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Ultra Supernova quest 3 - Copy.jpg
574KB, 1948x804px
PREVIOUS: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/793771/
Char Sheet: http://pastebin.com/mYBvajGn
Other Character Sheets!: http://pastebin.com/K05wcqLy . *ADDED CYRA'S SHEET*

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHeadMasterTG
"In other news, the unknown masked Ultra has made another appearance" A far too cheerful looking with a face of plastic said with mock happiness, her face staring out from one of the massive screens hanging from the side of the skyscrapers reaching for the cloud filled sky above the crowded, busy streets "And no I don't mean the one who's been robbing banks, no this is the mysterious one who's been popping up for the last couple of weeks, seems she's actually got a proper costume now...so Mathew what do you think she's...about I guess"

"Well" A man with a balding head and thin mustache chuckled, as a blurry image of a metal, stylized skull mask appeared on top right of titanic screen.

the screen buzzed for a moment, a commercial flashing over it. And the old merc Moriarty stopped looking up at it, and continued on his way, hanging his head. He knew something was fishy when Marcus went haywire. An experimental device was stolen right under their noses, by a woman who was currently under house arrest until a few days ago. And someone had effortlessly busted the security system keeping his beloved and...perverted ward safe. Whoever it was erased all of the footage of the day while she went through the building....until the fight broke out.

Moriarty stopped, pulling the cigarette from his mouth, breathing in a lungful of cold and crips air, before he stuck another between his lips, and lit it as he continued. The pictures were blurry, but he was sure it was the same mask as he had just seen on the screen, and he was even more certain it wasn't fucking miss sparks either. Whoever it was pulled the wool over all their eyes, took his employers secrets and some kind of secret anti armor weapon.

And now she was out fighting thugs?

"Something doesn't fit right here" the old man grumbled under his breath, rolling his smoke around his cracked lips "And I'm going to figure out what it is...need to know what someone was doing in Emily's room"
Miss sparks
The day is bright and happy, all the machines around me are laughing and exposing their little itty bitty secrets to me as I float along on my awesome hoveboard. Apparently there's a doppleganger or something running around, not sure what she's doing but I need to find her for....reasons! I know I have some reason to go looking for this copy of me, not sure what it is, but I'm sure I'll figure it out when or before I find her! Could use an assistant or something I'm sure...even though I don't. Still, its no good having some fake running around ruining my already trashed reputation. Can't have someone thinking I'm a goody two shoes all the time now can I?! that just won't do at all!

Now, I need to find some fuel for this flyer, before I crash into a building. Again!

"Night's Band" the radio said as it sputtered to life, rattling the shadowed compartment of the plane "I know all of you boys would prefer liberating some far off country from a mad ultra or something heroic like that, but we all know none of you are going to complain about a simple retrieval job"

the Six figures in the darkness said nothing, their blank masks lighting up for a moment as they turn to the cockpit, one of them chuckling with a static voice, before she went back to cleaning her old style rifle carefully. The leader, a man with a Rek'a'dari jawbone over his mask glared at her silently.

"Pay attention Hunter six" he said calmly "We're receiving our orders"

"Good thing eh? wouldn't want to go into another mess without any info" She cackled, running her hand down the gun's barrel "Again"

"We've been over this, as retarded as it is, we're not in the know" Hunter one sighed, turning back to the old fashioned radio as it buzzed again "So don't question it"

"Yes, as you know within these last two months, Government property was stolen from us, a renowned scientist went...missing along with the apparent fruits of his labor and two of his colleges" The voice said calmly and coldly, with a voice that would make a dead man afraid "And not two weeks ago one of our agents went rogue after an...unforeseen change in our relationship's climate, We believe these events are all connected"

The hunters say nothing, simply continuning packing their various tools as the voice took a pause

"So prepare yourselves for anything, because if we're right, you'll be facing a heartless, inhuman monster, the sole product of years of labor and planning, all methods allowed, restrictions released" the voice continued "good luck out there hunters, and remember, while this is a retrieval mission, we cannot allow a monster like this to run rampant"

"Understood" Hunter one said calmly, powering up his shocking gloves
Meanwhile said "Inhuman monster" was quite busy, but peaceful, causing no real harm for anyone besides maybe Adam. It was a nice and calm day, but she was still hard at work
What am I doing?
[] Making Cyra's costume with her help and my siblings
[] Wrestling with Mimi and mom
[] Discussing the world with Rasputin as we play basketball
[] talking and trying to cheer up my head friend
[] practicing my new teleportation and displacement powers, gained from the woman currently trapped inside of me
[] trying to figure out how to eat spicy food
[] Tinkering and making a new device
[] Helping Adam with his research paper
[] write in
>[] Making Cyra's costume with her help and my siblings
>[] Making Cyra's costume with her help and my siblings
>[] Making Cyra's costume with her help and my siblings

Sorry about your cat HM.
>[] Making Cyra's costume with her help and my siblings

Helping Adam with his research does seem like a good way to thank him for the shit he puts up with though.
>[] Making Cyra's costume with her help and my siblings

we can wrestle later, but god damn it we will wrestle
My cat is still doing fine, my kitten is kill though. Still feeling fucked up since I was the one who found him. and he technically belonged to my sister, who got back yesterday.

Wasn't fun telling her about it. Whole family is in tears about it still
>[] Making Cyra's costume with her help and my siblings
>[] practicing my new teleportation and displacement powers, gained from the woman currently trapped inside of me
>[] trying to figure out how to eat spicy food
Use our 'borrowed' power to go to a restaurant.
>[] Making Cyra's costume with her help and my siblings
I'm sure it wasn't. Still, best to fill the void with work or something you enjoy until it heals over, or something like that. Hope we can distract you with our insane bullshit, at least for a little while.
Oh right, clones. I always forget at first.
>[] trying to figure out how to eat spicy food
>[] Helping Adam with his research paper
to mine>>819919
I'll add

>[] Wrestling with Mimi and mom
>[] trying to figure out how to eat spicy food

to my vote, because clones.
Eve Sparks
Sparks fly in my face, as I try to cut the chunks of metal down to more manageable sizes, with the help of some of the plasma launcher's parts re purposed to work like a welder's torch in my hand. I'm covered in sweat under my mask, it burns and I can barely breath. Rasputin is standing next to me, the sparks flying from the metal stopping the second they fly from the metal, held in place by his mind. Really glad he decided to help, it makes it a lot easier and a whole lot less painful than it would be without him. He's such a good brother

t or you could just use gloves you bimbo t

Hey. I pout, well I'm just going to ignore you them, see how you like that.

the dull thudding of metal bending makes it pretty easy for me not to hear that woman trapped in my head's whining and plain mean insults. You know you could really learn to be more polite lady

t and you could spit me out you fat ass t

"Didn't know working would be so much fun" Mimi "purrs" grinding her teeth together as she bends a few plates of metal along the lines me and Cyra marked "We should do this more often, its a fun little bonding experience init?"

"I wouldn't call it enjoyable" Rasputin huffs, sweating bullets as he clenches his fist

"I don't know' Cyra chuckles, untangling bunches of wires and repairing some simple circuitry for me to work with "its pretty fun, making my own costume, even if you three are doing all the work...But it still feels like I'm some kind of mad scientist over here always wanted to make something like this"

What do I say?
[] Make a what?
[] Well, you should have at least a little part in making it, its going to be yours afterwards
[] I mean, this isn't really mad science
[] Oh? Wanna help me a little more
[] Yeah, just don't get tangled in the wires
[] Sooo...decided what you want it to look like yet?
[] Well...we're almost done...sorry
[]Uh...Mimi, could you not bend the metal I'm cutting?
[] Pah, lets take a break, I'm starving
[] write in
Yeah, poor guy didn't deserve to go out like he did. He was a good boy.
>[] I mean, this isn't really mad science
>[] Oh? Wanna help me a little more
>[] Sooo...decided what you want it to look like yet?
>Well, you should have at least a little part in making it, its going to be yours afterwards
>[] I mean, this isn't really mad science
>[] Oh? Wanna help me a little more
>[] Sooo...decided what you want it to look like yet?
>[] Well, you should have at least a little part in making it, its going to be yours afterwards
>[] I mean, this isn't really mad science
>[] Yeah, just don't get tangled in the wires
>[] Sooo...decided what you want it to look like yet?
>[] Well, you should have at least a little part in making it, its going to be yours afterwards
>[] I mean, this isn't really mad science
>[] Oh? Wanna help me a little more
>[] Sooo...decided what you want it to look like yet?
>Have a clone get some spicy food.
>[] I mean, this isn't really mad science
>[] Oh? Wanna help me a little more
>[] Sooo...decided what you want it to look like yet?
>[] Well, you should have at least a little part in making it, its going to be yours afterwards
>[] I mean, this isn't really mad science
>[] Oh? Wanna help me a little more
>[] Sooo...decided what you want it to look like yet?
I am curious is there a way to make the assimilated powers permanent, possibly whitout hurting the assimilated person?
Also how are we going to deal with the teleporter because she now knows who Eve her siblings and Cyra are, and where they live? How will we relese her?
>Well, you should have at least a little part in making it, its going to be yours afterwards
>[] I mean, this isn't really mad science
>[] Oh? Wanna help me a little more
>[] Sooo...decided what you want it to look like yet?
>How will we relese her?
discover that someone iced her old gang's boss and offer to help take down the prick that did that to get on her good side and let her out once she's no longer gunning for us?
"It isn't mad Science and, well" I say calmly as I move my hand down the center of what used to be the knuckle armor of one of those cool looking mechas that littered that junkyard like sadly fallen giants "You should at least have a little part in making it, its going to be yours after all"

"Oh Eve, don't try and act like this isn't kind of mad, we're turning a bunch of scrap into a top of the line armored suit!" She shouts happily, lisping slightly as she speaks faster and faster, sounding like she's overloading with excitement "You're cutting it with a laser from your hand, Mimi's bending giant plates of metal like paper and Rasputin is"

"Making sure Eve doesn't cry or panic" He says calmly, his mouth forming for a second "Really don't get why you aren't just wearing"

"BECAUSE THIS IS MORE EFFICIENT!" I shout, clenching my fist as I turn off the plasma core in my arm for a second.

t See he agrees with me, you're an idiot t

No I just want him to feel like he's..

