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Stolen Life Quest I

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A scream awoke the boy from his nap taking him from the clear green of his dreams to the rusty red of his reality. His hunger told that it was time for evening meal, and the end of another day. He looked over to the scratches on the wall. Time was important to him so long ago, but it was forgotten with everything else. Test Subject E3626 replaced his name, iron bars became his home, malnutrition stole his body, and loneliness took his memories.

Two of them enter, the newer one carrying the bowl of stew and bread. The senior one held the keys and a bird cage.
"This wing of the lab is...was special. Charlie kept all of his private experiments in here. Gods, I miss the weirdo."
"What happen to him?"
"You see that brown stain on the ceiling?" said the older one as he opened up the boy's cell.
"That's Charlie. Happened about three months ago and you are his replacement."
"Shit," said the younger one as he placed the bowl on the floor. He then points to the boy, "Does that mean he's mine then?"
"Sure, just go over Charlie's notes before you try to do a controlled experiment," said the senior as he dropped the bird cage next to the boy. "We got another wing to feed before we can go home so move along."

The boy waited until he could no longer hear their footprints before looking at the cage. Inside was a glove that he feared had a disembodied hand on the inside. The cage itself had misty runes that floated around the bars.
Choose (roll d100)
>Inspect the glove
>Inspect the runes
>Ignore it and eat dinner
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>>Ignore it and eat dinner

I've seen the painting in my post once in my life at the Chicago Art Museum. I want to see again someday.
The boy lifts up the bowl and starts drinking his meal. He ate it slowly for it was the only source of stimulation he'll have until morning when he got fed again. The experiments would begin again, not that he remembered the old ones.

A soft thud attracted his attention. It wasn't a footstep, and there was no else alive in this wing with him. So he looked at the only thing new. The glove had flipped over so the palm faced the ceiling.
Choose (d100)
>Inspect Glove
>Watch it while continuing to eat
>Finish eating and go back to sleep
>Write in
>>Finish eating and go back to sleep
The cage was just another experiment like him, it didn't matter. He escaped into the green of dream land.There was another child who liked to play sword fighting with sticks. The boy liked to play:
Choose (d100)
>Pretend Sword fighting as well (Gain basic sword Prof)
>Tag (Gain physical recovery basic)
>Bandits who steal snacks from the kitchen (Gain basic sneak)
>Wrestling (Gain basic hand to hand Prof)
>Write in

The footsteps woke him up. All seven of them had arrived to do their horrid work. The new one of them entered the boy's wing bringing food earlier then expected.
>To be continued next post.
>>Tag (Gain physical recovery basic)
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The food bowl was quickly replaced, spilling a quarter of the contents onto the floor. The new one of them didn't care as he strolled over to the desk at the end of the wing and started to read in silence.

Another soft thud. The glove had turned back over.

Before the boy could finish his food, the senior one of them entered with another birdcage. He enters the boy's cell and examines the glove in the cage.
"No change. I knew I placed them too far apart. A little closer then." He then places the second bird cage in the far corner of the cell. It contained the left hand partner of the glove. The senior one of them exits the cell and says, "I put another part in the cell."
"That's fine, a quick question though."
"I don't fully get the label system yet, what does E3626 mean?"
"Uh...Expendable number thirty six, year twenty six."
"Fuck, that explains a lot. I don't know how it survived all these experiments."
The senior one of them smiles, "Let me guess, around eight. I hold the lab record of ten."
"Then I have some bad news. According to this, this expendable has survived twenty eight ish experiments."
"What?" The senior one of them moves out of sight to the desk.

>Go to sleep
>Examine the cages
>Move the cages
>Write in
>>Move the cages
An impulse of mischief takes over and the boy moves the cages together in a different corner then they were before. As he did this, the misty letters floated off the cage and started to float around him, scuttling around him like a ghost of a centipede.
The senior one of them exits the wing in a huff, not bothering to look into the boy's cell. As soon as the door closes, the gloves start to levitate in the cage. They tap the cage with great hesitance.

