd have bruises if this weren't the afterlife
>Wait, will you still have bruises?
>No time for that now
>Tell her she needs to hurry up, you have shit to get back to
>Smiles at you, strangled noise
>This bitch
>Slap her hard a few times, squeeze more
>Come on you stupid cunt!
>She blinks one, twice
>Closes her eyes
>Doesn't move
>Is that it?
>Did you fuck Death to death?
>No, not possible
>Okay, well, you're done
>Slam into her and spill your load
>Pull out and lay next to her, breathing hard
>After a bit she opens her eyes and looks over at you
"I should not have been surprised. Very well. You have bested me."
Rolled 6 (1d10)


Take her with us
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Since she's taking us back, ask if she wants to come along? I mean, this place seems pretty boring if it's just a grey expanse.
Just to save exposition, she won't return with us. She has to guide souls to their final destination.
Rolled 3 (1d10)


Ehhhh knock her out and force take her with us
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Attain fuckbuddy status and a reliable method to return temporarily for death romps.
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Fair enough, but if she's ever lookin' for a fun time she knows who to call. With that being the case, reunite with the waifus and harpies?
Now that we've bed death is Thanos going to take away our right to die?

>Well, you need to head back
>Hey, Death
>Since apparently only one other person has ever made you cum, want to keep hooking up?
>Wink wink
"Perhaps, though my work keeps me busy. I will come to you as you dream when I desire it. Now, then, back to your human bindings."
>Ah, you have a few questions...
"I am not at liberty to tell you the will of the gods. Many do not even know I have learned of their plans. Since you are more than human, more than even legend perhaps, I will not divulge."
>She leans in and gives you a little kiss on the cheek
"Do not die another fool's death."
>Yeah k
>Suddenly feel like shit
>Staring up at blackness
>Head is killing you
>Hear elder harpy and a few other familiar voices...
"He is awake!"
"Oh, goodness!"
"... Husband?"
>Small light
>Blink away tears
>Wives are there, standing around you
>Aalna looks relieved
>Nellia is smiling
>Zan is just staring at you, eyes red and puffy
>Vanyal is looking away from you
>Say you just had the best near Death expirence
>Aalna and Nellia exchange a look, Zan looks down
"God James? You... You were dead. In fact, we were allowing your wives to mourn before we began the death rites."
>Well that makes sense
>Slowly get up, head swimming
>Tell them what happened
"So you let us greive while you fucked, huh?"
"I have heard many tales of Death's true nature, but not one like this..."
"Of course a pervert like you would do such a thing."
>Zan stands up, looking pissed
>Other girls look at her
"Uh, Nellia, Vanyal...
"Oh, yes. We should..."
"Hurry up!"
>Vanyal, Nellia, and Aalna leave, along with elder harpy
>Zan steps over
>Slaps you
"... Husband, you said you wouldn't leave me. I was... I was scared I was going to be alone."
Rolled 1 (1d10)

When we become alive again we realize those bird brains put our pants on backwards!
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Hey now, we made it back. Temporary absence is better than permanence, no? Have some faith bby.

reassure through hugs.
Rolled 10 (1d10)


Move forward haha
Rolled 9 (1d10)

I didn't leave. I just took a short trip is all. I'm back aren't I?
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Hug your best waifu
Different id but glad you went with my idea. That was a cool side street to take.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Shoot I was too late
Give Zan a big ol' smooch and tell her that we wouldn't leave her, even in death.

Then get hiched with birb waif of Zan's choosing
Great side pussy, too.


>She nuzzles against you in the embrace
"... Please don't leave me again."
>Pat pat
>She looks up at you
>Smile at her
"... So did you wed Dead as well?"
>Naw, she's a busy chick
"... I do not think I could compete with her."
>Ruffle her hair
>Tell her she's adorable
>She blushes a little
>Head out to see other wives
>Hugs and kisses
>Even manage to convince Vanyal to hug you
"At least Nellia won't be sad, now..."
>Apologize for being such a fuckup
>Now, who wants a new companion?
"Another wife!? Is an elf and three others not good enough?"
"Oh, a harpy? I would love to examine her wings. Harpy wings are interesting. They..."
"I guess someone in the air would be smart. It would prevent another situation like this."
"... Birds are cute."
>Sounds like yes to you
>Go to talk to elder
>She gathers harpy girls once more
>Remember you don't know any of them very well...
>How to choose...
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Let's hear some singing

Pick somebody who looks like Papi from the monmusu series.
Ya know, youthful, blue haired, blue feathered, the stuff
Rolled 8 (1d10)


Forgot roll
blue feathers are apparently a great rarity. The closest we have is the harpy who was supposed to get us first has gray feathers with blue flecks.
Well, next best thing I guess.
No picture because this is short

>Harpy girls look at each other, grinning
>First girl bows slightly
"Allow me the honor of going first."
>Takes a breath
>Well fuck
>Repeat this process half a dozen times
>Your poor, poor ears
>That didn't help at all
Rolled 9 (1d10)


Check their flexibility, because you like flexible girls for sex and to be nimble in case the waifus have to fight against an enemy
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Take the one with the most powerful screech. It's painful, but in the event of trouble it'll be useful if we can hear it.
now we know.
this. alarm clock to wake us up from death's embrace.

>Well, one of them was particularly loud and grating
>Ask her to step forward
>Look to the other girls
>They all look her over
"Well, she looks like her muscles are well formed. I don't know how she might fight, but that's a good start."
"Muscle mass is an interesting thing, and her wings look well shaped. I will enjoy examining her."
"... Yes."
"Why are you looking at me? I don't care who you bed with!"
>Seems like a good enough choice
"Ehehe... I am honored."
>She gives you a peculiar smile
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Well, time to charm her
Rolled 9 (1d10)

What's her name? Introduce us man.
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I wanna fuck that.png
7KB, 224x225px
Rolled 6 (1d10)


Do it.
I'll back this too
>No picture because this is short
That's what the senpai said.
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574KB, 1024x668px
We've already met her. Go re-read the first harpy encounter in the cave.


>Well, no going back now
>Step forward
>Ask her name
"I am Galla. I am so happy you chose me. I am excited to see the world... with you."
>That smile again
>A bit off-putting
>Look over her again yourself
>Long black hair
>Round face
>Startlingly sharp green eyes
>Silky brown/grey feathers
>Kinda flat chest
>Pretty cute
>Get ready to lay on the moves
>Step a little closer
>Open your mouth
>She moves in and kisses you
>Gentle kiss, but she holds your face for a while
>Kiss breaks
>She giggles
"Thank you~ Should we begin the merging ceremony, then?"
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Well, better get it over with
Rolled 79 (1d100)

Yeah, seems fine. Don't make it too tiring, and we'll have a nice party tonight, k?
Rolled 3 (1d10)



Wew lad.


Include the elf assassin hehe.