"Eve, I wasn't feeling left out in the first place" Rasputin says calmly "But thanks for worrying about me, even if you're doing something stupid to do it"

t also she couldn't find any gloves...why can't he hear me anyways t

Oh, that's because he's only reading my surface thoughts, you're stuck in my subconscious currently and...
t don't fuckin care t

"Hey, I'm just happy to help my lil sis" Mimi say cheerfully, dragging me back to the real world "no way you could've done this without me huh? Huh?"

She grins widely, her tentacles undulating as she looks at me, her eyes glimmering in the spark light as Cyra smiles weakly

"Oh of course...of course' I say meekly, nodding as Mimi grins and goes back to tearing and bending the metal into more manageable pieces as easily as anyone else could tear paper

"I just wish I could do as much as you guys can" Cyra sighs, trying to pull apart another wire with her fingers "Eve...doing everything, Rasputin keeping her safe and Mimi doing all the..er processing, while I'm just over here doing a whole lot of boring"

"Oh?" I ask happily as I pause my own work and look at my smiling friend, her braces glowing in the dark "Wanna help me a little more"

"OH HELL YEAH I...wait it doesn't involve...yu know what right" She says, sounding like mimi for a second before she slouches, looking concerned

"No, no, if I needed you in that way I would've said so" I say beckoning her over lazily "I need you to scour all the paint and stuff off of the metal, clean it with some electricity"

"OH, well I can do that easily!" she says, suddenly appearing at my side with a rush of air

"FUCK!" Rasputin yells as he stumbles back "Stop doing that"

"Hahahaha" Mimi cackles "ehehe, I love it when you do that, its so funny"

Rasputin grumbles as he gets back up

"Sooo" I ask as the room lights up from the glow of the lighting flying from her hands, the crackling and static nearly deafening me as she smirks a little"Decided on what you want it to look like yet?"
>[] I mean, this isn't really mad science
>[] Oh? Wanna help me a little more
>[] Sooo...decided what you want it to look like yet?
>[] Well, you should have at least a little part in making it, its going to be yours afterwards
So you planning to run Shinigami sooner HM? Maybe switch Young demon with it this once?
Cyra stops, arcs of electricity crawling over her face as her eye go blank, like she's suffering an error.

"Uuuuh" She says slowly, rubbing her throat nervously as she looks down at her feet "I uh"

Crap! I didn't think about it before! I was good with just wearing my usual stuff, but Eve was so excited and set on giving me this and...I..wait that's it!
[] Jet styled suit, sleek and robotic looking
[] clunky suit meant to throw of my foes and surprise them when I get out of it
[] A simple, form fitting thing with a few rockets on the back to aid in my flying like from my animes
[] Something based off my favourite mecha
[] write in
Maybe, but that seems to throw people off when I do that.
>[] Jet styled suit, sleek and robotic looking
>[] Jet styled suit, sleek and robotic looking
[] Jet styled suit, sleek and robotic looking

In honor of Eli's battle theme!
>[] Jet styled suit, sleek and robotic looking
>[] Jet styled suit, sleek and robotic looking
Forgot the N damn it
>[] Jet styled suit, sleek and robotic looking
>[] write in
only thing I can think to add is a thick masquerade looking mask that when she puts on her face and puts some of her electric powers into it shifts into a helmet that covers her full face. mask looks like a masquerade mask with a teairra on top that when turns into a helmet turns into a full crown.
Eve Sparks
Cyra slowly smiles, electricity flowing over her braces as she slowly licks them, laughing happily as she claps her hands together, sparks flying from her finger tips as she turns to me with the biggest grin on her face. Her eyes spark with small flashes and pulses of electricity as she grabs my shoulders. I frown and lean back, not sure what to do as she leans close to me, nearly pressing her face against mine like mom does...is she trying to kiss me!?


I blink and try to answer

"Oh, and don't make the mask too scary, I don't wanna scare my lil brother or kids" She says grabbing my hands as I nod slowly

"Awww, how sweet" Mimi says "but its not like you're scary anyways, so why worry about it"

"Because I don't want to give them nightmares" Cyra cries out as Rasputin frowns, sadness emanating from him.

"I need to...do something" He says flatly as I frown

"Brother?" I ask, but he ignores me

I turn to Mimi and she nods.

"Well" I say as my little big sister rushes off to try to cheer my big little brother up "lets get to work"

I groan, wiping grease from my face as I slump against the wall. Cyra is hugging her suit happily, rubbing her face into it happily....like a cat.

Its kind of weird. I don't think people are supposed to do that.

"Thank you thank you thaaank you, its amazzzing" She shouts happily.

What do I do?
[] take it out for a spin with her
[] see if Rasputing is cheered upp
[] test it out, with the help of my siblings
[] go to lunch with my family
[] Ask if she likes it
[] Teleport besides her and get hugged
[]Tell her how hard it was making the helmet
[] write in

Check Cyra's sheet
>[] see if Rasputing is cheered upp
>[] see if Rasputin is cheered up
>[] go to lunch with my family
>[] take it out for a spin with her
>[] see if Rasputing is cheered upp
>[] test it out, with the help of my siblings
>[] see if Rasputing is cheered upp
>[] test it out, with the help of my siblings
>[] go to lunch with my family
>[] Ask if she likes it
>[] Teleport besides her and get hugged
>[] see if Rasputing is cheered upp
>[] go to lunch with my family
>[] Ask if she likes it
>[] see if Rasputing is cheered upp
>[] test it out, with the help of my siblings
>[] go to lunch with my family
>[] Ask if she likes it
>[] Ask if she likes it
>[] Teleport besides her and get hugged
>[]Tell her how hard it was making the helmet
>[] test it out, with the help of my siblings
>[] see if Rasputing is cheered upp
>[] test it out, with the help of my siblings
>[] go to lunch with my family
>[] Ask if she likes it
>[] see if Rasputing is cheered upp
>[] test it out, with the help of my siblings
"So you like it?" I ask hopefully, getting up from the ground as Cyra turns towards me, and before I can even process what happened, she's in front of me and hugging me tightly

"OF COURSE I DO!" She shouts, right into my ears, making me shiver and feel uncomfortable "Its amazing Eve, like...it makes me feel like a real super hero you know...you're a great friend, ya know that?"

I smile happily and hug her back

"Well, I'm glad you like it" I say happily as we pull away from eachother "it did take a lot of work to make, and I wasn't the only one who had a part in it"

"I know, but...you were the one who came up with the idea" She sighs, still smiling and looking all giddy "I'd still be running around dressed like a janitor if it wasn't for you girl"

"Yeah, I did didn't I' I say flatly as I stare back at the door leading out of our...workshop, didn't know we had another room...but adam is probably going to be mad when he sees the mess we made...whatever this room is for "But...Rasputin got a little"

Cyra frowns, as I do.

"yeah, I know, I kind of messed up with what I said" She sighs "Think he's doing alright?"

"I hope so, I can't read his mind without absorbing him" I say softly and sadly "but he looked hurt...we should check on him"

"Yeah, we really should" Cyra says as we walk out of the room together "I just hope I didn't mess up too badly"

"I'm certain you didn't, at least not too critically" I say nodding as I peek into the main room "Or well, I hope you didn't mess up too much ei"

"Give that back" Rasputin shouts as he tries to hit mimi with several pillows he's lifting up with his mind "right now"

He chuckles as Mimi grins, holding one of his books in her hands, cackling herself. She's holding it carefully.

"Oh" Cyra says happily "nothing to worry about I guess"

"Good work mimi" I say under my breath as I walk over to my brother "feeling alright I take?"

"Yeah, just needed to get my mind off of...that" he says calmly, his black skin sleek with sweat, as he grins, his mouth melting onto his face as Mimi flips through his book

"A girl looks for personality over...this is bull crap" Mimi says calmly as she gets smacked in the face by a rain of pillows

"DON'T READ THAT!" He bellows in all our minds, making Cyra jolt in suprise

"What are you reading?" I ask tilting my head as Cyra chuckes

"Looking for love Ras?" She asks teasingly, before a pillow hits her in the face, a direct hit "Hey, not reason to get all defensive"

"Oh, so you want a girlfriend" Mimi cackles as more pillows bury her "that's so cute, didn't know you...well were lookin"

"Just be quite, all of you" he commands seriously "I wasn't reading that book"

"Suuuuuuure" We all say in near perfect unison.