>Play with the runes
>Shake hands with the gloves
>Examine the gloves.
>Go to sleep
>Put the runes back on the cage
>Put the runes somewhere else (specify)
>Write in
>Examine the gloves.
Not asleep yet.
The gloves didn't seem to perceive the boy's presence as it seem preoccupied with trying to squeeze through the thin spaces between the bars. Close examination revealed that there wasn't a disembodied hand in the gloves. Instead the gloves were filled with a dark purple mist.
>Help the gloves out of the cage
>Keep watching
>Watch from afar
>Go to sleep
>Write in
>Shake hands with the gloves
>Help the gloves out of the cage
The boy's hands was nothing but skin and bone at this point, so they slipped easily into birdcages. At first the gloves tried to pull away, but then relaxed and allowed themselves to be freed. Once out they scuttled around the cell touching every nook and cranny. After which they did the same to the boy.
He didn't like their near constant pinching, but the gloves were the most exciting thing to happen to him. When they were satisfied the pair of gloves started pointing at the door.
>Let them leave and go to sleep
>Tell them that you can't open the door (roll d100 to attempt to speak)
>Give them a thumbs up
>Write in
>Tell them that you can't open the door
Rolled 27 (1d100)

"D-d-door...no." (Obtained Stutter & Broken Speech)
The gloves continue to point at the door.
The left hand slaps the ground while the right points at the door.
"What the hell is that?" said the junior one of them. He walks over to the cell to find the boy huddled on the floor and the gloves laying on the floor. "We got ourselves a trouble maker."
>Continued next post
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The junior one of them opens the cell door and walks in, "Little shit, that's Steffen's experiment that you're messing with. This is my second day and I was spending it trying to figure out how to not kill you. But you wanted cause trouble."

The boy hugged his knees tight, focusing his thoughts on the green of his dreams. It would be painful, but he had survived beatings before.

The junior one of them pulled out a syringe filled with a glowing blue liquid. "You like this? Sixty percent pure mana. Took me three weeks to make such a high quality product. I'm going to see what would happen if I inject a freakshow like you with it." He then took the boy's arm and prepared to inject the needle.

All the misty runes around the boy moved to the forearm held by the junior one of them. Words started to form in the boys head.
The runes arrange themselves into a pair of parallel sets that sunk into his skin. The needle of the syringe went in and the blue liquid vanished.
"What the hell?" said the junior one of them as he removed the needle. The runes reappear as dark blue tattoos on the boy's arm. "Well, that's an interesting-"

A bolt of blue energy shot out of the boy's palm through the experimenter, the iron bars, the stone ceiling, and out into open sky where it erupted like a firework. The man fell dead, the door swung open, and the gloves scurry onward.

>Stay in cell
>Follow the gloves
>Listen, move, Listen
>Write in
>Follow the gloves
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I find it funny that this thread is kept going by a variety of one anon answering. Anyways, working on next post.
The boy followed the gloves out of his prison into a hallway that didn't look much different from where he came from. There was a lot of shouting from people he couldn't see, but the boy could hear them approaching quickly. The gloves move into an adjacent wing.

>Look for an exit
>Follow the gloves to another part of the prison
>Write in
>Follow the gloves to another part of the prison
These gloves seem like real go-getters. I wanna see where they're headed.
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Due to a lack of any other direction, the boy followed the gloves into the wing. The wing was open with arcane circles painted onto the floor and walls. A desk and an alter sat in the center, one stained in red and the other in black.

The pair stayed outside of all the circles they came near and waved to the boy to keep up.The gloves move quickly to the back of the room where a pile of clothes sat in an arcane circle. A pair of glowing eyes stared the boy from the darkness underneath the hat.
"Nice to finally meet you face to face."
"Who...who you?"
"I am Harket, and what is the name of my little helper?"
"D-d-d...no name."
"That won't due. I have to call you something."
>Name (write in)
I'm no good with names, but how about...
A fragment of the past wormed its way into the boy's mind. A name said in a soft loving voice.
"D-david. Name David."
"That's good name, David. Now I know you've helped me a lot already, but I still require some assistance. Would you kindly erase part of the circle."
"Eee-race. How?"
Harket laughed, "I like you already David, asking how instead of why. I'm certain, if you're up to the task, that those long fingernails will do."
>Help Harket
>Lay down and rest
>Leave the room
>Ask a question (specify)
>Write in
>Help Harket
He seems like a pretty swell guy.
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David ignored the noises outside and started scraping the black paint on the floor.
"Good. Now it doesn't have to be wide break, just enough to break the circle."

The door is open by one of them. "There you are," she said as she entered the room. "We've been looking all...GET AWAY FROM THAT!"

As David leaped away from the circle, a large paint chip was peeled away from the circle. The gloves fly back and attach themselves to their owner.

"I remember you," said Harket while stepping out of the circle. "You took my ichor. Very rude considering that I'm still using it." He then swiped the air and a giant claw mark erupted across the wall.