>Elder takes you and Galla into a secluded part of the caverns
>Inform the wives that the ceremony can only be witnessed by harpies
>There won't be light, so you won't see anything
>They agree, though they tell you they'll be close
>Head in
>Softer screeching begins
>Galla echoes back a few things
>Suddenly embraced
>Soft feathers around you
>Slide your arms around her waist
"Ehehe~ So eager."
"Now, Galla."
>She bites your shoulder HARD
>Guaranteed drawing blood
>Eyes suddenly burn
>Squeeze them shut
>Galla's teeth move from your shoulder
>Feel the blood slide down your skin
>Plink on the cave floor
>Eyes stop burning
>You can see clearly now
>Galla looking up at you
"We are merged. Oh, isn't it wonderful?"
>Head back to wives, looking around at cave as you do
>Pretty cool, being able to see in the dark
>Elder bustles you and the girls into a snug cavern
>Brings in a few sacks with, you are informed, down feathers in them
>Brought some food and told to rest well
Rolled 10 (1d10)


Move into the mountain to find an Oni/lamia/hellhound waifu
Rolled 5 (1d10)

today was a good day, get that wound treated and rest
We already blew the slimes that gave us a nice place to rest, can we stop doing that to everyone we meet?
A rest sounds nice. Especially for the girls, they've been through a lot

This is a good choice. We can do >>102312 next time, but first is better to rest their tired bones and get to know each other, after all sex isn't the only thing in life
Hey, on mobile. My computer decided, after freezing up for 20 minutes, to have a hard drive failure. I gotta go fix this shit then head to my last final. Dune when I'll return, so discussion question: I'm not sure what to do with the blasted lands. Ideas?

Hellhound, salamanders, oni?
Perhaps whatever races are there were subsequently driven out by humans? Perhaps we can try and get some sort of peace treaty in the works? I can't imagine a place with the name 'blasted lands' is all that hospitable
Some evil guy who has cookies to lure us.
A post-scarcity economy running on skeletons.
A random bridge over lava and Death fucks up with timezones
They're called the blasted lands because of ancient magical wars that messed things up, so now very little grows there. The monsters who live there, while long-lived, have difficulty reproducing, but aren't really welcome anywhere else. Dragons, salamanders, etc.
This sounds pretty apt. I dig it.
Alternatively, maybe it wasn't magical wars, but something that happened to a certain deity which spurned the blessings of fertility. Who knows what the local monsters remember. Maybe they'll be welcoming. Maybe they'll be spiteful for having been abandoned for so long.
Both make sense. And it really all depends, The local monsters may be the ones warring with humans occasionally, Though if that were the case, they're probably on their last legs with no men among their ranks to reproduce with.
Have Vanyal become corrupted by her hatred of us.
Hey, we got a hug out of her. Girl's warming up. Double elf action, bitches

Though... she could be torn between a slowly eroding hatred and her traditional views only to be offered power by a mysterious entity to help the elves if she would stand against us first.
It may sound a bit out of place, but I wonder if we'll get a regular ol' human waifu at some point.
ew, gross.
Hey man, I bet she'd be totally pretty!
Well, could go always go with a human goddess waifu.
Sounds like a plan, I'm down with that. It could probably be instrumental in getting the humans to be cool with other races.
Now that I could go for, but she has to be at least three feet taller than us.
Huh, any particular reason why?
Amazon Goddess.

Aren't Amazon's considered as monster girls?
No? They can certainly have a similar bodytype but to my knowledge amazon women are not considered monster girls in any way shape or form.
Oh yeah, I forgot that was a thing
Well it really depends on the setting. But they do show up in Kenkou Crosse's work
Rolled 15 (1d100)

This. I want this.
Looks like the dice don't though
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Checkmate atheists.
They don't. They really don't. I've been rolling low all day
I'm talking like Wonder Woman yah dingus.
Best two out of three?
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Rolled 2521463656 (1d10000000000)

here I come.
If it's like Wonder Woman, then they probably wouldn't want a man in their home at all.
Explain batman then.
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First rule about Batman: You don't try to explain batman.
On another note, Maybe if we travel farther out we'll find a tiger girl?
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This one >>102606 sounds pretty on the money. But I think that while the scarce life that exists would be willing to kill and/or fug us, they absolutely, definitely would NOT want to share.

This one >>102588 sounds like a good idea to keep for a rainy day; maybe a Dead Marsh or volcano or something like that.
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>You don't try to explain batman.
You're goddamn right.
Yeah, but just wait until it turns out the proportions are the reverse of the catgirl, and it looks like some kind of manticore.
...I'mma need an image of this.
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Your welcome.
Don't bust too hard a nut.
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39KB, 351x509px
We all have things we're looking forward to.
Rolled (1d10000000000000000000)


I'd rather prefer a Hellhound or a Lamia.

Roll for lamiafu
Alright, now I know what to avoid
Fresh milk would be useful for our adventure
There's nothing stopping us from both appearing my man. Though out of those two I'd prefer lamia
I want an amazon waifu
Well hey man, maybe if we get lucky we'll find her. It's all up to the dice.

A holstaurus would be great. Depending the source, they could be natural wives and be stronger than your usual monster girl.
If we do find a Holstaurus, I hope they have some super strength. We only have Aalna if we want someone to look big and scary. We need a few more 'enforcers' so to speak
I prefer Lamia over Manticore too...

It's great that the birds believe in our deity.
Symbol of spring and offspring.
We need a cult of some sort. A temple somewhere, we already have a statue to us near the Slime's fountain.
I hoped the Harpies could write us a song. Well, someone write a bawdy song then, "we pork our way to Valhalla" or something.
>bawdy songs, the shits I learn in the English language due to 4chan

<spoiler>Next time, we organise a BLUES concert to pick up the one we get when none have blue hair. Come on, that was an easy one.</spoiler>
With the dire straights of the harpies, I kind wanna offer some 'service' to some of their clutch. We are a benevolent Lustbringer.
I don't really expect this to fly.
It probably could. The girls probably wouldn't be against a super orgy.
I have a hunch (secret wish) that, one of these days, the secret we whispered into Zan's ear near the beginning of the adventure will turn out to be the truth.
And when that time comes, she will realize this, and lead the first rebellion against our evil asses, which we will swiftly, sensually and brutally put down. Hail to the king, baby.
I vote for this >>102606

And hopefully your hard drive has seen enough porn to be able to out-fuck the HDD-Death god
Well, it's amusing that G. top choose the "soul crushing" harpy screech version. For a moment I though he would use the version where harpies are excellent singers who can lure men, or maybe i'm confusing them with sirens or other monster girls
Yeah, I think you're getting them mixed up with sirens
What I like about this idea is that they know of the legends, and tell us what we're supposed to be doing as a God about this world fertility thing.
I mean, beside dicking Death to death.