"Fine, by force then" He says calmly, as the door rattles
"Wait" I say holding my hands up quickly "Its just some harmless teasing, besides I was going to ask you if you two wanted to"

"WANT TO GET PIZZA!?" Mom shouts cheerfully, still in her lab coat as she throws open the door "all of you must be so cooped up staying in here day in and..."

"Help me test Cyra's suit!" I say at the same time.

Mom gasps, and frowns

"I...well" She says sadly, forcing a smile "I guess pizza can wait"

I bite my lip and

What do I do?
[] test cyra's suit before getting pizza
[] get pizza and bring the suit with us
[] test it in rotation, while eating pizza
[] Get some pizza, and test it in the old docks
[] write in
>[] get pizza and bring the suit with us
>[] test it in rotation, while eating pizza
>[] get pizza and bring the suit with us
>[] get pizza and bring the suit with us
>[] Get some pizza, and test it in the old docks
>[] get pizza and bring the suit with us
>[] Get some pizza, and test it in the old docks
Some nice saltwater seems like a good way to test out the suit as well.
>get pizza and bring the suit with us
also ask mom how work has been and if our siblings have any idea on what they'd like for their super suits... Also ask mom something nice we could do for adam.
>[] get pizza and bring the suit with us
"its so nice going out to eat like a normal family" Mom says happily, slurping her soda up as she taps her feet on the tile floor "And its really nice that you decided to come with us, Cyra dear"

Rasputin has his head close to the table, wearing his hoodie nearly pulled shut, cutting his slice up with a plastic fork and knife so he doesn't have to look up and show his face. For some "unknown" reason the rest of the pizzari is keeping their distance. It might be because Mimi has gone through two meat lovers by herself already and is on her third, and keeps glaring at anyone who gets too close to her while she's eating. Might be because mimi refused to try and cover herself up in a...very uncomfortable coat.

Then again. I take a bite of my pizza as I look over at the suit of armor sitting in a chair next to Cyra, depowered. It might be because we have a robotic suit with us at our table. Not sure which it is, but its keeping everyone else at a distance

"Well thanks for having miss...er" Cyra says, as she dips her pepperoni pizza in a pool of ranch dressing

"oh just call me lilith"Mom says, putting her hand on her own cheek, setting her pizza down to be polite

"Oh, well I just don't think its...should we have brought the suit with us Lilith?" Cyra asks as I look at rasputin and smile.

He turns to me and smiles back wordlessly

"As normal as we can be at least" He mutters quitely as Mimi smiles happily, humming to herself as chugs another bottle of soda, tipping her chair back.

A mother pulls her child away from her as mom's smile weakens a little bit

"Eh, who cares about normal?" My sister asks, leaning her head back "We're not normal, never will be, so why try to be?"

"I know but' Rasputin sighs "that's kind of the point, we'll never be normal"

"Well, what is the definition of normal? the world we live in is a strange one" I say calmly

"YEAH" Mimi shouts as Mom smiles and grins

"Well Cyra...I don't know why you couldn't have just left it in the apartment" She says quietly as Cyra looks at me accusingly

"Yeah, wonder why we couldn't have" She says blushing slightly

t....god I hate Hawaiian pizza, why are you torturing me like this? are you that cruel? t

What do I say?
[] Oh, not like anyone can steal it
[] Why are you blushing? Is there something to be embarrassed about
[] Efficiency, don't need to waste time this way
[] Don't look at me, mimi was the one who brought it
[] Pah, fine *teleport it back to the apartment*
[]Oh, mom, what would be a good gift for adam
[] Yes, why did you bring it with us uhhh...RASPUTIN!
[]Oh don't be like that, Cyra
[] Hey, why don't we test it out, right now
[] write in
>[] Why are you blushing? Is there something to be embarrassed about
>[] Efficiency, don't need to waste time this way
>[] Why are you blushing? Is there something to be embarrassed about
>[] Efficiency, don't need to waste time this way
>[] []Oh, mom, what would be a good gift for adam
>[] Hey, why don't we test it out, right now
>[] Why are you blushing? Is there something to be embarrassed about
>[] Efficiency, don't need to waste time this way
>[] Hey, why don't we test it out, right now
>[] Why are you blushing? Is there something to be embarrassed about
>[] Efficiency, don't need to waste time this way
>[] Oh, mom, what would be a good gift for adam
>[] Hey, why don't we test it out, right now
>[] Oh, not like anyone can steal it
>[] Why are you blushing? Is there something to be embarrassed about
>[] Efficiency, don't need to waste time this way
>[] Pah, fine *teleport it back to the apartment*
>[]Oh, mom, what would be a good gift for adam
>Oh, not like anyone can steal it
>[] Efficiency, don't need to waste time this way
>[]Oh, mom, what would be a good gift for adam
>[]Oh don't be like that, Cyra
"Why are you blushing?" I ask flatly as Cyra glances around the room nervously "is there something to be embarrassed about?"

"Its just...they're all looking at us" She squeaks meekly as I tilt my head.. I know I don't go out and socialize much but...is that a bad thing? I mean mom never taught me if being looked for this long is a bad thing. I know we were trying to lie low...but.

t were you grown in a lab or somethingt

Oh, how'd you figure that out? yes I was!
t WHAT!?t

"It just...I don't like it' Cyra whines as Mom puts a hand on her shoulder gently

"Sorry" She says softly "I should've figured we'd draw a bit of a crowd, if you want to go home I could drive you back really quick"

"NO no" Cyra says pushing mom's hand off of herself "Its fine...its fine, I'm just wandering why you had to bring the suit along with us eve"

Well, being stared at must mean you're odd, its pretty obvious, I just never thought of it be...oh

"Efficency" I say calmly "Don't need to waste anymore time this way, also they're looking at mimi and the suit, not you"

"And that's normal" Mimi says, almost proudly with her arms crossed over her chest

"Yeah, but I'm sitting next to the suit" Cyra says, leaning over the table as Rasputin sighs and sets his fork down

"I'm just glad I'm not being stared at" He says happily

"Oh" I say quietly "sorry Cyra, want to switch seats?"

"Hey bro, wanna share some pizza?" Mimi asks, trying to use puppy dog eyes to convince him to hand over his food

"No its fine" Cyra say, shaking her head "I just...not used to being the center of attention without a costume"

I smile, and look at mom, as Cyra turns to watch Rasputin and mimi.

"You just finished your third, you greedy bitch" Rasputin huffs angrily

"Well three eyes, I'm still hungry" Mimi chuckles "Come on, we're family, can't you share one piece?"

"One piece turns to all of it, I know you mimi" Rasputin says as Mimi pouts and whines.

I lean over the table and smile

"Hey mom, what would be a good gift for adam?" I ask, grinning as she smiles back at me

"Oh, where did this come from all of a sudden?" She asks, ruffling my hair with a sweet smirk

"I thought he deserves a gift for putting up with us" I say happily "So...any ideas"

"Oh, he loves figures of those big robots, you know mechas? He also really likes old movies and...anything to do with super heroes, and...just between you and me sweetie" Mom says leaning over the table, covering her mouth with her hand "Before he grew up, he wanted to be a super hero"

I grin happily and

"MIMI NO!" Cyra yells as Rasputin rushes past me, mimi chasing after me

"HELP ME!" He yells as Mom pinches the bridge of her nose

"Sorry sweetie, gimme a moment" She says sounding a little upset "MIMI,DON'T CHASE YOUR BROTHER"

"GIVE ME THE PIZZA ALREADY!" She shouts back. I wince as I hear a few screams and crashing

"You know Eve, its hard to see how you and her are related...besides how impulsive you two are" Cyra says sweetly, smiling as she watches my sister wreck the shop "Er...No offense I just...you know what I mean"

"I do" I say, smiling as Mom yells some more "Hey, we should go and test the suit, right now"

"Yeah, before we get the cops called on us" Cyra laughs nervously, watching and wincing as Mimi misses Rasputin, and crashes into the wall with a groan

I nod

What do we do?
[] Test her suit, by fighting her with my siblings
[] Let mimi test's its durability and effectiveness
[]Rasputin tests its sensors and mobility
[] Test it via an obstacle course of my own design 1d20+int
[] find something else to test it one 1d20+luck
[]Buy adam something
[] *Switch to Cyra*
[] *switch to one of my siblings*
[] write in
>[] Test her suit, by fighting her with my siblings
>[] Try to drag Mimi outside
>[] Test her suit, by fighting her with my siblings
>[] Try to drag Mimi outside
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>Test her suit, by fighting her with my siblings
>[] Let mimi test's its durability and effectiveness
>[]Rasputin tests its sensors and mobility
>[] Test it via an obstacle course of my own design 1d20+int
>[]Buy adam something
Anyone else?
also forgot to ask
like the suit?
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>[] Test it via an obstacle course of my own design 1d20+int
>[] Test her suit, by fighting her with my siblings
>[] Let mimi test's its durability and effectiveness
>[]Rasputin tests its sensors and mobility
>[]Buy adam something
>see that we can't afford a giant robot
I can roll some more if you want me to do that

also for the suit, I like it
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>Test her suit, by fighting her with my siblings
>[] Let mimi test's its durability and effectiveness
>[]Rasputin tests its sensors and mobility
>[] Test it via an obstacle course of my own design 1d20+int
>[]Buy adam something
fianlly home from work.
Awesome suit, fits Cyra very well.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] Test it via an obstacle course of my own design 1d20+int
It's cool. The decoy is nice, should help Cyra keep safe long enough to be skilled at hero stuff before she becomes popular.
"Well, meet us outside and take the suit with you" I say as I walk across the wrecked dinner saying "Sorry" to a grumpy looking man with a pizza covering his face.