She of them stood unharmed behind her mana shield. "Enjoy your freedom while it lasts," she said before making a hasty exit.
>continued next post
"Welp this has been fun David, but it is time to go."
"We go?"
"Oh very much so."Harket's body separates into its individual parts and forcefully don themselves onto David. The boy couldn't move as a second shadow grew out from him. "Thank you again David for letting me use you as a meat suit. It will be far easier for me to move around while you're sleeping though. Nighty night."

>Roll to resist
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Kinda rude to go stealing somebody's body, Harket.

Incidentally I'm probably gonna head off to sleep some time soon.
Oh hey, looks like David's gonna be getting some shuteye, too.
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Same here, but this thread would most likely still be here after I wake up and do stuff. So I'll be back in a few hours. Until then, enjoy aggressive chicken dancing
Here's hoping we can resume in the... morning-ish with more players then. Kinda lonely around here with just me.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

He doesn't try to resist. He's found someone who doesn't want to experiment on him. Indeed, he seems to be enemies with the researchers/torturers, so he's our friend by definition. He can be our Master to make us stronger (new Sith lord born? oh, wrong universe).

timezone blaming - so true.
Don't resist. Let's help him as best we can, we have absolutely no reason to stop him. If we let him put us to sleep I'm sure we'll have some nice dreams of a different color.
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David didn't have any fight left in him. He had done more today then he had in a long time. Within seconds he was in the dream green playing tag.

Except, for the first time, David looked up into the sky. The sun was eclipsed and emitted a crimson light that distorted the sky around it. When he looked back down at earth the green field was replaced by a rusty block city. Strange white beings with branch like heads filled the streets, passing him by without a word.
The wind began to howl, carrying with it the scent of rot and honey. David was alone, but no longer in his field of green.
>Try to wake up
>Just lay down
>Write in
Nice get
A fog started to fill the streets and David decided that there was no point of staying where he was. He listened carefully as he wondered the streets. The silence was like an itchy foot inside a tightly laced boot. The boy was used to listening to the footsteps of them and the cries of their victims. The fog thicken throughout the hours of searching empty streets. Eventually it was bad enough that David navigated through touch alone. He came to open space with the fog thick enough to obscure the ground.

After a few minutes of this he starts to get disoriented.
>Crawl on the ground
>Maintain balance (d100)
>Sit down
>Stop moving
>Write in
Rolled 52 (1d100)

>Maintain balance (d100)
Rolled 61 (1d100)

>>Maintain balance (d100)
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(Obtained Basic Acrobatics skill)

David kept pressing against the disorientation and the fog began to lift. He was standing in the sky. A floating island was in front of him and it emitted a bizarre ambiance. It grew louder until it became deafening and the boy awoke.

The first thing that David became aware of was that he was still in the prison, sneaking around corners looking for an exit. The second thing was that he wasn't directing any of his movements.
>Stay passive
>Focus on staying calm (d100)
>Struggle (d100)
>Listen (d100)
>Write in
>Ask Harket what he is doing, and where he is going.
This. Seems like Harket's managing pretty well so far.
"W-where going?"
The clothes around him tighten for a second. "You woke up. I guess you are more resilient than I gave you credit for. I'm trying to find a way out, but this place is a maze."
"What are you babbling about."
>Listen (d100)
>Explain (d100)
>Write in
Rolled 27 (1d100)

"listen. feet. always from same side."
Rolled 80 (1d100)

>Explain (d100)
>>94316 (Saved)
(Loss stutter)

"Can hear exit. I touch wall."
"That's insane. But I'll try crazy if it doesn't hurt." Harket's right glove floated off of the boy's hand.
David touched the cool stone wall, hearing the movements of all of those nearby. All of Them were gone, but there were other things moving. "Go back. Wrong way."
"Sure, why not."
(Obtained short range echolocation-touch)
The pair was getting close to where they were before when David sensed the creature. "Stop," he whispered. "Animal."
>Wait for the creature to leave on its own
>Ask Harket what to do
>Write in
>Wait for the creature to leave on its own
I get the feeling the creature might hear us if we try talking to Harket.
Seconding this. We have no idea how strong Harket even is, or what that beast is.
>Wait for the creature to ...no! >CHARGE FOR FREEDOM!
Wait a bit, but run after a short time, run towards freedom.
Do animals have worse instincts than we have though? Maybe it already knows where we are.
Well I am kind of assuming that we are in a corridor of sorts, and the creature is behind a door or inside of a cell. The only way it could've gotten out is if "They" released it, but since none of them are left, it's doubtful.