OP, while you reinstall your computer, try the captcha without any privacy addon to Google/reCaptcha on 4chan. (Or find another solution)
4chan changed to a ridiculously easy captcha a some months ago, but privacy badger iirc changed it to a hellish ink blob.
So the problem is probably on your side.
Good luck.
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Snakes and Ladders v2 Part 1.jpg
3MB, 2362x4889px
Actually, if OP is really out of commission, now might be a good time to plug this.

It was a project I worked on last year, but it got very little exposure among it's target audience, and didn't seem to catch, so I gave up.
But I have a feeling this is exactly the right place for it. If you like Waifu collecting and battle harems, you'll love this.

Till then, good night.
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Snakes and Ladders v2 Part 2.2.jpg
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P.S. You might want to use Rolz instead of the board for this.
I bet you someone cheated on us and so we decided to get back at them by robbing the land of its fertility
Rolled 78 (1d100)

Rolling for James made a post-mortem poop
Lets hope my luck changes
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Rolling for teammate since we are in MIB
Ey, good discussion going on with what kind of monster girls you want to see. I have a friend patching up my hard drive, I'll have it by tomorrow.
Judging by the ID change, you're still on mobile?
So no more quest tonight then?
Explain please
I really hope he doesn't mean Men in Black
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So, I'm trying to make some high-quality art for this thing using photoshop, but I've only a touchpad, so it's gonna take a while.
But what I need to know is, what does James look like? Is he some kind of Aryan mountain man or Japanese boy-band looking faggot?
Also, what is he wearing?

1st 3 responses to roll 10 decide appearance, build and A E S T H E T I C.

This is for my artwork only, and is in no way canon, unless it is endorsed by Top.
Rolled 1 (1d10)


Rolled 3 (1d10)

Looks like Zyzzz

Wearing sweatpants, a bro tank, sunglasses, and sandals with socks. The ultimate chad.

Super Swol from all the lifting he does.

Well guess we'll die fucking some twink in a sauna.
Most average dude ever.

Brown eyes, brown hair, all that boring stuff. Nothing characteristic.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Adding the roll.
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If we're going to get a lamia (as is right and proper), then we should at least get a refined one. Besides, we'll need a priestess to establish the rites of our 'worship'

That lamia in the picture literally ruins your sex with others according to the wiki
Then we just need to find one who's a little more open minded. Or try our amazing persuasion powers. I'd enjoy watching some jealous cat fights between her and Kazzan.

I have a feeling we'll be getting a lamia one way or another, so I'll leave it to the QM.
Think we'll get a fox waifu too?
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I think all signs point to fluffy.
If she's nine-tails, she could very well be a god too

>Yawning, you gather up your wives, now four in count, plus Vanyal, into bed
>Incredibly cozy
>Weird dreams, flashes of color and the faces of your wives shifting from smiling to pained
>Blink awake
>Can see dimly with your new vision
>All of your wives are asleep
>Wait, where's Galla?
>Sleepily wander into the caves
>Spot her down a "hallway"
>Call to her
>She turns and smiles, then quickly ducks into another cavern
>Go in yourself
>Wait, where is she?
>Suddenly something drops on you
>On the ground
>Galla straddling you
>She nuzzles your face with hers
"Mmn, you couldn't see me, but you could tell it was me, couldn't you? Ehehe, you're such a pretty prize that I managed to steal away from my sisters. Now..."
>She shuffles and pushes your pants down with her... feet? Talons?
>Scoots down and starts rubbing your dick with her wings
>Hella soft, kinda ticklish
>Usual focus
>Dick gets bigger
"You have tricks! Wonderful~"
>Leans down and starts licking your dick
>Very nice
>Stops after a moment and positions herself
"Here... we... go..."
>Drops down
>Plunge in to her bird cunt
>Crazy tight
"Ehehe, you are the first man who's been here. My other sisters have had the chance to try and mate before, but they didn't care when you came in. Now I get you whenever I want."
>Starts riding hard
>Geez, this is good
>She leans down and starts vigorously kissing you
>Sloppy but you aren't focused on it
>More focused on...
>Bust inside her
"Nng... Ahn... Ehehe, amazing~ It's warm."
>Lifts herself up
>Starts to leave
"Well... Back to bed~ Ehehe."
>Well that happened.
+100 EXP, 725/1000
Rolled 5 (1d10)

I say we kick back with the harpies for a few days before heading out. Maybe they can give us some supplies for our journey
>dick gets bigger
I thought we lost cock growth in exchange for having a larger dick permanently when we ate the dick fruit?
Rolled 6 (1d10)


Let's just leave now with our new waifu.
No, the spell was lost temporarily while his dick was bigger.
Phallomancy is a complicated art.

What type of elf did we capture?
I'm just awful at explaining things, apparently.

I believe Nellia is a busty blonde elf with glasses. Unless you mean Vanyal, I believe she's black haired and pretty good at combat
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Practice mid-air coitus with Galla and Kazzan.
Wouldn't end well. James is afraid of heights
Shit, forgot that.
No he's afraid of flight, but it still wouldn't work.

>Decide it's best to stay for a while
>After all, you've been traveling every day since the shrine
>Kick back, relax, enjoy some sexy times with the wives
>Everyone seems to be getting along with Galla
>Had a few more nightly sneak-away sessions with her
>She seems to enjoy you being at her mercy
>Whatever, you get laid
>Help the harpies hunt and cook food
>Even gather water in their weird pots
>Not a bad place
>Ask the elder about getting over the mountains
"Well, we don't go far, but whenever we have the need we simply fly over. I don't know where you would simply walk through. I suppose you could ask the goblin tribes. They are camped only a day's fly away from here."
>How long is a day's fly on foot?
"Ah, I believe that's... three days?"
>Well, thanks
>Inform everyone of the plan
>Galla takes off into the open air, flying ahead
>Start moving
>First day of camp
>Galla is preening herself
>Aalna is tending the fire and cooking
>Vanyal out helping Nallia study mountain plants
>Zan is taking a catnap
>Quite a nice day
Instead of an action, roll to see what event happens here at the peaceful camp. Remember this is a fantasy setting. Giant robot attack won't happen no matter your roll.
Rolled 3 (1d10)


Rolled 4 (1d10)

The two seem to go hand in hand if you ask me, but whatever I guess.
Here we go
You motherfucker
It's called a roc

Hehe ;^)
Rolled 5 (1d10)

A fire elemental seeks our dick, but we don't want third degree burns.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Elves come running back because mountain plants turn out to be another type of monster, and they're giving chase.
James' specifically, or just a dick and finds us?
cock magic can fix that shit.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

James gets a nasty sunburn

Also the humans attack
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Local singles in your area want to talk to you.
Those singles are deadly deadly nymphs.
Our dick might be more interesting.
Let's say it was a quest
Not >>107044
But I don't think we're that popular yet
This is the best worded suggestion we've had in a while.