He just glares at me as I walk over to my sister, and the wall she slammed into. She stands up, covered in plaster and spilled soda dripping down her hair as she looks around for Rasputin.

I turn and see my brother quickly eating his slice of Pizza, and mom looking disappointed at the dazed mimi. I grab her by her hand and smile as I gently lead her out of the store.

She rubs her head and opens her eyes.

"Hey, I'm not done eating yet!" she shout, dragging me back like a toy as she stomps back to the table "Testing that hunk of metal can wait, we still have...like half a pizza to eat, I'm not going to let it go to waste"

I try to get up and drag her myself, but she just keeps pulling me along. I look at Rasputin, Cyra and mom helplessly

"Help meeeee" I whine as I get pulled across the room like a doll...but at least she's being gentle now.

"I'm not hurting you am I?" Mimi asks, sounding worried, giving Rasputin enough time to pluck me out of her grasp with his telekinesis "hey!"

"Ah" I say happily as I stomp around the empty warehouse...good thing this place was abandoned, no idea how mom knew where this was..but I like it "This will do perfectly, lots of abandoned tech, a few inert blocks of metal...even a couple of trashed cars...how did you know about this place"

"Oh" Mom says looking wistful "Its...lets just say I've known about it for awhile, it has some good memories in it"

She smiles, and looks at all four of us with a grim look on her face

"So don't destroy it" She says, sounding more like mimi than herself.

I nod as Mimi sits down and picks her ears, barely paying attention.

Cyra nods, the pistons in her suits firing as she moves around, and tests out the range of her movement.

"I'll try" She says as she turns to me, her voice sound mechanized...and a bit like mine "And I didn't think it'd feel so...limber"

She stretches and sways her hips to show off as Rasputin watches her by my side

"Hmm" He says "I'm curious, how did you make it fit so...well?"

"Oh" I say smiling "I am very familiar with Cyra's body"

I tilt my head in confusion as Rasputin pulls his hoodie closed to hide his blushing and Cyra stammers

"G..dammit Eve" She sighs as I smile "Why do you have to be so innocent"

"What are you talking?" I begin to ask before Rasputin covers my mouth

"Don't ask" He says as I frown...what are they getting so flustered about "And don't worry about it either alright"

I frown...now I have to know
t you weren't joking earlier were you...christ t

"So...how are we going to test this thing?" She asks, pumping her fists in the air, before cracking her knuckles "Cause I feel like I can go two round with the hybrid right now"

"Well each of us is going to test it a different way" I say calmly, crossing my arms as I lean against my brother, that's your cue bro

"I'm going to tests its sensors...and mobility" He says, flipping one of his knives into the air, catching it with his mind "Don't worry, I won't try to hurt you"

"BUT I WILL!" Mimi shouts "Cause I need to see how much of a beating it can take, and how well you can give back"

"Er.. that's..okay" Cyra says nodding slowly "And what about you Eve, what are you doing"

"Oh" I say snapping my fingers, bringing all of the machinery to life as mom leaves the warehouse, and I begin to build and put together the finale pieces of the obstacle course I've been planning throughout the conversation since we got here "I'll be making an Obstacle course for you, oh, and when we're done with the test, we're going shopping for a gift"

Cyra slumps over and sniffles "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Of course not" I say cheerfully "Now begin!"

What do I do?
[] watch
[] make the obstacle course a bit harder 1d20+control
[] or easier 1d20+control
[] take pot shots at her while she runs through it 1d100
[] teleport along it, phasing through the danger to chat with her
[] Clone myself, and distract and annoy her
[]see she handles a bit of interference *machine empathy*
[] Switch to rasputing
[] Switch to mimi
[] Switch to Cyra
[] Put on my costume
[] write in
>[] teleport along it, phasing through the danger to chat with her
>[] Put on my costume
>[]see she handles a bit of interference *machine empathy*
>[] Switch to rasputing
Lets hang out in his head for a bit
>>[] teleport along it, phasing through the danger to chat with her
>>[] Put on my costume
>>[]see she handles a bit of interference *machine empathy*
>[] watch
>[] Switch to rasputing
>[] Put on my costume
>[] teleport along it, phasing through the danger to chat with her
>[] Put on my costume
>[]see she handles a bit of interference *machine empathy*
[] Switch to Cyra
This sounds fun
Does ras know someone had to die so he could be "born" wonder what he thinks about it
"I think I'll try to obstacle course first" Cyra says, her helmet's "eyes" Flashing as she stares at my creations of swinging part, shocking wires, and a few rather crudely crafted tests for how well she can move while wearing that, as well as ordinary tests with a few more...dangerous obstacles hidden throughout them.

"Awww" Mimi whines "come on"

"Eh, just wait your turn, Mimi" Rasputin sighs as he sits down next to her, and pulls his hood completely closed "Lets just rest for a while and let lunch digest"

"Fine, but I really wanted to see what the hunk of junk can do" She sighs as Cyra flies off in a flash

I smirk, and pull my costume out of my pocket, and slam it into my chest.

Closing my eyes, as my mask falls over my face, I teleport over to where I can sense Cyra's armor.

"Hiyah" I say, as I appear next to her, phasing as a car flies towards me "off to a good start"

"EVE?!" She shouts, as she spins out of the way of another broken car swinging from a few old ultra cables "What...yeah I guess, its kind of hard to keep up when you're distracting me"

"Oh" I say, standing on the stand of a rotating blade, watching her zip under them, trying to look up at me and get through it at the same time "I'm not trying to, I'm just trying to chat"

"Well nows not the best time!" She shouts, barely dodging one of the crude blades.

I smile and teleport over to the field of waving electrical wires

"Ah but I wanna talk" I say with a frown, as cyra flies past me "Come on!"

"Well can you wait a bit, kind of trying to get through your death maze!" She shouts as I command the wires to try and grab her, hmmm seems I've protected the systems well enough for her powers and she's drinking in all the energy as well.

I smile and hold my hand out, drinking in some of the electricity myself as she flies away.

"Look don't mean to be rude, but..can you not bother me right now, kind of hard to focus" She says, flying past me as I slide down one of the walls in the tunnel made by an old ultra shipping truck

I frown.

So she wants interference?


What do I do? 1d20+control
[]Hack her sensors
[] randomly disable and turn off the joints of her suits
[] increase the difficulty and add a few curve balls
[] Mess with her visor's field of view
[] Fill her visor with frowning pictures of myself
[] chat to her directly through her com system
[] write in
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>[] randomly disable and turn off the joints of her suits
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>[] Fill her visor with frowning pictures of myself
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>[] Mess with her visor's field of view
>[] chat to her directly through her com system

We dont want to hurt her just have some fun
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>[] Fill her visor with frowning pictures of myself
>[] chat to her directly through her com system
maybe I want to distract you, ever think it might be part of my little course?
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>[] randomly disable and turn off the joints of her suits
Nevermind, this instead
>[] Fill her visor with frowning pictures of myself
18+3= 21= success!

"Good" I say as I teleport in front of her and fall, down through through the spiral she's flying up, blinking back up to the top as she flies past me, panting a bit from using this new ability of mine a little too much "that's what I'm trying to do, did you think I'd make this simply just because you're my friend Cyra?"

Man, that's a bit of a exercise isn't it? Still...its worth it

t I know what you mean, now spit me out already t
not while you're still being so mean and cruel.

"Wait wha...EVE!" Cyra yells as she struggles to fly through the various turbines I've set up as a kind of test to see how stable she is flight "Don't just send pictures of yourself frowning, I get it, your upSeeet!"

"Sorry, testing you" I snort as she spirals to the "Monkey bars" I've set up.

She pauses and slowly starts to climb through them, as some low powered wheels fire scrap at her.