Unless it ate Them, who knows?
David and Harket waited in silence. After twenty seconds of quiet breathing the nearby door explodes outward. The beast slams against the opposing stone wall, slightly opening the revolving door.
"That's a problem."
"Exit there."
"My apologies, I'm a shadow demon and that is or was a werewolf. Can't really hurt each other. So I wish you the best of luck." The clothing goes limp and the second shadow disappears. The beast shakes off a few finger sized splinters and then takes a feral gaze at the boy.

Choose (d100):
>Run back
>Run into old cell
>Charge through the exit
>Write in
Rolled 80 (1d100)

>Charge through the exit
Nimble wins the day, we run circles around that lame weredog. Quick it is!
Maybe we can lead it towards some of our enemies to make it attack them instead of looking at us like we're its meal...

Seems the 'wait and see' approach kinda backfired that time.
Got nothing to add, go with this
No, David refused to stand down while freedom was so close. He sprinted forward as fast as his stick like legs could take him. The beast was startled at first, stepping back in a hunch and giving the clearance the boy needed to leap over the beast.
(Effects of Basic Acrobatic Skills)
David leapfrogged over the creature and landed in the entryway of the exit. As he took a step forward searing hot pain rain across his back before being launched forward.
>Continued next post
David laid on the stone steps as his blood leaked down them. The beast wedged itself in revolving door, pushing against a mechanical sound that refused to surrender.
"Well you made it." Harket's clothes removed themselves from the boy's body. "It was nice knowing you, hope you don't bleed to death. Wouldn't mind seeing you again in better circumstances."

>Get up (d100)
>Plead to Harket (d100)
>Write in
Rolled 27 (1d100)

>Plead to Harket (1d100)
After all we've gone through he just leaves now?
What an ass.
Rolled 94 (1d100)

What happened? Did the werewolf get crushed by the door?

Try pleading.
Rolled 59 (1d100)

>Get up (d100)
So, Harket's not exactly as swell a guy as I originally assumed. Still, at least we're free now, that's good.
At what point did he appear swell to you? He was condescending from the moment we met, used us and then left us to die, shrugged and said sayonara.
Werewolf is stuck in revolving stone door
He had purty mouth

Anyways to the writing
Well. We can remember this pain, make it part of us. This pain is nothing compared to past experiments.
And we will remember this glove demon, we will meet again.
I dunno, he asked nicely when he wanted us to help him. I figured he couldn't be all bad.

And well to his credit, he kept us from getting re-captured. Ditching us while we're hurt is a real dick move, though.
(Lost broken speech)
"Help me."
Harket stopped, "It's not that I don't sympathize boy, but freedom is right there. Any friendly feelings we had in there, stay in there."
David dragged himself a stone step closer, "Please, I want to see the grass."
"I'm certain they'll bury you under some."
David grabbed Harket's pant leg, "Help me."
Harket stood in perfect silence for a second, "I can't."
The blue tattoo runes on David's arm floated off and began encircle the shadow demon. "Help me!" The runes then bond themselves to Harket's body. The boy loses consciousness.
"What the hell are you?"
>continued next post
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"There's a survivor! A boy!"
David awoke being carried bride style by man in armor. Breathing hurt, but he was still alive.
"Boy, are there any others?"
The boy looked down to see his wounds bandaged by what looked like pieces of Harket's clothes.
>Close eyes and rest
>Say no one
>Say Harket
>Write in

okay, I need a break. Be able to answer some quick questions then I'll be back in three hours.
>>Close eyes and rest
>Say no one
Harket did us a solid and bandaged us up, so telling some knights who probably aren't too fond of demons about him seems like it'd be rude.
This. Say no one.
I'm back just need a few more minutes before I start writing again.
With out a word, David drifted off to sleep. The next days were a blur as he spent most of which in a bed. Several armored men, known as the Province Guard, ask questions about Them. The boy answered the best he could, but could offer little.
(Effect of physical recovery basic)
David was out of bed after four days of rest and was able to explore the house, but not leave it yet.
Choose 1st day activity:
>Stay in room
>Explore the house
>Meet the people of the house
>Write in
>Meet the people of the house
>Explore the house
>>Explore the house
roll d100s
Rolled 34 (1d100)

Rolled 57 (1d100)