Yeah, just go with it.
Took me a while to get it.
I am amused.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Did we /elfck/ yet?
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424KB, 813x982px

>Nellia and Vanyal come back to camp
>Nellia is excited
>Sits by you and starts chattering
"James, this area is so exciting! The plants are able to grow on the rock, unlike in the soil, and they obtain their nutrients from erosion that flows down during the rain season. They..."
>Kinda zone out as she goes on
>Suddenly hear a hissing noise
>What's that?
"... and they can- hm? Oh, that's the fire. There must be some air trapped in a log. Here soon there should be a loud pop as it escapes."
>Oh, okay.
>Hissing just gets louder
>And comes from outside of camp
>Galla looks up
"Mmn. I don't like that. Someone stop it!"
>Stand up
>Look around camp
>See soft light in the distance
>Ask Galla to look
>She takes wing
>Circles above before squawking and landing
"It's a flamekin!"
>Aalna gets up
"A fucking flamekin? What's it doing out here?"
>Woah woah woah, calm down
>What's a flamekin?
"Fool, a flamekin is a being made entirely of fire and magic."
>Like a fire elemental?
>Oh, well, let's just leave
>Aalna grabs the water bucket
"That won't do any good. It will take too long to gather everything up. We'll have to douse it."
>That seems... cruel
"Well what else do you suggest we do? Die?"

Did we what?
This spurned me to see if Kenkou Cross had ever drawn a Roc girl. Surprisingly, he hasn't.
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Roll for diplomacy!
Rolled 2 (1d10)


>Elven cooking is very enjoyed by most humans. Some dishes can... even induce..."
We haven't even used the catnip tea we got from nemii to the best of my knowledge.
Specifically, offer a magic sappling for it to leave you alone
We've fucked Nellia, if that's what you mean. Haven't had any elven cooking yet.
I like this combo.

Also, Nellia is super cute.
She really is. Nothin' like a cute busty nerd who is also an elf. Also I keep forgetting to ask this, but is Nellia keeping record of our travels? I'd assume she's documenting things like mad since no one has ever really been here
>"Another wife!? Is an elf and three others not good enough?"
Vanyal already considers herself part of our harem, holy shit
Haha, I didn't catch that. Good eye!
no. She's counting the other elf that we married.


>Maybe we can talk to it
>Aalna grunts
"Flamekin ain't the kind for talking. Oh, they can, but they'd rather be lighting things up. I don't know why this one is in the Dens, though. Not much to burn."
>All the better to ask, then
>Wait patiently
>It comes in to view quickly
>Kinda hard to look at
>It stops just outside of camp
"I see the human who is known as James."
>Zan crawls out of her tent
>Looks confused
>Shrug at her
>Aalna speaks up
"What do you want him for?"
>The flamekin looks at Aalna
"He is the one the Eye prophesied, so I have been informed. As such, he will be sire my child."
>Your eyes go wide
>Cover your dick, wincing at the though of sticking your cock in fire
>Aalna keeps going
"And why would he do that, huh? Seems like a good way to get himself burned to a crisp."
"Most certainly, though I cannot hope to mate with such weak flesh, can I? I shall lower my temperature so this may be done."
>Okay, enough talking about you
>You don't really think this is a good idea
>Besides, you've got enough pussy right about now, no need for one that's on fire
"As if you have a choice in the matter. Come here and lay with me, or I shall turn you, this camp, and these women to cinders."

Finally someone noticed

Only married one, bruh. At the time the wife count was Zan, Aalna, and Nellia.
That's some tsun turned to 11 there.
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Command an aerial strike of cum against this terrorist.

numbers are hard.
Rolled 4 (1d10)


Rolled 10 (1d10)

Try to do the booming voice thing again
Rolled 7 (1d10)

I don't take kindly to threats
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Cum on it, in an attempt to sate it's lust and/or repel it
You're going to have to explain, because this makes no damn sense.

Ask harpy to lift you and release your cum on flamekin.
The only way I can see it working is if we shoot some cum into the air, it soars up into the sky, before dropping down with explosive force on the fire elemental
artillery? Long range facial?
We'd be incinerated before you could even get off the ground.

Continue negotiations, but after

He wants you to use James dick like a hell-fire missile.
basically use james dick to launch weaponized cum to douse fire elemental.
I'll let Anon manage the rest. I can't apparently write tonight.
Sounds like a magical effect to me. Someone roll 1d20

1-5: Nothing happens
6-10: Cast cock growth, nothing else happens
11-15: Launch a normal gob of jizz at her
16-20: Massive blast of cum
Rolled 18 (1d20)



She might just get pregnant anyway.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Oh god, two 18s. She probably did get pregnant anyway
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>You want some of this, huh?
>Then how about...
>Whip out dick
>Take a deep breath
>Spurt the biggest wad of cum you've ever seen
>Hits the flamekin like a truck
>She falls to the ground, loud hissing and popping sounds
>Jizz is cooked, smells awful
>Flamekin squirms on ground a while
>Goes still
>Pretty sure you just committed murder
>Pull up pants
>Turn around
>Problem solved
>Everyone staring at you
>Galla speaks up
"I get him first tonight."
>Zan groans softly
>Aalna rolls her eyes and turns back to the fire
>Nellia gets up and wanders over to the flamekin
>Vanyal looks kinda sick
Rolled 5 (1d10)


Look at the flame kin.

She didn't want to kill us
Check on her, we didn't actually want to kill her. Maybe grab some dry grass to use as kindling/
only everyone we waifu'd. Then we'd die of our orc curse.
Wow rip

We could have fucked her and avoided the JIZZOOKA.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Make sure she's not dead. Also, this is the closest I could get to picturing what the flamekin looked like.
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863KB, 800x1080px
>pic is my headcanon
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the water's warm.png
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I fugred she'd look closer to something like that.
I was thinking kinda like >>107406, though you can just Google flamekin, it's from Magic:tG
That one looks pretty fitting too.
Maybe this is just part of her life cycle. Once impregnated, so goes limp and cool until little flamelets pop out of her.

>jizz is cooked, smells awful.

of course burnt jizz smells bad, what are you trying to say?
Having some kind of trouble with my story post. Is there already some kind of filter stopping certain words/phrases?

Not that I've heard of. Are you trying to link anything?
Well it isn't letting me post it, for some reason.

>Head over to check on the flamekin
>Nellia is already there, kneeled over, pinching her nose
"She isn't dead. Flamekin burn all the way to their bones, see?"
>Notice what look like black bones with cinders on them
"One can't be killed unless completely submerged in water and then the water frozen around them. She will heat back up until she burns your, ah, seed away. I'm certain she will continue to follow and will not be happy about it, unless this somehow managed to impregnate her..."
>That would be weird
>You're glad you didn't murder her, she wasn't trying to kill anyone
>Even if she did threaten you all
"Yes, I suppose that is true. Perhaps telling everyone the truth of your godhood isn't the best of ideas, though she mentioned the Eye, which I believe only the Great Mother brought up before. And you said Death said it?"
"This quest is becoming more and more fascinating as each day passes..."