"How'd you hack this any way?' she grumbles angrily as I watch her from a distance

"I made it" I say happily, as she continues on through the end of the obstacle course, tip toeing and dancing over the web of wires I put over her feet...but seems she knows how to get through them even with my distraction

What do I do?
[]Congratulate and hug her
[] make sure the suits okay
[] Ask the girl inside of me her name
[] Watch her fight rasputin 2d100
[] watch her fight mimi 2d100
[] *Switch to cyra*
[]Apologize for being annoying
[] Ask how well the suit works
[] Tell her to go again, with rasputin helping me this time and then repeat...etc
[] write in
>[]Congratulate and hug her
>[] watch her fight mimi 2d100
>[]Apologize for being annoying
>[]Congratulate and hug her
>[] make sure the suits okay
Rolled 66, 4 = 70 (2d100)

>[]Congratulate and hug her
>[] make sure the suits okay
>[] Ask the girl inside of me her name
>[]Apologize for being annoying
>[] Ask how well the suit works
>[] watch her fight mimi 2d100
>[] *Switch to cyra*
Rolled 97, 40 = 137 (2d100)

>>[]Congratulate and hug her
>>[] make sure the suits okay
>>[] Ask the girl inside of me her name
>>[]Apologize for being annoying
>>[] Ask how well the suit works
>>[] watch her fight mimi 2d100
Rolled 60, 38 = 98 (2d100)

>]Congratulate and hug her
>[] make sure the suits okay
>[] Ask the girl inside of me her name
>[] Watch her fight rasputin 2d100
>[]Apologize for being annoying
>[] Ask how well the suit works
I know mimi wants to go next but it helps if the suit is still intact when we test it.
Rolled 61, 23 = 84 (2d100)

>[] make sure the suits okay
>[] Ask the girl inside of me her name
>[] Watch her fight rasputin 2d100
>[] *Switch to cyra*
>[] Ask how well the suit works
"Great work!" I shout happily, as I hug her, resting my mask on the cold metal chest plate of her suit, that makes her stand a little taller than me "You did a really good job getting through all those obstacles Cyra"

She stares down at me silently, her helmet making it look like she's frowning somehow as I shrink down and drown, feeling her ears drooping slightly as she says nothing and stays silent.

"Sorry I was being annoying back there" I say meekly as her helmet's eyes light up and she chuckles

"Well, you were testing me, so I'm not mad its just...really?" She says as I look away guiltily

"Sorry" I mutter.

"Don't be, you were just trying to help me out" she says, hugging me carefully with her metal arms.

"So how well does the suit work!" I ask excitedly as I dip out under her arms and grab them, moving them to the side to examine them for any damage "Hmm sees the armor is undamaged, and the few collisions you took did nothing to it"

"Why do you sound more worried about the suit?" She asks, as I pause and laugh

"Oh, well, clearly you're alright" I say happily as she looks me in the eyes "So I'm just checking, sinces its a lot harder to tell if a machine is broken from the outside"

"Well, you're right there, I'm just a little banged up, just maybe ask if I'm okay next time?" She says teasingly as I realize I'm getting carried away from her

I look up and see Mimi in her true form

"Alright, time for big sis to have her turn" She says looking down at a now very worried looking cyra.

"Hey don't just" She begins before she's dragged off by my sister.

I frown...I wanted to talk to her more

t you're not very good at that you know t

oh, look who's decided to stop trying to escape again

t I will get out t

No you won't, you don't have a body until I say you do

t Oh yeah, forgot you ATE ME you monster t

I didn't "eat" you, I simply incorporated and assimilated your matter into myself, I've done this plenty of times with machines. Nothing like eating, I assure you

t a person is different ya know, lab rat t

I know, I'm just keeping you in here because you'll be trouble otherwise, besides I like these conversations of ours.

t fuck you t

Oh don't be so rude, if you are you'll be stuck here forever...and speaking of being rude, what's your name again? I forgot to ask

t Fine, ya know what, you're not letting me out for awhile anyway, Emi Elm, or ghost ninja t
t stop laughing right now t

B..but I'm not laughing.

t yes you are! t

I hear mimi roar in pain, as the smell of ozone fills the warehouse

What do I do?
[] see how cyra is doing against mimi 2d100
[] tease emi about her name
[] tell her I think her name is cool
[]Try to explain my abilities more to her
[] slowly bait her into telling me what she was doing in that junkyard 1d20+int
[] Show her what I can do with her "borrowed" Mass *what?*
[] Help Cyra fight mimi 1d100
[] write in
Rolled 29, 10 = 39 (2d100)

>[] see how cyra is doing against mimi 2d100
Rolled 88, 12 = 100 (2d100)

>see how cyra is doing against mimi 2d100
>[] tell her I think her name is cool
>[]Try to explain my abilities more to her
>[] slowly bait her into telling me what she was doing in that junkyard 1d20+int
Mimi really shouldn't have eaten all that pizza
Rolled 93, 61 = 154 (2d100)

>[] see how cyra is doing against mimi 2d100
>[] tease emi about her name
Rolled 13 (1d20)

and for the d20
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>[] tease emi about her name
>[] tell her I think her name is cool
>"Ghost Ninja"? We both know you can do better than that
>[]Try to explain my abilities more to her
>[] slowly bait her into telling me what she was doing in that junkyard 1d20+int
Rasputin did try and to tell her to wait until her food was all digested But NOOOOOooooo.
Rolled 88, 7 = 95 (2d100)

>[] see how cyra is doing against mimi 2d100
>[] tell her I think her name is cool
>I'm going to steal it to commit identity fraud. I'm kidding.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>[] slowly bait her into telling me what she was doing in that junkyard 1d20+int
No I'm not I actually think its a really cool name, I mean I haven't come up with one yet. But it sounds really nice, maybe a little ...different, but hey people are always different from each other, its one of the things that serperate them from machines.

t yeah well go sho...wait, did you just say my name was cool t
Yeah, Ninjas are neat, trained assassins meant to be able to combat the warrior class of samuria and kill nobles, its really fascinating really

t no be quite, did you just say my name was cool?! t

Oh, why are you sounding so happy now? enjoying it up there? Yeah I just said I did, did you not here me again

t you're not fucking with me right?! you're telling the truth right? really...really telling the truth t

I watch mimi try to head but Cyra, and manage to hit her. I smile as the shock absorbs keep my friend safe. Though she looks pretty dazed from the sheer force of the impact, but she's still there enough to zap and sure enough, like I guessed what happened in their first clash

My sister cries out in a panic, looking horrified as her body freezes up, her muscles contracting as Cyra runs past her, zooming behind her as she twitches and nearly tumbles down.

t I don't care if you knew she was gonna lose, Is my name cool t

yes? how many times do I have to say it. I like your false identity, might not be what I'd pick, but its good and has a nice ring to it I think

t......you ain't fuckin with me...everyone says its dogshit, I took when I was in high school, even my boss teases me about it t

That's just cruel, how could they do that you? its just plain rude

t well...the name is kind of crap t

well I still like it, is it because you took it in high school?

t what do you think? t

I glance back up and see Mimi trying to smash the ground to trip Cyra. put She just runs up to her and tazes her with a jolt of electricity before her hands hit the ground, freezing her in place.

I wince as I hear a clang and see cyra fly off in the opposite direction, being chased by a furious mimi.

t can't believe I had to get eaten to find someone who actually liked my name....t

Yeah, it is kind of a shame isn't it, if I can help in anyway I'll be glad to help

t well letting me out would certainly help t

Well I can't be sure you won't attack me if I let you out

t neither can I t


tnothing its just...why are you so nice to me, I tried to kill you like...a week ago right? how long have I been in you t

that's correct, you've been part of me for about a week. And well mom told me to be polite to everyone I meet, so I am.

t.....I hate it...t

My apologies, but since you seem a little calm, I might let you out if you tell me what you were doing in that junk yard

t really! there's nothing to do in here! t
17+8=25= success! hit the mark!

I grin widely, hiding my emotions and holding them back from her as she laughs happily. Lighting dances around crya's armor as she faces down mimi.

t Hey, why are you thinking in Binary? t

"Sis?" Rasputin asks, shaking my shoulder

"thinking to myself" I say calmly as he frowns

"In binary?" He asks looking a little concerned and confused

I nod and he shrugs

"Guess that's one way to keep me out of your head"

t hellooo? t

oh just trying to keep prying eyes away from me, so what were you doing there

t Miss Marrow wants to get some ultra to power up her brothers, since she's the only one in the gang besides me with abilities like that, and well....I only have one, she has like three so...we couldn't just siphon it from cars or some shit you know t

but that was a mecha's core! do you know how valuable that is? it needs days of wiring the ultra wires by hand, in a very specific way that has to be designed around the chasis to ensure efficient distribution of energy and

t....what? t

Its worth more than the ultra inside of it

t well fuck I don't know why she wants it, I just know she's storing ultra, why else would she be doing it unless she wants to power up the gang, maybe she wants to make a fuckin hot rod with it, she just told me to get some goons to take the fall, so I hired the rag tags...ya know the idiots? t

yeah, I remember them, I have a very organized memory

t that would explain all the files around her t

"Stop shocking me!" Mimi bellows, sounding like she's about to cry

What do I do?
[] watch the fight 2d100
[] try and turn emi away from her boss 1d20+int
[]Comfort my little sister
[]Wait...she's the one who took all that ultra from the train right?
[]Why are you working for anyways?
[]...using others for your own gain...that's terrible
[] *visit Emi in the storage part of my mind*
[] Get Rasputin to calm mimi down and cheer her up
[] let cyra get hit to see how well the armor works against such an impact
[] Absorb mimi to stop her from hurting cyra
[] write in
>[]Comfort my little sister
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>[] try and turn emi away from her boss 1d20+int
>[]Comfort my little sister
>[]Wait...she's the one who took all that ultra from the train right?
>[]Why are you working for anyways?
>[]...using others for your own gain...that's terrible
>[] *visit Emi in the storage part of my mind*
>[] Absorb mimi to stop her from hurting cyra

Time for the real bossfight motherfucker!
Rolled 10, 84 = 94 (2d100)

>[] watch the fight 2d100
>[]Comfort my little sister
>[]Wait...she's the one who took all that ultra from the train right?
>[]Why are you working for anyways?
>[] *visit Emi in the storage part of my mind*
>[] Get Rasputin to calm mimi down and cheer her up
>[] let cyra get hit to see how well the armor works against such an impact
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>>[] try and turn emi away from her boss 1d20+int
>>[]Comfort my little sister
>>[]Wait...she's the one who took all that ultra from the train right?
>>[]Why are you working for anyways?
>>[]...using others for your own gain...that's terrible
>>[] *visit Emi in the storage part of my mind*
>>[] Absorb mimi to stop her from hurting cyra
we gon' friend everyone... should our super hero name be facebook?
Didn't befriend victor
oh right the troll, forgot about him, ah well.
Well, he's in a much better place now anyway.