David spent the day exploring the house. It was two story townhouse, the kind that would belong to a merchant or a baron. The room that he was staying in was a guest room with two beds, a fireplace, and a small desk with a few books. On the second was the master bedroom (which he didn't venture into), a study filled with books, maps, and large table with figurine soldiers.
On the first floor was the kitchen were a cook named Marcel gave David a honey biscuit before shooing the boy out. There was also a dining room, a room with a bathing tub, and large hallway with lots of paintings.
Choose 2nd Day activity:
>Stay in room to read and rest
>Go to the study
>Help out in the kitchen
>Write in
>Help out in the kitchen
Marcel was hesitant at first, but he handed David a broom and told him to clean. The cook didn't pester David with questions, instead he went over every food item he touch explaining their preferred uses.
(Gained basic food prep knowledge)
As evening approached, Marcel thank David for helping out and that he hoped that he will enjoy dinner with the master of the house. He then ask what David would like for dessert.
>Honey & Apples
>Date paste on sweet bread
>Peaches & Cream
>Write in
>>Peaches & Cream
>Honey & Apples
The most important vote.
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David couldn't decided between Peaches & Cream or Honey & Apples. Been far too long since he had either, if he had either. That night he met master of the house who was a middle age man with a hard stare.
"I am Marshal William Trench, it is good to see you among the conscious world. I know that you've been asked many questions about that horrid place, but what I want to know is if you have any family."
"I don't know."
"You have no family?"
"I don't know."
"Then I'll make sure that you are well taken care for, and that a family of good standing will take you in."
The Marshal didn't prompt any conversation once was served.
>Eat in silence
>Ask about the Marshal's family
>Ask for permission to go outside
>Ask question (specify)
>Write in
>>Ask for permission to go outside
>Ask for permission to go outside
>Ask for permission to go outside
"May I go outside tomorrow?"
"If you are feeling well enough, of course. Every young man should strive to get fresh air every day."
The dessert was raisin bread with butter.

Choose 3rd Day/4days activity:
>Stay in room to read and rest
>Go to the study
>Help out in the kitchen
>Go outside
>Write in
>>Stay in room to read and rest
>Go outside
Stay in room, read and rest
So, why did we ask if we could go outside if we aren't going to?
Some rolls please
Rolled 85 (1d100)

The yard was a well kept patch of dirt with combat training equipment. It was enclosed by a wooden fence, obscuring the adjacent alley ways. The only visible green was the small herb garden.
Choose (d100):
>Look at the herbs (Chance Gain Serene presence-basic)
>Practice with sword training equip (Chance Gain Sword Proficiency Basic)
>Practice on unarmed combat training equip (Chance gain Hand to Hand Proficiency Basic)
>Go back inside
>Write in
Rolled 91 (1d100)

>Look at the herbs (Chance Gain Serene presence-basic)
Rolled 80 (1d100)

>>Go back inside
(Obtained Serene Presence-basic, Obtained Find Flora basic)

David's little patch of green made him smile. Fragments of memories surface, but nothing clear. Images of grassy hills, riding a pony, and partial images of people.
"Psst. Boy!"
David turned to see another boy in ragged clothes on the other-side of the fence.
>Ignore the boy
>Go see what he wants
>Go get help
>Write in
>>Ignore the boy
>Go see what he wants

Why do you not want to do anything interesting, anon?
Hold up a second
>Ragged clothes
>Addresses us as 'Boy' despite apparently being our age
Going to need a roll
Rolled 34 (1d100)

Rolled 9 (1d100)

I hope this isn't how things are gonna be going from here on out, just rolling every time because there are only two of us.
You can also discuss things like civilized anons.
A discussion kinda requires two people, and that other anon doesn't seem to have written a thing other than votes so far.
Well this is anon's chance now, otherwise I'll start writing. Going to be the last post of weekend anyways. I'll start another one for sure next weekend, maybe during the week as well.

David blocked out the boy from his mind and kept his focus on the plants. That is until a shoe hit him in the back of the head. "Ow!"
"Boy! It's Harket. I'm just using this meat suit."
David walked up to the fence to see a street kid whose eyes had a golden tint.
"You help me. Thank you. I wish I could repay you."
Harket waggled his finger, "Don't say that to a demon, boy, it is mighty tempting to take advantage of you. Regardless, I've been thinking. I could use a friend here on the outside. Especially a gifted one such as yourself."
"Of course you are my friend."
"That's nice to hear. Then you can help me tomorrow night if that is alright."

>Ask what is being done
>Ask what David needs to do
>Reject Harket
>Write in
>Ask what is being done
I thought this was the last post of the weekend?
Rolled 82 (1d100)

>>Reject Harket
It is, to be continued next time.
Any questions, comments, or complaints about the game
Well, I enjoyed myself, but I hope we have more people next time.
Ask what david needs to do
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Sorry anon, you just showed up at the wrong time, but in concession, have some Gribble
Thread posts: 118
Thread images: 14

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