No. Trying now without pic
What error are you getting?
Rolled 7 (1d10)

leave her a note apologizing for the inconvenience and telling her that if she is still interested and can find you again you'd be more than willing to oblige as long as the circumstances do not involve possible harm to your waifus and a possible joining to oversee the fostering of your offspring.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Camp, travel. repeat. Ask for elf cuisine.
Must have been this pic. Still won't let me post it. Odd.
Gotta get ready and head to work. This is choice when I return.

Discussion question: Should I keep the sex scenes the way they are, or just kinda skimp over them? They're obviously not good enough to fap to, and neither are they meant to be, but I dunno if anyone actually likes them or they're just cringeworthy.

Keep em
I prefer it to, "oh yeah they fucked"
I'm fine with them as they are. If anyone really wanted a more in depth one they'd probably just write it out themselves.
They're fun, and often funny.
this. fade to black would be better, no mention (as you do for our older companions) would be okay.

>Vanyal looks kinda sick
She doesn't enjoy murdering lesser beings?
I was saying I prefer to keep it to just skipping over it actually. Guess I didn't make that clear.
Post on imgur puush or something and link it instead.
Definitely keep.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Keep them
good, get those low rolls out of the way now so they don't show up later.
Its what I do best
Rolled 846 (1d1000)


You fool! Stop wasting the good ones!
Keep em, but only if they got something interesting or unique going for them. So basically what you've got now. I tend to skip over them anyway.
If it makes you update faster, feel free to use them more sparingly than you currently do. Maybe introduce a fatigue limit to the number of times James can fuck in a single day. Might make us pickier about what we blow our load into.
Also, question; Did we get rid of the dice roll for gender? I must have missed that.
I think we did at some point.
I can't remember the exact reason. Heck I may be flat out wrong.
We got rid of the dice roll for gender because we thought it was kinda dumb. Also he rolled all male for slimes and that enraged many of us who wanted a slime waifu.
Ah. A shame we got no slime. Maybe we'll find one of the different slime variants as we travel around.
So we have no males at all? Anywhere?
There are most definitely human males.

It's a waifu sexing phallomancy fantasy, so I think it is safe to assume only human males exists and everything else is female and more than willing to capture or greet male humans for their seed, it at least makes it a lot easier to gain access to otherwise inaccesible populations and there's no risks of a better man stealing waifus
We retconed the slimes into girls, but we couldn't take one as a waifu because the great mother wouldn't allow it.

My understanding at the time SAS that males did exist, so I'm a bit confused by the harpies to be honest.
OK time to get on my computer, SwiftKey is telling me to fuck off.
>No, all humans aren't male.
word of god
Here's an updated list of the characters... which apparently doesn't fit in one post. What are the post limits on this board?


Race: catgirl
Dick status: loves the dick
married to James
short blue hair
hazel eyes

Race: orc
Dick status: loves the dick
married to James
long blue hair
green skin

Race: elf
Dick status: likes the dick
married to James
smart, knows a lot about history
worked in a museum in the elf city
protected James when elf queen wanted him executed

Race: elf
Dick status: tsundere for the dick
black hair
banished from elf city due to James escaping
tried to kill James

Race: harpy
Dick status: likes the dick
married to James
long black hair, green eyes
brown/grey feathers
"kinda" flat chest
kidnapped James


Race: catgirl
Dick status: unknown (probably not too interested)
village elder type
good at magic
leader of catgirls

Race: orc
Dick status: unknown
leader of orc village

Elf Queen
Race: elf
Dick status: hates the dick
leader of elves
tried to have James executed when he told her about his powers

Great Mother
Race: slime/deity
Dick status: understands the dick in ways you cannot even comprehend
huge tits
James came inside of her
leader of slimes
told James he will fulfil a prophecy

Race: harpy
Dick status: probably wants the dick
leader of harpies

Race: catgirl
Dick status: not interested
captured James when he first woke up in the forest

Race: catgirl
Dick status: wants the dick
big boobs
wanted to marry James, but lost to Kazzan

Race: orc
Dick status: not interested
cast the spell binding James to orcs

Race: elf
Dick status: doesn't want the dick
blond hair, green eyes
brought James to the elf city

Race: unknown
Dick status: likes the dick
white skin
perky tits
lost to James in a fucking contest, so allowed him to return to life

Race: flamekin
Dick status: wants the dick
heard about the prophecy, wants a kid with James
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There's a 3000 character post limit.

Also, can I get a survey of taste in this thread?

Name the last three texts you read. In the last 3 months.
What do you mean by texts?

Also I'm crazy fucking tired from work and only want to watch cartoons and read fan fiction about books I've never read but I like you guys so much I'm going to make story posts.

Worship me.
Rolled 4 (1d10)

G.TOP 2020
Rolled 46 (1d100)

G.top for president
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Suck a dick you illiterate ChodeLoader.

Give me more Aristotelian Tragedy in my Waifu Collecting Harem story.
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Huh, I guess president is too big. G.top for...mayor?
Rolled 92 (1d100)

G Top for Cum Dumpster?
G.top confirmed for our group waifu
With that roll I hope G.top is a woman
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971KB, 500x490px

I've been trying to tell you guys, but you wouldn't listen. This is irrefutable evidence that OP is, in fact, a Faggot.
I dunno man. It's just a dice roll. I think we need more hard evidence

>Well this was a fine fucking situation
>Head back to camp and write out a note
>Leave it obviously visible and out of burn range
>Hopefully it won't get fucked over before she regenerates
>Move camp a little more away
>Fucking crazy tired from walking and moving camp
>Collapse into your bedroll
>About to fall asleep
>Tent flaps open
>Galla steps in
"James~ I'm here to comfort you."
>Aw, geez
>You are surprisingly too tired to fuck
>She comes over and straddles you
"Mmn, don't worry. You won't have to do anything, ehehe~."
>Just lay back and focus on having a boner
>Maybe you can just fall asleep for this...
>Nod off
>Dream about LOTS OF SEX
>Like, seriously. It's like multiple wet dreams in one
>Wake up
>Galla is sound asleep by you
>Crotch is sticky
>Continue on your way
>Make it to a large outcropping of rock hills
>Aalna stops
"Well, here we are. The goblin dens."
>There's fucking nothing here
"Obviously. Goblins don't like to be out in the open. Over here."
>Follow Aalna
>She bangs her foot against a large rock
"What, what?"
"Is it the grub?"
>Oh, fuck
>They're stupid

It's a good thing I'm a 10/10 girl who likes fucking losers who engage in a story about gathering waifus on an internet image board.