For us.

Because he is in Hell.
and nothing was lost
Wait, she's the one who took all the ultra from that train right?

t oh yeah, she is, did it single handed why do you think I joined her? t

Why did you join her?

t...i..its a rhetorical question t

Why...did you join?

t the pay....I mean she seemed pretty strong for a gang leader and I was tired of running by myself just to get laughed at t

But she still laughs at you, shows you from no respect from what I hear.

t She's just joking around, I know she is, she ain't that mean t

Hmm, you're defending her, even though you seem to usual be of foul temper, why is that.

t she's the boss that's why..look..look do you have to pry into other people's lives...fuckin hell t

What kind of reason is that? She's the boss...but she laughs at you. She doesn't go with you on a potentially dangerous task or tell you why you were doing it in the first place? I wouldn't follow someone like that, there's no logic to it...so why are you so loyal to her.

t...she seemed nice t


t look until I told her the name she treated me pretty nice but...the second she found out what it was...shet

laughed, like everyone else, and you're putting your neck out for her? it doesn't seem fair to me...is that why you were mad at me? You thought I'd laugh to? I'm...I'm sorry emi


I mean,why would anyone follow someone who makes fun of them because of a name that they regret. its just plain mean, isn't it?


I'm so sorry you had to go through with that, and got hurt because of it

t...You don't know anything about t

Okay then, so tell me...why did you join her

t... I wanted friends, she seemed like she was friendly with her brothers but...just like everyone else she t

laughed, for no good reason

t exactly, the fucking bitch t

well we can be your friends if you want

t But I tried to kill you ! t

And? Mimi could do that on accident if she wasn't so

"STOP DOING THAT!" Mimi roars out angrily as Rasputin holds his arms out "it really hurts, and..and stop doing this to me, I hate it! dammit! It pisses me off, I fucking hate not being able to move! I hate being stuck like that....so stop running from me, stop messing with me!"

Er, hold on, family emergancy

t...riiiiight t

Besides his life
"HEY!" I shout, standing up as my big sister turns and glares at me, snorting out steam as drool drips past her lips and she twitches from some of the left over electricity in her body "Mimi"

"yeah!?" She growls, shacking as she grinds her teeth and stomp her feet, breaking up the weed filled and cracked concrete under her

"Look, cyra isn't trying to" I begin before she snorts

"Oh yeah she isn't trying to piss me off" She hisses, her tentacles withering around as I see Cyra hiding in the rafters "then why does she keep doing it to me huh"

"because you keep trying to hit her!" Rasputin groans loudly, Mimi pouts, crossing her tree trunk like arms

"I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, testing her, she's just taking it too far' Mimi grumbles

"Its all she can do mimi' I say carefully and slowly, cautiously taking a step towards me sister as she sniffles and looks around like a scared animal "She'd hurt herself if she hit you any other way"

Mimi pauses, doing nothing as her tail flicks past and forth behind her.

"She isn't wrong, even with that armor it'd hurt pretty bad, and do nothing to you" Rasputin says calmly "you got in her face like you were going to hurt her mimi, she's panicking as much as you are"

"Still no reason to do that to someone" She grumbles as I walk up to her "What do you want?"

"I know you don't like it when you can't control your body, but Cyra doesn't" I say softly as Mimi sniffles "I know it pissed you off but...she didn't know"

"What else am I supposed to do?" She asks through her teeth "Its...how are all of you so calm? You take everything in stride, the both of you"

"Its...because of your blood sis" Rasputin says softly, putting his hand on her shoulder as she picks me up and squeezes me

How do I absorb Mimi? *just making sure before we go inside Eve's head real quick*
[] tell her first
[] take her by surprise
[] Explain what I'm doing, just so rasputin doesn't freak out
[] ask if she wants to meet my friend real quick
[] Here, here's place where you can calm down nice and easily....big sis
[] write in
>[] take her by surprise
>[] Explain what I'm doing, just so rasputin doesn't freak out
>[] Explain what I'm doing, just so rasputin doesn't freak out
>[] Here, here's place where you can calm down nice and easily....big sis
>[] tell her first
>[] Explain what I'm doing, just so rasputin doesn't freak out
>[] Here, here's place where you can calm down nice and easily....big sis
>[] Explain what I'm doing, just so rasputin doesn't freak out

>[] tell her first
Fusion time evmi
We should get som fusion names hmm
I frown. She's still panicking, and freaking out. Her warrior blood is telling her to get revenge, but I can tell she really doesn't want to hurt Cyra. She might not....well she might not like Cyra much. But she knows I do, and honestly I think she's starting to warm up to her. But that Rek'a'dari blood in her won't let her back down. All those Alien hormone's must be horrible to deal with...I could only imagine it feeling like a glitch in a system. Mimi cries in my chest, sniffling and soaking my costume as I take it off with a simple snap of my finger and hug her back.

Now, nothing else besides heavy medication can suppress these hormones she has...but I can, by taking them and all of her into my body...I just hope they don't mess with my systems too much....Now how to explain this in a way that

t isn't horrifying and alien? t

eh, for lack of a better description

"Here' I say softly whispering into her ear as I press my hand to the back of her head, grabbing her hair as I push her toward me "Here's a place where you can calm down nice and easily"

Her eyes shoot open, as her face sinks into my chest. H..her horn actually kind of hurt. She freezes up for a moment as I lean close and kiss her forehead and with a single word, calm all her worries

"Big sis"

She smiles happily, as she sinks into my flesh, as we exchange heights, slowly. Rasputin watches his thoughts broadcasting throughout the where house..most of it is cursing and mumbled garble of confusion as he watches our sister slowly merge with my body, vanishing into me as she becomes one with me

"What the" He manages to say as I hold up a hand, as mimi fully becomes a part of me.

"One moment please" I growl, shuddering as the hormones slowly flow down my veins, feeling my thoughts muddle a bit and grow a little blunt as I struggle to adjust to my new weight and entirely different body

Horns...weird, sensitiveness tentacles bring a whole new kind of sense. Clawed hands, muscles...strange, I guess. My skin is still snowy white, and the fur covering me is the same color as my hair...Also I don't have hooves. Still have a tail. Also just from the weight, my horns feel lighter than Mimi's.

Ooh! My eyes are still blue

"the fuck!?" Rasputin says, throwing out his arms, blasting debris everywhere "the...the fucking fuck?!"

"No cursing rasputin" I growl angrily "I told you to give me a second, Mimi is all right, we simply merged...or rather I took her body into my own,nothing to...to worry about"

"then where the fuck did she go?!" He yells, mostly from shock

I tap a claw on my head, rubbing my hand over the gills on my neck...it feels like I'm struggling to breath...how does Mimi deal with these

M I don't use them out of the water, idiot M
t P...please don't eat me t

M meh, smell like Eve, besides I don't eat people M

"In your head?" He asks tilting his head as he closes all but his third eye "So why can't I sense her"

"Storage, she's in my subconscious so she doesn't"
I tilt my head back an forth like a cog in motion "she doesn't effect my thinking capabilites or is subsumed and fully merged with myself, its the only way I can do this safetly"

"So you stuck her in the back of her head, and because of how screwy it works...I can't sense her?" Rasputin asks

"yep' I say nodding, smacking him by accident "Ah sorry"

"oh...godammit at least mimi knows how to use her body" he says looking up at me as I crouch down to look him in his eyes "So...she's safe right"

"Oh of course" I say happily "Just ask Cyra, she's been part of me before"

Rasputin opens all of his eyes and

M waitaminute M

t knew this was going to happen when she was having a fit...idiot t

oh dear

"So that's what you meant when...okay that makes sense' Rasputin says his shock slowly returning to his usual calm "Wait...you were inside my sister"

"its nothing like you expect" Cyra sighs, finally coming down from the rafters "Seriously, its beautiful in there, though there's a pretty bitchy girl in there when I last went there"

"Wait there's someone else in her" Rasputin says, squinting at me


"Ooh I probably shouldn't have said that" Cyra says covering her mouth

"Well, I need to see how Mimi's doing,cya" I say quickly, as I enter "Storage" mentally
"DAMMIT EVE" I scream as my logical and kind of roboty sister falls over, her eyes literally blue screen as she lays on the floor, looking more like mimi's sister than ever.