100% reality.
Okay, so, for the second time it's not letting me post pictures. Someone post a pic of cute/hot monster girls since the board (or my 4chan extension) is being a bitch
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Tickle the cutest one.
is it only gob-gob or is there hob-gob?
Rolled 4 (1d10)


Roll 1d>1
Odd both
Even gob
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Ask to see their leader, so we can ask how to get past the mountains
Rolled 3 (1d10)

I'm gonna assume this is meant to be 1d10...
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Not green enough.
we got both
Hobgoblins and normal goblins confirmed
What's the difference? I'm not as well versed in fantasy lingo as others.
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710KB, 480x480px
I've been thinking it for a while, but now we absolutely are approaching this: http://kissmanga.com/Manga/Re-Monster

What fun.
Read this, it will educate you.
It's almost like we're using devices capable of finding such information AT THE SPEED OF FUCKING LIGHT
What I found was all just the difference from D&D, which I already knew. Hob is taller and smarter...is that really it?

one have full tiddies and the other is a dfc. Both are dumb
Okay, let's try a different tactic. Cause no one else has had a successful roll.

Experience an unrepressable BLOODLUST and attack.
But these are monster girls, so hobs are taller and HOTTER and smarter

And by hotter I of course mean bigger tits/ass
Rolled 9 (1d10)

I have no words for my faggotry.
Alright, fuckboy, what's causing this bloodlust?
blood on one of the goblin's scratched arm
An unintended side effect of using too much Phallomancy yesterday. Sort of like Roid Rage.
That sounds a lot more plausible. That super cum blast DID take a lot out of us.
Wait...do we attack them sexually or just normal attack?
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The giving of life must be paired with an equal amount of taking away. Equivalent exchange baby!
I'd laugh if it was just us getting really horny for no reason.
if you want to make some tragic or war,you got the wrong monsters.
Gobs like to rumble
Nice pun


>Aalna informs what you assume are guards that you're here for passage through the mountains
"THROUGH the mountains?"
"Might as well c'ummin."
>Rock moves away
>See three cute little gob girls
>Feel dizzy
>Scream rips through your throat
>Hurtle yourself at the goblins
>They yelp and run into the entrance
>Aalna grabs you and tries to pin you to the ground
>Sock her square in the jaw
>She staggers
>Escape her grip and about to jump on her
>Suddenly, a huge weight on your shoulders
>Fall to the ground
>Weakly squirm and scream until you're out of energy
>Gasping, your senses come back to you
>Oh, fuck, why did you do that?
>Say you're good
>The weight goes away
>Swaying, sit up
>Kazzan's eyes are glowing, she's watching you, ears twitching
>What, was this her magic?
>Apologize, don't know what went over you
>Nellia comes over to you and places a hand on your forehead
>Takes your hand in hers
"You don't appear to have a fever, nor do you seem to be under the effects of mind-controlling magics. That wouldn't have worn off so quickly... Hm... Try to use your penis magic."
>You want to fuck HERE?
"Please do it?"
>Well okay
>Try to focus
>Death grip on her hand, starting to get pissed
>Glare at her
>Blink and stop focusing
>Let go of her hand
>She flexes her fingers
"Oh, goodness. It seems like using your magic is putting a strain on you, though you weren't using any when the goblins appeared... right?"
"Hm. Perhaps you should stop for a while and see if it wears off."
>Maybe a good idea

Wft is this from? Looks creepy.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Its from Song of the Sea, I think. Almost won an Oscar.

Also, disregard advice, cast multi-tentacock.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

go apologize to goblins and possibly their leader. We're suffering from some....magical effects.
Okay, we can't be THAT stupid.
This will merely result in a rage and the same scenario repeating itself.
Also, nice job getting the exact next trips after mine.
I mean dubs.
I'm a smart guy.
Yeah, but this time we've got a magical penis monster strapped to our crotch. Obviously, dick magic solves every problem we have. It'll be fine.

Thank you it took a lot of hard work.
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Apologize to the goblins, we were just a little cockcrazy
Aww shit. Super lovey dovey MAGIC catgirl waifu
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Apologize to the gobs by giving headpats and let them sit on your lap
Bruh, just about EVERYONE is magic

Okay, I seriously gotta get some sleep before I doze off and everyone gets pissy for me disappearing without a "I'll be on tomorrow!" This >>110033 is decision.

I've got my weekly D&D session tomorrow, so I'll be on from whenever I decide to drag my ass out of bed until 16:00 EST
> D&D
What a nerd.
I thought we weren't going with it because it just be the same thing as before.
>but is this spell a cantrip or a--JUST ROLL FOR DICK MAGIC MAN
I am smart. >>110034 is decision

Aww, i want ta headpat them.
So...e5 or 3.5?
Just go to bed man.
I think he's suffering a stroke. He can't handle the faggotry of a tripcode.
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So, it'll be a while before this becomes an issue, but could we not invoke the tired trope of Monstergirl babies growing up superfast? I get that we can only progress so quickly, but surely a timeskip would be a better option than having fertile daughters a week after birth. I'd be satisfied with full growth after two years, maybe one, for story purposes. But anything sooner and we'd end up like pic related.
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I've also got an update for the summary:

The day after that, while collecting firewood, James was abducted from above. Discovering a newfound fear of heights, James freaked out and fainted. Upon waking, he found the latest target of his sex inquisition; a Harpy Den. The Harpy’s, however, were a little more forceful than his usual game, so James tried intimidation magic over bravado. It scared the shit out of them. After that things went their usual pace. Unfortunately, James was lacking his Orc wife, which due to binding magic would soon kill him. Apparently, he needn’t have worried, because right after asking for her, karma kicked in and he fell off a cliff. This killed James.
While dead, he met Death, who, like every fucking thing in this godforsaken power fantasy, was an attractive woman. Can you guess what happened next? Either way, Death took pity on James and, because he tried so hard, decided to send him back.
Upon awakening, James found himself surrounded by concerned loved ones, and immediately moved on to the subject matter of which Harpy he’d fuck next. He chose Galla, who would be the best singer of the bunch, if Harpy’s could sing. This also entailed a binding ritual.
Seeing as he was already up, James decided the next course of action was to seek new wives beyond the mountain range, but to do that would involve talking to goblins. Before he could meet them though, his camp was attacked by a Flame Elemental. Apparently word was getting out about that prophecy, and she wanted a piece. However, before she could scorch his dick off, James launched a truly impressive surge of semen, which drenched and incapacitated the Flamekin.
Once again, dick magic solves everything.
This had consequences, though, when he finally met the Goblins...

They just get bigger and bigger...
I'd be okay with that too.

>Well, you should say sorry
>Everyone looks worried
>You won't try any magic
>Aalna should walk ahead just to be safe
>If her face is okay
>She grins at you, rubbing her chin
"I've had worse. You just surprised me."
>Head into
>Walk down cavern
>This is much more well lit than the harpy cave
>And a bit more narrow
>Eventually come to a cavern
>Rather large, splits off into multiple exits
>But more importantly
"Ey, you! You's attacked the guards, didn't cha'?"
>Yeah, but you didn't mean to
>You're having some magic backlash
"Magic back-lish?"
>Aalna rolls her eyes
"He used too much magic and it buggered up his head."
"Why didn' he jus' say that?"
"Must be a fuggin' moron."
>They lower their weapons and wander off
>That was oddly easy
>Aalna shrugs
"There's a reason they hide and run away from fights. Not that the rabble realizes that."
>So where is the leader?
>Another shrug
"They could be fucking anywhere. They shift positions so damn often. HEY."
>Nearby goblin squeaks and starts to move away
"Come here!"
>Goblin shakily moves to Aalna
"Where's the boss?"
"B-B-B-boss is d-down that'a ways."
"Thanks. Now fuck off."
>Goblin proceeds to fuck off very quickly
"There we go."
>Fucking brutal, Aalna
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Confront da boss. Force Aalna to blow you throughout the entire duration of your encounter.
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Go and meet boss. Scratch behind Kazzan's ears as an apology for worrying her.
Rolled 5 (1d10)


Big Boss?
Backing this one.
This sounds good

>Head on to the boss
>Walking by Zan
>Reach out and scratch behind ears
>Say sorry and thank her for stopping you
>She smiles slightly at you and purrs softly
"... I would not want you to get hurt, husband."
>This cutie
>Stop as you reach the another chamber
>Aalna pulls the same trick
>Come to a big room with piles of gold and a big ass chair
>See a goblin, bigger than the others in a few ways, in a stupidly big crown throwing coins into a pile
>She looks up
"Oi, who let ya in here? Bumblin' idjuts can't even guard a fuggin' ROCK!"
>Hops off her throne and steps up to you
"So watcha' want, eh? You can't have none of my shit, hear? It's mine, and I earn'd it!"
>We're just here to ask for help
"What? Ya want our help?"
"Hm. What fer?"
>Explain situation
"Sounds like yer in a tight one, eh? I guess I could help... If ya have somethin' to offer me in exchange."
Rolled 1 (1d10)

(Bluff to tease the shit out of tsun tsun elf)
You can have Vanyal
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Well, what would you want?
Rolled 4 (1d10)


What sort of exchange are you thinking?

>Her eyes light up
"Somethin' shiny would be bes'."
>Of course
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Give her somethin' shiny then? Do we even have something shiny?

Rolled 1 (1d10)

Vanyal can be pretty shiny when she sweats. It's a winwin, she's in exile and they'll have someone fun to play with.
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Jizz into your hand and offer her that.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Oh. Well see what else she'd want since we don't have anything particularly shiny
"Blessed water from the Great Mother"
Well, we have companions that know a lot of magic. Maybe they can conjure something? Fool's gold?
The dice gods really don't want us to use vanyal as a bargaining chip.
It doesn't do to jokingly bargain off one of our waifus. I mean, keep in mind she considers herself part of our harem.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Oh, yeah. Dice, I guess.

>Tell her to wait a moment
>Step off into cave
>Beat off into hand
>Come back
>Hold it out to her
>Sacred fluid from a god!
>She sniffs it
"Smells like cum."
>Leans closer
>Licks about half of it up
>Rolls it around in her mouth before swallowing
"Tastes like it, too."
Rolled 10 (1d10)


It's magic cum, prone to give it's users super-strength for a limited time aka.bluff
Rolled 2 (1d10)


Well of course it does, the cum of a fertility god is his most sacred fluid
Roll 1d20 for bluff
Rolled 1 (1d20)


Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 3 (1d20)

first critfail that's not G.top rolling
Dammit Anon!
oh dear

At least it's shiny?
so she spit it in our face?

More like she makes us eat it
she swallowed what she had in her mouth
Gods below

>She waits a moment
>Goes over to a decent sized
>Tries to lift it
"Ey, that shite don' work. What d'ya think I am, stupid?"
>Stomps over to you
>Grabs your hand and agressively licks up the rest of your jizz
"It's good, but not enough fer trade. What else ya' got?"
Rolled 5 (1d10)


Your sexual expertise
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Tales of our travels
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Offer some sexual relief whilst you discuss your bartering options. Attempt to win her over to get you a good deal
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Welp, when in doubt, bust out the dick. But no magic this time.
Where are these 1s coming from...
dice god giveth
dice god taketh away

At least we got a five.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Like a pearl slowly grown inside an oyster, we reach deep inside our balls and bust a nut to produce crystallized cum.

"Oh, yer good at fuckin' eh? Guess that explains why ya' got so many girls wit' ya'."
"Tell ya' what, mate. If ya' can give me a good lay then I'll 'ave a guide take ya' straight through. If not, then I'm keepin' ya, eh?"
>No dick magic for this...
>Might be tough
>Nellia and Aalna exchange a nervous look
Rolled 5 (1d10)


Tell her that we need something to heal our dick first due to the magic.
Rolled 4 (1d10)

hunker down and gather our will. It's time to go all out
Accept on the condition that if we win she is the one who will guide us, and past the tunnels as well, if you catch my drift.
Well I forgot my roll but we got a winner already anyways so w/e.

>tfw just want a qt midget goblin waifu

"What kinda' shite is that? Ya' either ken fuck or ya' can't! Did ya' not just beat off ina yer hand?"
>Yeah, but that's different
>This has to do with MAGIC
"Then apparently ya' ain't much of a lay without yer magic, eh?"
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Oh it's on now.
Rolled 5 (1d10)


Promise her the best fuck of her life if she can fix our magic ding dong
Rolled 10 (1d10)


Pssh I got this
I say combine these two together. They pretty much play off one another

>Two tens
>Also trips
>Incredibly vague
Just what I need
Well I meant it in that we take her on and blow her mind. I thought it'd be self-explanatory
I'd rather she blow us but if that's what you're into okay.
Roll 1d20 for success
Rolled 20 (1d20)


Yeah sorry for the vagueness, thought that was what you were aiming for
quick, delete your post before he sees!
Rolled 3 (1d20)

I hope he takes the 20

What post?
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Here's my perception check on that post, bruh
damn, you win g.
Are you fucking kidding me? Fucking dice gods laughing their asses off right now.
>1 for dick size.
>good eyes though
>1 for dick size
twice mind you.
>It's a 12

>Aw hell naw
>Take off clothes
>She starts to snicker at your micropenis
>Ignore it, grab her and push her onto throne
"Hey, what do ya' think-"
>Swing her legs open
>Start licking
>She shuts the fuck up
>Lapping it up until she's soaked
>Stick it in
>She's just looking at you
>Start fucking
>Use every goddamn technique you've learned since you arrived
>Seriously, after getting the dick magic you didn't think you'd have to use your micropenis again
>This is a pain in the ass, you are only vaguely aware of how good her puss feels
>She's moaning, though!
>Just... a bit... more...
>She shudders, cums over you
>Relax a bit and enjoy
>Bust in her
>Step back, fucking exhausted
>Hear one of the girls whisper
>Gob boss sits up a little
"A'right. Ya' got yerself a guide. I'm takin' a nap."
>Fall the fuck asleep
Rolled 5 (1d10)

pick her up and take her with you. You'll woo her yet!
Rolled 6 (1d10)


I doubt we can just take her away from all her shinies.
We can probably work something out, the dick is a good negotiator.
Then we inherit a shit ton of gold?
We're already asleep! What do when awaken?
Exactly what I said nigga! Our natural human energy causes us to awaken first!
Rolled 10 (1d10)

find a goblin waifu to take care of morning wood.
Rolled 5 (1d10)


A poor beauty ostracized because of her blue hair.
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Rolled 5 (1d10)

>>112080 Eat a sweet-ass breakfast.