I turn to cyra, and feel her guilt and panic in the air like static

"...So" I say calmly "She's done this to you once yeah?"

"And fell asleep with me inside of her" She say calmly "Wasn't that bad actually, besides...the other person"

"I'm having a long talk with her when she's...done being weird' I huff, crossing my arms as I tilt my head "God that sounded hypocritical"

I open my eyes, and see Mimi staring down at me. In her....well how she was just now and in the pod's false world.

Emi is behind her, smirking smugly as she leans over me and snorts again

"Why can't I move our body" She says, sounding like a little kid, her eyes going wide as she practically lays on top of me "I don't think this, I can see ras and everythign but I can't move"

"Real smart, computer brain" Emi chuckles, before frowning "...sorry"

What do I say
[] Well, this calmed you down didn't it?
[]...think of it like watching wrestling mimi
[] Hmm, seems this place changes when I bring other people into it...how odd
[] Oh I heard that Emi
[]Emi, meet my sister, Mimi, Mimi, meet my new friend Emi
[] Lets make things more comfortable *change my "Happy" place to a fire side lounge*
[] Sorry I've kept you cooped up in here...but you can understand why right
[] So...wanna chat and braid eachother's hair
[]Don't panic, I'll let you out after I leave
[]Now we're trapped....not
[]write in

Like Kamen rider double? or DBZ/ UMGQ
>[]...think of it like watching wrestling mimi
>[] Hmm, seems this place changes when I bring other people into it...how odd
>[] Well, this calmed you down didn't it?
>[]...think of it like watching wrestling mimi
>[] Hmm, seems this place changes when I bring other people into it...how odd
>[] Oh I heard that Emi
>[]Emi, meet my sister, Mimi, Mimi, meet my new friend Emi
>[] Lets make things more comfortable *change my "Happy" place to a fire side lounge*
>[] Sorry I've kept you cooped up in here...but you can understand why right
>[] So...wanna chat and braid eachother's hair

I kind of like the mixed name fusions, though we'll have to settle on a hero name for when we do this in combat.
anyone else
>>[] Well, this calmed you down didn't it?
>>[]...think of it like watching wrestling mimi
>>[] Hmm, seems this place changes when I bring other people into it...how odd
>>[] Oh I heard that Emi
>>[]Emi, meet my sister, Mimi, Mimi, meet my new friend Emi
>>[] Lets make things more comfortable *change my "Happy" place to a fire side lounge*
>>[] Sorry I've kept you cooped up in here...but you can understand why right
>>[] So...wanna chat and braid eachother's hair
im responding kinda slow cause i'm studying for a late midterm
>[]Emi, meet my sister, Mimi, Mimi, meet my new friend Emi
>[] Sorry I've kept you cooped up in here...but you can understand why right
>[] So...wanna chat and braid eachother's hair
Okay...she's pinned me to the ground...how do I get out of this. She looks more annoyed than angry, so that's good.

"Well...think of it like watching wrestling, Mimi" I say cheerfully as she frowns and sits on my chest. Luckily, I don't feel pain here, which is very nice to know

"Alright" She says, getting off of me quickly "I can live with that, so long as I don't have to do this forever"

"Oh you don't" I say happily as I hop up, and she smiles "I can easily yet you out"

"Good, now I'm just gonna lay down for awhile okay?" Mimi yawns, as she lays down on a patch of flower

"So...when are you going to let me out" Emi asks, grabbing my shoulder as I look around my "Happy" place.

Hmm, there are giant blades sitting out of the ground, the area around them is all dried up and ruined, with rusty dust around them....also they're dotted with tv and...what looks like boxes of cheap snacks. There are also massive black pillars, all stuck full of wanted posters and scrawled threats and insults...how...odd. Oh I get it now

"Hmm" I say rubbing my chin "Seems this place changes when I bring others into it...how odd"

"Oh, so its like a customized paradise?" Mimi asks excitedly "Wonderful, at least it won't get boring when I'm here"

"More of less" I say calmly as Emi pulls me back

"So...when are you going to let me out" She asks harshly.

I smirk and lean over to her, pushing her nose down with my finger as I smile teasingly.

"I heard that earlier...emi" I say tauntingly, wagging my finger as she blushes bright red

"I..I don't know what you're talking about" She says turning away,

"Hmm" Mimi asks, rolling over on her side "Who's that anyways? some kind of weird mind fairy? also...your head's kind of empty Sis"

"Yeah, I've noticed" Emi says with a chuckle "Er...well our host should introduce us"

"I should" I say smiling as I pull her over to my sister and set her down next to her "Emi, this is my sister mimi"

"Yo" Mimi grunts scratching her face

Emi says nothing, but smiles the second mimi does

"And mimi, meet my new friend Emi" I say happily as she pats her shoulder friendly

"Well, its nice to meet you, maybe she'll let you out someday" She says warmly as Emi frowns and nods

"Maybe someday" She sighs, not sounding all that mad

"Er, one moment" I say snapping my fingers, as the fields of flowers, blades and towers vanish in an instant

Ah, sorry
"Let me make things a little more comfortable" I say, watching both of them turn to me, looking confused and a little stunned as thick fur blankets cover them, a fire roaring to life next to them, as they're suddenly sitting in two armchairs, sized to them specifically.

A snow storm rages outside of the small log cabin we're sitting in, the wind wailing as a chill creeps on the air. Steaming cups of cocoa sit on the table as I smile happily, as lights turn off around us, making it even cozier.

"What did you just?" Emi asks, shaking her head "did you just"

"its my mind, of course I can change it" I say, smiling happily as she slowly grabs her mug, as Mimi sets her down and sighs

"Another?" She asks, I snap my finger and it refills, she cheers and starts guzzling it down, as emi watches her in a mixture of awe and horror "what? Why wouldn't she be able to do something like this...its her head"

"You're too casual, way too casual" Emi mumbles, as she sips her cocoa

"Well she's my sister" Mimi yawns, as she curls up a bit, making soft...mimi noises

"Anyways" I say as I grabbed my own hot chocolate and sip it, wincing when it burns my tongue "sorry I've kept you cooped up in here...but you understand why, right?"

"Yeah, and even after that you've treated me with more respect than anyone else" Emi sighs"and I tried to"

"Water under the bridge"I say quickly, so she doesn't flip mimi into over protective sister mode "the past is the past, now way to edit it, so why care about it"

"Yeah, you can change the past" Mimi says bluntly "Just move onto the future I say...er more cocoa sis"

"Of course" I say as tears drip down Emi's cheeks, as she says nothing besides sip her cocoa and mouth


"Its fine" I say softly as I grin widely and raise my cup "So...Wanna chat and braid eachother's hair?"

"Eh?" Emi say as mimi laughs

"Yeah sure, why not" My sister says happily "But you go first"

"Oh, well I don't have much to work with, unlike you two" I say happily

"I" Emi says, struggling to speak as she wipes her eyes

"NO, you first, you're the host after all" Mimi says, picking me up like a toy again as I laugh.

Emi smiles and sighs

"Fine" Emi says sniffling "I'm in"

I grin, and grab her hand. Before both of them start pulling and tugging on my hair really...really roughly!

roll 1d20+luck to see who is coming to visit
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 10 (1d20)

>as she curls up a bit, making soft...mimi noises

The cute in this statement is overwhelming.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

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378KB, 1594x911px
You guys wanna reroll?
[] Yeah 1d20
And the Rip van Winkle kill squad comes a knocking.
What's the worst that could happen?
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>[] Yeah 1d20

I'd rather not get shot at until we meet the cool people
kind of yes, but at the same time not really.

...I'll vote yes for now though
if you don't roll it doesn't count
Rolled 3 (1d20)

oh sorry, thought this was a vote then roll thing
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[X] yeah
oh thank god
10+1= Moriarty, an old merc.
"They've been in there for awhile?" I say biting my nails, trying not to shiver as I bunch up, hiding my hands inside of my coat...its really chilly out today

I look back at the giant metal doors next to me and shake my head...No they were talking just a bit ago. Couldn't hear what they were saying but...well they didn't sound hurt and...Eve wouldn't let any of them get injured..She's too sweet of a girl.

"Hey" A gravely voice barks at me, I turn and jump, seeing an old man with greying blond hair walking over to me, wearing a pink beanie and a scarf that has "Hot ass" written all over it "Didn't expect anyone else to come out to this old dump, what's an young thing like you doing out here huh?"