>Wake up
>Oh, you're in a bedroll
>Hear voices
"Yeh,' says he's got a tiny prick, but he can really fuck."
"Damn, that's some shite."
"Yer tellin' me."
>Sleep boner
>Seems like a good time to see if you're all good
>Dick gets big
>No rage
>Aw yeah
"Oi, didja see that?"
"Okay, no, I ain't dealin' with that!"
"Wha? Why not?"
>Voice gets quieter
"Magic cock isn' somehin' I want to go near."
>Other voice remains where it is
"Well, I'm havin' me some."
>Bed roll and pants go down
>Hear a low whistle
"I guess boss' had some big fuckin' cocks. This thing ain't bad."
>Feel lips press against dick
>Tongue slides over balls, then back up
>Dick wet and warm
>Hell yeah
>Open eyes and watch
>Cute little goblin chick bobbing on your cock
>Put a hand on her head
>Hey there
>She jumps and looks at you
>Smile at her
>She kinda smiles back
>Keeps going
>Moan as she goes faster
>Jizz down her throat
>She pulls off and gulps
"Well, thanks fer that, then."
>No problem

Okay, I'm gonna take a shower and get my shit together. Discussion question: Did you guys like the shorter story posts, or should I just stick with long ones?

to answer your question, go with what the situation requires. I wouldn't complain if you used shorter ones more often though, helps move things along.
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2MB, 3000x2000px
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Walk around the place, find the pâtisserie, gorge yourself on sugar
Rolled 3 (1d10)



Tbh there should be an oni like at the end of the path.
I'm fine with either.
I guess I'll back this. Get ourselves a baking waifu in the process?
Rolled 3 (1d10)

A nice morning surprise for Vanyal
If both are the same to you, then I like seeing more details of how our decisions play out. You do what works for you, though.
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It's all contextual, but thinking more on you're previous question, it might be simpler to gloss over the sex unless it's the sort that gets you exp.
The shorter updates get the story moving along quicker and, while I like sex, 40% of this quest is spent describing it.
The tradeoff could be to describe atmosphere and environment more, but only if you consider yourself a strong enough writer to pull it off well.
This might help, or it might not. It depends on how academic you want to get: http://www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/
It lists some hallmarks of a poor writer.

Fuck, I'm turning into my lecturer.
Everyone, have some chill music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odLERTf16GQ
That does make some sense. That being said, this seems far more chill
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Now I gotta pull out the Nujabes, I hope your happy.
>poorly written smut, antics, and the insufferable rabble of the masses trying to obtain more waifus
Finally, a quest tailor-made for me!
Strap in Anon, it's gonna be a wild ride

More like strap-on haha.
And here I was hoping someone would avoid the obvious joke...

CARLOS is everywhere anon
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Can we ever stop Carlos?

Only the Chosen Pun can stop Carlos and unseat him from his damned throne
Where do we find it. I mean, I'll probably kill the chosen pun after, because I hate puns, but still

The chosen pun is always on the run

It can only be found after a long and arduous quest where you will learn about friendship, teamwork, and much pun will be had by all
Rolled 20 (1d100)

Rolling to attack Carlos

If G.top wants this could be a dream.
I bet G.top is gonna make it so some pun making asshole from our past life named Carlos is our arch-nemesis
I think you give him too much credit.
Rolled 8 (1d10)


not sure if >>112148 is valid

marry one of the goblins, then get out of here and keep exploring
Rolled 7 (1d100)

This, I want this
I... I just want to win a dice roll. Is that too mcuh too ask for?
Rolled 3 (1d100)

The answer is yes. Yes it is.
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Hey there, Welcome to G.Top Quest Ep II.

> Be GTop
> gf is out with her son, Tyrese.
> Your Neopet just died.
> The faggots on 4chan were being mean again.
> Sad.jpg
> wat do?

You know the deal.
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7KB, 400x400px
Rolled 1 (1d10)

>her son

let's go for a drive
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Alright, cause I'm a nice guy (and traffic is slow) I'm gonna go with first in best dressed.

> Anything would be better than this
> Go for a drive
> Nowwhat.png
> Nothing special has happened.
> wat do?
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> Wait a minute.
> You don't feel too...
> Holyfuckingshit.gif
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> Blackout.

Fuck this noise. Everyone's asleep and I'm sick as a dog.
In his sleep, he dreams of this quest
I'm being a lazy shit today, so I'm taking a break from GTQ. Look for a new thread tomorrow.

Okay, time for G top quest with no images.

You are a person named G.top and you are very tired. What will your next move be?
go to sleep
God damn, son, I was waiting for my fix

You try to go to sleep but fail. You sit on your chair and think about your next move.

You also see a dildo and a gun on your table.
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okay see you tomorrow.
Yell at your wife to put away her shit, or at least not to mix her personal stuff and her tools of the trade.

G.top yells at his wife and she runs out of the room crying.

Well that didn't solve anything, you are now hungry
Go see your wife, drop your pants, and stare intensely at your dick.
When questioned, explain you are trying to cast tentacock to comfort her.

You go to your wife and stare at your dick. Your wife giggles at your size but you still say determined to cast tentacock.

Well after staring at your cock for 10 minutes, absolutely nothing happens. Your wife has gone back to her dildo and you hear a knock at the door.

Oh and your stomach growls too
stick gun in butt, then answer the door

You try to stick the gun up your ass and succeed. It pretty much feels like a colder version of your wife's strap-on.

Your open the door and see your neighbour asking you for your WiFi password?
give him the password. now you'll have a scapegoat when the party van comes.
cute sakawa cute
OP, Thread is in Autosage.
It's time for a new one.
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shitposting time
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is it tea time yet?
Fuck off, Randy.
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want some strudel?
Fuck off, Randy.
Rolled 12 (1d100)

New thread time?
Rolled 44 (1d100)

Will GTop not bitch out on us today? Again?
Yeah I need my fix, where is he?
Guess this quest is dead.
Thread posts: 563
Thread images: 65

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