"Oh uh...well I used to come here with a friend of mine when we were young" I say happily as he sits next to me, nods and flicks a cigarette into the crater lake in front of us "And...well it calms me down"

"Fascinating" He say bluntly, as he lights another cigarette...why on earth is he wearing those? I mean everything else...none of what he's wearing fits with it.His bomber jacked and combat fatigues don't fit it all "must've had horrible parents,lakes filled with ultra, the kind that gives you shit powers like...ability to spit out glowing balls or some dumb Scheisse"

"Oh well..we never swam, we just played in this old warehouse over here" I say happily as he blows smoke through his nose

"What an adventurous child hood" He says flatly "look as much as I'd like to chit chat...I'm not having a good day, my coffee turn into a kitten when I tried to drink it all right? I'm a little fucking pissed, in both meanings of the word"

"Uh" I say backing away as I smell the booze on his breath

"Oh Fraulein Eden" he says...how does he know my name "Trust me, I'm not some crazy bum, I'm your slightly unhinged coworker"

His eyes are dim, emotionless besides a hint of amusement

"Who could kill you with anything in ten foot radius around us" He says grabbing my shoulder "Just a fun fat from my mercenary days, I may be mean but...I'm not evil, I have a heart of golden hidden under all the tar and built up spite trust me, I just wanna chat, since we always miss each other at the water cooler...damn shame that"

"W..who are you" I stutter, reaching for my phone "I'm calling the"

'Nobody" He says grabbing my wrist making me wince before he plucks it from my hand, and snaps it in half "I just want to talk as for who I am....call me Moriarty, I'm head of security at smile tower...in away, can you tell me if you've seen this girl"

my heart skips a beat, as I see Eve's metal mask, all blurry and on an ancient photograph

understandable, it's roll on the call. when rerolling just a 1, we use the first roll only since it replaces it, and makes it null and void, thus letting the highest of the original set be used

when rerolling an entire set cause it was shit, we use the five first rolls, like how it usually works as we replace all of them

make sense?

we usually use the top one. I just find it more exciting and risky than just nullifying the one out right

Though, rule of cool can over rule the only use the first roll one

cause I run on rule of cool, and sometimes you need that extra
How mad would the teenager with the powers of a god be if we shoved this guy's head up his own ass? Cause threatening mom is a bad idea.
I wonder if we do a complete absorb do we get theyre skills like
Like mad cooking skills or artist
Whether we do or not, we could probably get the more cooperative people to give us advice and the like.
I try to speak, but he covers my mouth with a ratty, smoke and fatty smell tattered old glove

"And don't try and say you haven't" He says calmly "Cause I saw you running with her on a few tapes....so, care to explain"

He stabs the photo next to my head and backs away, swaying slightly as he points at it

"WHY THE FUCK SHE WAS IN MY EMILY'S ROOM!" He roars, lifting me up by my coat "I don't know who sent you, but if you're trying to hurt my little girl I'm"

"Away" Rasputin's voice echos

Moriarty's eyes go blank and he steps back and shakes his head, blinking in confusion.

"Oh" He says, biting into a small container "there's a mind freak eh? Seems like a party...trust me, not here to hurt either of you...unless"

He swallows, his eyes burning brighter as he cracks his knuckles

"Unless you're aiming to hurt the only thing keeping me from putting a bullet between my eyes" He laughs, grinning happily "So we can do this my way, and talk it out over a nice cup of coffee, or my other way, and talk it out with my boot UP YOUR ASS!'

He claps his hands together and sighs, brushing his hair back

"Sorry Fraulein and Herr mindfuck" He says calmly "I'm a little on edge since my and your employer is going to have my ass if she figures out about this little...breach in security, and if she has my ass, I can't protect my darling....you must understand, why I'm a little"

He leans close to me and sighs in my face, smiling as a knife flies through a window and cuts his face

"Violent" He says calmly "Also nice trick, but I ain't not common thug kid"

He leans back and wipes the blood off his cheek, smearing it on his glove

"I've killed at least a dozen psions in my time, and plenty more ultras" He says calmly "I do not want to hurt any of you I am just here....to figure out, who made a mockery of our security, Hell, play nice and don't fuck with my mind again, and I may get you a raise...or a bottle of beer, who knows just don't"

He pushes my chest, I'm too scared to move an inch


and next thing I know, I'm pulled away from him, as rasputin steps out of the warehouse.

"Get the hell way from my mother" He growls his eyes glowing as the scary guy looks at him

and pokes his chest calmy


"Off" He growls, looking up at my son as he look down calmly

"Sir" Rasputin says "I think that's already been done"

Rasputin puts me through the open door and lets go of me.

"Kid, do you know who she is?" Moriarty asks, showing him the picture

"That photo is ass old man, I can't tell what the fuck that is" he says calmly

"Ha, looks like this is gonna be an annoying fuckin day, kid just be honest"

"Apologize to my mum" Rasputin says, lifting the old man up with his mind.

He just glares at him
to be continued
we'll end here
I've archived
and we'll see you next thread

Yeah, since their minds get "Devoured" by eve's in that case. Since if you can use the powers of them, it makes sense for skills, since powers are much more broken
Great thread as always HM, thanks for running.
>"Apologize to my mum" Rasputin says, lifting the old man up with his mind.

He's a good son, also we should help soon
so who'd have shown up if we stuck with that 1?
Good to know if we ever decide to throw morals out the window.

Also good thread had fun
Lilith's Mother, wondering about all these rumors about her absconding with Adam and their 3 children.
Bah, so far, the old bastard just wants to talk, even if he's being a paranoid asshole about it. Hopefully, he apologizes, we all sit down and have a nice backstory explaining chat, and we make at least two of the most powerful friends we could make. Either that or Ras breaks his mind or some shit, but it shouldn't come to that.
Patriotic squad thinking Eve is some kind of monster that needed to be captured for the safety of

And you were merged with mimi....soooo

yeah he is

Oh no
that's if you rolled two nat 1s

And then there'd be a wedding at shot gun point, and eve would be forced to go to sunday school in the boonies...etc
We he's im assuming a vet when it comes to fighting other ultras
He isn't an ultra.
As much as I'd rather not fight him for several dozen reasons, I honestly like our chances. Him fighting 4 technopathic Mimi's with assimilation powers while a psionic powerhouse fuck's his skull back to Germany is a pretty tall order, even for a vet.
What are Rek'a'dari courting customs since they seem to be a warrior race?
Oh. Well it involves a complex scent based attraction *IE, two like the way the other smells after a fight/ the general stench they leave*
and then follows traditional courtship and gifts *Long poems in their honor/ trophies, meals, weapons, fights, horn locking duels....etc*

and then leads to a fight for dominance
and then mating *violent*

And they tend to forge strong bonds, since Rek'a'dari may be rather solitary, they feel all emotions strongly
including love, which is why Mimi trusts Eve, Rasputin and Lilith more than anything else

SO leading a rek'a'dari into a fight could be seen as courtship...but it also could be seen as plenty of other shit. Including just a fun night out drinking with friends

see...they have very keen senses of smell, so the exact meaning of their battle centric life and mannerism is mostly carried by how they smell

which makes things for partial rek'a'dari like the hybrid and especially Mimi confusing to themselves and rek'a'dari.
World building is fun we difinitly need to play as mimi or ras in a thread some day
We at least look human enough to wander outside though i dont think mimi would care what others think
and most people know to stay the FUCK away from anything that looks like a rek'a'dari

Simply because in history class, they still show videos of them tanking tank rounds, and then ripping into the vehicles
so how badly is it messing with mimi to have the hormones of three different races running through her and to make it worse be going through her teenage years to boot? How relaxing does she find being in Eve's mind space?
Pretty badly. just be happy the Milkai parts haven't shown up.
Like, her instincts and feelings yell at her constantly, she just thinks its normal.

and pretty calm since its kind of like laying next to her sister and also it removes the pressure of her lineages. since Eve takes them

EVE with the three sets hormones + her general oddness=?
what do the Milkai genes do?
to be revealed
Cause its for a future arc
I.. I figured as much... I just thought of a question, how is mom going to react when she finds out we ate our sister?
By fainting, instantly, and then giving eve a very harsh talking to. Until she realizes it's safe, then she's still going to scold you and try to teach you eating people isn't....you know polite or what have you.

and sorry, just thought it could be confusing
no no it's alright... How will she react when we eat both Mimi and Rasputin?
With the feared newspaper smack, or trying to figure out how to talk to you like that
I now what this to happen just to see Eve try to explain herself while hiding behind things far to small for her trying to avoid getting smack with a newspaper while Adam just sits in the background trying to decide whether he should be laughing his ass off or wounding where his life went so wrong that this sorta thing is becoming common for him in his day to day life.
ahahaha, I like the way you think
I have my moments
Imagine eve merged with sparks
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Adam's and everyone elses fw
...I... uh... I have no idea how'd that work but I feel it would be terrifying seeing as Sparks has more experience and I'm guessing skills then us and such a similar mindset and powers that it would amp us up x10 in crazy bullshit we could do and... well... I imagine it ending a new sentient race of robots trying to get equal rights as humans and aliens.
And thus began the Ultra world's "omnic" crisis
Sparks would have no regrets, Eve would be trying disparately to keep her mom and brother from getting mad while all three try and keep Mimi from jumping into the fray as I'm sure she'd see it as the time of her life.
ah yes, good times
Adam would just stop caring... or be with Mimi in joining the fight if we decided to make him a super suit while merged with sparks just to see what the most overpowered crazy thing we could make would be.
When Marcus (Sawblade) was still working for Blackguard, where some of his assassination and sabotage targets include fellow Smiles Inc employees?
No. Lilith was the first one from smiles they tried to get him to kill
Thread posts: 199
Thread images: 3

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